Abcde: in Iowa, A Contest of Contrasts

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Iran seeks GOP

closer ties readies
in Latin
America its plan
Ahmadinejad’s visit of attack
will underscore plans to
gain foothold in West OPERATIVES SCOUR
2012 strategy is to use
Iran is quietly seeking to ex- his words against him
pand its ties with Latin America in
what U.S. officials and regional
experts say is an effort to circum- BY P ETER W ALLSTEN
vent economic sanctions and gain
access to much-needed markets With Republican voters in
and raw materials. Iowa set to finally begin picking a
The new diplomatic offensive, nominee to challenge President
which comes amid rising tensions Obama, GOP officials in Wash-
with Washington and European ington are quietly and methodi-
powers, includes a four-nation cally finishing what operatives
swing through South and Central are calling “the book” — 500
America this month by Iranian pages of Obama quotes and video
President Mahmoud Ahmadine- links that will form the backbone
jad. His government has vowed to of the party’s attack strategy
increase its economic, political against the president leading up
and military influence in the Unit- to Election Day 2012.
ed States’ back yard. The document, portions of
The visit reinforces recent com- which were reviewed by The
mitments by Iran to invest mil- Washington Post, lays out how
lions of dollars in economic devel- GOP officials plan to use Obama’s
opment projects for the region, Charlotte Soboroff, 6, and her brother Henry, 2, draw in the condensation on a window Friday at a coffee shop in Washington, Iowa. words and voice as they build an
from a mining joint venture in argument for his defeat: that he
Ecuador to factories for petro-
chemicals and small-arms ammu-
nition in Venezuela.
Iran has also dramatically ex-
In Iowa, a contest of contrasts made specific promises and en-
tered office with lofty expecta-
tions and has failed to deliver on
panded its diplomatic missions
throughout the hemisphere and
The view from ‘American optimism’? Republican officials say they
will leverage the party’s newly
dispatched members of its elite this Washington From Ron Paul, catalogued video library contain-
Quds Force — the military unit doesn’t look so bad it’s the opposite. ing every publicly available utter-
U.S. officials in October linked to a ance from Obama since his 2008
foiled assassination plot in Wash- BY E LI S ASLOW BY N IA- M ALIKA campaign. Television and Inter-
ington — to serve in its embassies, IN WASHINGTON, IOWA H ENDERSON net ads will juxtapose specific
U.S. officials and Iran experts say. IN DES MOINES Obama promises of job gains,

The importance of Ahmadine- t is the final day of his best homeowner assistance, help for

jad’s visit was underscored last year at work, and Keith La- t nearly every event, Ron people in poverty, lower health
week by Iran’s state-owned Press zar, 62, settles into his corner Paul begins on a high insurance premiums and stricter
TV, which said promotion of “all- office at the community bank. note. He generally White House ethics standards
out cooperation with Latin Ameri- He eats a doughnut with a fork smiles, introduces a member of against government data and
can countries is among the top and turns on an instrumental his family, talks up his cam- news clippings that paint a differ-
priorities of the Islamic Republic’s CD titled “Relaxation.” Outside paign and says how pleased he ent reality.
foreign policy.” his office window, the town is with the way things are The decision by GOP officials
Iran has dispatched a stream of square is bustling with proof of going. to finalize a strategy at this stage
lower-ranking officials to the re- his impact during the past 12 And then, for the next 45 underscores the view, in both
gion in recent months. Ah- months: trucks financed by his minutes or so, he outlines a parties, that the general-election
madinejad granted a live inter- loans, restaurants expanding be- Keith Lazar’s bank in Washington, Iowa, had a record year. And view of the world so bleak it campaign has begun — even if an
view Dec. 13 with Venezuela’s cause of his savings advice and the town has prospered, too. Unemployment there is at 4 percent. would make Chicken Little official Republican nominee has
state-owned broadcaster TeleSUR small businesses created with sound like an optimist. not been selected.
in which he hailed the close ties his support. “How’s it going?” by the corn and soybean fields of There will be a total collapse
between the two countries and The first customer of the day “Couldn’t be better,” Lazar eastern Iowa? This is the Wash- of the economy. An eruption of strategy continued on A6
boasted of Iran’s advances in mili- arrives at 8:20 a.m., 40 minutes says. “Life is good.” ington with a 4 percent unem- violence in the streets. Martial
tary technology, including un- before the bank is scheduled to Life is good. It has become ployment rate, with record- law is just around the corner. A final push before
manned drones. open. It’s a hog farmer wearing Lazar’s default greeting, the breaking hog and cattle produc- Paul says he would like to cut the Iowa caucuses
overalls and work boots, another motto he inscribed on the wall of tion, with a new high school and $1 trillion out of the budget. With rising poll numbers, Santorum
iran continued on A10 longtime customer enjoying a his kitchen and printed on a $6 million library, with a news- “People say that means ev- gets some extra attention from the
record year. He wants to apply T-shirts to distribute at family paper that doesn’t bother to erybody will suffer,” he adds. news media — and from Romney. A6
Iran reports strides for a loan so he can expand his gatherings. What could be better print a crime blotter, with heat- Some probably will, he con-
on missiles, nuclear fuel operation again. Lazar opens the at the beginning of 2012 in this ed sidewalks in front of the bank cedes, but “they should have to The right and Romney
The claims come as the United States door and waves him inside. other city called Washington, a Conservative leaders see the front-
imposes sanctions and the European “Hiya, Keith,” the farmer says. rural town of 7,200 surrounded iowa continued on A8 paul continued on A7 runner as the likely nominee and
Union is poised to debate its own. A10 consider the consequences. A7

Virginia targets the bay’s ghostly killers A woman less ordinary

the boat stopped, she tossed a long fish, 950 sea snails known as The indomitable life and mysterious death of a D.C. socialite
Lost crab traps rope lined with hooks overboard whelks and 430 black sea bass
and yanked it. “It’s got something! were killed. BY J OSH W HITE Viola Drath, Drath’s successes and ride them to
take toll on wildlife in It’s heavy,” Cheryl Hogge said. “It’s like a feeding machine,” 91, was found social status and importance, sev-
Chesapeake and rivers Be warned: This is a ghost story. said state Department of Natural Viola Herms Drath had been to at her home in eral people who knew the couple
A hidden killer haunts marine life Resources Secretary Doug Dom- the Blue Star Mothers convention August, and said.
in the Chesapeake Bay and its enech, who recently sailed with the week of Aug. 8, and she spoke her second Drath’s second husband, Al-
BY D ARRYL F EARS tributaries: tens of thousands of the Hogges to see firsthand how excitedly about an upcoming fam- husband has brecht Gero Muth, 47, has been
baited crab traps left behind by the program partly overseen by ily dinner at the Prime Rib on been charged charged with beating and stran-
gloucester point, va. — Un- watermen each year. his agency works. “Animals get K Street and her great-grand- in her death. gling her in their Q Street home in
der the murky waters of the York These “ghost pots” capture le- stuck and can’t get out. So they . . . daughter’s first birthday. She was Northwest Washington. In court
River, an eerie blur appeared sud- gions of crabs, eels, terrapins, fish, become bait for the next animal pleased that, even at 91 years old, fashion, travel and Georgetown recently, Muth, who has claimed
denly on Edward Hogge’s sonar, muskrats and even an occasional that comes.” her calendar was so full. life with the ease and style of to be a general in the Iraqi army
near where his 40-foot deadrise duck, leaving them to die. For Watermen in Virginia are li- But by the end of the week, she someone decades younger. She and a spy for several countries
boat sailed about a mile offshore three years starting in 2008, more censed to set about 300,000 crab was found dead. still had dreams and aspirations. was granted the right to represent
on a cool December morning. than 22,000 blue crabs, male and pots each year. About 20 percent Drath was determined not to But by Aug. 12, Drath’s remark- himself at trial.
Hogge made a hard right turn. female, were found dead in ghost — 60,000 — are lost, according to let her age, or anything else for able life had been hijacked by a Drath’s friends, co-workers and
“I’m going back to get it,” he said. pots collected by watermen such a Virginia Institute of Marine Sci- that matter, slow her down. Her man described by those close to acquaintances described the
He called out to his wife and first as the Hogges under a federal and ence estimate. The certain toll of wits sharp and her health steady, her as an eccentric opportunist. Muth-Drath marriage as a quint-
mate, Cheryl. “All right, honey, get state program that pays for their Drath navigated the worlds of More than 40 years her junior, the
your gloves on. Get ready!” When work. About 2,600 oyster toad- pots continued on A5 journalism, foreign policy, art, man had looked to piggyback on drath continued on A4



New Year’s baby is Our lopsided moon A gentle milestone A note to readers
a precious surprise Just-arriving probes will test Fifty years ago, “The Snowy Starting Tuesday, the index in
At 12:12 a.m., the Bonafedes the theory of an early crash Day” introduced young this space will be replaced by a
of Upper Marlboro had their with a second moon. A5 readers to a black hero. C1 comprehensive digest of the
baby girl two weeks early. B4 day’s most important news. The
summary is just one of several
A nickel a bag A striving N. Korea? Health programs die new enhancements aimed at
Montgomery County’s new tax In its message for the new Inaction by Congress means improving navigation and
for the new year comes as a year, Pyongyang vows to Texas and other states will showcasing some of our most
surprise to many shoppers. B1 push for prosperity. A9 close consumer hotlines. A3 widely read content. Details, A2

BUSINESS NEWS..............A11 CROSSWORD.....................C8 KIDSPOST..........................C8 OBITUARIES.......................B4

CLASSIFIEDS......................E1 EDITORIALS/LETTERS ..... A14 LOTTERIES.........................B3 TELEVISION ....................... C4 Printed using recycled fiber 6 6 0 2 The Washington Post
COMICS ............................. C6 FED PAGE.........................A13 MOVIES..............................C5 WORLD NEWS....................A9 Details, B2 Year 135, No. 28

Politics & Nation

Texas health insurance hotline is casualty of inaction on Hill A3

The World
Not just standing on the sidelines A9
The Monday Fix

Romney has best odds in Iowa, but Santorum has the momentum
he Iowa caucuses are
In less than 48 hours, HAPPENED TO
Republicans will gather across REPUBLICANS
the Hawkeye State to pick the Sen. Ben Nelson
man or woman they think (D-Neb.)
should be the next president. announced he
At this point, there’s not would not seek
much left for the candidates — reelection. The GOP already had
or the reporters who cover a good chance of knocking off the
them — to do but wait and two-term incumbent and former
wonder. Now, the Fix isn’t a governor, just by virtue of
betting man, but there is no Nebraska’s conservatism. But
better way to wile away the with Nelson retiring, the GOP’s
hours between now and chances of taking the seat have
Tuesday night than to do a bit improved. Republicans now have
of odds-setting. a great chance to take open
Below are the odds we give seats in Nebraska and North
each candidate in Iowa. The Dakota, where another Democrat
numbers are based on is retiring in a conservative state,
conversations with strategists and they need just four seats to
for many of the contenders, take a majority (or three if they
independent poll figures and a also win the presidency).
little bit of historical context
sprinkled in for taste.
Mitt Romney (even): The
“You people disappoint me on Tuesday, you don’t do BEST THING THAT
former Massachusetts governor what you’re supposed to do for Mitt Romney, I will be DEMOCRATS
Starting Tuesday, we are Page A2. is the best bet to win the President Obama’s
making several enhancements to Page A2 also will feature caucuses because he is the only back Jersey-style, people.” approval rating got
The Washington Post aimed at commentary and analysis each candidate aggressively New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), stumping in Iowa for Romney’s back into positive
improving navigation and day from our columnists and competing for the presidential campaign. territory. The Gallup
showcasing some of our most bloggers. Among those whose mainstream/establishment vote daily tracking poll, for the first
widely read content. work will appear are chief in the state. The five others in time since June, showed
On weekdays, we will publish correspondent Dan Balz, the race are trying to emerge as Obama’s approval rating higher
a digest of the day’s news across managing editor the social-conservative/tea party BY THE NUMBERS
than his disapproval rating. Forty-
the bottom of Page A1. Together Chris Cillizza and Melinda choice.
with the other stories on the
page, the digest will ensure you
Henneberger, all writing on
politics; Ezra Klein, writing on
Although more social
conservatives than mainstream
15 percent Where Rick Santorum fell in the last Des
Moines Register poll before Tuesday’s
caucuses, putting him in third place. But the
seven percent said they
approved of the job Obama is
doing, while 45 percent
get a quick, comprehensive economics and policy; and Dana Republicans participate in the former Pennsylvania senator was at 21 percent with voters polled over the last disapproved. It’s not a huge
summary of the most important Milbank, offering his popular caucuses, the fracturing of the two days of the survey, a sign that his eleventh-hour surge is real. The question uptick in the president’s fortunes,
news. On Mondays, we will sketches of life in Washington. evangelical vote means that is whether it came too late. but it does suggest he has gotten
include a look ahead at what We are also updating the look of Romney’s 25 percent could be
events or announcements are
likely to make news in the
their columns.
Readers can e-mail ideas@
enough (or close to enough) to
win the nomination. (He 2 The number of candidates who managed to get on the Republican
presidential primary ballot in Virginia, due to newly stringent enforcement
of a requirement that each candidate hand in 10,000 valid signatures. Only
some mileage out of blaming
congressional Republicans for
their role in prolonging legislative
coming week. We will also with questions or received 25 percent in the Iowa battles, including the payroll tax
Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney
introduce a daily look ahead on concerns. caucuses in 2008 and lost to extension.
made it on, but the remaining candidates are still looking for ways to compete
former Arkansas governor
in the March 6 primary — with Rick Perry suing to get on the ballot. — Rachel Weiner and Aaron Blake
Mike Huckabee by nine
points.) Dollars spent on campaign ads airing on Iowa’s
Romney and his team know
that a victory in Iowa followed
3.5 million top two television stations in the last quarter.
While for months debates fueled the primary more than ads did, in the past two
The Washington Post is committed to correcting errors that appear in the by another in New Hampshire weeks television spots --- especially negative ones, more prevalent this year —
newspaper. Those interested in contacting the paper for that purpose can: would all but lock up the have helped shape and reshape the race.
E-mail: nomination for him, so he is
Call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be connected to the desk involved — National, pushing — hard.
Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports, Business or any of the weekly sections. Rick Santorum (4-1): A Des
The ombudsman, who acts as the readers’ representative, can be reached by Moines Register poll released
calling 202-334-7582 or e-mailing Saturday night made plain that the former senator from wisdom holds that if turnout in last year.
Pennsylvania is the momentum the caucuses is low (less than Although Perry is, at best, a
candidate. Although he took 100,000) it’s good for Paul, socially conservative spoiler for
15 percent overall in the four- there’s also a case to be made the likes of Santorum at this
day survey, he was at 21 percent that high turnout (120,000 or point, he will almost certainly
in the final two days — a sign more) might be even better. The be remembered as a “what
that he is peaking in the waning more nontraditional might have been” candidate. His
moments. Republicans who decide to vote profile — and ability to raise
The key for Santorum is how Tuesday (Iowa has same-day money — should have made him
much of the vote he can peel off registration), the better for Romney’s main competition
other socially conservative Paul. nationally and the front-runner
candidates — most notably Newt Gingrich (20-1): If the in Iowa. Instead, he’ll be the
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who, caucuses had been held Dec. 3, latest reminder that candidates
despite major spending in Iowa, Gingrich would have won. But and the campaigns they run
doesn’t appear to be rising fast his baffling pledge not to go matter.
enough. negative combined with his Michele Bachmann (50-1):
Ron Paul (5-1): The inability to raise enough money Need a sign of how fluid this
congressman from Texas has to compete with his rivals (and race has been? The
the most reliable base — their affiliated super PACs) on congresswoman from
between 15 percent and television doomed his chances Minnesota was the Iowa front-
19 percent — in the field. But over the past month. runner when she won the Ames
his ability to grow beyond that Gingrich has insisted that Straw Poll in mid-August. A
has always been very much up South Carolina is where he will little more than four months
in the air, and it’s even more so make his stand, but if he later, she is the heavy favorite to
now as Paul has come under finishes outside of the top three finish last in the caucuses.
withering attack from the likes in Iowa it might be hard for him Bachmann’s inability to raise
of former House speaker Newt to raise more money and stay money has badly hamstrung
Gingrich (Ga.) and Rep. Michele viable through the Palmetto her, and she has been a
Bachmann (Minn.). Both State’s Jan. 21 primary. shadowy presence on Iowa
Bachmann and Gingrich have Rick Perry (25-1): The Texas airwaves over the past month.
painted Paul not only as outside governor’s inability to gain any If she does come in sixth
the mainstream of Republican real traction despite Tuesday night, it’s hard to
Party thought, which he is, but outspending all of his rivals in imagine her staying in the race
also as potentially dangerous if the Hawkeye State reveals just through the Jan. 10 New

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Cuccinelli reverses his stance
We pay up to $100,000 in closing costs*—you
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leaders to attempt to make joint motion asking the panel to
Apply online and get a decision within minutes Virginia Attorney General Ken changes in time for the 2012 add them to the ballot or take no
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First 60 3.25% 3.004% $1,958.43 Ron Paul (Texas) met the require- midstream is inconsistent with must uphold the law as it was
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cinelli said Saturday that he ticularly sensitive to as Virginia’s issues of public policy often or
would seek to get more names attorney general.” lightly,” Cuccinelli said. “But
added to the ballot. The state requires 10,000 sig- when convinced that my position

Payments shown do not include taxes or insurance, actual payments may be All rates and offers as of December 29, 2011 for new applications only, for But in a statement Sunday, he natures to get on the ballot. Those is wrong, I think it necessary to
greater. Example based on $450,000 loan. Rate is variable and can increase a limited time, and subject to change without notice. *Closing cost offer is said he would seek a change in circulating petitions must be eli- concede as much and adjust ac-
by no more than 2 percentage points every 5 years with a lifetime maximum limited to $100,000 per loan. If application is withdrawn or does not close, the the requirements for future elec- gible or registered Virginia vot- cordingly.”
adjustment of 5% (8.25% for this example). Since the index in the future is borrower pays all applicable fees.For New York properties borrowers are required tions only. ers. Former House speaker Newt
unknown, the First Adjusted Payments displayed are based on the current index to pay title insurance premiums and may use any title company to
In the end, Cuccinelli said try- Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick
plus the margin (fully indexed rate) as of the stated effective date. obtain the closing cost credit of up to $100,000. Restrictions apply
ing to make immediate changes Perry said the requirements were Staff writer Anita Kumar contributed
to existing PenFed mortgage borrowers. Other restrictions also apply.
would not be fair to the Romney unfair, and Perry is suing to get on to this report.


Texas health insurance hotline DIGEST

is casualty of inaction on Hill

be to get additional funding going program. “To walk away now
Without new funding, forward,” said Christine Barber, a from the investment, that seems
senior policy analyst with Com- really counterproductive, given
states face decisions on munity Catalyst, a Boston-based that we’re now getting closer to
program in 2010 law community advocacy group that 2014. I would think these pro-
has worked with many of the new grams would be needed more
programs. than ever.”
BY S ARAH K LIFF Many running the grants ex-
Timing questioned pressed a similar frustration, not
It was a first for Texas: a state Barber and other consumer ad- only over investing in a program
office devoted to consumers vocates say the funding could not that would be dismantled so
struggling to find affordable have run out at a worse time. The quickly but also at increasing con-
health insurance coverage. With federal health reform law has left sumers’ awareness of the new
funds from the federal health more Americans with questions departments, only to lose the ca-
reform law, the Texas Consumer about how health insurance is pacity to handle increased call
Health Assistance Program was changing. Those are likely to in- volumes.
launched last January. crease as the law is expected to Carla Obiol, a deputy commis-
A $2.8 million grant allowed expand coverage to 32 million sioner at the North Carolina De-
the state to hire nine employees to more Americans by 2019. partment of Insurance, is manag-
staff a toll-free hotline. More than “I have a little bit of a night- ing a $1.2 million grant that al-
6,000 Texans called in during the mare about what will happen” lowed the state to create an om-
past year, seeking advice on how when the funding runs out, said budsman office devoted to
to find affordable coverage, or Victoria Veltri, who oversees Con- handling health insurance issues
help filling out an insurance ap- necticut’s grant and is currently that she describes as “consumer
plication, or fighting a denied looking to the state or private assistance on steroids.”
claim. The new employees tra- foundations to continue her pro- “It’s not just about handling FLORIDA
versed the state, hosting more gram. “I won’t stop searching for complaints,” Obiol said. “We’re Female impersonator Gary Marion, dressed as the character Sushi, is lifted high above New Year’s Eve
than 160 events aimed at making funding.” adding an educational element, revelers in a giant red shoe outside the Bourbon Street Pub in Key West, Fla. The shoe drop is a Key West
Texans — a quarter of whom lack Connecticut has run ads on so folks understand they have a tradition to celebrate the arrival of the new year.
insurance — more aware of cover- television and the sides of buses right to appeal [an insurance
age options. letting residents know about its claim denial] and take advantage WASHINGTON afternoon that authorities had The bodies of two men and a
“The grant provided us with services, while Maine has begun of that option.” identified a “strong person of woman were found inside the
the opportunity to . . . actually representing those denied claims She’s frustrated at spending so Park ranger fatally interest” in the slaying. condo. It was not immediately
take the 20 or 30 minutes, or by insurance companies in ap- much time building a department shot after traffic stop Authorities believed the gun- known how they died.
however long, to help someone peals courts. Since the grant start- only to face the prospect of shut- man was still in the woods, with Police said they were not
complete an application,” said ed, Maine Consumers for Afford- ting down. “While we do think A Mount Rainier National weapons. They asked people to looking for a gunman.
Audrey Seldin, senior associate able Care has netted consumers this service is so important,” she Park ranger was fatally shot stay away from the park, and for — Associated Press
commissioner for consumer pro- $23,000 in insurance appeals, said, “Why would we build a great Sunday after a routine traffic those already inside to leave.
tection at the Texas Department with an additional $53,000 on the data system and recruit profes- stop, and authorities closed the — Associated Press DELAWARE
of Insurance, which oversees the line in pending cases. sional folks thinking this is going 368-square-mile park as they
program. “We haven’t lost one yet,” Mia to fold?” searched for the gunman, a park CALIFORNIA Hundreds gather to
But less than a year after it Poliquin Pross, associate director
Looking to other sources
spokeswoman said.
Four found dead witness civil union
opened, the Texas Consumer of the Maine consumer assistance The ranger was identified as
Health Assistance Program is pre- program, said of the claim denials Obiol and many others are Margaret Anderson, 34. She had at seaside condo More than 400 people, in-
paring to shut down, a victim of her two attorneys have appealed. looking to other federal grant set up a vehicle as a roadblock cluding a U.S. senator, wit-
Congress’s inability to agree on a “We would really like to ramp up opportunities to continue parts of on a park road just before the 11 An early-morning New Year’s nessed the first same-sex civil
federal budget for next year. The that portion of the work.” their programs. Funds to build a.m. shooting, park spokeswom- Day shooting left four people union in Delaware. Lawyers
nine employees are likely to be The consumer assistance pro- new health insurance market- an Lee Taylor said. dead at a condominium near Lisa Goodman and Drewry
dismissed in April. The events grams have also served as an places, which will launch in 2014, Ed Troyer, a Pierce County San Diego, authorities said Sun- Fennell were joined in the New
will stop and the toll-free hotline informal monitor of health insur- do include some money for con- sheriff ’s spokesman, said his de- day. Year’s Day union by the Rev.
will redirect to a general consum- ance materials and policies, often sumer assistance, although more partment received a report Police responded to a 911 cell- Patricia Downing, rector of
er assistance number at the Texas tipped off by consumers’ ques- limited in scope. around 11:30 a.m. of shots fired phone call of shots fired in Cor- Trinity Episcopal Church in
Department of Insurance, which tions. Multiple states, including The Department of Health and in the park and a ranger in need onado, a wealthy seaside suburb Wilmington. U.S. Sen. Christo-
deals with all kinds of insurance Massachusetts and New York, Human Services is working with of help. of about 24,000 people on San pher A. Coons (D-Del.) deliv-
and has less expertise in health have reported back to the federal states to explore other sources of When authorities arrived, Diego Bay. ered the sermon.
coverage. government certain insurers that funding to keep their programs Troyer said, they also encoun- Officers found a man in the Goodman and Fennell have
Texas is among the 35 states are out of compliance with a given running. tered gunfire, but no one else doorway of the condo dead from been partners for 14 years.
that received health reform health reform provision, or are Some states have managed to was hit. Troyer said late Sunday an apparent gunshot wound. — Associated Press
grants to build consumer assis- incorrectly advertising their ser- move forward with their pro-
tance programs more than a year vices. grams, even after funding has run
ago. The Affordable Care Act of As many states expect to ex- out. New York’s federal funding
2010 set aside nearly $30 million haust their funds in the spring, ran out at the end of October, but
to fund the program in 2010, they are preparing in different it has continued to run a consum-
which states have used to handle ways. A few, like Texas, have al- er assistance hotline that serves
questions about how to obtain ready decided to shut down their all 62 counties across the state by

affordable health coverage or ap- programs. The Arkansas Depart- using funds from the federal
peal denied insurance claims. ment of Insurance also plans to health exchange grant. In the past

The health reform law also au- shut down its program, reassign- year, it has handled calls from
thorized future funding for the ing two employees funded by the more than 33,000 New Yorkers.
consumer assistance program, grant to new positions. Not all states have applied for
but left it to Congress to appropri- Others are exploring how they health exchange grants, and
ate that money — in contrast to might be able to move forward those that have may use the funds
most other provisions in the law, without federal funding. But the solely to set up the new insurance
which were automatically funded uncertainty of whether or not marketplace.
into the future. When the House that will happen is already taking For many programs, the future
and Senate failed to pass a budget its toll: Massachusetts’s new out- remains less certain.
last year, operating instead on a reach coordinator left when the “We’re exploring all options,”
short-term fix that continued all state could not guarantee she said Kimberly Cammarata, an as-
existing appropriated programs, would have a job next year. sistant attorney general in the
the consumer assistance program “We expected these grants Maryland Consumer Protection
was shut out. would be funded continually,” Division. “The reality is we need
“I don’t know that, while health said Brian Rosman of Health Care these people. I’m cautiously opti-
reform was being debated, any of for Massachusetts, which has run mistic that things will work out.”
us understood how hard it would the state’s consumer assistance

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Overwhelmed by “It was a strange feeling . . .

knowing that my longtime
mate and comrade would not

a deep loneliness
drath from A1
be there . . . never vocally or
physically abuse me.”
weekly in Omaha and later working as an Drath, referring to her second husband
American correspondent for Germany’s
essential Washington story of power and Madame magazine.
influence. But it was a relationship that The style writing required frequent He supported her efforts to work on the
got increasingly dysfunctional as Drath travel to New York, where she circulated 1988 Bush campaign as a foreign policy
got older and Muth got more delusional in the fashion, arts and book worlds and adviser and encouraged her involvement
and demanding, they said. began hobnobbing with celebrities. in memorializing war veterans through
Although a strong and independent “She had about five dimensions,” said the White House Commission on Re-
woman, Drath — widowed after a long Parker Ladd, a friend who met Drath membrance and the Blue Star Mothers.
and loving first marriage — became en- more than five decades ago when she was Drath’s family members generally de-
snared in a two-decade cycle of loneli- covering a New York fashion show his clined to speak about Muth because of the
ness, love, dependence, abuse and recon- partner, Arnold Scaasi, was putting on. criminal case, but they said they ques-
ciliation, her friends and family say. “She was an intellectual. She loved to tioned the need for them to marry and
But Drath never saw it that way. In an dress up, a mid-European style. Hats and over time barely saw him because he did
unpublished and previously undisclosed hair, it was really something. . . . She was a not attend family events.
memoir — called “A Thoroughly Muddled brilliant politician. She was a happy per- “She did things her way. She made her
Marriage: Report of an Inmate” — Drath son, for a German. But there was a seri- own decisions and wasn’t overly con-
acknowledged the many differences be- ousness about her, her daily life and what cerned about what people would say
tween Muth and her. But she also wrote of she was involved in.” about her,” Dwyer said. “We kind of were
a true and genuine love and said the fights Fran Drath, born in 1952, was in awe of two minds about all of this. We have to
all were worth it. her mother, whom she remembered as respect the decisions she makes.”
In lengthy conversations over the past glamorous and fun. She remembered The trouble began not long into their
three months, Drath’s family members Drath banging away on a Remington marriage. Muth was arrested in 1992 and
spoke of a woman they admired and loved typewriter, using only her index fingers. was charged with domestic assault, ulti-
and now sorely miss. They said the way The family also acted a bit differently. mately serving jail time.
she died and the person they think is For vacations, they would use the colo- It was the first of several alleged violent
responsible for her death have overshad- nel’s military position to fly space-avail- outbursts from Muth, usually after drink-
owed her inspiring life. able on military aircraft to Morocco, ing. Drath wrote of a threat in a Scottish
“My mother was not ordinary in any Spain, Germany, Antigua. castle when the two were traveling — she
way, not in the way she lived and not in “It was like a big adventure; she was said she ran down a hall in her underwear
the way she died,” said Connie Dwyer, just loving her life in America,” Fran to escape him — and friends recall several
Drath’s eldest daughter. “She had a very Drath said. “She was involved in the now, times when she would seek help after
interesting life. . . . She said she’d like to embracing what was before her. And they claims of abuse, such as being hit with a
live to 95, but we don’t get to choose when had a really solid marriage. They were chair or threatened.
we die or how we die. Yes, she was robbed. totally in love.” Some of those incidents led to lengthy
There’s no doubt about it. Her day had not breakups. In 2002, after an alleged attack,
really come.” ‘In an empty house’ Muth became romantically involved with
Drath told her family that she truly In 1968, after 21 years in Lincoln, Col. a man and moved into his apartment.
loved Muth, just that it was a different Drath took a job as a legislative liaison To support himself during the breakup,
kind of love affair. Those close to her said with the Selective Service in Washington, Muth worked at an Embassy Suites hotel
that Muth took over much of her life and allowing his wife to jump into Washing- in Foggy Bottom.
that she relented because she didn’t want ton journalism. She quickly snagged a job In her autobiography, Drath wrote that
to be alone. as a political correspondent for Handels- she was cognizant of the situation but was
That could be seen in their Georgetown blatt, Germany’s rough equivalent of the consistently drawn to Muth anyway.
home. Photographs of Drath’s daughters Wall Street Journal. “The bumpy ride was propelled by an
and grandsons graced the living room “He realized that she was quite bril- unchallenged ego, incapable of under-
piano until they gradually were replaced liant and should be somewhere else and standing the dynamics of teamwork, and
by signed head shots of top U.S. generals not Nebraska,” Ladd said. partially steadied by a romantic concept
and a 1989 image of Drath shaking hands The couple bought a house on Q Street of unconditional love on my part,” Drath
with President George H.W. Bush. Beauti- just off Wisconsin Avenue, putting them wrote. “As his dreams of fame and fortune
ful artistic works above the mantel were within walking distance of Georgetown’s faded, the smart kid with the promising
eventually surrounded by military chal- shops and restaurants. potential, the ready smile and witty
lenge coins. Framed family memories on Drath took advantage of the location to asides turned into a frustrated cham-
a wall in the English basement were hit the Tuesday art show openings, and pagne guzzler, a braggart and relentless
pushed aside in favor of letters from she was a regular at the P Street galleries. user. It was a chilling experience to see his
dignitaries and photographs of senators, Family members said she befriended J. small creative deceptions that had fasci-
a Supreme Court justice and foreign offi- Carter Brown, then director of the U.S. nated and amused me during the early
cials. National Gallery of Art, and famed Wash- years of our marriage turning into ever
All to impress a Washington society ington artist Leon Berkowitz. bolder and calculating schemes and
that often trades on influence and con- Journalism gave Drath access to Wash- games teetering on the brink of legality.”
nections. ington’s elite, especially in the areas of Yet amid the domestic abuse and the
politics and art. She pursued a lifelong lies, the couple continued to get back
interest in German reunification and together.
“In an empty house with studied foreign policy.
“She missed having someone in the
“She knew about art and was very house, and she was lonely,” said Helle
nobody to talk to . . . nobody educated,” said Sonia Adler, who edited An article reflects what a friend called Viola Drath’s “five Dale, former editorial page editor at the
Washington Dossier and hired Drath. dimensions.” The journalist, wife of an Army officer and mother, Washington Times, who published
to love!” “She wrote very well. She was wonderful shown in 2004 above left, was known for her sense of style and Drath’s works on foreign policy. “I told her
and one of the real professionals I had.” strong spirit. In a photo from the early 1970s above right, she she should not take this man back, be-
Viola Drath, discussing her grief over the death Warren Adler, Sonia’s husband and holds her grandson. She stayed close to her family to the end. cause he’s dangerous.”
of her first husband author of “War of the Roses” and numer- In 2008, Drath advertised one of her
ous other novels, said Drath was one of rooms on craigslist, hoping to take in a
To see a photo gallery about the Viola Drath case, go to
As police looked through the photo-
graphs Aug. 12, their attention turned to
the most interesting people he met in
“Our conversations were always lively
boarder to have a third person in the
house. The boarder’s room — now Muth’s
study — was next to the bedroom where
Muth. Drath’s body lay lifeless in an and full of knowledge,” Warren Adler Muth and Drath slept in separate beds.
upstairs bathroom, steps from her long- said. “She had a great take on what the into the wee hours of the evening.” ment. Alan Burns, who was starting graduate
time office, where a Blue Star Mothers world was all about, and she also had a After months of teas and phone calls, He wrote that he was “an agent of the school, moved in for $1,000 a month.
conference folder had been tossed on a certain style, which we liked.” Muth showed up unannounced at Drath’s East German foreign intelligence service” Things were great, for a few weeks. One
small couch. Because of her work for Handelsblatt, home in a tuxedo and carrying a bottle of in the early 1980s when he met Drath, Saturday night, Drath busted his door
Muth, authorities allege, had killed Drath was often on Capitol Hill. At a news Moet. He proposed marriage, and she who had been “one of my icons.” open, visibly shaken.
Drath before concocting a story that she conference in the early 1980s, she met an accepted. Muth’s court-appointed defense attor- “She said that he had threatened to hit
was frail and had fallen and hit her head. unpaid intern from Germany, a young In an anecdote that Drath and Muth ney did not return calls seeking comment. her,” Burns said. “I asked her if she
Those who knew Drath said that the man who impressed her with his intelli- told many people over the years, Muth the Prosecutors have labeled Muth a liar, wanted to call the police, and I told her
moment they heard of her passing they gence and wit. They met for dinner at a next day cold-called Supreme Court Jus- saying in court papers that he has con- she should. But she didn’t want to.”
were certain that story could not have Georgetown restaurant, and he would tice Antonin Scalia asking if he would cocted much of his own history — calling “The next day, they just acted like it
been true. pop in on her Georgetown home. Once, he marry him, drawing out the reply: “But himself a spy for various countries, an didn’t happen, which is even more bi-
“She had a lot to look forward to,” sported an eye patch and claimed that he I’m already married.” It was a conversa- Iraqi general, European nobility — all the zarre,” he said.
Dwyer said of her mother. “She did like had gotten in the way of an assassination tion that Drath wrote in her memoir was while unemployed and living on a month- Drath told Burns that she wanted to
drama, and she would have been fascinat- attempt in Paraguay — an eye patch that “the beginning of an animated relation- ly allowance from Drath. rent out a room because she thought it
ed by this. She would have. The attention, Drath would remember in her memoirs ship that lasted many years.” He would walk around his Georgetown would change Muth’s behavior. Burns
the celebrity that comes with this right as “an attention-getting prop.” Instead, Muth used a fictional relation- neighborhood in a uniform detectives say moved out suddenly early one morning
now. She probably wouldn’t have minded It was Albrecht Gero Muth. ship with a senator to persuade a Virginia was made by a tailor in South Carolina, and sent an e-mail to his former hosts
that.” As Drath neared her 66th birthday, she Supreme Court judge to marry the couple carrying a swagger stick, and law enforce- telling them that he was uncomfortable
was dealt the biggest personal blow of her in early 1990. ment officials said he used a Maryland with the situation.
‘A big adventure’ life. On Jan. 11, 1986, Col. Drath died after For the next two decades, Drath’s fam- copy shop to make certificates showing
Viola Herms was born in Dusseldorf in a battle with cancer. They had been mar- ily and friends said, Muth tried to climb that he was an Iraqi general. The Iraqi ‘A strange feeling’
1920, into a family that was doing quite ried nearly 40 years. He was 81. Washington’s social and political ladders, Embassy in Washington has disavowed Ethan and Lindsay Drath had wanted
well for post-World War I Germany. Rela- Gone was Drath’s main support sys- often gaining an advantage from his any connection to Muth, though it is clear their daughter, who celebrated her first
tives recalled stories of drivers and vaca- tem, the man who cooked and handled wife’s status or from carefully crafted from photographs in Drath’s home that birthday on Halloween, to get to know her
tions and boarding school in Scotland. It the finances and did the shopping and stories that usually had a kernel of truth some Iraqi officials attended his events. great-grandmother. Viola Drath lit up
was there that she learned flawless Eng- tended to the spacious back yard. Gone but upon inspection did not hold up. Muth at one point officially changed when she saw her.
lish. was her true love. He threw unusually formal parties, his name to “Count Albi” in a nod to “She was interesting, alive, relevant
A student of art and fashion, she began “It was hard for her,” Fran Drath said. filled with pomp and circumstance and aristocracy. He showed Drath’s family and busy,” Lindsay Drath said. “Even at 91,
her adult life as a playwright. One of her “It was very hard. It turned her world protocol, trying to bring the city’s elite members — and others — a 1999 letter it wasn’t easy to get on her calendar. She
early productions — “Farewell Isabell” — upside down. What scared her the most is together under his auspices — often suc- that purported to be from a relative who was a different kind of 91-year-old.”
reached the stage in Munich in 1946. She that she knew she couldn’t replace him.” cessfully. Generals, top journalists, for- was conferring his title on Muth after Even at 91, Drath was planning for the
wrote newspaper articles for German and Ethan Drath said his grandmother was eign dignitaries and government officials suffering serious physical injury from a future. Even at 91, she was aware that she
Austrian papers and wrote plays that devastated. accepted his invitations to parties at the Q fall off an elephant in Mumbai. was in a volatile relationship but felt
became movie scripts. A stunning beauty, “She was grieving,” he said, “and she Street home and at the Dacor Bacon “I asked her how she could marry him. drawn back to her husband. Even at 91,
she captured her bright blond hair and didn’t know what the next step was.” House in Georgetown. It was so bizarre, I couldn’t understand such blind love and drama can be deadly.
blue eyes in an oil self-portrait that hangs In her autobiographical manuscript, Muth, in e-mails to The Washington it,” Warren Adler said. In her memoir, Drath appears to clear-
in her home. Drath wrote that she was truly alone: “In Post before his arrest in August, said his Muth, according to Drath’s account, ly understand the two sides of her rela-
It was about that time that she met Lt. an empty house with nobody to talk to, relationship with Drath was a “marriage made her feel young, alive and excited. tionship, even if no one else did.
Col. Francis S. Drath, a handsome U.S. nobody to share laughter and tears, no- of convenience” and part of an arrange- They traveled the world, often trading on “It was a strange feeling to mount the
Army officer who was serving as the body to hug, nobody to love!” ment that included a prenuptial agree- embassy contacts Muth cultivated. front steps to my house knowing that my
deputy military governor of Bavaria. In an She vowed to herself never to attend a longtime mate and comrade would not be
autobiographical manuscript that was mate’s funeral again. there, would never hold my hand again,
never published, she wrote of finding him Soon, Muth was again on her Q Street never play the piano for me again and
and a group of Americans on a small doorstep. never vocally or physically abuse me,”
motorboat in the Swiss waters of Lake Drath wrote. “Walking through the rooms
Constance. ‘It was so bizarre’ with mixed emotions I was as scared of an
“I caught the eye of a tall dark-haired Muth was in almost every way the encroaching emptiness as I was relieved to
Colonel with the most soulful brown eyes opposite of the colonel, according to realize that I would never have to be afraid
I had ever seen,” she wrote. “It was love at those close to Drath. He was in his 20s, he of the man whom I once entrusted my life
first sight.” was German, he was outspoken and he and in a perverse way still cared for.”
Col. Drath needed interpreters at his liked to name-drop. He loved to argue Albrecht Gero She wrote that she had no regrets.
headquarters in Munich, and she showed politics and carried a formal European air Muth, Viola “In hindsight, my friends ask, would I
up at his office the next day. It was a about him. He was eccentric. Drath’s second do it again? Most of them shudder when I
whirlwind romance. Within months, they But to Drath, he was charming, atten- husband, has answer: I would,” Drath wrote. “You see, I
married and moved to his home town of tive and fresh. claimed to be a had fallen in love with this man.”
Lincoln, Neb., where she began studying “I was impressed by his natural elo- general in the
for an advanced degree in literature and quence, his polished speech, his grasp of Iraqi army. At
philosophy at the University of Nebraska. affairs of state, of governance and the left, their Q Staff writers Keith L. Alexander, Robert
Once in Nebraska, Drath worked hard intricacies of political chess,” Drath Street home, Barnes, Jenna Johnson, Allison Klein and
to keep a connection with her past by wrote. “Often, after our talks, he sat down where she was Clarence Williams and staff researcher Julie
taking a job with a German language at the baby grand to play and sing for me MARVIN JOSEPH/THE WASHINGTON POST found dead. Tate contributed to this report.

Twin probes may Trap-removal effort in bay nears an end
reveal twin moon pots from A1

dead animals represents those

found in about 28,000 recovered
satisfying. pots, said Kirk J. Havens, director
“There are all these theories out of the Coastal Watersheds Pro-
NASA mission could there,” Asphaug said, “that have gram for the Virginia Institute of
support theory about big warts on them.” Marine Science. A short-lived pro-
Such as: Maybe the front side of gram in Maryland removed 6,000
lumpy lunar backside the moon was terribly unlucky, ghost pots, he said.
flattened by seven or eight big The Chesapeake’s iconic blue
BY B RIAN V ASTAG space rocks. The problem: Aster- crabs have enough problems
oids and comets arrive from all without catching a death sentence
She hangs there nightly, a yel- directions; there’s no reason im- in a ghost pot. Their dangerously
low or white or spookily orange pacts should cluster. “It’s like flip- low population is just beginning
disk, the bringer of tides, the cast- ping a coin and getting heads to come back after Virginia closed
er of romantic shadows. She wax- eight times,” Asphaug said. the December-to-March winter
es and wanes, and sometimes she Another theory suggests that fishery as part of an effort to
turns ruddy as the shadow of the the backside hump is a tidal bulge. protect them.
Earth crosses her face. For all her Planets and moons sport such Each ghost pot traps about 50
beauty, though, our moon hides a bulges when they get tugged at — crabs per year, according to an
lumpy, unflattering secret: She’s and the Earth tugs on the moon a estimate by the institute. The kill-
lopsided. Her backside is much lot. The problem: Tidal bulges ing continues all year, even when
thicker than her front. And no one tend to be symmetrical, so there the waters are closed to crab har-
knows why. should be a bulge on both sides of vesting. The pots can sit for years
It’s unseemly, really. After more the moon. before they’re recovered — if they
than 100 robotic and human mis- Asphaug’s theory requires a ever are — and most animals that
sions to the moon, scientists still very specific sequence of events die in them would decompose and
can’t account for why one half — some 4.5 billion years ago, when vanish long before the traps Waterman Edward Hogge pulls in a “ghost pot” off Gloucester Point in Virginia. A state program paid
the half we can’t see — is taller the infant Earth was a molten ball. would be pulled from the water. watermen to recover the old traps, which snare a variety of wildlife, but its funding will expire soon.
than the other. Long before life appeared, The program to remove the
Twin NASA probes that arrived rocky debris ricocheted around pots has been a success, Havens Virginia used its money to de-
at our satellite this weekend may the early solar system. Something said. But it will end a four-year run velop a Blue Crab Fishery Re-
finally reveal a shocking truth: the size of Mars plowed into the when the National Oceanic and source Disaster Relief Plan.
that early on, a smaller twin moon Earth, sending huge globs of mol- Atmospheric Administration When then-Gov. Timothy M.
smushed into her. As this intruder ten material hurtling into space. stops funding it after this year’s Kaine (D) insisted that watermen
splatted into its big sister, it shat- The largest glob coalesced into haul in March. work for the assistance, the Vir-
tered “like a mega-avalanche,” the moon. This catastrophic-im- On this bright morning, ginia Department of Natural Re-
said Erik Asphaug, the planetary pact theory of moon formation is though, Edward and Cheryl sources and the Virginia Institute
scientist at the University of Cali- widely accepted by scientists. Hogge are still at work. They of Marine Science came up with
fornia at Santa Cruz who pub- To that, Asphaug and Jutzi reach over the side of their boat the pot-removal program.
lished the twin-moon idea in the threw in a twist: What if a second, and haul up a deformed peeler Edward Hogge said recruiting
journal Nature in August. His co- smaller glob of Earth stuff also got crab trap heavy with mud, grass watermen for the work was a good
author was Martin Jutzi of the blasted free? If it launched at a and too many sea grapes to count. idea. “Those guys at VIMS are very
University of Bern in Switzerland. particular angle, the glob would Inside, flat on its back, white belly smart, but they don’t know the
This collision would have have coalesced into a second body gleaming in the sun, is a tiny dead water like we do.”
spread a wide hump of rock onto and drifted behind the moon in blue crab. Hogge was chosen for the job
the back of the moon. There, the roughly the same orbit. The trap once was sturdy chick- after state officials entered his
material cooled and hardened After a few million years, the en wire coated by vinyl, but now it winter dredging license in a lot-
into a thick crust: the far-side pull of the sun would have drawn is a dilapidated animal trap, jail- tery. He was issued a new, $2,500
lunar highlands. the smaller moon closer to the ing creatures until they perish. side-scan imaging sonar for his
“This is one of those ideas that bigger moon. Eventually, the two New pots come with a buoy that 51-year-old boat and paid $300
all sorts of people will try to prove bodies collided — in slow motion. floats to the surface and marks a per day and fuel costs for up to 50
wrong,” said Maria Zuber, the A fast collision would have exca- trap’s place in the water. But boats days. He and his wife spend six
Massachusetts Institute of Tech- vated a giant crater. But a slow often snag the ropes, and storms hours on the water, usually start-
nology scientist heading up the collision — just the type predicted may roll the trap, wrapping the ing at 7 a.m., when temperatures
new NASA moon mission. “But it’s by the computer simulations — tether around it and pulling the often are below 30 degrees on the
extremely testable.” would have pancaked the small buoy under during the March-to- water.
And so the Grail mission will moon onto the surface, leaving November open crab fishery. Like most watermen, Hogge
test it. Designed to probe the evidence for Grail to spot. “Some of them you can’t get,” would rather be crabbing, and he
moon’s interior, the two washing- It’s a quirk of happenstance Edward Hogge said. “They’re so wants the state to open the winter
machine-size spacecraft will re- that Grail will be able to test the old, they’ve been in the water so fishery.
veal the thickness of the moon’s theory at all. Zuber proposed the long, they fall apart.” “It took our work, and there’s
crust, its topmost layer. $400 million mission five years Earlier in the day, the Hogges nothing for us to do,” he said.
If the two-moon theory is cor- ago, long before Asphaug and Jut- pulled up traps with three dead or “Now they want to take this pro-
rect, the backside crust will be zi published their idea. Zuber dying eels, a weakened oyster gram away. I have no education. I
much thicker than that of the wanted to probe other, more gen- toadfish and a dead croaker. quit school in the fifth grade. I was
front side. The hump should taper eral questions: Does the moon “Last year, we caught a lot of married by the time I was 17. I’ve
toward the equator. have a solid core? How long did them,” Cheryl Hogge said of ghost got to do something.”
Grail could also spot another the moon take to cool after it pots. “I think we caught, like, 348 As he steered the boat back,
hidden feature predicted by the formed? And did the moon once or something, right up at the top Hogge had an admission about
theory. If a second moon did crash have a magnetic field? of the most caught.” the winter dredge harvest, which
into the first, the collision would “You might think we already Virginia is trying to create a involves raking up crabs that have
have occurred when the big moon know all there is to know about more animal-friendly pot. It buried themselves in the bay bot-
was young and hot. A thin layer of the moon,” Zuber said. “Of course, would have a portal made of a tom to shelter from the cold. “That
molten heavy elements including that’s not the case.” plant-based polymer that dis- dredge is heavy when it comes
uranium and potassium still bur- The twin Grail probes arrived solves if left in water for a year or down. When I drag it, I catch
bled just under the crust. in a high lunar orbit this weekend, more, allowing animals to escape about three bushels of crabs. But I
The backside impact would but they won’t begin collecting forgotten pots. also kill three bushels. If it doesn’t
have squeezed this liquid, push- data until March. The loss of the Chesapeake get all the crab, it gets part of it.”
ing it around to the front side. By then, thrusters will have Bay’s most recognized seafood is Earlier, as he loaded a ghost pot
There it would have cooled and dropped the pair to just 35 miles detrimental to more than just the onto his boat, Hogge had another
hardened, leaving a telltale layer. above the surface. Flying in for- crab. Restaurants, retailers and admission. Most watermen are
The existence of both features mation — one ahead of the other customers pay more for crabs, and honest workers, he said, but “this
— a thick backside crust and a — the probes will map minute watermen, who rely on the crea- Maryland and Virginia “to assist fishery.” In other words, taxpayers was thrown overboard deliberate-
thin, dense layer under the front’s fluctuations of the moon’s gravity tures for income, suffer too. those economically hurt by the would help watermen put food on ly. A lot of them don’t care. That’s
crust — would offer strong sup- over its entire surface. This new In 2007, the federal govern- commercial fishery failure, and to the table and scientists to resur- just the way some people are.”
port for the twin-moon theory, gravity map will be 100 to 1,000 ment allocated $15 million to support the restoration of the rect the crab.
Asphaug said. times as accurate as current
When Zuber first heard the maps. From it, scientists will infer
notion, she scoffed. “This is going the internal structure of the moon
to be nonsense,” she recalled “from crust to core,” Zuber said. GW VIRGINIA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS
thinking. But computer simula- Asphaug said there’s an even
tions run by Asphaug and Jutzi better way to test the long-shot
were compelling leading Zuber to idea, though it’s one that Grail
reverse course. “It’s a plausible can’t carry out: Study rocks from Accelerated Master’s Degree in
scenario,” she said. the far side of the moon. The
The idea is also simple, another
stroke in its favor. By contrast,
Apollo astronauts collected hun-
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Campaign 2012

In Iowa, GOP candidates make final push before vote

Former House speaker Newt
Santorum courts Gingrich, battered by an on-
slaught of negative ads and some-
conservatives; Romney what hampered by his pledge to
plays up fiscal expertise run a positive campaign, started
his Sunday with Mass at St. Am-
brose Cathedral, where Des
BY N IA- M ALIKA H ENDERSON Moines Bishop Richard E. Pates
referenced the nasty campaign
des moines — Seeking to press rhetoric flooding the airwaves.
their advantages and differenti- After the service, Gingrich took
ate themselves, the Republican a swipe at Romney, breaking
candidates for president flooded sharply from his pledge.
the Iowa airwaves Sunday and Gingrich told reporters that
stepped up their ground games in Romney “would buy the election
the final push before decision day. if he could” and accused Romney
Some went to church, others of lying. “Someone who will lie to
were on buses and at least one — you to get to be president,” Gin-
Rep. Ron Paul — was somewhere grich said, “will lie to you when
else entirely, ringing in the new they are president.” The former
year back in his home state of speaker also signaled that he in-
Texas. tended to go negative on Romney
Rick Santorum, buoyed by a with new ads in New Hampshire.
Des Moines Register poll that Paul skipped out on the action
showed him among the top three over the weekend, preferring to
contenders, sought to distinguish spend time in Texas. He makes his
himself as the only “full spectrum final rounds Monday in a series of
conservative” in the race; it was events with Sen. Rand Paul
an effort to ding Mitt Romney (R-Ky.), his son, who is becoming
and appeal to social conserva- a familiar face to Iowa voters and
tives, who could be the decisive remains a tea party standard-
voting bloc should they coalesce bearer.
around a single candidate. The 12-term congressman,
“My surge is going to come on who is in a virtual tie with Santo-
January 3 after the people of Iowa rum and Romney in Iowa, sat for
do what they do, which is actually three Sunday show interviews.
analyze the candidates, figure out He has largely ducked news me-
where their positions are, find out dia questions on the trail as he
who’s the right leader, who’s got has rallied hundreds of support-
what it takes to defeat Barack ers with an antiwar message.
Obama and to lead this country,” Marilyn Izette Krocheski arrives at the West Towne Pub in Ames, Iowa, where she hoped to see Republican presidential candidate Newt Dogged by questions about
the former U.S. senator from Gingrich. The former House speaker has broken from his pledge to run a positive campaign and on Sunday accused Mitt Romney of lying. racist and anti-Semitic newslet-
Pennsylvania said in an interview ters that were published in his
on “Meet the Press.” “We’ve got a seeming to change his own views Romney, on a bus tour in Atlan- face right now, that it would be tinue to be splintered among sev- name, Paul admitted to one flaw,
great grass-roots organization. on abortion based on political tic, Iowa, reminded reporters of helpful to have someone who eral. There is also the possibility saying his management style is
. . . They are committed to mak- calculus. Santorum’s 2008 endorsement understands the economy first- that they accept Romney’s elect- substandard.
ing sure that this isn't a pyrrhic Santorum, who signed a pledge and pressed his case that he was hand, who spent the bulk of his ability argument and rally Asked to predict where he’ll
victory.” opposing all types of abortion, the best candidate to beat Presi- career working in the private around him. stand Tuesday after the votes are
Santorum sought to paint including in cases of rape and dent Obama on the economy. sector.” Santorum, in his ground cam- tallied, Paul was his usual anti-
Romney, whose essential argu- incest, said passing that kind of “Like Speaker Gingrich, Sena- With just hours left, the race paign, has argued that he should politician self.
ment for support is his electabili- legislation is politically difficult. tor Santorum has spent his career remains topsy-turvy, with nearly be the candidate of social con- “I have no idea what’s going to
ty, as a moderate who can’t be “Today I would support laws that in government, in Washington,” half of voters saying that they servatives and that they should happen. I may come in first, I may
trusted to push a conservative would provide for those excep- Romney said. “Nothing wrong have yet to make up their minds. not just “settle” for Romney. And come in second,” he said. “I doubt
agenda. tions; but I’m not for them,” he with that, but it’s a very different The key questions are whether evangelicals, not yet sold on Rom- I’ll come in third or fourth.”
But Santorum had to answer said. “Yes, I support laws that background than I have. And I social conservatives will rally ney, could decide to send a mes-
questions about his 2008 en- provide those exceptions, be- think that the people of this around a single candidate, as they sage Tuesday that they still mat-
dorsement of the former Massa- cause if we can get those passed, country recognize that with our did for former Arkansas governor ter and that the eventual nominee Staff writers Amy Gardner and Philip
chusetts governor and about then we need to do that.” economy as the major issue we Mike Huckabee in 2008, or con- must take them seriously. Rucker contributed to this report.

Republicans’ ‘book’ on Obama

contrasts promises with results Republican voters
are still preparing
strategy from A1 flopper. the strategy book will then serve to choose a
A “Mitt vs. Mitt” online video, as a turnkey battle plan as the candidate from
The new GOP playbook is de- showing Romney expressing op- campaign and RNC staff begin among their
signed to take one of Obama’s posing views on various issues close coordination. crowded field,
great assets — the power of his over time, gained considerable A Romney win should make which includes
oratory — and turn it into a attention and prompted a new for an easy transition, as the Rep. Michele
liability. It details hundreds of round of questions from primary book’s primary author, Joe Bachmann of
potential targets, partially a re- rivals and journalists about Pounder, a 28-year-old specialist Minnesota;
sult of a president who Republi- whether Romney can be trusted. in the political dark arts and the the winner will
can strategists say is unusually With a campaign war chest RNC’s research director, is a for- step in with the
prone to making detailed promis- expected to total at least mer Romney campaign aide. And Obama “book”
es. $750 million, the Obama cam- Romney appears to already have ready to be used.
A 2009 Obama statement that paign and the DNC are likely to adopted the same approach —
his stimulus bill would lift 2 mil- continue hammering Romney’s often quoting Obama directly
lion Americans out of poverty, for shifting stances on hot-button and even visiting venues where
example, is paired against census issues to portray him as lacking a Obama spoke as a candidate or as that Obama didn’t work out. Offi- been collected in part by a team “He made so many promises in
data showing that more than moral core. president. cials said they settled on the plan of staff members and interns who so many places,” Spicer said. “The
6 million Americans have fallen At the same time, Obama’s Last summer, Romney spoke to use the president’s own words spend each day in a windowless goal is whenever he does an
into poverty since he took office. team is compiling data to defend at a now-shuttered Allentown, after examining private and pub- room on the RNC’s ground floor, interview in Scranton, Columbus,
A pledge that an administration his record, such as a Congres- Pa., metal works factory that lic polls showing that the ap- staring at a dozen flat-screen TVs Ames, Cleveland or wherever,
housing plan would “help be- sional Budget Office report show- Obama had hailed a year earlier proach resonated with swing vot- and monitoring the Web. that every local reporter, blogger
tween 7 and 9 million families ing that the stimulus raised em- before it closed as a symbol of his ers nationally and in key battle- In the past, opposition re- and concerned citizen says, ‘Hey,
restructure or refinance their ployment by millions of jobs and economic success. The event was grounds. search books took the form of we’re armed here with informa-
mortgages” is paired against testimony from economists that accompanied by a video, called “Because the president re- three-ring binders. Many of those tion about the last time you were
news reports showing the gov- the legislation helped end the “Obama Isn’t Working,” depicting mains personally well liked, [the binders, dating to the 1976 race here, and we want you to answer
ernment spent far less than Great Recession. Democratic images of the visit coupled with a GOP strategy] is a good way to against President Jimmy Carter to yourself.’ ”
promised and aided fewer than strategists say voters are more year-after picture of the aban- not have to swim against that and spanning to the admittedly The strategy can be seen in
2 million. apt to see Romney as untrust- doned factory floor. tide,” said Ed Gillespie, a former thin 2008 text on Obama, now sit several Internet ads produced by
And his 2008 Democratic nom- worthy than to question the pres- Last week, Romney spoke in RNC chairman who is in regular on a bookshelf in the office of the party in recent weeks.
ination acceptance speech vow ident’s leadership. Davenport, Iowa, down the street contact with senior party offi- Pounder, the RNC research chief A video titled “Failed Promis-
that a green jobs initiative would “Four years ago on Iowa cau- from the spot where Obama gave cials. “It’s his own words.” writing the 2012 book. This time, es: Scranton” was released in
create 5 million jobs is matched cus night, the president promised one of his last pre-caucus cam- Similar conclusions emerged the document will exist only on- November to coincide with an
up against news reports from this to make health care affordable paign speeches four years earlier. from months of focus groups and line, complete with links to vid- Obama visit to the northeastern
year depicting lackluster results and accessible for all Americans, “He closed with these words: polling conducted by American eos, government reports, tran- Pennsylvania city. It shows
and headlines about Solyndra, put a middle-class tax cut in the ‘This is our moment. This is our Crossroads, the pro-GOP group scripts and other background Obama speaking about jobs and
the failed maker of solar panels pockets of working Americans, time,’ ” Romney said. “Well, Mr. that along with its affiliate, Cross- material. the economy, his face depicted
that received hundreds of mil- start to free us from our depend- President, you have now had your roads GPS, expects to have raised The new book contains more through shattered windows of an
lions in federal loan guarantees. ence on foreign oil and end the moment. We have seen the re- $240 million during the 2011-12 than a dozen chapters, including abandoned factory as job-loss
One Obama quote will be fea- war in Iraq — promises that have sults. . . . You have failed to deliv- cycle. A recent ad by the group a 73-page section titled “The stats flash across the screen.
tured prominently: In 2009 he been fulfilled,” said Obama er on the promises you made here featured a mom lying awake at Obama Economy,” and has sepa- Another RNC ad, “It’s Been
said on NBC’s “Today” show that spokesman Ben LaBolt. “Com- in Davenport.” night recalling that she backed rate chapters logging local-level Three Years,” shows Obama as a
if he could not fix the economy in pare that to a candidate like Mitt Several Republican strategists Obama because he “spoke so campaign promises delivered candidate saying the “real ques-
three years, “then there’s going to Romney, who has been on both said that striking the right tone in beautifully” and promised recov- during stops in places such as tion” is whether Americans
be a one-term proposition.” sides of every key issue and will attacking Obama will be tricky, ery but now worrying that his Cleveland, Denver and Scranton, would be better off in four years.
“That’s a clip the American say anything to try to hide that he because many Americans, even if policies were costly and ineffec- Pa. Then it shows a clip from an
people will hear and see over and was a corporate buyout specialist they disapprove of his job per- tive. When Obama heads out on the October ABC interview when he
over and over again throughout who bankrupted companies and formance, still see the country’s “We don’t bang voters upside campaign trail, officials will use tells George Stephanopoulos that
the next year,” said Republican fired workers and a governor first black president as a historic the head with an anti-Obama the newly compiled quotes and “I don’t think they’re better off
National Committee Chairman with the third-worst job-creation and admirable figure. Polls show message, but we appeal to their data to put in place a full-scale than they were four years ago.”
Reince Priebus. “The nice thing record in the country.” that most people like him person- sensibility that maybe they sup- mobilization, including videos, The spot ends with Obama the
about Barack Obama is that he’s GOP officials are set to roll out ally — making them more likely ported him in the past, and we op-eds in local papers, calls with 2008 candidate drawing roaring
given us plenty of material. The new attacks in the coming days, to discount traditional attack make it okay for them to not local media outlets and appear- applause when he proclaims:
one thing he loves to do is give starting Tuesday on caucus day in ads. support him now,” said Jonathan ances by local GOP supporters, “This country can’t take four
speeches.” Iowa with a new video showing Still, party officials believe that Collegio, a Crossroads spokes- all designed to highlight the pres- more years of the same failed
A similar in-his-own-words clips from Obama’s victory many independent voters — man. ident’s past statements in each policies. It’s time to try some-
strategy has already been adopt- speech there four years ago. The more than eight in 10 of whom The RNC’s Obama book re- locale, said Sean Spicer, the thing new.”
ed by Obama’s campaign and the RNC will buy TV ad time in select think the country is on the wrong flects a number of technology RNC’s spokesman. Promises re-
Democratic National Committee battleground-state markets with- track, according to a November developments since the last cam- lating to the Hispanic community
designed to portray GOP front- in weeks. Washington Post-ABC News poll paign, such as video archives that will be fed to Hispanic bloggers Polling analyst Scott Clement
runner Mitt Romney as a flip- Once a nominee is established, — are ready to accept the premise are searchable by keyword. It has and media. contributed to this report.


6 She the People

Today we introduce She the People, a women’s
She the People writers from across the country and
the political spectrum will offer news, analysis and 6 PostPolitics 2012
For the latest updates from
Taking a back seat
Four years ago, Republican
The first 5 GOP votes
Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses
blog anchored by political reporter Melinda reported opinion, primarily on The Post’s Web site but the Iowa caucuses, including photo candidate Mitt Romney’s five sons hit Jan. 10 New Hampshire primary
Henneberger, founder of Politics Daily and its also in the print edition heading into the 2012 election galleries and video of the action the campaign trail hard; they are Jan. 21 South Carolina primary
Woman Up blog. and beyond. from the Hawkeye State, go to keeping a lower profile this time Jan. 31 Florida primary around — for the most part. C1 Feb. 4 Nevada caucuses
Campaign 2012

For Romney, Paul leaves rosy outlooks to his opponents

a ‘big hill to climb’ suffer.”
paul from A1

with conservatives And then there are the sorts of

ominous predictions he made at
an evening rally here Wednes-
day: “There are certain events
candidate does not end in Iowa. that are coming that are going to
Advice for GOP hopeful “It’s pretty clear from the Des happen — they are going to be
Moines Register poll that con- very dangerous. They might
includes choosing servatives who want real change come in a day, a week or a year.”
a solid running mate are going to get probably be- Not exactly morning in Ameri-
tween 70 and 75 percent of the ca.
vote, and the only moderate es- Paul’s sky-is-falling message
BY A MY G ARDNER tablishment candidate is going to goes against everything a suc-
AND R OSALIND S . get about 20 or 25 percent of the cessful American politician is
H ELDERMAN vote despite massive spending supposed to do. In the land of
for two consecutive races,” Gin- hope and change, where a little
marshalltown, iowa — Los- grich said. “And I think that’s malaise can undercut a cam-
ing hope that their Iowa brethren going to set the stage for the paign, it is almost always the
will coalesce around a suitably whole rest of the campaign.” sunniest candidate who suc-
like-minded candidate in Tues- He added: “It’s going to be ceeds.
day’s Republican caucuses, na- overwhelming that the conserva- But the Republican congress-
tional conservative leaders are tive base of the party is still there, man from Texas is betting that
beginning to accept the increas- and that Governor Romney re- the usual optimism and laundry
ingly likely prospect of a Mitt mains a Massachusetts moderate list of promises — millions of
Romney nomination, and how and has not broken out despite jobs, bringing people together,
and whether they can live with spending millions of dollars. As changing the tone in Washington
that. we go on to New Hampshire, — is not what voters want to hear
“The answer to that, to a large South Carolina, Florida and be- this year. The latest Iowa polls, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas speaks Friday in Le Mars, Iowa. The GOP presidential candidate has found a
extent, totally rests with Rom- yond, those numbers will ulti- which show Paul in a virtual tie following among voters who see him as a truth teller, not someone who tells them what they want to hear.
ney,” said Richard A. Viguerie, a mately prove decisive in the for first place with Mitt Romney
direct-mail pioneer and longtime race.” ahead of Tuesday’s caucuses, sug- promises more and better jobs Paul says sanctions on Iran tion — but he makes no promises
leader of the conservative move- Campaigning on Sunday in gest that he has found an audi- (11 million, to be exact) and will lead to another useless and to directly improve people’s lives.
ment. “The first half-dozen Atlantic, Iowa, Romney was ence. invokes what he sees as a pre- costly foreign war. Mounting “All of a sudden, people are
moves are his. We’re just tired of asked about his outreach to social “I want someone to give it to Obama heyday linked to Ronald debts and more bailouts will lead tired of the wars, they are tired of
supporting the Republican estab- conservatives. He said that his me straight. We aren’t getting a Reagan. to the government printing more this economy, they are tired of
lishment candidates and getting goal in Iowa is to be seen as the lot of fluff, and he isn’t offering us “I’m asking each of you to money, which will make the dol- the Federal Reserve, they are
nothing but lip service in return. candidate capable of winning, a prize or a present or something remember how special it is to be lar worthless. The latest bill to tired of Congress spending a lot
Those days are over with.” which means building support to make us feel good,” said Tom an American,” Romney said in fund the Defense Department is of money, and they are looking
Viguerie said his hope is that if and organization in other states. Icatar, 65, who saw Paul at a West Davenport on Tuesday. “That a slip into tyranny. for some change,” Paul said, sum-
Romney wins the nomination, he “It’s been important to me,” he Des Moines town hall. “I think America is still out there. We still “If we continue to do what we ming up the state of mind of his
makes a strong effort to win over said, “to make sure that I have a he’s been consistent and honest. believe in that America. We still do, if we have runaway inflation, audiences. “And I am suggesting
conservatives, and the most criti- team and a capability to go the He is giving people the bitter believe in that shining city on a everybody gets thrown out on the one significant change. Why
cal step he can take is to select an full distance, to get the nomina- medicine they need to have.” hill. We still believe in the Ameri- streets, because the whole thing don’t we just follow the Constitu-
appealing running mate. tion and to have the people in Jordan Sorensen, 23, of Adel, ca that brings out the best in all comes down on our head,” he tion?”
“Romney’s got a big hill to Iowa who caucused for me be Iowa, said after an event in Perry of us, that challenges each of us said last week at a town hall at There is one radical change
climb to get conservatives enthu- proud that they were on that that “we’ve heard the same old to be better and bigger than the Iowa Speedway in Newton, in Paul likes: the Internet.
siastically on board,” he said. “I team from the very beginning.” political talk of promising this ourselves.” front of about 200 people. “Fortunately we’re able to get
don’t know if he is capable of Some conservatives are less and that. Ron Paul isn’t the most The speech later became the At another stop, he said: “If we some information out, and a lot
doing that. He needs tens of certain that there is any chance of brilliant speaker, he isn’t great basis for a Romney ad called continue to [spend money over- of what we’ve done in our cam-
thousands of conservatives and stopping Romney after Iowa. One with rhetoric, but it’s refreshing “American Optimism.” seas], we will have an economic paign makes use of the Internet,”
tea parties and bloggers and or- national conservative leader, for me to hear something that’s Paul offers little of this. His ads calamity, we will have runaway Paul said at a rally in Des Moines.
ganizations singing that song.” who requested anonymity to more truthful. He is realistic and rhetoric are filled with imag- inflation . . . we will have violence As might be expected, howev-
The dismay among conserva- speak freely, said he and other about what he is working with, es of destruction and decline. in the streets, and that will be er, Paul anticipates a problem or
tives about Iowa rests largely on conservatives were in talks as and he is less full of it.” There are shuttered stores, dark very, very dangerous.” two on that front as well.
the reality that, despite their recently as the past month about The fact that Paul is resonat- clouds, barking dogs, and federal Paul does offer a solution to “But also,” he went on to say,
overwhelming majority among whether it was still possible to ing with some voters is more department buildings lined up avoid all the calamity he sees — “there’s an attack on the Internet
Republican caucusgoers, they draw in another candidate who reflective of the moment than the for destruction all set to to ur- lawmakers should just follow now.”
have split their support among could consolidate the vote — man. Paul has long spoken in gent music. what’s laid out in the Constitu-
five candidates: Rep. Ron Paul of someone like Louisiana Gov. Bob- such apocalyptic terms, but after
Texas, former senator Rick Santo- by Jindal. But time is short for years of war and financial hard-
rum of Pennsylvania, former
House speaker Newt Gingrich of
that, the leader said. “You have a
number of people who are good
ship, his leave-’em-alone foreign
policy and get-the-government-
Georgia, Texas Gov. Rick Perry candidates, but none just leaps off-my-lawn domestic approach VOTED WASHINGTON’S BEST AND ONE OF THE 10 BEST IN U.S.
and Rep. Michele Bachmann of out at you, so where do people is a match for the times. And to
Minnesota. land?” he asked. his backers, his anti-politician
Meanwhile, Romney, the for- Several people interviewed at demeanor confirms their sense
mer Massachusetts governor Cornerstone Family Church on that he’s telling the truth, unlike
whom they have resisted out of Sunday said they were looking what they see as a bunch of FINE WINES & SPIRITS H LA CHEESERIE & INTERNATIONAL DELI
concern that he is too moderate, for the candidate who best repre- overproduced alternatives.
is in position to win the caucuses, sented their Christian values. “The others are political-ma-
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Campaign 2012


Steve Bohn, center, executive vice president of Washington State Bank, helps serve chili during a Kiwanis Club fundraiser at a church in Washington, Iowa.

As candidates point to nation’s troubles,

this Washington gets by just fine
iowa from A1 Views from Washington
The 2012 election is all about
so customers never have to walk in Washington — what’s happening in
the snow. the nation’s capital, the frustration
This is the place that officially people feel toward it, the way the
refers to itself in all marketing candidates campaign against it. But
materials as “Washington — Voted Washington is a reflection of America
One of the Best 100 Small Towns in — the nation’s elected officials are
America Three Times!” representatives, after all. So during
It is also a place where, day after this election cycle, The Washington
day, presidential candidates make Post will run an occasional series that
their case that the country is a tells the story of Washington through
horrific mess. the many of dozens of Washingtons
across the United States. To see the
‘Life is good’ first story from this series, as well as
When Iowa holds its first-in-the- more photos from Iowa, visit
nation caucuses Tuesday, a major
in one of the most robust towns in law that requires bankers who
one of the country’s most robust deal with mortgages to undergo
states.Itisanironicwayforthe2012 background checks and finger-
election to begin: Politicians come printing. “I pressed down one fin-
here to talk about the problems of ger real hard,” Lazar says.
someplace else. Lazar and his And now, in the heat of the
friends in Washington can render a election, there are the incessant
crucialverdictonissuesfromwhich presidential campaign calls to his
they often feel disconnected. home that have forced him to dis-
“This is a nation in crisis,” Rick connect the land line.
Perry said at a campaign stop at “I’m sick of it,” he says.
the local coffee shop last week. So rather than think about the
“The Washington machine is problems in Washington, D.C.,
strangling our economy,” said a and the rest of the country, he
local TV ad for Ron Paul. focuses on the occasional problem
“We’re seeing a war on our val- in his Washington. Late in the
ues,” Rick Santorum said on the afternoon, the owner of a local
evening news. tanning salon arrives at his office
“Life is good,” Lazar says again, in black sweats and a jacket, look-
still at the bank, four days before ing frazzled. She calls him “Uncle
the caucuses. He is a lifelong Re- Keith” because he offered her fi-
publican who likes Mitt Romney nancial advice when she was
best, although he doesn’t like any opening her shop on the square.
of them enough to participate in Now she explains that she is short
the caucuses. He has no problems on her mortgage payment for a
in his life that require an election rental property. Her renter moved
to fix, and he believes politicians out with no notice and left without
rarely fix problems anyway. The paying.
economy is stable in some early- “What can I do?” she asks. “I’m
voting states such as Iowa and in trouble.”
New Hampshire, so for some vot- Lazar looks back at her and
ers like Lazar the calculus is differ- considers his options. There are a
ent. The population around the number of ways a banker can han-
town square in Washington is dle defaults, and Lazar has tried
growing, along with small busi- most of them. Early in his career,
nesses and the middle class. when a customer lost his daughter
Lazar is tall and stately in a dark TOP LEFT: The new $6 million public library in Washington, a rural town of 7,200 in eastern Iowa. TOP RIGHT: Wanda Zuehlke, to cancer, started drinking too
suit and crisp white shirt, with a 86, poses for a snapshot with Texas Gov. Rick Perry during the Republican presidential candidate’s campaign stop last week. much and defaulted on his farm-
pen in his right pocket and the ABOVE: Members of the Kiwanis Club sing “America the Beautiful” to begin their meeting. ing loan, Lazar went to the proper-
bank logo pinned to his jacket. The ty with a sheriff and hauled away
bank has yet to open for the day, 25 cattle and 365 hogs. It took
but already he has underwritten about seven trips, and the farmer
loans for the farmer and for a or rely on government to fix their his TV every Christmas. Sunday schedule. More than 98 percent of “Life is good,” he says again and watched from his porch and
single father trying to put two problems. services at United Methodist customers stayed up to date on again, inviting each customer to threatened to go inside for a shot-
daughters through college. “Pretty Life is good at home, a two-min- Church. their loan payments. sit across his desk. This is his gun. Lazar saw him in his dreams
neat to be able to help,” he says. ute drive from work, where he Lazar has given out $300,000 in model of community banking. “If for weeks. “An ounce of prevention
“Pretty awesome.” goes on his lunch break to sit by Success for bank, town bonuses to his staff, doling out you treat someone like a crook, is worth a pound of cure,” he decid-
Another day in Washington is the fireplace and eat with his wife, And life is especially good at the $8,000 and sometimes more to they will act like a crook,” he says. ed then. Ever since, he has tried to
off to a great start. Sam. They turn on Fox News but community bank, where he closes greeters and tellers without col- “My job is to believe in people, to restructure loans and defer pay-
Life is good at his morning Ki- keep the TV on mute. “What could his office door in the afternoon to lege degrees. Now, on the last af- treat them well, to help them and ments to help customers avoid
wanis Club meeting, where he they say that I really need to hear?” look over the year-end financial ternoon of the year, he wants to then to get out of their way.” defaults.
stands for the Pledge of Allegiance Lazar says. statements. “Pretty awesome verify dividend checks totaling That is what irks him so much Optimism. Trust. Kindness.
next to the sheriff, the dentist, the While politicians talk about a year,” he says, nodding. “Pretty $1.5 million for the bank’s 430 about government and politi- Those are the values in his Wash-
hospital president and the mid- country that is angry and divided, fortunate.” shareholders, most of whom also cians: All they do is get in the way, ington. Those are the tenants that
dle-school principal — friends and Lazar reads self-improvement The bank has been on a corner of live in town. he thinks. There’s the Dodd-Frank ensure life is good.
customers all. They sing “America books and eliminates the word the square for 80 years, outlasting While he works in his office, act, which will result in a few He looks across his desk at the
the Beautiful.” They solicit com- “wrong” from his vocabulary. “It’s chain banks that moved into town bank customers continue to wave hundred more banking rules and owner of the tanning salon. There
munity-improvement donations, better to say, ‘I think you might be and growing from six employees to from the lobby and invite them- force him to hire another em- might be big problems elsewhere,
even though donations already mistaken,’ ” he says. While politi- 31. No year has been as good as selves in to see him. One wants ployee to sort through the mess. but this isn’t one. “Just skip the
have funded a weight room, a cians talk about a Washington 2011. Lazar’s year-end statement $600 to cover Christmas presents; There are the farming regulations payment this month and you’ll
fountain in the park and a munici- that is dizzying and unpredict- shows a net profit of $2.7 million. another wants a loan for a mobile that make life complicated for lo- make an extra payment at the end
pal bandstand. “Pass the hat for able, his life is an exercise in rou- Local agriculture profits rose to home; another wants advice on cal hog producers. There’s the end- of your loan,” he says.
Washington!” the club president tine: Married 35 years. At the bank record highs, and housing prices how much to ask for his house; a less stack of paperwork and the “Can it be that easy?” she asks.
says, because they’d rather pitch for 20. Vacations twice a year to remained steady. Thriving farmers retired couple want to chat and seven-day delays required to com- “It can be,” he says.
in a few twenties than raise taxes Jamaica. “It’s a Wonderful Life” on paid back their loans ahead of maybe buy some stock. plete a mortgage. There’s the new

North Korea vows
push for prosperity
in the new year
founder Kim Il Sung’s birth — as
ANNUAL MESSAGE a year for massive development
and emergence as a “strong and
SPELLS OUT GOALS prosperous” first-world state.
The Sunday editorial described
Citizens are urged 2012 as a “major, important occa-
to support new leader sion for displaying the might of
The editorial made a rare
BY C HICO H ARLAN mention of the country’s “burn-
ing” food problem, but it out-
beijing — North Korea on Sun- lined only vague steps for a
day vowed an “all-out drive” solution, calling on “loyalty to
toward economic prosperity, set- the revolution” and a radical
ting a vision for a nation with increase in crop yield.
fewer food shortages, a stronger Before Kim Jong Il’s death on
military and a people who de- Dec. 17, North Korea was close to
fend their new supreme leader a deal in which it would have
with their lives. received 240,000 tons of food aid
“The whole Party, the entire from the United States in ex-
army and all the people should change for a possible suspension
possess a firm conviction that of its uranium enrichment pro-
they will become human bul- gram. But those arrangements
warks and human shields in are on hold as neighboring gov-
SILVINA FRYDLEWSKY FOR THE WASHINGTON POST defending Kim Jong Eun unto ernments draw up plans to deal
At the Circulo de Periodistas Deportivos School, Argentine students are taught the finer points of covering sports, from doing the play- death,” said an editorial carried with Pyongyang’s new leader-
by-play for radio to writing news stories to televised color commentary. In Buenos Aires alone, there are about a dozen of these schools. in the country’s three major ship. The State Department’s top
state-run publications. Asia diplomat, Kurt Campbell,

Not just standing on the sidelines North Korea uses its annual
New Year’s editorial to set the
agenda for the nation, and out-
side analysts describe it as a fiery
will visit Beijing, Seoul and Ja-
pan this week.
North Korea’s Sunday editori-
al included almost none of its
Specialty journalism schools train students to satisfy Argentines’ hunger for sports news keynote. This year’s message pro-
vided a window into the coun-
typical criticism of Washington,
though several times it men-
try’s policymaking — and its tioned the imperialist threat that
BY J UAN F ORERO Roberto Bermudez, a teacher at change and lower our tempera- The school’s administrators many challenges — after the surrounded it. The country also
IN BUENOS AIRES the Superior School. ture for this.” point out that the curriculum death of Kim Jong Il, who left described “U.S. aggressor forces”
In some ways, it’s easy to see Aside from mainstream media, goes well beyond games and jocks behind a failing nuclear-armed as the main obstacle to peace on

ome make the mistake of why the “colegios deportivos,” or the soccer teams themselves — at and scores. There are also classes nation led by an inexperienced the Korean Peninsula. But it gave
calling Juan Carlos Ren- sports schools, thrive here, replac- least those in the first division — in philosophy, linguistics and lan- hereditary successor. no mention of its nuclear weap-
nis’s school an academy, a ing university journalism depart- each have two or more affiliated guages to round out the students The editorial, outside experts ons program — a sign, experts
word he associates with ments for anyone who dreams of radio stations and Web sites pro- during the three years, on aver- said, tried both to push for said, that the country might be
elitist institutions, blue covering sports, particularly soc- viding blanket coverage. Many of age, they will spend at the school. economic growth and build sup- open to further talks.
blazers and snooty attitudes. cer, or futbol, as it is known. The those who work there refined “This school has a program port for the young leader, who is “Before Kim Jong Il died,
“We’re a technical school,” Ren- country is sports-mad. their vocation at the sports that’s very broad, very humanis- thought to be in his late 20s. The North Korea started to have that
nis, the school’s rector for 17 years, Take Buenos Aires: Although schools. tic,” Bermudez said. editorial made it clear that Kim dialogue, and they were willing
said with conviction. “We take big U.S. metropolitan areas — Among the recent graduates of Still, on a recent night, most of Jong Eun would follow Kim Jong to accept the U.S.’s nutritional
people and teach them to do a New York, say, or Chicago — may the Superior School is Adrian the chatter in the classrooms was Il’s plan to build a prosperous aid,” said Ryoo Kihl-jae, a profes-
job.” boast of two football teams and Michelena, 22, who is held up as soccer-related. nation, and it described the suc- sor at Seoul’s University of North
Rennis, a wiry man with a two baseball clubs, the Argentine the latest success story. Upon get- Bermudez taught his class how cessor as a perfect duplicate of Korean Studies. “So it was very
booming voice, wasn’t talking capital and its suburbs have a ting his diploma, he found him- to analyze a game on live televi- his father. Kim Jong Eun’s legiti- natural for North Korea not to
about plumbing or cabinet-mak- dozen first division soccer clubs, self overseas, covering the Argen- sion. In a packed basement class- macy, experts say, depends on denounce the U.S. in this editori-
ing. But the job his 600 students each with its own stadium. tina rugby team’s international room, Juan Pablo Peralta, a that link, especially as he tries to al. It’s a sign that they are still
are training for is one he consid- That means fans, lots of them, matches for Clarin. 32-year-old teacher, alumnus and build support among older party willing for dialogue in the fu-
ers of equal practical value — and who require clear reporting on “The preparation they give you member of a third-division soccer and military elites. But his coun- ture.”
far greater emotional significance the latest twist in a complex is really precise,” Michelena said team, expounded on the intrica- try also faces problems — nota-
— to the country: reporting the schedule of matches and champi- of his training. “The rules, the cies of tactics. Next door, another bly, chronic food shortages and
latest scores, trades, contract onships that even an aficionado techniques, the tactics and also group of students were putting on human rights abuses — that his
talks, back-office negotiations can have trouble keeping straight. the strategy. They teach you to a mock radio show, highlighting father and grandfather either
and other minutiae of the most And it’s not just the games. The know each one of the sports, the scores and trades. failed to or neglected to address. “All the people should
Argentine of passions, sports. machinations of Argentine soc- most minuscule of details.” Paulo Stepper’s turn as mock “It is the steadfast determina-
In metropolitan Buenos Aires cer’s scandal-plagued governing Although the focus is soccer, all host was clumsy, his teacher tion of our Party that it will make possess a firm conviction
alone, there are about a dozen body, the Argentine Football Fed- sports that Argentines follow are pointed out to him afterward. But no slightest vacillation and con-
institutions similar to the 51-year- eration, provide constant fodder given attention: basketball, polo, Stepper, 25, was undaunted. He cession in implementing the in- that they will become
old Superior School of Sports for sports radio and TV and the rugby, horse racing, volleyball. explained that he had been a structions and policies [Kim
Journalism that Rennis runs. front page of the city’s newspa- Rennis said 22 sports are covered bored accounting student before Jong Il] had laid out in his human bulwarks and
Each year they churn out hun- pers. in 18 different classes. transferring to the sports school. lifetime,” the editorial said.
dreds of sportswriters, play-by- “Yes, the passion for soccer in “Nine of 10 graduates will work He now dreams of one day re- After 63 years of rule by the human shields in
play broadcasters, color commen- Argentina is exaggerated,” said in soccer,” he said. “But maybe counting the day’s games for read- Kim family, North Korea has
tators, camera operators, Web de- Miguel Angel Vicente, sports edi- 10 percent can make a niche cov- ers of a major newspaper. among the world’s lowest living defending Kim Jong Eun
signers and sports analysts. tor at the country’s biggest paper, ering something else. What if “This is hard, yes,” he said. “But standards, its people confined in
“I don’t know if there’s another Clarin. “It occupies a space that it some editor says, ‘Okay, who can with practice, you can get over a secretive police state. But unto death.”
place in the world that has so shouldn’t. But this is the way we go cover the South American boc- your fears and surprise yourself.” North Korea has long tabbed
many of these schools,” said are, and hopefully one day, we’ll ce championship?’ ” 2012 — the 100th anniversary of North Korea’s New Year’s editorial


MIDDLE EAST sible for overseeing civil society efited al-Qaida-linked militants.
groups on Sunday defended The clashes on Sunday followed
Israeli, Palestinian sweeps through the offices of 10 Saleh’s decision not to leave the Gustavo Petro, the
negotiators to meet human rights and pro-democra- country. new mayor of Bogota,
cy organizations, rejecting de- was joined onstage
Israel and the Palestinians nunciations from the United Chinese rights activist held in during his inaugural
said Sunday that their chief States, the United Nations and remote prison: Chinese authori- speech by his young
peace negotiators will attend a Germany. ties have jailed prominent law- daughter, Antonella.
gathering of international diplo- It was the first comment from yer and outspoken government Petro, who as a young
mats in neighboring Jordan this the Egyptian government since critic Gao Zhisheng in a remote man was a fighter in
week, bringing the sides togeth- the sweeps Thursday that target- prison in the far western Xinji- the left-wing M-19
er for the first time in more than ed, among others, U.S.-based ang region, his brother said Sun- movement before
a year. groups invited to observe Egypt’s day. The whereabouts of Gao, going into politics, is
Officials stressed that the months-long election process. who earlier said he had been the first former
meeting will not be a formal ne- Reports of heavily armed po- kidnapped and tortured by Chi- guerrilla to win such a
gotiating session. Nonetheless, it lice and soldiers storming into nese authorities, had been un- high-ranking office in
could mark an important step offices, sealing the doors, rifling known for 20 months until state Colombia.
toward restarting peace talks, through files and confiscating media reported last month he
which broke down in September computers set off a wave of in- was being sent back to prison for
2010. ternational protest against three years for violating his pro-
“The upcoming meeting is Egypt’s rulers. bation. His brother, Gao Zhiyi,
part of serious and continuous International Cooperation said he finally received an offi-
efforts to reach a common Minister Faiza Aboul Naga de- cial notice of the court’s decision
ground to resume the direct ne- fended the operation as a legiti- by mail on Sunday. He said the
gotiations,” said Jordanian For- mate investigation into organi- document stated that his brother
eign Ministry spokesman Mo- zations suspected of operating is being held in the Shaya Coun-
hammed Kayed. without permits and receiving ty Prison in Xinjiang.
He said Jordan’s foreign min- “political funding” against the
ister, Nasser Judeh, would host law. Arab Parliament calls for moni-
the meeting of Israeli and Pales- Aboul Naga pointed to repeat- tors to leave Syria: A pan-Arab
tinian representatives with ed complaints from the judiciary body called Sunday for the im-
teams from the international and the ruling military about mediate withdrawal of the Arab
Quartet of Mideast mediators. civil society groups acceptng for- League monitors in Syria be-
The Quartet, consisting of the eign funds to promote protests cause President Bashar al-
United States, the European and instability and “influence Assad’s regime has kept up kill-
Union, Russia and the United public opinion in non-peaceful ings of government opponents
Nations, has repeatedly tried to ways.” She said the order to in- even in the presence of the ob-
restart negotiations, aiming for a vestigate the groups came from servers. The 88-member Arab
final agreement this year. independent judges. Parliament said that Arabs are
In Washington, Secretary of — Associated Press angered by the Syrian regime’s
State Hillary Rodham Clinton ongoing killings while the nearly
welcomed the move. “We are Opposition accuses Yemeni 100 monitors are in the country.
hopeful that this direct exchange president of provoking violence: The monitors are supposed to be
can help move us forward on the Yemen’s opposition on Sunday ensuring Syria complies with
pathway proposed by the Quar- accused outgoing President Ali terms of the league’s plan to end
tet,” she said in a statement. Abdullah Saleh of trying to tor- the nine-month-old crackdown
— Associated Press pedo a power transfer deal by on dissent. But the Kuwaiti head
sparking a new crisis, as troops of the Arab Parliament, Ali Sa-
EGYPT loyal to him clashed with opposi- lem al-Deqbasi, said the pres-
tion forces, killing three. The vio- ence of the monitors is distract-
Official defends raids lence was evidence that the pres- ing from the “flagrant viola-
on democracy groups ident’s signature on a power tions” committed by Assad’s re-
transfer deal has not ended gime.
A top Egyptian official respon- months of turmoil that have ben- — From news services

In India, a spike in drug trials New year

fuels controversy over consent gets off to a
wife, who was a singer. “She ernment-run M.Y. Hospital and a
shaky start
Thousands have died
since rules were eased;
became bedridden and stopped
speaking or hearing us. She be-
came a vegetable.”
whistleblower. “Many of the trials
were conducted on children,
mentally ill patients and illiterate
in Japan
activists plan lawsuits Across India, 1,700 people who people.”
participated in clinical drug trials Rai said he retrieved forms
died between 2007 and 2010, the that showed thumb impressions Earthquake rattles
BY R AMA L AKSHMI government’s drug regulatory and were countersigned not by
agency said, although no autop- independent witnesses but by Tokyo; initial reports
khandwa, india — Two months sies were carried out to deter- doctors. The Hindi form was one mention no damage
after he lost his wife to Alzheim- mine the causes of the deaths. In page long, “with difficult words,”
er’s disease, 80-year-old Sharad 2010, 22 families of the dead were Raid said, and the English forms
Geete made a shocking discovery. compensated by U.S. and Euro- he retrieved were about 30 pages BY C HICO H ARLAN
The free drugs his wife, Sheela, pean drug companies, ranging long.
had been receiving for two years from $2,000 to $20,000. Last month, Rai said he re- beijing — A forceful 6.8-magni-
before she died were part of a Clinical drug trials in 2010 ceived an e-mail from the U.S. tude earthquake hit off the coast
clinical trial. generated business worth Food and Drug Administration of southeastern Japan on Sunday,
“The doctor told us that the $300 million in India, according office at the U.S. Embassy in New rattling buildings in Tokyo and
medicines will be given free and to the Confederation of Indian Delhi seeking “specific informa- jolting a nation still recovering
that they were going to be Industry. Conducting drug trials tion on the clincial trials of con- from last year’s mega-disaster.
launched soon by a foreign com- here saves the companies almost cern” that were conducted in But the earthquake caused lit-
pany. Not once did he say it was 40 percent of the total cost of Madhya Pradesh. tle apparent damage, with no
an experiment or a trial. If I knew, drug development because A Merck spokesman said in an initial reports of damaged build-
would I have taken the risk?” health-care professionals are e-mail that the company was ings or injuries. It prompted no
asked Geete, sitting in his home cheaper and liability is not very aware of the allegations but its tsunami warning, and nuclear
in Khandwa, a small town in the high, analysts said. The large pool subsidiary MSD in India had pro- plants across the nation reported
central Indian state of Madhya of patients with diverse illnesses vided information about their tri- no irregularities.
Pradesh. and doctors who speak English als to the Indian drug regulatory The earthquake was centered
Since India eased guidelines also make it an attractive destina- agency, and “was not found liable near Japan’s Izu Islands, about
for conducting drug trials in tion for outsourcing trials. for any compensation” and no 307 miles south-southwest of To-
2005, the number of Indians par- “India is emerging as a hub for deaths were reported in their kyo, according to the U.S. Geolog-
ticipating has shot up to 150,000 drug trials, and Indian patients trials, which have been continu- ical Survey. The quake struck at a
from close to zero, as internation- are like guinea pigs,” said C.M. ing for five years. depth of 217 miles; such a deep
al drug companies take advan- Gulhati, editor of the Monthly A spokesman for Pfizer said Sharad Geete, 80, with a photo of his wife, Sheela, a singer. After her jolt is less likely to cause damage
tage of lower costs here. But Index of Medical Specialities that the company canceled its death last year, he said, he found out that the Alzheimer’s drug she than one close to the surface.
questions about the consent proc- journal. trial in Indore because proper had taken for two years was given to her as part of a clinical trial. For those in Tokyo, this was
ess have fueled fears that many “The ethical review panels are processes were not followed, and among the biggest shakes since
Indians are entering the trials bogus,” he said in an interview. that it has produced an audio pany. vaccine but generate evidence to the 9.0-magnitude earthquake
without knowing the risks. “The drug control authority ap- book in Indian languages that is The FDA has already approved introduce it into India’s immuni- last March 11 that triggered Ja-
A Madhya Pradesh state gov- proves almost all the trial applica- shared with staff and patients, to the new dosage of Eisai’s Donepe- zation program. But an investiga- pan’s greatest crisis since World
ernment probe found that six tions without rigorous scrutiny. educate participants about their zil tablets for patients suffering tive report by Sama, a New Delhi- War II. Books fell off shelves, and
doctors had violated ethical stan- And poor, unsuspecting patients rights and responsibilities. from Alzheimer’s disease, partly based women’s health advocacy buildings quivered.
dards in gaining patients’ consent get duped, while doctors and “People will think twice and based on the Indore trials, he group, said many young girls Some roads were temporarily
for participation in drug trials hospitals earn money.” thrice before coming to a hospital said. An FDA spokesman de- suffered from acute stomach closed, but the train system was
and did not compensate those In the central Indian city of in Indore now because of this clined to share any information aches, headaches and dizziness. unaffected.
who suffered adverse side effects Indore that Geete and his wife scandal,” said Sharad Pandit, on the drug. The government subsequently “Memorable start to New Year
in 76 drug trials on 3,300 patients visited for treatment of Alzheim- chief medical health officer in Questions about the consent stopped the study. — about to greet Emperor and
since 2006, according to results er’s, patients participated in trials Indore. process arose last year in a dem- Last month in Indore, a gov- Empress for New Year when Im-
released last June. for Indian subsidiaries of compa- But one doctor named in the onstration project of a vaccine for ernment probe recommended perial Palace began to shake,”
In the wake of the recent con- nies including Novartis, Pfizer, probe said that all the trials have sexually transmitted cervical can- that doctors videotape the proc- John Roos, the U.S. ambassador
troversies, the Indian Council for Merck, Glaxo SmithKline and been ethical and legal, and that cer carried out by the Seattle- ess of securing consent, and put to Japan, said in a message on
Medical Research invited public Boehringer Ingelheim, according the protocols were the same as based charity PATH International up large signs on the hospital Twitter.
feedback on draft guidelines to documents retrieved by activ- those followed in South Korea, and the southern Andhra walls that inform patients about The March 11 earthquake,
about compensation for injuries ists using the right-to-informa- Malaysia and Thailand. Pradesh state. Hundreds of young ongoing drug trials. which struck off the northeastern
that occur during clinical re- tion law. U.S. drug companies “The consent process is very school girls were vaccinated after Meanwhile, health activists coast, led to the deaths of more
search. have conducted trials for Parkin- detailed, meticulous and stan- obtaining consent from their across India are collecting signed than 20,000 and sparked a triple
The consent form that Geete son’s disease, seizures, eye infec- dardized. Even less-educated and teachers and dorm wardens, in- testimonials from hundreds of meltdown at the Fukushima Dai-
signed said the medicines were tion, and heart and gastric ill- illiterate patients understand the stead of their parents. The immu- drug-trial participants and their ichi nuclear plant. Since that day,
part of a study. “I was so stressed nesses. nuances of blinding, control and nization card given to the girls families. “We will soon launch Japan — whose islands stretch
about my wife’s health, I said “A handful of doctors had randomization,” said Apoorva was in English instead of their legal claims” against drug com- along the world’s most seismical-
okay, okay to everything and turned it into a business on the Puranik, a neurologist who said native language, activists said. panies, said Amulya Nidhi, a ly active region — has had at least
signed on the form. We never side. And most patients had no he conducted trials on 40 pa- PATH International had said health activist with the Health 16 earthquakes or aftershocks of
questioned the doctor, we trusted idea what was going on,” said tients on behalf of MSD, Pfizer the goal of the study was not to Rights Forum in Indore. magnitude 6.5 or higher.
him blindly,” Geete said about his Anand Rai, a doctor at the gov- and Eisai, a Japanese drug com- assess the efficacy or safety of the

U.S. wary Iran reports fuel,

of Iran’s weapons advances
inroads Claims follow U.S. move
um fuel rods for use in its nuclear
power plants.
The rods were made in Iran
to impose sanctions;
in region E.U. may follow suit
and inserted into the core of
Tehran’s nuclear research reactor,
the television reported.
Iran is trying to develop its own
BY P ARISA H AFEZI nuclear fuel cycle to power reac-
iran from A1 tors without international help.
tehran — Iran announced a Western countries are skeptical of
“No one dares attack Iran,” Ah- nuclear fuel breakthrough and some of Tehran’s engineering
madinejad said in the interview. test-fired a new radar-evading claims but say they fear that Iran’s
With its latest outreach, Iran medium-range missile in the Per- enrichment of uranium to make
appears to be seeking to woo back sian Gulf on Sunday, moves that fuel could eventually lead to its
Latin American countries that could further antagonize the producing a weapon.
have grown wary of doing busi- West at a time when Tehran is In what has become part of a
ness with Tehran. Iran’s closest trying to avert stringent new pattern of saber rattling in recent
ally in the region, Venezuela, had sanctions on its oil industry. weeks, Iran is finishing a 10-day
its largest petroleum company hit On Saturday, President Obama gulf naval exercise.
with U.S. sanctions last year over signed a law imposing tougher Deputy Navy Commander
its ties with Iran. Smaller coun- financial sanctions to penalize Mahmoud Mousavi told the offi-
tries such as Nicaragua and Boliv- Iran for a nuclear research pro- cial Islamic Republic News Agen-
ia have seen little of the millions of gram that the West suspects is cy that it had successfully test-
dollars in aid promised by Iranian aimed at developing nuclear fired a medium-range surface-to-
officials over the past decade. weapons. air missile equipped with “the
But with Western nations The move could for the first latest sophisticated anti-radar
threatening to boycott Iranian oil, time hurt Tehran’s oil exports; the technologies.”
the country’s leaders are scram- European Union is due to consid- Iran has apparently delayed
bling to find willing foreign part- er similar steps soon. pre-announced plans to test its
ners who can soften the blow of As tensions have risen, Iran long-range missiles during the
sanctions and provide diplomatic threatened last week to close the drill, saying the weapons would
cover for Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Strait of Hormuz, a narrow gulf be launched in the next few days.
current and former U.S. officials When Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is sworn in for another term in office this month, he will have shipping lane through which 40 Its long-range missiles could hit
say. a special guest: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, scheduled to visit Nicaragua. percent of world oil flows, if sanc- Israel or U.S. bases in the Middle
“Iran has been actively working tions hit its oil exports. East.
for years to expand its ties and been disappointed when Iran gion a diplomatic priority. Iran South America,” said Art Keller, a At the same time, Iran signaled The United States and Israel
influence in the Western Hemi- failed to deliver on promised de- has since opened six new missions former case officer with the CIA’s on Saturday that it was ready to say they have not ruled out mili-
sphere, and it has found willing velopment projects and joint ven- there — in Colombia, Nicaragua, counterproliferation division. resume stalled international tary action against Iran if diplo-
partners in the region’s anti- tures, such a proposed $350 mil- Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay and Bo- As diplomatic relations have talks on its nuclear program. It macy fails to resolve the dispute
American despots,” said Rep. Ilea- lion deep-water port for Nicara- livia — and has expanded embas- grown between Iran and Latin says the program is completely over its nuclear program.
na Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), chair- gua. sies in Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, America, trade has soared. Iran peaceful, and, in what Iranian Western analysts say Iran
man of the House Foreign Affairs A report released in November Mexico and Venezuela. recently surpassed Russia as the media described as an engineer- sometimes exaggerates its nu-
Committee. by the Center for Strategic and Former U.S. intelligence offi- biggest importer of beef from Bra- ing breakthrough, state television clear advances to try to gain lever-
Ros-Lehtinen said she was dis- International Studies, a Washing- cials say the presence of Quds zil, a country that saw its exports said Iran had successfully pro- age in its standoff with the West.
turbed by Ahmadinejad’s plans ton think tank, questioned wheth- Force officers and other military to Iran surge seven-fold over the duced and tested its own urani- — Reuters
for what she called a “tour of er Iran ever could succeed at personnel in diplomatic missions past decade to an annual level of
tyrants,” saying it would bring building an effective support net- enhances Iran’s ability to carry out $2.12 billion. Commerce with Ar-
“the Iranian threat closer to our work in the region, even if it man- covert activities, sometimes in gentina has climbed nearly as rap-
shores.” aged to make good on its grandi- conjunction with members of the idly. Trade with Ecuador leaped fense Threat Reduction Agency. and effective immunity for its co-
The visit is expected to include ose commitments. Iran-backed Hezbollah militant from $6 million to $168 million in The study, released in May, de- vert activities,” Farah said in testi-
Venezuela, Ecuador, Cuba and Ni- “While Iran’s overtures to pe- group that operates extensive net- a single year, from 2007 to 2008. scribed Venezuela’s Banco Inter- mony in July to the House Home-
caragua, where the Iranian presi- ripheral states have the potential works in Latin America and main- Analysts argue that an expand- nacional de Desarrollo as an land Security subcommittee on
dent will be a guest at the inaugu- to weaken U.S. attempts to con- tains ties with drug cartels. U.S. ed foothold in Latin America also “opaque” institution with an all- counterterrorism and intelli-
ration of newly reelected leader tain and isolate Iran, Tehran’s web officials say the Quds Force was could provide Iran with strategic Iranian board of trustees. gence.
Daniel Ortega. is fragile and possibly illusory,” the behind the alleged plot to hire advantages in its protracted strug- The bank, which is now under Through them, Iran can
Yet Iran’s efforts in the region CSIS report said. Mexican drug gangs to assassinate gle with Western powers. In Ven- U.S. sanctions for supporting ter- achieve such goals as “unfettered
also have yielded disappoint- Iran’s ambitions in the region a Saudi diplomat in Washington. ezuela, where President Hugo rorist networks, operates with access to global banking facilities,
ments. Its Latin American part- date back at least two decades, and “For Iran to be so active in Chavez is an avowed supporter of only a single branch in Caracas ports and airports; mining of pre-
ners do far more business with the Tehran was linked in the 1990s to Venezuela and for the Quds Force Tehran’s nuclear ambitions, Iran and appears immune from over- cursor elements for WMD and
United States and other Western two bombings of Jewish centers, to be there can only suggest Iran is has opened bank branches and sight by the country’s regulators, advanced weapons systems fabri-
nations than with Iran, and most including Argentina’s worst-ever serious about asymmetrical force transportation companies that according to the report’s author, cation; and a regional base for
have been reluctant to fully back terrorist attack in 1994. projection into our neck of the U.S. officials say enable Iran to Douglas Farah, a senior fellow at infiltration and contingency oper-
the Islamic republic in disputes Relations between Iran and woods. If Israel bombs Iran, we circumvent sanctions. the International Assessment and ations aimed at undermining the
over sanctions or curbs on Iran’s Latin America began to warm may well see retaliatory strikes One Iranian-owned bank drew Strategy Center. United States and its interests,”
nuclear program. shortly after the 2005 election of aimed at U.S. interests coming special scrutiny in a study com- Such institutions “afford Iran Farah said.
Some would-be allies also have Ahmadinejad, who made the re- from these Quds Force guys in missioned by the Pentagon’s De- and its proxy elements state cover

D.C. region enjoys revival in menswear THIS WEEK, JAN. 2

The year begins with a week

more stores recognizing that this Men retreated from shopping Peyton Jenkins, while attending packed with economic news. Neil’s
CUSTOM CLOTHING, area is full of sophisticated men after the recession but are at a the University of Virginia 12 years
Tuesday Must Reads
PERSONAL SERVICE that want to look good.” point where they need to replen- ago. “There are ways to offer a
Alton Lane, originally a New ish their wardrobes, said NPD re- more honest pricing structure The Institute for Supply Man-
York City boutique, opened its first tail analyst Marshal Cohen. He that’s focused on a better shop- agement releases its index of ac- The Council on Foreign
Retailers offering branch in Washington recently as suspects that men are also keenly ping experience for guys.” tivity in the nation’s factories in Relations asked five
boutique experience part of a resurgence in menswear aware of their appearance as they The approach of Alton Lane December. Analysts are expecting thoughtful economists about
what overarching trends will
that has drawn new retailers to the try to keep or find employment. mirrors that of homegrown haber- good news: They forecast that the
market, while spurring the expan- “It’s no longer good enough to dashery Lost Boys on 31st Street in index will rise to 53.4, from 52.7 in affect the economy in 2012.
BY D ANIELLE D OUGLAS sion of existing stores in the past look like you just rolled out of bed Georgetown. Owner Kelly Muccio November, signaling more robust Read their answers at the
year. and went to work,” Cohen said. created a space in 2008 where guys growth in manufacturing output. council’s Web site. And what
Chris Masters enjoys a well- Jack Spade brought its messen- “Guys are dressing better to sepa- can kick back in a leather recliner The Federal Reserve releases is money, really, and is the
made suit. But recently he has ger bags and crew-neck sweaters rate themselves from the competi- and watch a little James Bond, minutes of its Dec. 13 policy meet- Fed really printing more of it?
been looking for a place to buy to Georgetown in September, just tion, which we haven’t seen in while her team pulls together an ing, where the central bank’s pol- Jon Hilsenrath addresses this
them other than frenzied depart- as HMX Group introduced the decades.” entire wardrobe for $250 an hour. icy committee decided to affirm much-misunderstood
ment stores where women’s Streets of Georgetown, featuring Responding to the trend, de- This “style bar,” as she calls it, its low-interest-rate policies but question on the Wall Street
clothes dominate the sales floor. an assortment of its brands such signer Vera Wang is making a for- has become so popular that Muc- make no changes. The minutes Journal’s economics blog.
That’s why Masters treks to the as Hickey Freeman and Bobby ay into men’s formalwear, while cio expanded her ground-floor op- could prove more newsworthy Find links at
appointment-only menswear Jones. Brooks Brothers, mean- Isaac Mizrahi’s label is set to bring erations upstairs for the Black than the meeting. The Federal
boutique Alton Lane in Dupont while, turned on the lights at its out a collection of dress shirts and Room, a members-only studio Open Market Committee has mustreads.
Circle for custom ensembles. sixth location in the area about the neckties, analysts note. that debuted on Black Friday. been discussing changes to how it
Clients in the newly opened same time. Alton Lane has surpassed 3,000 Guests are treated to cocktails as communicates about its goals
third-floor showroom are escort- There are dozens of area de- customers and $3 million in sales Muccio offers personal styling and and expectations, and the min- index is expected to have risen,
ed into a fitting room to be mea- partment, specialty and discount without advertising. The compa- consultation starting at $600. utes could reveal, or at least hint with a boost to 53 in December
sured by a body scanner that cap- stores that carry men’s suits and ny sources fabrics from 10 mills in Muccio says her frequent cli- at, any imminent changes. One projected, from 52 in November.
tures as many as 400 measure- sportwear. But the new shops are Europe and has the clothing made ents include executives, govern- strong possibility would be for The International Council of
ments in 30 seconds. A stylist then fueling a nascent movement in by tailors in Southeast Asia. The ment officials and local celebri- the Fed to start announcing what Shopping Centers releases its re-
uses the reading to pencil in an local retail catering to men who stores are tucked away on side ties. She would not reveal names. its members expect the future port on December sales at major
order for a form-fitted suit at a are interested in tailored suits and streets, rather than along fashion “Washington is a very impor- course of interest rates to be. retail chains.
starting price of $500. The high- custom jeans. rows such as Fifth Avenue or M tant market for retailers,” said
tech encounter scored points with Guys across the country are Street, and welcomes clients by Robert Hensely, executive vice Wednesday Friday
Masters, as did the men’s-club am- buying slacks, shirts and coats at a appointment only. president of store operations at Factory orders are expected to The December jobs report will
biance, complete with flat-screen pace that exceeds women. Sales of “The retail industry runs on Jos. A. Bank of Hampstead, near have risen 2 percent in November, show whether the labor market
TV and leather sofas. U.S. menswear climbed 6.5 per- brand inflation — the $3,000 Pra- Baltimore. “The growth of collat- following a dip in October. continued to improve last month.
“Women are not the only ones cent to $53.7 billion through Octo- da suit doesn’t cost close to that to eral industries associated with the Sales of cars and light trucks, Analysts think it did: They fore-
that put extra care into their ap- ber, eclipsing the 1.5 percent gain make, but they’re paying for the federal government, be it lobbying meanwhile, are expected to have cast 150,000 net new jobs were
pearance,” said Masters, director in women’s wear during the same Fifth Avenue address and ads,” or communications, works hand roughly held steady in December. created, up from 120,000 added
of marketing for a real estate firm period, according to market re- said Colin Hunter, a co-owner of in hand with our fashion.” Analysts expect that light vehicles in November. That would be con-
in Alexandria. “It’s nice to see search firm NPD Group. Alton Lane who met his partner, were sold at a 13.5 million annual sistent with a decline in new
rate last month, little changed claims for jobless benefits in the
from 13.6 million in November. month. The unemployment rate,
however, is forecast to edge up to
Thursday 8.7 percent from 8.6 percent, part-
The ISM is back, with its index ly reversing a steep November
of activity in the service sector. decline.
The group’s non-manufacturing — Neil Irwin



Building leadership from a legacy of service

Merkle turns data and analysis into profitable advice
My dad was part of that World

xecutives at Merkle, a War II generation that never
Columbia-based marketing really talked about their
services company, blow off experiences. But one day when I
steam racing dune buggies was 12, I found a set of
across the Baja California memorabilia in a box inside of a
peninsula, climbing Mount drawer in the house. In that box
Rainier, bouncing along was a Silver Star medal that was
Colorado River white water and awarded to my dad, who was a
running with the bulls in combat medic in the Third
Pamplona, Spain. Infantry Division, for saving the
I have written about sexier life of some men under machine-
companies than Merkle, which gun fire.
— to put it simply — collects and I never knew that about my
analyzes massive amounts of dad. When I read that, it David F. Melcher
data, then advises clients — from prompted a conversation Position: Chief executive and
Clorox to Disney — on how to between us that was part of the president of Exelis Inc., an
find new customers and keep momentum to carry me forward aerospace, defense and information
them happy. to West Point. solutions company headquartered in
There are no set hours for I arrived at West Point in 1972, McLean.
Merkle’s 1,500 employees, when the Vietnam War wasn’t Career highlights: President, ITT
including the 419 who work over just yet. I enjoyed the Defense & Information Solutions;
locally. You do the job, keep the discipline, the environment and vice president of strategy and
clients satisfied, and push the the opportunity to learn about business development, ITT Defense
envelope on what you can do for leadership. and Information Solutions;
them. Drive by the five-story Having studied civil lieutenant general, Army’s military
suburban headquarters any engineering, I went into the U.S. deputy for budget, Pentagon;
weekend or weeknight, and Army Corps of Engineers as an brigadier general; commander of the
you’ll find a dozen cars in the officer and ended up staying for Army Corps of Engineers,
parking lot. 32 years in the Army, Southwestern Division; White House
“We are a work-hard, play- commanding at the platoon, fellow, Office of Management and
hard kind of company,” said David Williams bought Merkle from a former client in 1988, when he was working as a stockbroker. company, battalion and brigade Budget.
David Williams, the 48-year-old level. Age: 58
chairman and chief executive. race cars. properties to raise the $300,000 sauce lies in its analytics. For That theme of serving the Education: BS in civil engineering,
“Merkle is not for everybody.” Williams grew up in down payment. He asked his example, when Dell computer country and having an interest in U.S. Military Academy at West Point;
Don’t talk to Merkle about Philadelphia and studied clients if any were interested in wanted to send catalogues to business circled around many MS in business administration,
“work-life balance.” marketing and finance at investing in the company, and 120 million potential customers, times in the Army. I ended up Harvard University; MS in public
“If some person is going to Shippensburg University in one became a partner — and a Merkle helped it narrow the commanding a division in Dallas, administration, Shippensburg
miss a kid’s recital tonight south-central Pennsylvania, business coach. focus to those most likely to buy which was really like a University.
because they are taking care of a where he graduated in 1985. Williams was turned down by a laptop computer. Merkle sent $1.5 billion construction Personal: Lives in Northern Virginia
client, [that] is a practical reality Like most entrepreneurs, about a dozen banks before one out thousands of catalogues, company. with his wife. They have two grown
at Merkle,” said the hard- Williams pined to own his own agreed to lend him $2.5 million. digesting the responses to come One of my proudest daughters.
charging entrepreneur. “We are company. He planned on He borrowed the rest from up with a profile of a likely Dell experiences was as an engineer
willing to do what it takes to growing a landscaping business Blanton. customer. Then it used that platoon leader tasked with the
take care of business. A lot of that he had begun in college, but He had a quick awakening profile to project likely construction of a road leading to radios — this was a company I
people aren’t willing to work one of his customers said he when Merkle lost one of its customers across the United a camp for children with was impressed with.
that hard.” “was on a path to nowhere” and biggest clients in his first year States. disabilities. I initially came to the company
One of the company’s mottos suggested he become a and Blanton took ill, removing a Merkle prefers to work with The road was in horrible to do strategy work and business
is “business is personal.” stockbroker. key adviser. But Williams Fortune 1000 companies and shape, and people couldn’t get to development but I was given a
It isn’t easy to get hired. The Williams — born with a talent pushed through. major nonprofit organizations, and from the camp. It was a very rare opportunity within four
screening process includes for numbers — took the “I wasn’t worried about such as the American Cancer unique project paid for by private months to become president of
making a presentation before stockbroker exam in 1985. He failure because I had so much Society. It focuses on growth sources. We basically donated the its defense group.
three people, who then vote on was hired by Butcher & Singer, a exposure to it [growing up],” industries and large “best in use of the time and equipment. I think this was because I
whether they want you. storied Philadelphia investment said Williams, who says a breed” corporations such as Dell, We honed our skills as supplied a fresh set of eyes to the
The rewards are high. The house, where he thrived. lifelong battle with dyslexia, a Geico, DirecTV, Wendy’s, OnStar, engineers, but also provided a company and was able to see the
average Merkle salary is about reading disorder, hardened him Urban Outfitters, T.G.I. Friday’s, needed service to a community. storm clouds on the horizon in
$90,000, and all employees get Acquiring Merkle against embarrassment. Disney and Microsoft. Everyone was beaming the day terms of the defense budget. I
health-care coverage. Every His “aha moment” hit when Merkle had started as a data In addition to its Columbia the ribbon was cut. knew we needed to reshape the
quarter, the company awards a he noticed that his wealthiest processing company that kept headquarters, it has offices in One of the things I learned company in a way that would
handful of “dream grants,” from clients were entrepreneurs who track of union and association Boston, Chicago, Denver, Little early on about leadership is that reduce costs and create
$1,000 to $5,000, that allow a had sold their businesses at members and where they lived. Rock, Minneapolis, New York, you give respect in order to get opportunities not only in the
person or small team to do some point in their lives. Using that as a core, Merkle rode Philadelphia, Seattle and respect. Defense Department, but in non-
whatever they want, whether it’s “The only way to build equity the direct-mail and direct- Hagerstown, Md. Respect is appreciating the defense sectors.
go to Boston for a Red Sox game is to actually own a business,” marketing boom of the ’90s. And Williams has his sights talent and skills of human beings Now, in this position, we will
or climb down a cave in Belize. said Williams, who was earning Catalogues became set on raising revenue to while understanding that have to manage our portfolio
“We really want hard about $60,000 a year at the time mainstream. Credit card $1 billion a year. everyone has a dream, desire and well, adapt to changing
chargers,” said Williams. and trying to build a stake by solicitation grew. The Internet The company has had many need to achieve. It’s the job of a circumstances, seek out
The company grossed around investing in rental properties. opened up new ways to reach offers from suitors in the past leader to inspire hope and opportunities to grow new
$300 million in 2011 and earns a One of his customers at the customers. Big companies hired half dozen years, and Williams aspirations. business and offer affordable
profit of about $50 million based time, a retired Air Force colonel Merkle, especially the telecom said receiving venture capital When I retired from the Army solutions to customers.
on a profit percentage in the named Harvey Blanton, started giants of the day — MCI, AT&T investment means the company as a lieutenant general and I’ve learned you need to be the
mid-teens. It also has little debt. talking about selling a profitable and Bell Atlantic — all of whom will have to reach some sort of looked at all the opportunities best leader you can be in a
A recent investment of Lanham-based marketing were competing furiously for decision point in five to seven out there, joining ITT Defense governmental context, because
$75 million by Technology company he owned called landline and cellphone years. But no one knows the end was very attractive because it was the nation needs that, and in a
Crossover Ventures, a Silicon Merkle Computer Systems. The customers. game. a company whose capabilities I business context because the
Valley-based venture capital company earned $800,000 in As computer horsepower In the meantime, the racing- saw as a customer in the military. nation needs that too.
firm, pegged Merkle’s worth at profits on $2.5 million in grew, Merkle married the car enthusiast has no intention The night vision devices, the — Interview with Vanessa Small
$400 million. That means revenue. It had 23 employees. technical aspects of large data of putting on the brakes.
Williams, who owns just shy of After failing to get Butcher & compilation with analysis that “I intend to work very hard
half of the company, is a happy Singer interested in Merkle, predicts consumer behavior. To my entire career,” he said. “I On Mondays, The Washington Post offers
man. Williams decided to buy the parse the information even want to be around a really Capital Business, a weekly publication covering
This is a focused bunch. And company himself in 1988. He more, it hired statistics experts. smart, hardworking group of the region’s business community. A one-year
like most corporate cultures, borrowed $5 million of the people.” subscription costs $49 for Washington Post
Merkle’s starts at the top — with $5.3 million purchase price, Breaking it down subscribers and $69 for Capital Business only.
a boss whose hobby is driving selling a couple of his rental The company says its secret Twitter: @addedvalueth Visit for more details.
A12 Washington Business EZ SU KLMNO MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 2012


pointed Tina Leone executive Jim Northington chief credit

Navy releases worst-case cost
Cognosante of McLean ap-
pointed Stephen Gantz vice
president of health reform.
National Health Council of
the District appointed Larry
Sandy Spring Bank of Olney
appointed Nina Baranchuck
for next-generation warship
Earth Networks of German- Hausner chairperson, LaVarne vice president and chief invest-
town appointed Thomas A. Burton chairperson-elect, ment officer of its investment Review of growing price
Spendley, former vice presi- Nancy Brown vice chairperson, management and fiduciary ser-
dent of software development Eric Racine treasurer and Tom vices division. for USS Gerald R. Ford
at Thomson Reuters, vice presi- Wallace secretary. Virginia Commerce Bank of began in August
dent of engineering. The ViennaTysons Regional Arlington appointed Mark S.
Chamber of Commerce of Vi- Merrill executive vice president
enna appointed Lisa F. Huff- and chief financial officer. BY T ONY C APACCIO
Associations/nonprofits man, former vice president of
International Foundation business development for the The U.S. Navy has estimated a
for Electoral Systems of the Fairfax County Chamber of Legal worst-case cost overrun of as
District appointed Judy A. Commerce, president. Bracewell & Giuliani of the much as $1.1 billion for the air-
Black, a policy director at District appointed Paul S. craft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford,
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Maco partner. the service’s most expensive war-
Schreck, secretary of the board Real estate ship.
of directors. CoStar Group of the District Send information about The carrier is being built by
The American Land Title appointed Rene Circ director promotions, appointments Huntington Ingalls Industries un-
Association of the District ap- of research-industrial in its and personnel moves in the der a cost-plus, incentive-fee con-
pointed Jessica McEwen, for- property and portfolio research Washington area to tract in which the Navy pays for
mer legislative assistant to Rep. division. Appointments, Business News, most of the overruns. Even so, the
Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.), director The Washington Post, 1150 15th service’s efforts to control expens-
of government affairs. Financial St. NW, Washington, D.C. es may put the company’s
Ballston Business Improve- Northwest Federal Credit 20071-5302, or to $579.2 million profit at risk, ac-
ment District of Arlington ap- Union of Herndon appointed cording to the Navy.
A review of the carrier’s rising
costs began in August after the
Navy’s program manager indicated
BANKRUPTCIES that the “most likely” overrun had
risen to $884.7 million, or about
17 percent over the contract’s target
These firms recently filed with the U.S. Date filed: Dec. 21 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
Bankruptcy Court’s local court clerk’s offices. Attorney: Rachael Hammer, 703-848-1950 price of $5.16 billion. That’s up from
Under Chapter 11 of the federal bankruptcy code, a Assets: zero to $50,000
Universal Community Development LLC
a $650 million overrun estimated
company is protected from claims by creditors while it Liabilities: $100,001 to $500,000
attempts to reorganize its finances under a plan Largest unsecured creditor: Keshav Travels Put Ltd., 333 I St. SW, Washington, D.C. 20024 in April, according to internal Navy
approved by the court. $51,000 Type of filing: Chapter 11 reorganization
In a Chapter 7 liquidation, a court trustee sells Case number: 11-00943 figures made available to Bloom-
assets to pay creditors’ claims. The company then Date filed: Dec. 22 berg News. The worst-case assess-
ceases operations. MARYLAND DISTRICT Attorney: Richard H. Gins, 301-718-1078
GREENBELT Assets: $1,000,001 to $10 million ment would be about 21 percent
Liabilities: $1,000,001 to $10 million
Largest unsecured creditor: Not disclosed
over the target.
DISTRICT Dorsey’s Meats Inc. “Regular reviews of the cost
305 S. Second St., Woodsboro, Md. 21798 — Compiled by Vanessa Small
ALEXANDRIA DIVISION Type of filing: Chapter 7 liquidation performance indicated cost in-
Case number: 11-34894
Date filed: Dec. 27
creases were occurring,” Capt.
Across the World Travels LLC
5501 Merchant View Sq., No. 222, Haymarket, Va. 20169 Attorney: Stanley N. Tashoff, 301-948-1466
FACE TIME Cate Mueller, a Navy spokeswom-
Assets: $50,001 to $100,000
Type of filing: Chapter 7 liquidation
Case number: 11-19075-RGM Liabilities: $100,001 to $500,000 an, said in a statement.
Largest unsecured creditor: Not disclosed Face Time will return next week. Some rising costs are tied to rier faced the $650 million overrun
construction inefficiencies, the to complete the contract — 562
Navy said. Sean Stackley, the million of which the Navy would
Navy’s assistant secretary for ac- absorb, the remaining $88 million
INSIDER TRANSACTIONS quisition, directed the review “to absorbed by Huntington.
determine specific causes and 2015 delivery, the service said. The completed initial vessel,
what recovery actions could be Huntington Ingalls’s goal is to the first of three in the $40.2 bil-
Trading as reported by companies’ directors, presidents, chief financial officers, general counsels, chief executive
put in place,” Mueller said. reduce the program’s costs, chief lion program, is projected to cost
officers, chairmen and other officers, or by beneficial owners of more than 10 percent of a company’s stock.
Even as the Navy conducts its executive Michael Petters said in at least $11.5 billion.
internal review, it is trying to as- an interview. The $11.5 billion comprises
Company Insider Title Date Action Shares Price Now holds sure U.S. lawmakers and Penta- “If there was something else I $2.9 billion in detailed design and
Advisory Board Co. (The) David L. Felsenthal President Dec. 22 Sold 3,375 73.84 27,358 gon officials that costs of major thought we needed to do, we’d be $8.6 billion for construction and
Michael T. Kirshbaum CFO Dec. 22 Sold 1,375 73.84 4,860
vessel programs are being con- doing it,” Petters said. “If there is government-furnished equip-
Cormac F. Miller Officer Dec. 22 Sold 3,750 73.84 2,148
trolled. The Pentagon is evaluat- something else somebody else ment, such as the nuclear reactor.
Scott A. Schirmeier Officer Dec. 22 Sold 719 73.83 3,287
Richard A. Schwartz Officer Dec. 22 Sold 2,875 73.82 to 74.32 2,475
ing strategy, retirement health thinks we ought to be doing, we’ll An additional $3.7 billion is for
Frank J. Williams Director Dec. 23 Sold 11,250 73.99 to 74.39 39,761 benefits, weapons programs and listen and, if it makes sense, we’ll research that applies to all three
American Capital Ltd. Paulson & Co. Beneficial owner Dec. 22 Sold 2,153,204 7.15 to 7.16 8,376,610 military service budgets to find as do it.’’ vessels in the class, the Navy said.
Amerigroup Corp. James G. Carlson CEO Dec. 22 Sold 164,099 60 to 60.01 242,934 much as $488 billion in reduc- Mueller said some of Hunting- The Congressional Budget Of-
Uwe E. Reinhardt Director Dec. 22 Sold 64,999 60 19,557 tions through 2021. The service ton’s cost-control efforts are pro- fice wrote in a June report that
James W. Truess CFO Dec. 15 to Dec. 22 Sold 5,200 53.92 to 60 142,216 has already offered to delay con- ducing “favorable results.” For ex- cost growth typically occurs when
Chindex International Julius Y. Oestreicher Director Dec. 16 to Dec. 19 Sold 10,000 8.17 to 8.50 81,383 struction of the second Ford-class ample, the Newport News, a ship is more than half finished.
Ciena Corp. Stephen B. Alexander Chief technology officer Dec. 15 to Dec. 21 Sold 25,312 10.93 to 11.35 231,126
vessel, the CVN-79 John F. Ken- Va.-based shipbuilder has estab- The Ford design contract is about
James Frodsham Officer Dec. 21 Sold 12,208 11.35 185,285
nedy, by two years. lished specific labor-cost targets 42 percent complete.
Donou Francois Locoh Officer Dec. 21 to Dec. 28 Sold 8,419 11.35 to 12.01 202,664
Philippe Morin Officer Dec. 21 Sold 4,673 11.35 231,855
Stackley’s assessment is focus- for its key manufacturing and The Navy’s projected cost has
James E. Moylan Jr. CFO Dec. 21 Sold 11,880 11.35 304,840 ing on “every aspect of the ship’s construction jobs. Mueller did not risen 10 percent between the fiscal
Andrew C. Petrik Officer Dec. 21 Sold 4,694 11.35 48,485 construction including the risks” say whether those moves have 2008 and 2012 budgets and “fur-
David M. Rothenstein General counsel Dec. 21 Sold 4,889 11.35 194,658 of delays and cost growth to both reduced costs yet. ther increases appear likely,” CBO
Gary Brian Smith CEO Dec. 21 Sold 39,800 11.35 480,924 contractor- and government-fur- The Navy also has agreed to analyst Eric Labs wrote.
Coventry Health Care Thomas C. Zielinski Officer Dec. 22 Sold 86,667 31.14 83,586 nished equipment, Mueller said. consider changes to specifications The office estimates that the
Deltek Trust Onae Trustee Dec. 20 Sold 20,000 9.88 114,835 Among the largest government- and modify them “where appro- final price tag will be about
Eagle Bancorp Neal R. Gross Director Dec. 21 to Dec. 27 Bought 43,110 14.12 to 14.31 961,387
furnished equipment is the carri- priate to lower cost and schedule $12.9 billion if the increases in the
Leland M. Weinstein Director Dec. 16 to Dec. 20 Sold 1,056 14.55 to 14.79 101,333
Gannett Co.
er’s nuclear reactor. risk,” Mueller said. aircraft carrier’s cost follow his-
Roxanne V. Horning Officer Dec. 23 Sold 8,500 13.46 10,286
Hanger Orthopedic Group Ivan R. Sabel Director Dec. 20 Sold 11,500 17.60 121,177
The review includes officials Huntington has designated a torical patterns.
Jos. A. Bank Clothiers. Robert Neal Black CEO Dec. 21 to Dec. 28 Sold 3,000 49.13 to 49.31 79,429 from Stackley’s office, as well as senior vice president and ship Any discussion of cost growth
Lockheed Martin Corp. Christopher E. Kubasik President Dec. 21 Sold 50,000 78.99 43,398 the Naval Sea Systems Command, construction superintendent with should reflect the Gerald Ford’s
Marriott International John Willard Marriott Jr. CEO Dec. 21 to Dec. 23 Sold 800,000 28.74 to 29.75 37,617,300 the chief of naval operations and daily oversight responsibility. status as a first-of-a-kind ship un-
NII Holdings Ruben Butvilofsky Officer Dec. 27, Dec. 28 Bought 15,275 20.50 to 21.32 31,828 the Navy’s supervisor of ship- The Navy plans to report a new der development, Petters said.
Gregory J. Santoro Officer Dec. 23 Sold 5,000 21.16 to 21.17 43,968 building, Mueller said. contract completion cost in its “A lead ship comes with a whole
Sunrise Senior Living Capital L.P. Carlson Beneficial owner Dec. 27 Bought 88,000 6.03 7,391,420 Late delivery of Huntington- next annual report to Congress. lot of churn — things that don’t go
Capital L.P. Carlson Beneficial owner Dec. 19 to Dec. 23 Bought 1,858,288 4.80 to 6.09 7,391,420
furnished material has been a key The document would be submit- the way it should,” he said. “It’s
Paul J. Klaassen Director Dec. 21 to Dec. 28 Sold 287,600 5.52 to 6.08 1,825,590
factor in late assembly and ineffi- ted to lawmakers next year. like building a prototype.”
Warren L. Troupe Officer Dec. 20 Sold 29,900 25.01 571,515
United Therapeutics Corp. Martine A. Rothblatt CEO Dec. 19, Dec. 20 Bought 11,823 43.43 to 44.46 656,095
cient construction, the Navy said. Mueller declined to discuss the
Still, the carrier remains on sched- current overrun estimates. The
Thomson Financial
ule for its planned September Navy earlier disclosed that the car- 6 For more from Bloomberg
Government, visit

Exxon is awarded $908 million in fight with Venezuela Leaders aim

have a contractual liability to Ex- pensation, both left the country to buy time
Compensation for
nationalization of assets
xon Mobil. The ICC award is for
Exxon had sought as much as
after the nationalizations.
Venezuelan Energy Minister
Rafael Ramirez has said the coun-
to save euro
is less than firm sought $10 billion in compensation for its try does not expect to pay more B LOOMBERG N EWS
heavy crude upgrading project in than $2.5 billion for the combined
the South American country’s vast total of the claims by the two European leaders return to
BY B RIAN E LLSWORTH Orinoco belt, which was national- companies. PDVSA said in a debt work this week seeking to buy
AND M ARIANNA P ARRAGA ized by Chavez along with three prospectus that it had set aside time for the Spanish and Italian
others. The award is less than the $1.5 billion in provision for litiga- governments to wrest control over
caracas, venezuela — An arbi- $1 billion that Venezuela offered tion as of the first semester of their debt and rescue the euro
tration panel has awarded U.S. oil in compensation in September. 2011. from fragmentation as the re-
giant Exxon Mobil $908 million In addition to the ICC claim, Venezuela’s outstanding arbi- gion’s crisis enters a new year.
in compensation for Venezuela’s Exxon filed for arbitration with tration claims include disputes About 157 billion euros
2007 nationalization of its assets, the World Bank’s International with Swiss cement maker Holcim ($203 billion) in debt will mature
less than 10 percent of what the Center for Settlement of Invest- and Canadian miner Gold Re- in the 17-member euro area in the
company sought in a long legal ment Disputes over the same is- serve, which could force it to make first three months of 2012, accord-
battle with the OPEC nation. sue. The Exxon spokesman said large payouts. ing to UBS AG. By the end of that
Venezuelan President Hugo that case was scheduled to be Chavez’s steady push to boost period, leaders have pledged to
Chavez will probably celebrate argued next month, and that the control over the country’s oil in- draft a stricter rulebook on rein-
the ruling as a vindication of his date for any verdict was not yet dustry started in 2004 and was ing in debt. German Chancellor
nationalist confrontation with oil known. followed by similar efforts in oil- Angela Merkel and French Presi-
companies, which is aimed at in- Prices for Venezuela’s widely producing countries ranging dent Nicolas Sarkozy will meet in
creasing revenue from the indus- traded bonds are likely to react from Ecuador to Kazakhstan. Berlin on Jan. 9 to flesh out the
try to boost funding for state-led positively to the news given some Critics say his nationalization details.
anti-poverty programs. expectations that the award could drive has slowed foreign invest- On the 10th anniversary of the
But Venezuela faces another ar- have been higher, Dallen said. The ruling is sort of a win for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. ment that could help lift Ven- introduction of the euro bank
bitration with Exxon over the na- Venezuela’s sovereign debt and ezuela’s crude production, which notes that replaced national cur-
tionalization of the Cerro Negro PDVSA’s bonds may get a lift Mon- $750 million it said it invested in more details are released. has been stagnant for years, and rencies, the euro for the first time
heavy oil project, as well as more day. the project — the amount Ven- The Exxon spokesman told has left fewer companies interest- had two consecutive annual losses
than a dozen pending claims from A limited payout in the claim ezuela says Exxon deserves after Reuters that the company was ed in its oil fields. against the U.S. dollar and
companies such as ConocoPhil- will help the socialist Chavez con- the takeover. still reviewing the more-than- Relations between Exxon and plunged to a record low against
lips resulting from a wave of state tinue to boost state spending on But Exxon insists it should also 400-page ruling. Venezuela were particularly acri- the yen. Leaders are struggling to
takeovers. public assistance and housing for be compensated for the increased In 2007, Venezuela bought back monious. In 2008, Exxon won an hold the monetary union together
“They must be elated that they the poor in the run-up to his value of the project, which at its $630 million in bonds issued to injunction against PDVSA to in the face of credit downgrades
got off so cheap. It’s certainly a October reelection bid, which is outset in the early 1990s was con- finance the Cerro Negro project, freeze up to $12 billion of its as- and a looming recession.
happy new year for Venezuela,” seen as the toughest of his 13 years sidered risky because of low oil which Dallen said may have fig- sets, a ruling that was quickly The key to the euro’s survival
said Russ Dallen, head bond trad- in power. prices and uncertainty about the ured into the calculation of the overturned but triggered furious may lie with Italy, the group’s
er at investment bank Caracas The dispute between Exxon relatively untested operations to award. criticism from Chavez. third-largest economy and the
Capital Markets. and Chavez became symbolic of turn tarlike Orinoco oil into valu- Local analyst Asdrubal Olive- Oil companies have remained second most indebted, after
“But what gives Exxon hope is the conflict between countries able light crude. ros of Ecoanalitica estimated the eager to invest in the Orinoco belt, Greece. The government in Rome
that it’s only the first of two arbi- seeking more revenue from the “Exxon took a risk when they value of Exxon assets in Venezuela which is considered one of the must repay 53 billion euros
tration proceedings.” booming oil industry and compa- went in. I’m sure they were ex- at $4.5 billion. world’s largest crude reserves, ($68.58 billion) in debt in the first
An Exxon spokesman said in an nies insisting on respect for in- pecting more than just making Conoco Phillips was an inves- with Chevron and Spain’s Repsol quarter, about a third of the euro
e-mail Sunday that the Interna- vestments and compensation for their money back,” Dallen said, tor in two of the four Orinoco signing investment deals in 2010 area’s whole scheduled amount,
tional Chamber of Commerce state takeovers. adding that it will be hard to reach upgrader projects. Exxon and for new multibillion-dollar proj- after Prime Minister Mario Monti
(ICC) had ruled that Venezuela’s The ICC decision appears to a definitive conclusion about Conoco, which had in total asked ects there. passed a budget package aimed at
state oil company, PDVSA, “does award Exxon a sum close to the what the decision means until for as much as $40 billion in com- — Reuters curtailing borrowing costs.


Katrina victims
hope to avoid
repaying FEMA
month, however, Congress ap-
New law allows agency proved legislation that would allow
FEMA to waive many of the debts.
to waive debts of some President Obama signed the meas-
who got disaster aid ure — part of a $1 trillion spending
package — into law Dec. 23.
FEMA spokeswoman Rachel
BY M ICHAEL K UNZELMAN Racusen said the agency is review-
ing the law’s provisions and devel-
new orleans — When the Feder- oping a plan to implement them.
al Emergency Management Agen- It remains to be seen how many
cy mailed out 83,000 debt notices recipients of FEMA money could
last year to victims of Hurricane benefit from the change.
Katrina and other 2005 storms, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.),
one of the letters showed up in who sponsored the provision, said
David Bellinger’s mailbox. Bel- disaster victims shouldn’t be pun-
linger, who is blind, needed a ished because FEMA was “dys-
friend to read it and break the functional.”
news that FEMA wants him to pay “They have significantly im-
back more than $3,200 in federal proved the process,” Landrieu said
aid he received after Katrina. of the agency. “This is very unlike-
“I nearly had a stroke,” recalls ly to happen again.”
the 63-year-old, who moved to At- Racusen said FEMA has imple-
lanta after the storm wrecked his mented “strong protections” to
New Orleans home. “I’m totally avoid making improper pay-
blind. I subsist entirely on a Social ments, reducing its error rate from
Security disability check. If I have about 14 percent after Katrina to
to pay this money back, it would less than 1 percent for more recent David Bellinger was upset when he learned that FEMA wants him to pay back more than $3,200 he received after Hurricane Katrina.
pretty much wipe out all the sav- disasters.
ings I have.” “We have also worked to signifi- Racusen said. After Bellinger moved to Atlan- pay back the money. contest the notices and get a hear-
Many other Gulf Coast hurri- cantly improve the recoupment This isn’t the first time Bel- ta, the Department of Housing “I was knocked for a loop,” she ing on it,” she said.
cane victims are in the same posi- process so that it is more under- linger has tangled with FEMA and Urban Development covered said. “I don’t have that kind of The provision signed into law
tion, angry and frustrated at the standable and provides due proc- over funds he received to pay for some but not all of his rent. He says money. I have a lot of doctors’ bills Dec. 23 allows FEMA to waive the
prospect of repaying money they ess for both disaster survivors and renting an apartment in Atlanta. he relied on FEMA’s aid to make up and other bills to pay.” debt for somebody who earns less
spent years ago as they tried to taxpayers,” she said in a statement. He was a plaintiff in a class action the difference. FEMA claims he Law firms and legal aid groups than $90,000 a year if the money
rebuild their lives. FEMA’s collection efforts aren’t over the agency’s decision to end received a duplication of benefits, have volunteered to help Haskin, was mistakenly awarded due to
FEMA is seeking to recover limited to the 2005 storms. The housing subsidies for storm vic- but Bellinger said the agency is Bellinger and many others chal- FEMA error. A debt involving fraud
more than $385 million it says was agency has mailed out more than tims and its efforts to recover al- mistaken. lenge FEMA’s recoupment efforts. cannot be waived. Racusen said
improperly paid to victims of hur- 6,000 debt letters to survivors of leged overpayments. FEMA later “The fault is theirs, not mine, “It’s really unfair that the govern- FEMA is “committed to applying
ricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. other recent disasters, including paid more than $2.6 million to and they have to suffer the conse- ment waited this long to come after the law to the fullest extent possi-
The debts, which average about floods. settle the claims. quences,” he said. “I submitted this lady,” said Haskin’s attorney, ble.”
$4,622 per recipient, represent Approximately 2,500 recipi- That case had also delayed the everything they required. As far as Beau Cole. “They didn’t deliberate- Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-
slightly less than 5 percent of the ents, including 930 victims of the debt-collection process that Bel- I know, I did nothing wrong.” ly do it, but the effect is the same.” Miss.) said the recoupment proc-
roughly $8 billion that FEMA dis- 2005 hurricanes, have appealed linger and other storm victims are Lubertha Haskin, a Gulfport, The New Orleans office of ess is flawed. Many debt letters
tributed after the storms. At least their debt notices. FEMA says now facing. Before the settlement, Miss., resident who turned 80 on Southeast Louisiana Legal Ser- have been returned as “undeliver-
some of the overpayments were about 30 percent of those appeals a federal judge in New Orleans Dec. 27, received about $8,000 vices, which offers free legal aid, able,” meaning some people have
due to FEMA employees’ mis- erased at least some of the debt. ordered FEMA to suspend the ef- from FEMA to repair some of Ka- has fielded more than 100 calls moved and don’t even know they
takes, ranging from clerical errors Recipients also can ask for a waiv- fort in 2007 while it drew up new trina’s damage to her home and to since September from people who owe money, he said.
to failing to interview applicants, er due to economic hardship or guidelines for the recoupment replace belongings. In October, want to challenge their FEMA re- “Most of these individuals went
according to congressional testi- seek to set up a payment plan. process. FEMA reinstituted the FEMA sent her a debt letter that coupment letter. Rowena Jones, a through a lot of trauma,” Thomp-
mony. “It is important for any individ- process last year. said her insurer had covered the lawyer for the group, said she son said. “For our government to
But the agency says it is re- ual who has received a recoup- “What a way to celebrate Christ- same costs, a claim Haskin denies. hasn’t seen the appeals process all of a sudden say, ‘We made a
quired by law to make an effort to ment notice to know that these mas, knowing I’ve got another Haskin said she hadn’t heard yield any “actual results.” mistake, you owe us money,’ that’s
recover improper payments, even letters are the start of a conversa- FEMA battle on my hands,” Bel- from the agency in five years and “Our clients just don’t seem to not how it should be done.”
if the recipient wasn’t at fault. Last tion with FEMA, not the end,” linger said. never suspected she might have to be getting a fair opportunity to — Associated Press

Fixing Medicare and other promises
Bryan R. Lawrence did an excellent job highlight-
ing the $2.9 trillion increase in the cost of obliga-
EDITORIALS tions that Social Security and Medicare will have to
pay out [“The bad news before Christmas,” op-ed,

Overcharged Dec. 29]. The growing cost of these obligations

should motivate efforts to support the long-term
solvency of these programs, and history suggests
that taking steps forward is possible.
Congress needs to pull the plug on electric-car subsidies. In the New Year, Democrats and Tea Party
Republicans should consider working together to

HERE MAY NOT have been a party in cost-effective than ethanol. What’s more, only tests. Meanwhile, Fisker, the recipient of more secure drug price negotiation powers for Medicare.
Times Square to celebrate, but two of the upper-income consumers can afford to buy an than half a billion dollars in low-interest Energy These groups managed to pass legislation to stop
most wasteful subsidies ever to clutter electric vehicle (EV); so the charger subsidy is a Department loans, repeatedly delayed the intro- funding the GE Rolls-Royce jet engines that the
the Internal Revenue Code went out giveaway to the well-to-do. duction of its ballyhooed Karma — while repeat- Pentagon identified as wasteful, a task that had
with the old year. Congress declined to The same goes for the $7,500 tax credit that the edly raising the sticker price. And now Fisker has eluded previous attempts and a fiscal victory of 2011
renew either the 45-cent-per-gallon tax credit for government offers purchasers of electric vehicles, announced a recall of the cars because of a that is worth remembering.
corn-based ethanol or the 54-cent-per-gallon tariff a subsidy that, alas, did not expire at year’s end. potential defect in its batteries — made by A123 Perhaps in 2012 the collaboration could continue
on imported ethanol, so both expired Dec. 31. The Obama administration says that the credit Systems, another large recipient of Energy De- on legislation to allow Medicare the same right
Taxpayers will no longer have shell out roughly helps build a market for EVs, which helps create partment support. already given to the Veterans Affairs Department. If
$6 billion per year for a program that badly jobs. Given the price of eligible models, like the Evidence is mounting that President Obama the policy is good enough for the VA, why isn’t it
distorted the global grain market, artificially $100,000 Fisker Karma, that rationale sounds an was overly optimistic to pledge that there would good enough for Medicare?
raised the cost of agricultural land and did almost awful lot like trickle-down economics. be 1 million EVs on the road by 2015. Electric cars The Tea Party calls for budget discipline. Mem-
nothing to curb greenhouse gas emissions. A Backers of the charger tax credit may lobby are not likely to form a significant part of the bers of Occupy Wall Street intuit corporate priorities
federal law requiring the use of 36 billion gallons Congress to renew it when lawmakers tackle the solution to America’s dependence on foreign oil, outweighing over citizen priorities. Working to
of ethanol for fuel by 2022 still props up the payroll tax extension issue again in the new year. or to global warming, in the near future. They guarantee that the government does not overpay for
industry, but the tax credit’s expiration is a victory We hope that Congress says no. Not only is it a case simply pose too many issues of price and practical- medication, misallocating tax dollars in the process,
for common sense just the same. study in upward income redistribution, it also ity to attract a large segment of the car-buying would be a victory for both sides.
Meanwhile, a lesser-known but equally dubious would represent a deepening of the taxpayers’ public. More prosaic fuel-economy innovations Nicole Bhalla Fernandez, Arlington
energy tax break also expired when the year ended commitment to what looks increasingly like an such as conventional hybrids, clean-diesel cars l
Saturday: the credit that gave electric-car owners industry not ready for prime time. and advanced gasoline engines all show much Bryan R. Lawrence did well to summarize the
up to $1,000 to defray the cost of installing a Sales of electric vehicles were disappointing in more promise than electrics. Government Accountability Office’s year-end accru-
220-volt charging device in their homes — or up to 2011, with the Volt coming in below the 10,000 The ethanol credit was on the books for 30 years al-basis financial statements. The numbers he pre-
$30,000 to install one in a commercial location. As units forecast. In addition to its high price, the Volt before it finally died. Let’s hope Congress can start sented underscored the need for fiscal rebalancing.
a means of reducing carbon emissions, electric brand is suffering from news that some of its unwinding the federal government’s bad invest- That said, his key paragraph overstated the issue.
cars and plug-in hybrid electrics are no more batteries burst into flames after government road ment in electric vehicles faster than that. Mr. Lawrence compared the cost of all government
promises to pay ($33.8 trillion) with the value of
market-listed companies and homes ($19.3 trillion)

Experimenting TOM TOLES and concluded “there is not enough wealth in

America to meet those promises.”
This ignores human capital: the earning power of
training and education. This wealth can’t be liqui-

on people dated to meet a debt and is difficult to estimate but

surely approaches $100 trillion. Total wealth of U.S.
taxpayers is thus perhaps four times as large as U.S.
Better records and compensation Two lessons hide here:
for injuries are advisable. l If we taxpayers stand behind obligations like
Social Security, they can (with some paring) be met.
l The best way to ensure that is to increase

N 2010, THE FEDERAL government funded human capital, by educating our children and
55,000 experiments worldwide on human training our workforce.
subjects. Ethical and operational controls Bruce L. Reynolds, Charlottesville
adopted over four decades have eradicated
the most abominable experiments, such as those
in which U.S. researchers infected unwitting The drug problem on two fronts
Guatemalans with sexually transmitted diseases
during the 1940s. But the sheer number of Two Dec. 27 front-page articles illustrated the
ongoing projects and the absence of a centralized devastating impact that drug use has on society,
record-keeping system argue for additional safe- though one would not know it just reading the
guards. headlines.
Thousands of often desperately ill individuals “A grim tally, driven by drugs” told of the
volunteer each year to participate in experimen- continuing spread of cartel violence southward.
tal, federally funded medical programs. Thou- “U.S. cites gains in housing veterans” trumpeted
sands more participate in more mundane re- recent success by the Department of Veterans Affairs
search with significantly less risk. And yet others in decreasing the number of homeless veterans by
take part in projects fueled by federal dollars that eliminating the requirement for successful sub-
focus on social science and education research. stance abuse and mental health treatment as a
The Department of Health and Human Services condition for awarding a housing voucher. The
funds the most research on human subjects, but second article espoused the virtues of fewer home-
some 18 federal agencies play a role. less veterans without addressing how the treatment
According to a recently released report by the of these veterans will be handled. I agree that ending
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethi- homelessness is a top priority, but so, too, is
cal Issues, the government does not have a treatment. We should not be out to improve home-
centralized database to keep tabs on these experi- lessness statistics at the expense of drug treatment
ments. Even some agencies do not have a compre- for homeless veterans.
hensive database of the experiments they fund. Amy Gutmann said, “but it’s perceived as a big system for individuals injured as a result of Drug supply and demand are two dimensions of
The Defense Department, for example, took problem because we’re one of the only developed participation in a university research project. The the same problem. Only when our demand for drugs
roughly seven months to compile data about countries that does not guarantee compensation school will pick up the tab for all post-injury decreases will the violence south of the border
research it sponsors on human subjects. The for injured subjects.” medical services provided by university staff. decline as well.
commission sensibly recommends creation of an The commission encouraged the government to Individuals who are treated through this program Jodi Peters, Arlington
online registry of all federally funded research on establish such a system. It did not endorse a maintain the right to take the university to court. The writer was a senior adviser at the Office of National
humans. particular approach but rightly pointed to the “no But one side benefit of the university’s morally Drug Control Policy from 2007 to 2009.
Another area of uncertainty: the number of fault” program developed by the University of responsible behavior is that it has seen the
individuals injured in medical experiments. “We Washington. The university will pay up to $10,000 number of court cases and its litigation costs go
don’t think it’s a big problem,” commission chair for medical care provided outside of the university down. Refocusing the U.S. support for Iraq
As a combat veteran of World War II, I was moved

Follow the money by the Dec. 28 letter from an Iraq veteran who wrote
of being disheartened by the Obama administra-
tion’s “hardly concealed rush” from Iraq. The writer
has earned the right to question our current course,
More scrutiny may be useful for the funding of programs to benefit D.C. youth. which appeared to be based on our conclusion that
the Iraqis have no legitimate call for our continued

NE ISSUE THAT demands more attention the trust followed Mr. Thomas’s direction to pick Ward 5, raised questions about a $560,000 grant presence. We removed them from the threatening
in the scandal surrounding D.C. Council the Langston 21st Century Foundation as recipi- given by the parks department in the summer of bonds of a dictatorship and helped them reach a
member Harry Thomas Jr. (D-Ward 5) is ent for the funds that were regularly doled out 2008 to the trust to fund programs to support a level of self-government which, whether or not they
the role played by the independent non- despite seemingly weak documentation. Did no Ward 5 initiative by Mr. Thomas. No evidence of succeed in maintaining it, they would not likely have
profit that administers city grant money for youth one in the trust think it unusual that it was Mr. wrongdoing has emerged. But it’s only prudent achieved on their own.
programs. Was it a lack of proper controls, Thomas’s council office that was providing the that the city demand a better accounting of exactly The writer was certainly correct in calling for us
susceptibility to political pressure or perhaps both spare budget narratives and work plans, not to how those monies were spent. to remain committed to the consequences of our
that resulted in funds intended for children’s mention putting in requests for the issuance of The trust is generally seen as doing truly actions, but I submit that the commitment should be
baseball going, as alleged, to Mr. Thomas? Did this checks? laudable work in creating better opportunities for to honoring and caring for the American sons and
faulty oversight result in other questionable ap- This wasn’t the only time that the trust followed D.C. youth. Trust President Ellen London told us daughters whom we asked to sacrifice their youth
propriations? D.C. officials should not wait for the Mr. Thomas’s lead. A March 12, 2010, account in that procedures have changed dramatically; for and, in so many cases, their bodies and lives there. I
outcome of the criminal probe of Mr. Thomas to the Washington City Paper by Mike DeBonis, now instance, there is now a requirement that all would join him in that wholeheartedly, and I salute
undertake their own scrutiny of how wisely its with The Post, examined $1.3 million set aside in grants be competitively bid and approved by the him for his personal service.
money is being allocated. the fiscal 2010 budget for gang intervention and board. At the initiative of Mr. Nathan, the city John R. Harney, New Carrollton
Investigation by D.C. Attorney General Irvin B. youth anti-crime initiatives. The money was com- entered into a new agreement with the trust that
Nathan, which resulted in Mr. Thomas agreeing petitively bid in Ward 6 but not in Ward 5, where, a includes better controls. Not only does it tighten
without admission of wrongdoing to repay the city trust official said, “We met with the Ward 5 council how city funds are accounted for, but it also No need for kid gloves in the military
$300,000, details how the DC Children & Youth member [Mr. Thomas] and talked about what we requires the trust to disclose all communications
Investment Trust Corp. was hoodwinked into felt would be the best way to serve the community. from council members or staffers regarding the Regarding the Dec. 29 front-page article “Penta-
directing money earmarked in 2007 for youth We talked about a number of organizations that he distribution of funds. Clearly that’s a step in the gon thinning ranks of top brass”:
baseball to a group that, in turn, funneled it to suggested we look at that he knows have a track right direction — but we would also urge the D.C. I served on active duty in the military and am in
groups controlled by Mr. Thomas. According to record of good services.” More recently, the Brook- Council to take its own look at whether further the reserves. Vice Adm. William E. Gortney’s com-
the attorney general’s civil complaint filed in June, land Heartbeat, a neighborhood publication in improvements are warranted. ment that it takes so long to eliminate senior officers
because “you need time to work this” and “you can’t
just give people their pink slips” shows a disconnect
with the real world. General officers serve at the
TAKING EXCEPTION pleasure of the president. Since they are all eligible
ABCDE for retirement (with immediate collection of bene-
The Senate should ratify EUGENE MEYER, 1875-1959 • PHILIP L. GRAHAM, 1915-1963
fits), why wait to let them go? In the civilian world,
folks get let go on short notice all of the time.
the Law of the Sea Convention KATHARINE WEYMOUTH, Publisher and Chief Executive Officer
Sean F. Conroy, McLean
News pages: Editorial and opinion pages:
In her very good Dec. 25 Outlook article, “The MARCUS W. BRAUCHLI FRED HIATT
colder war,” Heather Conley left out a key fact for Executive Editor
RAJU NARISETTI, Managing Editor
Editorial Page Editor
JACKSON DIEHL Congress’s popular home town
U.S. policy interests in the Arctic. She mentioned ELIZABETH SPAYD, Managing Editor
SHIRLEY CARSWELL, Deputy Managing Editor
Deputy Editorial Page Editor
the importance of the Convention on the Law of Business and advertising: So the popularity of Congress is in free fall even as
the Sea for Arctic issues but did not note that the STEPHEN P. HILLS, President and General Manager
KENNETH R. BABBY, Chief Revenue Officer/GM, Digital
the District — the only patch of U.S. soil with no
United States has not ratified the convention, Vice Presidents member to call its own — is outpacing the rest of the
despite broad support in industry, the armed BENJAMIN C. BRADLEE...............................................................................At Large country in attracting residents [“Number of District
USHA CHAUDHARY .............................................................Finance & Admin/CFO
forces and the Senate. A handful of senators has JAMES W. COLEY JR. .............................................................................. Production residents skyrockets,” front page, Dec. 22]. A coinci-
opposed ratification for reasons inexplicable to L. WAYNE CONNELL ..................................................................Human Resources
LEONARD DOWNIE JR. ...............................................................................At Large
dence? Maybe. Or maybe not.
anyone who looks rationally at U.S. national ensure the United States has a leading voice on LAURA EVANS ..............................................Research / Chief Experience Officer Perhaps the District should swap out its old
security interests in the Arctic region and issues covered by the convention that relate to WENDY EVANS ....................................................................................... Advertising
GREGG J. FERNANDES ..........................................................................Circulation
“Taxation Without Representation” slogan for some-
elsewhere. our national security, of which the Arctic is JOHN B. KENNEDY ........................................................................................Labor thing more enticing: “Give us your politician-tired,
As a result, the United States is on the outside perhaps the most urgent. ERIC N. LIEBERMAN.....................................................................................Counsel
SHAILESH PRAKASH...............................................................................Technology
your representation-poor, your befuddled masses
looking in as the rules of the road for the warmer Kenneth C. Brill, Bethesda STEVE STUP.................................................................................Digital Advertising yearning to be free of these dolts.” The District might
Arctic are made by those who are a party to the The writer was acting assistant secretary of state The Washington Post Company: have to ditch its limit on building heights to handle
convention. The Senate needs to ratify the Law for oceans and environmental affairs for two stints, DONALD E. GRAHAM, Chairman of the Board
1150 15th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 (202) 334-6000
the resulting flood of congressional refugees.
of the Sea Convention as early as possible to in 1999 and in 2001. George Brazier, Arlington


jailed but The economic wild card

Why Obama will (won’t) win in 2012
not broken C
ould 2012 turn conventional wis-
dom on its head? Here’s the con-
ventional wisdom: President
initial claims for unemployment insur-
ance, which peaked at more than
600,000, are running under 400,000 —
BY I LAN G RAPEL Obama’s reelection is vulnerable to the a level often associated with a low or
weak economy and high joblessness. declining unemployment rate. Housing

ive months in an Egyptian jail gives a Here’s what might happen: The econo- construction was up 9.3 percent in
person a lot of time to think. When you my gradually improves, and although November over October and 24.3 per-
are not pacing or trying to catch an unemployment stays high (exceeding 8 cent over November 2010.
hour of afternoon sun through the barred percent), what counts politically is the For Obama, the economy holds two
window, there are thoughts of home, family, palpable sense that things are moving large potential pluses.
the freedoms Westerners take for granted, in the right direction. This allows First, there’s huge pent-up demand
what exactly got you into the mess and even Obama to argue, as he already does, for homes and vehicles, because both
why you came to the country that locked you that his policies are slowly repairing the sectors collapsed in the recession. Car
up. Two months after my release, as I watch economic calamity he inherited from and light-truck sales, which totaled
news of the Egyptian military’s violent sup- Republicans. about 17 million annually in 2004 and
pression of protests and raids on nongov- To which they respond: Obama’s 2005, fell to 10.4 million in 2009. In
ernmental organizations, I still think of my Ron Paul signs a toy car during a campaign stop Friday in Le Mars, Iowa. anti-business rhetoric and policies have 2011, IHS estimated sales to reach 12.7
first hours of arrest, when I was handcuffed impeded recovery; the Affordable Care million. The decline in housing con-
and blindfolded. MICHAEL GERSON Act (“Obamacare”) and new regulations struction was even deeper, from about 2
When I went to Egypt to spend the create uncertainties that deter hiring; million units annually in 2004 and 2005
summer working at a nongovernmental and Obama hasn’t dealt with the explo- to an estimated 600,000 in 2011.
organization that provides legal assistance
to asylum seekers from Sudan and Iraq, I
was no stranger to the Middle East. I had
Ron Paul’s poison pill sion of federal debt.
Just which narrative triumphs may
well determine the election. If Obama
Second, the consumer debt burden is
dropping rapidly, notes Timothy Taylor,
managing editor of the Journal of
studied Arabic in Cairo and spent more than convinces Americans that he’s set a Economic Perspectives, on his blog.
two years in the Israel Defense Forces. I His quest to undo the party of Lincoln course for a stronger recovery, then he Households have repaid some debts.
hoped that my summer would prove that my wins. If the Republicans successfully Others have been written off; interest

Zionist ideals could coexist with support for et us count the ways in which spiratorial calumny. cast his policies as producing prolonged rates on many remaining loans have
the right of human migration and sanctuary. the nomination of Ron Paul Recent criticism of Paul — in reac- stagnation, they win. Though the de- declined. On average, households paid
I also hoped to convince the Arabs I met that would be groundbreaking for tion to racist rants contained in the bate matters, the economy’s actual per- 16.15 percent of their income toward
my Zionism did not have to be antithetical to the GOP. Ron Paul Political Report — has fo- formance — for better or worse — will loans, rents and leases in the third
their interests and that we could work No other recent candidate hailing cused on the candidate’s view of civil decide how many Americans feel. And quarter of 2011, according to Federal
together for peace. from the party of Lincoln has accused rights. Associates have denied he is a this will depend on forces and events Reserve data. That was the lowest since
But in post-revolutionary Egypt, my at- Abraham Lincoln of causing a “sense- racist, which is both reassuring and over which the candidates have little or 1993 and down from a peak of 18.85
tempts to educate and interact with the local less” war and ruling with an “iron fist.” not particularly relevant. Whatever no control. percent in the third quarter of 2007.
population led to my arrest, to solitary Or regarded Ronald Reagan’s presi- his personal views, Paul categorically What’s the 2012 outlook? The upshot: More Americans may be
confinement and eventually to the threat of dency a “dramatic failure.” Or pro- opposes the legal construct that end- Many forecasts see modest growth. in a position to borrow to buy a home or
five simultaneous life imprisonments for posed the legalization of prostitution ed state-sanctioned racism. His liber- Here are some numbers from IHS vehicle, relieving some pent-up de-
“espionage” and “incitement.” and heroin use. Or called America the tarianism involves not only the aboli- Global Insight, a major consulting firm. mand. Home sales may already be
On previous visits, the friendships I devel- most “aggressive, extended and ex- tion of the Department of Education The economy will expand 1.8 percent, reviving. In November, new contracts
oped overpowered the omnipresent anti-Is- pansionist” empire in world history. but also a rejection of the federal role almost the same as in 2011 (estimate: 1.7 reached their highest level in 19
rael propaganda of the Arab world. Some Or promised to abolish the CIA, de- in civil rights from the Civil War to the percent). Payroll jobs will grow about months.
former adherents of the Muslim Brother- part NATO and withdraw military Civil Rights Act of 1964. 145,000 a month, rising gradually; By contrast, Europe and China pose
hood actually wished me luck when I left to protection from South Korea. Or This is the reason Paul is among the that’s decent but probably wouldn’t cut big risks. In Europe, Italy and Spain
do reserve duty in Israel. Most Egyptians I blamed terrorism on American mili- most anti-Lincoln public officials the unemployment rate. Indeed, nor- have nearly 500 billion euros worth of
met and chatted with over coffee ended our tarism, since “they’re terrorists be- since Jefferson Davis resigned from mal labor force growth and the pros- maturing debt in 2012, reports the
conversations by admitting to holding mis- cause we’re occupiers.” Or accused the the United States Senate. According pect that some discouraged workers Institute of International Finance. If
conceptions about Israelis. This reinforced American government of a Sept. 11 to Paul, Lincoln caused 600,000 will start looking for jobs indicate the they can’t refinance — if bond markets
my hopes for common ground. “coverup” and called for an investiga- Americans to die in order to “get rid of unemployment rate (8.6 percent in won’t renew loans at acceptable inter-
So during the summer I emphasized my tion headed by Dennis Kucinich. Or the original intent of the republic.” November) could average 8.7 percent, est rates — they would default or need
Israeli background, even when I entered described the killing of Osama bin Likewise, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 only slightly below the 9 percent of to be rescued. Either way, Europe would
Egypt as an American. I identified as a Laden as “absolutely not necessary.” diminished individual liberty because 2011. face greater austerity and a deep reces-
Zionist Israeli to all of my Egyptian friends, Or affirmed that he would not have the “federal government has no legiti- This forecast depicts a plodding sion. This would hurt U.S. exports and
taught them Hebrew and showed them sent American troops to Europe to mate authority to infringe on the economy; should it materialize, it the profits of American multinational
Israeli movies. In return, I received lessons end the Holocaust. Or excused Irani- rights of private property owners to would favor the Republicans. “Consum- firms.
in Arabic, Islam and Egyptian culture. an nuclear ambitions as “natural,” use their property as they please.” A ers face too many negatives to allow a The danger from China is a collaps-
Some who do not know me considered my while dismissing evidence of those federal role in civil rights is an attack robust spending recovery — a weak ing real estate “bubble” that, if it
actions peculiar or harmful. But that con- ambitions as “war propaganda.” Or on a “free society.” According to Paul, labor market, high debt burdens, house occurred, would result in bankruptcies
demnation only underscores a particular published a newsletter stating that it is like the federal government dic- prices that have not yet hit bottom, of developers, loan losses to banks and
abyss into which the Middle East conflict the 1993 World Trade Center attack tating that you can’t “smoke a cigar.” price increases that have outpaced slower economic growth. The effects
has descended since once-influential Zion- might have been “a setup by the Israeli The comparison of civil rights to wage growth, and a lack of confidence would spread beyond China, because
ists and Egyptians considered cooperation Mossad,” and defending former Ku the enjoyment of a cigar is a sad in the government’s ability to make construction fuels its demand for ce-
to be beneficial, as did the early Zionist Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke symptom of ideological delirium. It things better,” says IHS. ment, steel, copper and other raw
leader Chaim Weizmann and Dawood Ba- and criticizing the “evil of forced inte- also illustrates confusion at the heart But the mainstream forecast may be materials traded on world markets.
rakat, the former editor of the Egyptian gration.” of libertarianism. Government can be too glum. Starting with the 2008 finan- Again, U.S. exports could suffer.
daily al-Ahram. Each of these is a disqualifying an enemy of liberty. But the achieve- cial crisis, economic predictions have Given all the possibilities, handicap-
On June 12, two dozen state security scandal. Taken together, a kind of ment of a free society can also be the routinely been wrong. At this time last ping the election based on the economy
officials barged into my hostel room, hand- grandeur creeps in. The ambition of result of government action — the year, they were too optimistic; now they is nearly futile. It’s 2012’s political wild
cuffed and blindfolded me, and transported Paul and his supporters is breathtak- protection of individual liberty might be too pessimistic. Many indica- card that — when played — may prove
me to their general prosecutor. ing. They wish to erase 158 years of against corrupt state governments or tors are exceeding expectations. Weekly decisive, if accidental.
People ask, “Were you scared?” I was Republican Party history in a single corrupt business practices or corrupt
terrified and confused. Over time I also political season, substituting a plat- local laws. In 1957, President Eisen-
became angry and lonely. The initial 14 days form that is isolationist, libertarian, hower sent 1,000 Army paratroopers E.J. DIONNE JR.
were the “best” part of my imprisonment conspiratorial and tinged with rac- to Arkansas to forcibly integrate Cen-
because there was at least human interac-
tion. The prosecutor and I bantered about
politics, religion and the Middle East con-
flict. The conversations were jovial, mostly
ism. It won’t happen. But some con-
servatives seem paradoxically drawn
to the radicalism of Paul’s project.
They prefer their poison pill covered
tral High School in Little Rock. This
reduced Gov. Orval Faubus’s freedom.
It increased the liberty of Carlotta
Walls LaNier, who was spat upon
Can a messiah win twice?
innocuous, save for some random accusa- in glass and washed down with bat- while trying to attend school. A choice our years ago this week, a young suggests that there are even Republi-
tions: “Security reports inform us that you tery acid. It proves their ideological between freedoms was necessary — and inspirational senator who cans who are exhausted with foreign
were smuggling weapons from Libyan revo- manhood. and it was not a hard one. promised to turn history’s page military adventures.
lutionaries into Egypt,” or my favorite — but In many ways, Paul is the ideal Paul’s conception of liberty is not swept the Iowa caucuses and began his For all these reasons, Democrats are
perhaps irrelevant — charge: “Ilan, you used carrier of this message. His manner is the same as Lincoln’s — which is not a irresistible rise to the White House. far more bullish on the president’s
your seductive powers to recruit Egyptian vague and perplexed rather than an- condemnation of Lincoln. Paul’s view Barack Obama was unlike any candi- reelection chances than they were even
women and that is a crime.” gry — as though he is continually would have freed African Americans date the country had seen before. More a few months ago, and for what it’s
After these first two weeks, the interroga- searching for lost car keys. Yet those from the statism of the Emancipation than a mere politician, he became a worth, I put the odds in his favor. Yet the
tions ended, but my detention continued. who reject his isolationism are called Proclamation and the Civil Rights Act. cultural icon, “the biggest celebrity in threat that should most concern Obama
Thus began my solitary confinement, which “warmongers.” The George W. Bush It would have freed the occupants of the world,” as a John McCain ad accu- may not be any of the particulars that
became the true ordeal — near-complete administration, in his view, was filled concentration camps from their de- rately, if mischievously, described him. usually decide elections but the inevi-
isolation, interrupted just twice a month by with “glee” after the Sept. 11 attacks, pendency on liberating armies. And it He was the object of near adoration table clash between the extravagant
consular visits that lasted only 40 minutes. having found an excuse for war. Paul would free the Republican Party from among the young, launching what often hopes of 2008 and the messy reality of
But thanks to the work of so many U.S. and is just like your grandfather — if your any claim to conscience or power. felt like a religious revival. Artists 2012.
Israeli government officials, I was not lost in grandfather has a nasty habit of con- poured out musical compositions de- In traveling around Iowa and New
the system. My parents and U.S. officials got voted to his victory in a rich variety of Hampshire over the last few weeks, I
me books, which I read slowly because I did forms, from reggae and hip-hop to the have been struck by the number of
not know whether I would get more or how Celtic folk song. (My personal favorite: Democrats and independents who still
long I would be jailed. RIGHT TURN “There’s no one as Irish as Barack more or less want Obama to win and
People ask, “Were you tortured?” I was Excerpts from Jennifer Rubin’s commentary on politics and policy: O’Bama.”) Electoral contests rarely hold deeply fear the consequences of a gov-
not beaten — but consider what it’s like to out the possibility of making all things ernment dominated by Republicans.
spend nearly 150 days (3,600 hours) alone in new, but Obama’s supporters in large But having made this clear, they then
a 10-by-10 room with a bed and chair, a small dent who will need to figure out how to numbers fervently believed that 2008 bring up the ways in which they cannot
barred window and no idea what would
come next.
The president accommodate the opposition, strike
agreements and address our consider-
was exactly such a campaign.
As the attention of the politically
summon the emotions on Obama’s be-
half this year that they felt the first time
People ask, “So what do you think of Egypt
and your mission now?” My answer is con-
we need for 2013 able fiscal challenges. The liberal base
has pushed Obama to be more strident
minded has focused on the rather more
down-to-earth contests in Iowa and
Some point to disappointment over
stantly evolving. As my detention and recent Both the left and right agree that 2011 and confrontational. The right blogo- New Hampshire that will help deter- his failure to confront the Republicans
events and repressions in Egypt make clear, was a year for drawing lines, for setting sphere has skewered Romney for being mine which Republican will face early enough and hard enough. How,
the revolution brought only superficial forth distinct positions and, ultimately, insufficiently venomous in his attacks Obama in November, let us ponder they ask, could Obama possibly have
change. The junta’s focus on external actors for gridlock. The last is inevitable when and inadequately rigid in his ideology. what the coming year will bring for expected cooperation from conserva-
represents a desperate attempt to avoid the two major parties have fundamental- But ironically, the president we will need someone who must now seek reelection tives? Others are frustrated that he
culpability and abdication of power. ly different assessments of the role of beginning in January 2013 must be some- as a mere mortal. couldn’t bring Washington together, as
Hosni Mubarak’s notorious state security government, the requirements for a job- one who can not merely confront but also Obama’s largest problem is not the he said he would. Still others point to
forces still arbitrarily arrest Egyptians with- creating economy and even the meaning govern and not excoriate but persuade. daunting list of difficulties that have left real Obama achievements, including
out real charges or trials (as they did me), of “equality.” In short, what the right and left demand- the country understandably dispirited: the stimulus and especially the health-
denying anything resembling due process. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who became ed of their standard-bearers in 2011 is not the continuing sluggishness of the econ- care law, and ask why he was unable to
Prosecutors and judges go through the mo- the effective legislative and ideological what the country will need in 2013. omy, the broken political culture of sell their merits to a majority of the
tions of court proceedings, but the Supreme leader of his party, described two con- The Democrats have made their Washington, the anxiety over America’s electorate. And then there are those
Council of the Armed Forces really calls the trasting visions, one aimed at redistribut- choice for 2012, but Republicans are only future power and prosperity. who wonder why the malefactors of
shots. ing the pie and the other at growing it; beginning their nominating process. On each of these matters, Obama has finance have faced so little accountabili-
Was my trip reckless or “wrong”? No. one that empowers government to play While their hearts may long for a fire- plausible answers and, judging by im- ty.
Despite the peril, the U.S. government sends an ever-expanding role in directing eco- brand, their heads should tell them that provements in his poll ratings since Few of these voters would ever sup-
Peace Corps volunteers to volatile regions nomic and personal behavior and the come 2013 they’ll need someone to gov- September, he has made headway in port a Republican, and most will turn
because of the benefit of grass-roots diplo- other that aims to reform government to ern, a task for which Obama is especially getting the country to accept them. out dutifully for Obama again. But a
macy. Hasbara, the Hebrew term that refers promote personal choice and responsi- ill-suited. Despite the yelps from the Most Americans still believe that president who won election with 52.9
to efforts to explain the Israeli viewpoint, bility. Mitt Romney, who may well be the right blogosphere and the media portray- Obama inherited rather than caused percent of the vote does not have a lot of
has much to gain from such a strategy, given leader of the GOP at the end of the al of the GOP base as rabid, it may be that the economic turmoil. Barring another margin. He needs to worry not just
the pernicious myths about Israel and Jews primary process, has presented a nearly Republican voters have figured this out. crisis in Europe, there is a decent about issues but also about the spirit
prevalent in much of the Arab world. identical choice: an entitlement society As you’ve no doubt noticed, the two chance of somewhat better times by and morale of his supporters. In their
My hasbara provided a viewpoint that vs. an opportunity society. candidates rising to the the top of the Election Day. Obama’s fall offensive jaunty song on Obama’s behalf four
changed the mentalities of former Muslim The 2012 election will therefore be not field are the former governor of Massa- against Republicans in Congress has years ago, the alternative reggae band
Brotherhood members, the prosecutor and only a referendum on President Obama’s chusetts, who learned to govern in a paid dividends. Voters seem inclined to Michael Franti & Spearhead promised a
my guards, whose last words were “Shalom, economic performance but also a choice deep-blue state, and a former Pennsylva- blame Washington’s dysfunction on the country that would “soar through the
we hope you forgive us.” Israelis and Arabs between these two philosophies. nia senator who talks about his ability to GOP, not on a president they still rather sky like an eagle” and saw Obama as
can continue to maintain the status quo of We would like to think the election forge bipartisan deals. like. Most also think Obama’s foreign “seeking finds of a new light.”
mutual avoidance or they can dare to coex- will produce a clear signal from voters as Maybe Republican primary voters are policy has put the nation on a steadier These are not the standards of nor-
ist. To those who wrongly held me, I say to which direction they favor. But elec- more judicious and farsighted than they course. To the extent that bellicosity mal politics. Can voters who supported
simply, I forgive you. tion results are never so decisive as the are portrayed. They seem intent on find- from the Republicans — notably from someone as a transcendent figure re-
winners would have us believe. We will, ing someone who can win and then Mitt Romney — portends a return to elect him as a normal, if resilient,
The writer is a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen and law in all likelihood, wind up with a mixed govern. If they succeed, they will do a George W. Bush’s foreign policy, Obama political leader? This is Obama’s chal-
student at Emory University. He was held in Egypt message and a still-divided government. great service to the conservative move- will enjoy an advantage. Ron Paul’s lenge.
from June to late October on charges of spying. We therefore will be electing a presi- ment, the GOP and the country. strength in Iowa and New Hampshire

Peter Maurer

It all started out

with that magic
HealthFair bus. Late
in 2008, I went to a
health screening.
The ultrasound
revealed that my
right carotid artery
was 75 percent
blocked. The
technicians advised
me to contact my
Tests of the Heart & Arteries
family doctor
immediately. Within
a few days, a vascular
surgeon confirmed
health screening’s Resu
findings and I was
Heart Disease, Stroke & Aneurysm Prevention Package By A lts Re
CertBoard d
told that I needed to
have surgery on my
carotid artery or I
Echocardiogram A video ultrasound of the heart, which may detect enlargement Phy ified
would not be sicia
around much longer. Ultrasound Test of the heart, valve abnormalities, blood clots and tumors. n
The surgery solved
the problem and my
doctor put me on
medication to help Electrocardiogram This screening provides a picture of the heart’s electrical activity,
reduce the plaque in (EKG) which may predict pending heart attack, irregular rhythm and more.
my left carotid, as
well. I sing the
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monday , january 2, 2012 EZ SU


After midnight, first in line Where are they now?
Capital Weather Gang The region’s first baby of 2012 came into the Our intrepid columnist looks back at
We’re in for a reminder of what world at 12:12 a.m. The third child of Irja and some of the people and places he
winter is all about as cold, dry and Greg Bonafede, their first girl, was born at wrote about in 2011, including the
Obituaries Eva Zeisel, a ceramicist whose windy weather moves in. Get the Southern Maryland Hospital Center a couple woman who lived in a hotel and the
simple tablewares have graced American dinner latest forecast and conditions. of weeks before her due date. B4 fate of the city historical society. B3
tables for decades, was 105. B4

Not all shoppers are ready for Montgomery County’s 5-cent surcharge on bags
class is on
Some parents unhappy;
officials cite calendar crunch

Nevermind that it’s a federal holiday.

And nevermind that the vast majority of
Washington area schoolchildren will be
snoozing late, savoring their last day of
winter break.
On Monday morning, a few students
are headed to class.
Schools opened their doors Jan. 2 in
Alexandria and Howard, St. Mary’s and
Charles counties, while elsewhere in the
region — and in eight of the nation’s 10
largest school systems — students are
free to enjoy the nation’s official celebra-
tion of New Year’s Day.
Some parents in Alexandria, home to
thousands of federal workers and count-
less others who follow the federal calen-
PHOTOS BY KATHERINE FREY/THE WASHINGTON POST dar, assumed their kids would have the
Safeway customer Jeff Bulman declines cashier Sheila Jones’s offer of a free reusable bag Sunday, the first day of Montgomery County’s tax on day off. As 2012 approached, they were
shopping bags. Bulman took his own bright red insulated bags to the Bethesda supermarket. Other shoppers around the county weren’t as prepared not pleased to discover otherwise.
for the new 5-cent surcharge, which applies to purchases at nearly all types of retail establishments. Matt Petersen said he would keep his
two children home despite initial objec-
tions from his fifth-grade daughter, who

Getting a handle on a new tax

fretted about ruining her perfect attend-
ance record.
“We won’t literally be out of town,” he
said, “but it’s one of the main holidays on
the calendar, and it’s just inappropriate
for them to have class.”
BY K ATHERINE S HAVER wanted. Some stores, including a Safe- Others see an unequivocal upside.
AND V ICTOR Z APANA way in Bethesda, had retrained employ- “I was very surprised that the kids were
ees to load bags more tightly, knowing going to be in school Monday, but once I
Delores Price hit the grocery store on customers paying for each one would be thought about it — it’s great!” said Scott
New Year’s Day prepared to beat Mont- eyeing their packing prowess. Boggess, also of Alexandria. “My wife and
gomery County’s new nickel bag tax. At a Starbucks in Germantown, con- I are going to go out to eat a nice lunch
But she emerged from the Shoppers fused customers asked whether the tax and to see a movie that’s not animated.”
Food & Pharmacy in Wheaton clearly applied to the little bag for their muffin. School boards discuss and approve
irked. Although Price had brought sev- Answer: Muffin bags are still free, but the academic calendars the way they do most
eral cloth bags from home, she said, she bigger bags with the handles will cost of their business: in public but without
had underestimated her shopping by you. much of an audience. Alexandrians did
four bags, drawing a 20-cent surcharge. Montgomery’s tax on plastic and pa- not object to schools being in session
“This is ridiculous,” said Price, a re- per bags, which the County Council Jan. 2 before the Alexandria School
tired federal worker, as she unloaded a approved in May, is an expanded version Board voted on the matter in May, said
full cart into the trunk of her car outside of a 5-cent bag tariff enacted in the chairwoman Sheryl Gorsuch.
the store on Randolph Road. “You District two years ago. While the Dis- She said those who are peeved might
shouldn’t have to pay for bags when you trict’s surcharge applies only to business- blame Virginia’s so-called “Kings Domin-
spend enough money in the store.” es that sell food or alcohol, Montgomery’s ion law.” It prohibits schools from open-
Across Montgomery, the debut of the bag tax involves nearly all retail estab- ing before Labor Day and makes it diffi-
bag tax surprised many shoppers, drew lishments, not just those that sell food. cult, Gorsuch said, to shoehorn enough
praise from some who said they hope it Self-checkout machines at the Safeway on Bradley The few exceptions include paper bags instructional days into the calendar be-
will clean up the environment and an- Boulevard in Bethesda have been programmed to ask from restaurants and pharmacy bags for fore standardized tests are administered
gered others who said any new tax is too customers how many bags they use and to charge them a prescription drugs. in the spring.
much in a tight economy. nickel per bag. Pharmacy bags are exempt from the fee. Montgomery officials have said they Moreover, not every parent has a paid
Stores had updated self-guided check- expect the tax to raise $1 million a year, holiday Monday.
out stations overnight with new software “There’s a big voice out there that’s just
to ask how many bags, if any, a customer tax continued on B6 as happy to have their kids go back to
school on January 2nd, because they’re
going back to work,” Gorsuch said.

For Redskins, two things are constant: Metro employees: More time
Poor reputation and contested name needed for restroom breaks
ack in 1992, Washington reigned mistaken.
as Super Bowl champion with On the gridiron, Gibbs takes the team COURTLAND MILLOY BY D ANA H EDGPETH son Graham Building give much thought
high hopes for two in a row under to the NFC divisional playoffs (January to because they can go right down the hall
Coach Joe Gibbs. That year, a Native 1993) but loses to the San Francisco Try driving a 40-foot-long bus through whenever they want to use the bath-
American resident of the District, Suzan 49ers. After 12 seasons and three Super head coach and the team loses 13 of 16 crowded city streets. Weaving around room,” she said, referring to Metro’s
Harjo, became the lead plaintiff in a Bowl wins, Gibbs retires. It is the end of games. obstacles. Bouncing through potholes. headquarters.
lawsuit seeking to change the team’s times for Washington football. Stopping and going. And not going to the According to Metro chief spokesman
disparaging name: Redskins. restroom — sometimes for long stretch- Dan Stessel, there are procedures that
As the legal battle over the name 1995-99: The lawsuit, Harjo et al v. es. allow for bus operators to take bathroom
enters its 20th year, let’s review some 1993: Webster’s Third New Pro­Football Inc., finally gets a hearing Metrobus operators say that’s their breaks. They are supposed to contact
highlights of a struggle in which moral International Dictionary Unabridged before the U.S. Trademark Trial and world, one with a lack of clean facilities central command and ask permission.
victories by the plaintiffs often (3rd ed., Merriam-Webster, 1993) Appeal Board. A three-judge panel rules along their routes and without enough Once they receive approval, the operator
coincided with demoralizing losses by defines the team name as “taken to be that the team name and logo violate the time for bathroom breaks between runs, should stop the bus at “the appropriate
the team on the field — including offensive.” This contrasts with a Lanham Act prohibition on any sometimes leading to chronic health is- location, properly secure the bus and
dashed hopes of winning another Super Washington Post-ABC News poll the trademark that “consists or comprises sues. notify the passengers on the bus that
Bowl. previous year in which 89 percent of . . . matter which may disparage . . . Some operators say they have had to he/she needs to step off the bus momen-
respondents said they favor keeping the persons, living or dead . . . or bring relieve themselves in a cup or bag at the tarily to a restroom,” Stessel wrote in an
team’s name because “the name is not them into contempt, or disrepute.” back of buses or in doorways. Train e-mail.
1992: The American Jewish intended to be offensive.” Washington takes the case to the U.S. operators have reportedly used pocket “The fact is, most operators know their
Committee voices support for the Defensive coordinator Richie Court of Appeals, which eventually tracks on the rail system as “a lavatory” route and — just like anyone about to
lawsuit. The term “redskins” is not an Petitbon replaces Gibbs as head coach overturns the trial board’s ruling, because they had “inadequate time” to take a road trip — plan accordingly,” he
honorific to Native Americans, as and is promptly fired after losing 12 of saying that Harjo and the others had have bathroom breaks, according to a said.
Washington claims; it’s an insult, says the season’s 16 games. waited too long to file the lawsuit. The 2010 report by Metro’s inspector general. But union officials and bus operators
the AJC. Seven years later, when plaintiffs later petition the U.S. “There’s not enough time allowed in say drivers often don’t have enough time
communications executive Daniel Supreme Court to reverse that decision, the schedules for operators to use the for the breaks because the schedules are
Snyder buys the team, Native 1994: The InterFaith Conference of but the high court refuses to take the restroom,” said Jackie Jeter, president of too tight, and there’s no leeway if they run
Americans assume that he’ll be more Metropolitan Washington joins the call case. Amalgamated Transit Local 689, which late because of traffic. They might get a
sympathetic than the previous owner for a name change. represents most Metro employees. “It’s
because he is Jewish. They are sorely Washington hires Norv Turner as milloy continued on B3 not something the managers at the Jack- breaks continued on B6

In India, a college building boom
Out of a population of 1.2 billion, one-third of residents are under age 14 and will need to be educated
BY S ARAH G ARLAND “It’s a very global brand,” he said. “You
IN PATNA, INDIA can go anywhere.”
A tutoring program for the poor called

n the outskirts of this Super 30 helped him prepare for the
sprawling city in one of entrance exam. Last summer, he quali-
India’s poorest states, the fied for IIT Bombay, a branch opened in
whitewashed columns 1961 with a stronger reputation than the
and domes of Chanakya one in Patna.
National Law University Ujjwal enrolled for the fall term in IIT
rise next to a deep and Patna instead, because he wanted to be
murky swamp. To get there, visitors near his family as he embarked on the
bump along potholed streets lined with intensive course work. “They gave me
idle men sipping tea and cows rooting moral support,” he said.
through piles of garbage. The founder of Super 30, Anand Ku-
Despite its inauspicious location, the mar, said that for many in Bihar, the
four-year-old university has high aspira- universities remain out of reach. One-
tions. room schoolhouses lacking basic amen-
“We’re in a position to be a leading ities such as toilets are often the only
national law school,” said Ravi Sarma, an option for children in slums and villages,
assistant professor of property law. even though the government is investing
The university is part of an ambitious in elementary and secondary education.
plan to expand higher education to Many children drop out as early as age 10.
India’s most destitute corners, where the “With more and more institutions
country’s vast population of young peo- coming up, they will certainly increase
ple is concentrated. access,” Kumar said. “For the poor stu-
Of 1.2 billion Indians, one third are dents, however, it is tough as always to
under the age of 14. Realizing that the make the most of these opportunities.”
youth bulge could be an asset in India’s The new universities are also targeting
drive to become a world power, or a the expanding middle class in an effort to
disaster that drains its resources and keep talented students in India. More
fuels social unrest, the government has than 100,000 Indians study abroad, most
responded with an ambitious university of them in the United States.
building spree. Ravi Prakash, 22, a middle-class Patna
The effort could help India in its native, might have chosen to study in
economic competition with China and Delhi or abroad. Instead, he opted for the
the United States. While the United Chanakya law school.
States may have enough colleges, Presi- Ads for schools and tutoring services line the streets of Patna, India, where a postsecondary building boom is underway. “Law is a means to bring social change,
dent Obama has warned that its higher and I’m interested in developing my
education system is falling behind. Poor near the city’s airport. state,” he said.
graduation rates plague lower-tier The Central University of Bihar, one of Indian officials acknowledge that the
schools with the vast majority of U.S. 15 new government-sponsored univer- rapid expansion of public colleges and
students, even as budget cuts and rising sities that aims to compete with the universities will not come close to meet-
tuition make it more difficult to enter global elite, opened in 2009 and has been ing the demand.
college and to graduate. allocated 1,000 acres on the edge of the Privately run schools fill the gap
In India, dozens of new public univer- city. Plans call for enrollment to grow through distance education, but often
sities are opening. Officials say 374 new over the next decade from 200 students their offerings are of low quality, said
“model” colleges, meant as demonstra- to as many as 40,000. Devesh Kapur, a political scientist at the
tion projects, will be constructed in Sixty miles south of Patna, down a University of Pennsylvania. And corrup-
remote areas. The plan is to increase the two-lane highway clogged with rick- tion and nepotism are rife in the postsec-
postsecondary enrollment rate for 18- to shaws, motorcycles and idling trucks, ondary system.
23-year-olds to 30 percent, from 18 per- plans are under way to open Nalanda Pawan Agarwal, an adviser to the
cent, by 2017, said Ved Prakash, chairman International University. The campus federal government’s planning commis-
of India’s University Grants Commission. will be located near the ruins of a sion on higher education, said that in
The enrollment rate for 18- to 24-year- Buddhist university that, in the 5th 2012 the Indian government will start to
olds in the United States is 41 percent. century, drew students from around the shift its attention “from rapid expansion
“It has never happened in the history world. The hope is that the new school to quality expansion,” although he ac-
of India, this massive expansion of high- will do the same. knowledges that solutions will be elusive.
er education,” Prakash said. For some poor students in Bihar, the India’s new institutions are fulfilling
The government estimated that India universities are turning farfetched one mission already, however: They are
had 13.6 million postsecondary students The new campus of Chanakya National Law University was inspired by the Taj dreams of higher education into reality. raising the expectations of a new genera-
in 2009, about 6 million fewer than the Mahal but is located next to a swamp in one of India’s poorest areas — the city of Abhishek Ujjwal, 18, grew up in a tion of Indians. “All the Biharis, now they
United States. But if India reaches its Patna, Bihar state, along the border with Nepal. small village in Bihar, where most people are dreaming that ‘I will go for this
goals, it could have nearly twice as many worked on farms and the roads out of institution,’ ” said Ujjwal, the IIT student.
college students as does the United state of Bihar, which borders Nepal, into into a 500-acre campus in a nearby town were unpaved. His father has a “We are imagining what we could be.”
States by the end of the decade. a hub of higher education. village. small business selling the milk of local
The construction boom is transform- The government is doubling the num- A National Institute of Fashion Tech- cows and his mother is a housewife. This story was produced by The Hechinger
ing Patna, a city of more than 5.7 million ber of its renowned and selective Indian nology opened downtown in the same Neither went to college. But in middle Report, a nonprofit, nonpartisan education-
long written off as a poverty-stricken Institutes of Technology to 16. IIT Patna year, and in 2006, a state technical school, Ujjwal decided he would aim for news outlet affiliated with Teachers College,
backwater, into a college town, and the opened in 2008 and is waiting to expand college opened an expansive new campus admission to an IIT. Columbia University.

The Answer Sheet Virginia Schools Insider


Excerpt from Excerpts from washingtonpost. com/vaschoolsinsider

It was the best of years; d. Five weeks in a summer institute. d. Amy Chua, author of “Battle Hymn of Change and continuity
the Tiger Mother”
it was the worst of years 3. Because Congress failed to rewrite at odds in Fairfax County
The year 2011 was monumental in edu- No Child Left Behind, what did the 7. What did President Obama do on Fairfax County schools chief Jack D.
cation — monumentally good or monu- Obama administration say it would do Friday, March 4? Dale got a new set of bosses when the
mentally bad, depending on your view. to help schools dealing with the law’s a. Went to Wisconsin to support teachers school board took the oath of office last
School reformers who believe in using onerous requirements? protesting efforts to restrict collective- month at Luther Jackson Middle School.
business principles to run public schools a. Issue waivers that would release all bargaining rights. The board, sworn in Dec. 19, consists
had a banner year. More states expanded public schools from the requirements. b. Went to Ohio to support teachers pro- of six veterans and six newcomers
the number of charter schools, promoted b. Issue waivers to states that promised to testing efforts to restrict bargaining elected in November.
vouchers and moved toward using stu- institute approved school reforms. rights. Ten of the board members are en-
dent test scores to evaluate teachers. c. Put pressure on congressional Republi- c. Started a three-day weekend. dorsed by Democrats and two by Repub-
It was a miserable year for those who cans to reach an NCLB deal in 2012. d. Appeared in Miami with Jeb Bush, a licans — but political affiliation, while
believe that school reform cannot happen d. Nothing. leader of corporate education reform. key to winning votes, is expected to
without taking into account the social matter very little in policy decisions.
context in which students live. Yet, toward 4. Why did the Charlotte-Mecklenburg 8. Obama disagrees with Republicans Instead, the board’s deepest division
the end of the year there were real signs School District try out 52 standardized on: appears to be between those who defend
that educators, parents and even students tests in the spring? a. The importance of increasing charter how the region’s largest school system
were pushing back. a. To detect cheaters. schools. does business and generally seem to
Test yourself on 2011 issues that will b. To find the best test for a new account- b. Whether students should get taxpayer- trust Dale, and those who have a record
continue to play out in 2012. ability program. funded vouchers to pay for private school. of challenging Dale and advocating for
c. To pick standardized tests in every c. Evaluating educators by student test change.
1. “Corporate education reform” refers subject so teachers can be evaluated by scores. At a Dec. 10 retreat, there were hints Jack D. Dale, Fairfax County schools
to proposals driving education policy at student scores. d. Encouraging private-sector help for of alliances, divisions and frustrations chief, meets newly elected board.
the state and federal level. What is not d. It didn’t because that would be prepos- public schools. during heated discussions over disci-
one of those proposals: terous. pline policies and how deeply board The new board doesn’t have much
a. Increased test-based evaluation of stu- 9. Who said, “I’m beginning to think we members should be involved in, for time to find its footing before it’s tossed
dents, teachers and schools. 5. What percentage of American chil- are living in a moment of national insan- example, addressing parent complaints into that annual whirlwind of heartache
b. Eliminating or weakening teacher ten- dren live in poverty, according to new ity?” about principals, teachers and policies. known as the budget cycle.
ure. Census Bureau data? a. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) Among the outspoken critics of the Dale is scheduled to present his 2013
c. Paying teachers for experience and ad- a. 22 percent b. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) former board were newcomers Eliza- proposal Jan. 12, the board’s first regular
vanced degrees. b. 18 percent c. Education historian Diane Ravitch beth Schultz (Springfield), who led meeting. On Jan. 18 and 19, the board
d. Replacing governance by local school c. 13 percent d. Bill Gates community resistance to the closure of will hold sessions to hear community
boards with various forms of mayoral and d. 9 percent Clifton Elementary School, and Megan feedback.
state takeover or private management. 10. What is the Opt-Out Movement? McLaughlin (Braddock), who headed Returning members:
6. Who said: “We’ve lost our competi- a. Opting out of high-stakes standardized the Fairgrade campaign to revise the Jane K. Strauss (Dranesville), Ilryong
2. Teach for America recruits top col- tive spirit. We’ve become so obsessed tests. county’s strict grading policy. Moon (At Large), Kathy Smith (Sully),
lege graduates, trains them and places with making kids feel good about them- b. Opting out of sex education classes. Brad Center (Lee), who has left the Dan Storck (Mount Vernon), Patty Reed
them in high-poverty schools. How selves that we’ve lost sight of building c. Opting out of physical education class- board, advised the members to learn (Providence) and Sandy Evans (Mason).
much training do the recruits get before the skills they need to actually be good es. how the system works before trying to New members:
they start teaching on their own? at things.” d. Opting out of school-required vaccines. overhaul it. Pat Hynes (Hunter Mill), Tamara
a. One year as a student teacher while a. Bill Gates “Try on the shoes for a couple months Derenak Kaufax (Lee), Ryan McElveen
earning a masters. b. Steve Jobs before you decide you want to change (At Large), Ted Velkoff (At Large),
b. Six months as a student teacher. c. Michelle A. Rhee, former D.C. schools ANSWERS: 1. c, 2. d, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. c, 7. d, 8. the shoes,” he said. “If you don’t like it, McLaughlin and Schultz.
c. Three months in a summer institute. chancellor b, 9. c, 10. a tweak it.”

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Monday’s closings
Banks Federal Post offices Courts
Two decades Most government
No mail delivery except
for Express Mail
Except for adult arraignments and
new juvenile referrals in the District



Sunday traffic regulations.
No parking fees except for
Sunday parking regulations in

milloy from B1 Gee, so whatever parking Meters not enforced. Prince George’s County’s New
Carrollton Garage.
effect; meters not enforced;
HOV restrictions lifted.

Snyder purchases the

Washington team in 1999, along
happened to . . . Trash,
No trash or recycling
Regular trash collections
except in Howard and Prince
Regular trash collections in
Arlington and Fairfax counties
George’s. In Howard, Monday’s and Alexandria. No collections

with two-year-old Jack Kent appy New Year! But before new owner whether Concepcion
collections will be made in City of Fairfax. Landfills
Cooke Stadium in Landover. He we get too far into 2012, could stay.
Tuesday and slide one day for closed.
immediately removes the former let’s check in with some of
History, channeled the remainder of the week.
team owner’s name from the the people I wrote about in 2011.
Prince George’s trash
arena and sells the naming There’s nothing sadder than a
Room service collections will be made the
rights to FedEx for an estimated locked library, and that was the
next regularly scheduled day,
$250 million. Friends of Cooke, Christy Winton got an state of things when I last wrote
and curbside recycling pickups
who had died of a heart attack inadvertent lesson in how mean about the Historical Society of
for Monday will operate on a
two years earlier, pitch a fit. But the Internet can be. In October, Washington. The handsome
normal schedule. Landfills
Snyder calms them by declaring Christy’s 79-year-old mom, Joy Kiplinger Library, gem of the
closed except in Calvert,
that, out of respect for tradition, Bricker, moved out of the society’s headquarters at Mount
Charles and St. Mary’s.
he will never give in to the TownePlace Suites by Marriott in Vernon Square, had been forced
demands of the Native Falls Church where she’d lived for to close, the most visible victim of Liquor Owner’s discretion. Montgomery County ABC Open.
Americans. 10 years. I wrote about how Joy the society’s slow slide into stores stores closed.
Then again, they don’t have was moving to New York state to insolvency.
Schools Closed. Most closed; Howard, St. Most closed; Alexandria open.
millions to spend on naming live in the farmhouse Christy A savior came in the form of
Mary’s and Charles open.
rights. rents. the agency that runs the D.C.
“Some of the retaliation toward convention center. It will operate Libraries Closed. Closed. Closed.
me was not nice,” Christy told me a visitors center in the old
2000-04: Hundreds of high when I called her recently. Some Carnegie Library building and Local Closed. Closed. Closed.
schools and universities stop online commenters said anyone take over the site’s expensive government
using Native American imagery who let their mother live in a overhead. offices
as sports logos and mascots. As hotel for 10 years must be an The Kiplinger Library’s doors
African Americans press their awful daughter. are still locked, but they will be TRANSPORTATION SERVICES
fight to change the Virginia state “That was where she wanted to open Jan. 16 — Martin Luther
song, “Carry Me Back to Ole be,” Christy said. “It’s amazing the King Jr. Day. The hope is to open ·Metrobus, Metrorail, MetroAccess, DASH, Ride On, Fairfax Connector and ART (Routes 41 and 51) will operate on a Sunday
Virginny,” which makes perception people get when they the library two days a week after schedule.
references to “darkies” and read stories. And the negativity. that. ·MARC, Loudoun Bus, MTA Commuter Bus, PRTC Omniride, The Bus and VRE will not be in service.
“massas,” Native Americans . . . Just shows you how people So, we still have to wait — and ·CUE will operate on a modified weekday schedule.
hope that more of Washington’s are.” two days a week is a fraction of
black fans will join in solidarity But there was plenty of good, how often the library used to be
with their struggle. too. The coverage — in my open — but it’s better than LOCAL DIGEST
Hope springs eternal. column, on CNN, in the nothing. What’s more, the society
Turner takes Washington to Huffington Post — helped Joy just got a donation of fascinating
the NFC divisional playoffs reconnect with people she’d graphical materials that show the THE DISTRICT charged with first-degree murder in the 4400 block of Jones Bridge
against the Tampa Bay known over the years. evolving landscape of and was being held with no bond Road near Lancaster Drive.
Buccaneers. With less than two “It’s an adjustment, of course,” Washington. The collection, more Five people stabbed at the Prince George’s County According to a preliminary in-
minutes to go, the team is Christy said of her mother’s new than 4,000 pieces, was assembled as the year turns jail. vestigation, a white 2007 Chevy
poised to take the lead with a rural life. “But she’ a very over the years by Kiplinger On Saturday at 9:05 a.m., po- TrailBlazer headed west on Jones
field goal when — oops! — the adaptable person.” Washington Editors, the Five people were stabbed in lice officers were called to the Bridge Road from the direction
snap is botched and the game is Then Joy shouted over the personal-finance publishers, the District on New Year’s Eve 3800 block of Walters Lane in of Connecticut Avenue struck the
lost, 14-13. phone: “I plan to be in headed today by major and in the early hours of 2012, District Heights. When the offi- curb, went up on the sidewalk
Turner is fired in the middle Washington in 2012!” Washington history buff Knight police said. None of the injuries cers arrived, they found Wilson’s and struck a chain link fence and
of the following season and Kiplinger. It includes maps, was fatal. brother, Chappell Wilson, unre- then a tree, said Capt. Paul
Terry Robiskie takes over as Vigil at the White House paintings panoramic prints, Two of the five cases involved sponsive and with trauma to his Starks, a Montgomery County
interim coach for the last three Concepcion Picciotto has had photographs by Mathew Brady. domestic violence incidents, and body. He was pronounced dead at police spokesman.
games. Marty Schottenheimer an unusual living arrangement, There’s even a receipt for a D.C. three people were arrested in the scene. There were five people in the
replaces him and, a year later, he too. She’s the peace activist who dog licensing fee, signed by those cases, said Officer Anthony Detectives quickly identified vehicle. They ranged in age from
is canned for Steve Spurrier, since 1981 has mounted a vigil in Thomas Carbery, the city’s mayor Clay, a police spokesman. The Samuel Wilson as a suspect. He 18 to 22.
who is eventually let go to make front of the White House. from 1822 to 1824. other three stabbings are under was located a short time later Police said they were trying to
way for the return of Joe Gibbs. While she spends the majority investigation. and taken into custody. confirm the identifies of the two
of every day and night in her Children’s Hospital The incidents, which occurred — Dana Hedgpeth who died. One was a man who
makeshift camp in Lafayette There’s barely a week left to late Saturday and early Sunday in was a passenger in the front seat;
2005-10: The American Park, Concepcion retreats for a make a difference in our 2011 different parts of the city, are not the other was a woman who was
Psychological Association few hours each day to a house on fundraising drive for Children’s believed to be related, Clay said.
Two people killed in the back seat, directly behind
supports the Native Americans’ 12th Street NW to shower and eat. National Medical Center. The — Donna St. George in crash in Bethesda him.
case with research showing the That house is for sale, and it campaign ends Friday. Why Starks said the cause of the ac-
corrosive effects of racial looked like Concepcion would should you donate? To help MARYLAND Two people were killed early cident was under investigation.
stereotyping on children. But have to leave. ensure that Children’s Hospital Sunday morning when the sport- Police also were investigating
after a dejected Gibbs retires in She’s still able to use the house, can do what it’s done since being 55-year-old charged utility vehicle they were riding in whether the riders were wearing
2008, it is the Washington fan she told me last week. While she founded in 1870: treat every child, in brother’s death left the road and struck a tree on seat belts.
who seems to need and owner Ellen Benjamin — no matter how much money he or Jones Bridge Road in Bethesda, Two men in the vehicle were
psychological help the most. It’s who inherited the house when she may have. Prince George’s County police according to Montgomery Coun- taken to Suburban Hospital for
as if spiritual war is being waged her peace activist husband To make a tax-deductible arrested a 55-year-old man in ty Police officials. non-life-threatening injuries,
against the team, which soon William Thomas Hallenback donation to the hospital’s connection with the slaying of Police said they received a call Starks said. The driver was sent
becomes one of the most died in 2009 but who does not live uncompensated care fund, go to his brother. about 2:51 a.m. from an un- to shock trauma in Baltimore.
dispirited franchises in the NFL. there — still don’t get along, Samuel Ulysees Wilson was known person about an accident — Dana Hedgpeth
By the time Jim Zorn is hired Concepcion is being allowed to childrenshospital, or send a check
and fired as head coach and stay for now. or money order (payable to
Mike Shanahan arrives to take “I’m in limbo,” she told me. Children’s Hospital) to
his place, Washington will have Ellen said two people have Washington Post Campaign, P.O. WEATHER
burned through eight head expressed interest in buying the Box 17390, Baltimore, Md.
coaches since 1992. The team
has also started 21 quarterbacks.
About the only thing that
Peace House, one of whom is
connected with the Occupy D.C.
movement. Both have assured her
Donors who give $250 or more
will receive a $20 gift certificate
Rainbow caps a balmy day in Washington
hasn’t changed through all that that they would like to use the to the Chef Geoff family of BY M ARTIN W EIL waning hours of daylight that the with their backs to the descend-
is the team’s reputation as losers house as a headquarters for restaurants. mercury at Reagan National Air- ing sun, spotted a rainbow.
— and that cursed name. activists. It would be up to the Sunday was the first day of the port reached 60. That was nine It is an atmospheric phenom-
new year, but that was only one of degrees below the record for the enon that has been seen as a
the day’s distinctions. The tem- date. But it was 16 degrees above symbol of benevolence at least
2011: Harjo tells the U.S. LOTTERIES perature rose to 60 degrees in the New Year’s Day normal. since biblical times.
Senate Committee on Indian Washington, a January rarity. “Open windows on New Year’s A comment on the Weather
Affairs: “The term ‘redskins’ is January 1 There was brilliant sunshine, Day” read a comment on the Gang site described the splendor
the most vile and offensive term fog, cloudiness, rain and a rain- Washington Post’s Capital Weath- of the sunset and noted that the
used to describe Native DISTRICT VIRGINIA bow. er Gang Web site. “Golly.” day’s glories also included “for
Americans. It is most disturbing Most of Sunday afternoon had As the light faded on New about 5 minutes around 4:50ish,
to the overwhelming majority of Mid-Day Lucky Numbers: 5-8-5 Day/Pick-3: 0-0-4 been in the 50s, which was pleas- Year’s Day afternoon, some peo- a full rainbow towards the east.”
Native Americans throughout Mid-Day DC-4: 6-2-3-1 Pick-4: 4-1-8-6 ant enough. It wasn’t until the ple who looked toward the skies
the country that the professional Mid-Day DC-5: 0-6-3-5-8 Cash-5: 4-8-10-25-31
football team in the nation’s Lucky Numbers (Sat.): 0-1-9 Night/Pick-3 (Sat.): 3-0-5
capital uses a team name that Lucky Numbers (Sun.): 1-4-6 Pick-3 (Sun.): 7-8-6
demeans us.” DC-4 (Sat.): 4-6-6-8 Pick-4 (Sat.): 9-2-5-1
DC-4 (Sun.): 5-4-9-1 Pick-4 (Sun.): 5-6-7-2
DC-5 (Sat.): 4-9-2-5-5 Cash-5 (Sat.): 5-12-17-33-34
2012: Another lawsuit to get DC-5 (Sun.): 5-0-2-1-4 Cash-5 (Sun.): 2-11-13-14-33
rid of the team name, Win for Life: 8-13-18-19-25-27 ‡28
Blackhorse et al v. Pro­Football MARYLAND
Inc., will be working its way Mid-Day Pick 3: 1-6-2 MULTI-STATE GAMES
through the courts, this one Mid-Day Pick 4: 6-4-1-2 Powerball: 5-23-25-28-40 *34 Today’s Deal
from a younger group of Native Night/Pick 3 (Sat.): 8-1-8 Power Play: 4
Americans who cannot be said Pick 3 (Sun.): 7-4-8 Hot Lotto: 9-17-24-30-31 †6
to have “waited too long to file.” Pick 4 (Sat.): 6-9-3-3
*Bonus Ball **Powerball †Hot Ball ‡Free Ball
But they have already waited Pick 4 (Sun.): 7-5-4-9
too long for justice. Match 5 (Sat.): 9-16-27-35-36 *8 Match 5 (Sun.): 9-13-20-26-32 *6 6 For late drawings and out-of-area results, check

Satchidananda Ashram – Yogaville
Arlington reports zero homicides in 2011 Save
Half Off Weekend Yoga Retreats:
 $225 for Private Package for 2 ($450 Value!)

BY M ARTIN W EIL Nosal said that statistics avail- — a rate of about 4.8 per 100,000 50%  $85 for Shared Dormitory Package for 1 ($170 Value!)
able to her “go back to 1960, and people. Arlington’s population Relax, rejuvenate and renew with this all-inclusive yoga and meditation retreat from
The number of homicides de- this is the first year that we have was about 208,000 in 2010, ac- Satchidananda Ashram – Yogaville. Redeem your package before March 31 and get a
clined last year in the District and had zero homicides.” cording to census figures, sug- bonus $50 credit toward a weekend workshop of you choice!
in many other jurisdictions The number of homicides in gesting that about 10 homicides a
throughout the United States, but Arlington in recent years has been year would conform to national Buckingham, VA
in Arlington County the figure small. In 2010 there was one; in averages.
reached an absolute minimum — 2009, there were two; and in Several other local jurisdic- This special deal only available for purchase until 11:59pm, 1/9/12.
All Capitol Deals must be purchased at
none. 2008, there were four. The num- tions had homicide rates last year
No homicides were reported in ber was as high as 12 in 1990 and that fell well below the national
Arlington last year, for the first 1991. rate. But of the counties and large Get local deals e-mailed to you, for FREE. Delivered to you by:
time in at least 50 years, said An FBI report estimated that cities in the Washington area, only
Detective Crystal Nosal, county about 14,700 people nationwide Arlington reported no homicides.
police spokeswoman. were victims of homicide in 2010



Her designs brought a simple,

modern touch to dinner tables

Eva Zeisel, who designed and

produced stylish but simple lines
of tableware that were credited
with enhancing the serenity of
American dinnertime, died Dec.
30 at her home in New City, N.Y.
Mrs. Zeisel was 105 and had
come to America just before
World War II, after a harrowing
series of adventures in the turbu-
lent Europe of the 1930s.
Her daughter, Jean Richards,
confirmed the death but said she
did not know the medical cause.
Mrs. Zeisel was widely regard-
ed as a master of modern design.
Her salt and pepper shakers,
creamers and ladles are included
PHOTOS BY SARAH L. VOISIN/THE WASHINGTON POST in the collections of the Museum
Irja and Greg Bonafede get acquainted with their baby girl, who weighed more at birth than either of her of Modern Art in New York. Yet she
brothers despite arriving two weeks early. The Bonafedes have not yet selected a name for their first girl. resisted being characterized as an
artist. “Art has more ego to it than

12 minutes into ’12, it was time

what I do,” she once told the New
What Mrs. Zeisel did was create
everyday objects that fundamen-
tally changed the look of Ameri-
Area’s first baby of the year arrives early after visit to B&O museum can kitchens and dining rooms.
She brought “a trained design-
er’s eye and touch to the kind of
BY D ONNA S T. G EORGE inexpensive daily goods that were
available to everyone,” said Karen
There was a certain symmetry Kettering, vice president for Rus-
to the arrival of the Washington sian art at Sotheby’s and a former
area’s first baby of the new year: curator at the Hillwood Estate,
As 2012 made its debut, so did a Museum and Gardens in the Dis-
baby girl in Maryland — at pre- trict, which featured a retrospec-
cisely 12:12 a.m. tive of Mrs. Zeisel’s work in 2005.
She is the first daughter and Mrs. Zeisel received artistic
third child of Irja and Greg training in her native Hungary in
Bonafede, a military family from the years after World War I. She
Upper Marlboro, who pro- moved to the Soviet Union, where Eva Zeisel, shown in her studio in 2001 with some of her early work,
nounced themselves “a little as- she worked in a factory and, after said her designs were guided by “the playful search for beauty.” Her
tounded” by their midnight-hour building a reputation as a talented tableware featured simple colors and lines, a break from the more
delivery. ceramicist, landed a job as art florid styles in vogue earlier.
A healthy baby Bonafede — director of the state-run porcelain
with dark hair, blue-brown eyes and glass industries. Her work often was described ist. She was reported to be one of
and round cheeks — weighed in While in that position, Mrs. Zei- with words not usually associated the first female members of the
at 8 pounds 10 ounces at South- sel was falsely accused of conspir- with tableware: human, sensual, Hungarian guild of chimney
ern Maryland Hospital Center in ing to assassinate Soviet dictator voluptuous. Many of her designs sweeps, oven makers, roof tilers,
Clinton. By shortly after 1 a.m., Footprints record the baby’s birth at Southern Maryland Hospital Joseph Stalin. She spent more are curvaceous and reminiscent of well diggers and potters.
she was followed by babies in Center shortly before Jan. 1 arrivals in Rockville and Leesburg. than a year in a Soviet prison, the “feminine midriff,” Kettering Once in the United States, Mrs.
Rockville and Leesburg. much of that time in solitary con- said. Mrs. Zeisel designed flower Zeisel broke onto the artistic
“We had no idea it would be “Halfway through the day, I A lieutenant colonel in the Air finement. Her experience there vases with belly buttons. Her scene in the 1940s when Castleton
smack-dab at midnight,” Greg started realizing this really could Force who works as a speechwrit- would deeply inform “Darkness at bowls were not meant to be China invited her to design a table
Bonafede said from the hospital be it,” Irja said. So Greg, 45, drove er at the Pentagon, he had Noon,” the novel about life under stacked but rather to nestle to- collection. It would later by dis-
Sunday afternoon as his newborn them all home, and by 6 p.m. worked in earlier years as an Stalinism written by a childhood gether. Big spoons could be seen played at MoMA.
snuggled up with her mother. babysitters were in place for their English professor at the Air Force friend, Arthur Koestler. as protecting smaller ones. Her first marriage, to Alex
“But of course the baby has her sons and the Bonafedes were Academy and taken a particular When guards called Mrs. Zeisel “All of my work is mother-and- Weissberg, ended in divorce. Her
own idea of things.” heading to the hospital. interest in medieval literature. from her cell one day, she thought child,” Mrs. Zeisel once said. second husband, Hans Zeisel, died
Eyeing a due date of Jan. 16, Irja says she is glad — that she “I know there’s a lot of fun you she was about to be executed. Her work reached the height of in 1992 after 54 years of marriage.
her parents had thought they had really wanted a January baby. can have with all of these numer- Instead, she was released. She fled its popularity during the Cold Survivors include two children
another week or two before their The family already has two ological relationships,” he said. “I to Austria, only to be forced to flee War. Art critics believe it helped from her second marriage, Jean
daughter made an appearance. December birthdays on the cal- don’t know at the moment what again when Adolf Hitler’s Ger- provide a sense of tranquillity dur- Richards of New City and John
Sunday, as news crews showed endar — Greg’s and Leo’s. Plus, they are. I will have to do some many annexed that country. Mrs. ing the tensions of the time, Ket- Zeisel of Montreal; and three
up one after another, they had Irja thought January would hon- research.” Zeisel went to England and then tering said. grandchildren.
little time to choose among sev- or her late mother, who had a The new baby had a momen- to New York, where the design She added that critics have not- Mrs. Zeisel was the author of
eral favorite names. birthday in that month. tous arrival in another way, too: community quickly recognized ed a resurgence in the popularity “Eva Zeisel on Design: The Magic
Irja, 36, had begun to recog- Her baby’s arrival at 12:12 a.m., outdoing her brothers’ birth her talent. of Mrs. Zeisel’s work since the Language of Things.” Her memoir
nize labor pains Saturday during in January 2012, struck both weights by nearly two pounds Mrs. Zeisel often said that her terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. A of the Soviet prison is forthcom-
an outing to the B&O Railroad parents as meaningful. and nearly three pounds. But the work was about the “playful tableware collection from the ing, her daughter said.
Museum in Baltimore, where the But how? Bonafedes, mindful of the danger search for beauty.” 1950s was re-released several “I search for beauty,” Mrs. Zeisel
family took in Christmas dis- “To me, it makes me think of of sibling comparisons, were Along with some of her contem- years ago by Crate and Barrel. told The Washington Post in 2003.
plays. The Bonafedes’ sons — the 12 days of Christmas, which quick to widen the spotlight. porary designers, Mrs. Zeisel re- Eva Amalia Striker was born “I never wanted to do something
Leo, 5, and Dean, 3 — had such a we’re still in,” she concluded. Said Greg, “All of our children placed the florid, gilded style of Nov. 13, 1906, in Budapest. She grotesque. I never wanted to
good time they did not want to Greg Bonafede was still mull- are little miracles.” earlier eras with simple colors. originally trained as a painter but shock. I wanted my audience to be
leave. ing it over. Her most famous table collection pursued industrial arts, in part to happy, to be kind.”
from the 1950s is pure white. avoid the fate of the starving art-


Broadcaster emphasized neutrality on job

BY M ATT S CHUDEL In March 1956, Sen. John F. He played himself in the 1959
Kennedy (D-Mass.) appeared on Doris Day-Jack Lemmon film “It
Stephen J. McCormick, 97, a “Youth Wants to Know” and was Happened to Jane.”
White House radio correspon- asked if he would consider ac- By 1960, he had returned to
dent in the 1930s, who later was cepting an offer to be a vice radio as a vice president in charge
the host of Washington-based presidential candidate. of the Mutual Broadcasting Sys-
news programs for NBC-TV, died “I think it’s a bad idea in tem’s Washington operation. He
Nov. 30 at a rehabilitation facility politics and ev- continued to appear on the air,
in Bar Harbor, Maine. ery other kind with news and interview shows,
He had congestive heart fail- of job to accept well into the 1970s.
ure, his daughter said. or refuse Mr. McCormick was Mutual’s
Mr. McCormick came to Wash- things which anchor at national political con-
ington in the mid-1930s and have not and ventions for 20 years and also
worked for a local radio station probably will produced and directed the net-
before joining the Mutual Broad- not be offered work’s coverage of the Mercury,
casting System. He broadcast the to you,” Ken- Gemini and Apollo manned
“fireside chats” of President Stephen J. nedy replied. spaceflights. He sometimes con-
Franklin D. Roosevelt, went on to McCormick “I suppose tributed feature stories to the
cover three other presidents and it’s like saying BBC.
became a top executive for the to a girl, ‘If I asked you to marry He lived in Alexandria and
MATT MCCLAIN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST Mutual network. me, and I’m not asking you to Potomac for many years before
Beginning in 1954, Mr. McCor- marry me, would you marry me?’ moving to Swan’s Island, Maine,
Plunging into the new year mick was the host of two public I suppose, when the time comes, about five years ago. He was a
affairs programs broadcast na- we can make a better judgment founding member of the Radio
Dan Mills, front, of Frederick rushes out of the Potomac River as he and others take part in the
tionally by NBC-TV, “The Ameri- on it.” and Television Correspondents
Polar Bear Plunge at River Bottom Park in Williamsport, Md., on Sunday. The Humane Society can Forum” and “Youth Wants to Amid gentle laughter, Mr. Mc- Association and was a member of
of Washington County sponsored the event, which is traditionally held on New Year’s Day and Know.” Cormick added, “I wouldn’t be the White House Correspondents
is designed to raise money for the organization and benefit animals at the shelter. The plunge is With “American Forum,” he surprised, after reading about Association, National Press Club
served as moderator between two you for many years, Senator, if we and Army and Navy Club.
an official city event for Williamsport, according to the Humane Society’s Web site.
people arguing opposite points of had a lot of girls who were A daughter, Patricia Delano,
a public issue. “Youth Wants to thinking of marrying you.” died in 2010.
Know” was an interview show in Stephen Joseph McCormick Survivors include his wife of
which children and teens asked was born May 4, 1914, in Taunton, 66 years, Theo Henelt McCor-
questions of politicians and other Mass., and attended Boston Uni- mick of Swan’s Island; daughter
Home delivery public figures in the news. versity before coming to Wash- Teddi Harrison of Carlsbad, N.M.;
is convenient. “The moderator must be neu- ington. and five grandchildren.
tral,” Mr. McCormick told The During World War II, he served In describing his broadcasting
Washington Post in 1956, describ- in the Army in the Pacific and style in 1956, Mr. McCormick
ing the role of a news-show mod- received the Bronze Star Medal called himself “the greatest neu-
1-800-753-POST erator. “No public affairs discus- for service during the Battle of tral in Washington.”
sion program can last for very Saipan. He stayed in the Army “I have absolutely no opinions
long if word gets around that the reserves for many years, reaching when I’m on the air,” he told The
moderator favors one point of the rank of lieutenant colonel. Post, “and I have very few opin-
view. Guests will just refuse to Mr. McCormick’s television ca- ions when I’m off the air.”
SF take part in the show.” reer was at its height in the 1950s.
Members of Prince Hall Lodge #14 Members of the Association of On Thursday, December 29, 2011
are requested to assemble Janu- Retired Police Officers of D.C. are of Rockville, MD. Beloved wife of
ary 3, 12 noon at Fort Lincoln notified of the December 29, 2011 the late J. William Stohlman, M.D.;
Johanna Vogelsang Funeral Home, 3401 Bladensburg
Rd., Brentwood, MD 20722.
death of Duane K. Lovelady. He was
a SGT with the MPD-ID&R when
loving mother of J. William "Bill"
Stohlman (Yvonne), Mary Eliza-
ARTIST James L. Taylor, Jr., WM retired on August 23, 1980. beth MacLauchlan (Donald), Helen
Stohlman, Theresa Mohan (James), Clare Lang-
Johanna Vogelsang, 82, a for- ley (the late Raymond), Eileen Linares (Marco),
Barry Stohlman (Laura) Louis Stohlman (Ellyn),
mer Washington artist who had Carolyn Ringling (Wayne), Francis Stohlman,
and the late Martha Stohlman. Mary was
done portraits of civil rights
leaders and graphic designs for CLARK predeceased by three sisters Ann Miskovsky,

Helen Orem and Kathleen Neill. Also survived
IONA A. CLARK (Age 91) by 27 grandchildren and predeceased by a
civil rights organizations, died granddaughter. Friends may call at DeVol
Departed this life December 25, 2011. She
Dec. 1 at a hospital in Murietta, leaves to mourn one daughter, Ilene Clark
Funeral Home, 10 East Deer Park Drive,
Gaithersburg, MD on Monday from 2 to 4 pm
Calif. Tillman; seven grandchildren; 20 great-grand- and 6 to 8 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will
children; four great-great-grandchildren; a spe-
She had complications from cial nephew, and a host of other relatives and
be offered at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church,
9705 Summit Avenue, Kensington, MD 20895
a hip fracture, her daughter friends. Services on Tuesday, January 3, 2012.
LTG. RICHARD H. GROVES on Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. EDITH CHRISTINE LANE
Kirsten V. Eyerman said. Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery. In lieu of On December 26, 2011 of Washington, DC.
Richard H. Groves, 88, a retired three-star flowers, memorial contributions may be made Beloved and cherished mother of Roberta
Mrs. Vogelsang lived in general who served in the Army 36 years, in her name to Pathfinder Village, Martha K. Cooper, Anna Parker, Robert Cooper, and
Washington for about 30 years passed away December 26, 2011 at The Fair- Stohlman Scholarship Fund, 3 Chenango Road, Nathan Lane. Also survived by her mother,
before moving to California in CLARK fax, a military retirement community outside
Fort Belvoir.
Edmeston, NY 13335. Please sign family guest
book at:
Thelma N. Lane; two sisters Arzina and Eliza-
beth Lane; two brothers Raymond Lane (Olivia)
1992. She lived most recently in and Theodore Garvin; eight grandchildren, six
SUSAN BALL CLARK Lt. Gen. Groves is survived by his wife of 66 great grandchildren; best friend Peter G. Sam;
Temecula, Calif. On December 19, 2011, died at home in years, Patricia Hook Groves; a sister, Gwen and a host of nieces, nephews, and friends.
Alexandria, Virginia. In addition to her husband, Groves Robinson of Northampton, Massachu- Family will receive friends from 10 a.m. until
Joanna Kathryn Schmalhorst Howard L. Clark, she is survived by her brother, setts; four children, Carolyn Groves Lewis of time of service, 11 a.m. on Tuesday, January
was born in Cincinnati, and she William B. Ball (Jackie); sister-in-law, Patricia Alexandria, Virginia; Patricia Groves Campbell 3 at St. Stephen Baptist Church, 5757 Temple
Ball; several nieces and nephews. of Tucson, Arizona; Richard Wilson Groves of
graduated from Rockford Col-
lege in Illinois in 1952. She
A Memorial Service is to be held at 3 p.m.,
January 15, 2012 at the Old Presbyterian Meet-
Hong Kong; and Ann Groves Odell of New
Orleans, Louisiana; and nine grandchildren.
TIPPETT Hill Rd., Temple Hills, MD. Arrangements by
ing House, 323 S. Fairfax St., Alexandria, VA ELIA S. PARSONS
added the “h” to her first name 22314. Expressions of sympathy may be made On December 26, 2011; Elia Sanchez Par- PATRICIA LEE TIPPETT
A funeral service will be held at the Old Chapel On December 30, 2011 of Mechanicsville, MD.
as an artist. to the Old Presbyterian Meeting House or to
one's own choosing. Interment was private.
at Fort Myer on March 22, 2012 at 11 a.m.
Interment at Arlington National Cemetery and
sons of Washington, DC; beloved wife of the
late Richard K. Parsons; devoted mother of
Ramon Parsons of Manhasset, NY, Nadia
Beloved wife of Joseph Guy Tippett, Sr.; loving
mother of Tina Marie Barrett and Joseph Guy
Her artwork was exhibited at a reception at the Fort Myer Officer's Club will Tippett, Jr. Family will receive friends on Mon-
Richman of Boston, MA, and Amalia Jones
the Spectrum gallery in George- follow. of Washington, DC; sister of Richard X. day, January 2, 2012 from 6 to 8 p.m. at
Sanchez of Hattiesburg, MS; grandmother the BRINSFIELD-ECHOLS FUNERAL HOME, PA,
town and elsewhere, and she In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may of Richard Parsons , Antonia Parsons, Pauli- 30195 Three Notch Rd., Charlotte Hall, MD
had done graphic designs for
Women’s Strike for Peace,
COVINGTON be made to Deerfield Academy, 7 Boyden Lane,
Deerfield, MA 01342.
na Parsons, Ariel Richman, Beau Richman,
Calie Richman, Nicholas Richman, Lena
20622. Mass of Christian Burial will be held
at St. Joseph's Church, Morganza, MD on
Jones, and Marcelus Jones. Service at St. Tuesday, January 3 at 10 a.m. Interment will
Neighbors Inc. and Art for Peo- ELAINE COVINGTON Paul Rock Creek Church, Rock Creek follow of Queen of Peace Cemetery, Helen,
On Tuesday, December 27, 2011. Survived Church Rd. and Webster Streets NW, Wash- MD. Memorial donations may be made to
ple. by three sisters, Helene Washington, Wilma ington, DC on Thursday, January 5, 2012 at Hospice of St. Mary's, P.O. Box 625, Leonard-
Her marriage of 25 years to Tucker and Edith Bland; nieces and nephews. 10 a.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery, town, MD or Leukemia and Lymphoma Society,
Mrs. Covington will lie in State at Mt. Horeb Washington, DC. In lieu of flowers, dona- Maryland Chapter, 100 Painters Mill Rd., Suite
Frederic Vogelsang ended in
Baptist Church, 2914 Bladensburg Rd., NE,
Tuesday, January 3, 10 a.m. until services at GRUVER tions may be made to Fisher Center for
Alzheimer's Research Foundation, One
800, Owings Mills, MD 21117.
11 a.m. Interment Roosevelt Memorial Park, Intrepid Square, West 46th Street and 12th
A daughter, Hana Vogelsang, Norfolk, VA. Arrangements by STEWART. JOHN J. GRUVER "Lefty" Avenue, New York, NY 10036.
The Members of the Retired Fire- Family and friends may visit
died in 1995. fighters Association of Washing-
Survivors include a daughter, ton, DC regret to announce the for additional information.
passing of Brother John J. "Lefty"
Kirsten V. Eyerman of Temecu-
la; a brother; a sister; and a EUBANK
Gruver on December 30, 2011.
Brother Gruver was appointed WATSON ROSANNA B. WALLACE
1963, E-3 and retired September 1, 1985,
granddaughter. T-9 Technician. JANE McKEE WATSON On Monday, December 26, 2011 of Washing-
LOTTIE DELILA WRIGHT EUBANK Marion D. Sanchez, President On Thursday, December 28, 2011, ton, DC. Beloved mother of Amelia; cherished
— Bart Barnes On Saturday, December 31, 2011 of Lorton,
George T. Kenny, Secy. Treasurer of Brandywine, MD. Loving wife of grandmother of Kenneth, Ahsia, Donald and
VA formerly of Amherst County, VA. Beloved the late Peregrine Watson; sister Shumeka. She is also survived by her great-
wife, of 57 years, to Marion Gray Eubank, Sr.; of Hannah McKee MacMartin of grandchildren, Gerald and Nyjeria, other rela-
mother of Barbara Eubank Thurston (Tommy), Mitchellville, MD. Also survived by several tives and many friends. Visitation on Wednes-
Michael A. Alvarez Rosie Gilbert (Rick), Susan Eubank Spindel
(Burrell), Marion Eubank, Jr. and Jerry Eubank;
nieces and nephews. Relatives and friends may
call at the HUNTT FUNERAL HOME, 3035 Old
day, January 4, 9 a.m., Service, 11 a.m. at Mt.
Horeb Baptist Church, 2914 Bladensburg Rd.,
NAVY YEOMAN, NASA grandmother of Sarah, Hannah and Jesse Gil- Washington Rd., Waldorf, MD on Wednesday, N.E. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery,
bert. Relatives and friends may call at Jefferson
ANALYST Funeral Chapel, 5755 Castlewellan Dr. Alexan-
dria, VA on Tuesday, January 3, 2012 from 2 to
JACKSON January 4 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Funeral
service will be held 1 p.m., January 4, 2012
Suitland, MD. Services entrusted to Jordan
Funeral Service.
Michael A. Alvarez, 86, a at Brookfield United Methodist Church, 12806
4 and 7 to 9 p.m., where funeral service will be GREGORY KEITH JACKSON Croom Rd., Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. Inter-
retired Navy administrative spe- held on Wednesday at 11 a.m. Interment Mt. Obviously desirous of a very special after ment Trinity Memorial Gardens, Waldorf, MD. In
cialist who spent 28 years at Comfort Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial Christmas gift for himself, Jesus took Greg on lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the
contributions may be made to Capital Caring, December 27, 2011. Beloved son of Frank and Brookfield United Methodist Church.
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight 2900 Telestar Ct. Falls Church, VA 22042. Blanche Mills. Greg also leaves three sisters, PAID DEATH NOTICES
Center in Greenbelt, died Dec. Sonia Schwandt, Jennifer Schwandt-Gayle and
14 at his home in Fairfax County. Jacquelynn Spence; a brother, Frank Mills III
and a host of other relatives and friends. ROGERS
He had congestive heart fail- Memorial services will be held at the Twelfth
Street Christian Church, 1812 12th St., NW, JOSEPH A. ROGERS, U.S. ARMY (Ret.)
ure, his son Danny Alvarez said.
Mr. Alvarez enlisted in the
Washington, DC on Sunday, January 8, 2012
at 1 p.m. In lieu of flowers, tax deductible
On Monday, December 26, 2011; beloved hus-
band of Juanita Rogers; devoted father of DEATH NOTICE HOLIDAY
donations may be made to Joseph's House, Nichelle, Sharice, Charlene, Monica, Clinton, HOURS
Navy at 17 and served in the
Pacific during World War II. He
1730 Lanier Place, NW, Washington, DC 20009. Joseph Jr., and Jarrell. He is also survived by 19
grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; four AUGER
GOLDBERG sisters Elverda, Mildred, Betty Ann and Pauline;
specialized in communications
and radio work before serving in JAMES F. GOLDBERG "Jim" (Age 72)
three brothers Edward, Charles and Danny;
other relatives and friends. Mr. Rogers may Sunday
administrative roles at the Navy Of Cambridge on Saturday, December 31, 2011
of lung cancer at home. A writer, editor, and
be viewed at the STEWART FUNERAL HOME,
4001 Benning Rd. NE, Tuesday, January 3, from January 1, 2012
Annex near the Pentagon. He public policy analyst, he was passionate about
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. He will lie in state at First
Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church, 602 N Street 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
retired from the Navy in the social and economic justice, with a long history
of advocacy and political activism: he took KELLY NW, Wednesday, January 4, from 10 a.m. until
Services at 11 a.m. Rev. Raymond Bell officiat-
early 1960s as a yeoman first part in the Columbia University protest in '68,
class. He worked as a computer helped organize the Hearings on Economic
Insecurity MA in '96, and was an advocate for
Charlene Theresa (Lambertz) Kelly, passed
ing. Interment Maryland Veterans Cemetery,
Cheltenham, MD. on Monday January 9, 2012 Monday
analyst for NASA from 1967 to local affordable housing. Jim was a humble,
kind, and generous man, who loved
away on Monday, October 3, 2011, following
a long illness. She was a longtime resident
at 11 a.m.
January 2, 2012
1993 and contributed to space
shuttle missions.
Beethoven's Violin Concerto, old movies, the
Red Sox, and playing poker with old and new
of Annandale, Virginia. She was born on April
22, 1928, in Kansas City, MO. Charlene Kelly 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
friends. He was persnickety about language, a was an employee and retired sales manager
Michael Angel Alvarez was student of 19th century British literature and at Woodward & Lothrop. She was preceded
born in Tampa. He moved to the social theory. He loved Amherst College (class in death by her husband of 49 years, Lt. Col.
Washington area in 1961 and
of '61) and was devoted to the friends he made
there. He grew up in Washington D.C, spending
Thomas Joseph Kelly (USMC) and sister Char-
lotte O’Hara. She is survived by her sister,
summers at Camp Ramah and Habonim. After Mary Prater of Millport, AL; children, Sean M. LULU HANSEN AUGER
lived for many years in Annan- college, Jim lived for a year in Israel, teaching Kelly (Shana) of Austin, TX; daughter, Anne NANETTE SANTIAGO
Wife of Roberto Santiago; mother of Andrea On Thursday, December 29, 2011 of Wash-
dale. English at Moshav Kfar Vitkin. Jim was the son K. Schuyler (Michael) of Culpeper, VA; son,
Santiago Connor; mother-in-law of William ington, DC. Beloved wife of the late Ulysses
of the late Sidney Goldberg and the late Gladys Patrick K. Kelly (Anne) of Richmond, VA; son, g. “Blackie” Auger I; mother of Gregory
Survivors include his wife of Connor; grandmother of Michael Connor and
59 years, Delia Fernandez Alvar-
(Winocur) Goldberg. He was a devoted and
loving husband to Trudy Bauer. A loving father
Brian T. Kelly (Stephanie) of South Riding, VA;
and daughter Katherine K. McManus of Ellicott Victoria Connor, passed away on Saturday, Ulysses Auger (Margaret), the late Ulysses
G. Auger, II (Alison) and Constandina Auger
To place a notice, call:
ez of Fairfax County; two sons, to Matthew Goldberg and his wife Rain Kramer
and an adoring Gramps to Noah and Sophie.
City, MD; grandchildren, Timothy Kelly, Taryn
Kelly, Mary Kelly, Meghan Kelly, Emily Schuyler,
December 31, 2011 as a result of heart failure.
Nanette was born March 8, 1934 in Liputan Economides (Frank); grandmother of 202-334-4122
Ulysses George Hawthorne Auger III, Con-
Michael A. Alvarez Jr. of Ger- He was a loving brother to Judy Goldberg.
And a loving step-father to Sika Sullivan and
Matthew Kelly, Joseph Schuyler, John (Jack)
Kelly, Shelby McManus and Abigail McManus
Island in the Philippines. She resided in Tem-
ple Hills with her husband and was active standinos Franciscos Auger Economides, 800-627-1150 ext
rardstown, W.Va., and Danny her husband Kevin and an adoring Opa to and many nieces and nephews. On Wednes-
day, January 4, 2012 at 12:45 p.m., a Catholic
as a substitute teacher at Crossland High
School where she brought pleasure to students
Nicholas William Randolph Auger, Brid-
gette Kathryn Auger, Gregory Ulysses 44122
Alvarez of Santa Cruz, Calif.; a Sarah and Kate. He also leaves his extended Auger III, James Frederick Auger, Vassiliki
Goldberg, Winocur, Bauer, Giuliano, and Wood mass will take place at the Memorial Chapel, and teachers with her culinary talents and
beautiful courtyard gardens. Nanette loved her Illias Auger Economides, Alexander Robert
sister; six grandchildren; and families. And many dear, long-time friends. Ft. Myer, VA, followed by funeral services at Auger, Annabel-Rose Auger and Constand-
Services at Levine Chapels, 470 Harvard St., Arlington National Cemetery. The family asks family, teaching, gardening and cooking. She
four great-grandchildren. Brookline on Tuesday, January 3 at 11 a.m. that in lieu of flowers, a memorial gift be made was a wonderful loving person who always ina (Chewy) Francesca Auger Economides.
managed to do nice things for others. She will Family will receive friends at Gawlers
— T. Rees Shapiro Interment will follow at the Workmen's Circle to Gilchrist Hospice Care of Howard County, Funeral Home, Washington, DC on Mon- PAID DEATH NOTICES
Cemetery, 776 Baker St., W. Roxbury, MA. (6336 Cedar Lane, Columbia, MD). be missed by all of her friends and family,
but will be seated in a position next to the day, January 2, 2012 from 2 to 4 and 6 MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Lord. Wake is at St. Ignatius Catholic Church, to 9 p.m., with celebration service at 7 SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
GRAY 2315 Brinkley Road., Fort Washington, MD
on Wednesday, January 4 from 6 to 8 p.m.
p.m. A memorial service will be held on
Tuesday, January 3 at 10:30 a.m. at St. To place a notice, call:
and Funeral Mass is at St. Ignatius Catholic Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Wash- 202-334-4122
IN MEMORIAM VIRGINIA PHILLIPS MENDENHALL GRAY Church, 2315 Brinkley Road., Fort Washington, ington, DC. Interment follows at George
Washington Cemetery. In lieu of flowers,
800-627-1150 ext 44122
MD on Thursday, January 5 at 11 a.m. Burial 202-334-7188
NEWSOM at 1 p.m. at Resurrection Cemetery, Clinton, memorial contributions may be made to
Virginia Phillips Mendenhall Gray, age 102, Committee hearing to which she replied The Miracle Center World Outreach. P.O. EMAIL:
died in the Health Center at Collington Life “But, Senator, love is not enough.” MD. Arrangements by STRICKLAND FUNERAL
SERVICES. Box 25441, Tampa, FL 33622. 888-743-
Community, Mitchellville, MD on December 2533.
JOEL A. NEWSOM 10, 2011. Born July 31, 1909, the only child She received numerous awards from a vari- Email and faxes MUST include
August 6, 1970 - January 2, 2011 of Franklin Phillips Mendenhall and Annie ety of NEA/PTA and UN organizations and name, home address & home phone #
Beloved son, wonderful brother, cherished Myrtle Dawson. She was raised in Peekskill, was listed in Who’s Who of American Women of the responsible billing party.
husband, great teacher, kind person. Fax & email deadline 3 p.m. daily
NY; graduated magna cum laude and Pi for several years. She was honored at the
Our hearts ache at your loss. Beta Kappa, with honors in economics from BPW of Capital Area Human Rights Lun- CURRENT RATES:
Your Loving Family Mt. Holyoke College; won a Fellowship to cheon. In 1979, she received the UNICEF
the University of Chicago, receiving a MA “Oscar” for distinguished service to the Unit- MONDAY-SATURDAY
REED in economics; then won a year’s Fellowship
to Ecole Des Sciences Politicque (now part
ed Nations Children’s Fund. SHACTER BLOCKER
Black & White

of The Sorbonne) in Paris, France (1933- In the late 1960’s, she built a “vacation 2" - $285
34). She began employment with the US home” in Berkeley Springs, WV; then bought SELMA K. SHACTER (Age 85) 3" - $410
government in May 1934 in Washington, DC; additional acreage and planted tree Of Springfield, VA passed away 4" - $450
married Edward R. Gray in September 1934, seedlings to grow for 30-40 years. She January 1, 2012. A Graveside ser- 5" - $570
and settled permanently in the Washington, became a strong conservationist to save vice will be held Tuesday January 6"+ - $125 for each additional inch
DC area. natural resources for future generations. 3, 2011 12 p.m. at King David ------
Memorial Gardens. 7482 Lee High- SUNDAY
way Falls Church, VA 22402. Black & White
During the early years of World War II and She had wide-ranging interests and support-
while raising three daughters, she taught ed many programs in the arts – music 2" - $315
Economics at American University, after the groups, artists and art galleries, museums 3" - $455
War she moved with the family to Paris while of US and French history, and she was an 4" - $480
her husband worked with the Marshall Plan; avid reader on all subjects. She enjoyed 5" - $620
then returned to Washington in 1948 where gardening and watching her flowers bloom 6"+ - $125 for each additional inch
she spent the next 40+ years doing volunteer and trees grow. But most of all she enjoyed ------
work with a wide variety of organizations,
especially those involving her daughters’
schools and Girl Scouts. She and her hus-
her family, raising her daughters and encour-
aging her grandchildren. SNYDER Color

4" - $485
band were strong supporters of Tusculum In June 1993, Mrs. Gray relocated from her DONALD CHARLES SNYDER 5" - $610
College, where her father-in-law had been home of 50+ years in Cleveland Park to the On Saturday, December 31, 2011, 6"+ - $125 for each additional inch
College President for 25 years. She was a Collington Continuing Life Care Community of Kensington, MD. Beloved hus- ------
ROBERT J. REED, SR. Founding and Life member of Arena Stage; and remained until her death. band of the late Kathryn Snyder; SUNDAY
06/19/1915 - 01/02/2006 helped start the International Center in DC- father of William Snyder, Donald Color
one of the first to be asked by the State She is survived by Charlotte O. Gray of Snyder, Jr., Michael Snyder, and
Memories of you will remain with us forever.
Department to entertain international guests Albany, NY, Virginia G. “Ginette” (Mrs. Lucien) GERALDINE WALTERS BLOCKER 4" - $555
Love always, Mary and Rob Mary Lastorina. Also survived by On Tuesday, December 27, 2011.
in her home, a Founding and Life Member Polak of Berkeley, CA and Phyllis G. Webster five grandchildren and three great-grandchil- 5" - $695
She is survived by four daughters, 6"+ - $125 for each additional inch
of the National Museum of Women in the of Portland, OR; former son-in-law, David B. dren. Relatives and friends may call at St.
Arts; Life Member of US Capitol Historical Webster of Gaithersburg, MD; five grandchil- Veronica (Morris), Diane, Dolline
Catherine Laboure, Veirs Mill & Claridge Roads, (Ronald I) and Deborah; one sister,
Association; League of Women Voters; Unit- dren and 10 great-grandchildren. She was Wheaton, MD, on Wednesday, January 4, from Notices with photos begin at 3"
ed Nations Association, Women’s National predeceased by her husband, Edward R. one brother, five grandchildren,
LILLIAN M. WESLEY 10 to 11 a.m.; where Mass of Christian Burial 11 great-grandchildren, one great- ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
Happy Birthday 70th Birthday to Our Mother! Democratic Club, Cleveland Park Citizens Gray in March 1974 and a grandson. will follow at 11 a.m. Interment Gate of Heaven
Association; and numerous other civic and The family gratefully thanks the staff of the great-grandchild; a host of other relatives and
Love Sharon and Daniel, Cemetery. friends. Viewing 10 a.m., funeral service 11 MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
Grands and Great-Grands cultural organizations. She joined All Souls Arbor Unit of Collington for their compas- All notices over 3" include
Unitarian Church in 1947 and served a term sionate care of Mother since 2003, especial- a.m,. on Wednesday, January 4, 2012 at HOR-
TON'S FUNERAL HOME, 600 Kennedy St., NW. complimentary memorial plaque.
DEATH NOTICE on the Board of Trustees and as Finance
ly Beverly Dawkins and Linwood Simmons
and (Aide) Lurleen Kelly for their enhanced
Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.
Additional plaques start at $25 each
and concerned caring during the last week and may be ordered.
BARNES In 1950, while still devoted to raising her of Mother’s life.
daughters, she began volunteer work with
UNICEF and began testifying in Congress Rapp Funeral Home in Silver Spring, MD McDANIEL All Paid Death Notices
appear on our website through
for UNICEF and the national PTA (plus 36 handled her cremation and her ashes will
other national organizations). In 1954, she be buried in Shiloh Cemetery, Greeneville,
became Executive Secretary of the Citizens TN in May. Those arrangements will be and nephews and countless other relatives LEGACY.COM
and friends. Born on May 8, 1962, in Washing- Included in all death notices
Committee for UNICEF, with principal made by Doughty Stevens Funeral Home at Optional for In Memoriams
responsibility to represent them before the the convenience of the family. In March, a ton, D.C., Christine grew up in Chevy Chase,
appropriate committees on Capitol Hill. She Memorial Service will be held at Collington Maryland. Christine graduated from Blessed
became well known for representing UNICEF Life Care Community at the convenience of Sacrament grade school, The Academy of the PLEASE NOTE:
and was called “MRS UNICEF”, so named the family. Holy Cross High School and Frostburg State
by Sen. Hubert Humphrey. In 1984, she University with a degree in Early Childhood Notice must be placed before you come
authored a book “LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH: In lieu of flowers, those wishing to remember Education. After her marriage to Chris to The Washington Post to drop off
Recollections of a Capitol Hill Lobbyist for Virginia Gray may make a contribution to McDaniel on June 1, 1985, Christine and Chris photos. We no longer can accept notices
UNICEF”, which included first hand accounts the Museums of Tusculum College, Office moved to Virginia Beach where Christine in person.
of many of her world travels for UNICEF. of the President, PO Box 5048, Greeneville, worked as a Loan Officer and a Branch Manag-
The book’s title stemmed from a comment TN 37743 or to the Collington Residents er for Countrywide Mortgage. During her long
from Sen. Humphrey that “Everyone loves Association, 10450 Lottsford Road, struggle, it was said that “Christine’s frame
children!” after a Senate Appropriations Mitchellville, MD 20721-2734. wasn’t big enough to house the courage
within her”. Christine counseled many other
breast cancer patients giving them great hope
while teaching them to deal with cancer’s
unknowns that might lie ahead. A Mass of

Christian Burial will be offered at 11 a.m.,
RICHARD A. BARNES Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at Saint Gregory
On Friday, December 23, 2011 of Kensington, the Great Church Catholic Church in Virginia

MD. Beloved husband of Elaine E. Barnes; Beach, Virginia. A Memorial Mass will be held
father of Melanie A. (husband, Keith) Ivey and CHRISTINE DONAHUE WARNER in Washington, D.C. in the near future. In
Michael D. (wife Sylvia) Barnes; grandfather of McDANIEL lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may
Aaron and Tanner Ivey, Meghan Stello, Kristina, be made to the Christine McDaniel Family
Brianna and Ashley Barnes; brother of Art Christine Donahue Warner McDaniel, passed Trust, c/o Kathleen Warner Bula, 7113 Roslyn
Barnes and Nancy Crawford. Many nieces Now death notices on away on Friday, December 30, 2011, after
a courageous 15 year battle with Breast
Avenue, Derwood, Maryland 20855 (301-216-
0716) and/or The Christine Warner McDaniel
and nephews also survive. Memorial Service
will be offered at St. Paul's United Methodist allow you Cancer surrounded by her loving family at Memorial Scholarship at Bishop Sullivan
Church, 10401 Armory Avenue, Kensington,
MD 20895 on Monday, January 9, 2012 at 2
to express your sympathy with greater ease. home in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Beloved
wife of Chris McDaniel, loving mother of
Catholic High School (For information please
contact Lisa Hamlet, Director of Development
p.m. with a reception to follow. Contributions
may be made to the Children's Inn at NIH for
Visit today. Matt; Maggie; Casey; and the late Meghan
McDaniel. Beloved daughter of Denny and
at Bishop Sullivan High Catholic School at 757-
467-2881 or Mark Maynard at 757-620-0278
their playground, 7 West Drive, Bethesda, MD Mary Lou Warner, her sisters, Kathleen Bula or Mike Kingen at 757-477-3688.) H. D. Oliver

20814. Please view and sign family guestbook (Jim), Mary Susan Kernan (Terry) and Ann Funeral Apts. Laskin Road Chapel is handling
at: DeVol (Kevin); daughter-in-law of Jerry and Flo arrangements and online condolences may McDaniel, as well as many cousins, nieces be made to the family at

News, traffic,
weather. Now.
The big story in the area Monday will be
a radical change in the weather. Even
under partly sunny skies, highs will
struggle to get above 40 degrees, with 15-
to-25 mph winds (and gusts near 35 mph)
making it feel more like the 20s. You’ll also
notice how much drier the air will become.

Metro operators call

bathroom breaks scarce
breaks from B1 nymity because Metro employees
are not allowed to speak to the
chance to go during layovers be- media without prior authoriza-
tween routes, but those can some- tion.
times be five minutes or less, Another operator waiting to
operators said. Operators also get start his route said he often
20-minute meal breaks when doesn’t drink enough water be-
they can use the restroom on their cause he’s worried he’ll have to
shifts, according to Metro offi- stop for a bathroom break along
cials. his route. He recently got stuck in
However, Stessel acknowl- major congestion and had to hold
edged that operators might not his water for more than two
have adequate time for bathroom hours.
breaks. He said Metro recently “I could hardly get out of my
opened a hot line for bus opera- seat,” he said. “That water just
tors to give input on making built up on me.”
changes to the scheduling of One operator said he’s had cus-
routes. tomers ask, “What the heck are
Union officials say it’s not just a you doing?”
question of driver comfort; it’s a “You apologize and try to ex-
health issue. plain that traffic ate into your
Jeter said she hears of at least time for a quick break, and you let
one incident each quarter where a them load onto the bus at a stop
Metrobus operator has developed while you run to use the rest-
a problem, usually a urinary tract room.”
infection, related to having to Another operator added:
wait too long to use a bathroom. “Sometimes they’ll ask, ‘How long
Larry Hanley, president of the will you be?’ You tell them, ‘I’ll be
national Amalgamated Transit right back.’ ”
Union, said he’s heard of cases For women who are pregnant,
throughout the country where stopping for a restroom break
bus operators have developed di- becomes essential, bus operators
gestive diseases and bladder said.
problems from not being able to When one driver was seven
KATHERINE FREY/THE WASHINGTON POST use a bathroom frequently. months pregnant, she said she
Rather than pay 5 cents for a bag, Vicki Seed of Bethesda opts to carry her purchases by hand from the Safeway store on Bradley Boulevard. Hanley, who started his career had to simply “stop and go when I
She said she had shopped there earlier in the day but forgot to buy the two items. driving a bus in Brooklyn in the needed to, regardless of who was
1970s, cited a case in 2004 where a on the bus or where I was.”
driver in Oregon was killed when Some longtime drivers say life

New bag tax takes some by surprise her bus rolled over her after she
didn’t properly set her brake. She
was running behind schedule and
was racing to get to a bathroom,
according to news reports.
used to be different.
Before Sept. 11, 2001, guards at
federal buildings used to let them
in to use the restrooms, but now
they often aren’t allowed into the
tax from B1 Safeway aisles on Bradley Boule- Bethesda-Potomac) said he ap- Bethesda and Rockville, took his “It is a fundamental dignity secure facilities. Some restau-
vard. Fisher said she has gotten preciates that creating new habits usual bright red insulated bags to question,” Hanley said. “Nowhere rants and convenience stores
most of which will go toward used to tucking a cloth bag into takes time. Berliner said he keeps Safeway. Fewer disposable bags else would it be assumed that once let Metrobus operators free-
financing storm water manage- her purse and briefcase to use for about five reusable bags in the means less trash, he said. Al- bosses would be allowed to mis- ly use their bathrooms, but many
ment and water quality pro- shopping and eating out during back of his black Toyota Prius but though in the past he has opted treat people to the rights of their operators say that’s no longer the
grams. Some revenue will be used her workday in the District. often forgets to take them into his for store bags when he has forgot- bodily function.” case because they’re expected to
to buy reusable bags for the poor “I probably remember 20 per- local Giant. ten his own in the trunk, he said, Metro employees said it’s an purchase something.
and elderly, officials have said. cent of the time,” Fisher said. “I “I actually do think the 5-cent “I’ll run back now” to avoid the issue that affects them and pas- One driver said she recently
The goal, supporters say, is to have a lot of very nice bags at tax is good for people like me, who tax. sengers. asked a guard at a federal build-
encourage shoppers to reduce the home, and I don’t have a car. If it’s forget and need that little re- Several shoppers said they’ll On a recent afternoon, a union ing to use the bathroom.
number of plastic bags that end not in my purse, it’s not going to minder, that little smack upside reluctantly pay for the conven- official tried to get one of the bus “The security officer said no, so
up polluting the Anacostia and happen.” the head,” Berliner said. ience of not having to remember operators to chat about the long I took it upon myself to find
Potomac rivers. By taxing paper Montgomery County Council Jeff Bulman, owner of Original to bring their own bags. routes and short times for bath- another spot,” she said. Her bus
bags as well, officials said, they President Roger Berliner (D- Pancake House restaurants in Julie Simms of Germantown room breaks, but the operator was nearly full of passengers, but
will prevent shoppers from sim- said she spent 20 cents on plastic had no time as he parked at the she said they didn’t get too mad at
ply choosing paper. Local officials bags at Safeway on Sunday, even Minnesota Avenue station. her for having to leave the bus for
have said the tax is easily avoid- though she has plenty of bags at “I’m on my way to the bath- a moment. When she passed by
able: Just bring a reusable bag. “I actually do think the 5-cent tax is good for people home that she forgot to bring. room,” the operator yelled as he the ice skating rink on the Mall,
But that’s easier said than “It’s ridiculous,” Simms said of jumped off his bus and hustled to she pulled over and used the
done, many said Sunday. like me, who forget and need that little reminder, the new tax. “With today’s econo- the bathroom at the rail station. “I bathroom.
Barbara Fisher of Bethesda my the way it is, every 5 cents have 11 minutes and then my “When you have to go, you’ve
had a red-and-white cloth bag that little smack upside the head.” adds up.” customers are going to get salty.” got to go,” she said. “You simply
rolled up tightly in her purse as Bus operators spoke about the can’t hold it.”
she pushed her cart down the Roger Berliner, Montgomery County Council president problem on the condition of ano-


monday , january 2, 2012 EZ M2

Wrenching Danish read
This isn’t going to sound credible, but I’ll say it anyway: Stop taking this guy’s
is worth the anguish indifference personally.” Carolyn Hax, C3
“The Boy in the Suitcase,”
Lene Kaaberbol and Agnete NAMES & FACES GOING OUT GUIDE
Friis’s tale about a kidnapped Bron-Bron’s wedding bells What are you doing today?
child, makes for a terrific LeBron James pops the question to It’s your last chance to catch “The
thriller. C3 his longtime girlfriend. C2 Great American Hall of Wonders.” C3

After 50 years, pioneer

in picture books lives on
the fact that it’s still with us is some-
In 1962, ‘The Snowy Day’ thing,” said Newbery and National
Book Award winner Katherine Pater-
became the first to feature a son, who is the National Ambassador
black child as main character for Young People’s Literature. “It’s so
important for a child to be able to say,
‘There I am in the book,’ ” said Pater-
BY Y VONNE Z IPP son, whose daughters are Chinese and
Native American. “That’s been a won-
Children in snow suits are a common derful change, even in the lifetime of
sight during winter. But in 1962, Peter my children, who are in their 40s now.”
from “The Snowy Day” was something To celebrate the book’s 50th anniver-
most children in the United States had sary, Viking has issued a special edition
never seen before: an African American that includes eight pages of supplemen-
character who was the hero of his own tal material, including the magazine
book. photos of a little boy that inspired Keats
“None of the manuscripts I’d been and a fan letter from poet Langston
illustrating featured any Hughes. “The Snowy Day
black kids — except for and the Art of Ezra Jack
token blacks in the back- Keats,” the first major U.S.
ground,” wrote author exhibition about Keats,
and illustrator Ezra Jack opened this fall at the
Keats, who died in 1983. Jewish Museum in New
“My book would have him York and will travel to
there simply because he Massachusetts, California
should have been there all and Ohio in 2012 and
along.” 2013.
First published 50 Collier, whose book
years ago, “The Snowy Day” is a gentle “Uptown” won the first Ezra Jack Keats
story that revels in the wonder of an award, still remembers his mother, a
urban snowfall. It also was quietly Head Start teacher, bringing home
groundbreaking, both as what is widely “The Snowy Day.” “It was the first time I
considered the first picture book to star saw a kid that looked like me,” Collier
a black child and in its use of collage, said. “At 4, I didn’t have the vocabulary Mitt Romney with son Craig
for which Keats won the 1963 Caldecott to articulate what I was looking at. But
Medal. Writers such as National Book I remember seeing Peter, and this kid

This time around,

Award winner Sherman Alexie, who looked just like me. The yellow-print
thanked Keats in his 2007 acceptance housedress the mom wears — my moth-
speech, and award-winning author/il- er had a housedress like that, too. Even
lustrator Bryan Collier have cited “The the pattern of the pajamas — my
Snowy Day” as an inspiration. great-uncle had pajamas like that. It
“The fact that it’s still around — and felt so real.”
picture books are like lettuce in the

stay-at-home sons
grocery store, they disappear so fast — snowy day continued on C2

Mitt Romney urges his boys

to live their own lives
away from campaign trail

our years ago, the five
Romney sons were a staple
on the campaign trail,
THE EZRA JACK KEATS FOUNDATION their heavy brows, square
A LASTING GEM: On a page from the 50th anniversary edition of “The jaws and penchant for
Snowy Day” by Ezra Jack Keats, the main character makes a snow angel. corny jokes coming togeth-
er in a sort of cubist por-
trait of their father.
This time around, Mitt Romney’s kids
have been more scarce, but four of them
made a rare joint appearance in New

Oh, the humanities! Imagine Hampshire last week. Mingling with

supporters over pizza and sticky buns,
they offered a few mild jabs at their

Socrates as a modern blogger. father but spent most of their time

lavishing the kind of praise on him that
many parents would envy.
“My dad is my hero,” son Josh Rom-
tored the panel discussion. “We’re al- ney, 36, a Salt Lake City real estate
Atwitter over Twitter, ways looking for better ways to sell the Tagg Romney Matt Romney investor, told supporters at a cafe here
major.” on a recent morning. “He’s taught me
philosophers search for There are jobs for philosophers. everything I know about being a father,
meaning — and jobs (There is, at least, “Jobs for Philoso- about loving this country and about
phers,” a publication of the APA). But raising a family, so for me to be able to be
the irksome perception persists that a on the campaign trail and talk about
BY M ONICA H ESSE philosophy degree is only slightly more him and share stories about my dad to
useful than an English degree, and so it other people is a thrill.”
The philosophers were in town last was thought that a panel such as this In many ways, they are the ideal
week, swarming the Marriott Wardman might give frightened philosophers — surrogates to hold down the fort in New
Park hotel for the American Philosoph- many of whom came to this conference Hampshire, one of Romney’s strong-
ical Association’s annual conference, at in search of gainful employment — a holds, while the GOP presidential candi-
which the meaning of a great many spot of hope. date focuses his efforts on Tuesday’s
things was debated, including the Philosophers: If you are pinning Iowa caucuses. They are clean-cut and
meaning of meaning (“What Is Mean- your hopes of gainful employment on attractive, conversant about taxes and
ing?” Hall IV-F, 9-11 a.m.), and a great blogging, don’t. foreign policy, at ease in the media spot-
many thoughts were thought, includ- But the three men on the panel have light and full of darling tales about
ing thoughts about thought (“Thinking done so, and splendidly, with varying growing up with their energetic father.
About Thinking,” Hall IV-J”). degrees of national recognition for But they have done little to dispel the
In one largish ballroom, a different their thoughtful punditry on political impression that Romney is a little too
sort of panel was happening. It fea- and cultural issues. Besides Sullivan, polished and aristocratic. Three of the
tured the Dish’s Andrew Sullivan and who has a PhD in political philosophy five attended Harvard Business School,
two other men who looked like Andrew and is known for his writings on con- like their father, and showed up wearing
Sullivan — pleasant, bearded, round- servatism and gay marriage, the other versions of Romney’s jeans-and-blazer
faced men, which is a chic sub-style participants included Slate blogger campaign trail uniform. Matt and Craig
among many of the attendees here, Matthew Yglesias, who majored in phi- Romney work in real estate. Ben Rom-
optionally accessorized with square losophy at Harvard, and Grist maga- ney, who was absent, is completing his
glasses and male-pattern baldness. The zine writer/blogger David Roberts, who medical residency in Utah.
panel was called “From Philosophical has a master’s degree in philosophy The brothers, who range in age from
Training to Professional Blogging.” from the University of Montana. 31 to 41 and together have 16 children
“Perennially, departments of philos- “What blogging created was a Pla-
ophy are under attack,” said Andrew tonic dialogue,” Sullivan said, to per- Josh Romney Ben Romney romney continued on C2


Wedding for Miami’s all-star James, who turned 27 on Friday, has miss the British royal family’s James was having problems
Miami Heat player LeBron James been dating Brinson, 25, since their Christmas festivities. breathing and was admitted to a
started off the year in an exciting way days at St. Vincent-St. Mary High Philip, who is Britain’s longest- Southern California hospital Dec. 21.
by proposing to girlfriend Savannah School in Ohio. They have two children, serving consort, underwent a a minor She suffers from dementia and has
Brinson, the New York Daily News LeBron Jr. and Bryce, who were present procedure to ease a blocked heart terminal leukemia.
reports. for their parents’ happy moment. artery during his stay. The 73-year-old is a six-time Grammy
James proposed at his belated Some speculate that he might have Award winner.
birthday celebration and New Year’s Prince Philip sighting to scale back his official
Eve party at the Vesper American Prince Philip, the Duke of responsibilities. — Gabriela Melendez Olivera, from news
Brasserie at South Beach’s Shelborne Edinburgh, attended a New Year’s Day Queen Elizabeth, who will celebrate services reports
hotel. The exclusive 60-person service at St. Mary Magdalene Church her 60th year as Britain’s monarch in
celebration included fellow Miami Heat in Sandringham, his first public 2012, married Prince Philip in 1947.
player Dwyane Wade and girlfriend appearance since being hospitalized
Gabrielle Union, Chris Bosh, Queen Dec. 23, Reuters reports. Queen Singer’s condition improves HAPPY NEW YEAR:
Latifah, Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Jessica Elizabeth’s husband was seen happily Etta James’s condition continued to NBA star LeBron James
White. These famous names were walking to and from the church. improve, and the “At Last” singer and girlfriend Savannah
serenaded by ex-Fugee Lauryn Hill, who The 90-year-old was hospitalized for started the new year breathing without Brinson got engaged at a
performed a surprise duet with rapper chest pains for four nights at the the help of a respirator, her manager belated birthday bash for
Nas, who was also in attendance. Papworth Hospital, causing him to confirmed to Us Weekly. James. ANDY KROPA/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Sparing use of
Romney sons
in campaign
romney from C1

among them, say they have largely stayed

away this year at the request of their
father, who did not want them to uproot
their lives once more, considering their
work and parental responsibilities. But
they say they will likely step up their
activity as the primaries approach, and
supporters say that is exactly what they’d
like to see.
“It shows what a strong candidate he is
that the boys are out here for him while
he’s out there in Iowa,” said Pam Skinner, a
local Romney activist. “Of course, it helps
to have a big family.”
Within the Republican field, Romney’s
family is hardly the largest. Jon Hunts-
man Jr. and Rick Santorum each have
seven children, and Rep. Michele Bach-
mann (Minn.) famously raised five chil-
dren and fostered 23.
Nor is the Romney family the most
visible. That distinction probably belongs
to the self-described “Huntsman girls,”
who grabbed attention with their quirky
Web videos about Huntsman’s rivals and
irreverent tweets. (They lamented last
month that tweets directed to the Romney
brothers go unreturned.)
But Romney’s sons are a potent force
for a candidate who has struggled to
connect personally with voters. Along
with their mother, Ann, Romney’s wife of
42 years, they provide a stark contrast to
rival Newt Gingrich, who has been mar-
ried three times. And they would help
level the playing field in a general election,
presenting a wholesome image to rival
that of President Obama.
Tagg Romney, the eldest and a venture
capitalist, sits in on strategy sessions, and
Josh, the middle son, goes out on the trail
about once a week. But it is a smaller role
than last time, when Tagg quit his job with
the Los Angeles Dodgers to work full-time
with the campaign and Craig, the young-
est Romney son, took his toddler son to 35
states. Gone, too, is the blog, “Five Broth-

WINTER WONDERLAND: The universality of the story and Ezra Jack Keats’s stunning collages keep children interested in the picture book.
“It shows what a strong

After 50 years, children still candidate he is that the boys

are out here for him while he’s
out there in Iowa.”

revel in magic of ‘A Snowy Day’ Pam Skinner, an activist in New Hampshire for
Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign

snowy day from C1 year. Collage, Clark suggested, might be a way ers,” which inspired some mocking for its
of using scraps of paper to suggest “life’s wholesome banter.
Back in the 1940s, 22 years before “The detritus.” Clark added that Keats had the During their campaign swing through
Snowy Day” was published, Keats had cut out ability to take the poverty and squalor he saw New Hampshire, the brothers kept it light
pictures from Life magazine of the young boy, as he walked through his neighborhood and with the occasional policy answer or
who was being vaccinated, said Deborah Pope, recombine them in a way that was beautiful: flubbed attempt at humor — for example,
executive director of the Ezra Jack Keats “So there are these exquisitely rendered repro- when Matt, 40, the second son, made a
Foundation in New York, which supports arts ductions of graffiti. He found a way to capture joke about Obama’s birth certificate. “Re-
and literacy programming in schools, libraries this other beauty.” peated a dumb joke,” he later tweeted. “My
and other institutions. He pinned them to a Although the 50th anniversary has been bad.”
wall in his studio; meanwhile, he continued cause for celebration, when “The Snowy Day” They made a few cracks about their
illustrating other people’s books. was first published some critics questioned father but never at his expense. About his
Keats’s book, when it appeared, “was both a whether a Jewish man had the right to tell a habit of planning out every moment of
social, personal and artistic breakthrough,” story about an African American child. their vacations, when the boys wanted to
said Pope, whose father was Keats’s best friend. “Carry that to an extreme, and none of us laze around on the beach. About his stin-
“It really opened up the wellspring of his inner could write,” Paterson said. “There’s no space giness, which “Congress is going to learn
voice. He said that the book — as artists for the imagination.” pretty quickly.” About how, as head of the
sometimes say — the book kind of burst out of The controversy was “devastating” to Keats, 2002 Winter Olympics organizing com-
him. He had never done anything like this Pope said. He had grown up in a poor immi- mittee, he learned how to ride a skeleton
before.” grant family and changed his last name from sled just to get on NBC’s “Today.”
If it had purely been a “cause” book, some Katz to Keats after years of anti-Semitism. Pope They told of his devotion to God and
argue, “The Snowy Day” would be just a says he asked: “How can you put a color on a family, about the meandering Sunday
footnote. The fact that children still read it child’s experience in the snow?” conversations that invariably center on
today has to do with the universality of the Winning the Caldecott Award and receiving the grandchildren. And about their shock,
story and Keats’s stunning collages. fan letters from Hughes and other African as teenagers, to learn that “the dad that we
“That’s what struck me: It was gorgeous,” American activists helped stem the criticism. liked to tease” was so well respected at his
said Laura Ingalls Wilder Award winner Tomie “It was such a vindication,” said Regina Hayes, venture capital firm, Bain Capital.
dePaola, who has written or illustrated more EARLY CRITICISM: When the book was president and publisher of Viking Children’s Matt said it was a misconception that
than 200 books. “It deserves all the fame and published, some critics questioned whether Books in New York. At the time, full-color his father is stiff and formal. “I can see
notice it’s going to get.” Keats, who is Jewish, had the right to tell a printing was very expensive, and most picture how people might get that impression,” he
Keats’s art has a richness and depth, Christo- story about an African American child. Fan books were either black and white, or alternat- said in an interview. “He knows that peo-
pher Award-winning author and illustrator letters from poet Langston Hughes and ed between black and white and color pages. ple have that impression of him. We tell
Jerry Pinkney said, that only increases as you other black activists helped stem criticism. “It was really a commitment. Everyone [at him to act differently, and he’s like, ‘Look,
peel away its layers. Viking] was completely aware that this was I’m on a news program or I’m at a debate.
“He brought his sensibilities as a painter, his going to be the first mainstream picture book I’m acting responsibly for that setting.’
ability to remember his childhood and express to feature an African American child as a main But if you get to see him in other settings
it in a way that other kids could connect to, his Pollack and was working during the height of character.” like we get to see him, he’s the most fun
total love of the city,” said Pinkney, who curated abstract expressionism. “It holds up the need for everybody to be guy out there.”
an exhibit in Los Angeles in the 1990s that “He’s been compared to Edward Hopper: included,” Pinkney said. “But I think, you know Asked about the brothers’ relative com-
included Keats’s work. “You take a 32-page taking the ordinary and making it extraordi- what, the art stands up. And good art gets fort speaking publicly for their father, he
picture book — packed into those 32 pages is all nary,” said Nick Clark, chief curator for the Eric better. . . . It’s going to stand up 50 years from said it was largely a function of their
of that.” Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, now. We’re going to celebrate that 100th year.” earnestness.
Keats once attended art classes with Jackson Mass., where the exhibit will be on display this “We’re all still kind of nervous talking
about this stuff with folks. Having done it
before helps a lot,” Matt said. “The one
thing that really helps is if you’re sincere,
and we are sincere about my dad and what
he’s done.”

With a child in danger, thriller won’t wait

BY R ICHARD L IPEZ Kongsted, the woman who left the the world,” according to her exas- strength and cunning she didn’t
boy there, but the woman who perated husband. “It was only her know she had as she maneuvers

ovels about stolen children finds him, Nina Borg, is wonder- own family who could reduce her desperately to find her child.
are emotionally hard for fully, painfully vivid right away. to abject helplessness.” Borg’s reason for not simply
most readers to handle, She’s the central figure in this new You keep rooting for this basi- taking the found boy to the police
and yet they are instantly compel- series — a Red Cross nurse with a cally decent woman to get her act is not entirely plausible: The bad
ling because so much is at stake: a social conscience so ro- together, while even Pole has spotted her at the train
child’s tender psyche or even life. bust that she some- more wrenching is the station and is soon chasing her
With a mystery about a stolen times neglects her hus- dilemma facing Sigita around Denmark, and she has lost
inheritance or even a great paint- band and children to Ramoskiene in Vilnius, her cellphone. Well, okay. . . . The
ing filched from a museum, it’s help maltreated refu- Lithuania. While the fa- suspense is nonetheless abun-
easy enough to assume a common- gees and illegal immi- ther of her little boy, Mi- dant, with scenes like the one
sensical Buddhist point of view: In grants. kas, is off working in where a man who plans on pur-
the end, it’s only stuff. But when a Kaaberbol and Friis Germany, a strange chasing the boy is stuck on an
3-year-old is forcibly taken from have packed plenty of woman at a playground airliner that keeps losing its place
his anguished mother, as happens depressing information lures the boy to her in the takeoff queue while the fate
in this terrific Danish thriller, you about human traffick- with chocolate. She and of the boy hangs by a thread. An-
know you’re in for a frantic read. Is ing into their labyrin- her sadistic Polish boy- other ticking-clock element is
this “fun”? Yes and no. What’s for thine tale, much of it friend then drug Sigita Borg’s search for someone — prac-
sure is that, once you start reading, related to poverty and and make off with her tically anyone — who speaks the
By Lene
you can’t stop — it’s as if the poor social breakdown in the child. Sigita wakes up boy’s language so she can find out
Kaaberbol and
kid’s life depends on your getting Eastern European in a hospital. The police who he is.
Agnete Friis
to the end as fast as possible. countries once domi- wrongly suspect her of This series debut — translated
Translated from
Even the title of this first in a nated by the Soviet being a drunk and a bad with assurance by Kaaberbol —
the Danish by
series by two Danish writers with Union. Most of the nov- mother. As a refugee looks like another winning entry
Lene Kaaberbol
their own careers — Lene Kaaber- el’s richness, however, from a dysfunctional in the emotionally lacerating
Soho. 313 pp.
bol does fantasy, Agnete Friis comes from the supple rural family, Sigita has Scandinavian mystery sweep-
writes children’s books — induces rendering of the two no one to help her find stakes. NICK GALIFIANAKIS FOR THE WASHINGTON POST

apprehension and dread. The boy mothers whose stories her boy. “She did not
in the suitcase is exactly that: a are told on parallel want to admit to [a po-
naked tot, drugged but alive, who
turns up in a suitcase in the Copen-
tracks. Borg is all too believable, a
nurse who “could always be count-
lice detective] just how alone she
was. It was shameful, like some
Lipez writes the Don Strachey private
eye novels under the name Richard When two people no longer fit,
hagen railway station. It takes a ed on. She led a remarkably effi- embarrassing disease.” Sigita is
while to learn much about Karin cient one-woman crusade to save forced to draw on reserves of
Stevenson. “Red White Black and
Blue” was recently published. it’s time to let go
Adapted from a recent online
discussion. Dear Carolyn:

When someone dumps you to stick with his plan of grocery
shopping with his ex after you had
A GUIDE TO EVENTS, NIGHT LIFE AND ENTERTAINMENT 6 stayed for the night — it’s time to
quit trying to make the
E-mail newsletters
relationship work, right?
Subscribe at
Mopeyville goes away.

Free & easy

Planning an event we should know about? Tell us.
Mopeyville again
Send listings information to events@ Maybe he’s got guacamole in
his fridge and she’s a tortilla chip This isn’t going to sound
connoisseur. credible, but I’ll say it anyway:
If you’re always the one Stop taking this guy’s
making the effort, and this is indifference personally.
what it took for you to see that, Throughout your letter, you’re
MONDAY then this hint to call it quits is saying that you and he just don’t
Last chance — ‘Warhol: Headlines’ actually one of those very well- have what you used to, don’t get
The National Gallery’s first Andy Warhol disguised blessings. CGI-quality along the way you used to, aren’t
exhibit, which displays works that Warhol disguised. But still a blessing. who you used to be.
made in dialogue with items from the Make an effort for people who So, end it. Accept that people
news, closes Monday. Of Warhol and the make an effort for you. change, accept that it’s over, and
show, Post cultural critic Philip Kennicott accept that not fitting anymore is
wrote: “His consistent, unbroken Carolyn: a perfectly adequate reason for
insistence that he was naive, superficial, We have a long history, but, ending a relationship; it doesn’t
an intellectual void . . . undermines his ever since they broke up, it always have to involve any judgments
oeuvre from beyond the grave, in a comes down to his “friendship” about someone not being good
maddening but brilliant final joke on the with his ex. Our relationship was enough or caring enough or
very idea of posthumous relevance.” built according to his terms. It’s whatever else, or a girlfriend
Through Monday. National Gallery of Art, basically one-sided 99 percent of changing him, just because you
Fourth Street and Constitution Avenue the time. need to blame something and
NW. 202­737­4215. I get the gist, that our put your anger somewhere.
relationship is very close to It’s not your fault, or his, and
TUESDAY friends with benefits. I knew going it’s certainly not his ex’s.
Book club in that was what I would have with You.two.just.don’
Those who enjoy a good dose of great him — but he knows that is not Now, once you’ve rolled that
literary heroines shouldn’t miss this book what I want. He can’t understand into a decision to stop calling
club discussion of “The Heroine’s that it is not easy for me or why. this guy, the next step is onerous
Bookshelf: Life Lessons, From Jane He acts like I shouldn’t be having but strongly advised: good
Austen to Laura Ingalls Wilder,” by Erin feelings for him. Apparently, it therapy. You’ve agreed to be
Blakemore. No previous book club doesn’t affect him at all if he treated indifferently by someone
attendance required. doesn’t see me for a month. for, apparently, a pretty long
7 p.m. One More Page Books, 2200 North I feel frustrated, sad and angry time. Please find out — and fix —
Westmoreland St., Arlington. not knowing how to deal with my the underlying reason for that,
703­300­9746. feelings and knowing he can just because the first thing you bring
disregard me like this by not to a relationship and the last
WEDNESDAY rescheduling his “plans,” as I thing you have to count on when
Sofia Rei asked him to do for the grocery- it goes wrong is: You. That’s it.
Argentine vocalist Sofia Rei draws on the shopping fiasco. Make sure you’re able to see
folkloric traditions of her home country In a way I blame his ex for who yourself as a person you can
and other regions in South America, he is now, because he lived with count on in the clutch.
blending them with jazz and electronic her, and he has changed. He
music to create a beguiling sound. doesn’t seem like the person I Write to Carolyn Hax, Style, 1150
6 p.m. Kennedy Center, Millennium Stage, STUDIO A/NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART knew years ago and I miss his old 15th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071,
2700 F St. NW. 202­467­4600. CLOSING: The National Gallery’s “Warhol: Headlines” exhibit self. or Subscribe
800­444­1324. www.kennedy­ closes Monday. “A Boy for Meg” is an oil, egg emulsion on canvas. He said he misses the old days, at
too, but it is confusing to me
THURSDAY because we will never get that Read the whole transcript or
‘St. Louis Blues’
The Library of Congress’s Packard Campus FRIDAY visit from the kings and a special cake.
So I’m just trying to go with my
3 join the discussion live at
noon Fridays at
starts off its 2012 film screenings with two Opening reception — ‘Tickling the Noon to 3 p.m. Walters Art Museum, 600 life and hope the awful feeling
consecutive days of music-oriented films: Ivories’ North Charles St., Baltimore.
First comes “St. Louis Blues,” the story of Solas Nua teams up with Flashpoint to 410­547­9000.
legendary bluesman W.C. Handy with Nat exhibit works by contemporary Irish artist
King Cole, Eartha Kitt and Ella Fitzgerald. Aoife Collins, which combine such SUNDAY
Then, on Friday, revisit George Harrison’s elements as history and fashion. Iota poetry kickoff
historic 1972 “Concert for Bangladesh,” 6 to 8 p.m. 916 G St. NW. 202­315­1305. Iota Club & Cafe in Arlington is known for
featuring performances by Eric Clapton, its music shows, but the venue kicks off its
Bob Dylan, Leon Russell and Ravi 2012 poetry series with a free reading by
Shankar, among others. SATURDAY Gregory Luce and Anne Harding
7:30 p.m. Library of Congress, Packard Three Kings Celebration Woodworth. Audience members are
Campus, 19053 Mount Pony Rd., Culpeper. The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore invited to read after the program.
202­707­5840. celebrates the Latin American holiday Dia 6 to 8 p.m. 2832 Wilson Blvd., Arlington. B CHAMBER MUSIC B The Guide to the Lively Arts de los Tres Reyes Magos (Day of the Three 703­522­8340. appears
Sunday in Arts. deadline: Wed., 12 noon
Kings) with performances, art activities, a — Jess Righthand Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon
Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon

Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon
Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon

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Television 3
From TV’s top shows to industry buzz, get the
latest television news in the TV Column blog at
Keep track of your favorite television shows and
movies with our interactive TV listings at


Bachelor” season premiere
features one contestant entering
on horseback (ABC at 8 p.m.).

Stylist Brad Goreski,
formerly of the “Rachel
Zoe Project,” gets his own
show, “It’s a Brad, Brad
World,” which debuts on
Bravo at 10 p.m.


CNN kicks off two new his father’s tailgating tradition
morning shows, “Early Start” (at just because he passed away, so he
5 a.m.), hosted by Ashleigh heads to the cemetery to continue
Banfield and Zoraida Sambolin, the ritual on “How I Met Your
followed by “Starting Point” (at Mother” (CBS at 8).
7 a.m.), anchored by Soledad A&E brings back two reality
O’Brien. shows for new seasons:
“Dancing With the Stars” “Hoarders” (at 9) focuses on a
champion and war veteran J.R. mom whose grown sons don’t
Martinez is the grand marshal for even try to clean her messy house,
the Tournament of Roses Parade and “Intervention” (at 10) follows
(ABC, NBC and HGTV at 11 a.m.), a 21-year-old, drug-addicted
which marches through woman.
Pasadena, Calif., for its 123rd “The Lying Game” (ABC Family
edition. at 9) returns for the rest of the first
ABC tells us that Ben Flajnik, season with a mystery: Sutton has
29, was devastated when former disappeared, but her car remains
“Bachelorette” star Ashley Hebert in a lake.

rejected his proposal. Walden is helpless when his ex-

oNE oF t�E
Miraculously, Ben has recovered wife and mother try to take over
in time to become the center of his business on “Two and a Half
“THE MOST FUN YOU’LL HAVE AT THE attention in the new season of Men” (CBS at 9); he tasks Alan to
“The Bachelor” (ABC at 8 p.m.). try to stop the madness.
Joel D. Amos, MOVIEFANATIC.COM Among gems awaiting us in the “Celebrity Wife Swap” (ABC at
premiere, as 25 contestants arrive: 10) gets started with an episode

A germaphobe who makes out before Tuesday’s official premiere
with Ben immediately upon that features polar opposites:
arrival; a senior citizen who actress Tracey Gold and singer
declares her love for Ben; and one Carnie Wilson. Apparently, Gold is
woman arriving on horseback. a “control freak,” and Wilson is a
The girls have tried to stick free spirit.
WASHINGTON POST FRI-MON 12/30/2011-01/02/2012
‘‘ UNAPOLOGETICALLY GROWN-UP AND together throughout all the drama
on “Pretty Little Liars” (ABC
Former “Rachel Zoe Project”
assistant Brad Goreski branches
2 col. (3.94”) x 2” ®

UTTERLY ENTERTAINING.’’ Family at 8), but the stress of out with his own show, “It’s a

being relentlessly blackmailed Brad, Brad World” (Bravo at 10),

LO ISE ROG finally starts to get to them on the in which he tries to launch a solo
DICAPRIO mid-season premiere — that, and career on a very slim budget —
the fact that they’ve all been and with his former employer
arrested. none too happy that he left.
Marshall sees no reason to end — Emily Yahr







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WASHINGTON POST FRI-MON - 12/30/2011-1/2/2012 1677 Crystal Square Arcade, Arlington VA 22202


2 col.(3.94”) x 2.5” -Jeff Craig, SIXTY SECOND PREVIEW

Washington, DC 202-452-7672
Arlington 888-AMC-4FUN
Printed using recycled fiber.
NF407 1x.5

Bethesda 301-652-7273 Fairfax 703-978-6991

-Peter Travers, ‘ZOO’ IS DEFINITELY
-Betsy Sharkey,


PRESENTED IN 7.1 DIGITAL SURROUND IN SELECT THEATRES Washington, DC 888-AMC-4FUN 5243 Buckeystown Pike 800-FANDANGO #1733 CORNER 16 McLean 888-AMC-4FUN

Ashburn 703-957-1035
makes good sense. IMAX @ RIO 18

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Dissecting what
things are dreamt of sphere, and so the blog might be a
way to reclaim old standing, to
“Perennially, departments of philosophy are under
in your philosophy demonstrate the practical value
of having someone with founda-
tional philosophical knowledge
ring in on the issues of the day.
attack. We’re always looking for better ways to sell
the major.”
philosophy from C1 ethics. The American Pragmatists The professorial attendees at Andrew Light, George Mason University professor
— the John Dewey types — were the panel found this concept rath-
haps the only audience that known for this, commenting on er fascinating.
would intuitively understand education and social reform in One gentleman was bothered
that the “P” should be capitalized. the early part of the 20th century. by the comment-jacking that he Reading the comments “is a tive, the benefits of freewheeling
Philosophy, Roberts said, But in recent decades, Light said, sees happen on message boards. truly existential” experience, one intellectual rigor online far out-
taught him to dissect and make “philosophers have ceded these “It’s zigzags and red herrings . . . of the panelists assured him. weigh the downsides.
arguments. questions of value and impor- all of which seems not in line with Another attendee wondered On blogs, Yglesias said, “You
For centuries, philosophers tance to economists,” who are THINKER: Andrew Sullivan, philosophy,” he fretted during the whether the “public sense of self” can see which issues bring people
were regular engagers in main- prone to taking the important above in 2007, has a PhD in Q&A portion of the event. How achieves an outsize importance together.”
stream cultural conversation, questions of life and sticking political philosophy and is could one enter the blogosphere on Twitter. Like, Roberts said wryly, “Jus-
contributing to discussions of is- numbers on them. known for his writings on without relinquishing one’s cre- Perhaps, the panelists agreed. tin Bieber’s paternity test.”
sues that tinged on values and The Internet is the new public conservatism. dentials as an academic? But from a philosophical perspec-

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Monday, January 2, 2012
DISTRICT Grand Canyon Adventure: River
at Risk 3D (NR) 11:10-3:50
New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 2:00-7:00
The Sitter (R) 11:15-4:35-9:45
We Bought a Zoo (PG) 10:40-
The Sitter (R) 10:05 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
We Bought a Zoo (PG) 1:05-3:45- (R) 1:20-2:10-5:00-6:00-8:30-9:55
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Chipwrecked (G) 10:35-1:00-3:20- (R) (!) 10:10-1:30-4:55-8:30
Rave Motion Pictures
Centreville 12
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
Shadows (PG-13) 12:05-1:25-3:05-
AMC Loews Georgetown 14 Happy Feet Two: An IMAX 3D Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 9:15-10:30 6:50-9:50 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip- 5:45-8:10-10:25 Alvin and the Chipmunks: 6201 Multiplex Drive 4:25-6:20-7:20-8:20-9:20-10:15
3111 K Street N.W. Experience (PG) 5:40 Shadows (PG-13) 10:00-12:50- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of wrecked (G) 1:00-3:10-6:00-8:30 Hugo 3D (PG) 10:05-1:10-4:05 Chipwrecked (G) 10:00-12:20- The Adventures of Tintin (PG) The Muppets (PG) 3:30
The Adventures of Tintin (PG) Born To Be Wild IMAX 3D (G) 3:40-6:30-9:15 Shadows (PG-13) 10:25-11:15- Shadows (PG-13) 11:00-1:45- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 10:45 The Twilight Saga: Breaking 2:35-5:00-7:15-9:40 10:10-3:45 Regal Fox Cinemas
(!) 1:20-7:00 10:15-1:15 The Darkest Hour (PG-13) (!) 12:40-1:35-2:35-4:50-5:45-7:05- 4:40-7:45-10:30 War Horse (PG-13) 12:10-1:50- Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 7:05-10:00 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Mission: Impossible - Ghost
8:05-9:10-10:15 22875 Brambleton Plaza
Hugo 3D (PG) 9:55-12:50-3:45 Tornado Alley 3D (NR) 12:15-2:50 11:55-5:15-10:00 The Muppets (PG) 1:30 3:40-5:10-7:40-8:45-10:50 War Horse (PG-13) 10:45-2:10- Shadows (PG-13) 10:20-1:25- Protocol (PG-13) 10:00-11:00-
Young Adult (R) 11:50-2:20-5:00- 4:50-7:45-10:40 1:00-2:00-4:00-5:00-7:00-8:00- Mission: Impossible - Ghost
The Twilight Saga: Breaking U.S. Navy Memorial Burke Theater The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 7:30-9:55 Regal Cinemas Bowie Crossing Mission: Impossible - Ghost 5:40-9:10
Protocol: The IMAX Experience
Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 4:15 701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW (!) 12:45-6:00 Stadium 14 Protocol (PG-13) 12:40-4:00- We Bought a Zoo (PG) 10:40-1:45- War Horse (PG-13) (!) 11:00-12:50- 10:00-11:00 (PG-13) (!) 4:00-7:00-10:00
New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 6:50-9:40 At Sea (NR) (!) 10:00-12:00-2:00 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) The Darkest Hour (PG-13) 15200 Major Lansdale Boulevard 7:10-10:25 4:50-7:50 2:20-4:15-5:30-7:35-8:50-10:50 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip-
The Adventures of Tintin: An
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 2:45-7:30 12:35-5:35
Young Adult (R) 1:40-4:10-7:25- The Sitter (R) 12:00 The Sitter (R) 3:55-6:15-8:25-10:30 We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 10:30- wrecked (G) 10:30-11:40-12:45- IMAX 3D Experience (PG) (!)
Shadows (PG-13) (!) 7:05-10:10 West End Cinema The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo J. Edgar (R) 3:45 10:00 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 12:50-4:10- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 1:20-4:30-7:30-10:35 2:30-3:30-6:30-9:05-11:20
(R) (!) 11:30-2:55-6:20-9:40 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Shadows (PG-13) 9:05-12:00- The Muppets (PG) 10:05AM War Horse (PG-13) 9:55-1:10-4:30-
Mission: Impossible - Ghost 2301 M Street NW
10:35-11:25-1:25-2:25-4:25-5:25- The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 7:20-10:15 5:30-7:40-10:50 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG)
Protocol: The IMAX Experience Moneyball (PG-13) 2:30-7:20 Alvin and the Chipmunks: (!) 5:10-7:40-10:20 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 3:00-6:10-9:20 Airbus IMAX Theater (!) 2:30-6:10-8:40
Chipwrecked (G) 11:20-1:50-4:20- 7:25-8:15-10:25 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 10:40-1:50-
(PG-13) (!) 12:55-4:00-7:15-10:30 The Ides of March (R) 12:00-
6:50-9:20 Arthur Christmas (PG) 10:40AM The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) Shadows (PG-13) 12:20-1:10-3:50- The Darkest Hour (PG-13) 12:05-
4:30-6:45-7:50-9:35 4:55-9:35
14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway 4:45-7:35-10:30 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!)
The Adventures of Tintin: An IMAX 5:10-10:00 1:10-3:25-5:45-8:20-10:35 Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag 11:50-2:20-4:50-7:10-9:50
War Horse (PG-13) (!) 10:45-3:00- Mission: Impossible - Ghost Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
3D Experience (PG) 10:15AM Le Havre (NR) 11:30-5:30-7:40 Regal Westview Stadium 16 Mission: Impossible - Ghost
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Melancholia (R) 2:10-9:40 6:10-9:30 Protocol (PG-13) 10:50-1:00-2:05- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
(R) 1:15-3:30-4:45-7:00-8:10-10:25 5243 Buckeystown Pike Protocol: The IMAX Experience (G) 12:00-3:35 Shadows (PG-13) 10:15-1:15-4:15- Young Adult (R) 12:40-3:30-5:50-
4:20-5:15-6:00-7:40-8:35-9:20-10:40 (PG-13) 12:35-3:45-7:00-10:15 Legends of Flight (NR) 11:25-3:00 7:15-8:40-10:15-11:35 8:10-10:30
(!) 10:40-4:10-9:50 Hugo (PG) 11:00-1:40-4:20-7:00- We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 11:00- The Adventures of Tintin (PG) Alvin and the Chipmunks: Hubble (G) 2:00 The Muppets (PG) 10:50AM Arthur Christmas (PG) 12:20
The Descendants (R) 10:50-1:45- 9:50 2:15-6:15-9:05 War Horse (PG-13) 11:45-1:15- The Adventures of Tintin: An
3:05-4:30-6:45-7:45-10:00 2:20 Chipwrecked (G) Open Caption: IMAX 3D Experience (PG) 9:55AM Tornado Alley (NR) 10:25-1:00- The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) The Adventures of Tintin (PG)
4:40-7:40-10:40 AMC Loews White Flint 5 Mission: Impossible - Ghost 12:55-7:45 11:40AM
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 4:35
The Artist (PG-13) 11:10-1:50-
MARYLAND 11301 Rockville Pike
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
(R) 10:30-11:40-1:05-2:10-3:25- Protocol (PG-13) 12:20-1:20-3:20- Hugo 3D (PG) (!) 1:50-4:40 11:15-2:00-4:50-7:40-10:25 Mission: Impossible - Ghost
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
War Horse (PG-13) 9:30-12:50- 4:40-6:00-7:00-8:25-9:40-10:25 4:30-7:10-8:00-10:15-10:55 Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Descendants (R) 9:35-12:20- Protocol: The IMAX Experience (R) 11:50-3:05-4:05-6:50-7:50- (R) 10:20-1:50-3:10-5:20-6:40-
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo AFI Silver Theatre Cultural Center 4:05-7:20 War Horse (PG-13) 11:50-3:00- Protocol: The IMAX Experience 3:15-6:05-8:50 (PG-13) 5:40-8:10-10:40 8:50-10:10
(R) 10:30-2:00-5:40-9:15 8633 Colesville Road The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) 10:10-11:10
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 3:10-8:00-10:35 4:05-6:15-7:20-9:25-10:30 (PG-13) (!) 4:20-7:00-10:00 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Alexandria Old Town Theater Arthur Christmas (PG) 11:15-1:35 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip-
Young Adult (R) 9:50-12:10-2:30- The Artist (PG-13) (!) 12:20-2:30- Shadows (PG-13) 9:40-12:35- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 9:20 The Adventures of Tintin: An wrecked (G) 10:10-11:10-12:30-
5:00-7:50-10:15 4:40-7:00-9:20 Hoyt’s West Nursery Cinema 14 (R) Closed Caption: 11:25-3:05- 815 1/2 King St The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13)
3:50-6:45 Alvin and the Chipmunks: IMAX 3D Experience (PG) (!) 6:40-10:15 1:40-4:50-7:10-9:25-11:40 1:20-2:40-3:50-5:10-6:15-7:20-9:45
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Shame (NC-17) (!) 12:50-3:05-5:15- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 1591 West Nursery Rd. Chipwrecked (G) 12:10-12:50- 11:35-2:00 Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Twilight Saga: Breaking
(R) (!) 12:00-3:30-7:10-10:35 7:25-9:35 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Arthur Christmas (PG) 10:50-1:20 Protocol (PG-13) (!) 2:30-5:00-7:30 Don 2 (NR) 1:25-4:25-7:25-10:25 Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 12:50
(R) 12:10-3:35-7:00 2:30-3:15-4:40-5:20-7:30-9:50 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) Don 2 in 3D (NR) 10:25AM
J. Edgar (R) (!) 10:05-1:05 My Week with Marilyn (R) 2:40- Mission: Impossible - Ghost 11:00-1:35-6:45-9:10 The Twilight Saga: Breaking (!) 1:30-4:10-7:10-9:40 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) War Horse (PG-13) 10:00-1:10-
The Descendants (R) Closed Cap- 4:45-6:50-9:00 9:45-2:30-7:10 $3.00 upcharge applies to Rave
Protocol (PG-13) 10:10-1:20- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 12:10 Young Adult (R) 1:00-3:20-5:40- Young Adult (R) 9:50-12:10-2:35- (!) 3:20-7:50 2:50-4:30-6:20-7:50-9:40
tion: 10:50-1:45-4:40-7:40-10:40 The Way (PG-13) 12:15 4:35-7:40 (R) 11:10-12:10-2:30-3:30-6:15- We Bought a Zoo (PG) 12:55-3:45- 8:20-10:45 Bow Tie Cinemas Reston Town
Reserved Mission: Impossible - Ghost
Mission: Impossible - Ghost 5:05-7:35-10:10
AMC Columbia 14 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip- 7:05-9:35-10:25 6:50-9:40 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) J. Edgar (R) 11:00AM Center 13 Rave Motion Pictures Fairfax Protocol (PG-13) 11:00-12:00-
Protocol (PG-13) 10:55-2:10- 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway wrecked (G) 10:25-1:35-4:50-7:55 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) The Sitter (R) 6:50-9:00 1:10-3:35-5:45-8:10-10:25 11940 Market Street Corner 14 2:00-3:00-5:00-6:00-8:00-9:00
5:15-8:20 1:25-3:35-5:45-7:55-10:10 The Muppets (PG) 1:25 The Descendants (R) 11:45-2:15- (R) The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 11900 Palace Way New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 3:40-
The Adventures of Tintin (PG) AMC Magic Johnson Capital 9:30-1:05-4:40-8:20
Alvin and the Chipmunks: (!) 1:50-7:25 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 5:00-7:50-10:35 10:40-3:50 Mission: Impossible - Ghost 6:35-9:20
Chipwrecked (G) (!) 11:15-1:40- Center 12 Mission: Impossible - Ghost
Arthur Christmas 3D (PG) 800 Shoppers Way 4:05 Shadows (PG-13) 12:40-2:00-3:40- Arthur Christmas (PG) 12:30 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (PG-13) 10:55-12:00- We Bought a Zoo (PG) 10:30-1:30-
3:50-6:30-9:00 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (PG-13) 10:15-1:30-
Protocol (PG-13) 1:00-2:50-4:10- 2:00-3:25-5:05-7:05-8:15-10:05 4:20-7:30-10:20
10:30-1:25 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) (!) Protocol (PG-13) 12:15-1:10-3:15- 5:00-6:30-7:50-10:50 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 4:45-8:00
War Horse (PG-13) 9:30-12:40- 7:30-9:40-10:40 Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Sitter (R) 8:30-10:40
4:05-7:25-10:40 Mission: Impossible - Ghost 11:30-4:50-10:30 4:10-6:20-7:10-9:15-10:15 Regal Cinemas Germantown 12:50 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (G) 9:45-11:30-1:25-
Protocol (PG-13) (!) 11:00-2:30- Mission: Impossible - Ghost Stadium 14 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Chipwrecked (G) 9:10-11:40-2:05- Alvin and the Chipmunks: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 10:20- 6:00-9:30 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip- (R) 12:10-3:00-3:40-6:20-7:05- Chipwrecked (G) 11:10-1:40-4:00- 2:25-4:30-5:20-7:15-9:50 Shadows (PG-13) 10:40-12:10-
1:10-4:20-7:20-10:20 Protocol (PG-13) (!) 11:10-2:20- wrecked (G) 11:00-12:00-1:05- 20000 Century Boulevard 4:25-6:50-9:15 Hugo 3D (PG) 10:30-1:30-7:55 1:40-3:20-4:40-6:30-7:40-9:30-10:35
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip- 5:30-8:40 9:50-10:20 6:30-8:50
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 2:10-3:10-4:20-5:20-6:30-7:30-8:40 Young Adult (R) 12:10-2:30- War Horse (PG-13) 9:15-12:35- War Horse (PG-13) 9:30-11:05- The Muppets (PG) 11:30AM
wrecked (G) (!) 10:50-1:20-3:45 Alvin and the Chipmunks: 7:10-9:25 War Horse (PG-13) 11:50-3:15- 4:00-7:30 Hugo 3D (PG) 10:20-4:20
Shadows (PG-13) 5:10-8:15
War Horse (PG-13) (!) 11:45-3:20- Chipwrecked (G) (!) 11:00-1:15- War Horse (PG-13) 11:00-11:50- The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 3:50-6:35-7:20-9:45-10:30 New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 9:50- War Horse (PG-13) 12:00-3:20- 1:15-2:45-4:40-7:00-8:05
Regal Kingstowne 16
The Muppets (PG) (!) 11:00-1:55 7:10-10:50 2:10-3:10-5:20-6:25-8:30-9:30 Mission: Impossible - Ghost 6:50-10:10 New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 4:45-
3:45-6:20-8:45 (!) 2:35-5:20-8:05-10:35 12:40-3:25-6:20-9:05 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center
AMC Loews Uptown 1 New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 4:20- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 4:55- Protocol (PG-13) 1:50-3:30-4:50- We Bought a Zoo (PG) 9:25-12:30- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 10:20 7:50-10:50
The Sitter (R) 1:00-3:20-5:40- 10:30 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) 6:30-7:40-9:30-10:40 Hugo 3D (PG) (!) 9:15
3426 Connecticut Avenue N.W. 7:15-10:20 8:00-10:20 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of The Sitter (R) 10:15
We Bought a Zoo (PG) 12:50-3:40- 12:35-2:55-5:10-7:25-9:35 3:30-6:30-9:30 We Bought a Zoo (PG) Open Cap-
Mission: Impossible - Ghost We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 10:30- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Arthur Christmas (PG) 1:00 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (PG-13) 11:50-1:20-3:00- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of tion: 11:00-7:30
6:50-9:45 Chipwrecked (G) 11:55-2:10-3:10- Shadows (PG-13) 2:15-5:20-7:20- 6:00-7:20-9:00 Shadows (PG-13) 9:35-10:50-
Protocol (PG-13) 2:00-5:15-8:30 1:40-4:45-7:50-10:55 Shadows (PG-13) (!) 12:50-4:05- The Sitter (R) 9:40 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 4:35-5:15-6:50-10:05 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG)
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 7:10-10:15 (R) 1:15-3:35-4:45-7:05-8:15-10:30 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 12:00-2:45- 8:30-10:30 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 12:35-2:05-3:40-5:10-6:55-8:25- (!) 11:10-1:40-4:15-6:55-9:40
AMC Mazza Gallerie Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 10:20
Shadows (PG-13) (!) 10:25-1:30- The Darkest Hour (PG-13) (!)
Shadows (PG-13) 11:05-12:05- The Adventures of Tintin (PG) The Muppets (PG) 11:05-1:50-4:35 1:10-6:40-9:30 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!)
5300 Wisconsin Ave. NW 4:35-6:05-7:45-9:05-11:00 12:00-4:40-9:30 11:30AM
5:30-7:30-8:15-10:15-11:00 The Descendants (R) 12:40-3:40- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 11:30-1:50-4:05-6:20-8:35-10:50
The Adventures of Tintin (PG) The Darkest Hour (PG-13) 1:00-2:00-3:05-4:05-6:05-7:00-7:40- The Twilight Saga: Breaking AMC Loews Shirlington 7 6:20-9:10 (R) 9:40-10:45-1:10-2:30-3:50-4:50-
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 9:00-10:00 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Young Adult (R) 7:15-9:45
11:30-4:50-10:20 3:05-9:15 (!) 2:10-7:30 Chipwrecked (G) 12:25-12:55-
Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 9:55 2772 South Randolph St. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 6:45-7:35-8:30-10:10
The Darkest Hour (PG-13) 12:40- Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Muppets (PG) 10:55AM The Muppets (PG) 11:40AM The Way (PG-13) 11:10-1:50- (R) 11:20-12:00-3:30-6:00-7:00- Arthur Christmas (PG) 10:10- The Descendants (R) 12:30-3:50-
The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) The Darkest Hour (PG-13) 2:45-5:15-7:40-9:45 12:55 6:50-9:50
5:30-10:05 Protocol: The IMAX Experience 2:15-7:05 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 4:45-7:20 10:30
War Horse (PG-13) 12:45-2:40- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) (PG-13) (!) 3:50-7:10-10:30 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
4:00-5:55-7:20-9:05-10:35 Shadows (PG-13) 11:30-2:20- The Descendants (R) 11:15-1:55- Arthur Christmas (PG) 10:10AM The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13)
2:10-7:40 5:10-8:00-10:50 4:30-7:10 Young Adult (R) 11:40-2:10-4:40- 10:00-12:45-3:10-5:30-8:00-10:35 (R) 11:15-2:35-3:30-6:10-7:10-
The Adventures of Tintin: An (R) (!) 11:00-12:05-2:30-3:30-6:00- Kentlands Stadium 10 Mission: Impossible - Ghost 9:30-10:30
Hugo (PG) 1:10-6:50 IMAX 3D Experience (PG) (!) 12:45 7:00-9:45-10:00 629 Center Point Way The Artist (PG-13) (!) 10:20-12:45- 7:10-9:50 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Pro-
Protocol (PG-13) 12:30-1:10-3:30- Rivertowne 12 Cinemas Arthur Christmas (PG) 1:00
The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Mission: Impossible - Ghost Mission: Impossible - Ghost 4:20-6:30-7:30-9:30-10:40 6075 Oxon Hill Road 3:10-5:35-7:55 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo tocol (PG-13) 9:55-1:05-4:25-7:40
10:00-3:00-7:50 (!) 11:10-4:40-10:10 My Week with Marilyn (R) 11:20- (R) 2:40-9:20 $3.00 upcharge applies to Rave The Adventures of Tintin (PG)
Protocol (PG-13) (!) 12:10-3:20- Protocol (PG-13) (!) 11:50-2:25- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 3:05- The Darkest Hour (PG-13) (!) 12:05-2:40
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 6:40-9:50 4:55-7:35-10:05 1:50-4:50-7:35 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Reserved
6:05-9:00 12:30-2:35-4:40-6:45-8:50 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip-
(R) (!) 12:10-3:40-7:10-10:40 (R) (!) 11:15-3:00-6:55-10:45 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and the Chipmunks: We Bought a Zoo (PG) 12:20-3:15- We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 12:15- A Dangerous Method (R) 10:00- Protocol (PG-13) 11:30-6:10 Regal Ballston Common 12
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 12:15-2:40-5:00-7:30 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 10:30-1:30- wrecked (G) 11:05-12:10-1:15-
The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) Chipwrecked (G) (!) 11:45-2:15- Chipwrecked (G) 12:15-2:35-5:10- 6:10-9:15 2:55-5:35-8:15 671 N. Glebe Road 2:20-3:25-4:30-5:30-6:45-8:55
Shadows (PG-13) (!) 10:30-1:30- 11:50-6:05 4:45-7:20 7:35-9:30 The Sitter (R) 10:25 Shame (NC-17) 10:05-12:25-2:45- 4:30-7:30-10:30 Young Adult (R) 12:40-3:05-5:30-
4:30-7:30-10:30 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Pro-
Young Adult (R) (!) 11:05-1:55- The Twilight Saga: Breaking War Horse (PG-13) (!) 1:00-4:00- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Chipwrecked (G) 11:40-1:40-3:40- 5:05-7:40 The Muppets (PG) 10:00AM 8:10-10:35 tocol (PG-13) 11:00-12:00-1:55-
Alvin and the Chipmunks: 4:45-7:35-10:25 Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 9:45 7:00-9:45 Shadows (PG-13) 12:00-12:50- 5:40-7:40-9:40 Young Adult (R) 10:10-12:30-3:00- The Darkest Hour (PG-13) 12:50- The Descendants (R) 2:00-4:50-
Chipwrecked (G) (!) 12:00-2:20- 3:15-4:50-6:30-7:45-9:25-10:50
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo War Horse (PG-13) (!) 12:15-3:35- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 7:30- 3:00-4:05-5:50-7:00-9:10 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 5:15-7:45 3:10-5:30-7:50-10:10 7:35-10:25
4:40-7:00-9:15 War Horse (PG-13) 11:40-12:40-
(R) (!) 2:00-6:00-10:00 6:50-10:10 10:00 The Muppets (PG) 12:05 Shadows (PG-13) 11:30-2:10- AMC Potomac Mills 18 Cinema Arts Theatre The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 3:00-4:00-6:15-7:20-9:35-10:35
We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 10:20- Alvin and the Chipmunks: We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 12:40- We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 11:50- 4:50-7:30-10:10 (R) 11:00-1:00-2:30-3:00-4:30-6:00-
1:20-4:20-7:20-10:10 Regal Cinemas Majestic 2700 Potomac Mills Circle 9650 Main St New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 8:00-
Chipwrecked (G) (!) 11:45-2:40- 4:10-6:55 2:25-4:55-7:30-10:00
The Muppets (PG) (!) 10:10- 5:00-7:25-9:45 Stadium 20 & IMAX The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo The Adventures of Tintin (PG) The Descendants (R) 9:45-12:05- 6:30-8:00-9:30-10:00 10:45
Academy Stadium Theaters Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 900 Ellsworth Drive (R) (!) 11:55-3:10-6:25-9:40 (!) 1:10-6:45 2:25-4:55-7:50-10:10 Mission: Impossible - Ghost We Bought a Zoo (PG) 1:45-
4:00-9:40 The Twilight Saga: Break- Shadows (PG-13) 11:50-2:20- Protocol (PG-13) 12:55-1:20-3:50-
6198 Greenbelt Rd. Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Sitter (R) 12:00-1:55-3:50- Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Artist (PG-13) 9:55-12:10- 4:35-10:20
Albert Einstein Planetarium - ing Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) (!) 4:50-7:30-10:05 5:45-7:40-9:35 Protocol (PG-13) (!) 10:05-1:20- 4:20-6:50-7:20-9:50-10:20 The Sitter (R) 11:20AM
2:55-8:00 War Horse (PG-13) 11:25-2:25- Protocol: The IMAX Experience 2:30-5:00-7:30-9:40
National Air and Space Museum
6:00 The Muppets (PG) 12:00-2:25-5:05 New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 11:35- 4:40-8:10 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Alvin and the Chipmunks: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
6th Street and Independence Ave SW The Sitter (R) 11:35-5:40-10:50 The Darkest Hour (PG-13) (!) (PG-13) (!) 4:20-7:10-10:05 Chipwrecked (G) 11:30-12:30-
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 12:15-2:40-5:05-7:40-9:55 The Adventures of Tintin: An 2:10-4:45-7:20-9:55 Alvin and the Chipmunks: (R) 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Shadows (PG-13) 12:20-1:30-3:10-
Infinity Express (NR) 11:00-12:30- AMC Loews Center Park 8 (!) 11:55-2:20-6:45 IMAX 3D Experience (PG) (!) The Twilight Saga: Breaking Chipwrecked (G) 9:50-12:30-3:20- A Dangerous Method (R) 10:05- 1:50-2:45-4:05-5:00-7:30-9:35 4:20-6:25-7:35-9:20-10:25
2:00-3:30-5:00 4001 Powder Mill Rd. The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 11:30-2:00- 6:00-8:30 12:15-2:35-4:45-7:40-9:35 The Twilight Saga: Breaking The Muppets (PG) 12:55-3:35-6:40
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 11:30-2:00 Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 12:45
Journey to the Stars (NR) 10:30- The Adventures of Tintin (PG) (R) (!) 11:40-3:00-6:40 (!) 12:05-2:25-5:00-7:25-9:45
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 4:30-7:00-9:30 Hugo 3D (PG) 10:50-2:10 War Horse (PG-13) 10:15-1:25-
12:00-1:30-3:00-4:30 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo The Muppets (PG) 11:45-2:05- War Horse (PG-13) 12:40-3:20- Regal Potomac Yard 16
(!) 3:45 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) (!) 11:10-1:40-4:10-6:45-9:20 The Twilight Saga: Breaking 4:20-7:20-10:05 3575 Jefferson Davis Highway
Cosmic Collisions (NR) 11:30- (R) (!) 12:00-2:00-3:15-5:15-6:30- 4:00-6:40-7:15-10:05-10:30
Mission: Impossible - Ghost (!) 4:35
8:30-9:35 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) 4:25-6:45-9:05 Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 5:10-8:00 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
The Sitter (R) 12:50 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
Protocol (PG-13) (!) 1:45-4:45-7:45 Alvin and the Chipmunks: 12:20-3:15-5:35-8:00-10:15 Happy Feet Two (PG) 12:15-2:30- War Horse (PG-13) (!) 9:40-1:00- Shadows (PG-13) 10:10-1:15-
Arthur Christmas (PG) 11:50AM Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (PG-13) Open Caption:
Avalon Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip- Chipwrecked (G) (!) 11:55-2:20- Young Adult (R) 1:05-3:30-6:20- 4:45-7:00-9:15 4:20-7:50 4:10-7:10-9:45
Shadows (PG-13) 1:10-4:10-6:20- 1:10-7:05
5612 Connecticut Avenue wrecked (G) 1:30-3:50-6:00-8:15 4:25-6:35 Landmark Bethesda Row Cinema 8:40-10:55 Tower Heist (PG-13) 11:35-2:10- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 6:10-9:05
Cobb Village 12 Leesburg 7:10-9:40-10:10 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG)
Le Havre (NR) 10:45-12:45-5:45 War Horse (PG-13) (!) 1:20- The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) 7235 Woodmont Avenue The Descendants (R) 11:15-1:55- 4:45-7:20-9:55 The Sitter (R) 6:40-9:10 1600 Village Market Boulevard (!) 1:50-4:25-6:55-9:35
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 4:30-7:40 11:25-1:30-5:40 Young Adult (R) 10:30-12:55-3:10- 4:30-7:25-10:25 The Movies at Montgomery Mall Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Regal Cinemas Manassas
Shadows (PG-13) 9:45-12:50- The Adventures of Tintin (PG) Stadium 14 & IMAX The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!)
(R) 1:15-4:45-8:15 We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 2:00- The Darkest Hour (PG-13) (!) 5:25-7:45-9:55 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 7101 Democracy Blvd. 5:00 1:00-3:15-5:35-7:50-10:15
The Man Nobody Knew: In 5:00-7:50 3:35-7:45 The Descendants (R) 10:45-1:30- (R) 11:00-1:25-2:15-3:35-4:45-6:00- Alvin and the Chipmunks: 4:15-7:40 11380 Bulloch Drive
Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Search of My Father CIA Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Pro- 4:15-7:05-9:45 6:55-8:15-9:35-10:20 Chipwrecked (G) 11:00-1:00-3:00- The Muppets (PG) 9:40-12:20-3:10 Protocol (PG-13) 12:40-2:05-3:50- Mission: Impossible - Ghost (R) 11:30-12:00-2:30-3:00-3:30-
Spymaster William Colby (NR) Shadows (PG-13) 1:30-4:20-7:30 tocol (PG-13) (!) 11:45-3:45-7:00 The Artist (PG-13) 11:30-2:00- Hugo (PG) 2:05 5:00-7:00 The Darkest Hour (PG-13) (!) Protocol: The IMAX Experience 6:05-6:30-7:00-9:30-10:00-10:25
5:15-7:00-8:25-10:10 (PG-13) (!) 5:00-8:00-10:50
10:30-8:00 The Darkest Hour (PG-13) (!) Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 4:30-7:00-9:30 Arthur Christmas (PG) 12:35 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 12:40-6:30
War Horse (PG-13) 12:00-3:30- Hugo (PG) 11:00AM
The Way (PG-13) 3:00 3:30-8:00 Shadows (PG-13) 11:35-2:10- Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (R) The Adventures of Tintin (PG) Shadows (PG-13) 11:15-2:15- Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Adventures of Tintin: An
Protocol: The IMAX Experience New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 11:05- IMAX 3D Experience (PG) (!) Arthur Christmas (PG) 12:05
The Adventures of Tintin 3D 4:50-7:35 10:10-11:00-1:00-2:30-4:00-5:30- 12:55 5:15-8:15 The Adventures of Tintin (PG)
Landmark E Street Cinema (PG) (!) 6:30 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 11:40-2:15- 7:15-8:30-10:00 (PG-13) (!) 2:20-5:40-8:50 9:30-12:00-2:30
555 11th Street NW Mission: Impossible - Ghost War Horse (PG-13) 11:00-2:00- 4:35-7:50-10:40 11:05AM
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 4:55-7:30 A Dangerous Method (R) 10:40- Protocol (PG-13) 11:05-2:10-3:25- 5:00-8:00-9:00 The Adventures of Tintin: An The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG)
The Descendants (R) 11:40-2:10- (R) (!) 3:40-7:00 IMAX 3D Experience (PG) (!) We Bought a Zoo (PG) 1:20-4:20- (!) 3:30-6:40-9:10 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chip-
Bow Tie Annapolis Mall 11 1:40-4:45-7:10-9:35 5:05-6:30-8:35-9:30 UA Snowden Square Stadium 14 11:05AM 7:20-10:15 wrecked (G) 11:10-11:35-1:15-
4:40-7:10-9:40 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) War Horse (PG-13) 10:00-12:15- Alvin and the Chipmunks: Young Adult (R) 2:10-10:20
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
The Artist (PG-13) 11:30-12:15- 1020 Annapolis Mall 9161 Commerce Center Drive 1:55-3:35-4:15-5:45-6:35-9:00
(!) 5:45 1:15-3:20-4:20-6:30-7:30-9:50 Chipwrecked (G) 11:30-12:45- The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!)
The Adventures of Tintin (PG) Shadows (PG-13) 12:45-4:25- War Horse (PG-13) 12:10-12:35-
AMC Loews Rio Cinemas 18 11:30-5:30 Show Times Shown For Today Only 1:00-1:35-2:45-3:00-3:45-4:50-5:30- The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) (!) 10:20-4:05-9:20 7:30-10:25
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (R) 7:05-7:40-10:00 (!) 10:55-1:40-4:30-7:05-9:40 Arthur Christmas (PG) 10:40- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
11:30-12:30-2:30-3:30-5:30-6:30- 9811 Washingtonian Blvd. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Marlow 6 Theatre We Bought a Zoo (PG) Closed 1:15-3:55 The Muppets (PG) 1:55 (R) 12:10-2:50-3:50-6:10-7:10- Mission: Impossible - Ghost
Protocol (PG-13) 10:20-12:10- The Twilight Saga: Breaking Young Adult (R) 11:50-2:25-4:45- 9:40-10:40 Protocol (PG-13) 11:15-12:50-
7:30-8:30-9:15 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 3899 Branch Ave
Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 9:10 Caption: 12:40-7:25 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) 7:35-9:55
My Week with Marilyn (R) 11:50- 10:30-4:00-9:30 1:10-2:10-3:10-4:20-6:20-7:30- The Adventures of Tintin (PG) The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) 1:25-2:15-3:50-4:20-5:10-6:50-7:30-
War Horse (PG-13) 11:35-12:50- 10:10-3:30-9:25 Arthur Christmas (PG) 11:50AM 8:10-9:50-10:40
2:20-4:50-7:20-9:50 Arthur Christmas 3D (PG) 12:05 8:30-9:30 11:45-2:05-4:20-6:35-8:50 12:20-2:50-5:30-8:00-10:40 Young Adult (R) 2:05-4:35-7:10- (R) The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo The Adventures of Tintin (PG)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: 2:55-4:00-6:05-7:30-9:15-10:45 12:15-3:45-7:10-10:35 New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 7:55-
A Dangerous Method (R) 12:05- Alvin and the Chipmunks: Mission: Impossible - Ghost New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 5:10- Don 2 in 3D (NR) (!) 6:10-10:05 9:30 10:10-12:40
Chipwrecked (G) 10:30-11:20- 10:45
2:35-5:05-7:35-9:55 Chipwrecked (G) 10:05-12:20-
Protocol (PG-13) 11:30-2:15- 7:50-10:30 Young Adult (R) 6:20-9:10 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Hugo (PG) 11:00AM Hugo (PG) 11:30AM We Bought a Zoo (PG) 11:00-1:40-
Shame (NC-17) 12:10-2:40-5:10- 2:40-5:05-7:30-9:55 5:00-7:45 Arthur Christmas (PG) 11:30AM
5:00-5:50-7:10-8:10-9:20 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 12:40-3:50- The Descendants (R) 11:15-2:15- (R) (!) 11:40-12:35-3:50-4:30- Alvin and the Chipmunks: 4:30-7:20-10:20
7:40-10:00 War Horse (PG-13) 11:35-3:10- Alvin and the Chipmunks: 6:40-9:45 5:10-7:50-10:50 7:30-8:25 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Chipwrecked (G) 9:50-10:50-2:20-
Show Times Shown For Today Only 6:35-10:00 New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 5:00-8:00 Chipwrecked (G) 12:00-2:00-4:00- Don 2 (NR) 11:10-2:20 11:40-2:20-7:45-10:20 The Sitter (R) 10:45
The Sitter (R) 8:30-10:35 J. Edgar (R) 11:15-2:40 3:20-4:30-5:30-6:50-9:00
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of We Bought a Zoo (PG) 10:10-1:00- 6:00-8:00 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Mission: Impossible - Ghost Pro- The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo War Horse (PG-13) 10:40-11:40- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
Lincoln Theatre
Shadows (PG-13) 10:45-1:45- 3:50-6:50-9:50 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 11:40-2:10- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of (R) 2:30-6:00-9:20 Shadows (PG-13) 1:45-2:20-4:00-
1215 U Street NW Shadows (PG-13) 11:45-1:15- (R) 11:00-12:00-2:30-3:30-6:00- tocol (PG-13) (!) 11:20-3:00-7:20 3:10-4:10-6:20-7:20-9:30-10:30
4:40-7:50-10:50 The Sitter (R) 10:00 4:40-7:10 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) 4:45-5:20-7:45-8:15-10:05
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 2:30-4:15-5:20-6:10-7:10-8:10-9:00- 7:00-9:30-10:30 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Muppets (PG) 11:50AM
The Darkest Hour (PG-13) 12:10- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 9:55-11:00 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (G) 11:10-1:40-4:10- 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00-10:25 Protocol (PG-13) 10:00-1:00-3:00-
(R) (!) 1:00-4:00-7:30 5:00-10:15 Shadows (PG-13) 11:40-1:40-2:40- Shadows (PG-13) 12:05-2:40- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
The Muppets (PG) 12:25-3:05-5:45 Chipwrecked (G) 11:30-12:30- 7:00-9:20 4:00-6:00-7:00-8:50-9:50 Tally Ho Theatre
Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14 Young Adult (R) 10:15-12:35-3:15- 4:40-5:40-6:40-7:40-8:40-9:40 5:15-7:50 1:55-2:45-4:10-5:00 War Horse (PG-13) (!) 10:30-2:00- Shadows (PG-13) 12:45-4:25- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 7:50 19 West Market Street
707 Seventh Street NW 5:40-8:05-10:25 The Muppets (PG) 11:10-2:00 The Darkest Hour (PG-13) 12:15- Regal Hyattsville Royale War Horse (PG-13) 12:45-4:00- 5:20-8:40 7:30-10:30 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 10:30-1:50-
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Stadium 14 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
Hugo 3D (PG) (!) 1:10 Mission: Impossible - Ghost 2:20-4:15-6:20-8:15 7:15-10:35 We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 10:45- Alvin and the Chipmunks: 4:50-7:40-10:10 Shadows (PG-13) 12:00-2:30-
6505 America Blvd.
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Protocol: The IMAX Experience 10:30-1:40-4:30-7:20-10:00 Montgomery Royal Theatres We Bought a Zoo (PG) 3:45-10:20 1:45-5:00-8:05 Chipwrecked (G) 11:10-1:35-3:55- The Sitter (R) 10:35 5:00-7:30-10:00
(!) 2:45-5:10-7:45-10:15 (PG-13) 7:45-11:00 Bow Tie Harbour 9 Young Adult (R) 12:05-2:30-4:55- Mission: Impossible - Ghost Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 6:15-8:35
Alvin and the Chipmunks:
11006 Viers Mill Road Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
Young Adult (R) 12:45-3:10-5:30- The Adventures of Tintin: An 2474 Solomons Island Road We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 12:00-
7:20-9:50 Protocol (PG-13) 12:15-1:00-3:15- Shadows (PG-13) 11:00-5:50-8:55 Manassas Cinemas Shadows (PG-13) 11:20-12:20- Chipwrecked (G) 1:15-3:15-5:15-
8:10-10:40 IMAX 3D Experience (PG) 11:30- The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 4:15-6:45-7:45-10:15-11:00 8890 Mathis Ave. 3:40-4:40-6:30-7:30-9:20 7:15-9:15
Hugo 3D (PG) 10:20-1:10-4:00-6:50 2:30-5:00-7:30 AMC Tysons Corner 16
The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) 2:15-5:00 (!) 4:00-7:25-10:05 The Sitter (R) 10:55 We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 12:00- The Muppets (PG) 1:40
12:30-2:40-5:00-7:40-10:00 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) War Horse (PG-13) 10:30-1:40- Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 7850 Tysons Corner Center UA Fairfax Towne Center 10
3:20-5:00-6:30-8:20-9:50 Chipwrecked (G) 12:00-2:00-4:00- 2:35-5:10-7:40 Regal Countryside 20 4110 West Ox Road
The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 12:05 1:15-6:40 12:20-2:45-5:00-7:20-10:15 Shadows (PG-13) 11:45-3:00-6:30- The Adventures of Tintin (PG) (!) Sherlock Holmes: A Game of
The Descendants (R) 11:05-1:55- Young Adult (R) 11:40-2:20-4:50-
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 4:50-7:35-10:35
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 7:30-9:45-10:45 11:35-4:45-9:55 45980 Regal Plaza Young Adult (R) 1:20-4:10-7:20-
7:30-10:00 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) (!) (R) 12:00-1:10-3:30-4:40-7:00- Mission: Impossible - Ghost Shadows (PG-13) 11:40-2:15- 10:00
(R) 12:20-1:40-3:40-5:20-7:00- The Muppets (PG) 11:20-2:10- 5:00-7:35 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG)
The Artist (PG-13) 11:30-2:00- The Descendants (R) 10:25-1:00- 11:30-1:40-3:50-6:10-8:15 8:10-10:25 Protocol (PG-13) (!) 10:55-2:00- (!) 11:25-2:20-5:05-7:45-10:25 The Adventures of Tintin 3D
9:00-10:25 3:50-6:40-9:20 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 5:15-8:10 Mission: Impossible - Ghost
Alvin and the Chipmunks: 4:30-7:05-9:35 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 5:05-8:05-11:00 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) (PG) (!) 12:55-2:30-3:30-5:10-6:20-
The Artist (PG-13) 10:00-12:20- Shadows (PG-13) 11:30-2:10- Protocol (PG-13) (!) 11:30-2:15-
Chipwrecked (G) 12:10-2:20-4:40- Hugo (PG) 1:35-7:00
6:55-9:10 The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) 2:40-5:20-8:00-10:20 4:50-7:30
Mission: Impossible - Ghost VIRGINIA Alvin and the Chipmunks:
Chipwrecked (G) Closed Caption: 5:00-7:45
Don 2 in 3D (NR) (!) 6:30-9:45
The Descendants (R) 1:30-4:30-
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Protocol (PG-13) 12:10-1:25-3:15- AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 11:15-1:35-3:45 Alvin and the Chipmunks: 7:30-9:10
War Horse (PG-13) 11:50-12:40- 2:45-7:55 (R) 11:00-12:00-1:30-3:30-5:10- (R) (!) 12:00-3:10-6:30 Chipwrecked (G) 11:30-1:25-3:20- Young Adult (R) 6:50-9:10
3:00-3:50-6:10-7:10-9:20-10:20 Don 2 in 3D (NR) 3:35-10:10 4:45-7:10-7:50-10:10-10:45 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Hugo 3D (PG) 10:50-1:40-4:40 5:15-7:10 The Descendants (R) 1:05-3:50- The Artist (PG-13) 1:50-4:40-
7:00-8:40-9:40 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Alvin and the Chipmunks: New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 1:15- 7:10-9:50
Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Arthur Christmas (PG) 11:40AM Protocol (PG-13) (!) 11:45-2:20- Hugo 3D (PG) 3:20-9:20 6:40-9:25
Protocol (PG-13) 12:15-3:30-4:20- (R) 12:00-2:35-3:35-6:10-7:15- Chipwrecked (G) 12:30-1:00-2:40- The Muppets (PG) 4:10-6:40-9:10 4:10-7:00-9:45 Phoenix Theatres Worldgate 9 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo The Twilight Saga: Breaking
The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) 4:50-7:30 3:10-4:50-5:20-7:00-9:10 Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 1:05-3:55-
6:30-7:20-9:30-10:30 9:50-10:55 The Darkest Hour (PG-13) The Sitter (R) 7:40-10:00 13025 Worldgate Drive (R) 11:40-12:40-1:45-4:05-5:10-
2:00-4:10-7:10-9:30 P and G Old Greenbelt War Horse (PG-13) 12:15-3:35- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 6:50-9:40
New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 10:25 Don 2 (NR) 12:25-6:50 5:10-9:45 6:25-7:30-8:40-9:50
We Bought a Zoo (PG) 1:00-4:00- Mission: Impossible - Ghost Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD 129 Centerway 4:30-7:15-8:00-10:30 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Shadows (PG-13) Closed Caption: 11:45-5:15 My Week with Marilyn (R) 11:30- The Adventures of Tintin (PG)
7:30-10:15 Protocol (PG-13) 1:00-4:15-7:15-10:30 7000 Arundel Mills Circle The Descendants (R) 2:30- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 10:35 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:40 6:00-8:55 Mission: Impossible - Ghost 2:05-4:40-7:10-9:40 1:40-4:20-7:00-9:45
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 5:00-7:30 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 12:55-3:50- My Week with Marilyn (R) 2:30- The Darkest Hour (PG-13) (!) Protocol (PG-13) 12:05-3:20- Hugo (PG) 3:00 The Muppets (PG) 1:10-4:00-6:35
Shadows (PG-13) 12:25-1:30-4:10- Chipwrecked (G) 11:00-1:20 12:25-3:15 Regal Bethesda 10
7:20-10:20 5:15-7:40-10:00 10:40-3:10-7:50 6:40-9:35 Arthur Christmas (PG) 3:40 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 1:00-2:00-
4:50-7:05-8:00-9:55-10:45 War Horse (PG-13) 1:10-4:25- Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Sitter (R) 7:30-10:30 Hugo (PG) 6:20 Young Adult (R) 11:30-1:55-4:20- Alvin and the Chipmunks: Don 2 (NR) 11:45-3:10 3:50-4:50-6:40-7:40-9:30
7272 Wisconsin Avenue Chipwrecked (G) 12:00-2:35-4:55- The Adventures of Tintin (PG)
The Muppets (PG) 12:00-2:35- 7:45-11:00 Protocol (PG-13) 12:10-3:30- Sherlock Holmes: A Game of The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) 7:05-9:25 University Mall Theatre
New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 2:15-7:40 6:50-10:10
The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Shadows (PG-13) 12:45-1:15-3:55- 3:00-7:30 Mission: Impossible - Ghost 7:35-9:40
5:15-7:50 (!) 11:00-4:00-7:10-9:40 1:15-4:15 10659 Braddock Road
We Bought a Zoo (PG) 10:00-1:05- Alvin and the Chipmunks: 4:35-7:15-7:45-10:45 Arthur Christmas (PG) 2:10 Protocol: The IMAX Experience War Horse (PG-13) 12:20-4:20- Alvin and the Chipmunks:
Smithsonian - Lockheed Martin The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) The Muppets (PG) 1:05 (PG-13) (!) 1:00-4:00-7:10-10:10 7:20-10:20 Dolphin Tale (PG) 12:10-2:20
4:10-7:20-10:20 Chipwrecked (G) 10:25-11:00- 12:20-2:40-5:00-7:20-9:30 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) Chipwrecked (G) 11:20-12:15- Tower Heist (PG-13) 7:40-9:55
IMAX Theater 11:30-12:00-12:50-1:30-2:30-3:00- The Adventures of Tintin: An We Bought a Zoo (PG) 12:15-3:50- 12:55-1:40-2:30-3:20-4:00-4:45-
601 Independence Avenue SW The Sitter (R) 12:10-5:15-10:40 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Regal Rockville Stadium 13 2:40-5:20-8:00 Moneyball (PG-13) 4:30-7:15-9:45
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of 3:35-4:05-4:50-6:10-6:40-7:20-8:50- IMAX
New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 4:30-7:05-9:40 10:15AM 3D Experience (PG) (!) 6:50-9:55 5:35-7:50-10:10
To Fly (NR) 10:20-1:05-4:55 (R) 12:00-3:30-4:30-7:00-8:00-10:15 199 East Montgomery Avenue Puss in Boots (PG) 12:00-1:45-
Shadows (PG-13) 4:05-6:45-9:45 9:30-10:05 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Mission: Impossible - Ghost
Legends of Flight 3D (NR) 10:55- Hugo (PG) 1:00-3:40-7:20 The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) We Bought a Zoo (PG) (!) 3:30- The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) Shadows (PG-13) 11:30-2:05- 3:30-5:15-7:30
The Muppets (PG) 10:35-4:20-9:40 Immortals (R) 1:55-10:45 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 1:20 (!) 3:45-6:20-9:00 6:30-9:30 Protocol (PG-13) 11:00-11:55-
Happy Feet Two (PG) 12:20-
12:30-1:40-3:20 The Twilight Saga: Breaking (!) 2:10-7:25 4:45-7:30-10:10 12:50-2:00-3:55-5:00-6:00-7:00-
IMAX: Hubble 3D (NR) 11:30- AMC Loews St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 Dawn - Part 1 (PG-13) 11:05- New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 7:40-10:20 Young Adult (R) 1:30-4:05-6:25- AMC Hoffman Center 22 The Descendants (R) 10:45-1:45- The Adventures of Tintin 3D (PG) 8:00-9:05-10:05 2:30-4:45
2:20-4:00 11115 Mall Circle 5:05-7:50 Mission: Impossible - Ghost 9:00 206 Swamp Fox Rd. 4:25-7:20-10:15 2:25-7:45-10:20 The Rocky Horror Picture
War Horse (PG-13) 12:00-1:00-
Smithsonian - Samuel C. The Adventures of Tintin (PG) (!) New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 5:20-8:20 Protocol (PG-13) 1:10-4:20-7:30- The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) The Adventures of Tintin (PG) The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 4:20-6:10-7:40-9:30 Show (R)
Johnson IMAX Theater 10:10-3:15-8:35 The Muppets (PG) 10:25AM 10:30
The Descendants (R) 12:30-3:20-
9:40-12:25-3:10-5:55-8:40 (R) 12:00-3:20-6:50-10:25 (R) 11:50-3:10-6:30-9:50 New Year’s Eve (PG-13) 7:05-9:55 A Very Harold & Kumar Christ-
10th Street and Constitution Avenue NW Mission: Impossible - Ghost The Sitter (R) 12:15-2:45-5:30- Alvin and the Chipmunks: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Arthur Christmas (PG) 10:35AM Rajanna (NR) 12:35-4:35-8:00 mas (R) 9:30
6:35-9:25 We Bought a Zoo (PG) 1:35-4:35-
Dinosaurs 3D: Giants of Patago- Protocol (PG-13) (!) 10:15-1:15- 7:55-10:20 Chipwrecked (G) 11:30-12:30- Protocol (PG-13) 11:30-2:45- The Darkest Hour 3D (PG-13) (!) Rajendra (NR) 12:30-4:30-7:55 7:25-10:20
4:15-7:15-10:15 2:00-2:50-4:05-5:10-6:40-9:00 The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 1:00 6:00-9:25 12:55-5:25-10:05
nia (NR) 2:15-4:55 The Sitter (R) 6:05

CHIP SAYS Hannah TODAY Partly sunny,
may have a really good getting cooler
idea here. Turns out that HIGH LOW
Americans buy 7 billion
greetings cards each
46 26

KIDSPOST.COM What’s your New Year’s resolution? Vote in our online poll.

of the week
Photo opportunity
PARHAM Woodbridge’ s Jordan Parham (2003).
Washington’s Natalie Bock (2000). Actor Taye
12-year-old’s pictures earn money and help save polar bears
Diggs (1971). Actor Cuba Gooding Jr. (1968).

TUESDAY 3 annah Isenhart has gotten
up close and personal with
Chevy Chase’s Celia Ottinger (2002). Silver
Spring’s Matthew Rosenthal (2000). Football black bears, photographing
OTTINGER player Eli Manning (1981). Author J.R.R. Tolkien ROSENTHAL several roaming around Yel-
(1892). lowstone National Park.
She has captured images of moose
WEDNESDAY 4 exploring Wyoming’s Grand Tetons
Upper Marlboro’s Jasmine Hall (2000). and wolves nestled in the grass of the
Musician Michael Stipe (1960). Flatirons of Colorado — all taken from
THURSDAY 5 just a few feet away.
Unlike what’s found in the pages of
Chevy Chase’s Jack Bricknell (2006). Silver
National Geographic, the animals in
Spring’s Rochelle Berman (2004). Actress
Diane Keaton (1946). Journalist Charlie Rose Hannah’s photos are plush toys that
(1942). Dancer Alvin Ailey (1931). Actor Robert she carefully arranges against the
Duvall (1931). backdrop of their natural habitats.
And at 12 years old, she has found a
BERMAN NEWBERRY way to use her interest in photograph-
Springfield’s Erin Newberry (2004). Chevy ing the great outdoors to make money,
Chase’s Lukas Nielsen (2001). Author Kahlil one card and calendar at a time.
Gibran (1883). Poet Carl Sandburg (1878). “I made them into a Christmas
SATURDAY 7 present card for family and friends,
but one time someone asked, ‘Do you
Davidsonville’s James Rizek and Meredith
Rizek (2006). Springfield’s Jason Richter sell these cards?’ ” Hannah said re-
(2004). Takoma Park’s Allyson Herner-Betts cently. “I started making them for a
(2003). Arlington’s Grant Weeter (2003). Actor winter fair that my school did each
Nicolas Cage (1964). Journalist Katie Couric year.” CLIFF GRASSMICK/ASSOCIATED PRESS

(1957). 13th U.S. President Millard Fillmore In the five years since, the Colorado Hannah Isenhart’s “wildlife” greeting cards star her own stuffed animals.
(1800). seventh-grader’s hobby has turned
SUNDAY 8 into a business called Hanimals. Her
RICHTER HERNER-BETTS collection captures images of 20 you think you would sell my cards niques. Her mother introduced her to
Vienna’s Sydney Guthrie (2006). Rockville’s stuffed animals — an owl, an elk, a here?’ And they told me yes,” she said. cashier’s checks and invoices, which
Patrick Gee (2004). Oakton’s Isabella Hannah donates one-third of the Hannah uses to track the printing
porcupine and a chickadee included
Sobolewski (2001). Clarksville’s Sammy money she receives from the sales of expenses that she has to pay every
Spiegel (2001). Musician David Bowie (1947). — taken in some of the country’s most
famous national parks. her cards to support research at Polar month. Even younger brother Jesse,
Author Stephen Hawking (1942). Musician Elvis
Presley (1935). The photos are sold primarily as Bear International, an organization 10, has found a way to get involved
greeting cards and calendars and are that does research to help save the with his sister’s photography busi-
WEETER GEE animals. So far, her donations total ness.
Birthday announcements are for ages 6 to 13 and are available online at
printed on a first-come, first-served basis. They must be more than $1,000. Hannah said she pays him to fold
submitted by an adult. We need photos at least four (Always ask a parent or teacher before
months ahead of publication. We need names (to be going online.) Hanimals is a family affair for the greeting cards and to use his stuffed
included without photos) at least four weeks before Hannah started off by selling the Isenharts. Her father got Hannah in- animals in her photos. She has also
publication. We need name, address and birth date
(including year of birth). Send to or cards at stores near her Boulder, Colo- terested in photography when she was paid him to act as a human prop.
KidsPost, The Washington Post, 1150 15th St. NW, rado, home. “I just walked in [to the 4, and he has taught her about shutter
Washington, D.C. 20071. speed, autofocus and lighting tech- — Associated Press
SOBOLEWSKI SPIEGEL stores] and kind of asked them, ‘Do


Wedding day: Do or don’t?

Dear Amy: sometimes choose to do this friendship.
Is it appropriate to wear a because of deployments, for Because you are fond of her,
wedding dress and stage a instance.) you should find ways to connect
wedding ceremony (featuring It is obvious that you think with her better qualities, while
bridesmaids, groomsmen, etc.) this wedding is a sham. You also dodging her toxicity.
after an elopement that caused don’t seem to appreciate your Do not let this friend stay
huge rifts and heartache in the niece’s behavior or pretensions. with you. You already see where
family? You have a choice to make. If this is headed, and you will do
This young, headstrong girl ran you decide to go to this wedding, best if she is not demanding a
off in secret and lied to her you should do your utmost to be cappuccino to accompany her
family. The groom offered to a great guest. You should not tirades.
annul the marriage, and there gossip about the bride or groom, She excels at expressing her
were more ultimatums and or speculate about their frustrations and concerns. I
manipulations. My sister has motives. If you feel you cannot suggest you do the same, but
been saving money for a wedding keep your behavior and honestly, calmly and with
for two years to appease her opinions in check, you should integrity. You say, “You have
daughter. I want to support my probably stay home. many wonderful qualities, but I
sister but find the whole thing am worn out and have to figure
ridiculous. Dear Amy: out new ways to enjoy your
We all suggested a nice family A friend calls me frequently. company — because this isn’t
dinner and party, but my niece She had a tumultuous childhood. working.” For more ideas, read
refuses to consider this. She She has been through the wringer “Emotional Vampires: Dealing
wants her wedding dress and the with relationships, jobs, family, With People Who Drain You
wedding of a lifetime. drugs and alcohol. Dry,” by Albert Bernstein
We would all be happy to I am her sounding board. I (McGraw-Hill, 2002).
celebrate in an appropriate way, have been happily married for 35
but the wedding dress seems years, and she makes snotty Dear Amy:
over the top and this seems like comments about my husband. “Wondering” asked you what it
the result of another spoiled The two of them had an means when a dinner invitation
tantrum. Since she chose to argument years ago when she states, “Dinner at 6.” You said it
elope, I’d say that choice was detoxing. I know she is means the guests should arrive
precludes getting married again. envious of my marriage, but I am close to 6 and dinner should be
It’s like having your cake and tired of this demanding one-sided served 45 minutes to an hour
eating it — twice! Your view? relationship. later.
Angry Aunt Right now she is in the pits I disagree. When I say, “Dinner
again, having lost her at 6,” I mean, “We are sitting
I believe that all marrying home/job/relationship and down to eat at 6 p.m.”
couples should finance their jokingly suggests she come and Prompt
own parties — at the time of or stay with us. She has no idea how
after their marriages. absurd this is. This leaves some uncertainty
Your niece is financing her She does have many wonderful about when guests should
party through her mother’s good qualities and I really love her, but arrive. Flinging their coats into
graces. These two women have I am worn out and not up to this the closet and racing to the table
the right to make this choice. If anymore. How can I get this isn’t good for digestion.
your sister asks your opinion relationship to be more
about all of this, you should give balanced? Write to Amy Dickinson at
it. Otherwise, you’ll feel better if Exhausted Friend or Ask Amy,
you exercise the discipline to Chicago Tribune, TT500, 435 N.
keep your judgment to yourself. The most obvious fix is to Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611.
It is not unheard of to elope limit your exposure to this © 2012 by the Chicago Tribune
and then stage a full wedding person, so you can catch your Distributed by Tribune Media
after the fact. (Military couples breath and preserve your Services

Wake up to home delivery. 1-800-753-POST



monday , january 2, 2012 EZ M2


Skating in a Eagles 34, Redskins 10 Titans 23, Texans 22 Giants 31, Cowboys 14 Falcons 45, Bucs 24 Crabby new year!
winter wonderland The continuing, unrelenting
The Flyers and Rangers are Ravens 24, Bengals 16 Dolphins 19, Jets 17 49ers 34, Rams 27 Jaguars 19, Colts 13 attention paid to all things
ready to get down to business sporting has Norman Chad
Chiefs 7, Broncos 3 Steelers 13, Browns 9 Saints 45, Panthers 17 Cards 23, Seahawks 20
in the annual Winter Classic pondering misplaced
today in Philadelphia. D12 Chargers 38, Raiders 26 Patriots 49, Bills 21 Packers 45, Lions 41 Bears 17, Vikings 13 priorities. D2

Michigan EAGLES 34, REDSKINS 10

gets help
from an Season’s worth of woes
old pro
Coordinator Mattison,
formerly of NFL’s Ravens,
re-energizes the defense

new orleans — Michigan defensive

lineman Ryan Van Bergen thought he
had seen and heard it all during his
previous four years in Ann Arbor,
from being a part of Lloyd Carr’s final
team in 2007 to the tumultuous three
years that followed under Rich Rodri-
guez to finishing the 2010 season with
the third-worst defense among Bowl
Championship Series conference
But then one day this past spring,
new defensive coordinator Greg Mat-
tison popped in some video of the
Baltimore Ravens, his previous
coaching stop, and told the 288-
pound Van Bergen he wanted him to
emulate defensive tackle Haloti Nga-
“I was like, ‘So you want me to play
like Haloti Ngata?’ ” Van Bergen re-
called this week. “He was like, ‘Yeah,’
and gave me the shrug like I’m crazy
for not knowing what he meant. ‘Ha-

michigan continued on D3

6 games, 12 hours
Your guide to
today’s holiday
bowl lineup, D3
TicketCity Bowl: No. 20 Houston
vs. No. 24 Penn State, noon (ESPNU)
Gator Bowl: Ohio State vs. Florida,
1 p.m. (ESPN2)
Outback Bowl: No. 12 Michigan State vs.
No. 18 Georgia, 1 p.m. (WJLA-7, WMAR-2)
Capital One Bowl: No. 10 South Carolina
vs. No. 21 Nebraska, 1 p.m. (ESPN)
Rose Bowl: No. 6 Oregon vs.
No. 9 Wisconsin, 5 p.m. (ESPN)
Fiesta Bowl: No. 3 Oklahoma State vs.
No. 4 Stanford, 8:30 p.m. (ESPN)

Tomorrow: Sugar Bowl

No. 17 Virginia Tech vs. No. 13 Michigan,
8:30 p.m. (ESPN)


Eagles cornerback Joselio Hanson (21) and safety Nate Allen (29) double down on Redskins wide receiver Santana Moss to break up a fourth-quarter pass.

Wizards still NFL playoffs: Who’s in

Broncos reach postseason despite loss; Ravens earn a bye. Full coverage D5-11
Sloppy Redskins
wrap up disappointing
looking for 5-11 campaign

philadelphia – In a performance
Road to success befitting their dismal, error- and inju-
ry-plagued campaign, the Washington
WIZARDS 86 is an ugly rout Redskins stumbled their way through
a 34-10 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles
philadelphia in their final game of the season

BY M ICHAEL L EE f the Redskins are a renovation, Sunday.
what does a total tear-down look The Redskins have been plagued by
As he got dressed before the Wash- like? mental gaffes, turnovers, injuries to
ington Wizards hosted the Boston After 33 losses in three years, the key players and flat-out poor play all
Celtics on Sunday, John Wall admitted Redskins now face the reality that season long.
he was “not enjoying myself playing confronts entrenched bad teams — Sunday’s game was no different.
basketball” with the team playing ones without a single player picked for Rex Grossman kept team and indi-
poorly to start the season. But Wall the Pro Bowl, ones without a quality vidual turnover streaks intact with his
vowed that he would stop “thinking quarterback and ones that pack up for 20th interception of the season. Poor
too much,” get back to playing with his the offseason with a quarter left to play tackling and breakdowns in pass cov-
instincts and have fun again. Ahmad Bradshaw scores a second-quarter touchdown in the Giants’ and lose 34-10 to a division rival. erage led to big scoring plays for the
Coach Flip Saunders, concerned 31-14 win over Dallas as New York wins the NFC East. Game story, D5 This level of pain, this immense Eagles (8-8). Ineffective red-zone play
with Wall’s demeanor in a discourag- distance between the present and a and penalties kept the Redskins from
ing loss at Milwaukee two nights earli- future worthy of a fan’s fantasy, is what scoring.
er, went further before Sunday’s the rebuilding of a decimated NFL At one point, the Redskins had both
game: “I told him, if he doesn’t play franchise usually feels like. Whether running backs Roy Helu and Evan
hard and he doesn’t have a smile on his the job is being done well or is being Royster on trainer’s tables, receiving
face, I’m going to take him out.” Green Bay San Francisco Detroit (10-6) Atlanta (10-6) bungled, this is how it often feels when treatment from the medical staff. Line-
In the 94-86 loss to the Celtics at NFC the task is only partially complete. backer Brian Orakpo missed the sec-
(15-1) (13-3) at New Orleans (13-3) at N.Y. Giants (9-7)
Verizon Center, Wall played with more For decades, Redskins fans were ond half with a pectoral muscle injury.
passion and desire, encouraged his spared this exasperating and seemingly There was a 21-point fourth-quarter
teammates, and finished with his best endless process. Twice, Joe Gibbs collapse. And of course, the package
game of the season: 19 points, season
highs of eight assists and seven re- boswell continued on D8 redskins continued on D6
bounds and just one turnover. But the
team’s overall performance didn’t give New England Baltimore Pittsburgh (12-4) Cincinnati (9-7) Reid: They have to ride it out Kicking themselves
(13-3) (12-4) at Denver (8-8) at Houston (10-6) The Redskins regressed this season, but Special teams suffer through a miserable
wizards continued on D4 they must stick with Mike Shanahan. D7 day of mistakes and penalties. D6

y-New England 13 3 0 .813 513 342 7-1-0 6-2-0 10-2-0 3-1-0 5-1-0 y-N.Y. Giants 9 7 0 .563 394 400 4-4-0 5-3-0 5-7-0 4-0-0 3-3-0 Baltimore 24, at Cincinnati 16 No. 6 Cincinnati Bengals (9-7) at No. 3
N.Y. Jets 8 8 0 .500 377 363 6-2-0 2-6-0 6-6-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 Philadelphia 8 8 0 .500 396 328 3-5-0 5-3-0 6-6-0 2-2-0 5-1-0 Chicago 17, at Minnesota 13 Houston Texans (10-6), 4:30 (NBC)
Miami 6 10 0 .375 329 313 4-4-0 2-6-0 5-7-0 1-3-0 3-3-0 Dallas 8 8 0 .500 369 347 5-3-0 3-5-0 6-6-0 2-2-0 2-4-0 at New Orleans 45, Carolina 17
Buffalo 6 10 0 .375 372 434 5-3-0 1-7-0 4-8-0 2-2-0 1-5-0 Washington 5 11 0 .313 288 367 2-6-0 3-5-0 5-7-0 0-4-0 2-4-0 at Green Bay 45, Detroit 41 NFC WILD CARD
San Francisco 34, at St. Louis 27 No. 6 Detroit Lions (10-6) at No. 3 New
SOUTH W L T PCT PF PA HOME AWAY AFC NFC DIV SOUTH W L T PCT PF PA HOME AWAY NFC AFC DIV Tennessee 23, at Houston 22 Orleans Saints (13-3), 8 (NBC)
y-Houston 10 6 0 .625 381 278 5-3-0 5-3-0 8-4-0 2-2-0 4-2-0 y-New Orleans 13 3 0 .813 547 339 8-0-0 5-3-0 9-3-0 4-0-0 5-1-0 at New England 49, Buffalo 21
Tennessee 9 7 0 .563 325 317 5-3-0 4-4-0 7-5-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 x-Atlanta 10 6 0 .625 402 350 6-2-0 4-4-0 7-5-0 3-1-0 3-3-0 at Miami 19, N.Y. Jets 17
Jacksonville 5 11 0 .313 243 329 4-4-0 1-7-0 4-8-0 1-3-0 3-3-0 Carolina 6 10 0 .375 406 429 3-5-0 3-5-0 3-9-0 3-1-0 2-4-0 at Jacksonville 19, Indianapolis 13 SUNDAY’S GAMES
Indianapolis 2 14 0 .125 243 430 2-6-0 0-8-0 2-10-0 0-4-0 2-4-0 Tampa Bay 4 12 0 .250 287 494 3-5-0 1-7-0 3-9-0 1-3-0 2-4-0 San Diego 38, at Oakland 26 NFC WILD CARD
Kansas City 7, at Denver 3 No. 5 Atlanta Falcons (10-6) at New York
y-Baltimore 12 4 0 .750 378 266 8-0-0 4-4-0 9-3-0 3-1-0 6-0-0 y-Green Bay 15 1 0 .938 560 359 8-0-0 7-1-0 12-0-0 3-1-0 6-0-0 at Atlanta 45, Tampa Bay 24
x-Pittsburgh 12 4 0 .750 325 227 7-1-0 5-3-0 9-3-0 3-1-0 4-2-0 x-Detroit 10 6 0 .625 474 387 5-3-0 5-3-0 6-6-0 4-0-0 3-3-0 Pittsburgh 13, at Cleveland 9 AFC WILD CARD
x-Cincinnati 9 7 0 .563 344 323 4-4-0 5-3-0 6-6-0 3-1-0 2-4-0 Chicago 8 8 0 .500 353 341 5-3-0 3-5-0 7-5-0 1-3-0 3-3-0 at N.Y. Giants 31, Dallas 14 No. 5 Pittsburgh Steelers (12-4) at No. 4
Cleveland 4 12 0 .250 218 307 3-5-0 1-7-0 3-9-0 1-3-0 0-6-0 Minnesota 3 13 0 .188 340 449 1-7-0 2-6-0 3-9-0 0-4-0 0-6-0 Denver Broncos (8-8), 4:30 (CBS)
x-Clinched playoff spot
y-Denver 8 8 0 .500 309 390 3-5-0 5-3-0 6-6-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 y-San Francisco 13 3 0 .813 380 229 7-1-0 6-2-0 10-2-0 3-1-0 5-1-0
San Diego 8 8 0 .500 406 377 5-3-0 3-5-0 7-5-0 1-3-0 3-3-0 Arizona 8 8 0 .500 312 348 6-2-0 2-6-0 7-5-0 1-3-0 4-2-0
Oakland 8 8 0 .500 359 433 3-5-0 5-3-0 6-6-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 Seattle 7 9 0 .438 321 315 4-4-0 3-5-0 6-6-0 1-3-0 3-3-0
Kansas City 7 9 0 .438 212 338 3-5-0 4-4-0 4-8-0 3-1-0 3-3-0 St. Louis 2 14 0 .125 193 407 1-7-0 1-7-0 1-11-0 1-3-0 0-6-0

Brees, New Orleans

break numerous
records in victory
his passes; that broke his own
2009 NFL record 70.6 completion
SAINTS 45, percentage.
PANTHERS 17 Jimmy Graham had 97 yards
receiving to finish with 1,310. It
exceeded Kellen Winslow’s 1980
BY B RETT M ARTEL record for a tight end. But New
England’s Rob Gronkowski fin-
new orleans — Drew Brees ished with 1,327 yards to estab-
and the record-setting New Or- lish a new mark.
leans Saints held nothing back in Darren Sproles had 40 yards
their season finale — and find rushing, 29 yards receiving and
themselves headed into the play- 99 yards on kickoff and punt
offs in dominant fashion. returns to finish the season with
Brees passed for 389 yards and an NFL record 2,969 combined
five touchdowns as New Orleans yards; he easily broke the previ-
set a slew of NFL and club records ous mark of 2,690, set by Derrick
in a 45-17 blowout of the visiting Mason in 2000.
Carolina Panthers on Sunday. Carolina (6-10) entered having
The Saints have won eight won four of five. It kept up for
consecutive games. much of the first half but wilted
“Every facet of our offense is over the final two quarters.
clicking right now, but yet you’re Marques Colston caught
constantly finding ways to ad- Brees’s first two scoring passes.
vance it,” Brees said. “We’ve On the first one, he made a
raised the bar for ourselves. We spectacular, spinning catch with Jed Collins celebrates after his one-yard touchdown reception. The Saints are the No. 3 seed in the NFC playoffs and have won eight in a row.
have a high level of expectations, arms outstretched from 15 yards.
and we’re just trying to meet that Colston’s second touchdown Graham’s scoring catch was his of 5,084 yards passing. Sean Payton had said during the Carolina, the Saints finished with
level.” went for 42 yards, and he finished 11th, matching a club record also Brees finished the season with past week that he wanted his 66 this season to break the 2009
The NFL single-season records with seven catches for 145 yards. reached by Joe Horn in 2004 and 5,476 yards and 46 touchdown team to continue building on the record of 64.
set by the Saints (13-3) include He broke the 1,000-yard mark for Colston in 2007. passes. torrid pace it established during Cam Newton closed out an
offensive yards with 7,474, team the fifth time in his six pro Brees surpassed 300 yards Remarkably, Brees didn’t even its second-half winning streak. otherwise spectacular rookie sea-
yards passing with 5,347 and first seasons. passing for the seventh straight play most of the fourth quarter He was true to his word. His son 15 of 25 for 158 yards, one
downs with 416. Brees also connected with game and 13th time this season. for the second time in three aggressive play-calling produced touchdown and one interception.
Brees finished with a record Graham on a 19-yard scoring Both are NFL records he already games. a franchise-record 617 yards of The Saints had 360 yards of
468 completions this season; that strike and added touchdown held and simply extended. Although San Francisco’s lop- total offense. It was the 13th total offense in the first half,
broke Peyton Manning’s 2010 passes of nine yards to Darren The records came one week sided victory means the Saints 400-yard game for the Saints this when they easily blew past the
mark of 450. He finished the Sproles and one yard to fullback after Brees passed Dan Marino’s did not improve their No. 3 seed- season. Rams’ 2000 yardage mark.
season completing 71.6 percent of Jed Collins. 27-yard-old single-season record ing in the NFC playoffs, Coach With six touchdowns against — Associated Press

New York will sit out the playoffs, First, Jay Cutler. Then, Matt Forte. BILLS 21 No apologies from Jim Harbaugh. BUCCANEERS 24 SEAHAWKS 20
and that’s guaranteed. Finally, Brian Urlacher. Tom Brady and New England do an Not even close. Michael Turner and Atlanta didn’t Arizona needed a little extra time to
The Jets failed to fulfill Coach Rex Chicago stopped its five-game los- outstanding job rallying from behind. After San Francisco had to make want to settle for just making the wrap up its season victory. Then again,
Ryan’s pledge to win a Super Bowl ing streak at the end of this what- They’ve been getting plenty of prac- stops late to hold off suddenly spunky playoffs. that’s hardly anything new.
title, with a loss at Miami keeping could-have-been season, but even tice. St. Louis in its regular season finale, They wanted momentum and the Larry Fitzgerald’s spectacular one-
them from an AFC wild-card berth. this victory was plenty painful. Now that the Patriots have clinched its first-year coach was clear he did best seed possible. handed grab set up a 28-yard field
Mark Sanchez threw three intercep- Charles Tillman’s interception re- home-field advantage throughout the not have mixed emotions. Hoping for a fast start, the Falcons goal by Jay Feely to give Arizona a win
tions, the last coming with the Jets turn in the second quarter gave the AFC playoffs by scoring the final 49 “I feel great,” Harbaugh said after set a team record with 42 first-half over Seattle, the Cardinals’ fourth
threatening to take a late lead. They Bears the lead for good despite 31/2 of points against Buffalo, they know it the victory over a two-win team that points, including two touchdown runs overtime victory at home in the last
gave up six third-down conversions Minnesota’s seven sacks by Jared will be much harder to recover from a turned out to be more hard-fought by Turner, and Atlanta cruised to the nine weeks of the season.
during the Dolphins’ 21-play, 94-yard Allen and a late injury to Urlacher, the poor start. than expected. “I’m not going to come win over Tampa Bay. Arizona finished the season 7-2
drive for their only touchdown. soul of Chicago’s defense. “Every team in the playoffs is good,” in here and be sad that we won.” Julio Jones caught two touchdown after a six-game losing streak left it
The Jets came into the game need- “It just breaks my heart to see. He is Patriots LB Jerod Mayo said. “To be The 49ers could use the bye week passes in a span of 26 seconds in the 1-6. Seattle had rallied to tie the game
ing a win along with losses by three the Chicago Bears,” QB Josh McCown honest, it would be tough to come that comes with the No. 2 playoff seed first quarter as the Falcons gave the after trailing 20-10 in the fourth quar-
other teams to reach the playoffs. said. “That’s the name you think back against them if we’re behind in the NFC, with WRs Ted Ginn Jr. Buccaneers their 10th straight loss. ter.
Instead, they finished the season with about, so to see that guy down on the 21-0.” (ankle) and Kyle Williams (concus- “We didn’t want to come down to the Fitzgerald caught nine passes for
three consecutive defeats, a big step turf is a sick feeling.” Tough, but not impossible. Not with sion) out for the finale. RB Frank Gore wire, backing into the playoffs,” Turner 149 yards after one reception for two
backward for a team that reached the Allen finished the season with 22 Brady leading the attack. sat out the second half with what said. yards in the first half. John Skelton
AFC championship game each of the sacks, behind Michael Strahan’s He finished the regular season with Harbaugh vaguely described as Josh Freeman threw two intercep- completed 22 of 40 for 271 yards and
past two years. mark of 221/2 for the New York Giants the second most yards passing in NFL “something that was bothering him,” tions and lost a fumble in the first half a touchdown with one interception for
“I’m always going to chase the in 2001. Joe Webb relieved Christian history, 5,235, after throwing for 338. although Gore said he was not hurt. as the Buccaneers closed their sea- Arizona. Tarvaris Jackson was 21 of 35
Super Bowl,” Ryan said. “I know I get Ponder at quarterback for the Vikings Drew Brees last week broke Dan “It was a coach’s decision, but I’m son with their 10th straight loss, leav- for 222 yards and a TD for Seattle.
criticized for it beyond belief, but if you for the third time in the past month, Marino’s 1984 record of 5,084. fine,” said Gore, held to nine yards on ing the status of Coach Raheem Mor- The Cardinals earlier had overtime
don’t, then you’re probably a loser, but the wild-scrambling Webb wasn’t The Patriots have won their past seven carries. “I’m getting my body ris in doubt. victories over St. Louis, Dallas and
Okay? I’m not a loser.” able to keep the Vikings from match- eight games. But for the third week in real fresh. We were up three touch- “If I was in the business of working Cleveland. The Seahawks finished
NFL active sacks leader Jason Tay- ing their worst record in franchise a row, they fell behind early. downs. I’m cool, I’m good.” out my future, I wouldn’t be coaching,” with the same record as a year ago,
lor, playing his final game, harried history, set first in 1984. “I’d love to be able to see what it After beating the Rams for the Morris said. “I’m going to go to work when 7-9 won the NFC West.
Sanchez into an interception and was “I was really hoping for one more looks like when we put together 60 second time in five weeks, 49ers tomorrow until they tell me to stop.” Arizona rookie CB Patrick Peterson,
carried off the field after the game. one-on-one, one more third and nine,” great minutes of football,” Brady said. players were glad to have a break. Tampa Bay, which finished 10-6 last who made the Pro Bowl on special
“Obviously we wanted more Ws,” Allen said. “Today was 45, but it was better than “I’ll sit back and watch the games. season and started 4-2 this season, is teams, returned a punt 42 yards to set
quarterback Matt Moore said. “It’s a The Vikings claimed the third pick in 30 last week.” Let the games begin,” TE Vernon Davis left with its longest losing streak in one up a field goal, then blocked Steven
time to learn from, and there were a next year’s draft after going 0-6 in the said. season in 34 years. Hauschka’s 24-yard field goal at-
BILLS ...................................... 21 0 0 0 — 21
lot of mistakes to go back and correct. NFC North, the first time in their 51 PATRIOTS ................................ 0 14 14 21 — 49 tempt.
49ERS ....................................... 7 13 7 7 — 34
But there are a lot of positive things as years they’ve failed to win a division FIRST QUARTER RAMS ....................................... 7 0 3 17 — 27 BUCCANEERS .......................... 0 7 11 6 — 24
FALCONS ............................... 21 21 0 3 — 45 SEAHAWKS ........................ 0 3 7 10 0 — 20
well. It’s hard not to feel good after a game. Buffalo: Choice 4 run (Coutu kick), 11:18. FIRST QUARTER CARDINALS ........................ 7 3 7 3 3 — 23
win, especially against the Jets.” Coach Lovie Smith said Urlacher Buffalo: St.Johnson 18 pass from Fitzpatrick (Coutu FIRST QUARTER
St. Louis: Clemens 18 run (Jo.Brown kick), 6:20. FIRST QUARTER
kick), 5:19. Atlanta: Rodgers 1 run (Bryant kick), 8:12.
sprained the medial collateral liga- Buffalo: Spiller 15 pass from Fitzpatrick (Coutu kick),
San Francisco: Ale.Smith 8 run (Akers kick), :37.
Atlanta: Jones 17 pass from Ryan (Bryant kick), 3:30. Arizona: Taylor 1 run (Feely kick), 3:02.
JETS ......................................... 7 3 0 7 — 17
DOLPHINS ................................ 3 3 0 13 — 19 ment in his left knee, which bent :48. SECOND QUARTER Atlanta: Jones 48 pass from Ryan (Bryant kick), 3:04. SECOND QUARTER
FIRST QUARTER awkwardly in the end zone while he SECOND QUARTER San Francisco: Crabtree 28 pass from Ale.Smith (Akers SECOND QUARTER Seattle: FG Hauschka 43, 12:10.
kick), 13:05.
Miami: FG Carpenter 44, 9:31. helped break up a pass with 5:15 left. New England: Green-Ellis 1 run (Gostkowski kick), 11:58. San Francisco: FG Akers 36, 7:14. Atlanta: Turner 1 run (Bryant kick), 11:40. Arizona: FG Feely 41, 3:28.
N.Y. Jets: Keller 1 pass from Sanchez (Folk kick), 5:51. New England: Hernandez 39 pass from Brady (Gost- San Francisco: FG Akers 42, 1:00. Atlanta: Lofton 26 interception return (Bryant kick), THIRD QUARTER
BEARS ...................................... 0 14 0 3 — 17 kowski kick), 5:42. 10:43.
SECOND QUARTER VIKINGS ................................. 10 3 0 0 — 13 THIRD QUARTER Atlanta: Turner 81 run (Bryant kick), 6:49. Seattle: Washington 48 run (Hauschka kick), 10:56.
THIRD QUARTER Tampa Bay: Briscoe 2 pass from Freeman (Barth kick), Arizona: Heap 13 pass from Skelton (Feely kick), 6:18.
N.Y. Jets: FG Folk 31, 3:39. St. Louis: FG Jo.Brown 49, 5:04.
Miami: FG Carpenter 58, :00. FIRST QUARTER New England: FG Gostkowski 47, 12:19. San Francisco: Crabtree 14 pass from Akers (Akers kick), 2:04. FOURTH QUARTER
Minnesota: FG Longwell 26, 8:53. New England: FG Gostkowski 20, 5:13. :55.
FOURTH QUARTER New England: Gronkowski 17 pass from Brady (Wood- THIRD QUARTER Arizona: FG Feely 43, 12:18.
Minnesota: Harvin 5 run (Longwell kick), 3:42. Seattle: FG Hauschka 26, 9:05.
Miami: Clay 1 pass from Mat.Moore (Carpenter kick), head run), 1:32. FOURTH QUARTER Tampa Bay: FG Barth 41, 4:19.
10:27. SECOND QUARTER St. Louis: FG Jo.Brown 48, 12:19. Tampa Bay: Mack 40 interception return (Winslow pass Seattle: Lockette 61 pass from Jackson (Hauschka kick),
FOURTH QUARTER from Freeman), 3:32. 7:47.
Miami: FG Carpenter 40, 7:11. Chicago: R.Williams 22 pass from McCown (Gould kick), San Francisco: Dixon 1 run (Akers kick), 6:30.
Miami: FG Carpenter 44, 2:32. 14:19. New England: Green-Ellis 3 run (Gostkowski kick), 11:16. St. Louis: Lloyd 36 pass from Clemens (Jo.Brown kick), OVERTIME
New England: Gronkowski 7 pass from Brady (Gost- FOURTH QUARTER
N.Y. Jets: P.Turner 10 pass from Sanchez (Folk kick), Chicago: Tillman 22 interception return (Gould kick), 4:49. Arizona: FG Feely 28, 5:49.
1:15. 13:37. kowski kick), 3:02. St. Louis: Williams 1 run (Jo.Brown kick), 4:36. Tampa Bay: Briscoe 5 pass from Freeman (run failed),
New England: Moore 21 interception return (Gostkowski 11:13. Attendance: 61,798.
Attendance: 65,811. Minnesota: FG Longwell 26, :55. Attendance: 55,990. SEAHAWKS CARDINALS
JETS DOLPHINS kick), 2:55. 49ERS RAMS Atlanta: FG Bryant 20, 3:59.
FOURTH QUARTER Attendance: 68,756. Attendance: 68,167. First Downs .......................................... 19 20
First Downs .......................................... 20 14 First Downs .......................................... 21 18 Total Net Yards ................................... 369 388
Total Net Yards ................................... 374 210 Chicago: FG Gould 27, 10:19. BILLS PATRIOTS Total Net Yards ................................... 321 311 BUCS FALCONS
First Downs .......................................... 26 28 First Downs .......................................... 18 22 Rushes-Yards ............................... 34-178 31-131
Rushes-Yards ............................... 27-129 26-82 Attendance: 62,867. Rushes-Yards ............................... 36-110 25-111
BEARS VIKINGS Total Net Yards ................................... 402 480 Total Net Yards ................................... 294 428 Passing ................................................ 191 257
Passing ................................................ 245 128 Passing ................................................ 211 200 Punt Returns ..................................... 5-42 4-63
Punt Returns ..................................... 2-26 0-0 First Downs .......................................... 10 16 Rushes-Yards ............................... 20-106 29-138 Punt Returns ..................................... 4-37 2-7 Rushes-Yards ................................. 14-35 38-251
Total Net Yards ................................... 209 301 Passing ................................................ 296 342 Passing ................................................ 259 177 Kickoff Returns ................................. 2-84 3-84
Kickoff Returns ................................. 2-51 2-42 Kickoff Returns ................................. 3-75 5-130 Interceptions Ret. ............................. 1-33 1-49
Interceptions Ret. ............................... 2-0 3-76 Rushes-Yards ................................. 25-92 27-79 Punt Returns ....................................... 1-5 0-0 Interceptions Ret. ............................. 2-16 0-0 Punt Returns ..................................... 2-15 1-9
Passing ................................................ 117 222 Kickoff Returns ................................. 2-42 4-77 Kickoff Returns ................................. 3-53 0-0 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 21-35-1 22-40-1
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 22-33-3 22-32-2 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 22-32-0 14-34-2 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 4-31 2-14
Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 2-3 1-7 Punt Returns ....................................... 2-4 0-0 Interceptions Ret. ............................. 1-33 4-77 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 3-22 3-26 Interceptions Ret. ............................. 1-40 3-49
Kickoff Returns ................................. 3-39 2-58 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 29-46-4 24-36-1 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 31-45-3 13-21-1 Punts .............................................. 8-44.6 7-46.3
Punts .............................................. 5-38.2 4-48.0 Punts .............................................. 5-56.8 6-50.7 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 1-0 1-1
Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 0-0 0-0 Interceptions Ret. ............................. 3-24 1-0 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 2-11 4-18 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 1-0 1-0 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 2-15 0-0
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 15-25-1 21-42-3 Punts .............................................. 3-41.3 2-48.5 Punts .............................................. 3-49.7 2-50.5 Penalties-Yards ................................ 7-55 9-76
Penalties-Yards ................................ 6-40 5-35 Penalties-Yards ................................ 5-80 6-50 Time Of Possession ......................... 33:42 35:19
Time Of Possession ......................... 28:53 31:07 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 7-43 2-6 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 1-0 2-0 Time Of Possession ......................... 35:08 24:52 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 3-1 1-1
Punts .............................................. 7-47.9 6-46.0 Penalties-Yards ................................ 5-45 4-77 Penalties-Yards ................................ 2-20 3-20 RUSHING
RUSHING Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 4-2 1-0 Time Of Possession ......................... 30:22 29:38 RUSHING Time Of Possession ......................... 29:52 30:08
Penalties-Yards ................................ 4-20 5-38 Seattle: Lynch 19-86, Washington 7-78, Forsett 6-16,
N.Y. Jets: Tomlinson 11-56, Greene 14-55, Kerley 1-16, RUSHING San Francisco: Hunter 16-76, Dixon 8-21, Gore 7-9, RUSHING Jackson 1-3, Tate 1-(minus 5).
Sanchez 1-2. Time Of Possession ......................... 28:46 31:14 Ale.Smith 5-4.
Buffalo: Spiller 13-60, Fitzpatrick 5-36, Wilson 1-6, Tampa Bay: Freeman 3-14, Blount 6-12, J.Johnson 1-5, Arizona: Stephens-Howling 21-93, Skelton 5-19, Taylor
Miami: Slaton 11-55, Thomas 12-28, Mat.Moore 3-(mi- St. Louis: S.Jackson 16-76, Clemens 2-18, Williams 7-17. 3-8, Roberts 1-8, Sherman 1-3.
RUSHING Choice 1-4. Madu 2-4, Lumpkin 2-0.
nus 1).
Chicago: Bell 17-54, McCown 4-30, Allen 4-8. New England: Ridley 15-81, Hernandez 2-26, Green-Ellis PASSING Atlanta: Turner 17-172, Snelling 9-50, Rodgers 8-24, PASSING
PASSING Minnesota: Gerhart 15-67, Harvin 5-13, Webb 4-2, Kluwe 7-22, Edelman 1-6, Woodhead 1-5, Hoyer 3-(minus 2). San Francisco: Ale.Smith 21-31-0-219, Akers 1-1-0-14. Jones 1-9, Redman 3-(minus 4).
Seattle: Jackson 21-35-1-222.
N.Y. Jets: Sanchez 21-32-3-207, Kerley 1-1-0-41. 1-0, Booker 2-(minus 3). PASSING St. Louis: Clemens 14-31-1-226, Brandstater 0-2-0-0, PASSING Arizona: Skelton 22-40-1-271.
Miami: Mat.Moore 22-32-2-135. Norwood 0-1-1-0.
PASSING Buffalo: Fitzpatrick 29-46-4-307. Tampa Bay: Freeman 31-45-3-274. RECEIVING
RECEIVING Chicago: McCown 15-25-1-160. New England: Brady 23-35-1-338, Hoyer 1-1-0-22. RECEIVING Atlanta: Ryan 6-9-0-106, Redman 7-12-1-71.
Seattle: Tate 5-46, Baldwin 3-40, Obomanu 3-37, Forsett
N.Y. Jets: Keller 7-45, Kerley 4-71, Burress 4-57, Minnesota: Webb 17-32-2-200, Ponder 4-10-1-28. RECEIVING San Francisco: Crabtree 9-92, V.Davis 8-118, Hunter RECEIVING 3-(minus 4), Washington 2-12, Lynch 2-5, Lockette 1-61,
Tomlinson 4-23, Mulligan 1-41, P.Turner 1-10, Slauson 2-11, Dixon 1-6, Swain 1-6, Miller 1-0. Morrah 1-14, Butler 1-11.
RECEIVING Buffalo: Hagan 7-89, Martin 4-42, St.Johnson 4-40, Tampa Bay: Briscoe 8-53, Winslow 7-56, Lumpkin 5-27,
1-1. St. Louis: Lloyd 6-100, Kendricks 3-54, Alexander 3-36, Arizona: Fitzgerald 9-149, Roberts 4-24, Heap 2-35,
Miami: Bess 6-45, Marshall 5-50, Fasano 4-11, Hartline Chicago: Bell 5-28, R.Williams 4-60, Bennett 3-31, Spiller 4-40, Chandler 3-29, Roosevelt 3-29, Nelson 2-23, B.Gibson 1-21, S.Jackson 1-15. Parker 4-74, Madu 3-19, Blount 3-14, Williams 1-31.
Sanzenbacher 2-27, Hester 1-14. Choice 1-9, Brock 1-6. Atlanta: Jones 4-76, White 4-69, Gonzalez 1-8, Weems Housler 2-27, King 2-12, Sherman 1-11, Doucet 1-7,
2-16, Thomas 2-12, Clay 1-1, Hilliard 1-1, Slaton 1-(mi- Taylor 1-6.
Minnesota: Harvin 10-115, Aromashodu 3-53, Booker New England: Gronkowski 8-108, Hernandez 7-138, MISSED FIELD GOALS 1-8, Palmer 1-7, Rodgers 1-5, Snelling 1-4.
nus 1).
3-33, Rudolph 3-15, Camarillo 1-9, Gerhart 1-3. Welker 6-51, Woodhead 2-10, Green-Ellis 1-53. San Francisco: Akers 48 (WR). MISSED FIELD GOALS MISSED FIELD GOALS
Minnesota: Longwell 48 (BK). Buffalo: Coutu 45 (WL).


Cmp.-Att. Yds. TD Rec. Yards TD Att. Yards TD
Matthew Stafford, Lions 36-59 520 5 2 Calvin Johnson, Lions 11 244 1 Ray Rice, Ravens 24 191 2
Matt Flynn, Packers 31-44 480 6 Victor Cruz, Giants 6 178 1 Michael Turner, Falcons 17 172 2
Carson Palmer, Raiders 28-43 417 2 Jordy Nelson, Packers 9 162 3 Maurice Jones-Drew, Jaguars 25 169 0
Drew Brees, Saints 28-35 389 5 Larry Fitzgerald, Cardinals 9 149 0 Willis McGahee, Broncos 28 145 0
Eli Manning, Giants 24-33 346 3 Marques Colston, Saints 7 145 2 Chris Ivory, Saints 19 127 1
Tom Brady, Patriots 23-35 338 3 Aaron Hernandez, Patriots 7 138 1 Evan Royster, Redskins 20 113 0
Michael Vick, Eagles 24-39 335 3 Darrius Heyward-Bey, Raiders 9 130 1 Ben Tate, Texans 16 97 1
Philip Rivers, Chargers 19-26 310 3 Malcom Floyd, Chargers 7 127 1 LaRod Stephens-Howling, Cardinals 21 93 0
Ryan Fitzpatrick, Bills 29-46 307 2 Vernon Davis, 49ers 8 118 0 Isaac Redman, Steelers 19 92 1
Matt Hasselbeck, Titans 22-35 297 2 Brandon Pettigrew, Lions 7 116 0 Marshawn Lynch, Seahawks 19 86 0

after dropping a low screen pass
and then tackled hard by a pair
Manning says No. 1 priority is to get healthy of San Francisco 49ers. . . .
San Diego Chargers linebacker
Peyton Manning plans to focus catching 80 passes for 875 yards Antwan Barnes was ejected
on rehab work while the and seven touchdowns. . . . . against the Oakland Raiders
Indianapolis Colts hierarchy has Soap opera fodder for the following an unsportsmanlike
to make some tough calls in the offseason came out of the Jets’ conduct penalty.
next few months. final drive against Miami, when Officials whistled Barnes for
The four-time league MVP wide receiver and captain the penalty following a 27-yard
missed the entire season after Santonio Holmes was benched. run by Louis Murphy in the first
having neck surgery Sept. 8, his Running back LaDainian quarter. The eight-yard penalty
third neck procedure in 19 Tomlinson said teammates were gave Oakland the ball at the San
months. unhappy with Holmes’s effort, Diego 7 and led to a touchdown.
Following the Colts’ 19-13 demeanor and body language. Barnes was leading the
season-ending loss Sunday at “It’s tough for guys to follow a Chargers with 11 sacks this
Jacksonville, Manning told captain that kind of behaves in season. . . .
reporters his No. 1 priority is that manner,” Tomlinson said. Cardinals running back
getting healthy and that he owes “You’ve got to lead by example, Beanie Wells was a surprise
that to the Colts, the team that and you’ve got to play your tail inactive. He had been listed as
signed him to a new five-year, off until the last play.” questionable but had played
$90 million contract in July. Holmes was held without a through the pain in his left knee
The Colts must decide catch for the first time in his 88- through the season.
whether to pay Manning a $28 game career. . . . Quarterback Kevin Kolb
million bonus in early March or Pittsburgh Steelers starting missed the final three games of
he could become an unrestricted running back Rashard his frustrating first season with
free agent. Mendenhall injured his right Arizona because of a concussion.
By finishing 2-14, the Colts knee and his status for the He was injured after he took a
earned the right to draft No. 1 postseason is unknown. knee to his head on the
overall, giving them a chance to Mendenhall got hurt on a five- Cardinals’ third play of the game
make Stanford quarterback yard carry on the final play of the against San Francisco on Dec. 11.
Andrew Luck Manning’s first quarter against Cleveland. He missed four games earlier in
successor. Isaac Redman rushed for 92 the season with a right turf toe
Manning started throwing yards on 19 carries. . . . . injury. . . .
with teammates in mid- Minnesota Vikings Packers veteran left tackle
December and said he could pass quarterback Christian Ponder Chad Clifton played for the first
the team physical. . . . left the game against Chicago in time since injuring his
Record-setting tight end Tony the second quarter with an hamstring Oct. 9. He played the
Gonzalez, 35, signed a one-year injured right hip. first quarter. Defensive tackle
contract extension with the The rookie was crunched by Corey Williams and safety Louis
Atlanta Falcons, ending Bears defensive lineman Israel Delmas were inactive for Detroit.
speculation he would retire after Idonije just after throwing an ...
the season. incomplete pass. Ponder was The Broncos lost two offensive
“Very happy to be coming back able to walk off under his own starters in the first half when
next year to play. I love power, but he was limping badly right guard Chris Kuper, the
everything about the Falcons and and in noticeable pain. . . . stalwart on an otherwise young
the city of Atlanta,” Gonzalez St. Louis Rams running back line, injured his left leg and
said on his Twitter account. Steven Jackson injured his left fullback Spencer Larsen hurt a
Gonzalez has enjoyed a strong arm in the third quarter. knee. L.G. PATTERSON/ASSOCIATED PRESS
season, starting every game and Jackson appeared to be hurt — From news services
On his way to the playoffs
San Francisco tight end Vernon Davis catches a 44­yard pass beyond the Rams’ defense in the
LIONS 41 PANTHERS 17 TEXANS 22 second quarter. The 49ers locked up the No. 2 seed in the NFC, and the bye week that
LIONS ....................................... 9 10 15 7 — 41 PANTHERS ............................... 7 10 0 0 — 17
accompanies it, with the tougher­than­expected 34­27 victory in St. Louis.
PACKERS ............................... 10 14 7 14 — 45 SAINTS ................................... 14 10 14 7 — 45 Houston talked all week about the
importance of beating Tennessee to
Detroit: T.Young 8 pass from Stafford (Hanson kick), New Orleans: Ivory 35 run (Kasay kick), 13:21. enter the playoffs on the right track. In
13:00. Carolina: Smith 12 pass from Newton (Mare kick), 6:42. the end, Houston Coach Gary Kubiak
Detroit: Team safety, 12:59. New Orleans: Colston 15 pass from Brees (Kasay kick), decided keeping his key players
GB: FG Crosby 22, 5:55. 2:50.
GB: Nelson 7 pass from Flynn (Crosby kick), :16.
healthy entering was more important STEELERS 13, JAGUARS 19, COLTS 13 CHARGERS 38,
SECOND QUARTER Carolina: FG Mare 41, 5:50. than a victory. BROWNS 9 RAIDERS 26
Detroit: Johnson 13 pass from Stafford (Hanson kick), New Orleans: FG Kasay 43, 2:42. Matt Hasselbeck threw two touch- Peyton Manning insists he hasn’t
8:18. Carolina: Stewart 29 run (Mare kick), 1:18. Pittsburgh didn’t get the help it thought much about the NFL draft. Oakland was rallying, Denver was
GB: Grant 80 pass from Flynn (Crosby kick), 8:00. New Orleans: Colston 42 pass from Brees (Kasay kick),
down passes and the Titans kept alive needed elsewhere. It barely helped losing and the Raiders had San Diego
Detroit: FG Hanson 30, 5:53. :07. their playoff hopes — only to have Now that Indianapolis has the top
GB: Nelson 36 pass from Flynn (Crosby kick), 3:37. itself. pick, he might be welcoming Andrew backed up inside the 1-yard line mid-
THIRD QUARTER them extinguished later — after beat- Isaac Redman replaced injured way through the fourth quarter.
THIRD QUARTER New Orleans: Graham 19 pass from Brees (Kasay kick), ing the Texans following Houston’s Luck in four months.
Detroit: T.Young 2 pass from Stafford (Hanson kick), 8:54. starting RB Rashard Mendenhall and The Colts locked up the No. 1 choice With the stage set for the Raiders to
6:39. New Orleans: Collins 1 pass from Brees (Kasay kick),
failed two-point conversion attempt scored a touchdown as Pittsburgh win the AFC West and end an eight-
GB: Nelson 58 pass from Flynn (Crosby kick), 4:32. 3:47. that would have won the game. in April’s draft, setting the stage to
Detroit: K.Smith 5 pass from Stafford (Scheffler pass limped into the AFC playoffs with a select the Stanford quarterback. They year playoff drought, Oakland’s de-
FOURTH QUARTER Houston (10-6) will head into its first wind-whipped win over Cleveland, the fense once again failed in what was a
from Stafford), 2:07.
New Orleans: Sproles 9 pass from Brees (Kasay kick), postseason on a three-game losing fell to 2-14 when Maurice Jones-Drew
FOURTH QUARTER 12:15. Steelers’ 16th victory in 17 games ran for a season-high 169 yards — theme during a disappointing season.
GB: Driver 35 pass from Flynn (Crosby kick), 8:10. Attendance: 73,065.
streak. The Texans were locked into against the Browns. Philip Rivers needed just four plays
Detroit: Scheffler 12 pass from Stafford (Hanson kick), PANTHERS SAINTS the No. 3 seed in the AFC playoffs and clinching the NFL rushing title and
2:39. First Downs .......................................... 21 33 Redman scored on a seven-yard run breaking the franchise’s single-sea- to drive the Chargers the length of the
Total Net Yards ................................... 301 617
Kubiak played mostly reserves in the in the third quarter for the Steelers, field, with his third touchdown pass
GB: Finley 4 pass from Flynn (Crosby kick), 1:10.
Attendance: 70,294. Rushes-Yards ............................... 24-164 35-208 second half. son record — and led Jacksonville to
LIONS PACKERS Passing ................................................ 137 409 who finished tied with Baltimore for victory. being the decisive blow in a victory
“You would never go for two there in first in the AFC North but lost the that ended Oakland’s playoff hopes.
First Downs .......................................... 32
Total Net Yards ................................... 575
Punt Returns ....................................... 0-0
Kickoff Returns ................................. 2-37
2-54 any other situation . . . but I had to get The Jaguars became the first AFC
tiebreaker because the Ravens beat South opponent to sweep Indianapo- “If you can’t stop a team with
Rushes-Yards ................................. 15-73 24-81 Interceptions Ret. ............................. 1-53 1-0 them to next week,” Kubiak said. them twice. Pittsburgh needed to win everything on the line, you don’t de-
Passing ................................................ 502 469 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 15-25-1 31-38-1
The Titans (9-7) earned their first lis since 2002 and gave outgoing
Punt Returns ....................................... 2-8 1-0 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 2-21 0-0 and hope Cincinnati could knock off serve to be a playoff team,” Richard
Kickoff Returns ............................... 4-103 3-39 Punts .............................................. 4-45.8 1-44.0 winning record since 2008 in Coach owner Wayne Weaver a victory in his
Interceptions Ret. ............................. 1-30 2-6 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 1-1 0-0 the Ravens, who beat the Bengals. final game. Seymour said. “We didn’t get it done.
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 36-59-2 31-44-1 Penalties-Yards .................................. 1-5 6-60 Mike Munchak’s first season, but their The Steelers survived two fumbles So this one hurts. It stings for sure. It’s
Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 2-18 3-11 Time Of Possession ......................... 25:26 34:34 postseason fate depended on the “It was special,” Weaver said after
Punts .............................................. 3-47.0 4-44.0 by Redman in the second half and players presented him with the game disappointing. It’s frustrating.”
Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 2-2 1-1 RUSHING outcome of later games in Cincinnati, then held their breath on the final play Oakland went into the day needing
Penalties-Yards ............................ 11-101 6-78 Carolina: Stewart 9-79, D.Williams 7-53, Newton 6-32, Oakland and Denver. Tennessee got ball in the locker room. “A little over-
Time Of Possession ......................... 28:20 31:40 Smith 1-1, D.Anderson 1-(minus 1). when Browns QB Seneca Wallace whelming, but it was special. It was a win and some help to make the
New Orleans: Ivory 19-127, Sproles 6-40, P.Thomas
some early help when the New York floated a pass into a crowd in the back playoffs. The Broncos cooperated with
RUSHING 5-30, Henderson 1-9, Brees 1-5, Daniel 3-(minus 3). Jets lost in Miami, but was knocked kind of emotional at times to realize
Detroit: K.Smith 9-35, Logan 1-16, Morris 4-13, Burleson of the end zone. But Pittsburgh S Troy that this really is it. There’s no turning a 7-3 home loss to Kansas City, but
PASSING out of playoff contention when the Polamalu came over the top and got won the division based on record
Green Bay: Grant 12-48, Saine 8-28, Kuhn 2-5, Flynn 2-0. Carolina: Newton 15-25-1-158. Broncos lost to Kansas City in a late back now.”
New Orleans: Brees 28-35-1-389, Daniel 3-3-0-20. his hand on the ball before rookie WR The Colts may have been the big versus common opponents.
PASSING game. Greg Little could grab it, allowing the “To find out it worked out the way
Detroit: Stafford 36-59-2-520.
RECEIVING Houston rookie starting QB T.J. winners, though. Indy would have
Green Bay: Flynn 31-44-1-480. Carolina: Smith 6-86, Shockey 3-18, LaFell 2-27, D.Wil- Steelers to escape. dropped to the No. 2 spot in the draft you needed it to and to lose this one,”
liams 2-20, Stewart 2-7. Yates left the game after one series The Browns lost their last six games QB Carson Palmer said. “It’s going to
RECEIVING New Orleans: Graham 8-97, Colston 7-145, Sproles 5-29, and was replaced by Jake Delhomme. with a victory in Jacksonville.
Detroit: Johnson 11-244, Pettigrew 7-116, Burleson P.Thomas 3-36, Henderson 2-48, Meachem 2-30, Collins and nine of 10 under first-year coach Jones-Drew started the day with a be a long offseason.”
6-45, Scheffler 4-65, K.Smith 4-26, T.Young 4-24. 2-3, Arrington 1-17, Higgins 1-4.
Kubiak said Yates had a bruised left Pat Shurmur.
Green Bay: Nelson 9-162, Finley 7-64, J.Jones 6-89, shoulder but could’ve returned if nec- comfortable lead in the rushing race. CHARGERS ............................... 7 17 7 7 — 38
Saine 3-17, Driver 2-52, Kuhn 2-10, Grant 1-80, D.Wil-
MISSED FIELD GOALS QB Ben Roethlisberger was barely And when Philadelphia’s LeSean Mc- RAIDERS .................................. 7 6 6 7 — 26
None. essary. able to move around in the pocket. He
liams 1-6. Coy and Houston’s Arian Foster were FIRST QUARTER
MISSED FIELD GOALS TITANS ..................................... 0 13 3 7 — 23 went just 23 of 40 for 221 yards but inactive, it locked up the rushing title. Oakland: Heyward-Bey 3 pass from Palmer (Janikowski
TEXANS ................................... 7 3 3 9 — 22 made enough big throws to help him
Detroit: Hanson 39 (WR).
Green Bay: Crosby 47 (WL).
RAVENS 24, kick), 7:20.
San Diego: Gates 38 pass from Rivers (Novak kick), 1:03.
FIRST QUARTER improve to 14-1 in his career against COLTS ...................................... 0 3 3 7 — 13
BENGALS 16 JAGUARS ................................. 7 3 6 3 — 19 SECOND QUARTER
Houston: Tate 4 run (Rackers kick), 5:15. the Browns.
RAVENS ................................. 10 7 0 7 — 24 SECOND QUARTER FIRST QUARTER San Diego: Tolbert 1 run (Novak kick), 10:26.
BENGALS ................................. 3 0 7 6 — 16 Mendenhall’s status for the playoffs Jacksonville: West 23 pass from Gabbert (Scobee kick), Oakland: FG Janikowski 52, 6:19.
Tennessee: FG Bironas 21, 13:06. is uncertain. San Diego: Goodman 105 kickoff return (Novak kick),
FIRST QUARTER Tennessee: Avery 1 pass from Hasselbeck (Bironas 3:10.
Baltimore: Rice 70 run (Cundiff kick), 12:58. kick), 3:48. SECOND QUARTER Oakland: FG Janikowski 43, 2:19.
Houston: FG Rackers 52, 1:09. STEELERS ................................ 0 3 10 0 — 13
Baltimore: FG Cundiff 42, 6:45. BROWNS .................................. 0 6 3 0— 9 Indianapolis: FG Vinatieri 48, 12:03. San Diego: FG Novak 51, :46.
Cincinnati: FG Nugent 46, 3:02. Tennessee: FG Bironas 43, :00. Jacksonville: FG Scobee 25, 1:01.
Houston: FG Rackers 37, 11:46. Cleveland: FG Dawson 26, 6:03.
THIRD QUARTER Oakland: FG Janikowski 27, 13:18.
Baltimore: Pitta 9 pass from Flacco (Cundiff kick), :11. Cleveland: FG Dawson 45, 1:06. Indianapolis: FG Vinatieri 20, 9:07. San Diego: Jackson 13 pass from Rivers (Novak kick),
CHIEFS ..................................... 7 0 0 0— 7 Tennessee: FG Bironas 33, 7:22. Jacksonville: FG Scobee 32, 7:33. 7:33.
THIRD QUARTER Pittsburgh: FG Suisham 19, :00.
BRONCOS ................................. 0 0 3 0— 3 FOURTH QUARTER Jacksonville: FG Scobee 47, 5:47. Oakland: FG Janikowski 32, 1:18.
Cincinnati: Scott 25 run (Nugent kick), 3:26. THIRD QUARTER
FOURTH QUARTER Tennessee: Washington 23 pass from Hasselbeck (Biro- Pittsburgh: FG Suisham 29, 9:43.
Kansas City: McCluster 21 run (Succop kick), :11. Pittsburgh: Redman 7 run (Suisham kick), 5:27. Jacksonville: FG Scobee 39, 6:30. Oakland: Boss 22 pass from Palmer (Janikowski kick),
Cincinnati: FG Nugent 46, 12:35. nas kick), 4:31. Indianapolis: Collie 12 pass from Orlovsky (Vinatieri 9:37.
THIRD QUARTER Baltimore: Rice 51 run (Cundiff kick), 5:41. Houston: B.Johnson 5 pass from Delhomme (run failed), Cleveland: FG Dawson 49, 1:59.
Attendance: 68,266. kick), 3:22. San Diego: Floyd 43 pass from Rivers (Novak kick), 6:49.
Denver: FG Prater 38, 8:11. Cincinnati: FG Nugent 23, 2:39. :14. Attendance: 62,481. Attendance: 58,721.
Attendance: 71,512. STEELERS BROWNS
Attendance: 76,005. Attendance: 63,439. COLTS JAGUARS CHARGERS RAIDERS
RAVENS BENGALS TITANS TEXANS First Downs .......................................... 22 14
CHIEFS BRONCOS First Downs .......................................... 19 15 First Downs .......................................... 25 28
First Downs .......................................... 15 19 First Downs .......................................... 17 22 Total Net Yards ................................... 360 240
First Downs .......................................... 14 16 Total Net Yards ................................... 298 261 Total Net Yards ................................... 463 520
Total Net Yards ................................... 347 336 Total Net Yards ................................... 361 387 Rushes-Yards ............................... 36-161 15-72
Total Net Yards ................................... 281 266 Rushes-Yards ................................. 22-56 35-190 Rushes-Yards ............................... 31-153 24-103
Rushes-Yards ............................... 32-221 24-105 Rushes-Yards ................................. 22-86 30-152 Passing ................................................ 199 168
Rushes-Yards ............................... 30-106 47-216 Passing ................................................ 242 71 Passing ................................................ 310 417
Passing ................................................ 126 231 Passing ................................................ 275 235 Punt Returns ....................................... 0-0 3-22
Passing ................................................ 175 50 Punt Returns ................................... 1-(-1) 2-13 Punt Returns ....................................... 0-0 0-0
Punt Returns ..................................... 1-11 4-45 Punt Returns ..................................... 4-43 1-11 Kickoff Returns ................................. 4-92 2-23
Punt Returns ..................................... 4-40 2-23 Kickoff Returns ................................. 3-30 3-79 Kickoff Returns ............................... 6-215 3-64
Kickoff Returns ................................. 2-22 3-72 Kickoff Returns ................................. 1-23 1-32 Interceptions Ret. ............................... 1-0 0-0
Kickoff Returns ................................... 0-0 1-25 Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 2-19 Interceptions Ret. ............................... 1-5 1-0
Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 0-0 Interceptions Ret. ............................... 0-0 0-0 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 23-40-0 16-41-1
Interceptions Ret. ............................... 1-1 0-0 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 27-40-2 11-19-0 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 19-26-1 28-43-1
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 15-19-0 22-44-0 Comp-Att-Int ............................... 22-35-0 22-32-0 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 2-22 2-9
Comp-Att-Int ............................... 15-29-0 6-22-1 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 3-22 3-21 Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 0-0 0-0
Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 1-4 1-1 Sacked-Yards Lost ............................ 3-22 3-23 Punts .............................................. 4-45.3 6-38.3
Sacked-Yards Lost .............................. 1-5 2-10 Punts .............................................. 3-45.3 2-43.5 Punts ................................................ 0-0.0 1-58.0
Punts .............................................. 7-46.7 4-53.5 Punts .............................................. 6-47.7 6-44.7 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 2-2 2-0
Punts .............................................. 8-47.1 9-44.7 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 2-1 1-1 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 0-0 0-0
Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 0-0 1-1 Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 1-1 1-1 Penalties-Yards ................................ 4-37 5-40
Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 1-1 1-1 Penalties-Yards ................................ 4-40 1-10 Penalties-Yards ................................ 8-68 8-64
Penalties-Yards ................................ 7-59 4-35 Penalties-Yards ................................ 6-47 7-55 Time Of Possession ......................... 39:11 20:49
Penalties-Yards ................................ 6-36 6-49 Time Of Possession ......................... 29:12 30:48 Time Of Possession ......................... 30:27 29:33
Time Of Possession ......................... 27:02 32:58 Time Of Possession ......................... 29:26 30:34 Time Of Possession ......................... 25:22 34:38 RUSHING
RUSHING RUSHING RUSHING Pittsburgh: Redman 19-92, Mendenhall 8-38, Clay 9-31.
Cleveland: Wallace 3-44, Hillis 10-30, Hardesty 2-(minus Indianapolis: D.Brown 8-24, Addai 8-19, Orlovsky 1-7, San Diego: Tolbert 9-58, Brinkley 16-52, Jackson 1-41,
Kansas City: McCluster 12-61, Jones 15-42, McClain 2-4, Baltimore: Rice 24-191, R.Williams 6-28, Flacco 1-1, Tennessee: C.Johnson 15-61, Harper 4-19, Hall 2-7, Carter 5-6. Hester 2-5, Rivers 3-(minus 3).
Leach 1-1. Hasselbeck 1-(minus 1). 2).
Orton 1-(minus 1). Jacksonville: Jones-Drew 25-169, D.Harris 3-12, Karim Oakland: Bush 19-66, Murphy 1-27, Palmer 2-6, Moore
Denver: McGahee 28-145, Ball 9-24, Royal 2-18, Tebow Cincinnati: Benson 13-51, Scott 6-34, Dalton 4-17, Houston: Tate 16-97, Ward 12-50, Jones 1-4, B.Johnson PASSING 2-6, Owens 1-3, Thomas 1-3, Gabbert 3-(minus 3). 1-3, Cartwright 1-1.
6-16, Johnson 2-13. Hawkins 1-3. 1-1.
Pittsburgh: Roethlisberger 23-40-0-221. PASSING PASSING
PASSING PASSING PASSING Cleveland: Wallace 16-41-1-177.
Indianapolis: Orlovsky 27-40-2-264. San Diego: Rivers 19-26-1-310.
Kansas City: Orton 15-29-0-180. Baltimore: Flacco 15-19-0-130. Tennessee: Hasselbeck 22-35-0-297. RECEIVING Jacksonville: Gabbert 11-19-0-92. Oakland: Palmer 28-43-1-417.
Denver: Tebow 6-22-1-60. Cincinnati: Dalton 22-44-0-232. Houston: Delhomme 18-28-0-211, Yates 4-4-0-47.
Pittsburgh: A.Brown 6-90, Ward 5-24, Cotchery 3-28, RECEIVING RECEIVING
RECEIVING RECEIVING RECEIVING Redman 3-18, Miller 2-23, Sanders 1-14, Wallace 1-11,
Mendenhall 1-7, Johnson 1-6. Indianapolis: Collie 9-96, Wayne 8-73, Clark 5-53, Garcon San Diego: Floyd 7-127, Gates 5-106, Brinkley 3-12,
Kansas City: Bowe 6-93, Baldwin 3-27, McCluster 3-25, Baltimore: Pitta 6-62, T.Smith 5-33, Rice 2-8, Dickson Tennessee: Washington 4-92, Cook 4-63, C.Johnson 2-22, D.Brown 2-15, Carter 1-5. Jackson 2-29, Crayton 1-23, Tolbert 1-13.
1-20, Leach 1-7. 4-49, Avery 3-45, L.Hawkins 3-19, Williams 2-21, Hall Cleveland: Cribbs 7-91, Moore 4-39, Massaquoi 2-16,
Copper 1-14, Pope 1-12, Breaston 1-9. Jacksonville: Lewis 3-33, Osgood 2-19, West 1-23, Oakland: Heyward-Bey 9-130, Murphy 5-72, Moore
Cincinnati: Gresham 5-72, Simpson 5-54, Hawkins 3-34, 1-4, Harper 1-4. C.Mitchell 1-19, Cameron 1-15, Hillis 1-(minus 3).
Denver: D.Thomas 3-34, Fells 1-14, Larsen 1-7, Decker Dillard 1-8, D.Harris 1-4, Jones-Drew 1-4, Cloherty 1-3, 3-101, Boss 3-33, Reece 2-28, Ford 2-19, Bush 2-13,
1-5. Green 2-26, Leonard 2-19, Benson 2-10, Lee 2-9, Scott Houston: Casey 7-91, Tate 4-24, Jones 3-35, Dreessen MISSED FIELD GOALS Thomas 1-(minus 2). Myers 1-11, Ausberry 1-10.
1-8. 3-18, B.Johnson 2-45, A.Johnson 2-21, Graham 1-24.
Kansas City: Succop 44 (WL). None. San Diego: Novak 44 (WR).
Cincinnati: Nugent 36 (WR). None.


7 47 103 107
5 43 104 107
Washington 20 15 2 42 111 109 Excerpts from
Tampa Bay 17 17 3 37 104 122
Carolina 13 21 6 32 103 135
N.Y. Rangers 23 9 4 50 107 77
Philadelphia 22 10 4 48 123 106 Knuble is stuck
New Jersey
4 46 121 100
1 43 103 105
on fourth line
N.Y. Islanders 13 17 6 32 84 113 For much of his career,
Mike Knuble has always been
Boston 24 10 1 49 123 68
able to excel in a
Ottawa 19 15 5 43 120 133 complementary role
Toronto 18 15 5 41 118 125 alongside a team’s most
Buffalo 17 17 4 38 100 112 talented players. But for the
Montreal 14 18 7 35 99 110 better part of the past two
months, Knuble has seen his
spot switch to one among the
Chicago 24 10 4 52 125 107
bottom six forwards.
Detroit 24 13 1 49 123 84 The veteran right wing was
St. Louis 21 12 5 47 95 85 first placed in a fourth-line
Nashville 21 14 4 46 105 108 role by former coach Bruce
Columbus 10 23 5 25 93 128 Boudreau following
NORTHWEST W L OL PTS. GF GA Washington’s 7-4 loss to
Vancouver 24 13 2 50 129 96 Vancouver on Oct. 29. Since
Minnesota 21 13 6 48 95 95 Coach Dale Hunter took the
Colorado 21 18 1 43 108 115 reins in late November,
Calgary 18 17 5 41 99 111 Knuble has occupied a spot
Edmonton 15 19 3 33 100 104
among the bottom six
PACIFIC W L OL PTS. GF GA forwards exclusively, usually
Los Angeles 19 14 6 44 86 90 on the fourth line.
Dallas 21 15 1 43 100 107 Knuble’s ice time hasn’t
San Jose 19 11 4 42 99 83 exceeded 12 minutes 11
Phoenix 19 16 4 42 102 103
Anaheim 10 21 6 26 87 124
seconds in any of the past
eight games, and in the last six
SATURDAY’S GAMES he has seen a total of six
Washington 4, Columbus 2 seconds of power-play time.
Ottawa 3, Buffalo 2 (SO) It’s not an easy subject to
N.Y. Islanders 4, Edmonton 1
New Jersey 3, Pittsburgh 1
discuss for the 39-year-old,
Tampa Bay 5, Carolina 2 who reached the milestone of
Phoenix 4, Minnesota 2 1,000 games played on Dec.
Florida 3, Montreal 2 20.
Winnipeg 3, Toronto 2 “It’s just the way things
Detroit 3, St. Louis 0 have shaken out,” Knuble said.
Dallas 4, Boston 2
Colorado 4, Anaheim 2 “To be honest, sure it’s
Los Angeles 4, Vancouver 1 frustrating because I haven’t
been there in the last eight,
SUNDAY’S RESULTS nine, 10 years. . . . It’s
at Nashville 5, Calgary 3 different, that’s for sure.”
The New York Rangers stretch on the rink during practice for Monday’s Winter Classic against the Flyers in Philadelphia. Asked about Knuble’s role,
MONDAY’S GAMES Hunter said it’s just the way
N.Y. Rangers vs. Philadelphia, 3
New Jersey at Ottawa, 7:30
San Jose at Vancouver, 8
Edmonton at Chicago, 8:30
Colorado at Los Angeles, 10:30
Winter Classic, take five the lineup stands now.
“I know he’s reliable; he’s a
veteran, he knows how to
play,” Hunter said. “It’s just

Rangers visit Flyers in latest edition of NHL’s showcase event where he is. Everything
changes all the time. There’s
Calgary at Washington, 7 nothing set in cement. I know
Edmonton at Buffalo, 7 BY D AN G ELSTON him. Laviolette has strict guide- he can play with the better
Tampa Bay at Toronto, 7 lines on how he presents the day’s players and on the fourth line.
N.Y. Islanders at Carolina, 7 philadelphia — Claude Giroux starting goalie — never a day He’s been playing well down
Phoenix at St. Louis, 8
Detroit at Dallas, 8 and Jaromir Jagr hit the ice look- ahead, rarely at morning skate — there with the younger
ing more ready to shag flies than and Bryzgalov’s defiance may players, too, and teaching
PREDATORS 5, FLAMES 3 practice the power play. keep him on the bench. them. I think he’s a versatile
The Philadelphia Flyers stars Laviolette refused to an- guy and he can play all over.”
Sergei Kostitsyn scored three goals smeared eye black to fight the nounce a goalie even after he was
to lead Nashville to its third straight glare on a sunny morning as they told Bryzgalov spoiled the news.
victory. Best in four-on-four
Jarome Iginla, Rene Bourque and skated on a rink constructed on “I have great news and even
Brendan Morrison scored for Calgary, the site of two Fall Classics that better news,” Bryzgalov said. The Capitals may not be
which has lost three straight. Flames underwent a makeover as it shift- “Great news, I’m not playing to- atop the NHL in many
C Olli Jokinen played in his 1,000th ed into the home of the Winter morrow night. Good news, we statistical categories right
career NHL game. Classic. have a chance to win the game now, but one they are leading
Predators RW Jordin Tootoo had two Cold, wind, ice. Conditions tomorrow night.” is goals scored during four-on-
assists, giving him 15 points (six goals, that usually spoil the enjoyment The Flyers hoped Bryzgalov four play, with seven.
nine assists) in his past 18 games. of a World Series game are on would be the goaltender that In Saturday’s 4-2 win over
CALGARY ................................. 1 0 2— 3 deck for the fifth edition of the would lead them to their first the Columbus Blue Jackets,
NASHVILLE .............................. 2 2 1— 5
NHL’s inside-the-park extrava- Stanley Cup championship since Washington recorded a pair of
Scoring: 1, Calgary, Iginla 15 (Jokinen, Glencross), 3:47.
ganza, this one now set for 3 p.m. 1975. He’s 14-8 with a pedestrian goals — by Alexander Semin
2, Nashville, Klein 2 (Spaling, Tootoo), 12:39. 3, Nash- Monday between the Flyers and 3.01 goals against average and and Dennis Wideman —
ville, Kostitsyn 6 (Fisher, Hornqvist), 15:06.
the New York Rangers at Citizens has allowed five, four and five during a four-on-four.
Scoring: 4, Nashville, Halischuk 9 (Tootoo, Hillen), 2:27.
Bank Park. goals in three of his last four The extra space available
5, Nashville, Kostitsyn 7 (Hornqvist, Smithson), 5:59. Amid the HBO cameras and starts. on the ice during four-on-four
THIRD PERIOD Stanley Cup-atmosphere that has “Six, five, next game if I give up play creates an advantage for
Scoring: 6, Calgary, R.Bourque 13 (Stempniak, Comeau),
1:17. 7, Calgary, Morrison 4 (Brodie, Byron), 17:57. 8,
infused the game with enough Philadelphia’s Jaromir Jagr looks on during practice for the NHL’s three, it’s going to be progress,” the Capitals, particularly
Nashville, Kostitsyn 8 (Klein), 19:30 (en). energy to power the rink, a little outdoor extravaganza at Citizens Bank Park, home of the Phillies. Bryzgalov said. when they’re trying to push
SHOTS ON GOAL perspective came Sunday from His dry wit made him a hit on the agenda offensively. While
CALGARY ................................. 9 4 7 — 20
NASHVILLE .............................. 7 15 5 — 27
the Rangers and Flyers in their snow around the rink as the fin- important than putting on a the first three episodes of HBO’s they may not have an extra
Power-play: Calgary 0 of 2; Nashville 0 of 3. Goalies: final practices. “When we wake ishing touches were sprinkled on show when he benched slumping behind-the-scenes look at both player available as an option,
Calgary, Kiprusoff 17-13-2 (26 shots-22 saves). Nash-
ville, Rinne 19-10-4 (20-17). A: 17,113 (17,113). T: 2:22. up, all the fun is going to be over,” a project that started just before goalie — and “24/7” breakout star teams before the Classic. Bryzga- those on the ice have more
Giroux said, “and it’s about two Thanksgiving. While fans hoped — Ilya Bryzgalov for Sergei Bo- lov has shone on the HBO series. room to work with, regardless
points on the ice.” for winter wonderland condi- brovsky. HBO has pushed back the final of whether they’re trying to
CAPITALS’ NEXT THREE The game was pushed back tions, the two-hour shift will at Bryzgalov, the self-deprecat- episode of “24/7” to Thursday shoot or set up a teammate.
two hours because of a revised least mean chilly temperatures ing Russian, has failed to live up night because it needed an extra As Wideman skated the
vs. Flames weather forecast that should of- and less sun. to the nine-year, $51 million con- day to put the episode together. blue line in Columbus he had
Tomorrow, 7 p.m. fer optimal game conditions for “It’s going to feel different to be tract he signed in June and now HBO has 12 cameras filming more time and space to decide
Comcast SportsNet players and fans. The game was out there,” Rangers center Brad has a spot on the bench for the Monday’s game. The camera where to dish the puck before
scheduled for 1 p.m. The gates Richards said. “It’ll be, look Winter Classic. crews have remained a silent he passed to Semin, who also
will now open at 1 p.m. around for a little bit, but you With temperatures expected presence, always filming. was able to gain better
at Sharks
Saturday, 10:30 p.m.
Last year’s game at Pittsburgh don’t want to get clocked, so you in the low 40s, Bryzgalov joked Tortorella said the cameras positioning for his wrist shot.
Comcast SportsNet was moved into prime time be- can’t look too much.” that he would sip Earl Grey tea to have not been a distraction. “We’re a really good team
cause of rain. The game is too important to keep warm. He could be in hot “We’ve had a number of dis- four-on-four,” said goalie
“Let’s play,” Rangers Coach gawk at the skyline. Flyers Coach water after revealing before Lavi- tractions right from the get-go of Tomas Vokoun. “We’ve got a
at Kings John Tortorella said. “It’s time to Peter Laviolette made it clear that olette’s announcement that Bo- camp,” he said. “The guys have lot of good skating forwards
Jan. 9, 10:30 p.m. play the game.” winning a game between two brovsky would be in charge of handled it well. This has been a and mobile D, so it’s been a
Comcast SportsNet Workers stuck Christmas trees teams jostling for the top spot in trying to stop Marian Gaborik great experience for them.” strength for us all year long.”
and winter firewood on the fake the Eastern Conference is more and Ryan Callahan instead of — Associated Press — Katie Carrera



Marquette opens its Big East slate with a win over Villanova
F ROM NEWS SERVICES trying to figure out ways for us to had 13 and Fab Melo scored 12 12 rebounds to help the seventh- ing star forward Yancy Gates. The Buffalo State’s Justin Mitchell,
AND STAFF REPORTS get better,” Johnson-Odom said. points to go with six blocks for ranked Blue Devils (12-4) beat the Bearcats forced Pittsburgh (11-4, the tournament MVP, scored 27
“And that’s what we did the next Syracuse (15-0, 2-0 Big East). visiting Quakers (6-8). 0-2) into 17 turnovers to win at points in the final.
It didn’t take No. 14 Marquette day. We did a lot of drills, a lot of l NORTH CAROLINA 102, Duke has won 43 in a row at Pitt for the first time in 33 years.
long to move on from its last loss five-on-five drills and a lot of MONMOUTH 65: John Henson Cameron Indoor Stadium. Nasir Robinson had 19 points Kentucky women top Florida
— about the time it took Darius competing. We just have to get scored 21 points and the No. 5 Tar l MICHIGAN 61, MINNESOTA for the Panthers, who lost their A’dia Mathies scored 14 points,
Johnson-Odom to convert an al- back to playing hard, and I think Heels beat the Hawks for their 56: In Ann Arbor, Mich., fresh- third straight game. Bria Goss added 11 and No. 6
ley-oop pass for a dunk. we did that today.” 26th straight victory at Smith man Trey Burke scored a season- l NORFOLK STATE 71, NAVY Kentucky beat cold-shooting
Johnson-Odom matched a sea- It took 33 seconds to turn Center. high 27 points as the No. 18 65: Pendarvis Williams scored 20 Florida, 59-56, in Gainesville,
son high with 24 points and led things around, with Vander Blue Harrison Barnes added 20 Wolverines (12-2, 2-0 Big Ten) points and Kyle O’Quinn had 17 Fla., in the Southeastern Confer-
the Golden Eagles to an 81-77 tossing a pass to a cutting John- points for North Carolina (13-2). hung on to beat the Golden Go- points and 11 rebounds as the ence opener for both schools.
victory over Villanova on Sunday son-Odom at the rim, and the The Tar Heels cruised from there phers for their seventh straight Spartans (10-5) topped the Mid- The Wildcats (12-2, 1-0) had
in Milwaukee. senior guard, generously listed at to break the arena record estab- victory. Julian Welch and Rodney shipmen in Annapolis. lost two of their past three games,
Reserve forward Davante 6 feet 2, throwing it down on lished from 1992 to 1994 — a mark Williams had 11 each for Minne- J.J. Avila scored 18 points for included a setback at unranked
Gardner had 13 points and a Marquette’s first offensive posses- two Monmouth assistants had a sota (12-3, 0-2). Navy (3-11). Middle Tennessee State. The
career-high 10 rebounds for the sion. The Golden Eagles never role in setting. l CINCINNATI 66, PITTS- l BUFFALO STATE 82, CATHO- Wildcats’ other loss was against
Golden Eagles (12-2, 1-0 Big East), trailed from there. Freshman Andrew Nicholas BURGH 63: JaQuon Parker LIC 81: The host Cardinals’ 11- third-ranked Notre Dame.
who responded from their worst Mouphtaou Yarou (Montrose led Monmouth (2-12) with 22 scored a career-high 21 points game winning streak to start the Deana Allen had 14 points for
performance of the season — a Christian) had 14 points for the points. First-year Coach King and Sean Kilpatrick added 19 as season ended as Roderick Epps the Gators (10-4, 0-1).
17-point drubbing by Vanderbilt Wildcats (7-7, 0-2). Rice played at North Carolina the Bearcats beat the 22nd- made the game-winning layup l TENNESSEE 73, AUBURN
on Thursday — with a solid start l SYRACUSE 87, DePAUL 68: from 1988 to 1991, and assistants ranked Panthers. with seven seconds left for the 52: Meighan Simmons scored 20
to the conference season. Mar- Kris Joseph (Carroll) scored 22 Brian Reese and Derrick Phelps Cincinnati (11-3, 1-0 Big East) Bengals (10-1) in the champion- points and the seventh-ranked
quette will visit No. 12 George- points to help the top-ranked started on its 1993 national cham- has won six straight games since a ship of the CUA Classic. Lady Vols (9-3, 1-0 SEC) closed on
town on Wednesday night. Orange rout the host Blue De- pionship team. brawl against crosstown rival Shawn Holmes scored 21 a 19-6 run in opening conference
“Everybody was down on mons (9-4, 0-1 Big East). C.J. Fair l DUKE 85, PENNSYLVANIA Xavier last month led to the sus- points and had five assists for play with a road win over the
themselves after the loss, just added 16 points, Dion Waiters 55: Ryan Kelly had 18 points and pension of several players, includ- Catholic. Tigers (8-6, 0-1).

Norman Chad
More Than a Game
Another look at high school sports by staff photographer Toni L. Sandys
You say you want
a resolution?
ew year, old habits: Sports 24 hours. Then, in November
Nation often gets it shorts 2011, “Call of Duty: Modern
all bunched up about Warfare 3” hit 6.4 million and
everything and anything. At the $400 million on opening day.
moment, you can turn on talk It’s a battlefield out there, and
radio – or dip a big toe in an while we ignore real war, we
online forum — and hear the love to shoot ’em up on our
clamor about next Monday’s PlayStations.)
Alabama-LSU BCS title game. I used to think I loved sports
Oh, the horror — the horror!!! — as much as the next guy — well,
this rematch stirs up. unless the next guy walks in
This unrelenting devotion to wearing a Yankees baseball cap,
all matters sporting strikes me Lawrence Taylor football jersey
as a springboard to insanity. and New York Rangers
Think about this: wristwatch — but I now realize I
We have been at war only liked sports in spurts.
somewhere in the world since Which, frankly, might be
2001 — at war — and that gets healthier.
less scrutiny than an average Sure, as a kid, nothing beats
NFL game. For real. the anticipation of going to the
Buccaneers-Falcons is dissected ballpark or watching a big game
in detail much more than U.S.- on TV. But as an adult? Sports is
Afghanistan; that’s an NFC still a great release; beyond that,
divisional game weighed there’s got to be more to a fine
against an international armed day than getting World Series
conflict. home-field advantage by
(I often am told that I’m just winning the All-Star Game.
an old man out of touch. Guess There has to be a greater sense
what? I once was a young man of accomplishment than seeing
out of touch. So, trust me, age your alma mater’s biggest rival
has nothing to do with this. go on probation, no?
What’s right is right and what’s I’m not a religious man, but
wrong is wrong, and America’s something tells me that just
continued obsession with sport walking by a church on any
at the expense of substance given Sunday is a better idea
remains the Achilles’ heel of our than slouching on a couch on
culture.) any given Sunday.
What concerns me about our I’m not just talking here
ongoing fight against terrorism about a New Year’s resolution, Spring Valley (S.C.) junior Latisha Smith, 16, touches the inscription on the Lincoln Memorial marking the “I Have a Dream” speech.
is this: I’m talking about a New Year’s

Basketball, and history

The Muslim fundamentalists revolution. Let’s put the games
believe we are the devil on pause and pick up our lives.
incarnate and they are willing If nothing else, we need to
to strap bombs to their bodies to downsize Big Monday.
defeat the American enemy. Us? By the way, how can Alabama
We just want to watch football be playing for the national
every Sunday. In short, they championship? The Crimson overcome with emotion listening to the story
appear committed to a grand Tide already lost to LSU and D.C. trip is fruitful for players of survivor Erica Eckstut (Neuman). “I was
cause while we remain didn’t even win its own More high school coverage listening and looking at her big blue eyes,
committed to instant replay. conference. Who’s minding the from South Carolina in town E-mail ideas for More Than a Game she stopped talking and she was staring at
So, yes, I worry.
We spend more money on
BCS store, Howdy Doody? for holiday tournament 6 to me. I started crying and had to walk away,”
said Smith, who is German and African
stadiums than schools. Ask The Slouch American. “It’s kind of emotional because
At our institutions of higher Q. Will LSU be national their flight not leaving until the evening, my mom is German, and I’m pretty sure
learning, we care more about champion even if it loses to The Spring Valley Vikings (Columbia, the Spring Valley Vikings took advantage some of her ancestors went through that.”
basketball than biology. Alabama in the BCS title game? S.C.) are one of the top ranked girls’ of their free time and headed out for the After the museum, the team posed for
“Crossfire” has been replaced (Philip Murphy; Boardman, basketball teams in the country, finishing day. Led by assistant coach Gregory photos in front of the Washington
by “Pardon the Interruption”; Ohio) last season in the No. 2 position according Bauldrick, an active-duty lieutenant Monument, did the same at the White
actually, that’s probably a good A. Actually, I believe the to MaxPreps Xcellent 25. Entering this colonel in the Army, the team left their House, and walked past the Vietnam
thing. combination of an LSU loss and year’s third annual National Title IX hotel and headed for the Mall. On their Memorial on their way to the Lincoln
Sometimes I stumble upon a Notre Dame loss elevates the Holiday Classic in Washington, the team itinerary: the Holocaust Museum, the Memorial. The well-conditioned basketball
Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Fighting Irish to No. 1. was ranked seventh. The tournament, White House and the Lincoln Memorial. team was worn out by its last stop. Slowly
Smith on ESPN2’s “First Take” Q. Has a newspaper ever sponsored by DC Events and the Sankofa “I think the best [part of the trip] was the team trickled up the steps for a glimpse
and wonder, “Is this a ‘Saturday resorted to “flex scheduling” to Project, goes beyond the reach of the when we actually got to settle down and of Lincoln. They gathered around the spot
Night Live’ sketch?” I half- replace one of your less playing court. Teams are invited to attend not play basketball,” said junior guard where Martin Luther King, Jr. had given
expect one of their heads will interesting columns? (Mark workshops and conferences that address Latisha Smith, 16, “ and just spend time his historic speech.
explode one morning while Concannon; Whitefish Bay, topics such as Title IX and civic together and talk about the history that is Minutes before, someone had splashed
shouting, and if that happens, I Wis.) responsibility. Tournament organizers behind all of this that is D.C. water on the inscription. Latisha Smith
fully expect the other guy will A. Under your proposal, arranged for teams to visit the Martin “It’s more than about basketball,” Smith reached down to touch it. “That was a great
keep on shouting. newspapers would run my Luther King Memorial and tour the continued. “We get the opportunity to see experience,” Smith said. “I had never been
They never stop screaming, column no more than once a Capitol. all of these things down here. Basketball is to D.C. before and I actually got to stand
because they believe it’s month. “We wanted to do that,” said Spring supposed to be fun, so this is just part of it.” where [King] stood.”
entertaining or because they’re Q. The Golden State Warriors Valley Coach Anne Long. “That was part of Smith didn’t mind that she has spent “We loved the experience,” Long said as
really serious; it’s either hired a TV announcer as their the trip. It wasn’t only the competition, but most of her two-week winter break on the the team headed back to gather its luggage
disingenuous or distressing. new coach. Any chance you’ll just a great civic lesson. That was a road traveling with her team to two from the hotel. “But we’re going to hold
Heck, these fellows have leave the broadcast booth to be drawing card. We could have gone to any tournaments. “It’s pretty cool that you get them accountable for what they’ve learned.
convictions about a poker coach? (Mark Cohen; tournament we wanted to this year, but we to go different places, see new things, and We’re going to give them tests and quizzes,”
EVERYTHING; I mean, how Gibsonia, Pa.) chose this one.” learn new things.” she said with a smile.
much conviction can you have A. If I’m qualified to be a With no games to play on Friday, and At the Holocaust Museum, Smith was
about an offensive coordinator’s poker coach, then the game
third-down play selection? truly involves no skills.
(How out of whack are our Q. Do you stash your mouth
priorities and sensibilities? Just guard between your face mask DIGEST
look at the “Call of Duty” video- and helmet between marriages?
game series. In November 2009, (Mike Jonas; Berwyn, Ill.)
“Call of Duty: Modern Warfare A. Pay the man, Shirley. PRO BASKETBALL that could allow him to earn an-
2” set a first-day sales record other $1.45 million in perform-
with 4.7 million copies to reap You, too, can enter the $1.25 Ask Kings’ Cousins ance bonuses.
$310 million. In November The Slouch Cash Giveaway. Just e- demands a trade The deal, agreed to Friday, is
2010, “Call of Duty: Black Ops” mail and, if subject to a physical.
topped that with 5.6 million and your question is used, you win $1.25 The Sacramento Kings and De- Jones, 34, signed with the Yan-
$360 million in sales in its first in cash! Marcus Cousins abruptly began kees last winter to provide a
to sever ties Sunday after the right-handed bat off the bench
team said the promising young and hit .247 with 13 homers and
center demanded a trade. 33 RBI in 222 plate appearances.
“I’ve kind of got it down like ESPN. You Kings Coach Paul Westphal re- ...
leased a statement before Sacra- Reliever Jason Frasor has been
watch a game and if you should fall asleep mento hosted the New Orleans traded back to the Toronto Blue
you can catch it in the morning and get the Hornets, criticizing Cousins’s
commitment to the franchise and
Jays by the Chicago White Sox for
minor league pitchers Myles Jaye
highlights in the morning and know exactly excusing him from the team’s and Daniel Webb.
game. He also confirmed that Frasor, a right-hander, was 3-3
what went on.” Cousins asked for a trade. with a 3.60 ERA in 64 relief ap-
“When a player continually, ag- pearances with Chicago and To-
Virginia Tech Coach Frank Beamer, in New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl, on not gressively, lets it be known that he ronto last season. Chicago ac-
staying up for New Year’s Eve festivities is unwilling/unable to embrace quired him and pitcher Zach
traveling in the same direction as Stewart from the Blue Jays for
his team, it cannot be ignored in- pitcher Edwin Jackson and Mark
TELEVISION AND RADIO definitely,” Westphal said. Teahen in July.
Sacramento drafted Cousins
NBA with the fifth overall pick in 2010 TENNIS
7:30 p.m. Washington at Boston » Comcast SportsNet, WJFK (106.7 FM) after he spent one season at Ken- Kim Clijsters began prepara-
tucky. . . . tion for the defense of her Aus-
NHL The defending champion Dal- SCOTT HEPPELL/ASSOCIATED PRESS tralian Open singles title with a
3 p.m. New York Rangers at Philadelphia » WRC (Channel 4), WBAL (Channel 11) las Mavericks agreed to terms Sunderland’s Ji Dong-Won celebrates his goal with four seconds 6-1, 6-4 win over Romania’s Simo-
8 p.m. San Jose at Vancouver » NBC Sports Network with free agent forward Yi Jian- remaining in stoppage time against Manchester City. na Halep in the first round of the
lian on a one-year contract. A Brisbane International.
COLLEGE FOOTBALL league source confirmed the ported Yi would first report to the ed’s 3-2 loss to last-place Black- Clijsters said the abdominal
Noon TicketCity Bowl, Houston vs. Penn State » ESPNU agreement, first reported on Mavericks’ NBA Development burn, which won at Old Trafford problem that forced her to retire
1 p.m.
Capital One Bowl, Nebraska vs. South Carolina » ESPN, WWXT (92.7 FM),, adding that Yi is ex- League affiliate, the Texas Leg- for only the second time in 49 from a number of tournaments,
WWXX (94.3 FM), WTEM (980 AM) pected to arrive and sign with the ends, for a rehabilitation assign- years, City allowed South Korean including the U.S. Open, in 2011
1 p.m. Gator Bowl, Ohio State vs. Florida » ESPN2 team on Monday. ment. forward Ji Dong-Won to round had left no lingering problems
Outback Bowl, Michigan State vs. Georgia » WJLA (Channel 7), WMAR The 7-foot Yi became a free — Michael Lee goalkeeper Joe Hart and tap into with her serve.
1 p.m.
(Channel 2), WSPZ (570 AM)
agent after the Wizards declined an empty net 2 minutes 56 sec- “I felt confident with my serve.
Rose Bowl, Wisconsin vs. Oregon » ESPN, WWXT (92.7 FM), WWXX (94.3
5 p.m.
FM), WTEM (980 AM)
to pick up a $5.3 million qualify- SOCCER onds into second-half stoppage I think that’s something that, in
Fiesta Bowl, Stanford vs. Oklahoma State » ESPN, WWXT (92.7 FM), ing offer after Yi averaged 5.6 Manchester City gave its title time. the past, wasn’t always the case,”
8:30 p.m. points and 3.9 rebounds in one rivals renewed hope by slumping Ji ran onto Stephane Sesse- she said.
WWXX (94.3 FM), WTEM (980 AM)
season with Washington. to a second English Premier gnon’s pass to score — replays In another match, Francesca
MEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Yi has been recuperating in League defeat of the season, con- showed Ji may have been offside. Schiavone of Italy advanced to
7 p.m. Virginia at LSU » WSPZ (570 AM) Florida from a knee injury suf- ceding a goal with four seconds the second round when her oppo-
7 p.m. Presbyterian at Liberty » MASN fered playing in the Chinese Bas- left in stoppage time in a 1-0 loss BASEBALL nent, Ksenia Pervak of Russia, re-
7 p.m. Texas A&M at Baylor » ESPNU ketball Association in November, at Sunderland that capped a Andruw Jones is staying with tired with a headache.
7 p.m. Wofford at Wake Forest » Comcast SportsNet Plus according to a person familiar weekend of upsets. the New York Yankees, agreeing — From staff reports
9 p.m. North Carolina Greensboro at Miami » Comcast SportsNet Plus with the situation. re- A day after Manchester Unit- to a one-year, $2 million contract and news services


On the second day of the new year, it’s time to feast on college football. Here’s a look at Monday’s bowl smorgasbord:


Noon 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 5 p.m. 8:30 p.m.

TicketCity Bowl Gator Bowl Outback Bowl Capital One Bowl Rose Bowl Fiesta Bowl
Who: No. 20 Houston Who: Ohio State vs. Florida. Who: No. 12 Michigan State Who: No. 10 South Carolina Who: No. 6 Oregon Who: No. 3 Oklahoma State
vs. No. 24 Penn State. Where: EverBank Field, vs. No. 18 Georgia. vs. No. 21 Nebraska. vs. No. 9 Wisconsin. vs. No. 4 Stanford.
Where: Cotton Bowl, Dallas. Jacksonville, Fla. Where: Raymond James Where: Florida Citrus Bowl Where: Rose Bowl, Where: University of Phoenix
TV: ESPNU. TV: ESPN2. Stadium, Tampa. Stadium, Orlando. Pasadena, Calif. Stadium, Glendale, Ariz.
Records: Cougars 12-1; Records: Buckeyes 6-6; TV: WJLA-7, WMAR-2. TV: ESPN. TV: ESPN. TV: ESPN.
Nittany Lions 9-3. Gators 6-6. Radio: WSPZ (570 AM). Radio: WWXX (92.7 FM), Radio: WWXX (92.7 FM), Radio: WWXX (92.7 FM),
Records: Spartans 10-3; WWXT (94.3 FM), WTEM (980 AM). WWXT (94.3 FM), WTEM (980 AM). WWXT (94.3 FM), WTEM (980 AM).
Yes, it’s a Jan. 2 bowl game The Buckeyes, soon to be
Bulldogs 10-3. Records: Gamecocks 10-2; Records: Ducks 11-2; Records: Cowboys 11-1;
played at the Cotton Bowl that coached by Urban Meyer, Cornhuskers 9-3. Badgers 11-2. Cardinal 11-1.
isn’t called the Cotton Bowl. take on the Gators, formerly Michigan State’s
Mark Dantonio has won Coach Steve Spurrier has the Neither the Ducks nor the After Monday night, the next
The Cotton Bowl, the game, is coached by Urban Meyer. It’s
four straight against rival Gamecocks on the verge of Badgers have had much time Stanford quarterback
Friday at the JerryDome. Bowl been reported that Meyer
Michigan, but is 0-4 in bowl the first 11-win season in success of late in Pasadena. Andrew Luck and
season: where common might not even watch the
games as the Spartans’ program history, but he’s 1-4 Oregon lost there after the Oklahoma State wideout
sense goes to die. In any game because of his
coach. Here’s to guessing in bowl games at South 2009 season to Ohio State; Justin Blackmon will meet
case, it’s your last chance to conflicted interest in both
that his job is safe, because Carolina, with his only win the Ducks’ last postseason likely will be in the green
see Case Keenum — owner teams, but does anyone
wins over the Wolverines are coming in the 2006 Liberty win at the Rose Bowl came all room at the NFL draft. Luck,
of many NCAA passing really believe that? Both
likely more important than Bowl. The Cornhuskers’ the way back in 1916, when Ivy who ranked fifth nationally in
records and averaging nearly tradition-rich teams
wins in bowl games named rushing game ranks 13th League teams were still being passing efficiency and threw
400 passing yards this stumbled badly this season,
after mid-range steak nationally, and quarterback invited to prestigous bowl 35 touchdown passes this
season — in a Houston with scandal-plagued Ohio
restaurants. Georgia Coach Taylor Martinez has nine games. (Oregon defeated season, is almost certain to
uniform, though his previous State suffering its first losing
Mark Richt’s job also is likely rushing touchdowns, but Penn that year, 14-0.) go No. 1. Blackmon, second
bowl forays have been a bit season in Big Ten play since
safe, which you probably none since a 34-27 win over Wisconsin, meanwhile, lost in nationally in receptions per
disastrous: In three bowl 1999 and Florida losing six
couldn’t say after the Ohio State on Oct. 8. He’ll be last season’s Rose Bowl game. game (9.4), eighth in
games, Keenum has three of its last eight games. The
Bulldogs lost to Boise State chased around the field by There will be points: Only 12 receiving yards (111.3 per
touchdown passes and seven Gators ranked 102nd
and South Carolina to start South Carolina defensive teams have scored 80 game) and tied for third in
interceptions, six of them nationally in total offense
the season. Georgia end Melvin Ingram, a first- touchdowns in a season since receiving touchdowns (15), is
coming in the 2009 Armed and the Buckeyes ranked
rebounded, however, team all-American who has a 1996, and Oregon and projected by many draft
Forces Bowl against Air Force. 107th. Expect malaise.
winning 10 straight before team-high 81/2 sacks, picked Wisconsin are two of them. gurus as a top-five prospect.
Penn State has the nation’s
losing to No. 1 LSU in the off two passes and also They rank No. 3 (Oregon, 46.2 Again, there will be points:
fifth-ranked passing defense
SEC title game. The Bulldogs scored on a fake punt earlier points per game) and No. 4 Oklahoma State scored at
(162.2 yards allowed per
finished third nationally in this season. (Wisconsin, 44.6) nationally in least 30 points in every game
game) and has allowed only
total defense (268.5 yards scoring offense. Badgers this season, ranking second
nine passing touchdowns this
per game allowed); the running back Montee Ball to Houston in scoring
season, fourth in the nation.
Spartans were fifth (272.7). had a national-best 1,759 offense. Stanford was sixth in
rushing yards and 38 total that category. Neither team
touchdowns; he’s four short of defends the pass very well,
tying Barry Sanders’s single- with the Cardinal at 78th
season record of 42. nationally and the Cowboys
— Matt Bonesteel

In Mattison, Wolverines get help from an old pro

player, or he doesn’t believe he’s a Mattison’s tacit belief that too committed because if you’re
great football player, and help seemed to make all the difference. too committed and things start
him get to become as great as he And so even though Van Bergen going wrong, you can take a lot of
can,” said Mattison, who added he still jokes about being compared the blame. . . .
wouldn’t have made the move if it to Ngata, he’s more than happy to “We’ve been through the worst
were any other school. “That’s point out just how far this defense of fires, we’ve been through the
something that I’ve always en- has come. worst that can happen to us, so
joyed in all my years of coaching “I don’t think it had anything to whatever these coaches tell us to
and I missed it.” do with buying in. It was more do, let’s make sure we don’t have
Mattison brought with him the about staying in. When things any regrets. We’re sitting here
complex coverage schemes of the started going wrong, you could right now and I don’t think there’s
NFL and blitz packages that are so see the team kind of fall apart a a guy on the team probably too
extensive Virginia Tech offensive little bit,” Van Bergen said of past regretful about anything.”
coordinator Bryan Stinespring seasons. “Guys didn’t want to be
said recently, “It’s almost like
they’ve got a different playbook.”
The end results are evident on ADVERTISEMENT
the scoreboard.

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from giving up more than 35
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contest this season. Michigan
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CARLOS OSORIO/ASSOCIATED PRESS by previous regimes the Wolver- of a new medical clinic that opened longer,” according to Dr. Hornsby, “and
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But for a unit that had “experi- only one unique, niche area – men’s office. After climax the patient stays
michigan from D1 sonnel changes. Instead, as Vir- was the Wolverines’ defensive co- enced so much pain and suffer- sexual health. erect the entire period of time. This
ginia Tech’s coaches have pointed ordinator in 1995 and 1996 — they ing,” according to Roh, it was
loti Ngata is 330 [pounds]. I’m not out several times this week, it has encountered a team that “broke
Erectile dysfunction and premature allows them to achieve a second climax
Haloti Ngata, coach.’ ” been Mattison and first-year every record you didn’t want to ejaculation have long been a problem for and adequately satisfy their partner.
The Wolverines can laugh Coach Brady Hoke’s ability to break as a team,” Van Bergen said millions of men, in spite of the popularity No other treatment can do this. “If the
about those first days under a new “coach them up” that has led the this week. “I would think that we of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Many men patient doesn’t respond to medication
regime now, but when Michigan Wolverines to their first BCS have a blueprint as far as what not aren’t helped by these pills or cannot on the first visit, the office visit is free,
takes the field Tuesday to face game since 2007. to do.” take them due to adverse side effects. so local patients have nothing to lose.”
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matic culture change at the win- through practice, through camp, wondering if he’d be interested in

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ningest program in college foot- through all that stuff. It has enliv- returning to the college ranks.
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A year after ESPN analyst Chris that’s why you see, I guess, a son took the job rather than stay- prostate surgery and heart conditions. Maryland Men’s Medical Clinic,
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proved to 17th in the country Michigan shared the 1997 nation- is not a great football player, or Open: Mon-Sat 9-9; Sunday 11-5 the treatment for a man’s performance
without making significant per- al championship and Mattison people say he’s not a great football


Miami 5 0 1.000 — 5-0 New York 2 2 .500 — 2-2 Chicago 4 1 .800 — 4-1 San Antonio 3 1 .750 — 3-1 Oklahoma City 5 0 1.000 — 5-0 L.A. Clippers 2 2 .500 — 2-2
Orlando 4 1 .800 1 4-1 Philadelphia 2 2 .500 — 2-2 Indiana 3 1 .750 2 3-1 Houston 2 2 .500 1 2-2 Portland 3 1 .750 11/2 3-1 L.A. Lakers 3 3 .500 — 2-3
Atlanta 3 1 .750 11/2 3-1 Boston 2 3 .400 2 2-3 Milwaukee 2 1 .667 1 2-1 New Orleans 2 2 .500 1 2-2 Denver 3 2 .600 2 3-1 Golden State 2 2 .500 — 2-2
Charlotte 1 3 .250 31/2 1-3 Toronto 1 3 .250 1 1-3 Cleveland 2 2 .500 11/2 2-2 Memphis 1 3 .250 2 1-3 Minnesota 1 3 .250 31/2 1-3 Sacramento 2 3 .400 2 2-2
Washington 0 4 .000 41/2 0-4 New Jersey 1 4 .200 11/2 1-4 Detroit 1 3 .250 21/2 1-3 Dallas 1 4 .200 21/2 1-4 Utah 1 3 .250 31/2 1-3 Phoenix 1 3 .250 1 1-3

Wizards’ troubles continue SATURDAY’S RESULTS

at L.A. Lakers 92, Denver 89
at Detroit 96, Indiana 88
at Houston 95, Atlanta 84
New York 114, at Sacramento 92
Antawn Jamison scored 23 points
and Cleveland made 16 three-point-
ers in a win over New Jersey.
Kyrie Irving, the No. 1 pick in the
Kevin Love had 25 points and 17
rebounds and hit two huge threes in

with fourth straight defeat

the fourth quarter to help Minnesota
at Oklahoma City 107, Phoenix 97 draft, had 13 points, four assists and beat Dallas and end an 18-game
at San Antonio 104, Utah 89 four rebounds for Cleveland. losing streak dating from last season.
Philadelphia 107, at Golden State 79 Deron Williams led the Nets with 16 The Timberwolves closed the game
points. New Jersey dropped its fourth with a 15-0 run. They lost the last 15
SUNDAY’S RESULTS straight game despite having all five games of last season and the first
wizards from D1 Boston 94, at Washington 86 starters score in double figures. three of this year, meaning it had been
at Cleveland 98, New Jersey 82 Cleveland made 16 of 26 shots from 295 days since the franchise’s last
at Miami 129, Charlotte 90 three-point range, falling one short of
him much to smile about. at Orlando 102, Toronto 96
“My coaches talked to me and the team record for threes in a game.
at Minnesota 99, Dallas 82 DALLAS .............................. 25 16 28 13 — 82
told me what I have to do to be at Denver 99, L.A. Lakers 90 NEW JERSEY ...................... 27 22 18 15 — 82 MINNESOTA ...................... 25 25 24 25 — 99
effective — just play, have fun and at Chicago 104, Memphis 64 CLEVELAND ....................... 24 19 30 25 — 98
play my game. That’s what I did. I at Sacramento 96, New Orleans 80 NEW JERSEY MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS Marion 28:23 1-3 6-6 1-6 3 2 8
think the thing is, just try to win,” at L.A. Clippers 93, Portland 88 Humphries 30:26 1-5 9-11 0-5 0 2 11 Nowitzki 32:29 9-20 1-1 0-4 0 2 21
James 31:42 3-5 4-6 1-3 3 3 10 Haywood 15:19 2-3 2-2 1-4 1 2 6
Wall said. “It ain’t no fun” losing. Okur 34:47 4-10 0-0 3-8 3 2 10 Kidd 34:31 1-5 0-0 0-4 5 3 3
MONDAY’S GAMES DWilliams 34:20 6-16 3-4 1-4 5 3 16 West 22:33 6-9 1-1 0-0 2 1 13
The Wizards are the NBA’s only Gaines 33:40 5-12 0-2 0-4 4 1 11 Terry 28:15 4-11 0-0 0-4 2 1 10
Washington at Boston, 7:30
winless team and have opened the Golden State at Phoenix, 3:30
Brooks 11:44 0-3 0-0 2-3 0 0 0 Odom
2-7 1-4 1-3 2 1
2-3 2-3 0-4 0 4
ShaWilliams 8:30 1-2 0-0 1-2 0 0 2
season at 0-4 for the first time Indiana at New Jersey, 7:30 SheWilliams 15:24 1-3 2-2 0-0 0 3 4 Carter 19:37 1-7 4-4 2-2 1 3 6
Beaubois 8:40 1-3 0-0 0-1 1 1 2
since 2008-09, when they lost Orlando at Detroit, 7:30 Morrow
23:41 5-13 3-3 0-3 1 2 15
15:18 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 3 Cardinal 11:27 0-4 0-0 1-2 0 1 0
their first five games and matched Atlanta at Miami, 7:30 Horner 0:29 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 SWilliams 2:01 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 1 0
Toronto at New York, 7:30 Jones 2:01 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
the franchise-worst record for an TOTALS 240:01 27-71 21-28 8-32 16 16 82
TOTALS 240 29-77 17-21 6-35 17 22 82
San Antonio at Minnesota, 8
82-game season at 19-63. Percentages: FG .380, FT .750. 3-Point Goals: 7-22, .318
Oklahoma City at Dallas, 8:30 (Okur 2-5, Morrow 2-6, Stevenson 1-2, Gaines 1-3, Percentages: FG .377, FT .810. 3-Point Goals: 7-24, .292
They couldn’t shoot or defend Milwaukee at Denver, 9 D.Williams 1-4, Brooks 0-1, James 0-1). Team Rebounds: (Nowitzki 2-3, Odom 2-4, Terry 2-4, Kidd 1-5, Beaubois
14. Team Turnovers: 22 (25 PTS). Blocked Shots: 6 0-1, Carter 0-1, Marion 0-1, West 0-1, Cardinal 0-4).
early and discovered they could do New Orleans at Utah, 9 (James 3, Gaines, Okur, She.Williams). Turnovers: 21 Team Reb: 9. Team Turnovers: 17 (23 PTS). Blocked
both too late, and Wall had to (D.Williams 6, Gaines 5, Morrow 4, James 2, She.Wil- Shots: 9 (Haywood 3, Marion 3, Beaubois, Carter,
liams 2, Humphries, Okur). Steals: 11 (Gaines 3, Mahinmi). Turnovers: 17 (Terry 5, Carter 2, Haywood 2,
watch his counterpart, Rajon Ron- TUESDAY’S GAMES D.Williams 3, Okur 2, James, Morrow, She.Williams). Kidd 2, West 2, Cardinal, Mahinmi, Marion, Odom).
do, flaunt the benefits of being Charlotte at Cleveland, 7 Technical Fouls: None. Steals: 11 (Kidd 4, Marion 2, Terry 2, Carter, Haywood,
Nowitzki). Technical Fouls: Odom, 2:29 second.
surrounded by a cast that features Atlanta at Chicago, 8 CLEVELAND MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS
Casspi 18:03 3-7 2-2 1-1 4 3 9 MINNESOTA MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS
three future Hall of Famers. Portland at Oklahoma City, 8 Beasley 31:28 3-10 2-4 1-7 1 2 8
Jamison 31:27 10-15 0-0 1-5 2 2 23
Sacramento at Memphis, 8 Love 37:38 9-16 2-2 7-17 1 1 25
Rondo spread the ball around, Milwaukee at Utah, 9
31:47 1-5 0-0 4-11 1 3
28:08 5-11 0-0 1-4 4 3 13
Milicic 15:19 2-3 3-4 0-2 0 1 7
picked the right spots for his own Houston at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 Parker 21:19 2-7 0-0 0-1 1 2 4 Ridnour 29:12 5-9 1-1 1-2 3 2 11
Gee 29:57 4-8 0-0 0-3 3 2 11 Johnson 13:10 1-7 0-0 0-1 1 2 2
scoring opportunities and record- Gibson 26:41 6-12 2-2 0-1 1 1 19 Barea 16:50 4-11 0-1 0-3 2 1 8
ed his 14th career triple-double. Sessions 19:52 2-6 0-0 0-1 8 3 5 Rubio
4-8 4-4 0-3 7 2 14
1-6 2-2 2-4 0 2 4
Samuels 16:13 1-2 1-1 0-3 0 5 3
He had more points (18) than all NBA LEADERS TThompson 16:33 4-5 1-6 3-6 0 2 9 Tolliver 25:31 5-8 0-0 4-6 0 3 13
DWilliams 15:40 1-3 2-4 2-7 0 1 4
but two Wizards, one fewer assist Entering Sunday’s games
TOTALS 240 38-78 6-11 10-36 24 26 98
Ellington 11:43 1-4 1-2 0-2 0 0 3
(14) than the Wizards as a team SCORING AVERAGE G FG FT PTS. AVG.
Percentages: FG .487, FT .545. 3-Point Goals: 16-26, .615 TOTALS 240:01 36-85 17-24 17-54 15 17 99
(Gibson 5-7, Jamison 3-3, Irving 3-4, Gee 3-5, Casspi 1-1,
and more rebounds (11) than every James, MIA ......................... 4 49 34 132 33.0 Sessions 1-2, Parker 0-4). Team Rebounds: 14. Team Percentages: FG .424, FT .708. 3-Point Goals: 10-22, .455
Wizard except JaVale McGee. Griffin, L.A.C. ...................... 3 34 16 84 28.0 Turnovers: 22 (15 PTS). Blocked Shots: 10 (T.Thompson (Love 5-6, Tolliver 3-5, Rubio 2-3, Johnson 0-2, Barea
Durant, OKC ........................ 5 47 32 137 27.4 3, Irving 2, Jamison 2, Gibson, Parker, Samuels). 0-3, Ridnour 0-3). Team Reb: 10. Team Turnovers: 17 (21
“That’s what Rondo does,” Love, MIN ............................ 3 22 32 78 26.0 Turnovers: 20 (Irving 4, Samuels 4, Jamison 3, Sessions PTS). Blocked Shots: 3 (Randolph 2, Love). Turnovers: 16
Bryant, L.A.L. ...................... 5 45 34 128 25.6 3, Gee 2, Parker 2, Casspi, Gibson). Steals: 11 (Jamison 3, (Rubio 4, Randolph 3, Barea 2, Beasley 2, Ridnour 2,
Saunders said. “But I thought that Anthony, NYK ..................... 4 27 40 100 25.0 Varejao 3, Gee 2, Gibson, Parker, Samuels). Johnson, Love, Tolliver). Steals: 7 (D.Williams 3, Beas-
John, he had the best game he’s Jennings, MIL ..................... 3 23 17 68 22.7 A: 15,084 (20,562). T: 2:10. ley, Johnson, Love, Ridnour). Technical Fouls: Randolph,
4:17 third. A: 15,115 (19,356). T: 2:14.
had so far. I can just judge John by
where he’s at and how he’s played
so far. I thought he did a better job KINGS 96, HORNETS 80 HEAT 129, BOBCATS 90 MAGIC 102, RAPTORS 96
of running our team and getting Tyreke Evans had 27 points and Chris Bosh scored 20 of his 24 Orlando went on a late 16-0 run, led
that and we made progress.” Marcus Thornton scored 25 for Sacra- points in the first half, and Miami by the shooting of Ryan Anderson —
Nick Young finished with 18 mento, which handed New Orleans its improved to 5-0 for the first time by who finished with 24 points — to erase
points and JaVale McGee had 16 TONI L. SANDYS/THE WASHINGTON POST second straight loss. rolling past Charlotte. The 129 points a double-digit deficit and defeat Toron-
Playing without DeMarcus Cousins, is the most scored by any NBA team so to.
points, 14 rebounds and five Wizards point guard John Wall gets fouled from behind by Celtics who demanded a trade prior to the far this season and the 39-point victo- The Magic shot 4 for 5 from three-
blocks, but the Wizards were un- guard Avery Bradley before scoring two of his 19 points in the loss. game and was told by Coach Paul ry margin matched the third-largest in point range during the burst, with
able to overcome an early deficit. Westphal to stay home, the Kings end- Heat history, four shy of the team Anderson making two of them, as
The Celtics used crisp ball move- a dunk to again bring the Wizards Blatche has had some history ed a three-game skid. mark. Orlando took a 94-89 lead with 3:05
ment and defensive pressure to within six points with 7 minutes with Garnett and the all-star for- Tervor Ariza had 17 points for the DJ White scored 21 points and left after trailing by as many as 16
establish a double-digit lead eight 49 seconds remaining. They ward made sure to fluster Blatche Hornets, who have dropped two Kemba Walker finished with 17 for points.
minutes into the game. Boston led would get no closer as Ray Allen by talking to him and repeatedly straight after opening the season with Charlotte. Dwight Howard had 19 points and
51-34 at halftime, shooting 55.6 (13 points) and Kevin Garnett (24 grabbing him. At one point in the a pair of victories. Chris Kaman contrib- 15 rebounds for the Magic, which has
uted 14 points and 15 rebounds, and CHARLOTTE ....................... 15 22 27 26 — 90 won four straight since a season-
percent from the field and holding points, nine rebounds) helped put third quarter, Blatche had grown MIAMI ................................ 33 32 27 37 — 129
Emeka Okafor had 13 points and 12 opening loss to Oklahoma City.
the Wizards to 28.2 percent. the game away. upset about not getting a call and rebounds. CHARLOTTE MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS
The Wizards broke out of their “We always get down by 10, 15 in Wizards assistant Sam Cassell, Maggette 18:38 0-6 2-2 1-4 0 4 2 TORONTO ........................... 27 25 29 15 — 96
White 27:29 10-12 0-0 1-3 1 3 21 ORLANDO ........................... 18 29 23 32 — 102
shooting slump in the second half, the first half and always find a way Garnett’s former teammate in NEW ORLEANS ................... 22 18 18 22 — 80 Diaw 22:31 2-4 0-0 0-2 3 3 5
SACRAMENTO .................... 21 17 30 28 — 96
getting within 65-58 when Jordan to fight back, but you’re taking a Minnesota, shouted at Blatche Augustin
23:40 1-11 2-2 1-4 7 1
30:06 4-13 0-0 0-1 2 2
NEW ORLEANS MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS Butler 19:06 0-2 3-3 0-1 1 3 3
Crawford made a three-pointer — lot of energy from yourself,” Wall during a timeout, encouraging Diop 4:28 0-2 0-0 2-2 0 1 0 Bargnani 40:38 10-21 7-7 0-7 3 1 28
Ariza 37:30 8-14 1-2 2-5 3 3 17 Biyombo 19:54 2-5 2-6 3-6 0 3 6
his only field goal of the game — said. “I think down the fourth him to get focused. Landry 21:01 6-11 0-0 5-5 0 3 12 Mullens 21:38 1-6 4-4 0-3 0 1 6
3-5 2-2 1-2 0 4
6-9 3-3 0-4 13 1 18
Okafor 33:01 5-7 3-6 5-12 1 2 13
and reserve Ronny Turiaf kicked quarter, the last couple of minutes, The Wizards wore their red, Jack 31:51 3-11 0-0 0-4 8 1 6
24:20 6-13 3-5 0-3 4 1 17
12:35 1-4 0-0 0-3 1 0 2
DeRozan 35:38 4-12 8-9 1-6 0 3 17
Magloire 17:26 3-3 1-1 2-6 1 5 7
wildly in celebration. Turiaf was we didn’t have the kind of energy white and blue road uniforms, Belinelli 35:25 3-12 0-0 0-6 3 2 6 Brown 25:30 6-11 1-2 2-7 2 0 14 JJohnson 11:59 0-1 0-0 0-1 4 2 0
Kaman 26:47 5-13 4-4 3-15 1 4 14 Higgins 9:11 2-5 0-0 1-2 0 1 5
forced to leave the game shortly we needed to make a comeback.” which was appropriate since the Smith 12:56 1-5 0-4 2-3 0 2 2 TOTALS 240 35-92 14-21 11-40 20 20 90
Barbosa 27:22 3-8 3-4 0-2 1 6 9
EDavis 12:29 1-4 0-0 1-1 0 2 2
thereafter with a bruised left hand Andray Blatche was unable to team gave the sort of poor per- Vasquez
3-9 0-0 0-2 8 0
0-5 0-0 3-6 0 1
0 Carter 13:35 2-5 0-0 0-3 0 0 4
Percentages: FG .380, FT .667. 3-Point Goals: 6-18, .333
and is doubtful to play in the re- completely get out of his “funk.” formance it more often reserves Ayon 2:03 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 (Walker 2-4, Diaw 1-1, Higgins 1-1, White 1-1, Brown
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0
TJohnson 1:24 2-2 0-0 2-2 0 0 4
match Monday in Boston. He finished with just 10 points, for road games and Verizon Center TOTALS 239:59 36-89 8-16 22-60 24 18 80
1-2, Henderson 0-1, Maggette 0-2, Augustin 0-3, Carroll
0-3). Team Rebounds: 10. Team Turnovers: 16 (16 PTS). TOTALS 240 32-70 27-29 5-33 23 27 96
The Celtics again extended the converting 4 of 7 field goal at- was populated with many Celtics Blocked Shots: 3 (Biyombo 2, White). Turnovers: 16 Percentages: FG .457, FT .931. 3-Point Goals: 5-13, .385
Percentages: FG .404, FT .500. 3-Point Goals: 0-15, .000 (Augustin 3, Brown 2, Diaw 2, Mullens 2, Biyombo,
lead to 13 when Ray Allen hit a tempts after shooting an abysmal fans. Disgruntled Wizards fans (Aminu 0-1, Smith 0-1, Ariza 0-3, Jack 0-3, Belinelli 0-7). Carroll, Diop, Henderson, Maggette, Walker, White).
(Calderon 3-4, DeRozan 1-2, Bargnani 1-3, Barbosa 0-1,
Butler 0-1, Carter 0-2). Team Rebounds: 5. Team
three-pointer in the fourth quar- 11 for 41 (26.8 percent) in the first booed the players as they left the Team Rebounds: 10. Team Turnovers: 19 (30 PTS).
Blocked Shots: 2 (Kaman, Okafor). Turnovers: 19 (Jack 8,
Steals: 9 (Henderson 3, Brown 2, White 2, Biyombo, Turnovers: 11 (16 PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Calderon,
Walker). Technical Fouls: None.
ter. But Wall made a runner in the three games. But he also had a court. Kaman 3, Aminu 2, Landry 2, Vasquez 2, Ariza, Belinelli).
A.Johnson). Turnovers: 11 (Barbosa 4, Bargnani 2,
DeRozan 2, Calderon, A.Johnson, J.Johnson). Steals: 4
Steals: 4 (Vasquez 2, Ariza, Smith).
lane and Trevor Booker made a team-high four turnovers and al- “We’re staying positive. It’s still James 28:02 6-10 4-6 0-9 5 2 16 (DeRozan 2, Bargnani, Magloire). Technical Fouls: None.
driving layup, then had a steal and lowed Garnett to get into his head. 66 games in the season,” said Rog- Salmons 38:33 5-11 1-1 0-4 2 2 13
Bosh 29:22 9-13 6-6 1-10 1 1 24 ORLANDO MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS
Anthony 29:17 3-5 2-2 1-6 0 2 8 Turkoglu 33:50 6-14 1-1 0-2 7 5 15
er Mason Jr., who was back in the Hickson 24:51 1-6 2-3 3-9 0 2 4 Chalmers 28:00 6-7 0-0 0-2 5 0 16 Anderson 30:09 9-16 1-1 2-5 2 3 24
Hayes 35:42 3-9 0-0 4-10 3 0 6 Wade 29:04 9-16 4-4 1-3 6 3 22
lineup after being ruled ineligible Evans 37:29 9-18 7-8 0-4 3 2 27 Battier 5:51 0-3 0-2 0-0 1 0 0
Howard 42:53 7-11 5-9 5-15 1 4 19
Nelson 32:19 4-7 0-0 0-0 4 2 9
for the previous game in Milwau- Thornton
35:07 9-18 6-7 3-6 1 2 25
21:06 2-7 0-0 2-5 1 1 4
Haslem 20:57 1-4 4-4 2-9 2 0 6 JRichardson 28:25 1-8 2-4 1-5 1 1 5
Jones 23:49 2-4 0-0 0-0 0 3 6
kee because the Wizards submit- Fredette 21:25 3-8 0-0 0-0 5 0 7 Cole 20:03 6-8 4-5 0-1 9 2 16
20:14 3-6 1-2 0-3 0 3
34:15 6-10 6-7 0-3 3 3 21
Outlaw 11:17 1-4 2-2 0-1 1 2 4
ted an incorrect roster. “We have Garcia 9:23 2-4 0-0 0-2 0 4 6
3-6 2-2 0-2 2 1
1-1 0-0 0-4 2 2
Duhon 15:41 1-3 0-0 0-0 2 0 2
Clark 2:14 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0
goals on this team. but it’s not Greene 0:29 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Pittman 7:52 2-3 0-0 0-1 0 2 4
TOTALS 240 37-75 16-24 8-33 20 22 102
Thomas 4:38 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
going to just happen. You have to TOTALS 240 35-85 18-21 12-41 16 15 96
TOTALS 240 48-80 26-31 5-47 33 18 129
Percentages: FG .493, FT .667. 3-Point Goals: 12-27, .444
make it happen.” Percentages: FG .412, FT .857. 3-Point Goals: 8-23, .348
Percentages: FG .600, FT .839. 3-Point Goals: 7-11, .636 (Anderson 5-8, Redick 3-5, Turkoglu 2-5, Nelson 1-2,
(Chalmers 4-4, Jones 2-4, Harris 1-2, Battier 0-1). Team J.Richardson 1-5, G.Davis 0-1, Duhon 0-1). Team Re- (Evans 2-3, Garcia 2-4, Salmons 2-6, Fredette 1-3, Thorn- Rebounds: 4. Team Turnovers: 15 (10 PTS). Blocked bounds: 15. Team Turnovers: 12 (15 PTS). Blocked Shots:
ton 1-5, Outlaw 0-2). Team Rebounds: 3. Team Turnovers: Shots: 3 (Anthony, Pittman, Wade). Turnovers: 15 (Bosh
10 (13 PTS). Blocked Shots: 6 (Evans, Garcia, Hickson, 6 (Howard 3, J.Richardson 2, Turkoglu). Turnovers: 12
3, Wade 3, Chalmers 2, Cole 2, Gladness 2, James 2, (Howard 4, Turkoglu 3, G.Davis 2, Nelson 2, Duhon).
Outlaw, Salmons, Thompson). Turnovers: 10 (Evans 4, Anthony). Steals: 10 (Cole 3, Bosh 2, Wade 2, Gladness,
CELTICS 94, WIZARDS 86 Salmons 2, Fredette, Hickson, Thomas, Thornton). James, Jones). Technical Fouls: None.
Steals: 4 (Duhon, Howard, J.Richardson, Turkoglu).
Steals: 12 (Thornton 5, Fredette 2, Salmons 2, Evans, Technical Fouls: Defensive three second, 11:52 third.
A: 20,016 (19,600). T: 2:10. A: 18,846 (18,500). T: 2:25.
BOSTON ............................. 28 23 22 21 — 94 Hayes, Thompson). A: 13,628 (17,317). T: 2:03.
WASHINGTON ................... 17 17 26 26 — 86
Pierce 27:39 2-8 4-6 0-6 3 2 9
Garnett 27:45 9-17 6-6 2-9 3 2 24 Blake Griffin had his second straight Carlos Boozer scored 17 points and Danilo Gallinari scored 20 points as
O'Neal 23:18 4-7 0-0 0-3 0 3 8 double-double, Caron Butler scored 19
Rondo 33:43 7-10 4-7 4-11 14 2 18 grabbed 11 rebounds as Chicago won Denver beat Los Angeles. The Nuggets
Allen 34:35 5-10 1-2 1-3 1 1 13 points and Los Angeles snapped a easily in its home opener against avenged a three-point loss to the
Bass 30:42 4-8 0-0 0-4 0 1 8 two-game skid. Memphis. This game was so lopsided Lakers less than 24 hours earlier. Pau
Dooling 16:34 2-3 0-2 0-1 2 1 6
Bradley 9:44 1-2 0-0 1-1 0 3 2 Griffin had 20 points and 10 re- that fans started calling for backup Gasol had 20 points and 11 rebounds
Daniels 20:17 1-3 0-0 0-0 3 1 2 bounds to go with 17 points by Chris Brian Scalabrine in the third quarter, and Andrew Bynum had 18 points and
Stiemsma 12:14 2-4 0-0 0-3 0 3 4
Moore 1:50 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 Paul and 13 by reserve Mo Williams. with the outcome clearly in hand. It 16 rebounds for the Lakers.
Johnson 1:39 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Jamal Crawford scored 23 points as was, easily, the most dominant per- After a seesaw battle for most of the
TOTALS 240 37-74 15-23 8-41 26 20 94 the Trail Blazers played for the first time formance of the young season for a final period, the Nuggets scored the
Percentages: FG .500, FT .652. 3-Point Goals: 5-12, .417 on the road after opening 3-0 at home. team with soaring expectations. final 11 points. Gallinari scored two
(Dooling 2-2, Allen 2-5, Pierce 1-4, Bradley 0-1). Team Portland had won the previous five
Reb: 7. Team Turnovers: 16 (16 PTS). Blocks: 5 (Stiems- The Bulls took three of four out fast-break layups to give Denver a


ma 3, Bass, Garnett). Turnovers: 16 (Garnett 3, Pierce 3, meetings with the Clippers. West, beating the Lakers in the opener two-point lead with 2:07 left. After
Rondo 3, Allen 2, Dooling 2, O’Neal 2, Stiemsma). Steals: After allowing San Antonio and Chica- and capping the trip with a victory over Gasol missed a short turnaround
7 (Daniels 3, Allen, Garnett, Pierce, Rondo).
go to shoot more than 50 percent in the Clippers. jumper, Lawson’s layup gave the Nug-
losing their previous two games, the gets a 94-90 lead with 1:20 left.
Also featured in Express January 9-13.
Lewis 34:40 4-12 0-0 2-4 1 3 8
Blatche 34:22 4-7 2-2 0-3 0 1 10 Clippers held the Blazers to 42 per- MEMPHIS ........................... 12 16 16 20 — 64
McGee 34:38 6-15 4-5 6-14 1 4 16 cent. CHICAGO ............................ 25 29 30 20 — 104 L.A. LAKERS ....................... 21 15 35 19 — 90
Wall 39:25 6-13 7-9 0-7 8 4 19 DENVER .............................. 26 21 25 27 — 99
Young 29:48 7-15 4-4 0-2 1 3 18 MEMPHIS MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS
Crawford 14:10 1-7 2-2 0-0 3 1 5 PORTLAND .......................... 17 19 16 36 — 88 Gay 28:17 2-12 1-1 1-3 1 2 5 L.A. LAKERS MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS

Looking for a job?

Singleton 13:31 0-1 0-0 0-3 0 1 0 L.A. CLIPPERS ..................... 21 23 25 24 — 93 Randolph 11:04 1-5 0-0 1-3 0 1 2 Barnes 22:29 1-5 0-0 1-2 1 3 2
Turiaf 11:32 0-0 0-0 1-4 0 1 0 Gasol 31:08 2-6 4-5 3-10 0 2 8 Gasol 36:26 8-15 4-4 4-11 2 1 20
Booker 13:49 3-4 1-1 1-2 0 2 7 PORTLAND MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS Pargo 27:12 2-13 0-0 2-2 1 2 4
Wallace 29:34 0-5 0-0 1-7 0 4 0 Bynum 28:17 7-12 4-10 3-16 0 5 18
Mason 10:47 1-4 0-0 0-0 0 1 3 Allen 14:16 1-5 0-0 1-2 2 2 2 Fisher 20:49 2-6 0-0 1-3 4 3 4

Your search is
Mack 1:39 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Aldridge 41:39 9-21 1-2 4-9 2 3 19 Mayo 27:10 2-9 2-2 0-1 5 2 6
Camby 25:13 1-3 1-2 2-8 0 2 3 Bryant 36:39 6-28 3-4 0-2 4 3 16
Seraphin 1:39 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0 0 Selby 20:48 3-9 0-0 1-2 2 0 6 Murphy 15:15 0-2 0-0 0-3 1 3 0
TOTALS 240 32-78 20-23 10-39 15 21 86 Felton 37:47 4-10 4-4 0-1 8 3 12 Pondexter 12:52 3-3 1-2 0-0 0 3 7
Matthews 30:40 4-10 3-3 1-4 0 4 12 World Peace 25:32 3-7 3-4 1-1 3 1 10
Cunningham 24:32 2-4 0-0 1-7 1 2 4 Blake 27:11 6-9 0-0 1-2 3 4 14
Percentages: FG .410, FT .870. 3-Point Goals: 2-16, .125 Crawford 27:42 7-16 8-9 2-4 4 1 23 Davis 24:20 3-9 3-4 3-6 1 2 10

almost over!
Batum 26:26 6-10 1-2 2-8 2 2 15 McRoberts 15:19 1-1 2-2 1-3 1 5 4
(Crawford 1-4, Mason 1-4, Singleton 0-1, Young 0-3, Young 18:21 5-9 0-0 1-4 0 0 10 Kapono 12:04 1-3 0-0 0-1 0 0 2
Lewis 0-4). Team Reb: 7. Team Turnovers: 14 (12 PTS). Thomas 18:24 2-3 0-0 1-3 4 5 4 TOTALS 240 26-84 11-14 14-40 13 18 64
Blocks: 8 (McGee 5, Blatche, Lewis, Wall). Turnovers: 14 CSmith 2:35 0-0 0-0 0-2 0 0 0 TOTALS 240:01 35-88 16-24 12-44 19 28 90
(Blatche 4, Crawford 2, Mason 2, McGee 2, Lewis, Turiaf, TOTALS 240 33-78 18-22 13-46 20 24 88 Percentages: FG .310, FT .786. 3-Point Goals: 1-9, .111 Percentages: FG .398, FT .667. 3-Point Goals: 4-23, .174
Wall, Young). Steals: 9 (Booker 2, Lewis 2, McGee, (Davis 1-4, Mayo 0-1, Pargo 0-2, Selby 0-2). Team (Blake 2-5, World Peace 1-4, Bryant 1-8, Kapono 0-1,
Seraphin, Singleton, Wall, Young). Percentages: FG .423, FT .818. 3-Point Goals: 4-15, .267 Rebounds: 8. Team Turnovers: 18 (21 PTS). Blocked
(Batum 2-3, Matthews 1-2, Crawford 1-5, Aldridge 0-1, Murphy 0-1, Barnes 0-2, Fisher 0-2). Team Rebounds: 9.
A: 17,458 (20,278). T: 2:13. Shots: 4 (Gasol 2, Cunningham, Randolph). Turnovers:
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Cunningham, Davis, Young). Steals: 10 (Allen 2, Cun-
Team Turnovers: 15 (17 PTS). Blocked Shots: 4 (Barnes
2, Bynum, Gasol). Turnovers: 15 (Bryant 6, Gasol 3,

edition on Sunday, January 8, 2012. It’s (Felton 6, Crawford 5, Batum 3, Aldridge 2, Camby 2, World Peace 2, Barnes, Blake, Kapono, McRoberts).
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Today, 7:30 p.m. Griffin 37:02 6-11 8-10 1-10 4 4 20
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Brewer 34:56 6-10 4-4 1-7 5 2 17 Lawson 37:00 5-11 7-8 0-3 10 1 17
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Paul 36:56 8-15 0-0 0-1 7 3 17 Gibson 20:23 3-8 1-2 0-3 0 3 7
Foye 26:19 3-9 1-2 1-3 3 2 8 Harrington 34:46 3-7 6-6 1-11 2 1 12
Korver 23:17 2-6 1-2 2-6 0 3 6 Andersen 19:36 5-6 2-2 3-9 0 1 12
MWilliams 32:45 5-13 2-3 1-4 8 2 13 Watson 12:10 2-4 0-0 0-0 4 2 4
Cook 12:56 1-3 0-0 1-4 0 1 3 Miller 29:45 5-11 1-1 0-2 7 2 12
Brought to you by our sponsor: at Magic Gomes 12:08 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 2
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0-1 0-0 0-0 1 1
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Wednesday, 7 p.m. Thompkins 1:40 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 2 Butler 5:36 1-2 0-0 1-2 0 0 2 TOTALS 240:01 33-71 31-37 5-44 21 18 99
Comcast SportsNet TOTALS 240 36-75 15-24 8-38 25 18 93 TOTALS 240 39-84 21-29 17-55 24 15 104 Percentages: FG .465, FT .838. 3-Point Goals: 2-18, .111
Percentages: FG .480, FT .625. 3-Point Goals: 6-24, .250 (Miller 1-3, Gallinari 1-7, Lawson 0-1, Afflalo 0-2,
Percentages: FG .464, FT .724. 3-Point Goals: 5-13, .385 Harrington 0-2, Fernandez 0-3). Team Rebounds: 8.
(Butler 2-8, Cook 1-2, Foye 1-4, Paul 1-5, M.Williams 1-5). (Lucas 2-4, Brewer 1-1, Deng 1-3, Korver 1-4, Rose 0-1).
Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turnovers: 21 (21 PTS). Blocked Team Turnovers: 15 (14 PTS). Blocked Shots: 2 (Afflalo,
Team Rebounds: 11. Team Turnovers: 15 (15 PTS). Andersen). Turnovers: 15 (Harrington 4, Fernandez 3,
vs. Knicks Shots: 2 (Foye, Jordan). Turnovers: 21 (Griffin 5, Gomes 4, Blocked Shots: 12 (Asik 3, Deng 2, Noah 2, Rose 2, Nene 3, Lawson 2, Afflalo, Gallinari, Miller). Steals: 9
Paul 3, M.Williams 3, Butler 2, Jordan 2, Cook, Foye). Boozer, Gibson, Scalabrine). Turnovers: 14 (Brewer 3,
Friday, 7 p.m. Steals: 11 (Jordan 3, M.Williams 3, Paul 2, Butler, Foye, Deng 3, Watson 3, Rose 2, Korver, Lucas, Noah). Steals:
(Gallinari 5, Andersen, Fernandez, Harrington, Miller).
A: 19,155 (19,155). T: 2:22.
J794 2x8 Comcast SportsNet Griffin). Technical Fouls: None. 10 (Asik 2, Boozer 2, Brewer 2, Rose 2, Korver, Watson).
A: 19,060 (19,060). T: 2:28. A: 22,763 (20,917). T: 2:11.

“I can coexist with any player
Matt Flynn, Packers QB: With MVP
With 169 rushing yards, the Jags’ Maurice I’ve ever played with. I think
Single-season NFL records set by the Saints’ offense.
candidate Aaron Rodgers sitting out, Green Jones-Drew finished with the NFL rushing
Among them: QB Drew Brees’s 5,476 passing yards,
Bay went with its soon-to-be-free-agent, and lead despite playing for its worst offense
I’ve always been a good
71.2% completions, 13 300-yard games, Darren
Sproles’s 2,699 all-purpose yards, 7,474 total yards.
he responded with a franchise-record 480 . . . 49ers K David Akers set the single- teammate in that way. To
yards passing and six touchdown passes. season field goal record (44). . . . Steelers
TE Jimmy Graham (1,310 yards) nearly had a 12th.
The last, a four-yarder to Jermichael Finley, WR Hines Ward made his 1,000th career
speculate on how we’re going to
came with 1:10 left and capped an eight- catch. . . .Down 21-0, the Patriots scored draft, that’s more for other
22 play, 80-yard game-winning drive. It sent
the Packers to a 45-41 win over the division
49 straight points. . . . The Raiders broke
the NFL record for penalties (163) and
people to do.”
Sacks this season for Vikings DE Jared Allen after
finishing with 31/2 against the Bears, just shy of rival Lions, whose QB, Matt Stafford, yards penalized (1,358) in a season . . .
Peyton Manning, after his Colts secured the No. 1
Michael Strahan’s record of 221/2, set in 2001. passed for 520 yards and five touchdowns. The Bucs finished with 10 straight losses.
pick and right to draft fellow QB Andrew Luck.

New York locks up its place in the playoffs

The Cowboys went nowhere on
GIANTS 31, offense and had to punt, which
COWBOYS 14 nearly worked in their favor. The
Giants’ Will Blackmon dropped
the punt and the Cowboys’ Alan
Manning throws 3 TDs Ball had a chance to grab the
to help clinch NFC East loose football. But he couldn’t
make the recovery, and the Gi-
ants got the ball and took advan-
BY M ARK M ASKE tage with a drive that ended with
Bradshaw’s five-yard touchdown
east rutherford, n.j. — The run early in the second quarter.
New York Giants didn’t need a Cowboys safety Abram Elam
furious fourth-quarter comeback blitzed on the play and went
this time, using a less familiar unblocked but couldn’t make the
script to punch their ticket to the tackle on Bradshaw in the back-
postseason. They crafted a big field.
early lead and then did enough to Tynes sent a 40-yard field goal
hold on and capture the NFC East try wide right on the Giants’ next
title by beating the Dallas Cow- possession, that after the Cow-
boys, 31-14, on a sometimes-rainy boys had failed to recover an-
Sunday night at MetLife Stadi- other loose football on a fumble
um. by tailback Brandon Jacobs. The
Quarterback Eli Manning Cowboys finally began to have
threw three touchdown passes as some modest success on offense
the Giants upped their record to but their drive ended when Romo
9-7 with their second triumph was penalized for throwing a pass
over the Cowboys in the final four beyond the line of scrimmage
weeks of the regular season. The after a back-and-forth scramble.
Giants won three of their last four The Cowboys appeared to down a
games after a four-game losing punt inside the New York 5-yard
streak that dropped their record line but Ball was penalized for
to 6-6 and threatened to unravel going out of bounds and then
their season. being the first player to touch the
They secured the fourth seed ball.
in the NFC playoffs and they’ll That gave the Giants a touch-
host the fifth-seeded Atlanta Fal- back, and they moved 80 yards
cons next Sunday in the Meadow- for a touchdown on Manning’s
lands. The Cowboys finished 8-8 10-yard pass to Bradshaw. The
and headed home for what prom- first half ended, appropriately,
ises to be an offseason of discon- with Cowboys place kicker Dan
tent. Bailey missing a 52-yard field
The Giants’ season was built goal attempt as time expired. But
on the strength of five victories things improved for the Cowboys
via fourth-quarter rallies, but after halftime as they went 94
they played from ahead in this yards for a touchdown on their
winner-take-all game. While the opening second-half possession,
Cowboys were making a series of ending with Romo’s 34-yard pass
first-half mistakes, the Giants Giants defensive end Osi Umenyiora celebrates after stopping the Cowboys on a fourth-down play in the second half of New York’s win. to Robinson.
grabbed a 21-0 advantage. Man- The Giants began to sputter on
ning threw touchdown passes to less than six minutes to play, and had squandered a chance to all to ensure that this game would be early going. The Cowboys did offense. They failed to cash in
wide receiver Victor Cruz and Manning added a four-yard but wrap up the division title. for the NFC East title. Romo next to nothing on their first four after Romo threw an interception
tailback Ahmad Bradshaw, sand- touchdown pass to wideout They had a 12-point lead with less exited the Cowboys’ defeat to the possessions of the night, as Romo to safety Antrel Rolle, with Jacobs
wiched around a touchdown run Hakeem Nicks. than six minutes to play in that Philadelphia Eagles later that day was sacked three times. The Gi- being stopped by the Dallas de-
by Bradshaw. Manning completed 24 of 33 game but let it slip away and lost, after hurting his throwing hand ants raced to a two-touchdown fense on a fourth-and-one run.
Cowboys quarterback Tony passes for 346 yards. Romo con- 37-34. Manning orchestrated two on the opening offensive series. lead during that span. The Cowboys moved to the New
Romo, playing with a bruised nected on 29 of 37 throws for 289 late touchdown drives and the But he vowed all along to be Manning and Cruz struck on York 10-yard line, where Romo
right hand, threw a pair of sec- yards. But he threw an intercep- Giants blocked a potential tying ready to play in this game, and the Giants’ second drive. Cruz, failed to get a first down on a
ond-half touchdown passes to tion and his night ended with a field goal attempt by the Cowboys there was no reason to question maneuvering against cornerback fourth-down quarterback sneak.
wide receiver Laurent Robinson lost fumble on the Giants’ sixth in the final seconds. his toughness after he played Terence Newman on a third-and- But the Cowboys forced a punt
to get Dallas to within seven sack of the game. The Giants followed that win earlier this season with a frac- one play, cut to his left and made and got to within 21-14 on Romo’s
points in the fourth quarter. But These teams had played only with their second loss of the tured rib. the catch, then got to the sideline six-yard touchdown pass to Rob-
the Giants steadied themselves three weeks earlier in a memora- season to the Washington Red- Romo seemed more bothered and outraced Newman and safety inson with just more than 10
with a 28-yard field goal by place ble Sunday night game in Arling- skins but regrouped to beat the by the Giants’ pass rush than by Gerald Sensabaugh to the end minutes remaining.
kicker Lawrence Tynes with just ton, Tex., in which the Cowboys New York Jets on Christmas Eve his hand injury in the game’s zone for a 74-yard touchdown.

Denver stumbles,
yet finds itself with
a spot in playoffs
finished 8-8, same as the Raiders.
CHIEFS 7, They won their first division title
since 2005 on a tiebreaker.
BRONCOS 3 “Well, we’re AFC West champs,”
Broncos Coach John Fox said. “It
doesn’t matter how you do it.
BY A RNIE S TAPLETON Once you get into the dance, they
can’t kick you out.”
denver — Tim Tebow has always So, everybody at Mile High got
done things the unorthodox way. what they wanted even though
Making the playoffs was no differ- Tebow couldn’t beat the guy he
ent. failed to beat out in training
He fell short in his latest come- camp.
back bid, yet his Denver Broncos Tebow, though, got the last
are still going to the playoffs. laugh.
Kyle Orton got his revenge in Orton, who handed Green Bay
leading the Kansas City Chiefs to its only loss, went 2-1 in Kansas
a 7-3 win over Denver on Sunday, City. His steady play likely raised
but it’s the Broncos who clinched his stock as he prepares to enter
the AFC West and are headed to free agency. And he might have
the postseason. Denver will host secured interim coach Romeo
the Pittsburgh Steelers next Crennel’s future.
weekend. Best of all, he beat the team
“It’s obviously a little bitter- that benched him after he finally
sweet right now,” Tebow said. “We caved under the weight of Tebow-
would have loved to have won mania and the Broncos stumbled
that game to have a little momen- to a 1-4 start. Kansas City’s Kendrick Lewis strips the ball from Tim Tebow, who completed 6 of 22 passes for 60 yards and rushed six times for 16 yards.
tum going into the playoffs. But I The Broncos revamped their
think it’s still a special thing what offense to fit Tebow’s unorthodox season against his former team. as this was a battle of field posi- final minute of the first half — yards, including 145 by Willis Mc-
we accomplished, to come back skill set and surged to the top of Orton didn’t do much but he tion and the Punting Colquitt calling a timeout and then decid- Gahee, suddenly had to chuck it.
and win the AFC West is very their division. They released Or- didn’t have to. The game’s only Bros. more than anything else. ing against a long field goal — the And he was intercepted by cor-
special.” ton in the midst of a 7-1 run that touchdown came on Dexter Mc- The Broncos got the ball back Broncos needed to go 84 yards nerback Brandon Carr with eight
After congratulating their for- included a series of fourth-quar- Cluster’s 21-yard scamper with 11 at their own 20 with 3:59 left. with 58 seconds left instead of seconds left.
mer starting quarterback, the ter comebacks that captivated the seconds left in the first quarter. Tebow time? Not this time. just needing to get into field goal Orton took a knee and the
Broncos celebrated the end to football world. Orton’s 18-yard completion to The Broncos were forced to range for another game-winner game was over.
their six-year playoff drought Never before in the four-plus Jonathan Baldwin on third and punt with 2:37 remaining, but by Matt Prater. Tebow finished 6 of 22 for 60
once San Diego beat Oakland decades since the AFL-NFL merg- nine from his own 12 with five Orton was no better and the Tebow, who had completed yards and added 16 yards on six
38-26 later Sunday. Losers of their er has a starting quarterback re- minutes left in the game was as Chiefs punted it back to them, but four passes all afternoon with the carries.
last three games, the Broncos turned to start a game in the same big a play as he had all afternoon because Fox had mismanaged the Broncos running 47 times for 216 — Associated Press
D.C. SPORTS BOG Worst everything Best Vinny Cerrato holdover Worst statistics Worst tackle
DAN STEINBERG In the final minute of the first half, the Redskins turned the ball over on Hey, how about Brian Orakpo? He disappeared at Jim Zorn went 12-20 in two seasons. Steve Spurrier went The Eagles’ Chad Hall was stopped 5 of 28 5 of 6 “I am starting to change my mind about not wanting downs inside the Philadelphia 40, got the ball back on a sack and forced times this season, but still wound up with nine sacks 12-20 in two seasons. Mike Shanahan has gone 11-21 in cold by Perry Riley and DeAngelo Number of field goals the Number of games, in the to coach the Redskins secondary. Maybe I could help
fumble, took a 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty from the 4, ran a (including two on Sunday), giving him at least eight in two seasons. Sure, circumstances were totally different, Hall at the 1-yard line, and then Redskins have had blocked this Redskins’ season-ending stretch,
ridiculous pass play over the middle without any timeouts and put two three straight seasons. He’s the first Redskin to do but the record is the record. Shanahan’s 5-11 this kept fighting and wound up scoring season, and number blocked in in which Roy Helu or Evan Royster Coach Shanahan bring a winner back to the
centers on the field at once, allowing the clock to expire without attempting a that since Dexter Manley from 1983 to 1989. And season is the worst of his NFL tenure. The Redskins’ 24- the game’s first touchdown. Hall is the entire NFL to that point. Only ran for more than 100 yards. Burgundy & Gold.”
field goal. If they were tanking for draft position, it was brilliant. If they were Orakpo, don’t forget, was a Cerrato special. point deficit in the finale was the worst this season. In 5 feet 8 and weighs 187 pounds. one other team had more than
two blocked field goals. Darrell Green, Redskins Hall of Fame cornerback, via Facebook
actually trying to be a professional football team, it was pathetic. five of the losses, the Redskins gave up 33 or 34 points.

They need to ride it out

Mistake-prone Redskins stumble to the finish with Shanahan
redskins from D1 returned the interception 31 yards. It marked
the 13th consecutive game with a turnover for philadelphia

wouldn’t have been complete without a Grossman, who finished the game 22 for 45 egardless of the mistakes Coach Mike
blocked field goal, so Washington allowed one for 256 yards, a touchdown and an intercep- Shanahan has made in his first two sea-
of those as well. tion, and for the Redskins, a league-worst sons leading the Washington Redskins
The primary bright spots of the game for 30th straight game with at least one turnover. — and there have been some doozies — Shana-
Washington were a 47-yard touchdown recep- Later the same quarter, place kicker han still is better at coaching than most. And
tion by Helu, a second straight 100-yard Graham Gano lined up for a field goal at the no matter the Redskins’ lack of success, Shan-
rushing outing by Royster (20 carries, 113 Philadelphia 18-yard line only to have it ahan will just work harder. He’s not the quit- JASON REID
yards) and two sacks by Orakpo, who finished blocked as the Eagles mowed down the right ting type.
the season with nine, the third straight year side of the line and Derek Landri batted the That’s the foundation on which the Red- moves that helped the group.
he has led the team. It also made Orakpo the ball down. That gave Washington its league- skins should build — the combination of The Redskins seem to have something de-
JOHN MCDONNELL/THE WASHINGTON POST first Redskins player since Dexter Manley in worst fifth blocked field goal of the season Shanahan’s X’s and O’s smarts and his intense veloping at running back with rookies Roy
Redskins long snapper Nick Sundberg (57) runs onto the field on the the 1980s to record at least eight sacks in and Gano his 10th failed field goal attempt. competitive drive. Granted, that’s not a whole Helu and Evan Royster, though more time is
last play of the first half for a field goal attempt. But confusion meant three consecutive seasons. Philadelphia scored on a seven-yard touch- lot, but it’s pretty much all the Redskins have needed to determine whether either is capa-
the Redskins did not attempt the kick before the half expired. But beyond that, highlights were few for down pass from quarterback Michael Vick to at this point. ble of becoming a big-time performer on an
the Redskins. The Eagles, in contrast, racked wide receiver Chad Hall, who slipped feeble Throughout the season, the Redskins’ per- elite team.

Special teams
up 390 yards of offense — 190 of them in the tackle attempts by DeAngelo Hall and Perry formance stirred concerns about their lack of A team’s overall record, however, is the
fourth quarter — and had three pass-catchers Riley and stepped into the end zone. progress in Shanahan’s rebuilding plan, and most important measurement of progress in
with at least 86 receiving yards apiece. The Redskins moved to the Philadelphia 35 they were horrendous again at times during professional sports. It’s all that matters.
Washington’s defense gave up at least 30 before turning over the ball on downs with 44 Sunday’s season-ending 34-10 blowout loss to The Redskins are way short on that yard-
points for the fourth time in the last five seconds left, but Orakpo sacked Vick and the Philadelphia Eagles. stick.

unravel in 11th games, and the 24-point loss was the Red-
skins’ largest margin of defeat this season.
So ended the worst year in Mike Shana-
han’s 17 full seasons as a head coach.
forced a fumble, and Washington recovered at
the 17.
The Redskins, who had no timeouts left,
reached the 4-yard line, but Grossman threw
In losses to the Minnesota Vikings and Ea-
gles to end the season, the Redskins flopped
while completing their fourth consecutive
last-place finish in the NFC East division.
Shanahan knows this. Better than most,
Shanahan knows how the NFL works. In case
anyone wondered, he explained things shortly
after joining Washington.

and final defeat The 5-11 finish was worse than a pair of 6-10
campaigns recorded by Shanahan last year
and in 1999. It also gave Shanahan an 11-21
an incompletion in the end zone to Moss. The
receiver thought he had been interfered with
and took off his helmet while arguing the
Shanahan ended with a career-worst 5-11 rec-
ord, which the Redskins made possible by los-
ing their composure and committing key
blunders on offense, defense and special
Early during Shanahan’s first training
camp in Ashburn, a reporter asked him if the
Redskins were as bad as they seemed while
going 4-12 in the 2009 season under former
teams at Lincoln Financial Field. coach Jim Zorn. In this league, Shanahan es-
BY B ARRY S VRLUGA “We didn’t score points . . . “Felt like we played good After finishing 6-10 last season, the Red- sentially said, you are your record.
skins regressed, which is the bottom line. I Which brings me to Shanahan’s record
PHILADELPHIA — The mix-up, apparent- You can’t go on the road and football in the first half, and simply don’t see that significant improvement since the retirement of Hall of Fame quarter-
ly, started when Washington Redskins quar- has occurred. Not the kind of strides that back John Elway following the 1998 season.
terback Rex Grossman could not hear the win games like that.” then in the fourth quarter, would provide proof of a brighter future Shanahan and Elway combined to lead the
entirety of a play call from offensive coordina- around the corner. Denver Broncos to consecutive Super Bowl
tor Kyle Shanahan. It came at the end of the Mike Shanahan, Redskins coach whose team it got away from us.” Despite everything that has gone wrong championships after the 1997 and ’98 seasons.
first half, when Sunday’s 34-10 blowout loss to finished 5-11 after going 6-10 in his first season since owner Daniel Snyder hired Shanahan to In his 12 seasons without Elway, Shanahan
the Philadelphia Eagles was still very much a London Fletcher, Redskins linebacker revive the franchise, however, Washington has missed the playoffs eight times, including
game, and the exchange was almost comical. must stay the course. Shanahan has three his past five seasons. He has only one playoff
When Grossman completed his final throw years remaining on his contract, and for the victory during that span.
“I think of the half over the middle — instead of record in his first two seasons with the non-call, drawing an unsportsmanlike con- length of it, the Redskins have to follow his Does that mean Shanahan forgot how to
throwing to the end zone or chucking it away, Redskins, who went 12-20 in the two seasons duct penalty that backed Washington up 15 lead and simply hope he has been right all coach without Elway? No. Not at all.
we actually as the coaches’ truncated message would have led by former coach Jim Zorn prior to yards with 23 seconds left. along. In fact, some NFL people say, Shanahan’s
conveyed — Nick Sundberg, the long snapper, Shanahan’s arrival. “I’ve been a Redskin for seven years. I can’t This organization has experienced too system still could work as well as ever. And re-
had seven thought he was supposed to go onto the field It also marked a third consecutive losing tell you when things went our way when it much upheaval. The Redskins need to ride it gardless of what occurs for the rest of his time
for a hurry-up field goal on fourth down. Yet season for one of the NFL’s most storied comes to stuff like that,” Moss said after the out with Shanahan. in Washington, Shanahan will be considered
blocked, but when he arrived, starting center Will Mont- franchises, and the eighth time in the last 10 game, still upset. “I just have to learn how to Really, for Redskins fans, it’s about keeping one of the greatest play-callers in league his-
gomery was standing over the ball, with his seasons that the Redskins have failed to post a deal with it, put it behind me.” the faith. The franchise has asked it of them tory.
two of them hand on the ball. winning record.
Two plays later, the Redskins reached the time and time again. So the situation is famil- Clearly, Shanahan now needs what he has
“I heard people yelling, ‘Spike!’ ” Sundberg The Redskins’ standing in the NFC East 7-yard line, but couldn’t stop the clock and iar, albeit nonetheless unsettling. lacked since arriving in Washington: a fran-
went in. It’s said. “I knew it was fourth down, but it just already had been determined prior to Sun- couldn’t get lined up in time to try a field goal. “When you’re building a football team,” chise quarterback.
created a bunch of confusion. I turned around day’s game. For the fourth consecutive year, Rex Grossman had They entered halftime without a point. Shanahan said, “you take a look at the posi- When Shanahan has worked with true fran-
frustrating.” to run off thinking that I’d made a mistake they finished last in the division. his troubles in the Washington’s best play of the game came tives, of guys that can help you next year.” chise quarterbacks, he has been second to
instead of just trusting myself, and it cost us.” By virtue of their record and following season’s final eight plays into the third quarter when Shanahan is convinced that the Redskins none as a coach. Without those rare guys,
Graham Gano, The mess meant the Redskins didn’t even strength-of-schedule determinations, the game, above, Grossman hit running back Helu on a screen are pointed in the right direction. He sees sig- things haven’t been as good for him. Look at
Redskins place kicker attempt a field goal before the clock expired, Redskins learned on Sunday that they will leaving the field pass, and the rookie turned upfield, got a nificant progress in some areas of the roster. what he accomplished directing Elway and
on the team’s five but it was just a small slice of a disastrous day hold the sixth overall pick in April’s draft. after throwing an block by guard Maurice Hurt, and another He has no doubts about Washington becom- Steve Young, when he was an assistant with
blocked field goals this on special teams that contributed significant- “Extremely frustrating to lose 11 ballgames, incomplete pass downfield from wide receiver Niles Paul to ing a winner again. the San Francisco 49ers.
season ly to Washington’s 11th loss of the season. The another game to a divisional opponent,” said on fourth down in score on the 47-yard play. That’s what Shanahan came to Washington Some would suggest any coach could thrive
Redskins punted poorly. They had their fifth linebacker London Fletcher. “Felt like we the fourth quarter. Despite their struggles, Washington en- to accomplish. With his career achievements with quarterbacks like those. Of course, it’s
field goal of the season blocked. They commit- played good football in the first half, and then Grossman also tered the fourth quarter having allowed only and confidence, success, in his mind, is the not that simple. History is replete with exam-
ted a pair of penalties on a punt return, in the fourth quarter, it got away from us. . . . had to deal with 200 total yards, and less than two minutes in, only option. Even after the last two seasons. ples of coaches who failed to succeed at the
including one by special teams captain Loren- Not enough good football for 60 minutes.” the Eagles’ a Gano field goal cut the lead to 13-10. “We’ve made some strides,” Shanahan said. highest level despite working with star quar-
zo Alexander. The Redskins trailed 10-0 at halftime and aggressive But three plays later, Vick completed a “Our football team is a lot different than a year terbacks.
“Very weird,” Sundberg said. saw their best chance for an early touchdown defense, sparked 62-yard pass to DeSean Jackson, who ran a ago. That’s a positive.” Shanahan put the pieces in place that
The uneven special teams play started from slip through their hands midway through the by Trent Cole on post route and got behind cornerback Josh I’m convinced, too. Convinced, that is, that helped Elway break through. Twice. He con-
the very first time they lined up to punt after first quarter. On third and nine from the this sack. Wilson and safety Oshiomogho Atogwe. That Shanahan, at his core, has no doubts about his structed an offense in which Elway had the
an opening three-and-out series. Sav Rocca, Philadelphia 43, Grossman had Santana Moss Grossman proved the tipping point. Vick later complet- ability to inspire a Redskins renaissance. greatest moments of his career. Shanahan
the former Eagle who spent a largely success- open running down the center of the field. completed 22 of 45 ed a four-yard scoring toss to tight end Brent After speaking with Shanahan privately Fri- owns those accomplishments.
ful first season in Washington, dropped the Grossman’s pass was slightly underthrown, passes for 256 Celek with 5 minutes 56 seconds left and, with day following Washington’s final practice at Obviously, finding another Elway or Young
ball to his foot. and Moss had to slow up for it, but the ball yards with a 1:56 remaining, running back Dion Lewis Redskins Park, I almost forgot how bad the is very difficult. If it weren’t, everyone would
“But it was a bit breezy out there,” Rocca slipped between Moss’s arms for an incom- touchdown and an scored on a nine-yard run for the final score. Redskins (11-21 in two seasons) have been un- have those types of guys.
said. The ball ended up on the outside of his pletion at the goal line. interception. “I thought it was competitive until the post der him. You think Shanahan would have stuck with
foot, a 22-yard shank that gave the Eagles the And then came an unfortunate second route,” Shanahan said. “We really had a Listening to Shanahan’s reasoned assess- Rex-Beck if he could have acquired a couple of
ball in Washington territory. They needed to quarter, which featured the same misfortunes chance for three quarters, but when you’re 0 ment about the effect that injuries, in his opin- future Hall of Famers in the offseason? Ah, no.
drive 31 yards to kick a 35-yard field goal and that have plagued the Redskins all season. for 3 in the red zone, you don’t win games. We ion, had in derailing the season, I briefly ig- Shanahan needs a superstar quarterback.
take a 3-0 lead. On the third play of the quarter, wide had moved the ball against them as much as nored the fact he boldly and incorrectly It’s as obvious as the frustration Snyder must
That was part of a day in which Rocca receiver Anthony Armstrong had slipped past anybody had moved it against them. They staked his reputation on ineffective quarter- feel watching Washington fail to qualify for
averaged just 36.6 yards per kick, and the two defenders 54 yards downfield. But Gross- were giving up 225 yards a game and we had backs Rex Grossman and John Beck. the postseason in 10 of his 13 years as owner.
Redskins netted just 30.2 yards in net punting man’s underthrown pass bounced off the that at halftime. But we didn’t score points. . . But anyone who fairly assesses Shanahan’s Although Shanahan is many things, stupid
— both their second-worst numbers of the helmet of cornerback Dominique Rodgers- . You can’t go on the road and win games like performance to this point could only conclude is not among them. He knows the Redskins
season. Cromartie and into the hands of safety Nate that.” he has disappointed. are still missing several parts, including the
“I feel like I kind of fell off the last three or Allen at the Philadelphia 7-yard line. Allen Without a doubt, Washington’s defensive biggest one. But it’s getting late for him to get
four games,” Rocca said. front seven has improved markedly since last them.
In the second quarter, Grossman threw season. Shanahan approved the offseason
three straight incompletions after the Red-
skins reached the Philadelphia 18. Still, place
kicker Graham Gano had a seemingly easy
36-yard field goal.
Gano had made his last 13 kicks over four
games. Rocca barely got the snap down, but “I
thought I hit it well,” Gano said. It didn’t
matter, because Eagles defensive lineman
In the face of uncertainty, Grossman is hoping for a return ticket
Derek Landri completely overwhelmed Red-
skins offensive lineman Tyler Polumbus, who BY R ICK M AESE interceptions and five lost fumbles. strengths — his fearlessness in heaving the finished the season with 3,151 passing yards,
was playing right guard on the place-kicking Shanahan already has started evaluating ball downfield — and biggest drawbacks — just 42 yards shy of his career high, set in
team. philadelphia — When the season had the quarterbacks who will be available in this the tendency for the other team to make the Chicago in 2006. His 20 interceptions
The resulting block not only meant the finally ended, Rex Grossman was the first year’s NFL draft. Before that, though, the catch. matched his career high, also set in 2006.
Redskins went without a score — one of three player off the field, sprinting into the stadium team will have to make a decision on Gross- “Houdini couldn’t have thrown the football He was a free agent each of the past three
trips to the red zone in which they came up tunnel for a final time. Later, his hair still man — and all of the other free agent in that,” Shanahan said. “But Rex threw the years, signing a one-year contract with the
with all of three points — but it led to Gano damp from a postgame shower, Grossman quarterbacks, including Green Bay’s Matt ball up in the air, gave [Armstrong] a chance Redskins the past two. So Grossman is
getting drilled as he tried to tackle Philadel- walked out of the Washington Redskins’ Flynn, who raised some eyebrows Sunday to make a play. certainly familiar with offseason uncertainty.
phia’s Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, who locker room wearing a blue pinstripe suit and with his six-touchdown, 480-yard perform- “Rex played a heck of a ballgame today,” the “It’s part of this job. . . . Obviously, every-
scooped up the ball. The kicker sat at his pulling a roller bag behind him. ance. coach continued. “To have that type of pass body would love to have a 10-year contract
locker after the game with his right ankle First stop, the team bus. Then on Monday Grossman’s agent, Drew Rosenhaus, at- rush and make some of the throws that he did worth $200 million and you could just Albert
heavily wrapped and his back iced, right morning, Redskins Park to pack up his locker. tended the Redskins’ game Sunday at Lincoln under duress, I don’t have a problem with the Pujols it,” he said. “That’s not always the case
where Philadelphia lineman Jason Babin had And after that — who knows? Grossman will Financial Field and said it’s too early to guess way he played.” and you just got to work hard and go about it,
kneed him. Of the 10 field goals he missed on be a free agent, and the future of the Redskins’ what Grossman might do in free agency. Even though Shanahan benched Grossman worry about what you can control and take
the year, half were blocked. quarterback position is up in the air. “I don’t really want to speculate what in favor of Beck for a three-game stretch, the care of business.”
“I think we actually had seven blocked, but As the Redskins begin to weigh their might happen right after a loss like this,” he coach said Grossman made strides from The free agent market for quarterbacks is
two of them went in,” Gano said. “It’s frustrat- options, though, Grossman said he’d like to said. Week 1 to Week 17. not expected to be a deep one, and with
ing.” return to Washington next season. After beating out John Beck in a preseason “I think Rex feels a lot more comfortable Grossman having spent three years in this
Coach Mike Shanahan said he had never “I really enjoy it here. I really enjoy this position battle, Grossman started 13 of the with the system. The more reps you get, the system — he was Houston’s backup quarter-
seen a team have five field goals blocked in a offensive system, what they’re building here,” Redskins’ 16 games. He threw at least one better off you feel,” Shanahan said. “You can back in 2009 under offensive coordinator
season. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen three,” he he said following the Redskins’ 34-10 loss to interception in each but also threw for at least see over the last four or five games, he’s felt a Kyle Shanahan — it’s possible Washington
said. the Eagles on Sunday. “So I’d love for this to be 250 yards seven times. In Sunday’s season lot more comfortable.” might still represent his best opportunity to
And all that set up the confusion at the end the place where I end up.” finale, he was 22-for-45 passing for 256 yards The season might have had more lows than contribute to an NFL team next year.
of the half. Of course, that decision will ultimately be with one touchdown and one interception. highs — Grossman predicted a division title “I’m not sure what my opportunities are
“I wasn’t sure exactly what we were doing,” made by Coach Mike Shanahan and his staff, That lone interception Sunday was the for a team that won only five games — but the going to be. But I hope this is the best
Montgomery said. not the nine-year veteran quarterback. Shan- product of a broken play, resulting in a veteran quarterback said he’ll look back on opportunity,” he said. “And like I said, it’s a
An apt description of an entire day of ahan in recent weeks has said the team’s severely underthrown pass to Anthony Arm- the year and note the positives. “There’s a lot very good team, I’m proud of every single
special teams futility. turnover problems this season were unac- strong. Still, it was the type of play that Redskins quarterback Rex Grossman has three years playing in of good things,” he said. teammate that I played with.” “We’ve made some strides,” said Mike Shanahan, who has an 11-21 record in two seasons ceptable. In 13 starts, Grossman had 20 highlighted one of Grossman’s biggest offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan’s system and would like a fourth. Despite missing three games, Grossman with the Redskins. “Our football team is a lot different than a year ago. That’s a positive.”


The Insider
A quick rebuilding process? Not so fast. 6Excerpts at
boswell from D1 merely to have a rookie to achieved the feat every season
develop at the spot next year. It
Redskins’ Royster from 1983 to 1989.
inherited crummy teams yet has to be football love — someone shows toughness But Orakpo couldn’t enjoy
made the playoffs his second he thinks has “franchise” on his For the second time in as his accomplishment because
year. Norv Turner jumped from forehead. After his recent many weeks, rookie running the Redskins lost, and because
three to six to nine wins. George infatuations at the position, his back Evan Royster posted a 100- he suffered a shoulder/pectoral
Allen and Vince Lombardi were benefit of the doubt is dwindling. yard game. But his performance injury that forced him out of
winners in their first seasons. Despite all this, two factors in Sunday’s 34-10 loss at the entire second half.
So, in Washington, if no work in the Redskins’ favor. Their Philadelphia was considerably “I could care less about the
progress occurs quickly, or worse, horrid minus-15 takeaway ratio more difficult. sacks, man,” the third-year pro
if a team regresses, the correct means they minimized every Royster played with sore ribs said. “I’m all about W’s. We did
prediction has always been: possible opportunity. Flip that to and had to be rehydrated a great job of getting after it in
Failed Regime. positive — and luck as well as less intravenously during the game. the first half, and I was just
That eventually may be the Rex can easily be a factor — and He still finished with 113 yards disappointed that I couldn’t
case with Mike Shanahan, too. In you win more games, maybe two on 20 carries and was also the finish out the game.”
a game that held no meaning, his or three more, just on turnovers. Redskins’ leading receiver with
Redskins played down to the Second, unless the Redskins 52 yards on five catches. Next year’s opponents
occasion in a loss full of mental field 46 Oscar-quality actors, this “He was tough enough to go
blunders, disorganization and team really believes that it is back and forth and play most of The Redskins’ opponents for
loss of discipline by veterans. improving, albeit fathoms under the game during the second 2012 — home and away — are
When you have your fifth the sonar. True, Shanahan runs a half,” Coach Mike Shanahan now set.
blocked kick of the season (out of ship as tight as his lips, so said, “but he was hurting.” In addition to six games
28 total for the whole NFL), when grumbling can be career- Sunday’s season finale against their traditional NFC
Santana Moss incurs a 15-yard threatening. But, after listening marked the fifth time in the East rivals, they will face all
penalty at the 4-yard line for week after week, I’m buying most final six games that a four teams from the AFC North,
ripping off his helmet in disgust, Eagles cornerback Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, left, picks up a of the fellow feeling. Washington running back was with trips to Cleveland and
and when your field goal team blocked field goal as place kicker Graham Gano pursues him. “Extremely frustrating,” said able to break the 100-yard Pittsburgh and home games
dashes on the field but the long London Fletcher, who deserves to barrier. Royster and Roy Helu against Baltimore and
snapper isn’t among them as “Stuff happens in the heat of the Redskins — who are trying to play in the Pro Bowl more than became the Redskins’ first Cincinnati. They face the NFC
time runs out in the half, that’s battle,” he said of his penalty. build through the draft — are the Pro Bowl deserves to be running back tandem to each South, with games at New
NFL chaos. “You don’t want to penalize your poorly suited to pay. played. “I play with passion. We post consecutive 100-yard Orleans and Tampa Bay and
Such performances at the end team. [But] I thought he [the l To move up just one spot, went out to win.” games in the same season since home dates against Carolina
of lost seasons are, at every level, official] couldn’t hear me with it from third overall to second, to Except for the last 12:01 of their the NFL-AFL merger in 1970. and Atlanta. And they will host
laid at the coach’s feet. on so maybe I need to take it off.” get Ryan Leaf, San Diego gave up season, after a 62-yard Helu also played hurt Minnesota, the last-place team
Meanwhile, Andy Reid’s Eagles, Except that taking off your that third overall pick in the ’98 touchdown pass broke their Sunday. Though he had only from the NFC North, and play
who might’ve been demoralized helmet is an automatic penalty. draft plus another first-rounder, backs, the Redskins usually five yards on four carries, Helu at St. Louis, the last-place team
after perhaps the most The elegant succession of snafus a second-round pick and three- played with acceptable passion also turned in a 47-yard from the NFC West.
disappointing season in the over the next 23 seconds that time Pro Bowler Eric Metcalf. and will. They didn’t win because touchdown catch, which was This will be the fifth straight
league, showed up with their resulted in no-field-goal-attempt l To move up four spots to get they just weren’t good enough. the longest by a rookie running season they face the Rams.
heads screwed on properly. deserves it own novella. Yes, a team Michael Vick at first overall, Contrary to Shanahan’s recitation back in team history.
Time will have to tell whether called the Redskins has a hurry-up Atlanta gave up the fifth-overall of might-have-been plays in ’11, But Royster again was the Fletcher’s career high
Shanahan’s methods and his so play called “Geronimo.” pick (LaDainian Tomlinson) as they weren’t close to being much team’s featured back, one week
far often-flawed decisions at Perhaps the most nagging well as a second-rounder, plus a better. They had good luck, too. after his 132-yard performance Linebacker London Fletcher
crucial positions will send him aspect of this rebuild is that Rex third-round pick and a good kick They were 5-11 on demerit. against Minnesota. was credited with four tackles
packing before his five-year, $35 Grossman, who underthrew two return man, too. In a real NFL rebuild, after a “You never like to end with a against the Eagles, giving him
million deal is done. But he’s not wide open deep receivers (one for l Just as stunning, to trade up string of 10-loss seasons, closing loss,” he said, “but I was happy 166 on the season, a new career
going anywhere before next year. an interception), will probably four spots for Eli Manning, the that huge gap of talent, depth that I got 100 yards rushing.” high and also the best mark in
Owner Daniel Snyder’s quick start at quarterback to begin next Giants dealt fifth overall pick and experience often takes years. the league. . . .
trigger histories with past coaches season. Not for sure, but likely. Philip Rivers, plus a first (which The Redskins’ current Orakpo’s solid day Graham Gano converted a
as well as Shanahan’s two Super With five teams picking before became three-time Pro Bowler construction methods are, at last, 27-yard field goal and finished
Bowl rings preclude that option. them in the ’12 draft, the Shawne Merriman), third and probably correct ones. With his two sacks against the season with 118 points, the
Who comes in if you give up on Redskins’ chance of trading up to fifth-round pick. But, in the impatient the Eagles, Redskins linebacker most by a Redskins player since
Shanahan after two years? It pick either Andrew Luck or l In ’09, to get Mark Sanchez burgundy-and-gold universe, as Brian Orakpo finished the year place kicker Scott Blanton and
would be Zorn-Search Fiasco II. Robert Griffin III is, according to with the fifth overall pick, the the weight-bearing walls along with a team-high nine and running back Terry Allen each
So, welcome to a real rebuilding history, quite poor. In the last 21 Jets gave up a first- and second- both lines of scrimmage are posted his second multi-sack turned in 118 during the 1996
— Ugly Squared — like most cities drafts, 25 quarterbacks have been round pick (17th and 52nd), plus assembled and support beams game of the season and the season. . . .
have endured. It’s losing on New picked in the top six overall; only four players, including a starting are added at skill positions, it’s sixth of his career. Brandon Banks caught his
Year’s Day, for 11 defeats in 13 four were acquired by teams that defensive end and starting going to feel like an eternity Orakpo, who has led the first pass of the season. . . . With
games, after squandering a lead at traded up to grab them. Many defensive back. before the ultimate architecture team in sacks in each of the last four catches, wide receiver
home on Christmas Eve to the want to do the trade-up dance for That’s the whole list: No can be judged. Until then, look three seasons, also became the Jabar Gaffney finished the
awful, injured Vikings. a franchise quarterback; but few bargains, huge cost and the Leaf away from the shack of ’11, now first Redskins player in 22 years season with 68, setting a new
After the game, Moss whistled ever want to be your partner. catastrophe. squashed flat and, finally, to record at least eight sacks in career high.
by his locker, the same six notes For those four, the prices that Shanahan has made it clear suitable for forgetting. three consecutive seasons. — Rick Maese, Mike Jones
over and over. A holiday tune? were extorted would be a ransom that he won’t draft a quarterback Former great Dexter Manley and Barry Svrluga


1st downs 21 24
Redskins 0 0 7 3 10 1st downs/rushing
1st downs/passing
22/45 256
24/39 335

E.Royster 20 113 0 28 D.Lewis 12 58 1 20

Eagles 3 7 3 21 34 1st downs/penalty

3rd-down eff.
4th-down eff.
6-16-38% 5-11-45%
0-2-0% 0-0-0%
1 12
4 5
6 14
1 3


Plays Avg. Total net yards E.Royster 5 52 0 16 J.Maclin 8 105 0 29
Comp. pct. 48.9 61.5
WAS 71 5.3 377 Sacked-yards lost 1-9 2-20 J.Gaffney 4 28 0 13 B.Celek 6 86 1 30
PHI 60 6.5 390 S.Moss 3 45 0 22 D.Jackson 4 86 1 62
KOs-end zone-TBs 3-2-1 7-6-5
D.Young 3 32 0 20 J.Avant 4 42 0 16
Net passing yards Punts-average 5-36.6 4-50.3
R.Helu 2 48 1 47 C.Harbor 1 9 0 9
WAS 46 5.4 247 Punt returns 2--1 2-32
L.Paulsen 2 29 0 22 C.Hall 1 7 1 7
PHI 41 7.7 315 Kickoff returns 2-53 2-43
B.Banks 1 10 0 10 R.Brown 0 0 0 0
Int.-return yards 1-28 1-31
D.Stallworth 1 8 0 8 PUNTING NO AVG I20 LG
Net rushing yards Penalties-yards 6-71 8-75
T.Austin 1 4 0 4 C.Henry 4 50.3 1 56
WAS 25 5.2 130 Fumbles-lost 1-0 1-1
A.Armstrong 0 0 0 0
PHI 19 3.9 75 Red-zone eff. 0-3-0% 3-5-60% PUNT RETURNS NO AVG TD LG
N.Paul 0 0 0 0
Attendance: 69,144
C.Hall 2 16.0 0 30
Time of possession PUNTING NO AVG I20 LG
WAS 30:41 S.Rocca 5 36.6 2 53
C.Hall 2 21.5 0 24
B.Banks 2 -0.5 0 2
K.Clayton 6-1 0.0 0 0
KO RETURNS NO AVG TD LG N.Allen 4-1 0.0 1 0
REDSKINS’ DRIVES EAGLES’ DRIVES B.Banks 2 26.5 0 38 C.Matthews 4-1 0.0 0 0
1 13:39 Punt WAS 20 3 5 WAS 25 Punt 1 15:00 Kickoff PHI 20 3 -4 PHI 16 Punt D.Gomes 4-0 0.0 0 0 J.Jarrett 3-0 0.0 0 0
B.Westbrook 4-0 0.0 0 0 Rodgers-Cro-
2 10:29 Kickoff WAS 20 7 37 PHI 43 Punt 2 12:10 Punt WAS 47 5 31 WAS 16 FG 3-0 0.0 0 0
L.Fletcher 3-1 0.0 0 0
3 4:19 Punt WAS 6 4 24 WAS 30 Punt 3 6:53 Punt PHI 17 6 21 PHI 38 Punt martie
B.Orakpo 3-0 2.0 0 1
N.Asomugha 3-0 0.0 0 0
4 13:34 Punt WAS 20 3 19 WAS 39 Int. 4 2:05 Punt PHI 19 7 25 PHI 44 Punt D.Hall 3-0 0.0 0 0
R.Jackson 3-0 0.0 0 0 D.Tapp 2-1 0.0 0 0
5 10:38 Punt WAS 30 10 52 PHI 18 Block FG 5 12:12 Int. PHI 28 3 0 PHI 28 Punt
P.Riley 2-1 0.0 0 0 T.Cole 2-0 1.0 0 0
6 1:44 Kickoff WAS 20 6 45 PHI 35 Downs 6 5:53 Block FG PHI 35 8 65 WAS 7 TD
O.Atogwe 2-1 0.0 1 0 J.Hanson 2-0 0.0 0 0
7 0:35 Fumble PHI 17 5 10 PHI 15 Half 7 0:44 Downs PHI 35 1 -15 PHI 35 Fumble R.Kerrigan 2-0 0.0 0 0 D.Landri 2-0 0.0 0 0
8 15:00 Kickoff WAS 20 8 80 PHI 47 TD 8 10:29 Kickoff PHI 26 13 72 WAS 2 FG K.Fox 1-1 0.0 0 0 J.Babin 1-1 0.0 0 0
9 4:05 Kickoff WAS 20 11 71 PHI 9 FG 9 13:24 Kickoff PHI 20 3 80 PHI 38 TD J.Wilson 1-0 0.0 0 0 B.Rolle 1-1 0.0 0 0
10 12:01 Kickoff WAS 20 4 -4 WAS 16 Punt 10 10:10 Punt WAS 35 1 0 WAS 35 Int. D.Scott 1-0 0.0 0 0 J.Parker 1-0 0.0 0 0
B.Cofield 1-0 0.0 0 0
11 9:51 Int. WAS 30 3 2 WAS 32 Punt 11 9:00 Punt PHI 35 6 65 WAS 4 TD T.Laws 1-0 0.0 0 0
S.Bowen 1-0 0.0 0 0
12 5:56 Kickoff WAS 33 4 7 WAS 40 Downs 12 5:06 Downs WAS 40 6 40 WAS 9 TD J.Chaney 1-0 0.0 0 0
A.Carriker 1-0 0.0 0 0
13 1:56 Kickoff WAS 27 5 29 WAS 48 Game B.Hughes 0-1 0.0 0 0


Philadelphia, 10:29 Philadelphia, 1:44 Washington, 10:29 Washington, 13:24
Henery 35-yard field goal Hall 7-yard pass from Vick (Henery kick) Helu 47-yard pass from Grossman (Gano kick) Gano 27-yard field goal
Wash. Phila. Wash. Phila. Philadelphia, 4:05 Philadelphia, 12:01
Points 0 3 Points 0 7 Henery 20-yard field goal Jackson 62-yard pass from Vick (Henery kick)
First downs 3 5 First downs 8 6 Philadelphia, 5:56
Offensive plays-total net yards 14-66 17-86 Offensive plays-total net yards 23-136 15-57 Wash. Phila. Celek 4-yard pass from Vick (Henery kick)
Rushing plays-net yards 6-10 4-2 Rushing plays-net yards 7-60 3-10 Points 7 3
Philadelphia, 1:56
Att.-Comp.-Int. 8-5-0 12-6-0 Att.Comp.-Int. 16-7-1 11-7-0 First downs 7 5
Lewis 9-yard run (Henery kick)
Sacked-yards lost 0-0 1-5 Sacked-yards lost 0-0 1-15 Offensive plays-total net yards 15-132 12-57 Wash. Phila.
Net yards passing 56 84 Net yards passing 76 47 Rushing plays-net yards 6-23 4-4 Points 3 21
Fumbles-lost 0-0 0-0 Fumbles-lost 0-0 1-1 Att.-Comp.-Int. 9-8-0 8-5-0 First downs 3 8
Time of possession 7:19 7:41 Time of possession 7:42 7:18 Sacked-yards lost 0-0 0-0 Offensive plays-total net yards 19-43 16-190
Net yards passing 109 53 Rushing plays-net yards 6-37 8-59
Fumbles-lost 0-0 0-0 Att.-Comp.-Int. 12-2-0 8-6-1
Time of possession 8:36 6:24 Sacked-yards lost 1-9 0-0
Net yards passing 6 131
Fumbles-lost 1-0 0-0
Time of possession 7:04 7:56


SEPT. 11 SEPT. 18 SEPT. 26 OCT. 2 OCT. 16 OCT. 23 OCT. 30 NOV. 6 NOV. 13 NOV. 20 NOV. 27 DEC. 4 DEC. 11 DEC. 18 DEC. 24 JAN. 1
Redskins 28, Redskins 22, Cowboys 18, Redskins 17, Eagles 20, Panthers 33, Bills 23, 49ers 19, Dolphins 20, Cowboys 27, Redskins 23, N.Y. Jets 34, Patriots 34, Redskins 23, Vikings 33, Eagles 34,
Giants 14 Cardinals 21 Redskins 16 Rams 10 Redskins 13 Redskins 20 Redskins 0 Redskins 11 Redskins 9 Redskins 24 OT Seahawks 17 Redskins 19 Redskins 27 Giants 10 Redskins 26 Redskins 10

Rice, Baltimore run to division title Playoff field is set

RAVENS 24, after final Sunday
Cincinnati ends up
yields wild results
with wild-card berth BY G ENE W ANG With the Ravens (12-4) win-
AND M ARK M ASKE ning, the result of Pittsburgh’s
game against Cleveland was all
BY J EFF Z REBIEC The New York Giants won but meaningless. The Steelers
their way into the NFL playoffs (12-4) wound up beating their
cincinnati — With two electric Sunday night, beating the Dallas AFC North rival, 13-9, and are
runs by Ray Rice, the Baltimore Cowboys to seize the NFC East the No. 5 seed, but lost the tie-
Ravens secured the third AFC crown at the end of a day in breaker to Baltimore, which
North title in team history Sun- which two AFC teams lost their swept the season series from the
day and satisfied their season- way into the postseason field. Steelers.
long goal of getting a first-round The Giants got three touch- The New England Patriots se-
bye in the playoffs and at least one down passes from quarterback cured the No. 1 seed in the AFC,
home game. Eli Manning en route to a 31-14 and home-field advantage
Rice’s 51-yard touchdown run, triumph over the Cowboys. The throughout the playoffs, with a
his second of the night, with just 5 Giants won the division with a 49-21 victory over Buffalo. The
minutes 41 seconds to play broke record of 9-7, a game in front of Patriots (13-3) finished the regu-
open a tight game and pushed the the Cowboys and Philadelphia lar season with eight wins in a
Ravens to a 24-16 victory in front Eagles. row, and Tom Brady’s 5,235
of an announced 63,439 at chilly “NFC East champions — yards passing were the second
Paul Brown Stadium. that’s a great thing to hear,” Gi- most in NFL history for one
Rice, who scored on a 70-yard ants Coach Tom Coughlin said. season.
touchdown run on the Ravens’ Earlier Sunday, the Baltimore The top-seeded Green Bay
fourth offensive play, finished Ravens claimed the No. 2 seed in Packers (15-1), who clinched the
with 191 yards rushing on 24 the AFC playoffs and the North No. 1 seed and a first-round bye
carries. His 15 total touchdowns division title with a 24-16 victory last week, beat the Detroit Lions,
set a Ravens single-season record. over the Cincinnati Bengals, 45-41, despite five touchdowns
Trailing 24-16, the Bengals got earning a first-round bye and and 520 yards passing by Lions
the ball back with one minute five ensuring that a potential game quarterback Matthew Stafford,
seconds to go. They had two shots against the rival Pittsburgh The loss, coupled with Atlan-
at the end zone, but both Andy Steelers would be played at M&T ta’s 45-24 win over Tampa Bay,
Dalton passes were incomplete. Bank Stadium, where they were made Detroit (10-6) the sixth
The Ravens (12-4) celebrated 8-0 this regular season. seed. Detroit will play at New
their first 6-0 record against the The Ravens’ Torrey Smith tries to fend off the Bengals’ Adam Jones in the first half in Cincinnati. In the AFC West, with another Orleans (13-3) in the first round.
AFC North in team history and division title up for grabs, the The Saints clobbered Carolina,
their first division title since tackle by safety Ed Reed for the tors in the Ravens’ four road loss- with rib and thigh injuries, got to Tim Tebow-led Denver Broncos 45-17, behind five touchdowns
2006, which was the last time the touchdown, which cut the Ra- es coming into the game was that the second level, leaving Rice backed into the No. 4 seed, and 389 yards passing from
Ravens had a home game in the vens’ lead to 17-10. they had gotten off to slow starts. with plenty of room to run. despite losing to the Kansas City quarterback Drew Brees, who
playoffs and a first-round bye. Another extended Bengals That wasn’t an issue Sunday. On the play, the Ravens got Chiefs, 7-3, when the Oakland finished the season with an
The Bengals (9-7) made the drive on their next possession The Ravens needed just four safety Reggie Nelson to bite on a Raiders fell to the San Diego NFL-record 5,476 yards passing.
playoffs anyway as a wild-card resulted in Mike Nugent’s 46-yard plays to take a 7-0 lead as Rice fake end around to rookie wide Chargers, 38-26. But the Saints drew the third
team, after losses by the New York field goal, which cut the Ravens’ offered another signature long receiver Torrey Smith, so there Denver (8-8) claimed a first- seed when San Francisco (13-3)
Jets and Denver Broncos. lead to 17-13 with 12:35 to play in run to his resume. He took a was nobody to bring down Rice round home game by virtue of a outlasted St. Louis, 34-27, to
The Ravens held a 17-3 lead at the fourth quarter. Flacco handoff and burst through once he reached the secondary. tiebreaker over Oakland and claim a first-round bye as the
halftime and forced punts on the Still trailing by four, the Ben- a hole on the right side, not stop- Leading 7-0, the Ravens forced San Diego and will host Pitts- No. 2 seed and NFC West cham-
first two Bengals drives of the gals again got into Ravens territo- ping until he reached the end a three-and-out and again drove burgh next weekend. pion.
third quarter. But after Cincinna- ry, but linebacker Terrell Suggs zone on a 70-yard touchdown run. into Bengals territory thanks to a The Raiders’ loss also pushed The fifth-seeded Falcons
ti got the ball on the Ravens 48, leveled tight end Jermaine Gresh- Rice’s 11th rushing touchdown 39-yard Flacco completion to the Bengals (9-7) into the play- (10-6) will visit New York in the
Dalton hit Jerome Simpson for am from behind, jarring the ball this season and his 14th overall tight end Dennis Pitta. Two more offs as the sixth seed even first round.
two 10-yard completions and loose. Safety Bernard Pollard re- was perfectly executed, starting completions set up Billy Cundiff though Cincinnati’s comeback
then Bernard Scott broke free for covered it and and three plays with a great block by right guard for a 42-yard field goal and a 10-0 fell short against Baltimore. Cin-
a 25-yard touchdown run. later, Rice scored on his 51-yard Marshal Yanda on Bengals line- lead with 6:45 left in the third cinnati will go on the road to
Scott sprinted past Ray Lewis run. backer Rey Maualuga. Yanda, quarter. play Houston (10-6), the No. 3 Maske reported from East
and then broke free of an arm One of the common denomina- who was doubtful for the game — Baltimore Sun seed, in the first round. Rutherford, N.J.

No Rodgers? No problem, when Flynn fills in for Packers

regular season finale Sunday. straight road games to the Pack- plus touchdowns in a game. The
“Just think of all of the great ers, including the postseason. teams’ combined 971 net yards
PACKERS 45, quarterbacks that have come “We’re going to use this as passing broke the record of 906 set
LIONS 41 through here,” Flynn said. “It’s motivation,” Stafford said. “We this season in a Week 1 game be-
very humbling. I just thank every- had a chance and didn’t get it tween New England and Miami.
body around me and everything. I done, so we’ve got to get out there “Flynn played a great game,”
BY C HRIS J ENKINS couldn’t have done it, obviously, by and start making it happen. We’ve Stafford said. “Their guys were
myself. There’s weapons all got to get on a run here. That’s making plays all over the field and
green bay, wis. — With Aaron around me, and the line did a great what it’s all about in the playoffs, scoring points.”
Rodgers resting up for the play- job. It’s one of those games where getting hot and hopefully we can For Flynn, it was a huge day that
offs, Matt Flynn had to be ready to it got to a shootout, and we just get that going.” could eventually lead to a signifi-
run the Green Bay Packers’ of- kept having to match each other.” The Lions head to the playoffs cant payday. A seventh-round pick
fense. Was he ever. It was an ideal afternoon for the for the first time since 1999 as a out of LSU in 2008, Flynn already
With Rodgers bundled up on Packers (15-1), who got to rest wild card, but could have clinched had the attention of general man-
the sideline in cold and windy Rodgers and several other big- the No. 5 seed with a win. agers around the league after he
conditions at Lambeau Field, Fly- name players without losing mo- “This certainly wasn’t a throw- nearly beat New England last sea-
nn set franchise records with 480 mentum going into the playoffs. away game for us,” Lions Coach son while Rodgers was recovering
yards passing and six touchdowns Flynn barely got the Packers Jim Schwartz said. from a concussion.
— the final one to Jermichael Fin- past Matthew Stafford, who threw According to STATS LLC, it was “I’m excited to see what he does
ley with 1 minute 10 seconds left, for 520 yards with five touch- the first time in NFL history that in the playoffs,” Flynn said of
giving the Packers a 45-41 victory downs and two interceptions for opposing quarterbacks each Rodgers. Tom Brady is pumped after firing a touchdown pass to BenJarvus
over the Detroit Lions in a wild the Lions (10-6). Detroit has lost 21 threw for 400-plus yards and five- — Associated Press Green-Ellis for the Patriots, who will be the top seed in the AFC.


AREA Penn (6-8) Brooks 4-10 0-0 8, Belcore 1-4 0-0 2,
Cartwright 5-14 0-0 10, Rosen 5-13 1-1 11, Bernardini
Yale 63, Army 62
Buffalo State 82, Catholic 81 Syracuse (15-0) Christmas 0-2 0-0 0, Joseph 7-15 7-9 22,
Norfolk St. 71, Navy 65 Melo 6-7 0-0 12, Jardine 2-3 0-2 4, Triche 4-6 1-1 10, 2-5 2-2 7, Esprit 0-0 0-0 0, Kukoc 3-6 2-2 9, Dougherty 1-4 SOUTH MEINEKE CAR CARE BOWL COWBOYS .......................... 0 0 7 7 — 14
Carter-Williams 1-3 0-0 2, Resavy 0-0 0-0 0, Waiters 5-8 0-0 2, Cairns 0-0 0-0 0, Crocker 0-0 0-0 0, Jok 0-2 0-0 0, Georgia 67, Arkansas 57 In Houston GIANTS .............................. 7 14 0 10 — 31
EAST 3-5 13, Fair 6-6 4-4 16, Keita 0-0 0-0 0, Reese 0-0 0-0 0, Rennard 0-1 4-4 4, Lucas-Perry 0-0 0-0 0, Howlett 1-3 0-0 Kentucky 59, Florida 56 Texas A&M 33, Northwestern 22
Cincinnati 66, Pittsburgh 63 Tomaszewski 0-3 0-0 0, Southerland 3-5 1-2 8. Totals 2. 22-62 9-9 55. LSU 83, Mississippi 44 FIRST QUARTER
Duke (12-1) Mas.Plumlee 4-8 2-5 10, Kelly 7-12 0-1 18, SUN BOWL
Fairfield 72, Canisius 54 34-58 16-23 87. South Carolina 68, Alabama 42 NYG: Cruz 74 pass from Manning (Tynes kick), 4:57.
Rivers 3-8 2-2 8, Thornton 2-3 0-0 5, Curry 5-12 2-2 15, Tennessee 73, Auburn 52 In El Paso
DePaul (9-4) Melvin 9-18 5-9 23, Crockett 2-6 3-3 7, Utah 30, Georgia Tech 27 (OT)
SOUTH Faber 1-2 0-0 2, Kelly 1-5 2-2 5, Young 0-8 0-0 0, Clahar Cook 2-5 2-2 6, Gbinije 1-2 0-0 2, Hairston 2-3 1-2 5, MIDWEST SECOND QUARTER
Akron 67, Marshall 51 1-3 1-2 3, McGhee 1-1 0-0 2, Belcaster 0-0 0-0 0, Dawkins 2-7 1-2 6, Mi.Plumlee 4-6 2-2 10. 32-66 12-18 85 Illinois St. 62, Evansville 49 LIBERTY BOWL NYG: Bradshaw 5 run (Tynes kick), 13:27.
Clemson 65, ETSU 58 Robertson Jr. 2-4 0-0 4, Morgan 3-7 0-0 8, Kirk 5-6 4-4 14, Half: Duke 44-26. Three-pointers: Penn 2-13 (Bernardini Indiana St. 72, S. Illinois 66 In Memphis NYG: Bradshaw 10 pass from Manning (Tynes kick),
Duke 85, Penn 55 McKinney 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 25-62 15-20 68. 1-2, Kukoc 1-2, Belcore 0-1, Rennard 0-1, Jok 0-2, SOUTHWEST Cincinnati 31, Vanderbilt 24 1:09.
Hampden-Sydney 77, Washington & Lee 65 Halftime: SU 45-26. Three-point goals: SU 3-12 (South- Cartwright 0-2, Rosen 0-3), Duke 9-20 (Kelly 4-4, Curry Tulsa 72, Stephen F. Austin 53
3-7, Thornton 1-1, Dawkins 1-3, Gbinije 0-1, Rivers 0-2, FAR WEST FIGHT HUNGER BOWL THIRD QUARTER
North Carolina 102, Monmouth (NJ) 65 erland 1-2, Triche 1-2, Joseph 1-3, Carter-Williams 0-1,
Princeton 76, Florida A&M 61 Jardine 0-1, Tomaszewski 0-3), DePaul 3-18 (Morgan Cook 0-2). Reb: Penn 29 (Brooks 6), Duke 47 (Mas. Gonzaga 92, St. Francis (Pa.) 50 In San Francisco DAL: Robinson 34 pass from Romo (Bailey kick), 6:54.
South Florida 67, Rutgers 65 2-5, Kelly 1-5, Melvin 0-1, McKinney 0-1, Young 0-3, Plumlee 14). Ast: Penn 10 (Rosen 4), Duke 20 (Cook 9). New Mexico St. 61, Shaw 53 Illinois 20, UCLA 14 FOURTH QUARTER
Crockett 0-3). Rebounds: SU 35 (Joseph 7), DePaul 32 CHICK-FIL-A BOWL
MIDWEST DAL: Robinson 6 pass from Romo (Bailey kick), 10:15.
(Melvin 8). Assists: SU 15 (Jardine, Waiters 3), DePaul
Evansville 76, N. Iowa 65 16 (Young 8). Total fouls: SU 15, DePaul 17. A: 12,102.
NO. 14 MARQUETTE 81, NO. 6 KENTUCKY 59, In Atlanta NYG: FG Tynes 28, 5:45.
VILLANOVA 77 Auburn 43, Virginia 24 NYG: Nicks 4 pass from Manning (Tynes kick), 3:41.
Marquette 81, Villanova 77 FLORIDA 56
Michigan 61, Minnesota 56 Attendance: 81,077. Time: 2:59.
Northwestern 68, Penn St. 56
NO. 5 N. CAROLINA 102, Villanova (7-7) Yarou 5-9 4-6 14, Pinkston 4-9 5-9 13,
UK (12-2) Walker 4-7 0-1 8, Mathies 5-11 2-2 14, Goss MONDAY‘S GAMES
Wayns 4-13 4-4 12, Hilliard 4-7 4-4 12, Cheek 2-10 1-1 6, COWBOYS GIANTS
S. Illinois 86, Illinois St. 71 MONMOUTH (NJ) 65 Johnson 1-2 0-0 2, Ouano 0-0 0-0 0, Kennedy 4-5 0-0 8, 5-10 0-0 11, Smith 1-7 4-6 7, Evans 1-4 2-2 4, Riley 1-3 TICKETCITY BOWL Rushing First Downs .............................. 3 3
Syracuse 87, DePaul 68 Yacoubou 3-6 0-0 8, Sutton 1-3 0-0 2, Bell 0-0 0-0 0. 0-0 2, Snowden 2-6 0-0 5, Pinkett 0-0 0-0 0, Conwright In Dallas Passing First Downs ............................. 16 16
Monmouth (NJ) (2-12) Myers Keitt 2-8 2-2 7, Ware 3-7 1-1 0-0 2, Drake 1-1 0-0 2, Henderson 1-4 0-2 2, Bishop
0-1 6, Waite 1-5 0-0 2, Nesmith 0-3 0-0 0, Steele 6-14 2-2 Totals 28-64 18-24 77. Penn St. (9-3) vs. Houston (12-1), Noon (ESPNU) Penalty First Downs ............................... 0 1
SOUTHWEST Marquette (12-2) J. Wilson 3-8 5-8 11, Crowder 4-9 0-0 0-3 2-2 2. Totals 22-57 10-15 59. Third Down Eff .................................. 4-12 7-15
17, DiLeo 2-3 0-0 4, Campbell 0-4 0-0 0, Nicholas 8-12 0-2 UF (10-4) Stewart 0-1 2-4 2, George 4-11 2-4 10, Bartley CAPITAL ONE BOWL
UTSA 86, Bowling Green 79 (OT) 22, Harris 0-4 0-0 0, Tillotson 3-5 0-0 7, James 0-0 0-1 0, 9, Johnson-Odom 8-18 4-7 24, Blue 2-5 3-8 7, Cadougan Fourth Down Eff ................................. 0-1 0-1
1-6 2-2 4, Bonds 4-11 1-2 10, Jones 1-7 0-0 3, Allen 6-12 In Orlando Total Net Yards ................................... 300 437
Wait 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 25-67 4-8 65. 1-5 4-6 6, Mayo 2-6 6-7 11, Anderson 0-0 0-0 0, D. Wilson
0-1 14, Madu 4-9 2-2 11, Vilaro Aragones 0-0 0-0 0, Shine Nebraska (9-3) vs. South Carolina (10-2), 1 (ESPN) Total Plays ............................................ 59 66
UNC (13-2) Henson 9-12 3-6 21, Barnes 7-13 3-3 18, 0-0 0-0 0, Gardner 6-9 1-1 13. Totals 26-60 23-37 81.
Halftime: MU 40-37. Three-point goals: UV 3-17 (Ya- 0-2 1-2 1, Svete 0-2 1-2 1. Totals 20-61 11-19 56. Avg Gain ............................................... 5.1 6.6
Zeller 4-5 0-4 8, Strickland 2-4 3-4 7, Marshall 1-2 4-6 6, OUTBACK BOWL
coubou 2-5, Cheek 1-7, Wayns 0-1, Pinkston 0-1, Half: UK 33-29. Three-point goals: UK 5-8 (Mathies 2-2, Avg Per Rush ....................................... 3.1 3.4
NORFOLK ST. 71, NAVY 65 White 0-1 1-2 1, Hubert 0-0 0-0 0, Hairston 6-11 0-0 16, Snowden 1-1, Goss 1-2, Smith 1-2, Bishop 0-1), UF 5-18 In Tampa
Simmons 0-1 0-0 0, Dupont 1-2 0-0 3, Watts 0-0 0-0 0, Johnson 0-1, Hilliard 0-2), MU 6-15 (Johnson-Odom 4-6, Georgia (10-3) vs. Michigan St. (10-3), 1 (ABC) Sacked-Yds Lost ............................... 6-38 2-15
Crowder 1-3, Mayo 1-4, Cadougan 0-1, J. Wilson 0-1). (Allen 2-4, Madu 1-2, Bonds 1-3, Jones 1-5, Shine 0-1, Yards-Pass Play ................................... 5.8 9.5
Norfolk St. Min FG FT O-T A PF Pts. Crouch 0-1 1-2 1, Cooper 1-1 0-1 2, Bullock 4-8 1-1 11, Bartley 0-1, Svete 0-2). Rebounds: UK 42 (Bishop 8), UF
McAdoo 2-7 4-4 8. Totals 37-68 20-33 102. Rebounds: UV 40 (Kennedy 12), MU 38 (Gardner 10). GATOR BOWL Kickoffs-Endzone-Tb ....................... 3-1-0 6-4-0
Tamares ................. 24 0-2 2-2 0-2 0 2 2 44 (George 11). Assists: UK 11 (Mathies 3), UF 11
Half: UNC 57-26. Three-point goals: Monmouth (NJ) Assists: UV 11 (Wayns 4), MU 17 (Cadougan 6). Total In Jacksonville, Fla. Punts-Avg. ..................................... 6-42.3 4-40.3
McEachin ............... 30 3-9 2-2 0-4 4 4 8 (Jones 4). Total fouls: UK 21, UF 18. A: 941.
11-27 (Nicholas 6-8, Steele 3-7, Tillotson 1-2, Myers fouls: UV 27, MU 21. A: 14,550. Florida (6-6) vs. Ohio St. (6-6), 1 (ESPN2) Penalties-Yds ................................... 7-43 3-28
O'Quinn .................. 27 7-11 3-4 4-11 3 1 17
Williams ................ 29 6-7 4-5 0-1 2 2 20 Keitt 1-3, Wait 0-1, Nesmith 0-2, Harris 0-2, Campbell Fumbles-Lost ...................................... 2-1 2-0
McCauley ............... 15 1-3 0-0 1-1 0 2 2 0-2), UNC 8-21 (Hairston 4-9, Bullock 2-6, Dupont 1-1, Time Of Possession ......................... 25:27 34:33
NO. 18 MICHIGAN 61, NO. 7 TENNESSEE 73, In Pasadena, Calif.
Johnson ................. 13 0-2 0-0 1-2 0 0 0 Barnes 1-2, Marshall 0-1, Crouch 0-1, White 0-1). None. Oregon (11-2) vs. Wisconsin (11-2), 5 (ESPN) RUSHING
Fuentes .................. 20 2-2 4-6 0-1 4 2 8 Reb: Monmouth (NJ) 26 (Tillotson 4), UNC 55 (Zeller 11). MINNESOTA 56 AUBURN 52
Assists: Monmouth (NJ) 18 (Steele 9), UNC 26 (Mar- FIESTA BOWL DAL: F.Jones 11-30, Morris 3-16, Romo 2-3. NYG:
Pugh ......................... 7 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 0 0 Tennessee (9-3) Manning 3-6 4-4 10, Johnson 5-9 4-5 14,
shall 11). Fouls: Monmouth (NJ) 28, UNC 9. A: 18,614. Minnesota (12-3) Williams 4-8 3-4 11, Sampson III 3-5 In Glendale, Ariz. Bradshaw 16-57, Ware 2-19, Jacobs 7-16, Manning 6-14.
Weathers ................. 2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Massengale 1-5 2-3 4, Simmons 6-15 7-8 20, Stricklen
0-0 6, Welch 3-7 2-2 11, Ahanmisi 2-7 1-2 7, Au. Hollins Stanford (11-1) vs. Oklahoma St. (11-1), 8:30 (ESPN)
Wheeless ............... 25 4-7 2-3 2-3 1 1 12 5-18 5-5 17, Burdick 0-3 2-2 2, Harrison 1-4 0-0 2, Baugh PASSING
2-6 0-0 6, An. Hollins 0-3 0-0 0, Osenieks 3-4 0-0 6,
Rogers ...................... 8 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 1 2 0-5 4-4 4. Totals 21-65 28-31 73. DAL: Romo 29-37-1-289. NYG: Manning 24-33-0-346.
Coleman 0-0 0-0 0, Armelin 3-7 0-0 7, Eliason 1-2 0-0 2.
Totals ................... 200 24-47 17-22 10-29 14 15 71 LOCAL RUNNING Totals 21-49 6-8 56. Auburn (8-6) Alverson 2-7 1-1 6, Hilliard 2-2 1-2 5, TUESDAY‘S GAME
Navy Min FG FT O-T A PF Pts. Michigan (12-2) Smotrycz 1-4 0-0 2, Morgan 3-6 1-4 7, Muhammad 3-11 0-0 7, Jennings 0-5 1-2 1, Simmons 0-0 SUGAR BOWL
Novak 3-9 2-4 9, Burke 8-11 9-11 27, Hardaway Jr. 2-14 0-0 0, Ouardad 0-0 0-0 0, Strain 0-1 0-0 0, Glymph 7-14 DAL: Witten 7-69, F.Jones 7-47, Bryant 6-70, Robinson
Loupos ................... 19 3-3 1-3 2-3 1 0 7 DC ROAD RUNNERS PREDICTIONS & In New Orleans
3-4 7, Douglass 3-6 0-0 9, Brundidge 0-0 0-0 0, Vogrich 2-2 21, Williams 2-5 0-0 4, Tanner 3-6 2-5 8, Davis 0-0 0-0 4-61, Austin 2-20, Fiammetta 1-14, Bennett 1-5, Morris
Avila ....................... 36 7-16 3-4 3-9 4 4 18 RESOLUTIONS Michigan (10-2) vs. Virginia Tech (11-2), 8 (ESPN)
0-1 0-0 0, McLimans 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 20-52 15-23 61. 0. Totals 19-51 7-12 52. 1-3. NYG: Cruz 6-178, Nicks 5-76, Hynoski 4-31, Brad-
Brickman ................ 28 3-7 0-0 0-1 3 4 7 In Arlington shaw 3-12, Pascoe 2-14, Beckum 2-13, D.Thomas 1-14,
Roberts .................. 14 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 3 0 Halftime: UM 23-19. Three-point goals: Minn. 8-19 Half: UT 31-29. Three-point goals: UT 3-16 (Stricklen
MEN 5K 2-9, Simmons 1-5, Burdick 0-1, Massengale 0-1), AU
Sugars .................... 37 4-13 1-2 3-4 3 1 11 (Welch 3-4, Ahanmisi 2-4, Au. Hollins 2-6, Armelin 1-1,
Connolly ................. 25 1-5 0-0 1-3 3 3 2 1. Edi Turco, Arlington, 17 minutes 52 seconds; 2. Kevin An. Hollins 0-1, Osenieks 0-1, Williams 0-2), UM 6-20 7-16 (Glymph 5-10, Alverson 1-2, Muhammad 1-4). ORANGE BOWL PUNT RETURNS
Wyatt ..................... 12 1-1 0-0 0-1 2 1 3 D’Amanda, Bethesda, 18:10; 3. Evan Warner, Falls (Douglass 3-4, Burke 2-2, Novak 1-6, McLimans 0-1, Rebounds: UT 49 (Johnson 13), AU 31 (Alverson 6). In Miami
Church, 18:55; 4. Henry Grossmann, Annandale, 19:21; 5. West Virginia (9-3) vs. Clemson (10-3), 8 (ESPN) DAL: Bryant 2-13, Harris 1-4. NYG: Blackmon 3-1.
Wynn ....................... 4 0-0 1-2 2-2 0 0 1 Vogrich 0-1, Smotrycz 0-2, Hardaway Jr. 0-4). Rebounds: Assists: UT 12 (Manning, Stricklen 3), AU 13 (Jennings
C Smith .................... 4 1-1 1-1 0-0 0 2 3 Mike Sanders, Washington, 19:51. Minn. 28 (Sampson III 10), UM 36 (Morgan 12). Assists: 7). Total fouls: UT 14, AU 26. A: 4,269. KICKOFF RETURNS
W Smith ................. 21 5-6 0-0 0-2 1 2 13 WOMEN 5K Minn. 16 (An. Hollins, Sampson III, Welch 3), UM 9 FRIDAY‘S GAME DAL: Harris 3-72, Bryant 3-55. NYG: Jernigan 2-35,
Totals ................... 200 25-52 7-12 12-28 18 20 65 (Burke 3). Total fouls: Minn. 18, UM 12. A: 12,721. D.Thomas 1-31.
1. Hiruni Wijayaratne, Herndon, 19 minutes 5 seconds; 2. COTTON BOWL
Dionis Gauvin, Washington, 20:32; 3. Win Persina, NO. 17 GEORGIA 67, In Arlington, Texas INTERCEPTIONS
Norfolk St. ..................................... 30 41 —71
Navy .............................................. 36 29 —65 Washington, 21:40; 4. Erica Holland, Alexandria, 21:54; CINCINNATI 66, ARKANSAS 57 Kansas St. (10-2) vs. Arkansas (10-2), 8 (FOX)
NYG: Rolle 1-(minus 1).
5. Betty Blank, Falls Church, 22:21.
Percentages: FG .511, FT .773. Three-Point Goals: 6-14,
Arkansas (11-2) Watkins 5-16 5-5 15, Berna 2-5 0-0 6, SATURDAY‘S GAME
UC (11-3) Jackson 3-9 0-0 6, Wright 3-10 0-0 7, Dixon Daniels 3-6 0-0 6, Robinson 2-6 0-0 5, Ricketts 6-15 1-2 BBVA COMPASS BOWL DAL: Bailey 52 (WL). NYG: Tynes 40 (WR).
.429 (Williams 4-4, Wheeless 2-3, Pugh 0-1, Weathers 6-14 0-0 13, Kilpatrick 7-18 0-1 19, Parker 7-11 3-5 21, 14, Peak 1-3 0-0 2, Hatcher 0-0 0-0 0, Townsend 0-0 0-0 0,
0-1, Johnson 0-1, McCauley 0-1, McEachin 0-3). Team TENNIS Davis 0-1 0-0 0, Guyn 0-1 0-0 0, Sanders 0-0 0-0 0, Gaines Gatling 2-3 0-0 4, Williams 0-3 0-0 0, Harris 1-8 1-2 3,
In Birmingham, Ala.
Rebounds: 3. Blocked Shots: 2 (Johnson, O’Quinn). Pittsburgh (6-6) vs. SMU (7-5), Noon (ESPN)
0-1 0-0 0. Totals 26-65 3-6 66. Bowen 1-2 0-0 2. Totals 23-67 7-9 57.
Turnovers: 10 (Fuentes 3, O’Quinn 2, Johnson, Williams, Pitt (11-4) Taylor 0-4 2-2 2, Patterson 4-10 2-2 13, NFL PLAYOFFS
BRISBANE Georgia (12-2) Miller 4-15 0-0 12, Armstrong 5-9 3-3 15,
Pugh, Rogers, Wheeless). Steals: 8 (Johnson 3, Pugh, Robinson 8-12 3-4 19, Wright 1-4 1-2 3, Gibbs 7-15 2-2 JAN. 8
James 0-4 1-2 1, Mitchell 4-8 1-2 12, Hassell 9-11 1-3 19,
Fuentes, Williams, Rogers, Wheeless). INTERNATIONAL 18, Epps 0-1 0-0 0, J. Johnson 1-5 2-3 4, Zanna 1-2 0-0 2, Donald 0-3 0-0 0, Willis 1-2 1-2 3, Ford 2-2 0-0 5. Totals GODADDY.COM BOWL SATURDAY’S GAMES
NAVY At Queensland Tennis Centre; In Brisbane, Australia Moore 1-3 0-0 2. Totals 23-56 12-15 63. 25-54 7-12 67. In Mobile, Ala. FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG
Percentages: FG .481, FT .583. Three-Point Goals: 8-24, Purse: Men, $486,000 (WT250); Surface: Hard-Outdoor Halftime: Tied 31-31. Three-point goals: UC 11-27 Half: UGa. 38-28. Three-point goals: Ark. 4-22 (Berna Arkansas St. (10-2) vs. N. Illinois (10-3), 9 (ESPN) at Houston ................. 3 Cincinnati
.333 (W. Smith 3-4, Sugars 2-8, Wyatt 1-1, Brickman (Kilpatrick 5-11, Parker 4-6, Dixon 1-3, Wright 1-5, Guyn 2-5, Ricketts 1-3, Robinson 1-4, Peak 0-1, Gatling 0-1, at New Orleans .......... 101/2 Detroit
1-4, Avila 1-5, Connolly 0-2). Team Rebounds: 3. Blocked SINGLES 0-1, Jackson 0-1), Pitt 5-19 (Patterson 3-6, Gibbs 2-7, Watkins 0-2, Harris 0-6), UGa. 10-18 (Miller 4-12,
Shots: 2 (Avila, Sugars). Turnovers: 12 (Sugars 4, Avila Taylor 0-1, Epps 0-1, Moore 0-1, Wright 0-1, J. Johnson Mitchell 3-3, Armstrong 2-2, Ford 1-1). Rebounds: Ark.
JAN. 9
2, Loupos 2, Wyatt 2, Brickman). Steals: 4 (Connolly 2, 0-2). Rebounds: UC 30 (Jackson, Parker 7), Pitt 44 39 (Watkins 9), UGa. 37 (Armstrong, Hassell, Mitchell
Brickman, Loupos). Denis Istomin, Uzbekistan, def. Florian Mayer (4), (Taylor 11). Assists: UC 14 (Wright 7), Pitt 14 (J. 7). Assists: Ark. 7 (Ricketts 4), UGa. 11 (Armstrong 5). In New Orleans at N.Y. Giants ............ 31/2 Atlanta
A: 1,312. Germany, 7-6 (5), 2-3, retired Johnson 5). Total fouls: UC 15, Pitt 13. A: 12,508. Total fouls: Ark. 13, UGa. 10. A: 2,736. LSU (13-0) vs. Alabama (11-1), 8:30 (ESPN) Pittsburgh .................. 71/2 at Denver

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