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Senior High School

Poblacion Sur, Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur


Name: __________________________________________________ Score: ___________
Grade, Strand, and Section: _________________________________

I. Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before each number. GOOD LUCK!
____1. Which of the following is a proper practice of food hygiene for kids?
A. Always use an apron and let your hair unkempt.
B. Wash your hands before and after handling food.
C. Leave food uncovered and keep lids open.
D. Do not teach your child to store food in the refrigerator.

____2. Which of the following will help your child to get a good night’s sleep?
A. Encourage your kid to sleep at odd hours during the day.
B. Put your child to bed every day at a varied time.
C. Keep a comfortable room temperature i.e. 24-26 degrees.
D. Keep gadgets and alarms at the bed side at all times.

____3. Which of the following should be done to promote oral hygiene?

A. Make sure that your child brushes his/her teeth at least 3x a day.
B. Sweet foods should be discouraged because it can cause cavities.
C. Let your child start using toothpaste when they are around 1 year old.
D. Wipe the child’s gum with toothpaste in the 1st 6 months.

____4. In order to avoid dandruff, hair lice, and infections of the scalp, what should you do?
A. Wash your child’s hair every day.
B. If your child had head lice, make sure to treat it immediately.
C. Teach your child to share his/her comb, pillow, hats, or caps with other children.
D. Do not supervise your child in applying shampoo to teach him independence.

____5. Which is NOT a proper nail hygiene practice?

A. Discourage them from biting their nails.
B. Cut your child’s nails frequently.
C. Teach your child not to scrub and wash under his/her nails.
D. Pay attention to your child’s toenails and cut them regularly.

____6. This is one of the most important methods used to reduce the risk of transmitting
A. Handwashing C. Bathing
B. Shampooing D. Oral Care

____7. Training of children become more effective if the primary caregiver does which of the
A. Explain the similarities C. Compare and discourage
B. Start with the Basics D. Make learning complicated
____8. What is an effective means of preventing some infectious diseases?
A. Handwashing C. Immunization
B. Bathing D. Infection Control

____9. It occurs when microorganisms are transferred by direct physical contact with an infected
A. Direct contact transmission C. Airborne transmission
B. Indirect contact transmission D. Vector borne transmission

____10. What mode of transmission occurs when a disease is caused by animals and insects?
A. Direct contact transmission C. Airborne transmission
B. Indirect contact transmission D. Vector borne transmission

____11. Which of the following is the normal range of rectal temperature?

A. 34.6 – 37.6 degrees Celsius C. 37. 5 – 38. 0 degrees Celsius
B. 37.0 – 38.1 degrees Celsius D. 36. 0 – 37.0 degrees Celsius

____12. Which type of thermometer measures the temperature inside the ear canal?
A. Rectal thermometer C. Tympanic thermometer
B. Axillary thermometer D. Oral thermometer

____13. Which of the following should be assessed before taking body temperature?
A. Clinical signs of cardiovascular alterations C. Clinical signs of fever
B. Skin and mucous membrane color D. Activity tolerance

____14. What is a device that is used to auscultate and count heart beats?
A. Sphygmomanometer C. Stethoscope
B. Thermometer D. Pulse oximeter

____15. Where will you locate the apical pulse in assessing a child’s heartbeat?
A. Medial to the mid-clavicular line C. Anterior to the mid-clavicular line
B. Posterior to the mid-clavicular line D. At the wrist

____16. Which of the following should be assessed before taking a child’s respiratory rate?
A. Signs and symptoms of hypertension C. Skin and mucous membrane color
B. Clinical signs of hypothermia D. Site for assessment

____17. Which of the following is true in assessing the blood pressure of infants?
A. Use a pediatric stethoscope with a small diaphragm.
B. Arm and thigh pressures are equivalent in children under 3 years old.
C. Only use auscultation method in assessing BP.
D. BP can be predicted using the formula BP = 60 + (2 x child’s age in years).

____18. If a child has recently ingested hot cocoa drink and you took her oral temperature
immediately, what would be the result?
A. Normal C. Lower than normal
B. Higher than normal D. Cannot be determined

____19. What is a device that is used to measure blood pressure?

A. Sphygmomanometer C. Stethoscope
B. Thermometer D. Pulse oximeter

____20. What is the normal respiratory rate of children that are 6 to 8 years old?
A. 24-35 cpm C. 12-20 cpm
B. 20-30 cpm D. 12-25 cpm

_____21. What group of nutrients is the source of energy which gives the child the strength that
allows him/her to study and play?
A. Carbohydrates C. Proteins
B. Fats D. Vitamins

_____22. What vitamin maintains the integrity of our cells, and increase resistance to infection and
A. Vitamin A C. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin B D. Vitamin D

____23. What mineral is an essential component of hemoglobin, the red coloring of the red blood
A. Calcium C. Iron
B. Iodine D. Zinc

_____24. Which of the following is considered as a rule in planning a child’s meal?

A. Plan meals that the family likes to eat.
B. Plan meals that are aesthetically satisfying.
C. Plan meals that are safe and free from harmful microorganisms that may cause
D. All of the above

_____25. Milk, eggs, meat, fish, poultry, and plant sources like legumes and nuts are rich in what
A. Carbohydrates C. Proteins
B. Fats D. Vitamins

II. TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong
regarding the Occupational Health and Safety Procedures in Child Care.

_____26. It is important to encourage immunization for staff members and children to prevent the
spread of infection.
_____27. If the child appears to be sick, refer it immediately to a healthcare facility without
assessing him/her.
_____28. Establish policies to discriminate sick people and animals in the area.
_____29. Establish proper infection control procedures.
_____30. Safe work practices for high-risk activities must be observed properly at all times.
_____31. Provide staff members and visitors with information on infection control and procedures.
_____32. Provide adequate supplies of personal protective equipment.
_____33. Adequate facilities for handwashing, cleaning, and disposal of waste must be provided.
_____34. When dealing with blood and body fluids, it is okay not to wear gloves.
_____35. Staff members who work in the kitchen should have proper training in handling and
preparing food.
III. MATCHING TYPE: Match the food sources in column A with proper nutrient category it
belongs in column B.
_____36. Rice and rice products A. Carbohydrates
_____37. Lean pork meat B. Fats
_____38. Avocado C. Proteins
_____39. Eggs D. Vitamins and Minerals
_____40. Citrus fruits
_____41. Legumes
_____42. Milk and dairy products
_____43. Margarine
_____44. Root crops
_____45. Shellfish and seaweeds
_____46. Bread products
_____47. Tomatoes
_____48. Beef steak
_____49. Olive oil
_____50. Chicken

IV. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the descriptions with the appropriate bathing paraphernalia in
the box. Write your answer in the space provided before each item.
Towel Soap
Dipper Water heater
Shampoo Toys
Soap Pail
Water heater

__________51. In the absence of a shower, it is used to contain water for bathing.

__________52. It serves as a cup for the child to fill it with water and pour onto his/her body.
__________53. It should be suitable for sensitive scalp to avoid any irritation or allergic reaction.
__________54. It is essential in making bath time fun and enjoyable.
__________55. It should have age-appropriate formulation to avoid skin allergies and drying.
__________56. This is used to heat water to make the bath water warm.
__________57. These should be waterproof, safe, and should stimulate a child’s imagination
during bath time.
__________58. Hypoallergenic and moisturizing to keep skin soft and supple.
__________59. It should be made of soft fabric and large enough to wrap around the child’s body.
__________60. It should not be accessible to the child in order to avoid any accident such as
scalding himself while preparing a bath.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II Master Teacher II

Noted by:
School Principal IV

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