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sav File Information A Survey of 50 Clients In January 08, fifty clients of a county Mental Health Mental Retardation (MHMR) center were surveyed regarding their satisfaction with services. The clients filled out the survey on completion of treatment. In June 08, the clients were telephoned and re-surveyed and were asked to rate their overall satisfaction again. Measurement Level Scale Participant ID number On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate Scale the intake experience? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate Individual 3 Scale your satisfaction with the individual Counseling counseling sessions? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate Group 4 Scale your satisfaction with the group counseling Counseling sessions? Fairness of On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate 5 sliding Scale your satisfaction with the sliding scale scale method of payment? Type of 6 Ordinal 0 = first time 1 = repeat admission Patient Usage What percent of your mental health 7 Scale Level services are provided by this center? Overall On a scale of 1 to 7, rate your overall 8 Satisfaction Scale satisfaction with your MHMR experience. in January Overall On a scale of 1 to 7, rate your overall 9 Satisfaction Scale satisfaction with your MHMR experience. in June Court Was your treatment court-ordered? 10 ordered Nominal 0 = No; 1 = Yes treatment Individual 11 or family Nominal 0 = Individual; 1 Family therapy Type of 1 = Mental health; 2 = Substance Abuse; 3 12 Nominal Treatment = Both

Variable id Intake Indcouns

Position Label 1 ID Intake 2 experience



Newpatient Usage Osatjan





For each research question, describe in your MSWORD document the application of the seven steps of the hypothesis testing model. Step 1: state the hypothesis (null and alternate) Step 2: State your alpha (unless requested otherwise, this is always set to alpha = .05) Step 3: collect the data (use one of the data sets). Step 4: Calculate your statistic and p value (this is where you run spss and examine your output files). Step 5: Retain or reject the null hypothesis. (This is where you report the results of your analyses t (df) = t value, p = sig. level). Step 6: Assess the Risk of Type I and Type II Error (did the data meet the assumptions of the statistic; effect size; and sample size). Step 7: State your results in APA style and format.

Question 1: In Fall 07, the MHMR ran public service announcements advertising treatment resources for mental health, substance abuse and dual diagnoses (both). Does the distribution of clients (Mental health, Substance Abuse or Both) differ from what one would expect by chance? 1. Run a Chi Square Goodness-of-Fit using Type of Treatment as the variable with all categories equal. 2. Report the observed and expected values and the tests of statistical significance. Solution: In order to test whether the distribution of clients (Mental health, Substance Abuse or Both) differ from what one would expect by chance, we have to perform Chi-square goodness of fit test with categories equal. The Null and the alternative hypotheses for the test are as follows: Step 1: Null hypothesis: H0: The three treatment types are identically distributed Alternate hypothesis: H1: The three treatment types are not identically distributed Step 2: Level of significance = = 0.05

Step 3: The sample data is R7031counseling.sav Step 4: The chi-square goodness of fit test statistic formula is given below:


(Oi  Ei ) 2 E i i

Oi = Observed frequency and Ei = Expected frequency The above chi-square goodness of fit test is carried out using SPSS (Analyze Chi-square given below: Table 1:
Type of Treatment Observed N Mental Health Substance Abuse Both Total 18 18 14 50 Expected N 16.7 16.7 16.7 Residual 1.3 1.3 -2.7

Non parametric

Select the test variable list is Type of treatment

Click Ok) and the output is

Table 2:
Test Statistics Type of Treatment Chi-Square Df Asymp. Sig. .640

2 .726

a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 16.7.

From the above chi-square test statistic table, we have Chi-square test statistic = P-value = 0.726


( i


= 0.640 and

Step 5: Since the p-value (0.726) of the test statistic is greater than 0.05, there is sufficient evidence to retain the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance. Step 6: Assumption of Chi-square test:  The expected counts must be greater than 5. From the above table (see table1), we see that the expected count for the three treatment types are greater than 5. Hence we conclude that assumption of the chi-square test is satisfied by the given data. Step 7: Conclusion Going by the above analysis, it is observer that the distribution of clients (mental health, substance abuse and dual diagnoses (both)) does not differ from the State data (p-value = 0.726 > 0.05). From the above table #1, we see that the observed frequency for mental health is 18, substance abuse is 18 and a dual diagnosis (both) is 14.

Question 2. The MHMR received data from the State indicated that MHMR facilities tend to attract more substance abuse cases than mental health or dual diagnosis clients. Does the distribution of clients (Mental health, Substance Abuse or Both) differ from the State data? 1. Run a Chi Square Goodness-of-Fit using Type of Treatment as the variable with all categories unequal with 12, 26, and 12 as the expected values. 2. Report the observed and expected values and the tests of statistical significance.

In order to test whether the distribution of clients (Mental health, Substance Abuse or Both) differ from the State data, we have to perform Chi-square goodness of fit test with categories unequal, with 12, 26 and 12 as the expected values for three type of treatment type respectively. The Null and the alternative hypotheses for the test are as follows: Step 1: Null hypothesis: H0: The distribution of clients does not differ from the state data Alternate hypothesis: H1: The distribution of clients differ from the state data Step 2: Level of significance = = 0.05

Step 3: The sample data is R7031counseling.sav Step 4: The chi-square goodness of fit test statistic formula is given below:


(Oi  Ei ) 2 E i i

Oi = Observed frequency and Ei = Expected frequency The above chi-square goodness of fit test is carried out using SPSS (Analyze parametric Chi-square Select the test variable list is Type of treatment Non

select values

option and define the weights 12, 26 and 12

Click Ok) and the output is given below:

Table 3:
Type of Treatment Observed N Mental Health Substance Abuse Both Total 18 18 14 50 Expected N 12.0 26.0 12.0 Residual 6.0 -8.0 2.0

Table 4:
Test Statistics Type of Treatment Chi-Square df Asymp. Sig. 5.795a 2 .055

a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 12.0.

From the above chi-square test statistic table, we have Chi-square test statistic = P-value = 0.055 Step 5: Since the p-value (0.055) of the test statistic is greater than 0.05, there is sufficient evidence to retain the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance. Step 6: Assumption of Chi-square test:  The expected counts must be greater than 5. From the above table (see table1), we see that the expected count for the three treatment types are greater than 5. Hence we conclude that assumption of the chi-square test is satisfied by the given data. Step 7: Conclusion Going by the above analysis, it is observer that the distribution of clients (mental health, substance abuse and dual diagnoses (both)) does not differ from the State data (p-value = 0.055 > 0.05). Question 3: The MHMR would like to know if there is a relationship between the Type of Patient and Court Ordered. 1. Run Chi Square Independence test (Crosstabs) using Newpatient in the rows and Court in the column. 2. Use the Chi Square and the Phi Coefficient to evaluate the relationship and statistical significance. 3. Report the observed and expected values and the tests of statistical significance. Write a brief conclusion statement summarizing your results. What can you tell this MHMR about the kinds of clients that use this facility? Is utilization in this MHMR similar or different than the state? What type of patient is the most frequent user of these services?

(Oi  Ei ) 2 E i i

= 5.795 and

Solution: 1. Run Chi Square Independence test (Crosstabs) using Newpatient in the rows and Court in the column

In order to test whether there is a significant relationship between the type of patient and court ordered, we have to perform Chi-Square Independence test. The null and alternate hypotheses are given below:

Null hypothesis: H0: There is no significant relationship between the type of patient and court ordered. Alternate hypothesis: H1: There is significant relationship between the type of patient and court ordered. Level of significance: let assume the level of significance ( ) is 0.05 Test statistics:


(Oij  Eij ) 2 E i j ij

Where: Oij and Eij are the observed and expected frequencies respectively. The expected frequencies are calculated with the help of the following formula:
Ei , j =

Ri * C j Grand.Total

Where: Ri = ith row total and C j = jth column total,

The above test statistic is carried out using SPSS (Analysis Cross tabulation Select the row as new patient and column as court

Descriptive statisitcs Select the statistics

option and click chi-square and Phi and Cramers V options

Select cell option and then

click expected option click ok) and the corresponding output is given below:

Table 5:
Type of Patient * Court Ordered Treatment Crosstabulation Court Ordered Treatment No Type of Patient First Time Count Expected Count Repeat Admission Count Expected Count Total Count Expected Count 14 14.0 12 12.0 26 26.0 Yes 13 13.0 11 11.0 24 24.0 Total 27 27.0 23 23.0 50 50.0

Table 6:
Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Continuity Correction Likelihood Ratio Fisher's Exact Test Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases .001 50 1 .982

Exact Sig. (2sided)

Exact Sig. (1sided)


sided) 1 1 1 .982 1.000 .982


.000 .001



a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11.04. b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Table 7:
Symmetric Measures Value Nominal by Nominal Phi Cramer's V N of Valid Cases -.003 .003 50 Approx. Sig. .982 .982

2. Use the Chi Square and the Phi Coefficient to evaluate the relationship and statistical significance.

Going by the above chi-square table (table # 7), the value of Phi coefficient (r) is 0.003, which very closer to zero. This indicates that there is no relationship between patient type and court order treatment. Also from the chi-square test statistics table (table #6), we see that the chi-square test statistic value is 0.001 and its corresponding p-value is 0.982, which greater than 0.05. Since p-value (0.982) of the test statistic is greater than 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance. Hence we conclude that there is no significant relationship between significant relationship between the type of patient and court ordered. 3. Report the observed and expected values and the tests of statistical significance. Write a brief conclusion statement summarizing your results. What can you tell this MHMR about the kinds of clients that use this facility? Is utilization in this MHMR similar or different than the state? What type of patient is the most frequent user of these services?

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