Bella Career Research Essay

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Isabella Dear Senior Exhibition

Marine Biologist

My chosen career is to be a marine biologist. I have not decided what type of marine
biologist I am wanting to be. It could be in a lab testing samples, or going out on adventures and
helping the environment, or much more. I mainly want to explore the ocean and help the
creatures that live under the sea. The research marine biologists gather lets us know so much
about the ocean.

However, there are a few skills that are needed to become a marine biologist. Some of
these skills consist of attention to detail, research skills, strong communication, and of course
problem-solving skills. These are some that will help me be a marine biologist.

Schools such as UC Santa Barbara and other UCs on the coast offer great marine
biology education plans. However, some of these universities require certain classes to be
taken before transferring or attaining a degree. For example, I need BIOL210 to go to UC Santa
Barbara and get a degree in biology. Even the class Zoology that doesn't have to do with my
future career, it still is mandatory course. Adding on, the cost of these schools is quite pricey,
but there are ways to pay for these expenses through FAFSA and California Grants. The pay of
a marine biologist is just enough but is considered low because of the cost of living in California,
especially near coastal communities. Marine biologist near the west coast earns around 89k per
year. There aren't many benefits other than living right on a beach and near labs. The starting
pay is about 60k, and you can increase your salary through longevity and hard work.

Another career like marine biology is environmental biology. It also has to do with saving
the planet, but deals more with pollution, global warming, and hazardous areas. Salary is
roughly the same. You need the same skills as being a marine biologist to help the Earth. The
difference is one is associated with the ocean, and the other is associated with land.

I would be very good at this job because I care for all animals and desire to help the
Earth. I enjoy notetaking, gathering data and giving reports. I would also love to be in the lab
testing out certain samples. I am very good at organizing and keeping a clean environment as
well as multitasking and I enjoy the water! I feel like this job would be a perfect fit for me since I
grew up wanting to have something to do with the ocean.

Works Cited
Isabella Dear Senior Exhibition

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