Jatiya Kabi Kazi Najrul Islam University MD Ali Hossain

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Jatiya Kabi Kazi Najrul Islam University

Illustrate the concept management with examples AND
Discussing how Management function can influence the on modern organization

Submitted to
Alvy Riasat Malik
Associate professor
Department of Human Resource Management


ID: 201327136
Section Summer -2020
Date : 28-08-2021

Course Title : Principal Of Management

Course Code : HRM-605
Concept of Management The term ‘management’ has been used in different
senses. Sometimes it refers to the process of planning, organizing, staffing,
directing, coordinating and controlling, at other times it is used to describe it as a
function of managing people. It is also referred to as a body of knowledge, a
practice and discipline. There are some who describe management as a technique
of leadership and decision-making while some others have analyzed management
as an economic resource, a factor of production or a system of authority.

Mary Parker Follett:

“Management is the art of getting things done through others.” Follett describes
management as an art of directing the activities of other persons for reaching
enterprise goals. It also suggests that a manager carries only a directing function.

Harold Koontz:

“Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in
formally organized groups.” Koontz has emphasized that management is getting
the work done with the co-operation of people working in the organization.

J.D. Mooney and A.C. Railey:

“Management is the art of directing and inspiring people.” Management not only
directs but motivates people in the organization for getting their best for
obtaining objectives.

As per the above mentioned definitions, management is the art of getting things
done through people who may be managers or non-managers. At the level of
chief executive, the work is got done through functional managers, at middle level
the things are implemented through supervisors and at lower level of
management through workers. Human and technical skills play an important role
for getting things done. These definitions represent the traditional view point of
management while workers are treated as a factor of production only. They are
paid wages for doing their work.

Following are the broad objectives of management:

1. Proper Utilization of Resources:
The main objective of management is to use various resources of the enterprise in
a most economic way. The proper use of men, materials, machines and money
will help a business to earn sufficient profits to satisfy various interests. The
proprietors will want more returns on their investments while employees,
customers and public will expect a fair deal from the management. All these
interests will be satisfied only when physical resources of the business are
properly utilized.

2. Improving Performance:
Management should aim at improving the performance of each and every factor
of production. The environment should be so congenial that workers are able to
give their maximum to the enterprise. The fixing of objectives of various factors of
production will help them in improving their performance.

3. Mobilizing Best Talent:

The management should try to employ persons in various fields so that better
results are possible. The employment of specialists in various fields will be
increasing the efficiency of various factors of production. There should be a
proper environment which should encourage good persons to join the enterprise.
The better pay scales, proper amenities, future growth potentialities will attract
more people in joining a concern.
4. Planning for Future:
Another important objective of management is to prepare plans. No management
should feel satisfied with today’s work if it has not thought of tomorrow. Future
plans should take into consideration what is to be done next. Future performance
will depend upon present planning. So, planning for future is essential to help the

Scope or Branches of Management:

Management is an all pervasive function since it is required in all types of
organized endeavour. Thus, its scope is very large.

The following activities are covered under the scope of management:

(i) Planning,

(ii) Organization

(iii) Staffing.

(iv) Directing,

(v) Coordinating, and

(vi) Controlling.

The operational aspects of business management, called the branches of

management, are as follows:
1. Production Management

2. Marketing Management

3. Financial Management.
4. Personnel Management and

5. Office Management.

Discussing how Management function can influence the on modern


Some of the major significances or importance of management to modern

business are as follows: 1. Accomplishment of goals 2. Effective Utilization of
Resources 3. Order to Endeavour or Efforts 4. Sound Organization 5. Provides
Vision and Foresight 6. National Growth and Prosperity.

Peter F. Drueker refers to management as the dynamic life-giving element of

every business enterprise. Management is the thinking organ that provides vision
to the business. It is also the integrating force for the accomplishment of business

1. Accomplishment of goals:

It is the management which determines the goals of the organization and of

various departments and functional groups. The goals are communicated to the
employees to seek their cooperation. All organizational activities are directed
towards the organizational objectives. Clear-cut definition of goals is essential for
the success of any organization.

2. Effective Utilization of Resources:

Management ensures optimum utilisation of resources. Through planning and
organisation, management eliminates all types of wastages and achieves
efficiency in all business operations. Management motivates workers to put in
their best performance. This would lead to the effective working of the business.
3. Order to Endeavour or Efforts:
Management deals with integration of human and non-human resources in order
to achieve organizational objectives. It directs and coordinates the activities of
individuals and groups in the use of materials, methods and machines. It, thus,
brings order to endeavors of different groups.

4. Sound Organization:
Management establishes sound organisation for the accomplishment of the
desired objectives. It clarifies authority-responsibility relationships among various
positions in the enterprise. It fills various positions with persons having the right
qualification and training. Management also provides the workers with proper
environment and encourages the spirit of cooperation.

5. Provides Vision and Foresight:

Management keeps itself in touch with the external environment and supplies
vision and foresight to the enterprise. It helps in predicting what is going to
happen in future which will influence the working of the enterprise. It also takes
steps to ensure that the enterprise is able to meet the demands of changing

6. National Growth and Prosperity:

Efficient management of resources is equally important at the national level.
According to Peter Drueker, “Management is the crucial factor in economic and
social development.” The development of a country virtually depends on the
quality of management of its resources. Efficient management of resources is a
key to growth of the economy and prosperity and better standard of living of the
general public.
Management is the process of guiding the development, maintenance, and
allocation of resources to attain organizational goals. Managers are the people in
the organization responsible for developing and carrying out this management
process. Management is dynamic by nature and evolves to meet needs and
constraints in the organization’s internal and external environments. In a global
marketplace where the rate of change is rapidly increasing, flexibility and
adaptability are crucial to the managerial process. This process is based in four
key functional areas of the organization: planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling. Although these activities are discussed separately in the chapter, they
actually form a tightly integrated cycle of thoughts and actions.

Thank You Sir

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