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Estimating the undrained strength of sand: a theoretical framework

Article  in  Canadian Geotechnical Journal · January 2011

DOI: 10.1139/t95-082


72 3,037

2 authors, including:

P. K. Robertson



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Abstract: A framework for estimating the ultimate undrained steady state shear strength of sand (S,)
from in situ tests, which combines the theory of critical state soil mechanics with shear wave
velocity measurements, is presented. For a particular direction of undrained loading, samples of a
given sand at a constant void ratio will reach the same S,, despite the magnitude of the initial
effective confining stresses. Unique S,lp' or S,/u: ratios for a given direction of loading exist for a
particular sand only if state parameter is constant throughout the deposit. Normalized shear wave
velocity, V,,, can be correlated with void ratio and is therefore used to estimate S, for a given initial
state and direction of loading. Strengths in triaxial compression are examined in this paper; however,
the same framework can be used to estimate strengths under other directions of loading. The
S,-V,, relationship is shown to be relatively sensitive and should be used more as a screening tool
rather than an accurate means of predicting S,. V,, is converted to equivalent values of SPT (NL)60
and CPT q,,, and the results are compared with the current methods of estimaiing S,.
Key words:in situ testing, liquefaction, sand, undrained strength.

RbumC : L'on prCsente un schbme de rCfCrence pour estimer la resistance au cisaillement non
drain6 ultime B 1'Ctat permanent du sable (S,) en partant d'essais in situ qui combinent la thkorie
de mCcanique des sols B 1'Ctat critique avec les mesures de,la vitesse de l'onde de cisaillement.
Pour une direction particulibre de chargement non drain& des Cchantillons d'un sable donnC a un
indice de vide constant va atteindre le m&meS,, quelles que soient les valeurs des contraintes
effectives de confinement. Des rapports uniques de SUlp1ou S,/u: pour une direction donnCe de
chargement n'existe pour un sable particulier que si le parambtre d'Ctat est constant B travers tout
le dCpBt. La vitesse normalisCe de l'onde de cisaillement, V,, peut &trecorrClCe avec l'indice de
vide et est en consCquence utilisCe pour estimer S , pour un Ctat initial et une direction de
chargement donnCs. Des rCsistances en compression triaxiale sont examinCes dans cet article;
cependant, le m&me schbme de rCfCrence peut &treutilisC pour estimer les rCsistances dans
d'autres directions de chargement. L'on montre que la relation S,-V,, est relativement sensible et
devrait &treutilisCe plus comme outil de sClection que comme un moyen prCcis de prCdire S,. V,,
est converti en des valeurs Cquivalentes de SPT (N,),, et CPT q,, et les rCsultats sont comparCs
aux mCthodes courantes d'estimer S,.
Mots cle's : essais in situ, liquefaction, sable, rCsistance non drainCe.
[Traduit par la rCdaction]

Introduction (CPT) resistance (Seed and Harder 1990; Robertson 1990;

Stark and Mesri 1992).
Conducting an undrained stability analysis of sand, such as This study presents a framework for estimating S,, com-
for postliquefaction conditions, requires a knowledge of bining critical state soil mechanics and shear wave veloc-
the ultimate undrained steady state shear strength (S,). ity measurements, assuming undrained loading with no
Provided that liquefaction will be triggered in a sandy pore pressure redistribution. Shear wave velocity mea-
slope, the great difficulty lies in deciding what value of surements are also converted to equivalent SPT and CPT
S, will best represent the particular conditions in the field. penetration resistance. As a result, the uniqueness of each
Current practice makes use of correlations between S, and of the current empirical methods for estimating S, using
standard penetration test (SPT) or cone penetration test field penetration tests is critically examined and the factors
that play a major role in the potential correlations between
S, and penetration resistance are investigated. In this paper,
S, is estimated based on the ultimate steady state line in tri-
Received June 6, 1994. Accepted April 27, 1995. axial compression; however, the same framework can be
C.E. Fear and P.K. Robertson. Geotechnical Group, used to estimate quasi-steady-state strengths or strengths
Department of Civil Engineering, 220 Civil-Electrical under other directions of loading. The terms critical state
Engineering Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, and steady state are used interchangeably in this paper,
AB T6G 2G7, Canada. after Been et al. (1991).

Can. Geotech. J. 32: 859-870 (1995). Printed in Canada 1 ImprimC au Canada

J ,
.Can. Geotech. J Vol 32, 1995
a .
Current methods for estimating S, of sand were obtained at ~ u n c a nDam using ground freez-
using penetration tests ing and subsequent coring. These undisturbed samples
were then tested in the laboratory to directly determine S,
Seed and Harder (1990) presented an empirical correla- of the sand. Although attractive, this approach can be
tion, based on the original work by Seed (1987), which expensive and is usually limited to large projects.
involved 17 case histories and provided a relationship
between S, and equivalent normalized SPT resistance, Proposed framework for estimat'
(N,),,, in clean sand. This relationship consists of upper S, based on shear wave veloci
and lower bound lines that present a dilemma to the geo- measurements
technical engineer. It is not uncommon to find that the
upper bound line will result in an acceptable factor of Determining S, from critical state soil mechanics
safety, whereas the lower bound line will suggest a poten- The collapse surface approach (Sladen et al. 1985) to liq-
tially unstable condition. Conservative practice often leads uefaction analysis resides within a critical state soil mechan-
engineers to use the lower bound line, which may result ics framework. The ultimate steady state line (SSL) for a
in unnecessary expenditures. given sand can be plotted in p'-q-e space (see Fig. la),
Stark and Mesri (1992) provide an alternative approach where e is void ratio and p ' and q are defined as follows:
to estimating S, and present a relationship between
undrained strength ratio and equivalent (N,),, in clean
sand. The undrained strength ratio is defined as the mobi-
lized S, divided by the initial vertical effective stress, o:.
This relationship is based on the Seed and Harder (1990) When this line in p'-q-e space,,is projected onto the
case histories plus three additional ones. The Stark and e-p' plane and the p' axis is plotte"d on a logarithmic scale,
Mesri (1992) relationship also consists of upper and lower the SSL can be approximated as a straight line over a given
bound lines. The work by Stark and Mesri (1992) followed stress range (see Fig. lb). The SSL in the e-p' plane can be
the approach taken by Jefferies et al. (1990), which sug- defined by two parameters, r and A,,. r is the void ratio
gested that the shear strength ratio was a function of nor- on the SSL at p ' = 1 kPa, and A,, is the slope of the SSL
malized CPT resistance. This idea was based on the view when the p ' axis is plotted 'on a natural logarithm scale.
that shear strength ratio is a function of state parameter The SSL in e-ln p' space is therefore defined as follows:
(JI) and the previous work by Been et al. (1986 and 1987), [3] e = r - A,, In(pr)
which proposed that state parameter was a function of nor-
malized CPT resistance. Within the critical state soil mechanics framework, it is
Robertson (1990) presented a review of the relation- possible to calculate S, for a soil with a given void ratio
ship between S, and normalized penetration resistance for when loaded in undrained shear, assuming no pore pressure
four sands using relative density correlations with SPT redistribution and therefore no change in void ratio. The
(N,),,, correlations between normalized CPT q,, and SPT concept (shown in Fig. 1) is that a sand which has an ini-
(N,),,, published data on steady state relationships, field tial state given by (p', q, e) and is loaded in undrained
studies, and large calibration chamber test results. Robertson shear will reach the same S, as the point on its SSL with the
(1990) found that Ottawa sand appeared to provide the same void ratio @:, q,,, e). Therefore, S, can be deter-
minimum steady state strength correlation and that the mined as follows:
correlation by Seed (1987) represented a conservative
lower bound correlation, especially at large values of (N,),,.
The other sands that were studied (Monterey, Ticino, and
Hilton mines) all possessed much higher values of S, at
a given penetration resistance than the Seed (1987) cor- where
relation would suggest, thus indicating that there appears to
be no unique relationship between S, and penetration resis-
tance for all sands.
Robertson (1990) also investigated the correlation
in triaxial compression (Wood 1990)
between normalized ultimate undrained strength (SJp')
and normalized CPT resistance (q, - p)lpf, based on state
parameter, as suggested by Been and Jefferies (1985),
where p' is the mean normal effective stress. Robertson
(1990) recognized that these correlations were approxi- in triaxial extension (Wood 1990)
mate in nature due to limited test data, but the results +isis the steady state friction angle;
clearly suggested the lack of a unique relationship for all Xi, is the slope of the SSL in e-ln p ' space;
sands, with Ottawa sand representing the minimum rela-
[61 $ = e - e,, (Been and Jefferies 1985)
tionship when compared with the other sands (Reid Bedford,
Hilton Mines, Oilsand, Ticino, and Monterey). JI is the initial state parameter;
The approach used to estimate S, at Duncan Dam (Byrne e is the initial void ratio; and
et al. 1994) was an alternative to the in situ penetration e,, is the void ratio of the point on the SSL with the
methods discussed above. High-quality undisturbed samples same p ' as the initial state.
Fear and Robertson
For a given sand (i.e., constant M and A,,), S, is a func- Fig. 1. Critical state soil mechanics concepts illustrated
tion of both initial state parameter, and initial p' because by ( a ) an e-p'-q diagram with ( b ) projections onto the
e-ln p' plane.
defining these two parameters for a given SSL determines
the void ratio of the sand. Rearranging eq. 4 produces the
following equation for SUlp1:

For a given sand under a particular direction of undrained

loading, SU/p1is solely a function of state parameter. The
maximum value of SU/p1for a contractant soil (i.e., 2 0)
occurs when = 0 and has a value equal to 0.5 M. On a
site-specific basis, a constant SUlprratio applies only if
the in situ consolidation line for the deposit is parallel to
the SSL on an e-ln p' plot, resulting in a constant state
parameter. In this sense, sand differs from clay. For clay, it
is reasonable to assume that the virgin compression line
(i.e., normally consolidated clay) and the SSL are rela-
tively straight and parallel in e-ln p ' space (Wood 1990).
As a result, all points on the virgin compression line have
the same state parameter and, therefore, a constant value of
SUlp1can be used for a particular normally consolidated
clay. Sand, on the other hand, can be deposited in numer-
ous ways, each producing a different consolidation line
that may or may not be parallel to the SSL. However,
experience with reconstituted sand samples in the labora-
tory indicates that the consolidation line for very loose
sands can be approximately parallel to the SSL (Cunning
1994). Therefore, a constant value of SU/p1may be rea-
sonable for very loose sands.

Estimating soil state from shear wave velocity

In a companion paper, drawing on the work by Robertson
et al. (1995), Cunning et al. (1995) have demonstrated that
soil state can be estimated from shear wave velocity mea- I I I I
p' = 1 kPa p'ss P'
surements using the following formula:

where V,, is in m/s and A,, has units of l/ln(kPa).

Similarly, combining eqs. 7 and 8 results in the fol-
where lowing equation relating SUlp1to V,,:
V,, is normalized shear wave velocity, in mls

Pa is 100 kPa and na = nb = 0.125, typically;

A and B are constants for a given sand, both in mls;
KOis the ratio of horizontal to vertical stresses; and Replacing p' in the left side of eq. 11 by the expression
a: is vertical effective stress. given in eq. 1 (substituting u: and KOu: for a', and u '3:
State parameter is therefore a function of soil type (A, B, respectively) results in a similar equation relating Su/u,
r, and A,,), KO,a:, and V,,.
Estimating S , from shear wave velocity
Combining eq. 4 with eq. 8 results in the following equa-
tion relating Su to V,,:
Can:Geotech. J. Vol. 32, 1995

Table 1. Material properties for sands used in this study. 'a;

Ottawa and Alaska sand (Cunning 1994) and Ottawa sand with added kaolinite
fines (R. Skirrow, personal communication)
Ottawa 30.5 0.926 0.032 385.5" 261.8
Alaska 36.5 1.485 0.117 319.5~ 178.7
Ottawa + 5% fines 29.5 0.809 0.029 c c
Ottawa + 7.5% fines 29.6 0.835 0.052 C c
Ottawa + 10% fines 29.4 0.930 0.103 c' c
~aolin~ 25 1.92 0.181 C c

Other sands (Sasitharan et al. 1994)

Erksak 30.9 0.82 0.013 L c
Toyoura ( p i , < 100 kPa) 30.9 0.938 0.004 C C

Lornex 35 1.1 0.022 C C

Brenda 35.9 1.112 0.042 c C

Syncrude 29.8 0.847 0.017 c c-

Nerlerk 30 0.885 0.014 C C

Leighton Buzzard 29.8 1 0.035 C c

"Range of 371-397 mls.

b ~ a n g of
e 314-326 mls.
'Use global values of A = 363 mls (range of 340-380 mls) and B = 235 mls.
$,, w e d by Atkinson (1993); A,, and r based on PI = 32%, Gs = 2.70, and formulae in Atkinson
d ,

Examining eq. 10, it is clear that for a given material under sand on an e-ln p' plot, relative to the ultimate SSLs for the
a particular direction of undrained loading (constant A, B, other sands from Sasitharan et al. (1994). It can be seen that
na, M, r, and A,,) and for a given KO,S, is uniquely a Alaska sand clearly represents an upper bound SSL up to
function of V,,. However, eqs. 11 and 12 show that nei- a p' approximately equal to 55 kPa (at which point, Lornex
ther S,lpr nor S,/u: is a unique function of V,,, even for a sand becomes the upper bound), while Ottawa sand is one
given material and KO.Rather, SUlp1and S , / u ~remain a of the lower bound SSLs.
function of u: as well. Table I also contains the material properties for clean
Ottawa sand with various amounts of added kaolinite fines
Application of the proposed approach from R. Skirrow (personal communication) and for kaolin
for two sands (i.e., fines content of loo%), based on Atkinson (1993).
R. Skirrow (personal communication) found that the SSL
Test program became steeper (i.e., larger A,,) as the fines content was
Ottawa sand and a compressible tailings sand from Alaska increased from 0 to lo%, but that the value of remained r
(herein referred to as Alaska sand) were selected for use in relatively similar to that for clean Ottawa sand. This can be
this study as they appeared to represent two extremes seen in Fig. 26. Pitman (1993) noted that the position of the
encompassing most sands that could be encountered in SSL for a particular initial stress ( p ' = 350 kPa) moved
practice. Laboratory data were available for both sands downwards as the percentage of fines added was increased
(Sasitharan 1994; Cunning 1994), and field data (SPT, up to 20%; however, the SSL moved back upwards as the
CPT, and V, logs) were available for Alaska sand. Ottawa fines content was increased above 20%. The position of
sand is a clean, uniform, subrounded quartz sand that is the SSL for kaolin (100% fines) in Fig. 2b, which is well
relatively incompressible. Alaska sand contains approxi- above that for Alaska sand, is consistent with this finding.
mately 30% fines (passing the No. 200 sieve), composed of When testing the two sands, Cunning (1994) found that
a large amount of carbonate shell material, which signifi- the best-fit values for (nu + nb) were 0.266 for Ottawa
cantly increases the compressibility of the sand. sand and 0.260 for Alaska sand. Although it appears that the
Table 1 presents the material properties for Ottawa and stress exponents are dependent on the type of sand, this
Alaska sand, together with the values for other sands as study adopted the historical value for (na +
nb) of 0.25
tabulated by Sasitharan et al. (1994). Note that the material as representing a generalized value that could be applied to
properties for Syncrude sand have been recently updated by all sands. This was divided equally with na and nb assigned
Cunning et al. (1995). Also note that the parameters r and equal values of 0.125. The values of A and B for Ottawa
A,, are significantly different for Ottawa and Alaska sand, and Alaska sand given in Table 1 are based on this assump-
reflecting the major differences in fabric and compress- tion and therefore differ from the values given by Cunning
ibility in hydrostatic loading (p'), respectively. Figure 2n et al. (1995) which were based on the sand-specific val-
presents the ultimate SSLs for both Ottawa sand and Alaska ues of (na + nb). Specific values of A and B were not
Fear and Robertson

Fig. 2. Steady state lines for Ottawa sand and Alaska +

Fig. 3. Relationship between SUlp1a5d ir? triaxial
sand compared with (a) other sands and (b) Ottawa sand compression for Ottawa sand and Alaska sand.
with fines and kaolin.

- -Clean Ottawa
- Alaska
- - - - - - - - - Toyoura(p'd00)
--- Lornex
- - - - - - - Syncrude
--- Nerlerk
- - - - Leighton

- -Clean Ottawa
- - - 5% fines
----- 7.5% fines contours of S, in triqial compression. These figures clearly
- - - - - 10% fines indicate that the value of-Vsl that acts as a dividing line
A l a s k a
between contractant and dilatant behaviour (i.e., IJ = 0) is
- - - - - - - - - Kaolin
not constant with a: (or depth). Rather, the dividing value
of V,, increases with depth for either sand. Except at low
values of a:, the dividing values, especially for Ottawa
sand, agree well with the values of 140-160 m/s suggested
by Robertson et al. (1992a). Shear wave velocity profiles
from the field could be superimposed over Figs. 4a and 4b
in order to evaluate the in situ state and estimate the range
available for the various sands tabulated by Sasitharan et al. of S, that could be expected in situ.
(1994), Ottawa sand with added fines, or kaolin. However, Figure 5 presents a plot of S, versus V,, in triaxial com-
global values of A and B were used for these sands (see pression for both Ottawa and Alaska sand. For a given
Table 1) since Cunning (1994) showed that most sands tend sand and a given KO,Su is a unique function of V,,. As KO
to fall within a certain band on a Vs,-e plot. These global increases, the Su-V,, line moves to the right as higher val-
values are also based on the assumption that (na -I- nb) ues of KOwill result in higher values of measured shear
has a value of 0.25. wave velocity. The shapes and locations of the lines for
Ottawa sand and Alaska sand are quite different. This is due
Results to the differences between the SSLs, reflected in A,, and r.
For a given state ($), a soil with a flat SSL (i.e., low value
Figure 3 presents the relationship between Sulprand state of X) will have a lower value of S, and be more brittle in
parameter in triaxial compression for both sands, based undrained shear. The Su-V,, relationship for Ottawa sand is
on eq. 7. This is a unique relationship for a given sand sharper and divides more distinctly between sand with
and is independent of both stress level and K,. The curve very little undrained strength and sand with high strength.
for 0ttawa-sand is much steeper, as a result of the flat- The relationship for Alaska sand is more gradual, indi-
ness of the SSL. Alaska sand, on the other hand, exhibits cating a slower, steadier increase in strength as V,, increases.
a more gradual decrease in shear strength ratio with increas- Thus, A,,, I?, and KOare three major factors affecting the
ing state parameter. Figure 3 indicates that S,,lprdecreases S,-V,, relationship.
with increasing $. However, for each type ofsand, there is Figure 6 compares the S,-V,, relationships in triaxial
likely a maximum value of $ beyond which the sand can- compression for Ottawa and Alaska sand to the other sands
not exist. This would correspond to a minimum possible tabulated by Sasitharan et al. (1994), for KOequal to 0.4.
value of S,,lpr. These figures illustrate that Ottawa and Alaska sands
~ i ~ u r e s - 4and
a 46 present plots of V, versus a: at a encompass most of the other sands on a plot of S, versus
KOof 0.4 for Ottawa sand and Alaska sand, respectively. V,,. In addition, it is clear that most of the other sands
Also shown on these plots are contours of V,, and, hence, have sharp S,-V,, relationships, similar to or sharper than
,, " . ,Can."Geotech. J. Vol. 32, 1995
Fig. 4. Contractant-dilatant boundary (JI = 0) compared
Fig. 5. Relationship between S, in triaxial compression and
with contours of V,,(or S , in triaxial compression) for V,, for Ottawa sand and Alaska sand for a range in KO.
(a) Ottawa sand and (b) Alaska sand.
VJ d s )
(a) 50 100 150 200

Fig. 6. Relationship bexweeri S, in triaxial compression

and V,, for other sands compared with Ottawa sand and
Alaska sand.

that for Ottawa sand. Alaska sand has a more gradual rela,
tionship than any of the other sands. This is because most
of the other sands plotted here have A,, values similar to that
for Ottawa sand, whereas the value for Alaska sand is an
order of magnitude greater. Comparing Leighton Buzzard
and Ottawa sand, which have similar values of XI,and +is
(see Table I), it can be seen that Leighton Buzzard sand,
which has a higher value of T, plots to the left of Ottawa
sand, although the lines for both sands have similar shapes.
The relative shapes and positions of the S,-Vs, relation-
ships for the various sands parallels the relative slopes
and positions of the SSLs in e-p' space for the various
sands (see Fig. 2a).
Figure 7 illustrates the effect of adding fines to clean would move back to the left and eventually, at 100% kaoli-
Ottawa sand on the relationship between S, and V,, in tri- nite, to approximately the location of the relationship for
axial compression, relative to clean Ottawa sand and Alaska kaolin. This would be consistent with the observation made
sand for KO = 0.4. Also included in Fig. 7 is the relation- earlier that the S,-Vsl plot parallels the SSL plot in e-p'
ship for kaolin. It can be seen that increasing the percent space (see Fig. 2b).
kaolinite from 0 to 10% moves the S,-Vsl relationship to
the right of the line for clean Ottawa sand. However, if larger Conversion of Vs, to SPT (N,),, and CPT q,,
percentages of kaolinite were added (greater than 20%) the To compare the proposed shear wave velocity method of
SSL moves upward to higher void ratios (Pitman 1993) and estimating S,, SUlpr,and S,,/o:with existing methods, V,,
it would be reasonable to expect that the Su-V,, relationship must be converted to equivalent SPT (N1)60and equivalent
Fear and Robertson
CPT q,,. Using a modified version of Yoshida et al. (1988)'s Fig. 7. Relationship between S, in triaxial compression
relationship between V, and N, the relationship between and V,, for Ottawa sand with fines and kaolin compared
V, and q, suggested by Robertson et al. (1992b), and nor- with Ottawa sand and Alaska sand.
malizing V, to V,,, N to (N,),,, and q, to q,, (see equa-
tions given in List of Symbols), the following conversion
equations were obtained:

where V,, is in units of m/s


where V,, is in units of m/s.

These relationships are only applicable to clean, unaged,
uncemented, predominantly silica sands. They can be com-
bined with eq. 10 to produce equations for estimating S,
from (N1),, and q,, for such sands, as follows:

where XI, has units of l/ln(kPa);

The constants in these equations reflect the compress-
ibility of the sand. Comparing the relationships for incom-
pressible sand with those for compressible Alaska sand,
it is clear that the Alaska sand equations will give lower val-
where q,, is in MPa and A,, has units of l/ln(kPa). ues of penetration resistance for the same value of V,,.
Similarly, the relationships can be combined with eqs. 11 The equation relating S, to for Alaska sand would be
or 12 to produce equations for estimating SJp' or SJa: the same as eq. 15 except that the constant 89.8 for Ottawa
from (N,),, and q,,. sand would be replaced by the constant 113 for Alaska sand.
Similarly, the equation relating S, to q,, for Alaska sand
The effect of compressibility on V,,-(N,),, and would be the same as eq. 16 except that the constant 102
V,,-q,, correlations for Ottawa sand would be replaced by the constant 135
Compressibility will not significantly affect the measured for Alaska sand.
shear wave velocity, since shear waves do not compress
the sand, but it can greatly affect the SPT and CPT pene- Sensitivity of the proposed method to the input
tration resistance, since the more compressible the sand, parameters
the lower the penetration resistance, even at the same rel- The discussion presented thus far revolves around the
ative density (Robertson and Campanella 1983). It follows assumption that KO and the soil parameters +is, r, XI,, A,
that there cannot be a unique correlation between V , , and and B can be determined with certainty. However, in real-
(N,),, or between V,, and q,, for all sands, because of dif- ity, although each parameter will have a "best-fit" value, it
ferences in compressibility between sands. Equations 13 will also have a possible range of values because of the
and 14 should be reasonably applicable to Ottawa sand uncertainty associated with estimating its true value. Careful
since it is a relatively incompressible, clean, quartz sand. laboratory testing and good field estimates of KO can min-
However, since Alaska sand is very compressible, the same imize uncertainties. All of the graphs presented thus far
equations are not applicable. have only shown the results based on the "best-fit" values
Shear wave velocity, SPT, and CPT profiles were avail- of +is, r, XI,,,A, and B for the two particular sands. How-
able from the tailings sand site in Alaska. Examining these ever, the possible degrees of inaccuracy associated with
profiles, site-specific relationships linking shear wave these parameters will translate into bands rather than unique
velocity to the SPT and CPT in Alaska sand were deter- lines on the various plots relating S, to shear wave veloc-
mined to be as follows: ity and penetration resistance. As shown in Fig. 6, for
sands with flat SSLs, such as Ottawa sand, the S,-V,, rela-
tionship based on the best-fit values is already relatively
sensitive. Any degree of uncertainty associated with the
input parameters will only serve to accentuate this sensi-
tivity. The best that can be achieved for these sands is to
determine whether the field profiles fall below or above
> s

''Can Geotech. J. Vol. 32, 1995

Fig. 8. Relationship between S, in triaxial compression Fig. 5 together with eq. 13 for clean Ottawa sand and
and (N1)60for Ottawa sand and Alaska sand compared eqs. 13 (the incompressible correlation, referred to as
with data from Duncan Dam and results from Seed and Alaska (I)) and 17 (accounting for compressibility, referred
Harder (1990). to as Alaska (C)) for Alaska sand. The other sands tabulated
by Sasitharan et al. (1994) and Ottawa sand with the var-
ious percentages of kaolinite cannot be included here, since
no data are available to allow for a conversion from VsI
to (N1)60in such materials. However, it would seem rea-
sonable to hypothesize that the S,-(N,),, lines for Ottawa
sand plus kaolinite would plot to the left of clean Ottawa
sand, since one would expect to record lower blow counts
in a material with a higher fines content.
Results from the investigation into the stability of Duncan
Dam are also shown in Fig. 8. The site investigation results
for Duncan Dam indicated an increase in (N1)60with
increasing vertical effective stress in the sand zone in
which liquefaction was predicted to be triggered by the
design earthquake (Pillai and Stewart 1994). Postcyclic
undrained monotonic simple shear testing of frozen undis-
turbed samples of this sand indicated that a constant ratio
of S,/U: of 0.21 was applicable (Pillai and Salgado 1994).
Combining the field and lab results allowed the relationship
between S, and (N,),, to be plotted as shown in Fig. 8.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Although the testing involved a different direction of load-
(Nl)60determined from V,, ing, the relationship for Duncan Dam is clearly similar to
the results of this study, having a similar shape and loca-
tion on the plot and, in particular, showing S, to increase
the band in order to determine whether or not undrained sta- with increasing (N1)60at a similar rate as the triaxial com-
bility will be an issue. The effects will be less significant pression relati~nsh~ps for Ottawa and Alaska sand.
for sands with steep SSLs, such as Alaska sand, which Superimposed on Fig. 8, for purpose of comparison,
have a less sensitive S,-V,, relationship in the first place. are the upper and lower bound lines relating S, to (N1)60
from Seed and Harder (1990). There is a relationship
Other considerations between S, and (N,),,, as Seed and Harder were suggesting;
This study has considered S, determined from triaxial com- however, this relationship is unique only for a given sand
pression loading and has presented a framework to esti- and a given KO condition. This study has shown that KO
mate the magnitude of S, from the ultimate SSL using plays an important role in the S,-(N,),, relationship for
shear wave velocity. The ultimate SSL and S, in triaxial any given sand and that the differences in compressibil-
compression are independent of initial fabric, since the ity and fabric between Ottawa sand and Alaska sand result
soil is remoulded by the time steady state is reached. Some in very different relationships. The empirical plot by Seed
argue that the quasi-steady-state (QSS) strength is more and Harder (1990) incorporates 17 case histories involving
critical for stability analyses than the steady state strength different types of sand and likely involving different con-
(Ishihara 1993). Some research has also suggested that the ditions of KO. Hence, the framework presented in this study
SSL is lower, and hence S, would be significantly smaller can account for the scatter in the Seed and Harder (1990)
in triaxial extension than triaxial compression (Vaid et al. plot by attributing it in part to variations in compressibil-
1990; Negussey and Islam 1994). Nevertheless, the frame- ity, fabric, and KO amongst the various case histories. The
work presented in this paper is still valid. If one were Seed and Harder (1990) lines appear much flatter than
interested in QSS or S, in extensional loading, the same both the results from this study and those for Duncan Dam,
procedure could be used to estimate the undrained strength, thereby predicting much lower strengths for high values
given that the parameters r, A,,, and +I,were determined of (N,),,. It is possible that other factors that have not
for the quasi-steady-state line (QSSL) in compression or been taken into account in this study, such as pore pressure
either the SSL or QSSL in extension. Note that the value redistribution or the effects of other directions of loading,
of M is a function of the direction of loading and that may be responsible for the differences between the Seed and
lower ultimate strengths will be predicted for loading in Harder (1990) lines derived from case histories and the
extension than in compression even for the same SSL in results of this study.
e-ln p' space. The plot by Seed and Harder (1990) is for the equivalent
SPT (N,),, in clean sand. Thus, for the case histories in
Comparison with the current methods sand with fines, a fines content correction was applied to
of estimating S, increase the value of the measured (N,),, to reflect what the
equivalent (N,),, would be in clean sand. The fines content
Figure 8 presents the results of S, in triaxial compression corrections (ANI) suggested by Seed (1987) were ANl =
versus equivalent (N,),, determined using the results of 1, 2, 4, and 5 for fines contents of 10, 25, 50, and 75%,
\ 1

Fear and Robertson / I \ 867

Fig. 9. Relationship between Su/a: in triaxial compression Fig. 10. Relationship between S, in triaxial compression
and (N1)60for Ottawa sand and Alaska sand compared and q,, for Ottawa sand and Alaska sand compared with
with results from Stark and Mesri (1992). results from Robertson (1990).
100 1OOO 10 OOO 100 000

0 5 10 15 20 25
determined from V,,

respectively. Seed (1987) explained that these were ten- histories, as in the Seed and Harder plot, but is also com-
tative values, but that judgement should be exercised in pounded by the fact that S J u ~and (N,),, are not related
applying the corrections due to differences between dif- by a unique relationship, even for a given sand and KO con-
ferent soils. Although not explained as such by Seed (1987), dition. Two case histories involving similar types of sands
it is felt by the authors that these correction factors were an and KO conditions, would not plot in the same place on
attempt to account for the increased compressibility of the plot if the stress levels were different. As for the Seed
sand with fines relative to clean sand. Looking at the results and Harder (1990) plot, Stark and Mesri's (1992) plot is for
of this study for Alaska sand, which has a fines content the equivalent (N1),O in clean sand. The same comments,
of about 31%, it can be seen that the difference between the outlined above, regarding the relationship between com-
Alaska (I) results and the Alaska ( C ) results varies with pressibility and fines content also apply here.
(N,),, and KO, but has an average A(N,),, of approxi- Figure 10 presents the results of S , in triaxial com-
mately 3. This is consistent with the correction factors pression versus equivalent q,, using the results of Fig. 5 and
suggested by Seed (1987). Note that, although fines content eq. 14 for clean Ottawa sand and eq. 18 for Alaska sand.
may be an indirect measure of compressibility, clean sands The other sands from Sasitharan et al. (1994) and Ottawa
may also be compressible. For these sands, such as clean sand with the various percentages of kaolinite cannot be
carbonate sands, seed (1987) would not recommend a cor- included here since no data are available to allow for con-
rection factor, whereas the method followed here would versions from V,, to q,, in such materials. However, it
directly incorporate the compressibility of the sand into would seem reasonable to hypothesize that the S,-q,, lines
the relationship between S, and (N,),,. for Ottawa sand plus kaolinite would plot to the left of
Figure 9 presents the results of S,/u; in triaxial com- clean Ottawa sand, since one would expect to record lower
pression versus equivalent (N1),@determined by combining cone tip resistances in a material with a higher fines content.
eq. 12 with eq. 13 for clean Ottawa sand and with eqs. 13 Superimposed on Fig. 10 are the results from Robertson
(the incompressible correlation, referred to as Alaska (I)) (1990), which he suggested were approximate in nature
and 17 (accounting for compressibility, referred to as due to the limited test data and the complex series of
Alaska (C)) for Alaska sand. For the reasons explained assumptions required. The results of this study and those
above, the other sands from Sasitharan et al. (1994) and from Robertson (1990) both indicate that there is a unique
Ottawa sand plus kaolinite are not included on this fig- relationship between S, and q,, for a given sand at a given
ure. Superimposed on Fig. 9, for purpose of comparison, are KO. The lines for Ottawa sand from this study and from
the upper bound, lower bound, and average lines relating Robertson ( 1 9 9 0 ) are both lower bounds for the given
Sulu; to (N1)60from Stark and Mesri (1992). It can be seen sands; however, there are some differences. The line for
that, contrary to the suggestion by Stark and Mesri, there Alaska sand falls in the range of other compressible sands
is no unique relationship between S,/u: and (N,),,. Although such as Hilton Mines tailings.
the 20 case histories in Stark and Mesri's plot appear to Figure 11 presents SUlp1in triaxial compression versus
follow a trend, there is a lot of scatter. This is likely due to normalized CPT penetration resistance, ( q , - p)lpl for
differences in compressibility, fabric and KO between case both Ottawa sand and Alaska sand calculated for KO = 0.5,
,! i

"Can beotech J. Vol. 3 2 , 1995


Fig. 11. Relationship between SJp' in triaxial compression Fig. 12. Contractant-dilatant boundary lines for Ottawa
and (q, - p)lpl for Ottawa sand and Alaska sand compared sand and Alaska sand compared with results from Baziar
with results from Robertson (1990). and Dobry (1995).
0 5 10 15 20

Assumptions for Ottawa and Alaska: GWT @ 1.0 m;Unit weight of soil = 18 kNIm3.

compressible with approximately 30% fines), a t a: <

since Robertson's (1990) results which are superimposed on 100 kPa. At higher stresses, the Baziar and Dobry (1995)
this figure were for a KOof 0.5. In general, Ottawa sand and line i s controlled by one case history (the Upper San
Alaska sand encompass several other types of sands and Fernando Dam) which had an average in situ measured
therefore represent two extremes of the types of sands that (N,),, of 13, as reported by Seed and Harder (1990). In
are likely to be encountered in practice. Robertson's (1990) fact, this case record did not represent a flow failure, as did
unique lines for each sand are based on the proposal by the other slope or embankment case records. Rather, the
Been et al. (1987) that there i s a unique relationship dam suffered only limited deformations, which were rela-
between state parameter and normalized CPT penetration tively small compared with the overall size of the dam.
resistance. The fact that the results of this study indicate a Therefore, if this case record is disregarded or if a lower
dependency on stress for the relationship between S,lf (NJ6, (closer to the minimum measured value) controlled
and normalized CPT suggests that the relationship between the observed defonnations, the Baziar and Dobry (1995) line
state parameter and normalized C P T resistance is not would remain between the lines for Alaska and Ottawa
unique. Sladen (1989) also questioned the uniqueness of sand up to approximately 200 kPa.
the relationship proposed by Been et al. (1987).
Figure 12 compares the results of this study with those Conclusions
by Baziar and Dobry (1995). Baziar and Dobry (1995)
compiled a data base of liquefaction case histories con- This study has combined critical state soil mechanics and
sisting of lateral spreads and failures of slopes or embank- shear wave velocity measurements in order to develop a
ments in saturated silty sands and sandy silts. These case framework that can be used to estimate the in situ ulti-
histories are shown as points on a plot of (N,),, versus mate undrained steady state shear strength of a sand. In
vertical effective stress in Fig. 12. Also shown in Fig. 12 the process, the range of values that can be expected to
is the upper boundary for large deformation potential in encompass most sands on plots of S, in triaxial compres-
saturated silt-sand deposits that Baziar and Dobry (1995) sion versus V,,, q,,, or (N1)60has been shown and has been
drew based on these case histories. This line is essentially attributed primarily to the location of the SSL in terms of
a dividing line between contractant and dilatant behav- l7 and XI, as well as KO.More compressible sands tend to
iour. Superimposed on Fig. 12 are the dividing lines (i.e., have larger values of A,,. In this paper, S,, was estimated
IJJ = 0) that would be predicted for Ottawa sand and Alaska based on the ultimate steady state line for very loose sam-
sand for a KO of 0.5, based on the framework presented ples tested in triaxial compression for each sand; however,
earlier. The results of this study appear to be consistent the framework developed here can also be used to esti-
with the findings by Baziar and Dobry (1995), as their mate undrained strengths at quasi-steady-state or in other
upper boundary line (for silt-sands) falls between the lines directions of loading. The plot of S,, versus (Nl)bOby Seed
for Ottawa sand (with no fines) and Alaska sand (very and Harder (1990) appears conservative when compared
\ \

Fear and Robertson I \- 869

with the results of this study, especially for compressible Been, K., Jefferies, M.G., Crooks, J.H.A., and Rothenburg, L.
sands loaded in triaxial compression with high values of A,, 1987. The cone penetration test in sands: part 11, general
and and for site conditions producing low values of KO. inference of state. GCotechnique, 37(3): 285-299.
Been, K., Jefferies, M.G., and Hachey, J. 1991. The critical
This study has also demonstrated that it is unlikely to
have a unique relationship between Su/o: and (N1)60,as state of sands. GCotechnique, 41(3): 365-38 1.
Byrne, P.M., Imrie, AS., and Morgenstern, N.R. 1994. Results
suggested by Stark and Mesri (1992), or between S U l p r and implications of seismic performance studies for Duncan
and normalized CPT resistance, as suggested by Jefferies Dam. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 31: 979-988.
et al. (1990). The empirical case histories do suggest such Cunning, J.C. 1994. Shear wave velocity measurement of cohe-
a relationship, in that the general trend is an increase in sionless soils for evaluation of in situ state. M.Sc. thesis,
S u / o : o r S U l p f as ( N , ) , , o r normalized C P T resistance Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta,
increases. However, encompassed in the empirical case Edmonton.
histories is the fact that the relationships are stress-level Cunning, J.C., Robertson, P.K., and Sego, D.C. 1995. Shear
dependent for a given sand, in addition to being depen- wave velocity to evaluate in situ state of cohesionless soils.
dent on compressibility and differences in KO between Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 32: 848-858.
sands. A constant SUlp1or Su/u: ratio can only be used on Ishihara, K. 1993. Liquefaction and flow failure during earth-
a site-specific basis for a particular direction of loading quakes. The 33rd Rankine Lecture. GCotechnique, 43(3):
when JI is a constant. 351-415.
Jefferies, M.G., Been, K., and Hachey, J.E. 1990. Influence of
Finally, the application of the proposed method relies
scale on the constitutive behaviour of sand. Proceedings of
on laboratory work to determine the parameters of the SSL the 43rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Laval University,
(+is, I?, A,,) and the parameters relating V,, to e for a par- Vol. 1, pp. 263-273.
ticular sand ( A and B). Although the method appears quite Negussey D., and Islam, M.S. 1994. Uniqueness of steady state
promising, it is not without drawbacks. The level of accu- and liquefaction potential. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,
racy in estimating S, using shear wave velocity may present 31: 132-139.
some problems and should be considered when applying the Pillai, V.S., and Salgado, EM. 1994. Post-liquefaction stability
method. If the SSL of a sand is relatively flat (A,, < 0.035), and deformation analysis of Duncan Dam. Canadian Geo-
it will not be possible to accurately determine S, using technical Journal, 31: 967-978.
shear wave velocity measurements or in situ penetration Pillai, V.S., and Stewart, R.A. 1994. Evaluation of liquefac-
testing. Note that this is the case for most of the uniform, tion potential of foundation soils at Duncan Dam. Canadian
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Pitman, T.D. 1993. Effect of fines and gradation of the col-
such sands, it will be possible to estimate the dividing
lapse surface of a loose saturated soil. M.Sc. thesis, Depart-
line, in terms of V,,, (N,),,, or q,,, between soil condi- ment of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
tions that will exhibit essentially little or no strength when Robertson, P.K. 1990. Evaluation of residual shear strength of
loaded undrained and soil conditions that will be able to sands during liquefaction from penetration tests. Proceed-
fully mobilize the steady state drained friction angle. Fur- ings of the 43rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Laval
ther complications when estimating Su from in situ tests University, Vol. 1, pp. 257-262.
are the possible effects of pore pressure redistribution after Robertson, P.K., and Campanella, R.G. 1983. Interpretation of
cyclic (earthquake) loading and the contributions of dif- cone penetration tests. Part I: sand. Canadian Geotechnical
ferent directions of loading. Journal, 20: 7 18-733.
Robertson, P.K., Woeller, D.J., and Finn, W.D.L. 1992a. Seis-
Acknowledgements mic cone penetration test for evaluating liquefaction poten-
tial under cyclic loading. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,
The authors would like to thank S. Sasitharan, J. Cunning, 29: 686-695.
and R. Skirrow for their time and effort spent determin- Robertson, P.K., Woeller, D.J., Kokan, M., Hunter, J., and
ing the soil parameters in the laboratory. Steffen, Robertson Luternauer, J. 19920. Seismic techniques to evaluate lique-
and Kirsten (Canada) Inc. kindly provided the field data faction potential. Proceedings of the 45th Canadian Geo-
for Alaska sand. C.E. Fear would like to gratefully acknowl- technical Conference, pp. 5: 1-5:9.
edge the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Coun- Robertson, P.K., Sasitharan, S., Cunning, J.C., and Sego, D.C.
cil of Canada for her NSERC 1967 Science and Engi- 1995. Shear wave velocity to evaluate in situ state of Ottawa
neering Scholarship and the Alberta Heritage Trust Fund for sand. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE,
121(3): 249-261.
her Ralph Steinhauer Award of Distinction. Sasitharan, S. 1994. Collapse behaviour of very loose sand.
Ph.D. thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
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. Vol. 3 2 , 1995
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ISOPT-1, Orlando. Balkema, Rotterdam, Vol. 1, pp. 381-387. raw shear wave velocity
normalized shear wave velocity, V,, = la^)""+"^
List of symbols fines content correction proposed by Seed (1987)
intercept of Vs, axis at e = 0 on a Vsl-e plot, in mls void r a t i o intercept of t h e S S L in e-ln p' o r
slope of Vsl-e plot, in mls e-log p' space at p' = 1.0 kPa
void ratio slope of the SSL in e-In p' space, in llln (kPa)
energy ratio of SPT, in % steady state drained fridion angle
void ratio on the SSL for the same p' as the initial major principal effective stress
state minor principal effective stress
ratio of ah to a: vertical effective stress
ratio of q to p' along the SSL = qsslpHs horizontal effective stress
stress exponent, typically = 0.125 state parameter, $ = e - ess
stress exponent, typically = 0.125

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