Mock Interview Reflection

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John Walker

Lesson 19
Career Explorations 1

Mock Interview Reflection

1. Q: What steps did you take to prepare for the interview?
A: I prepared for the interview by practicing the interview questions with my mom and sister.
I also prepared by making sure I was presentable for the job interview. This includes keeping
good hygiene, wearing suitable clothing, and looking confident for the job interview.
2. Q: How did you feel while you were being interviewed?
A: Throughout the interview, I felt nervous and anxious. I have never had any type of job
interview before, so I did not know what to expect.
3. Q: Reflect on your actual responses. Did you feel your responses were adequate or could
you have done better? Explain.
A: I believe that my responses to the interview questions were great, but they could have
been executed better. I found that I was answering the questions with little confidence
and enthusiasm.
4. Q: What questions do you feel you answered well? Explain.
A: The questions that I felt I answered well were the ones about my strengths and
weaknesses. I feel I answered this well because I know what keeps me going and what I
struggle at.
5. Q: What questions do you feel you could have answered better? How would you have
answered them differently?
A: The questions about my experience with the job could have been answered better. I would
have answered them differently by stating that I am experienced for my age.
6. Q: What areas did your teacher mark as strengths?
A: The areas that my teacher marked as strengths were the responses I gave to the questions
and my professional appearance.
7. Q: What areas did your teacher mark as needing improvement? In what ways do you plan
to improve your performance in these areas?
A: My teacher said I should answer the questions that deal with experience better. I plan to
improve this by gaining experience.

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