Tibetica Catalogues An Annotated Bibliography

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Tibetica Catalogues: An annotated bibliography of recent contributions on Tibetan

literature collections
Author(s): Alpo Ratia
Source: The Tibet Journal , Autumn 1993, Vol. 18, No. 3 (Autumn 1993), pp. 17-36
Published by: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

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Tïbetica Catalogues

An annotated

bibliography of
recent contributions
on Tibetan literature collections

Alpo Ratia

During the past millennium Tibet and the wider Tibetan cultural
area1 contributed a great deal towards world literature. The
significance of these contributions was enhanced by the native
traditions of redaction, scholarship, and publishing. For example,
many reference works were produced: printing lists (par tho), title-
lists ( mtshan tho), inventories ( dkar chag), records of teachings
received, audition records, histories, etc.. Unfortunately during the
20th century nearly all monastic libraries and printing houses in
Central Asia were destroyed along with their texts and printing
blocks. Most of the literature collections, which escaped destruction,
were dispersed, and in some cases regrouped.
Fortunately during the past several hundred years many foreign
governments, institutions and private individuals collected and
thereby helped to preserve part of the Tibetan literature. A number
of significant collections of Tibetan literature (manuscript, block-
printed xylographs, photo-offset reproductions of the same, and
books) arose around the world. Although the greater part of the
existing Tibetan collections have not yet been properly catalogued,
important progress has been made: Since the early contributions by
the Russians O.M. Kovalevskij (1834), I.J. Schmidt (1844, 1848), and
by the Estonian Bait A. Schiefner (1848, 1852), a considerable num-
ber of title-lists, accessions lists and catalogues for the non
-canonical Tibetan literature have been compiled and published.
Such contributions up till the early 1980's have been documented
in a valuable bibliographical survey by Günter Grönbold, entitled
Verzeichnisse tibetischer Handschriften und Blockdrucke: Eine biblio-
graphische Übersicht.2
The present listing, entitled Tibetica Catalogues: An annotated
bibliography of recent contributions on Tibetan literature collections, is
designed to be a sequel and complement to Grönbold's survey. This

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bibliography fills in certain lacunae there. In the main, however,

this bibliography documents the progress made during the past ten
years since the early 1980's in the form of published title-lists,
accessions lists, and catalogues. The bibliography is, in effect, a
select list, as it is influenced by actuelle research interests and
by local availability of catalogues, etc.. As a general rule, the
catalogues here included, describe specific non-canonical Tibetan
literature collection held by specific libraries and institutions around
the world.

The extent, accuracy and usefulness of text descriptions in

catalogues and lists, of course, varies. Some merely enumerate
text titles. Other Tibetica catalogues are more substantial aids to
bibliography, and to orientation in the literature, or they are in
effect, practical tools for accessing library collections.4 A few of
the best catalogues can even serve as 'research tools' by virtue
of all the physical description, further internal particulars and
references which they supply, and by virtue of their reliability
and accuracy.5

The present list documents Tibetica catalogues via individual

descriptive entries containing standard bibliographical particulars
and brief, informative annotations for prospective users. Further-
more, the catalogue entries are arranged according to the land and
town in which the respective literature collection is found.
Note that, as with Grönbold's survey, this list excludes the

* catalogues of purely Canonical literature6

* catalogues or tables of contents to collected works (gsung
hum) of individual authors
* bibliographies for individual texts or for other narrowly
circumscribed topics
* catalogues in manuscript form or registers as card files
* microfiche editions, and computer-database registers for
library collections.

This bibliography's main. section "Tibetica catalogues" (B; dis-

cussed above) is preceded by a "Generalia" (A) section, and is
followed by "Indices" (C). Generalia includes a suggestive selection
of contributions towards a history of literature (i.a. articles and

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monographs on Tibetan literary genres and transmission-history),

also newer printing lists (par tho). Finally, separate indices for the
names of collectors, authors, and libraries complete this biblio-
graphy of recent Tibetica catalogues.


History of literature

Printing lists

China Beijing

France Paris




Great Britain London

India Dharamsala



Japan Kyoto



Russia St. Petersburgs (Leningrad)

U.S. A. Madison


Stony Brook

Washington, D.C

Authors, compilers, an
Libraries and institutio

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History of Literature

1. Ardussi, John A., "Brewing and Drinking the Beer of Enlight-

enment in Tibetan Buddhism: The dohā tradition in Tibetan
Buddhism," Journal of the American Oriental Society (New
Haven), vol. 97, 19 77, no. 2, pp. 115-1247/ About mystic and
didactic songs.
2. Bolsoexeva, N.D., "'Nitišastry' v istorii tibetskoj literatury,"
K.M. Gerasimova (ed.), Buddizm i srednevekovaja kul'tura narodov
Central'noj Azii, Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980, pp. 83-1027/ '"Guides
to Prudent Conducf in the History of Tibetan Literature."
3. Denwood, Philip, "Some Remarks on the Status and the Dating
of the sBa bzhed," Tibet Journal (Dharamsala), vol. XV, 1990, no.
4, pp. 135-1487/ On edicts (bka' gtsigs).
4. Duncan, Marion Herbert, Love Songs and Proverbs of Tibet,
London: Mitre Press, 1961, 239 pp 7/ 672 proverbs rendered into
English (p. 161 ff.).
5. Dylykova, V.S., Tibetskaja literatura, Moscow: Izdatel'stvo
Nauka, 1986, 240 pp 7/ "Tibetan Literature" - a medley.
6. Dylykova, V.S., Zhanry tibetskoj khudozhestvennoj literatury (VII
-XVIII w.) (Cand. of sci. Diss.), Moscow (?): Institut vosto-
kovedenija, 19817/ "Genres of Tibetan Fiction (7th-18th Cen-
7. Eimer, Helmut, "The Development of the Biographical Tradi-
tion concerning Atiša (Dīpamkarašrijnāna)," Journal of the Tibet
Society (Bloomington), vol. 2, 1982, pp. 41-51.
8. Ellingson, Ter, "Tibetan Monastic Constitutions: The bea' yig,"
Lawrence Epstein & Richard F. Sherburne (eds), Reflections on
Tibetan Culture: Essays in memory ofTurrell V. Wylie, Lewiston:
Edwin Mellen Press, 1989, pp. 205-2297/ On monastic rules and
9. Epstein, Lawrence, "On the History and Psychology of the
"Das-log," Tibet Journal (Dharamsala), vol. VII, 1982, no. 4, pp.
20-857/ About the post mortem narratives of persons who
purportedly visited the nether world and returned.

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10. Fang Kuei Li & W. South Coblin, A Study of the Old Tibetan
Inscriptions , Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Aca-
demia Sinica, 1987, pp.-X + 48 77/ About obligatory documents
engraved onto pillars.
11. Gyatso, Janet, "Autobiography in Tibetan Religious Literature:
Reflections on its modes of self-presentation," Shõren lhara &
Zuiho Yamaguchi (eds.), Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 5th
Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, vol. 2.:
Language, History and Culture, Narita: Naritasan Shinshoji, 1992,
pp. 465-478.
12. Gyatso, Janet, A Literary Transmission of the Traditions of Thang
-stong rGyal-po: A study of visionary Buddhism in Tibet, (Ph.D.
Diss.) Berkeley: University of California, 1981. 296 pp..
13. Gyatso, Janet, "Signs, Memory and History: A Tantric Buddhist
theory of scriptural transmission," Journal of the International
Association of Buddhist Studies (Berkeley), vol. 9, 1986, no. 2, pp.

14. Neumaier, Eva, "Einige Aspekte der gTer-ma-Literatur der

rÑiñ-ma-pa-Schule," Zeit sdir ift der deutschen morgenländischen
Gesellscitraft (Wiesbaden), Supplementa I, Teil 3, 1969, pp. 849-
862. // "Some Aspects of the gTer ma Literature of the rNying
ma pa School."
15. Pāsādika, Bhikku, "The Indian Origins of the Lam-rim of Cen-
tral Asia," Tibet Journal (Dharamsala), vol. XIII, 1988, no. 1, pp.
3-11. // On manuals to essential theory and practice synchro-
nized to the spiritual development of adepts.
16. Pommaret, Françoise, Les Revenants de L'au-Delà dans le Monde
Tibétaine: Sources littéraires et tradition vivante, Paris: Centre
Regional de la Recherche Scientifique, 1989, 212 pp..// "'Das log
Ghosts in the Tibetan World: Literary sources and living
17. Richardson, Hugh Edward, A Corpus of Early Tibetan Inscrip-
tions, London (?): Royal Asiatic Society, 1985, pp. VI + 1867/
Supercedes Richardson's earlier editions of obligatory docu-
ments (gtsigs ).
18. Richardson, Hugh Edward, "Early Tibetan Inscriptions: Some
recent discoveries," Tibet Journal (Dharamsala), vol. XII, 1987,
no. 2, pp. 3-15.

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19. Schuh, Dieter, Da's Archiv des Klosters bKra-šis-bsam-gtan-gliň,

von sKyid-groů, 1. Teil: Urkunden zur Klosterordnung, grund-
legende Rechtsdokumente und demographisch bedeutsame Doku-
mente, Findbucher (= Monumenta Tibetica Histórica, Abteilung
III: Diplomata et Epistolae, Band 6, 1. Teil), Bonn: VGH
Wissenschaftsverlag, 1988. // "Documents on Monastic
Organization, Fundamental Legal Documents and Demo-
graphically Significant Documents" from "The Archives of the
bKra shis bsam gtan gling Monastery of sKyid grong."
20. Schuh, Dieter, "Ergebnisse und Aspekte tibetischer Urkunden-
forschung," Louis Ligeti (ed.), Proceedings of the Csoma de Koros
Memorial Symposium, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1978, pp. 411-
425. // "Results and Aspects of Research on Tibetan Docu-

21. Schuh, Dieter, Urkunden und Sendschreibett aus Zentraltibet,

Ladakh und Zanskar, 1. Teil: Faksimiles (= Monumenta Tibetica
Histórica, Abteilung III: Diplomata et Epistolae, Band 2), St.
Augustin: VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, 1976, pp. XLIII + 324. //
"Facsimiles" of "Documents and Epistles from Central Tibet,
Ladakh and Zanskar."

22. Schuh, Dieter, "Zum Entstehungsprozess von Urkunden in

den tibetischen Herrscherkanzleien," Ernst Steinkellner &
Helmut Tauscher (eds.), Contributions on Tibetan Language,
History and Culture: Proceedings of the Csoma de Koros
Symposium, vol. 1, Vienna: Arbeitskreis Für Tibetische und
Buddhistische Studien, 1983, pp. 303-328. // "On the Process of
Producing Documents at the Chancelleries of Tibetan Rulers."
23. Schuh, Dieter & J.K. Phukhang (eds.), Urkunden und Send-
schreiben aus Zentraltibet, Ladakh und Zanskar, 2. Teil: Edition der
Texte (= Monumenta Tibetica Histórica, Abteilung III: Diplo-
mata et Epistolae, Band 4), St. Augustin: VGH Wissenschafts-
verlag, 1979, 118 pp.. // "Edition of the Texts": "Documents and
Epistles from Central Tibet, Ladakh and Zanskar."
24. Schuh, Dieter & L.S. Dagyab, Urkunden, Erlasse und Send-
schreiben aus dem Besitz sikkimesisdier Adelshäuser und des
Klosters Phodang (= Monumenta Tibetica Histórica, Abteilung
III: Diplomata et Epistolae, Band 3), St. Augustin: VGH Wissen-
schaftsverlag, 1978, 415 pp. // " Documents, Dispensations and
Epistles from the Holdings of Phodang Monastery and of the

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Houses of the Sikkimese Nobility."

25. Simon, W., "Tibetan Lexicography and Etymological Research,"
Transactions of the Philological Society (Oxford), 1965, pp. 85-1077/
"Tibetan-Sanskrit and Sanskrit-Tibetan Dictionaries" (pp. 92-
98), "Tibetan-Tibetan, Tibetan-Mongolian and Tibetan-Chinese
Dictionaries" (pp. 98-99).
26. Solomon, Beth Ellen, "History of Tibetan Fine Arts Literature,"
B.E.S., The Tale of the Incomparable Prince: A study and translation
of the'Tibetan novel gZhon nu zla med kyi gtam rgyud (Ph.D.
Diss.), Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1987, pp. 8-557/ On
Tibetan kävya (snyan dngags).
27. Stein, Rolf A., "Literature," R.A.S., Tibetan Civilization, London:
Faber, 1972, pp. 248-281.
28. Stein, Rolf A., "La littérature," R.A.S., La civilisation tibetaine
(édition définitive), Paris: l'Asiathèque, 1987, pp. 173-199.
29. T aube, Manfred, "Die Bedeutung einheimischer Bibliographien
Für die Erforschung der tibetischen Litertur," Heinz Mode et
alia (eds.) Studia Asiae: Festschrift fur Johannes Schubert, Part I,
Halle: Buddhist Centre Halle, 1968, pp. 277-2997/ "The Signifi-
cance of Native Bibliographies for Research on the Tibetan

30. Taube, Manfred, Beiträge zur Geschichte der medizinischen Litera-

tur Tibets (= Monumenta Tibetica Histórica, Abteilung I:
Scriptores, Band 1), Sankt Augustin: VGH Wissenschaf tsverlag,
1981, pp. (iii +) 149. I I "Contributions towards a History of
Tibet's Medical Literature."
31. Terjék, Jözßef, "Die Wörterbücher der vorklassischen tibeti-
schen Sprache," Louis Ligeti (ed.), Proceedings of the Csoma de
Koros Memorial Symposium, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1978,
pp. 503-509. // "Dictionaries of the Pre-classical Tibetan
32. Thondup Rinpoche, Tulku, Hidden Teachings of Tibet: An
explanation of the Terma tradition of the Nyingma School of
Buddhism, London: Wisdom Publications, 1986, 304 pp..
33. Thondup Rinpoche, Tulku, "The Scope of Tibetan Literature,"
T.T.R., Buddhist Civilization in Tibet, New York & London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987, pp. 71-100.

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34. Thondup Rinpoche, Tulku, "The Terma Tradition of the

Nyingma School," Tibet Journal (Dharamsala), vol. XV, 1990, no.
4, pp. 149-158.
35. Tucci, Giuseppe, "A Brief History of Tibetan Religious Litera-
ture from the XHth to the Beginning of the XVIIIth Century,"
G.T., Tibetan Painted Scrolls, vol. I, Rome: La Libreria dello Stato,
1949, pp. 94-138. // Outstanding, early western contribution
towards a history of Tibetan literature.
36. Tucci, Giuseppe, "A Brief Outline of the Historical Literature
with Particular Reference to the Sources Used or Quoted in
this" Work," G.T., Tibetan Painted Scrolls, vol. I, Rome: La Liberia
dello Stato, 1949, pp. 139-170.
37. Tucci, Giuseppe, Tibetan Folk Songs from Gyantse and Western
Tibet, Second revised and enlarged edition, Ascona: Artibus
Asiae, 1966, pp. 202 + XVIII.
38. Wayman, Alex, "The Interlineary-type Commentary in
Tibetan," Louis Ligeti (ed.), Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander
Csoma de Koros, vol. 2, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984, pp.
367-379. // On mchan 'grel and mchan bu.
39. Willis, Janice D., "On the Nature of Rnam-thar: Early Dge
-lugs-pa Siddha Biographies," B.N. Aziz & M. Kapstein (eds.),
Soundings in Tibetan Civilization: Proceedings of the 1982 Seminar
of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, New Delhi:
Manohar Publications, 1985, pp. 304-319.
40. Wylie, Turrell V., "The Tibetan Tradition of Geography,"
Bulletin ofTibetology (Gangtok), New Series, 1986, no. 1, pp. 17-
25. // Questionable treatment of two out of four genres.


41. Eimer, Helmut & Pema Tsering, "Eine Liste der geretteten
Druckplatten aus dem Kloster Kah thog in Derge/Khams,"
Helmut Eimer (ed.), Vicitrakusumāūjali: Volume presented to
Richard Othon Meisezahl on the occasion of his eightieth birthday
(=Indica et Tibetica, 11), Bonn: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 1986,
pp. 61-70. // "A List of the (15 600) Printing Blocks Saved from
the Ka' thog Monastery."
42. Meisezahl, R.O., "Der Katalog der Klosterdruckerei A mČhog
dGa' ldan Čhos 'khor gliñ in Ch'ing-hai (Nordwest-China),"

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Oriens (Leiden), vol. 29-30, 1986, pp. 309-333. 1 I "Catalogue of

the Monastic Printing House A mchog dGa' ldan Chos 'khor
gling in Chinghai."
43. Tachikawa, Musashi, A Catalogue of the Gedan Šungrab Minyam
Gyunphel Series, Part I (= Studia Asiatica, No. 7), Nagoya:
Department of Indian Philosophy, Nagoya University, 1985, pp.
vi + 114. // Lists 70 volumes.


CHINA: Beijing

44. Sun Wenjing, "Remarks on the Cataloguing and Classification

of Tibetan Classics and Literary Texts: A preliminary survey of
the Tibetan collection in the China Library of Nationalities in
Beijing," Studies in Central and East Asian Religions (Copen-
hagen & Aarhus), Vol. 1, Autumn 1988, pp. 88-1017/ Preview
article on the collection of circa 100 000 volumes (p. 88 ff.), on
the draft plan for a comprehensive cataloguing system (p. 97
ff.), and on catalogues under preparation (pp. 94-96).

45. Imaeda, Yoshiro & Tsuguhito Takeuchi, Choix des documents

tibétains conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale (Mission Paul Pelliot ),
complété par quelques manuscrits de l'India Office et du British
Museum, Tome III: Corpus syllabique, Paris: Bibliothèque
Nationale, 1990, pp. XVI + 1 112. // "Selected Tibetan Docu-
ments Held by the Bibliothèque Nationale (Paul Pelliot Ex-
pedition) rendered complete through some manuscripts of the
India Office and of the British Museum." Massive volume with
Introduction and critical edition (in dbu can script) of 168+
Tibetan texts from Tun-huang which earlier (see nos. 46-47
below) were described in brochures and reproduced in fac-
similes. Excellent print-out of important source materials for
Tun-huang studies.
46. Macdonald, Ariane & Yoshiro Imaeda (eds.), Choix des docu-
ments tibétains conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale (Mission Paul
Pelliot)..., Tome I, Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1978. //
"Selected Tibetan Documents Held by the Bibliothèque
Nationale (Paul Pelliot Expediton)...": Cassette containing 25

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page brochure (with Introduction, list of manuscripts, entries

precisely describing external format, also broad subject index),
and 304 loose-leaf Sheets (= plates 1-304) reproducing in
facsimile 58+ Tibetan texts from Tun-huang.
47. Spanien, Ariane & Yoshiro Imaeda (eds.), Choix des documents
tibétains conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale (Mission Paul Pel-
liot)..., Tome II, Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1979. // "Selected
Tibetan Documents Held by the Bibliothèque Nationale (Paul
Pelliot Expedition)...": Cassette containing 32 page brochure
(with list of manuscripts, broad subject index, entries precisely
describing the external format of each manuscript), and 336
loose-leaf sheets (= plates 305-640) reproducing in facsimile
115+ texts from Tun-huang.

48. Schwieger, Peter, Tibetische Handschriften und Blockdrucke, Teil

9 (= Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutsch-
land, Band XI, 9), Stuttgart, 1985. // The ninth and latest
volume in the German catalogue series, "Tibetan Manuscripts
and Xylographs," whose informative entries describe external
format and internals (transmission-history, subject-matter, etc.)
Concerning volumes 1-8, see Grönbold, 1985, nos. 21-25.

49. Herrmann, Silke & J.K. Phukhang, Tibetische Blockdrucke und

Handschriften des Zentralasiatischen Seminars der Universität Bonn.
Teil 1 (= Archiv fur Zentralasiatische Geschichtsforschung,
Heft 5), Sankt Augustin: VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, 1983, pp.
1-38 (= 169-206). // "Tibetan Xylographs and Manuscripts of
the Central Asian Institute of Bonn University. Part 1": small
catalogue for 49 items (mainly prayer and rite texts) procured
by D. Schuh from Tibetan refugees in Dharamsala. Entries
carefully describe external format and internals (including
Romanized and translated colophons). Subject index appended.

50. Grönbold, Günter, Die tibetischen Blockdrucke der Bayerischen

Staatsbibliothek: Eine Titelliste, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz,
1989, pp. XIV + 244. // "The Tibetan Xylographs of the Bava-
rian State Library: A title-list." All the library's Tibetan Ian-

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guage texts produced by block-printing (photo-offset reprints

excluded), largely newer editions, but also xylographs of the
1930's and 1940's from Ladakh (the F.A. Peter collection) and
Central Tibet (collected by E. Schäfer). Entries describe external
format and internals (including all different titles found).
Appendices for microfilmed (Sikkim Institute of Tibetology) and
lithographed texts, Mongolian xylographs. Numerous indices
(also for places of printing and subject-matter).
See numbers 45-47 above for catalogues partly referring to India
Office and British Museum collections.

51. Winder, Marianne, Catalogue of Tibetan Manuscripts and Xylo-

graphs, and Catalogue of Thankas, Banners and other Paintings and
Drawings in the Library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of
Medicine, London: The Wellcome Institute for the History of
Medicine, 1989, pp. XIV + 112. // Part One (pp. 1-64) encom-
passes 8 printing blocks, 143 diverse manuscripts and xylo-
graphs (including valuable works on Tibetan medicine and
astrology) acquired between 1906-1935 from Laurence A.
Waddell and Paira Mall (the origin being: Hemis monastery).
Entries give careful physical description and some internal
particulars. A bibliography, separate indices for Tibetan titles,
Sanskrit titles, authors' names, etc., plus concordance complete
this small, but useful catalogue.
INDIA: Dharamsala
52. Jampa Samten Shastri, Bod kyi dpe mdzod khang gi bod yig phyag
dpe'i dkar chag/ Catalgoue of the Library of Tibetan Works and
Archives (Manuscript Section), vol. 1: Historical Works, Dharam-
sala: LTWA, 1983, pp. X + 451. // From a major collection: 492
texts (photo-offset reprints, xylographs and manuscripts) in-
cluding biographies (233 items), histories of religion (102 items),
other histories, audition records, inventories, etc... Entries
provide comprehensive physical description and internal parti-
culars (subject-matter, tables of contents, etc.). Separate indices
for titles, authors, aņd subjects. Mainly in dbu can script.
53. Lobsang Shastri, Bod kyi dpe mdzod khang gi bod yig phyag dpe'i
dkar chag/ Catalogue of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

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(Manuscript Section), vol. 2: Historical works, Dharamsala: LTWA,

1990, pp. XXX + 377. // This sequel encompasses 407 texts
(photo-offset reprints, xylographs and manuscripts) including
religious histories (109 items), histories (91 items), descriptions
of religious sites (93 items), inventories, audition records, etc..
Entries provide comprehensive physical and internal particulars
plus separate indices (in conformity with catalogue no. 52).
Useful introduction. Mainly in dbu can script.

54. Kunga Yonten Hochotsang, Sakya Kabum Catalogue (= Ca-
talogue Series, 1), Gangtok: Sikkim Research Institute of
Tibetology, 1990, pp. XVII + 215. // A streamlined catalogue to
the collected works (in 903 items) of the five great, early
masters of the Sa skya pa school. Bibliographic particulars in
tabular form: serial number, number of items, title in dbu can
script and Romanized, ditto for the author, plus number of


55. Jackson, David P., The 'Miscellaneous Series' of Tibetan Texts in

the Bihar Research Society, Patna: A handlist (= Tibetan and Indo
-Tibetan Studies, 2) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag & Institute
for the Culture and History of India and Tibet (Hamburg),
1989, pp. X + 271 . // A provisional catalogue, sequel to the first
catalogue by Choudary (= Grönbold 1985, no. 62), describing
further manuscripts and xylographs collected mainly by Rahula
Sankrityayana in Tibet. Well-known items in the series B
1 - 1 619 are cited en bloc. Entries for less well-known or rare
items record author's name and dates, individual text title,
place of printing, and pagination; sometimes also subject-
matter or edition. Author and title indices are appended.

JAPAN: Kyoto
56. Otani University (compiled), Index to the Catalogue of Tibetan
Works Kept in Otani University Library, Kyoto: Otani University
Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute, 1985, pp. VIII
+ 257. // Contains full title index, abbreviated title index,
author index, subject index, and concordance for the 4 000+

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non-canonical texts of the catalogue. Regarding the latter, see

Grönbold 1985, no. 68.


57. Yoshimizu, Chizuko, Descriptive Catalogue of the Naritasan Insti-

tute Collection of Tibetan Works, vol. 1 (= Monograph Series,
Occasional papers, 1), Narita: Naritasan Shinshoji, 1989, pp. X
+ 721. // A detailed catalogue to 1 402 non-canonical works
purchased in recent years from India representing the collected
works (gsung "bum-s) of Bu ston, sGra tshad pa, and 11 leading
scholars of the dGe lugs pa school. Entries give full biblio-
graphic and internal particulars (i.a. on transmission - history),
also concordances to certain catalogues. Separate indices for
Tibetan text titles, Sanskrit titles, geographical names, Tibetan
names and Sanskrit names are appended. An excellent aid to

58 a-f - The Seminar on Tibet (edited), A Catalogue of the Tibetan
Manuscripts Collected by Sir Aurel Stein, Parts 5-10, Tokyo,
1981(?)-1986. Entries carry brief description of the external
format of manuscripts (mainly fragments from Tun-huang).
Regarding earlier fascicles (1-4) in the series, refer to Grön-
bold 1985, no. 65.

RUSSIA: St. Petersburg (Lenigrad)

59. Savitsky, L.S./'Tunhuang Tibetan Manuscripts in the Collection
of the Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies," Louis Ligeti
(ed.), Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Commemorating Alexander
Csoma de Koros, vol. II, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984, pp.
281-290. // An article describing the Oriental Institute's Tun-
huang Tibetan collection and its main portion, the 202 "scrolls"
of the Aparimitüyur-jñana-sütra. Separate lists for the 97 scribes'
names and 62 correctors' names are appended.
U.S.A: Madison
60. Zwilling, Leonard, Tibetan Blockprints in the Department of Rare
Books and Special Collections, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Libraries (= Occasional Papers, no.- 5), Madison: University of
Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, 1984, pp. VI + 95. 1 I Includes 350
text titles (in 549 xylograph items): mainly devotional works,

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prayers and rite-texts of the dGe lugs pa tradition printed in

Beijing (Peking) in the early 1900's and procured by Ferdinand
D. Lessing. The brief entries carry physical description and
some internal particulars (i.a. on subject-matter). Separate
indices for authors' names, deities' names, Tibetan text titles
titles, Sanskrit titles, and Mongolian titles are appended.

61. Schoening, Jeffrey D., "A Bibliography of Tibetan Historical

Works at the University of Washington," Helgā Uebach and
Jampa L. Panglung (eds.), Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 4th
Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies,
Munich: Zentralasiatische Studien & Bayerische Akademie der
Wissenschaften, 1988, pp. 421-426. // Notices on the Library of
Congress collection, and in particular on a participating
library's (i.e. the University of Washington's) collection of
Tibetan works (p. 421 ff.). Preview of Schoening's catalogue of
Tibetan historical literature (371 entries) (p. 423 ff.), plus
remarks on genre classification.

Stony Brook
62. Robinson, Hannah G., First Cumulative Dictionary Catalogue of
Tibetan Works in the Library of the Institute for Advanced Studies
of World Religions, Stony Brook, NY: IASWR, 1985, pp. X + 215.
// A bipartite catalogue for the circa 300 bibliographic items
(mainly photo-offset books of manuscripts and xylographs re-
produced in India and acquired via Library of Congress), also
10 rare works microfilmed in Beijing. Part I, in Tibetan alpha-
betical order, serves as both library catalogue and index to
authors and titles. Entries reproduce the IASWR library cata-
logue cards with their bibliographical particulars. Part II, in
English alphabetical order, is a 'systematic' catalogue simulta-
neously for authors, titles, series, subjects, editors, manuscript
sources and printing houses. Entries here give physical descrip-
tions and internal particulars. The reduced print size makes
scanning difficult.

Washington, D.C.
63. American Libraries Book Procurement Center, Accessions List
India, vol. 1, no. 1 - vol. 19, no. 12, New Delhi: US Library of

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Congress, 1963-1980. // A monthly record of publications

acquired for the Library of Congress and for other parti-
cipating American research libraries. Tibetan-language publica-
tions (stemming from India, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.) are listed
separately in the Monographic section and together with
publications of other languages in the Serials section. The
Library of Congress' program of collecting Tibetan publications
is one of the most ambitious of recent decades, so the file-card
entries with bibliographical, text-critical and subject-matter data
prepared by E. Gene Smith are highly useful for students and
scholars. An author index and subject index is appended to
each issue. The December issue also carries an annual cu-
mulative index.
64. Tachikawa, Musashi, A Catalogue of the United States Library of
Congress Collection of Tibetan Literature in Microfiche, Part I (=
Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica, Series Maior III), Tokyo:
International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 1983, pp. XIV +
353. // A catalogue-index to the IASWR (Stony Brook) micro-
fiche collection, i.e. microfiche edition of Tibetan-language
publications (serial nos. 1 - 2 678) acquired via the Library of
Congress from South Asia. The entries are supposed "to carry
bibliographical particulars, but the catalogue is difficult to use
because it is too schematic: data identical with that of pre-
ceding entries is invariably omitted. Microfiche numbers make
the ordering of 'texts' simple, and thereby open up great pos-
sibilities for research.

65. Tachikawa, Musashi & Yasuhiko Nagano, A Catalogue of the

United States Library of Congress Collection of Tibetan Literature in
Microfiche, Part II (= Bibliographia Philogica Buddhica, Series
Maior Illb), Tokyo: International Institute for Buddhist Studies,
1988, pp. VIII + 406. // As sequel to no. 64 above, this cata-
logue-index covers serial numbers 3 001 - 4 420 of the IASWR
microfiche collection. The entries are supposed to supply full
bibliographic particulars, plus size and useful characterization
of subject-matter. Microfiche numbers make ordering 'texts'
simple, and thereby open up great possibilities for research.
66. U.S. Library of Congress Offices, Accessions List, South Asia:
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka, vol. 1, no. 1- , New Delhi & Karachi: U.S. Library of

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Congress Offices, 1981--. // This monthly record of publications

acquired is a sequel to no. 63 above with nearly identical


American Libraries Book Procurement Center

Duncan, M.H

Lessing, F.D

Mall, Paira

Pelliot., P

Peter, F.A

Pommaret, F

Richardson, H.E

Sankrityayana, R

Schäfer, E

Schuh, D

Stein, Sir A

Tucci, G

U.S. Library of Congress Office (New Delhi)

Waddell, L.A

American Libraries Book Procurement Center

Ardussi, J.A

Bolsoexeva, N.D

Coblin, W.S

Dagyab, L.S

Denwood, P

Duncan, M.H

Dylykova, V.S

Eimer, H

Ellingson, T

Epstein, L

Fang Kuei Li

Grönbold, G


Herrmann, S

Imaeda, Y

This content downloaded from on Thu, 28 Jul 2022 06:33:50 UTC
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Jackson, D.P

Jampa L. Panglung

Jampa Samten Shastri

Kunga Yonten Hochotsang

Ligeti, L

Lobsang Shastri

Macdonald, A
Meisezahl, R.O

Neumaier, E

Otani University

Pāsādika, Bh

Pema Tsering

Phukhang, J.K

Pommaret, F

Richardson, H.E

Robinson, H.G

Savitsky, L.S

Schoening, J.D

Schuh, D

Schwieger, P

Seminar on Tibet (Tokyo)

Simon, W

Smith, E.G

Solomon, B.E

Spanien, A. (Macdonald)

Stein, R.A

Sun Wenjing
Tachikawa, M

Taube, M

Terjék, J

Thondup Rinpoche, T

Tsuguhito Takeuchi

Tucci, G

U.S. Library of Congress Offices

Uebach, H

Wayman, A

Willis, J.D

Winder, M

Wylie, T.V

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Yasuhiko, Nagano

Yoshimizu, Chizuko

Zwilling, L

Libraries and
A mchog dGa' ldan chos 'khor gling

Bavarian State Library -> Bay

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Bibliothèque Nationale

Bihar Research Society

bKar shis bsam gtan gling

Bonn University ->

British Museum

Central Asian Institute

-> Zentralasiatisches Seminar
China Library of Nationalities
-> China Nationalities Library
Hemis monastery

IASWR library
Religions Libra
India Office

Institute for Advanced Studies

of World Religions library

Institute of Oriental Studies

(St. Petersburg/Leningrad)

Ka'thog monastery

Library of C
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

-> Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

Naritasan Institute

Otani University Library

Phodang monastery

Sikkim Institute
-> Sikkim Resear
Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology
Universität Bonn -> Zentralasiatisch'es Seminar

University of Washington

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University of Wisconsin-Madison libraries

U.S. Library of Congress

Wellcome Institute for

Zentralasiatisches Seminar (Bonn)

D. Notes

1. The geographical regions largely influenced by Tibetan culture

and religion (Tibetan Buddhism or Lamaism) encompass be-
sides Central Tibet, Khams and Amdo, also Bhutan, Ladakh,
part of the Himalayas, Mongolia, etc..
2. Günter Grönbold," Verzeichnisse tibetischer Handschriften und
Blockdrucke: Eine bibliographische Übersicht," Zentralasiatische
Studien (Bonn), Band 18, 1985, pp. 222-246. Hereafter references
to this survey of Tibetica as quoted as "Grönbold 1985."
3. In recent years I have engaged in research firstly on Buddhist
Canonical literature translated from Sanskrit into Tibetan, and
secondly on the genres of the Tibetan literature. Grateful
acknowledgement goes to the Hamburg University's Institute
for Culture and History of India and Tibet and to the Library
of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala for allowing me
free access to their valuable literature collections. To avoid
unnecessary delay in publishing this list, the bibliographical
data in several cases had to be left incomplete: Numerous
catalogues and the bulk of my private archives are housed on
another continent.

4. One might add a word of caution: regulations at libraries and

institutions vary as to access, reprography, etc.. Generally
speaking, serious, qualified students and scholars are wel-
comed. Acknowledgment in ensuing publications is also often
5. For example, the German catalogues, entitled Tibetische Hand-
schriften und Blockdrucke (=Verzeichnis der orientalischen Hand-
schriften in Deutschland, Band XI, 1-8, 1960-1985) supply valuable
information on external format and on internals (i.a trans-
mission-history and subject-matter). These catalogues oftimes
reproduce colophons to the texts, or present synopses of the

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texts, or present paraphrases or translations of essential, text-


Although outside the scope of this survey, the example of

certain Japanese catalogues is also worth citing: A Comparative
Analytical Catalogue of the Kanjur Division of the Tibetan Tripitaka,
compiled and published by Otani University Library, Kyoto,
1930-1932. A Comparative Analytical Catalogue of the Tanjur
Division of the Tibetan Tripitaka, Vol. I: 1-6, compiled and
published by Otani University Library, Kyoto, 1965-1983.
These analytical catalogues present detailed bibliographical
particulars and internal data (especially on onomastics, e.g. on
variation in titles and name forms) drawing upon a comparison
of different editions of the respective texts.
6. On catalogues for the Tibetan Buddhist Canon, refer in the
first place to the useful bibliographical survey in Günter
Grönbold, Der buddhistische Kanon: Eine Bibliographie, Wies-
baden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1984, pp. 31-35, 38-43. Secondly, a
complement and partial update of the above is currently under
preparation: Alpo Ratia, "Contributions on the Tibetan
Buddhist Canon".

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