Torres Project1

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These are the online interview I had made with 3 school teachers with the same questions.

Name: Elizabeth Santos III

School: Ditumabo National High School

1. What are some of the strategy that you use to have a connection and harmonious relationships
with students parent/guardians?
-at 1st meeting I introduce myself.
-I smile at them whenever they visit the school. Greet them and have a little
-I also include parents with the improvement of their child by informing them personally
in every parents meeting.

2. How do you establish and promotes professional links with your colleagues?
-By being trustworthy, I make sure that I won’t offend them in any means.
-I listen to them whenever they share problems or difficulty and give some advice.
-I offer help in any way I can.

3. How does school learning action cell sessions improves professional relations and development?
-it helps professional relations and development by enabling teachers to support each
other and to continuously improve their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice,
skills, and attitudes.

Name: Loida Necesito

School: Ditumabo National High School

1. What are some of the strategy that you use to have a connection and harmonious relationships
with students parent/guardians?
-I entertain parents at school.
-I show respect to all of them.
-I inform them of their kid’s development especially if their child has some problems,
difficulty or issues.
2. How do you establish and promotes professional links with your colleagues?
-First I respect all of my colleagues, and I respect their spaces.
-I also support them at work especially the new ones.
-The most important is being real. I show them who I really am.

3. How does school learning action cell sessions improves professional relations and development?
-it improves the relations and the development of every teacher when attending SLAC
by teaching us to cooperate with one another. We share bond by solving problems
together and as we go on we understand more of each other.

Name: Claribeth Buencamino

School: Rtangson National High School

1. What are some of the strategy that you use to have a connection and harmonious
relationships with students parent/guardians?
-I conduct a parents meeting every grading period to inform them of their children
-I also explain to them individually if their children have problems.
-I explain to the parents every decision I make with their children.
-I also ask for their opinions if the situations ask for it.

2. How do you establish and promotes professional links with your colleagues?
-By sharing things, ideas and opinions.
-By respecting their boundaries, culture and beliefs.
-By trusting them as they trusted me.
-And by helping each other.

3. How does school learning action cell sessions improves professional relations and
- it helps to improve professional relations and development because SLAC session is a
program of the Department of Education that aims to create professional learning
communities that will help teachers to have a wider scope of teaching content and
methodologies. Through participating in SLAC sessions, the teachers are trained to
enhance the skills in particular aspects of curriculum and improvement of classroom

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