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Professional development

Cristian Alexander Asmaza Rosero

This session was about when we talk to foster teenagers reading production, we have to take into

account some aspects for example, it is important to highlight that within the learning process, the

affective bond is essential, since when it is established, it gives meaning to what is done, and when

everything we want our children to learn has an objective and a functionality, it will start to be

meaningful to them. That is when they will really learn. In this way, and in search of that affective

bond, we open other fundamental spaces for children, such as play. As future teachers we can

highlight the ways in which some adolescents can use reading to keep up to date with what is

happening in the world. Encourage him to read a newspaper or a world news section. Reading this

in another language would encourage their learning in an increasing way, especially if teenagers

are interested in music, sports, politics, or something else.

This session discussed the possibilities and aspects to take into account on how to encourage

reading in young people who are learning a second language, which in this case would be English,

here the teachers and professionals discussed various interesting aspects such as warm-ups, pre

and post reading about how some problems that young people had could affect the reading

process of students among others.

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