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GEDARIA, Dante Jr. N.

GED103 A43
The Way Forward: Agrarian Reform vs Industrialization

There’s been a lot of talks regarding this long-time issue of agrarian reform, some
people want it, others do not. Some suggests Industrializations, and some don’t. But firstly, what
is an Agrarian Reform? Why is it very important? What is Industrialization? Should we consider
agrarian reform first over industrialization or vice versa? Well, first things first, what is the
meaning of that concept. An agrarian reform gives equal opportunities and income to the
farmlands, and it helps in ending the problem of ownership of the land. In short terms, the
agrarian reform gives an opportunity for the farmers to have their own land, which means they
get the income that they receive from the work that they put in. Meanwhile, industrialization
focuses primarily on the modernization and automation of the work to be done.

Based on the status of the people here in the Philippines, I think it is safe to assume that
until the farmers here are ready and willing to sacrifice the land to industrialize it, a
comprehensive agrarian reform will always be the first priority over industrialization. One factor
of it is the fact that the Philippines is very in debt, and the fact that the farmers are only getting
like minimal to no earnings during their harvest because the government takes a pay cut from
the earnings of those poor farmers. But with creating an agrarian reform, the farmers could have
an ownership on the lands, which means that they won’t get a pay cut, and that the total
earnings they get, they keep it for themselves, and once they have enough money, that is the
time that the industrialization can take place.

In many cases of life, before automation took place, we did manual labors first, when we
have modern tools right now, it was all thanks to the tools that the tools that the earlier people
created, which is the same reason as to why I picked the agrarian reform to be the way moving
forward. Agrarian reform will not only help the farmers but it will also help the country in the long
run, with each crop cultivated in those lies the money that can be used by the farmers to earn
some for their family, and agrarian reform can help in paving the way for industrialization, which
will be the way in the far future.

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