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Science says that the clothes we wear affect our behaviour, attitudes, personality,

mood, confidence, and even the way we interact with others. This is “Enclothed

Acceptance for who we are and what we wear gives us peace of mind, just as
wearing clothes we are comfortable in can positively affect our mental state.

Wearing gym clothes that is active wear would make one more likely to actually
exercise. And for many, having the gym wear on eliminates the step of ‘dressing for
exercise’; and reduces one of our excuses. So basically it would motivate one to

No wonder why the school’s have been so insistive on wearing school uniform during
online sessions even though the students are at home.Wearing a particular type of
cloth that fits the situation is must. One must be wise in choosing what she or he
wears. Wearing a comfortable PJ during a school session or any meeting, would
continuously pull a person to sleep or may be just relax.

A person if visits the DIOR store with normal clothes would be treated very
differently from the one who is dressed in ZARA.

Wearing new trends increases the chances of one being more accepted in society. A
new trend when accepted while dressing shows the accepting nature, clearly shows
how a person is willingly changing with time.

Not only wearing clothes, but wearing comfortable clothes also is important. During
a meeting if one is uncomfortable in the modern dress she’s wearing, she would be
busy fixing her own dress and not seem to give much attention to the other person.
The person might feel insulting and would pass a JUDGMENT on her that she is an
introvert person.

There is something called psychology of colours in clothing

Wearing Clothes go hand in hand with the colour of the cloth worn. As we know every
colour symbolises something, it relates with every situation .The very essence of
wearing a bright colour is to make the person feel confident.
wearing bright colours may be a symbol for a bold personality, makes the mood more
cheerful and boasts energy.
A Dull colour would rather indicate a low energy , bad mood idea.

A yellow colour = happiness, optimism

Blue / violet = royal, loyal , stability.

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