Is This Destined To Be The School of Tomorrow

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Imagine what will your classroom be in the future.

Write a reflection paper/essay about

your classroom in the future.

Is this destined to be the school of tomorrow?

Where does all of the knowledge regarding technology use in the classroom that

has accumulated over the course of the semester go from here? My class was asked to

come up with questions on the future of classrooms and education throughout the

previous several classes. This practice made me realize how different education is now

than it was ten years ago, and how quickly changes in our present classroom paradigm

will occur. With the end of the semester approaching, my initial views on future

classrooms were superficial and mediocre at delving further into what the future holds

for education. However, as the inquiries from classmates began to come in, my curiosity

was piqued, and I began to wonder what changes the future would bring. I was only

thinking about how a classroom's outward look may change at first.

I had never given the classrooms of the future much thought, and I suppose this

is because when I imagine a classroom that I would teach in in the future, it looks

exactly like the one I remember from elementary school. I assumed that, despite the

fact that many years had gone since my time as a student, the location and the people

were still the same. In evaluating my assumptions, I've realized that my vision of future

classrooms is more impractical than I originally thought. With little to no change in the

arrangement of a classroom, I anticipate that changes in technology usage and

availability will occur. Additionally, classroom technology will need to evolve to be all-
inclusive, meaning that even kids with visual or aural impairments will be able to use the

technology. While this assumption may be correct, it is impossible to predict how the

problem will be resolved in the short or distant future, but I am hopeful that schools will

make the necessary improvements to assist children thrive. Throughout this lecture, I

appreciated hearing what my classmates had to say or ask concerning future

classrooms. I was able to connect my knowledge of how to effectively change my

teaching style to cater to the development of different learners and how to change my

classroom in such a way that will spark interest and awe from students while learning

about the potential classrooms of the future have with my knowledge of how to

effectively change my teaching style to cater to the development of different learners

and how to change my classroom in such a way that will spark interest and awe from

students while learning about the potential classrooms of the future.

This experience gave me the courage to think about the adjustments I could

make in my future classroom. Education will need to grow in tandem with society as it

continues to evolve and require new methods to learn and explore the world. new I

decided to gamify my own topic with a group, primarily because it was assigned, but

also because it was interesting and fun. I realized during the activity that education may

be both interesting and informative, after contemplating the vast range of topics linked

with what education and classrooms might become. I feel that this will be even more

true in the future, because schools must give children with a secure area to engage with

others and share their thoughts, and I believe that the educational community is

beginning to recognize and take steps to provide this essential space.

I wish to provide my students access to a maker space and use it through

project-based learning in order to generate a chain reaction in whatever school I am

given the opportunity to teach in. A maker space is a place filled with creative features

that allows kids to explore their imaginations further while also having full access to a

range of resources to execute projects. This area is a relatively new addition to many

primary school library centers, and it is an illustration of how both teaching and learning

are on the verge of irreversible change. By encouraging students to be creative and

experimental in their learning habits, project-based learning effectively utilizes the

space. I wish to foster a passion of learning in my future classroom by incorporating

fresh teaching strategies and classroom experiences.

After fully engaging myself in pondering what might change in future classrooms,

I've come to the conclusion that embracing technology advancements and incorporating

them into my future classroom might be the greatest approach to ensure that I'm

meeting the requirements of my students. Having the ability to adapt to change is vital in

life, and giving kids the opportunity to see change and be able to keep up with it is one

of the reasons why technology-assisted instruction is beneficial. By accepting the

changes that the future may bring, I intend to instill in my students a sense of

confidence that will last long beyond their classroom experience.

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