Blended Learning Lesson Plan Reflection

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan Reflection

Blended Learning Lesson Plan Reflection

Sam Houston State University

CIED 5383

Alexis Harrison

July 11th, 2022

Blended Learning Lesson Plan Reflection

Possible Reaction of Participants

Fair use and copyright are considered in the technology I embedded into my lesson plan

because I did my research and made sure the technology I embedded was in the public domain. All

of the technology that I gathered/ included was made into an original to make sure it was not

copyrighted. If something is used for education/school, it is up for fair use for students. Students

will practice fair use in this lesson because the information they gather will be used for educational

purposes. “Within the context of educational and classroom settings (including online classes),

copyright is a little more nuanced. There, even copyrighted material can be used if it’s for face-to-

face, instructional purposes and the educational institution is a nonprofit.” (Lagola 2021) If the

content was used for instructional purposes and students are not claiming it as their own and it can

be used. A few ways to protect students are limiting their exposure, using google tools settings, and

installing browser extensions.

Interpretation of Student Learning

The Learning objective for the lesson is “Students will be able to make a bar graph to

represent data.” I anticipate that the students may be more successful in gathering and graphing the

data than analyzing it. Graphing and data is a tough concept for students because they are not only

building their graph data but also have to take notes of their findings and analyze the data. After

taking polls and gathering data the students are able to connect the dots and graph their findings on

the chart. If explained effectively that will come easiest to the students. After the data is graphed,

some students may struggle because there are many things to take apart from the graph. Students

have to analyze a lot of information to answer the questions correctly. If the students do not

understand what they are reading on the graph they may struggle to analyze it.

Insight on Effective Instruction and Assessment

Blended Learning Lesson Plan Reflection

The successful outcome of the lesson would be gathering student data. Since the students

will be assessed in many ways during this lesson the teacher will be able to see where the student

may be achieving and or struggling. A potentially unsuccessful activity in the lesson may be

monitoring and making sure students are on task when using the technology. Since the teacher is

also pulling small groups during blended learning it may be hard to monitor if the students are on

task. Some students may try to look up things they are not supposed to or play games that are not

assigned. If the teacher does not have great classroom management skills this form of assessment

may not be effective.

Implications for Future Teaching

The lesson plan I chose was not a lesson revolving around blended learning. I would

redesign the lesson completely into a blended learning lesson to ensure its effectiveness. I would

divide the guided practice into centers where students can learn the concepts from different forms

of learning. I feel that students will be successful because of the differentiation of the lesson and

students will be able to learn at their own pace. Also, with a small group being added to the lesson

the students that may be having a hard time grasping the concept have an opportunity to learn it in

a smaller setting.
Blended Learning Lesson Plan Reflection


Lagola, K. (2021). A teacher's guide to copyright and Fair use. Edutopia. Retrieved July 12, 2022,


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