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Homework 2 (Chapter 3)

1. Using the Venn diagram decision procedure, determine if the following are valid or invalid

a) All P is M
No M is S d) All M is P
No S is P All S is M
Some S is P
b) All M is P
Some S is not M e) Some P is not M
Some S is not P All S is M
Some S is P
c) Some M is not P
All M is S
Some S is not P

2. Prove whether the following are fallacies or rules of inference.

(a) Complex Constructive Dilemma (c) Simple Destructive Dilemma

p→q p→q
r→s p→r
p∨r ~q ∨ ~r
∴q∨s ∴ ~p

(b) Complex Destructive Dilemma (d) Inverse

p→q p→q
r→s ~p .
~q ∨ ~s ∴ ~q
∴ ~p ∨ ~r

3. Give a formal proof using predicate logic for the syllogism:

No software is guaranteed
All programs are software
∴ No programs are guaranteed
4. Consider the predicate logic argument:

A horse is an animal
Therefore, the head of a horse is the head of an animal.

Define the following:

H(x,y) = x is the head of y

A(x) = x is an animal
S(x) = x is a horse

The premise and conclusion are as follows:

(∀ x) (S(x) →A(x)) .
(∀ x) {[(∃ y) (S(y) ∧ H(x,y))] → [(∃ z) (A(z) ∧ H(x,z))]}

Prove the conclusion using resolution refutation.

Show all nine steps in clausal conversion for the conclusion.

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