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Iran France G.

Malonzo BSA A-111

Observance of the All Saints’ Day amidst the now normal

government protocols: instilling discipline and nurturing
The world today has an invisible and dangerous enemy because it is one-of-a-kind organisms
which we commonly knew as Covid-19 or Coronavirus. Covid-19 is one of the biggest events in
the year 2020 and will be marked as one of the most unexpected viruses to spread into the whole
world. Covid-19 is a very serious disease because the vaccine for it has not been discovered yet,
and that is why the officials are doing their very best to control the spread of the virus by
ordering social distancing. I believe we can celebrate the feast of the saints in heaven in our
houses, how? Everybody is connected if their hearts had become one. Your love for your
deceased family member or friends can still be valid because of your connection. We can also
put our prayer and light our candles in our home. Because God doesn’t pick a place where you
can put your offerings. Just like a prayer, we can offer something to God wherever you are and
the same goes for your deceased love ones. In this time of crisis, we must cooperate with the
authorities. So that we can go back to our normal lives. If we just ignore this and continue to be
stubborn, the virus will spread, and we will still be in quarantine till next year. That is why we
must cooperate with all our discipline and love.

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