US Cuba's Military Government Orders, Vol.7 1902 Abr-May

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This volume was donated to LLMC to enrich its on-line offerings and for purposes of long-term preservation by University of Michigan Law Library N° 106. Heapquartrrs Department or Cusa, . Havana, April 16, 1902. The Military Governor of Cuba, in view of the coming change of government, directs the publica- tion of the following order: I. Collectors of Customs, Collectors of Internal Revenues and all other officers and agents (except post- masters) collecting monies on behalf of the Military Government on or before May 19th, 1902, shall on or before that date deposit all such monies with, or to the creditof, the Treasurer of Cuba, and render immediate- ly thereafter final accounts to the Auditor for Cuba. Accounting for disbursments after May 19th, 1902, will be made to the Auditor for the Cuban Republic. If.- The Military Government will make allot- ments in the usual manner for the payment of salaries and current expenses up toand including the 19th of May, 1902. Payments of salaries will be made to employes of the Military Government up to and including May 19th, 1902, as heretofore, and by the Cuban Government thereafter. TH. After payments have been made, disbursing officers and agents of the Military Government having funds in their possession shall immediately deposit with, or to the eredit of, the Treasurer of Cuba all unincumbered balances; meaning balances against which there are no outstanding liabilities. The Audi- tor and the Treasurer for Cuba will be immediately advised of the making of sueh deposits and of the general and sub-heads of the appropriations of the respective amounts under which the deposits are made, ‘and areport shall also be made to them of the outstand- ing and unpaid checks. For the purpose of expediency, 197980: disbursing officers located outside of the City of Ha- vana will use the telegraph, official mail copies of their telegrams to immediately follow, and subseqnent- ly, the rendition of final accounts up to and including May 19th, 1902, IV. Gflicers and agents accountable for property pertaining to the Military Government will account for same in conformity with the foregoing instructions as to money accounts. I. L. SCorr, Adjutant General. ( Praduccién. ) Ne 106. CuarteL GENERAL, DeparTAMENTo pe Cupa, Habana, 16 de Abril de 1902. FE] Gobernador Militar de Cuba, en vista del pré- ximo cambio de gobierno, ordena la publicacién de Ja siguiente orden: I. Los Administradores de Aduanas, los Admi- nistradores de Rentas é Impuestos, y todos los demas empleados y agentes (con excepcién, de los Adminis- tradores de Correos), que recauden caudales por euen- ta del Gobierno Militar hasta el 19 de Mayo de 1902, inclusive, depositarin en esa fecha si no antes todos dichos caudales en poder del Tesorero de la Isla de Cu- ba, 6 4 su nombre, é inmediatamente después rendiran cuentas definitivas al Auditor de Cuba. Las cuentas de los pagos que se hagan con posterioridad al 19 de Mayo de 1902 se rendirin al Auditor de la- Repiblica de Cuba, II. El Gobierno Militar hara las consignacio- nes dela mancra acostumbrada para el pago de los sueldos y de los gastos corrientes hasta el dia 19 de Mayo de 1902 inclusive. A los empleados del Gobier- no Militar se les abonaran sus sueldos hasta el 19 de Mayo, de 1902, inclusive, como hasta ahora, y des- pués de dicha fecha por cl Gobierno de Cuba, III. Después de haberse hecho los pagos. Oficiales Pagadores, y Jos agentes del Gobierno Mi que tengan caudales en su poder depositarin los saldos liquidos, inmediatamente, en poder del Tesorero de Cuba 6 4 su nombre, es decir los saldos contra los * euales no existan responsabilidades pendientes. In- mediatamente, se dara parte al Auditor de Cuba y asi mismo, al Tesorero, de haberse hecho dichos depé- sitos y de los encabezamientos generales y titulos de las consignaciones de las respectivas cantidades por que se hagan los depésitos, asi como de los cheques pendien- tes yno pagados. En obvio de tiempo, los Oficiales Pagadores de servicio fuera de la ciudad de la Habana se valdrin del telégrafo, remitiendo por correo inme- diatamente copia oficial de sus telegramas y subse- cuentemente se rendirin las cuentas definitivas hasta e] dia 19 de Mayo inclusive de 1902. IV. Los empleados y los agentes responrables do todas las pertenencias del Gobierno Militar darin parte de las mismas conforme 4 las instrueciones que preceden referentes 4 las cuentas de caudales. El Ayudante General, H, L. SCOTT. Ne? 107. Heapquarters Derarrment or Cura, Havana, April 18, 1902+ The Military Governor of Cuba directs the pub- lication of the following order: I. The Cuban National Library is hereby transferred, with its present personnel, to the Department of Public Instruction. I. Upon the requess and recommendation of the Civil Governor of the Province of Santa Clara, Gene- ral J. M. Gémez, and as an act of clemency incident to the transfer of government, full and complete pardon is granted to Casimiro Naya, former Mayor of Cama- juani, and Gustave Casaneva, former Alcalde of Santo Domingo, for offenses committed as Mayors, respective- ly of Camajuani and Santo Domingo, in all that pertains to misappropriation of public funds, in cases now pending before the Courts, anid proceedings against. them are declared ended. HH. L. SCOTT, Adjutant General. (Traduceién.) Ne 107. CUARTEL Genrrat, DEPARTAMENTO DE CuBaA, Habana, 18 de Abril de 1902. El Gobernador Militar de Cuba ha tenido 4 bien disponer Ia publicacién de la siguiente orden: I. Por Ja presente se dispone la traslacién de la Bi- blioteca Nacional Cubana, con el personal de que ac- tualmente estd dotada, al Departamento de Instruc- cién Pfiblica. 2 II. A solicitud y propuesta del Gobernador Civil de la Provincia de Santa Clara, General J. A. Gomez, y como un acto de gracia con motivo del cambio del Go- bierno, se indulta total y completamente 4 Casimiro Naya, que fué Alcalde de Camajuani, y 4 Gustavo Ca- sanova, que fué Alcalde de Santo Domingo, de las pé- nas correspondientes 4 delitos cometidos en el desem- pefio de las Alcaldias de Camajuani y de Santo Do- mingo respeetivamente, por lo que respecta 4 malver- sacién de caudales piiblicos, en las causas pendientes ante los Tribunales y se declara ultimado el procedi- miento contra los mismos. El Ayudante General, H. L. scorT. N? 108. Heapnquarters DerarrMenr oF Cua, Havana, April 18, 1902, The Military Governor of Cuba directs the pub- lication of the following order: ds Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice: 1. The Registries of Property of Santiago de Cu- ba and Colén, now of the second and third class res- pectively, are hereby classified as, and given the rank of, first and second class respectively. 2. Ten thousand ($10,000) dollars for the Re- gistry of Santiago de Cubaand five thousand ($5,000) dollars for the Registry of Colén is fixed as the bond for the discharge of the duties thereof. 3. The officers at present filling these offices shall, from the publication of this Order, have the rank assigned to said offices. 4. Should the enforcement of these provisions be in conflict with any others existing, the latter are revoked. " 5,

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