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Subject:Citizen Newsletter #272 From: Henry Citizen ( To:; Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 07:42:05

The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 272
June 22, 2011 The Conservative Voice of Henry County
Contact The Citizen at Your comments and submissions are always welcome!

In This Issue

News & Announcements Stockbridge Charter Change Rep. Andy Welch Responds T-SPLOST: Doubts Arise

Your Voice

Rand Paul: Petition Congress Best GOP Field of Our Lives Henrys Next GOP Chair

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Gifts of God can exist in subtle ways. This morning Kali and I went onto the deck. There was a small doe in the yard, first in the area near the burn can. Then she walked slowly across the back to the other side. Eating leaves from trees the whole way. She saw me but was not afraid. Kali saw her and crouched for a moment, then relaxed. I assured Kali the doe could run faster and would not be caught. Watching quietly and admiring the beauty of nature was a joy. It was a few moments that bring perspective.

Your Support is Appreciated

The Conservative Voice of Henry County has opened a venue for news, comment and opinion that exists nowhere

They sent my Census form back!! In answer to the question, 'Do you have any dependents?', I put down:'Asylum seekers, illegal immigrants, crack heads, unemployable bastards, the cast ofThe Jerry Springer Show, 80,000 people in our 133 penal establishments,half ofMexico, and 535 members of congress................. Apparently, this wasn't an acceptable answer.

else. It is because of you; a steady list of people who read and submit articles sharing ideas and principles.

Gingrich campaign fundraisers quit

Newt Gingrich's top two fundraising advisers resigned on Tuesday, and officials said the Republican candidate's hobbling presidential campaign carried more than $1 million in debt. The departures of fundraising director Jody Thomas and fundraising consultant Mary Heitman were the latest blow for the former House speaker who watched 16 top advisers abandon his campaign en masse earlier this month, partly because of what people familiar with the campaign spending described as a dire financial situation.

Or visit

We are excited to announce will reopen this Friday at 11am for Lunch and Dinner. Regular schedule from there (Tues-Sat for Lunch and Dinner and Sunday Brunch 11-3) Kitchen will close daily from 2:30 to 5, the shop and the bar will be open! We would also like to announce the departure of Chef Sam Pagan. Sam was and will always be a huge part of The French Market, we thank him and his family for their contributions.

David Hill
Alpharetta, GA President Obama will go down in world history as the "Mystery of a man." The support from outside the country, moreover; the most ideologically flawed president and leader in modern times. He will be remembered as causing the spark of rebirth and focus for our nation with a new concentration on preservation of America like no other President has ever done.

Thank you for your support and participation

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City of Stockbridge City Council Meeting Update
There were approximately 40 citizens at the session. The meeting was attended by the Mayor and all members of the City Council EXCEPT Councilman Fred Evans. Mr. Evans continues his pattern of only showing-up at select meetings (missing at least 25% of all such meetings) but personally coming into city hall to collect his pay check! Getting paid for no work, in my estimation, is a gross misuse of city funds! Mr. Evans is paid to be at each and every meeting but remains M.I.A.! The following summarizes the key issues which were placed before the Stockbridge City Council last Monday, June 6, 2011: 1) The COS was asked to financially participate in Henry County's July 4 fireworks display at Nash Farms by by contributing $250. THE COUNTY HAS ALLOCATED $35,000 FOR THE JULY 3 AND JULY 4 FIREWORKS DISPLAY AND THEY ARE SEEKING "SPONSORS" FROM VARIOUS CITIES AND BUSINESSES. Council was not sure where these funds would come from should they decide to move forward with said financial contribution. The issue was placed under advisement. 8) Smith, Welch, Webb & White presented the critical ordinance of the evening ... to amend the Charter of the COS; Chief Executive Officer delegation of powers. This was the first of 2 required votes on this topic. this vote authorized the COS to move forward with the ordinance and bring it for a final vote at the July 11 Council Meeting. Mr. Welch advised that public notices of this situation were to be published in county newspapers as well as at City Hall. A number of citizens AGAIN spoke against this situation (Mr. Bryer, Ms. Flynn, Mr. Steinberg, Mr. Espada, etc.) ....

reminding City Council that it was the citizens right to vote on this critical matter and that Rep. Steve Davis had informed them (at the previous Work Session) that it was illegal and unconstitutional to do so! Mr. Gordon Gilbert, husband of Councilwoman Gilbert, spoke that the situation had been caused by the Mayor, himself. Please connect to this important link from the Henry Daily Herald for more details on what transpired:

FOLKS: CITY COUNCIL IS GOING TO FORMALLY VOTE FOR THIS CHANGE ON JULY 11! WE NEED TO IMMEDIATELY COMMUNICATE WITH THESE PEOPLE BY PHONE, EMAIL, FAX OR ANY OTHER APPROPRIATE MEANS. 9) Smith, Welch, Webb & White presented a resolution to move the Working Session Date to the last Thursday of the month from the 1st Monday of each month. This is another dumb move as City Council had previously voted, not 6 months prior, to have these sessions on the 1st Monday. The vote passed 3-1 with Mr. Alarcon dissenting. The reason behind this change was that Mr. Andy Welch, the city attorney, had a conflict with attending city of Locust Grove Meetings which also occurs on the 1st Monday of each month. SO, SIMPLY PUT, THE 20,000+ CITIZENS OF STOCKBRIDGE WERE TOLD TO CHANGE THEIR DATE TO ACCOMMODATE THE ATTORNEY WHO REPRESENTS THE CITY. S-W-W-W COULD EASILY HAVE ANOTHER LAWYER ATTEND THE WORKING SESSIONS AND THEN MR. WELCH APPEAR AT THE FULL COUNCIL MEETINGS.

The Citizen posed queries to Representative Andy Welch. His responses are below. Earlier this year the matter of changing the Stockbridge City Charter arose in the legislature as Senate Bill 189 (SB 189) and it passed the state senate. When SB 189 was forwarded to the House of Representatives certain changes and additions were made. In order for the Bill to return to the Senate for a final vote it needed passage in the House. The Bill stalled in the House and became moot in the 2011 session of the General Assembly. It is noted that Rep. Andy Welch recused himself and did not vote on the Bill.

Thank you for your e-mail and questions. Citizen newsletter ....

To answer the questions you posed to me for The

1) As city attorney and State Representative in the Henry delegation, how do you answer the issue of conflict of interest? I am a Representative of the 110 District in the Georgia General Assembly. The District I represent does not include the City of Stockbridge, and I am not a member of the delegation that represents the City of Stockbridge. I am a partner in the law firm Smith Welch Webb & White; and both I and attorneys in the law firm provide legal representation to City of Stockbridge. 2) How is it legal for the city council to proceed with this matter with the delegation failing to pass anything in this session? How can a City ordinance change state law? Under both the Georgia Constitution and laws adopted by the Georgia General Assembly, the City of Stockbridge has "home rule" authority to adopt ordinances. Specifically, Section 36-35-3(b) of Official Code of Georgia authorizes the City to amend its Charter and requires such amendment in the form of an ordinance. Hope that helps. Andy Welch

SHIRLEY TYREE commented on

Regional transportation: Doubts surface among local-level leadership

Some of the same metro Atlanta officials who put together wish lists of projects for next years transportation sales tax referendum dont think the tax stands a chance. LARRY STANLEY ?The sales pitch fails to meet reality. Sold as the panacea that will cure our transportation and economic woes, reason is lost in explaining how greater taxation can do the trick. A 10-year, multi-billion dollar transfer of wealth is insane. SHIRLEY TYREE Larry I tried to figure out what good it was going to be. I am new at this so I thought everything had to have a plan with return on investment. I can't see it so I guess I will ask for another explanation. Maybe government is different but maybe they should think like me. A bridge to nowhere has no return o the money invested. 1,000 dollars do I get 7% return or what? Let me know if I need to rephrase it or what? Maybe they should think like me. LARRY STANLEY Shirley, the theory is that spending a few $Billion on road projects, light (and passenger) rail and a lot on right of way acquisitions and utility relocation will draw new business to the target area. And therefore jobs. Whatever new biz is drawn along Hwy 155 into Spalding will be retail - not much help in terms of making a living wage. The rest is a pipe dream and feeding the addiction of government to our money. Henry County's wish list has no return on investment.

Thank you for your support & participation Over 15,600 Views at / Over 4,100 Subscribers

Dear Concerned American, They snickered when I said I came to the U.S. Senate to change Congress. But their laughter stopped when I sponsored the National Right to Work Act to free U.S. workers from forced unionization and break Big Labor's multi-billion dollar political machine forever. President Barack Obama and Big Labor allies in the Senate are now feverishly scheming to bury the National Right to Work Act without a vote.

Cemetery Research Group

So I have a question for you. Will you be the sledgehammer? Your signature on the petition to your Congressman and Senators is what is needed to bust through the opposition and force a vote on the National Right to Work Act.

Signature Broadcasting
This is an opportunity you and I cannot afford to miss. As you know, the right to decide freely whether or not to join a union was taken away from American workers by Congress almost 75 years ago.

Network SBN TV Were all about you!

A result of back-room deals between union bosses and their tax-and-spend Congressional puppets, compulsory unionism provisions in federal law currently empower union officials to: >>>Force nearly 11 million Americans to pay tribute to a union boss to get or keep a job ...

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>>>Brazenly loot union treasuries to fund the election of their handpicked political puppet candidates like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ... >>>Terrorize workers and communities with violent strikes -- where they get away with beatings, arson -- even murder. The National Right to Work Act strikes at the foundations of the union bosses' power.

And here's the thing -- the National Right to Work Act is wildly popular with American voters. In fact, for years polls have shown nearly 80% of Americans think it should be against the law to force workers to pay money to union bosses just to get or keep a job. All you and I have to do is force an up-or-down roll call vote on the National Right to Work Act ... And the American people will do the rest. Many Democrats and more than a few Republicans elected with Big Labor's over $1 billion in forced-dues political cash cower in fear of casting a vote against the National Right to Work Act. What will they do when forced to vote? It's a win-win situation -- either they pass the National Right to Work Act and free American workers or they pay in 2012. It will be a marathon battle. But I will not flinch in the face of opposition and insider attacks. I believe, with your help, this is a fight we will win. And I know it's a fight worth fighting.

Sign the online Petition:

You see, the union bosses fear a vote on the National Right to Work Act more than just about anything else.

299 Jonesboro Road McDonough, GA 30253 (770) 954-9999 Fax: (770) 954-0182

They know it's a losing proposition for them whether the bill passes or not. The fact is for decades union officials have schemed to seize billions of dollars from their "members" and then used it to elect their candidates to protect these privileges. This is how Washington -- from Jimmy Carter to Ted Kennedy to Bill Clinton to Nancy Pelosi to Barack Obama -- got to be what it is today. The National Right to Work Act will turn this entrenched, corrupt Washington order on its head. Every year Big Labor siphons over $8 BILLION from workers' paychecks; mostly from workers who, if they refused to pay, would be fired from their jobs. Union bosses take this eye-popping heap of dough to feed a lifestyle of limousines, penthouses and raw political power. And, my friend, Big Labor's political corruption costs all of us: *Hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts and bloated government spending suck the life out of our economy, rewarding failed businesses like GM and letting union-boss featherbedding and rigged contracts rocket the cost of schools, hospitals and roads through the roof. *Millions more good-paying jobs destroyed or driven overseas as union czars cripple America's bedrock industries with wasteful work rules, hate-the-boss propaganda and violent strikes. *You and all Americans robbed of your wealth as the economy stays in recession and the price of cars, gasoline and groceries climbs upwards. *Small businesses strangled with red tape and bureaucracy designed by greedy union flunkies to kill companies too small for so-called union organizing. That's why it's crucial you sign the petitions today and, if possible, make a generous contribution to the National Right to Work Committee.

Sign the online Petition:

Rand Paul, M.D. U.S. Senator

Best GOP Field of Our Lifetimes

By Rod D. Martin

The legacy media the folks who in 2008 gloated openly about being in the tank for Obama while their viewers and readers melted away before our eyes tells us that the Republican presidential field is horribly weak, unknown, uninspiring. Already, I hear plenty of Republicans agreeing. The first rule of success surely must be this: dont take advice from people who hate you. Legacy media preaches that conservatives are extremists, and the fringe of the Republican Party. Gallup, however, tells a different story. Conservatives outnumber liberals in America by more than two-to-one, 42% to 20%. Not only that, Reagan conservatives make up 70% of the GOP, while self-identified liberals are just 3%. And the most conservative group of candidates in modern history won a record-shattering numbers of seats in 2010, with the enthusiastic support of two-thirds of Americas independents. It seems almost superfluous to note that while Reagan conservatism won 49 states in 1984; the watered-down sort has won significantly less, and yet no Democrat has won more than 32 states in modern times. What is not superfluous is that conservatives consistently refuse to turn out for candidates they dont trust (Ford 76, Bush 92, Dole 96, McCain 08), and after the Republican implosion of 2006-08 and the Tea Party revolution of 2010, not turning out is less a possibility than a third party split.

June 13, 2011: From left, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Rep. Ron Paul, RTexas, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and businessman Herman Cain stand on stage before a Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire.

Ignore the outliers: Mitt Romney, the media-anointed front-runner, a dead man walking unless he can swallow his gargantuan pride and convincingly renounce what Tim Pawlenty has called ObamneyCare; and Ron Paul, whose positions on defense and inability to smile ensure his permanent marginal status in the GOP. Both will prove non-factors, though either would be vastly superior to Barack Obama or many Republican nominees past. If what we need is commitment to principle, weve never had better. The candidate with the most liberal record in the field Romney swears on stacks of Bibles that hes one of us. The rest of the field doesnt have to: their records are clear enough. If what we need is articulate spokesmen, well, the entire field is light years beyond George W. Bush (as my wife might say, bless his heart). And if what we need is passion, just listen to Herman Cain or Sarah Palin; but honestly, in this group, only Tim Pawlenty seems truly subdued. If its dynamic new approaches we need, this is your year. Here, Pawlenty leads the pack with his economic plan, headlined by a long-needed goal not just for deficit-reduction-this or spending-reduction-that but for an actual U.S. economic growth target of 5% per year and an actual plan to achieve it! If America hopes just to stay even with China and India in this century, it must grow and stretch in ways it hasnt in decades, but our politicians in both parties accept relative decline as inevitable. History teaches its anything but, and Pawlentys plan actually calls us to the fight. Maybe its experience we need, or at least more experience than a community organizer. Michele Bachmann, leader of the House Tea Party Caucus, is one of the nations leading tax attorneys, a successful business owner, the mother of five and foster mother of 23 children. Herman Cain played a key role in the defeat of HillaryCare in the 1990s, led Godfathers Pizza out of bankruptcy to great success, and was chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Rick Santorum, after two terms in the U.S. Senate, is one of the nations top thinkers on

Islamofascism and foreign policy. And Rick Perry comes with all the benefits of Mitt Romney and none of the socialize medicine. Will any of them be Ronald Reagan? No. But its time to stop waiting for Godot. We needed Ronald Reagan once, when our best Congressional leaders were Rockefeller Republicans (todays RINOs) and when no one imagined a Republican majority was possible in their lifetime. Today we need hundreds of Reagans, working in concert and remaking everything they touch. Thats what we elected in 2010. Thats what we must elect in 2012. And pin up a picture of this presidential field, throw a dart at it, and whoever it hits will be a leader who can take up the mantle and lead them. This is truly, finally our year.
Rod D. Martin, founder of The Vanguard Project, is a leading futurist, technology entrepreneur and conservative activist from Destin, Florida.

Sen. John Douglas Social Circle, GA Gov Perry (R-Texas) is my candidate for President, message to Republicans: Stand up and stop apologizing! I love it, go Rick!!!

Debbie McCord Aiken, South Carolina Just got in from New Orleans & RLC a couple of hours ago. Rick Perry was fantastic again this year! Of all the participants, he & Herman Cain received the best and most positive responses from the audience. While many "liked" Bachmann, I heard a lot of comments that she was cheerleading and had little true content in her speech. Newt was very detailed & had almost too much content. Lots of discussion after the sessions about Perry-Bachmann or Cain-Bachman being good options for 2012.

What about our Next BoC Chairman?

There is talk around Henry County concerning the next Chairman of the board of commissioners. We already hear names getting tossed around. There are at least two citizen groups working to formulate strategy and campaign financing.

It is, for many, a foregone conclusion that Elizabeth BJ Mathis will be Done In One. In 2012 we will elect or re-elect the chairman and commissioners from Districts 1, 2 and 3. It is always a question whether an incumbent commissioner will seek another term in office. But we can rest easily that Warren Holder, District 1, may not run again. It is also likely that Randy Stamey may not run again for District 3. These are sure bets if you rest easily on maybe and maybe not. The Citizen is not privy to Warren Holders secret thoughts. But knowing that Warren has 16 years on the board and has never met a successful challenger says a lot. The District 1 seat is his if he wants it. Warren Holder has served Henry County over thirty-three years in various positions. He is eligible for a retirement

pension, and he may retire. If he so chooses, the door will be wide open for already-announced challenger Wayne Seguin. Randy Stamey was the first yes, first commissioner elected to a second concurrent term in District 3. The folks in D-3 have a history of bouncing out the incumbent, in favor of a new face, every four years. But not with Randy. He has served well and there is not even a hint of any serious contender. The District 3 seat is his to lose. In District 2 Fred Auletta was elected in 2010 and took office January 1, 2011. He will fill the unexpired term of Rick Jeffares, who resigned to seek a Georgia Senate seat. Fred has shown string business acumen and willingness to serve his constituents. He is accessible. And he listens! No doubt Fred will seek a full, four-year term and he will win the seat. Lets get back to the Chairmans seat. From the beginning BJ Mathis has maintained a love-hate relationship with the citizens. She first sought office on a platform of reigning in those shifty developers. Yet, before the economic travails hit, she enjoyed campaign contributions from those dastardly folks. One of her friends has been sued by his business partners, alleging that he converted about $25 Million to personal use. Although BJ Mathis has tried to secure county deals for him, another well known friend is caught in the construction down-turn. Even with her step-fathers contacts at Henry Medical Center, it is suspected that the merger with Piedmont Hospital will change the landscape there. Mathis pitched and used eminent domain to take the Nash Farm property from one of those evil developers. And then she had to prove its historical significance with a bogus rewrite of history concerning the Battle of Lovejoys Station. Mathis really, really tried to help another friend with property near Tara Field airport. At first she pitched the county purchasing about 97 acres and floating bonds to finance a movie studio. Oops. That deal fell through on its faulty premises, and the fact that property was already under heavy mortgage. Even a pet project Life Management was designed to pay off her campaign treasurers daughter, and was rejected by the judicial system. The judges so disliked the program they maintained their own independent counseling service. In the 2011-12 budget the Mathis-created county department was finally de-funded. Another poorly conceived scheme bit the dust. Mathis now sits as one of the six Brahmins on the Round Table for T-SPLOST. She must be a cheerleader for the 10-year, multi-$Billion dollar tax. But she came up with such unworkable target projects for Henry County there is little hope the referendum will pass here. Check out recent issues of The Citizen to read about how widening US Hwy 42 would be grossly under funded and could not possibly be completed in the 10-year span. Her west-side access road does not even meet criteria as a project of regional impact. Again, Mathis has tried to seek another 15 minutes of fame in another poorly planned and doomed fiasco. BJ Mathis never met a tax she did not like, and never failed to promote bonded debt to finance her friends, and never hesitated to carelessly throw around our tax dollars. Henry Voters are just not that stupid. We cannot afford another Mathis term in office. So, readers, please speak up. Toss out a name or two. Who should serve as the next Chairman of the Henry BoC? Please send email to with your thoughts.

The Citizen Newsletter is provided by Henry Citizens for Responsible Government Larry Stanley, Editor Please report broken links or other problems
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