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Morales, Medwin Miguel M.


ESE150-2 / A74, Assignment 1: Ecology in your community.

1. In your household, neighborhood, or community, identify if there is an existing ecosystem (natural

or artificial). Take a selfie picture with that ecosystem as your background.

2. Identify the living things (plants and animals) in that ecosystem (only generic names), minimum of
5 species of plants and 5 species of animals. What are the roles of these species in the ecosystem?
- The living things that can be seen in this ecosystem are:
• Cats
• Dogs
• Ginger
• Hanging plants
• Cactus
• Onion
• Lemon grass
- The role of the animal life in the ecosystem would be to eat the insects that would cause
harm for the plants, the pants can produce oxygen that the animal life can benefit from.

3. Identify the non-living things that you can observe in that ecosystem, minimum of 5 items. What
are the roles of these items in the ecosystem?
- The non-living things that are present in the ecosystem are:
• Wood
• Soil
• Plastic containers
• Sunlight (during the daytime)
• Straws
- In this ecosystem, the role of the soil is to provide stability for the plant itself. The soil also
provides nourishment for the plant itself. The plastic, wood, and straws are for the container
for the plant and for the plant would be secure in its place. Sunlight can provide for plant’s

4. Give your impression or analysis if that ecosystem will still last for more than 5 years. Justify your
- In my assessment, I believe that the ecosystem would last more than 5 years if the optimal
conditions are met. Let say for the next 5 years, there is a constant supply of water such
as rain and combined with the optimal amount of sunlight for plant growth, the plant life of
the ecosystem would survive. On the other hand, for the animal life that is present would
have a hard time surviving since if there is no insect life present in the ecosystem, it would

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