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A sampling technique is  the name or other identification of the specific process by which
the entities of the sample have been selected. It has a vital role in selecting and choosing a
respondents, to make the research reliable. It is very important to know the accuracy of the
survey. However, the researcher must carefully select an appropriate sampling methods and
must be fair to the group of population he/she choose or else he/she become bias and the
research become unreliable or rejected.

That is why the researcher must have enough knowledge on how to conduct research
using these different sampling techniques. It is a big help for the researcher to not mislead
her/his research and make it successful.

As I read this sampling techniques I realize that making a research is not simply as I
thought. There is a process to make a research successful and reliable. We need to choose a
specific population that suited to our research and treatment for them must be equal and respect
of what they want to response. But those techniques has advantages and disadvantages and it is
up on us how to address those advantages and disadvantages.

If I’ll become a researcher I choose convenience sampling because it’s related to my job
which is professional teacher. I am a grade 1 teacher and we all know that because of the
pandemic a lot of young learners are none readers. Of course I need to take action to lessen a
none readers in my class, then I should conduct an action research to address the needs of my
learners. And this convenience sampling is perfect to easily identify who are none readers in my
class because the respondents is my class handled and it is also given. That is only a scenario on
how to select and to use your chosen sampling techniques, what like I said before we must
choose a sampling techniques that appropriate to our research because if we do not choose
wisely our research will mislead and unreliable.
Indeed, it is beautiful to know these sampling techniques to have a guide on how to
conduct a proper survey that suited to our research.


There is always some degree of sampling error, and the degree of error is inversely
related to the size of the sample. Larger samples are more likely to accurately represent
characteristics of the population, and smaller samples are less likely to accurately represent
characteristics of the population. Therefore, researchers strive for samples that are large enough
to reduce sampling error to an acceptable level. Even when samples are large enough, it is
important to evaluate the specific method by which the sample was drawn. We are increasingly
exposed to information obtained from self-selected samples that represent only a very narrow
subgroup of individuals. Much of such information is meaningless because the subgroup is
difficult to identify.


Measurement and statistics has a vital role in collecting data. We unnoticed that we use
measurements and statistics in our daily life. But how do we explain measurements and statistics
to the young learners and ordinary people without fear?. Let them realize that it’s more fun in
measurement and statistics, let them explore the beauty of measurement and statistics with the
help of knowledgeable person.

Let us be creative and innovative in delivering this measurements and statistics to our
young learners and ordinary people. Encouraging them is also essential to ease the fear in
measurement and statistics when they heard that word and it is helpful to make their fear no

Statistics is a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation,

and presentation of numerical data. There are two types of statistics: Descriptive statistics and
Inferential statistics.

Descriptive Statistics are used to organize or summarize a particular set of measurements.

In other words, a descriptive statistic will describe that set of measurements.

Inferential Statistics use data gathered from a sample to make inferences about the larger
population from which the sample was drawn.

Those are same statistics but different function.  Descriptive statistics summarize the
characteristics of a data set. Inferential statistics allow you to test a hypothesis or assess whether
your data is generalizable to the broader population.

Measurement sets requirements for objective inference. Statistics primarily involves data
analysis, while measurement primarily calibrates instruments in common metrics for
interpretation at the point of use. There are four scales of measurement: nominal, ordinal,
interval, and ratio. Each scale of measurement has certain properties which in turn determines the
appropriateness for use of certain statistical analyses.


Measurement is qualitatively and paradigmatically quite different from statistics, even

though statistics obviously play important roles in measurement, and vice versa. The perception
of measurement as conceptually difficult stems in part from its rearrangement of most of the
concepts that we take for granted in the statistical paradigm as landmarks of quantitative
thinking. When we recognize and accept the qualitative differences between statistics and
measurement, they both become easier to understand.


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