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(0) SA SEs, UPCtreo}B CHET Be(s being trimmed) ABS] 20] sols) oEe Bet (A) One of the women is wearing a scarf. (8) The women are talking to each other. (©) The man is pouring coffee into a cup. (D) The people are closing their menus. (A) of & go] Arp atgaia wc, (6) ofHg0] jz ojo} st 2x, (©) SPF eon amis me 2c (0) ABS obra Sime. of8t each other M& pour HHEENBECH) onal 221 ol SB ARI ~ Alo] Sat/ated A} (A) ek. off & Bo] APE AIBSID guswearing a scarf) Set O12 BE. Ame putting on& FOI ABS SAE 72171 = We O10] AS Sel OHM LEI wearing? ASO BE ofpict (8) SA} OE. OFHSO! Al Olo}7I6Hm BIg to eacl wtler? 560] O}L/2F WB St 9U=(studying the menus) SeOI=s 38. (©) SAE, eA PII ch Bie(pouring coffee) 2OLOIL| 2} 218 Bat Ueeholding a cup) SA0ISe Set (0) SA} OE. AlRMSO| olhrHIRS Gat LUEclosing their meni Bo oj.ew oe, ac (A) A notice is being hung on a post. (B) The women are walking toward a doorway. (Q The man is changing a bicycle tire. (D) A basket is being removed from a cart. (2) sexo] 20H wala BC, (8) ofBOI S8IF Bom zim ch (0) MaPE rab elolo}s ese act (0) HERLPT etetee| Fa 2 O18} notice HNE, SIX post 71S doorway BEN basket BERL remove 2/Sc} cart 74=, a ed 291 O}g Sap Ate! — AHR EE AB SA BAF 00 ARON Git SAKE O1SAt EL. AMION RAIBKnotice)o] OI BP 258 28, (8) BY, OfHS0] SEE wel Boiztst sketwalking toward a doorway) SR01ER BE. (©) SA Oe, EIxpY elolo}s masta. SkEXchanging 2 bicycle tire) S40] KJOS ot (0) BM Oe, ui baskeds HIRE AID Beis being removed) 20] O}LIE= Of, tT (8) Some people are enteri (© Acashier is pt rehandise into a bag, (D) Some custonte iting in line. 9) 24 280 are. = O (ALA shop esistantis: cone ch inFIOL SOI 2c 2c A ZIERD BE, assistant 22 enter 017IC} cashier Bue jerchandise ‘8 customer jal 221 O18 Ba Abe ~ AFRIDI BaI/AIEN AE (®) BA 9G, B01 exlolal ES F akVgiving a man some money) 240] OMS 2s (©) BA 2G, #alalstot So127 alte(entering a supermarket) AE Hol olx| ROBE OF. (BA Se. BUN! ABS rol wR ate(putting merchandise inte a bag) 20] OMIOe Ou. (0) 2G, 20S Bt Bo] SS AMA 7ICHPL (waiting in tine) 28 Olas wet PART 2 7 eau When did you buy your new phone? w-am (A) The store is close to my house. (B) Last week when it was on sale. (©) I think it’s the same number, ont aH SAH ALLIS? (9) 27 Pi x81 ILI (©) Ran st 2 mao. © o- TOEIC TRAINING.GROUP-\ ah) UA] FOL ARES SE When BE (Wy HED NBR OE, Where BO! cat BeolE OF: (@) Bt, Sa a) AAS ee NBOL ALTON Be! SBS Meio spl RIO Seretm OHe AE, (©) 14 eo] 28) SZ! phonoots} Bt 7hsét numbers OFS 23, 8 w-8r Do you know where Keiko’s office is? IM.co_ (A) That's the offical logo. (6) To reserve a room. (© les on the second floor ‘moins igo fc eI OLS? (a) ae a4 aaete, Cro (26210110 cfs) offical BAA reserve MEE iy shim ge wee (2) AL US 98, WO office! BOI BHF RAP! oct O18 eeu. (@) 1 So 28, oct es 7 rooms O18! (c) Se, Meee! Sil Be Rol 26ORI= iE! BAR Set sose we. 9 y am That was a short movie, ; ¥ (8) You're right—it (©) | must have misplas etter 1a? 0 1s me eO1S! wget RIBS, 8 misplace axe} 58 BE, WOH oer SSP SER op aie 7H IB ‘es Go} SE. NEA] movieodA eH! 7H! theater OFZ 2g. (@) Be, IRIE MRE OSH BE WEOL wCKYou're right Ch 0) Fol Met ArRO| AZIO}ICON ok SHE 47) BA simone 2e. (6) st SRE SE, Heol OlgeIN Oe SER em ose 2. 10 weer Where can I find a building directory? ‘weam (A) In two weeks. (8) No, thank you. (©) Near the front entrance, TOEIC TRAINING GRO zien} of HR? (9 259012, () ofA, aaeaLL (oar anes, fm directory hs, 24 entrance ad W201 SIs BAB Be Where SE (9) BE0] SGI OFF, When SIBSOL aI BOIS Se. (B) Yes(No 7} OE. Where SkEOI= Yes/No BO] B7Hssi=e 528 (6) BE, 2 ae BAR Be iol UF ANelE Tae! BA 2 euMooR ay. 1 iow neva ad on eee (8) Thanks | a (ON i Ae M0] ORAL, NGC) merger 8 negotiation Se 1a ZIRE BE Wo SIRE (A) Ai, Wd slr} REIN es MEN AIA FAL oge autone ay, (6) Meo} YR: OE. BENE Ae OFBIT Me SER siz Io ae of. (€) Yes/No M7t 28, Who Sf20= Yes/No SEO] MASI 2. a2 eam How do I contact the financial consultant? Nau (A) A free consultation. (8) He left his business card. (©) Ina few more days. ‘28 AeA on mare Sia? 9 Re seu, (8) a sae wae. (c) sek ere, ‘fs financial 2UfaN51 consultant YE27+ consultation Ak business card 28 iy Git Wee Be How SIRE (8) RA BE Se, ED} consultantd) PEMIOR wEO| SHE consultation O18! OF (6) 22, AaAbDN plata WHS Bt ARON I} SNe Ct sarica SURO"? BW, asso ole et, Whe S201 et Seo1Oe Set 13 vi-cn When is the health inspector corning? w-br (A) Anytime this week. (8) Its good for your health, (0) Atthe back door te ato] 1407 9 ORF OF LES, (@) Seo] zeot Sau (©) Peoves, 18 ealth inspector Pas alt a 1 ABO OF AH BE When 8B (09 BE, BAVBIOL Se Ar t= MEO OFM = OF MILE +L Hol sel AwoR gem Yoor Be (@) Gol iat OFF, SHES heath ws Olga! oe (c) Ea AIet= Se, Where 20 4? SeOIBZ O, 14 w-Am Wasn't this assignment due last week? -au (A) It's taking longer than we thought. (8) Sign at the bottom of the page. (©) No, you don't need permission. OL Pe LEE AON Se A LAID wy $27) ae er 208 eM, (6) SOW oo As at, (0) oki, eke we wus 1 assignment 22 due ~Bie sbi permission 27% os AY of store a (0) ARF EO 9m Bic OA sions ae, (8) RAL E25 2 Ole) ALBIS SIel6Ht= SION 817} ‘BRET Of “lol Nein] WE SHOR W-8r Whose turn is it to buy coffee? cn (A) Two sugars please, (8) In the kitchen. (©) L already bought it. ‘p77 ARID? (a ee B09, (e204. (o) Mob sis, 1M turn at already Ob, 34 ste 34 (A) 2! SO} Se, Sel coffeenlM Oe Dhset sugar Olge! oe (6) BE At 28, where SBEOI HRY EOIN OB (C) BEL nly AfSO1 Hon Ste alzo4 LHe ola) tome 7 2 AOI Of Pao RuMOOR BEL wr 16 W-Am Where will the company retreat be next year? w.sr (A) Every year. (8) Ithasn't been decided yet. (0) Yes, I've been there. te a0 ofp co 3407 QO a) ae0i2, (8) ob a0 ML pirteaz0e Off retreat OFFS decide BIC mt Ay oF i Where S82 (a) aa (BE How often Seer cee Bet BA BE BAL Of 0] UX! ICI = oe we, ‘B72, Where SE2ROHE Yes/No BE] PHS 7 Nau Let’ discuss the building designs this morning. ‘cn (A) We can do it this afternoon instead. (8) The sign on the wall (Q Does he work in that building, too? 2 OFOI 8 ces ROFEA (8) oft 2 2 29m w+ 2019, (©) ep fe 2012, (0) 353 2B 2 aLL27 1 discuss 2} instead HAY sign sx 2) oe AES Me (A) 2. ofa) 21 Chin teteixim Hela oto] AON Of Az chal 501 oem KI ASD GOS aE, (8) SHS OB, BUA decignal HEMOS BBO) FALE! sign S182) 28, (© stoi wt 28, aN) buildings Us OB oe, 18 W8r Why is there 2 cake sitting out on the front desk? am (8) The potted plat on the ground, TOEIC TRAINING oBOIB Pos Panton He inswer the phone, (O) Because Barb's party is today, Test 5 sf 2 An OES2H sol En? (ey on elas, (o) a) mat wke4e. (cme aiept 20D, off front deck QCA. potted S01 A plant Ait ground ‘IL LAO 27} SOIREE Why S18 () West ABBE OB, BBA Hel OfBeH we SEOINE oe, (6) Gat Go} 2G, front deskOLA Oe 7HsBt BPEL HI WE (answer the phone) 2188S OB 23 (C) Bi, Qt GAO 5o[571 0} ie OFF RE SEO we ic}} molto Het oIRe LODE BE. 2 \weAm Why don't we start marketing to a younger audience? rw-au (A) That's a really good idea. (8) The film starts at nine. (O Fifteen should be enough 512 Bagot HR Ae A oft? a wae wos, (e) Amie oan AP (©) weMon sew enc, 1 audience 285). film 8 ay oye se scat ms 19 Cn How are we going to move all of these office (B) 2a CHO} De. WEE! audiencedt, Gust oe wea (A) Sere wil pus amet a a ao (8) Across the hallway. % 2 haveaseet bythe windon oo oma. ny let compute do you have? Wo anear eae ms 2 few ore mites Bae Anclcrones sre net. Ofs1 across “ie allway Sie seal Ni, ‘Are you thinking of buying one? se enstas een ea na? Md APA THE OF A WHE Se How SS - a (A) Bete AZ QOS, (9) Be. Mew one SF Bu RIE BE SON AY All eon Sefein oS (8) SES} BRE Set, Where OF (c) ge G01 2B, wR chair he 20 Manu gone C4 sw training manual. 8) Sure, we can leave some for you. (C) | didn’t know it was required. ajc Beto 427 (9) sh ete OR, (© Seok, Que del sa USAT. (c) Dia ween BOIS Of manual 8M leave H7ICt require waia-7BIe os aloie) Selo ZSETIS BE REM Have) IEE (@) Got Bg 2g, Se! trainings we OBE 2 (6) 243 Go} 28, gonad iB leave O1BE! BEL Leave {5 TLICKSWSIC at SSE AI 01 Bale "rice 28 agi, (©) Bet, IY ION IRENE Ste BEM 72IN| ok Se! 5] Suc] 2Ginl GSE estos Sein OBE YE, ole! 23 (B) el mL, (oy ay-reete Beton? OM kind electronics store RHE mat Sad ARS Ws GRE] SAS Se What kind EE (ay col ei 92, I haved WE OIE! SEE (BH Clot Se, ARO] tablet computerdiA wat 7HeE electronics toro 0188! 23. (© Me, Ot ABSIT Sie AN BHI! SHB Bt WEE TE SLOPE mista ee 2a FUN SIO! seen! AOA sian wee we 23 \weam Wouldn't you rather travel somewhere during your time off? aw (A) A round-trip ticket for two thousand dollars. (8) I'm planning to paint my house. (0) I would follow up with Sahar, AE SeLOICIRE ofS 71S A I wat? 9 eB 2 poor, (@) cea MIE HOI, (cy Ae ao 210. TOEIC TRAINING GROUP 91 rather A}, 8k time off 57} round-trip of fallow up siext wa (A) G42 Go} 2, 80 travel 2 7H round-trip ticket og oe: (Bh 2, ee Be) Of he A Sl Ls MOI SB URIS BL |W 7ido| 2c Perio 7uem Yone ae, (0) $0 Ys er wet would He ofA Se 24 w-8r You gave the customers the bill, didn’t you? cn (A) A reliable detivery service. (@) That's an impressive offer. (©) Hasn't the payment arrived yet? 28] eigen ALE Eee, | LHe? (A) was erg ABIAeR IC, (a) ela! ION, () of no sm ras? 9181 customer bi TIN, AN reliable WE et delivery Hl Impressive 232! payment Isiah Ae ARNE SHEN) oR BE eSBs (9 24 Go} 9, Eel customersss DHLOLM Ot ISB service Bons ost () WED delat OF seat fo ofgetxl ae SuOIEe og. (C) 2 HOD ARIAS MEANT OME RE BIRO Yes 8191018 iol 9 eexI SOU} FaHIOR SEsiD oy 23e. 25 Q M-Au How soon can jah the Sterling report? wea (A) He's a @rm lunch. « copies. F oh Hel PEI ILE? 7m wane Bw auc, ) YOR SA eH, ffl report 208) reporter 70% copy SAI) ot! QiolU Wel I BY + SEKI Be How soon ES (A) GAP WS 28, Wel reports kame HAO) Bt reporter Borge oe (6) BE OH ol eA > STIS Be BE SI AE ‘Bol 22 + Scho SAR! AOS SERS ag, (C) 8 GO SEF, ZAI report At PHB copiosm O18 oe. 26 Would yau like your receipt now, or shall | put it in the bag? w-er (A) Just put itin my bag, thanks. (8) About twenty-five euros, (©) That's a great looking sweater. 12 BOSS WOARIOID, of 0H Go|

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