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Teacher: Milenis Díaz
table of

What is the agrology?

What is not agrology?
why is agrology
03 important?
What is the agrology
The word agrological refers to the study of agriculture
and everything that represents the earth. In this science,
the relationship that exists between the soil and the form
of crops is mainly studied, these studies must necessarily
be done when there are drainage projects on the land,
with the idea of reducing the impact that this can have on
the soil. There are different regulations in some countries
that indicate the guidelines that must be followed to carry
out this type of study.
01 Who studied agrology?

These studies are essential for agriculture and above all to know
how to conserve soils, such as when planting crops that have a
certain period, so that later the soils are not eroded and do not
serve in the future to make new agricultural incursions.
Within agrological studies there is a new branch in which many
people who are dedicated to agriculture are dabbling, which is
agroecology, it began to be studied in the sixties and what it does
is mix and above all merge concepts of ecology with agriculture to
make an adequate treatment of the soil, especially thinking of a
sustainable agricultural management system.
01 Agrology Through Science

Agroecology constitutes a In the field of agrology, it is

paradigm shift in productive, important in agricultural
socio-environmental, production through the scientific
philosophical and spiritual and technical study of the soil.
terms, based on the potential of
a harmonious relationship with
the environment that we are part

This science of agrology can be

carried out the analysis of soils
or surfaces intended for
cultivation and especially
What agroecology
is and what it isn’t
Agroecological farming is needed to preserve natural
resources. This includes recycling nutrients and energy on
the farm, rather than using external inputs; integrating crop
and livestock farming; diversifying species (and therefore
genetic resources); and focusing on the ways in which crops
and livestock can mutually benefit each other, rather than
on individual species. By using organic matter and
improving the soil, farmers can promote better plant
growth. This is an agro-ecology knowledge-intensive
system, but the knowledge is developed by the farmer
through understanding local conditions and experimenting.
03 The importance of agrology

Considering that, among others, agroecology is

based on the principles of sustainability and equity, it
is easy to intuit that these are not limited only to food
production. Actually, that's right, this way of growing
food is also a commitment to solidarity with human
beings and with the planet.

Although it is true that agroecology has emerged as a

science with an agrarian vocation, it can also be said
that it is a social movement. In this sense, it seeks to
launch a series of social processes capable of
creating positive synergies that achieve human
development from the strengthening of the local

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