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Director of Public Prosecutions Att: Adv.

GD Baloyi

Gauteng Division, Pretoria

Prudential Building

28 Church Square



Tel: 012 351 6700




1. Since my withdrawal, on the 12th of July 2022, as the defence

counsel for accused 1 to 4 cited my reasons before the Court as
follows: -

1.1. Harassment by the Court and the State, i.e the police, including
the minister of police and the prosecution, including the office of
the director of public prosecution in Johannesburg.

1.2. The Court, referring to the Judge Maumela in his capacity as

the presiding officer in this trial, under Vosloorus Cas
636/10/2014. And
1.3. Thirdly, alleged that my arrest inside the Court on the 28 th of
April 2022 was well-planned with the knowledge of the office of
the Presidency and the President Ramaphosa.

2. I asked to be excused before the Court adjourned on the said day,

the 12th of July 2022. My attorney was not in Court on the day in
question and I heard over the news that the matter has been
postponed to the 2nd of August 2022, for accused 1 to 4 to get the
new legal representatives, including the defence Counsel of their

3. I had made it clear before the Court that, I withdrew from the
matter as the defence Counsel and such did not include the
withdrawal of my attorney, Mr. Timothy Thobane on the matter.

4. It was therefore, bizarre for yourself as the state prosecutor,

advocate Mshololo for accused 5 and the Court to made
conclusion that, Mr. Thobane should be excluded from legally
representing accused 1 to 4 in this matter.

5. The said date of the 2nd of August 2022, was arranged and
concluded amongst yourself, including the Court without consulting
the legal representative/s and/or accused 1 to 4. If accused 1 to 4
were consulted prior the postponement for such arrangement, they
could have been informed the Court that there was no need for
such postponement to arrange for their new appointment of the
attorney and/or advocate to represent them, because I had
6. The accused 1 to 4, were well aware of the fact that, they were still
legally represented in the matter by Mr. Thobane who has High
Court appearance. The Court, the State as well as Advocate
Mshololo were informed at the beginning of the trial that, Mr.
Thobane has High Court appearance.

7. Yourself and Advocate Mshololo deliberately misled Judge

Maumela to believe that my withdrawal as Advocate Teffo, was
tantamount to withdrawal of the attorney as well. However, the
reasonable and impartial Judge could have checked with accused
1 to 4, if indeed, my withdrawal will totally meant that accused 1 to
4 will no longer have the legal representative/s in this matter.

8. Judge Maumela was never impartial from the beginning of this trial
and has been very personal against me. Therefore, it has been
agreed upon yourselves, including the said presiding officer that,
you always wanted the legal-aid to represent accused 1 to 4 and
found them guilty for the murder of Senzo Robert Meyiwa. The
state has always been protective of Kelly Khumalo and others, as
appear in the Annexure C.

9. It was not a surprising issue when I was informed by the younger

sister of accused 4 and Sifiso Meyiwa that, Advocate Mshololo had
approached the Taxi bosses in Durban to fund and/or pay her to
represent accused 1 to 4. Advocate Mshololo knew that it was a
done deal that my attorney and I, were recused from this trial and
the matter was postponed to the 2nd of August 2022 for new legal
representatives of accused 1 to 4.
10. Therefore, it is not incumbent upon you, Mshololo and Judge
Maumela to decide who should and/or should not represent our
clients in this matter. The purity of this trial has been in question
from the day one and, we are no longer feeling safe to be part of
this trial anymore.


11. We have terms and conditions that we need to give the state
before we could reconsider our stand, in participating in these
criminal proceedings again. It is our resolution as the defence of
accused 1 to 4 that, we are not going to attend the Court
proceedings together with our clients, on the 2 nd of August 2022,
unless the following conditions are complied with, namely: -

11.1. We need separation of trial from accused 5 and his defence


11.2. We need Judge Bert Bam and/or appointment of the retired

Judge in this matter;

11.3. Yourself, as Advocate Baloyi the legal representative of the

state, you do not have a title to prosecute in this matter,
therefore, director of public prosecution must appoint new
Senior State Advocate to represent the State in this trial, for the
purpose of finalizing the matter, before the prosecution of the
Vosloorus Cas 375/01/2019;
11.4. Brigadier Gininda must be withdrawn from Vosloorus Cas
636/10/2014 and, be criminally charged and prosecuted for
defeating the ends of justice, as he stole an affidavit deposed
by Mr. Hlophe, the brother-in-law of the deceased;

11.5. Advocate Andrew Chauke, the director of public prosecution of

Johannesburg withdraws charges against Warrant officer
Meshack Makhubo from the case of the former major general
Mabula and others;

11.6. Advocate Chauke director of public prosecution of

Johannesburg withdraws fabricated charges against myself
(Advocate MD Teffo) and prosecute Advocate J Drotsky, the
deputy director of public prosecutions, Johannesburg, for abuse
of prosecutorial powers;

11.7. Advocate Andrew Chauke, the director of public prosecution of

Johannesburg be criminally charged for abuse of state powers
and interference with prosecutorial independence with
immediate effect;

11.8. Minister of police, Mr. Bheki Cele be dismissed with immediate

effect as the minister of police and be investigated for abuse of
his position as the minister of police and/or be charged for the
violation of the provisions of s96 of the Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa; and

11.9. The national director of public prosecutions allocates and/or

assign the Senior Prosecutor to prosecute Ms. Kelly Khumalo
and Others under case Vosloorus Cas 375/01/2019, with
immediate effect on receipt of this letter; and

11.10. The national director of public prosecutions, Advocate

Shamilla Batohi must make the decision and issue the outcome
of the application in terms of the provisions of s6(b) of the
Criminal Procedure Act, 51 of 1999, as applied for by the
defence of accused 1 o 4.

12. On the 28th of April 2022, I was arrested inside the Court by
Sergeant Masuingwini of Gauteng Provincial investigative unit, as
per the arrangement of the State, including the two ministers,
namely Messrs’ Bheki Cele and Ronald Lamola respectively. And
Advocate Mshololo was central figure in the arrangement of my
arrest, as she requested sudden postponement of the matter
under the pretext that, she was going to attend appeal matter in
Durban and that were lies.

13. I started to have the nightmares after Judge Maumela

brought his Sangoma at Court and his ill-treatment against me
increased more than ever before. I was reliably informed that the
involvement of Sangoma in this matter was to cause me to
collapse inside the Court. This is the witchcraft aimed at
destabilizing the defence for accused 1 to 4 and, myself being the
main target in this regard.

14. Judge Maumela started taking concoction in the form of

liquid -drink every time the Court was in session, to achieve the
said goal of collapsing me inside the Court. This is the main
reason I decided to withdrew from the matter, after I informed my
clients and the attorney. It was not difficult to explain my situation
to the accused and their relatives, including Sifiso Meyiwa, as
African people. The Sangoma was fortunately witnessed by all the
parties, when coming to consult with Judge Maumela in his
chambers, at the time we were with Judge Maumela.


15. Be informed that I am not going to withdraw in this matter

and give the State undeserved due. We have since resolved my
withdrawal issue with the relevant stakeholders in this matter and, I
am still the defence Counsel for accused 1 to 4.

16. Therefore, the resolution in this matter is for the national

director of public prosecutions to grant application brought by
accused 1 to 4, in terms of the provisions of s6(b) of the Act.

17. And alternatively, the state should comply with the conditions
set under paragraph 11 above. However, failure to grant the
requested relief in terms of section 6(b) of the Act and/or total
disregard of the conditions under paragraph 11 above, the defence
for accused 1 to 4 will not attend the Court, on the 2 nd of August
18. Therefore, accused 1 to 4 must not be requisitioned from
various Correctional Centres, on the 2 nd of August 2022, where
they are kept illegally and unlawfully by the notorious Gininda and
his team.

19. It is time to deal with the institutionalized corruption within the

South African Police Service and the National Prosecuting
Authority of South Africa. I am prepared to deal with this
corruption, no matter how hard you are trying to destroy me. I am
ready for the Judges, magistrates and the racist Legal Practice
Council you are using to tarnish my good and reputable character,
I fear no evil.

20. I no longer coming to see you today, Monday, the 25 th of July

2022 but, I will meet you, on the 26 th of July 2022 at your office
together with my attorney. Be advised that your response dated 8
February 2021, which was responding to my letter dated 3
February 2021 regarding both cases Vosloorus Cas 636/10/2014
and Vosloorus Cas 375/01/2019, will be part of our discussion on
the 26th of July 2022.

21. I hope you are aware of the recent television interviews held
by Kelly Khumalo and her sister, Zandile Khumalo on enca,
channel 403. They are accusing and insinuating that the
deceased’s mother and his wife must be investigated for the death
of the deceased and, the criminal justice system in this Country is
failing them, in particular the police and prosecuting authority.

22. Myself as watching brief in the case Vosloorus Cas

375/01/2019, on behalf of Meyiwa family, it is very important to
discuss about the conduct of this Khumalo family. The Meyiwa
family is considering the legal action against both Kelly and
Zandile Khumalo for their unprovoked and unwarranted serious
allegations against the Meyiwa.

23. We further warn you to stop discussing the contents of

Vosloorus Cas 636/10/2022 with Mr. Gerrie Nel of Afri-forum. Mr.
Nel has already found accused 1 to 4 guilty of the murder of Senzo
Meyiwa. Mr. Gerrie Nel is not hiding it, he has said the following
several times on media that “I am supporting the strategy of the
state by Advocate Baloyi and I am 100% that 5 accused are
the right suspects who killed Senzo Meyiwa”.

24. Therefore, on the basis of above paragraph, the Afri-forum

people, including Mr. Gerrie Nel must stop attending this trial. Mr.
Sifiso Meyiwa had told Mr. Gerrie Nel long time ago to stop
accusing 5 accused before the Court by using the Meyiwa family.

25. Mr. Nel is not and he was never a watching brief of the
Meyiwa family. You are hereby advised to stop liaising with him, on
behalf of the Meyiwa family from now onwards. Be informed that
Mr. Gerrie Nel and the Khumalo family are the enemies of the
Meyiwa family.

26. WHEREFORE, your response in writing regarding above

contents should reach the defence for accused 1 to 4, not later
than the 27th of July 2022, before the close of business.
27. The Constitutional Rights of our clients are reserved in this
regard and, such Rights can be exercised at any given stage when
need, arise.

28. Your cooperation will be much appreciated in this regard.

DATED at PRETORIA on this the 25TH day of JULY 2022



For: Defence of Accused 1 to 4

5th Floor, Protea Towers

214 Pretorius Street



Cell: 0606329945




Justice Maumela Attention: Ms. Yvonne Maja

Gauteng Local Division




Advocate Shamilla Batohi Att: Mr. Danie Schmidt

National Director of Public


VGM Building

123 Westlake Avenue

Weavind Park




Tel: 012 845 6769




Advocate Andrew Chauke Att: Ms. M Suping

Director of Public Prosecution

Johannesburg High Court





Advocate Z Mshololo

For: Defence of Accused 5



Mr. Sifiso Stanley Meyiwa




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