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Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition

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Colorimetry — methodology and applications

F. M. Clydesdale & E. M. Ahmed

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and applications , Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition, 10:3, 243-301, DOI:

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December 1978 243


Author: Fergus M. Clydesdale

Department of Food Science and
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Massachusetts

Referee: E.M. Ahmed

Department of Food Science and Human Nuirition
University of Florida
Gainsville, Florida

INTRODUCTION ity control. The food service industry is not as

far behind in utilizing the psychological effects
The term food quality, as frequently spoken of color to enhance its products. They have
of, includes three principal areas: nutritional taken advantage of such effects in many ways.
value, acceptability, and safety. Acceptability The fast food service outlet where one may pick
includes a large array of attributes, among up a quick coffee and donut in the morning is
them visual appeal, aroma, flavor, texture, quite often painted an almost bright bilious yel-
mouthfeel, convenience, and cultural appropri- low color. This color imparts an impression of
ateness. Thus, acceptability is, in fact, what cleanliness but also imparts a feeling of psycho-
makes eating more than just a mathematical ex- logical activity which really does not enhance
ercise. the mood for sitting around and enjoying one's
A sound argument may be made for the fact coffee. However, it does provide a motivating
that color is perhaps the most important sen- force for removing oneself from such an atmos-
sory or acceptability attribute of a food mate- phere as quickly as possible. High volume is the
rial. Certainly, no one can argue the fact that secret in this case, and the color provides the
if a food material is not the right color, all other impetus for movement along with a feeling of
sensory attributes fall by the wayside, since it cleanliness. If one looks further at food service
will never enter the mouth, and of course, when areas, one can recall other eating establish-
this happens, both nutritional and safety as- ments where the bright yellows are toned down
pects of quality also may be disregarded. by blues and browns. These would be the cafe-
Accepting this, it is almost inconceivable to terias where the meals are slightly more expen-
realize that the food industry lags far behind in sive, and yet, it is imperative to move people
other industries (such as paints, textiles, and through in a fairly rapid fashion. Then we have
paper) in the application of colorimetry to qual- the very expensive "exclusive" type of food

* Paper No. 2197 from the Massachusetts Agriculutral Experiment Station, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. This
work supported in part by Experiment Station Project No. 192 and the Glass Container Manufacturers Institute.
244 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

service establishments which use deep reds, techniques not only for measurement but for
deep browns, along with subdued lighting, optimization of food color. There is some dis-
which is nearly always incandescent or candle- agreement in this area, both in the measure-
light. There is a very good reason for this, since ment and optimization usages of colorimetry,
it provides not only an atmosphere aesthetically but at least the disagreement is honest and per-
pleasing to the senses, so people may linger over haps some of the things said in this article might
cocktails or after-dinner drinks (which of create thought in this area. Unfortunately, one
course creates a profit), but in addition, it is cannot write a "how to"-type of article without
known that cosmetics look particularly good first utilizing an introduction into what color is
under candlelight or incandescent light. and what it means. This will be kept to a mini-
In certain aspects of our industry where mys- mum, but it is essential for an understanding of
ticism has built up, color is also included. I can what follows. Therefore, the first section of this
remember very vividly going to a restaurant for manuscript will deal very briefly with general
dinner with a gentleman who considered him- color theory. Other references, such as the re-
self a wine connoiseur. We arrived and sat cent books by Francis and Clydesdale21 and
down, when the wine steward appeared at the Hunter,30 which deal in detail with color theory
table and a wine of a certain vintage was or- and in particular with food color measurement,
dered. With a great deal of fanfare, the wine should be referred to by the interested reader.
was produced, and the steward made the mis-
take of placing the glass in front of me which I THEORY OF COLOR SPECIFICATION
quickly drank and said was fine. This, of AND MEASUREMENT
course, shocked the gentleman I was dining
with who insisted on tasting this mystical de- In discussing colorimetry, the first concept
light prior to approving it. Having tasted the that must be stressed is that the color specifica-
wine, he proceeded to argue fairly violently tion of a material is simply the specification of
with the wine steward as to the quality of that a point in three-dimensional space. This three-
bottle of spirits. The argument continued on dimensional space, whether visual or mathe-
for some 15 min, at which point I was becoming matical, has become known as a color solid.
incredibly hungry; finally, my dinner compan- One of the earliest and most successful attempts
ion, in utter exasperation, took out his hand- to develop a visual color solid was that of A.
kerchief, twisted it around, shoved it into the H. Munsell in the early 1900s. Munsell was
wine and then held this soaked handkerchief up born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1858 and
to the light and said to the wine steward, spent most of his lfe as a teacher at the Massa-
"See!" The wine steward backed off and said, chusetts Normal Arts School. We can imagine
"Sir, you are right." The wine was quickly re- his frustration in attempting to convey the
moved and replaced by another bottle. Mysti- meaning of color to the students. His deep con-
fied, I asked my friend what he had done. He cern for a meaningful description of color lead
said he had no idea, but he knew that the mys- to the publication in 1905 of the first edition of
ticism involved with wines would allow him to A New Classification of Color."" Munsell con-
get away with such a ploy, and he was tired of tributed materially to the concept of a color
arguing. solid. He developed names to describe the three
It would be rather facetious to state that attributes of color. If we can picture an orange,
some foods or beverages are measured in our the vertical core would represent Munsell value
industry in this manner, but at times the tech- ranging from lightness to darkness. That is,
niques used are not too far off. There has been going up or down the core of the orange would
an exceedingly slow acceptance of color tech- describe one of the three-dimensional qualities
nology by the food industry, and a certain de- of color, that of lightness or darkness. Each
gree of apparent antagonism towards the use of segment of the orange would represent Munsell
the sophisticated technology which is available. hue, that is green, yellow, red, etc. Hue is the
It is hoped that this will be a "how to" article single function of color which is commonly
as well as one which produces some thought on used to subjectively describe a total "color".
the possible advantages of applying optical Thus, as we go around the parameter of the or-
December 1978 245

ange and go from such colors as green, yellow, equally important is the near impossibility of
red, etc. we are really describing only one of the describing a color in subjective terms; what do
three parameters of color that is hue and not the terms dark red, musty yellow, or lavender
the total color of the entire system. The dis- pink really mean? This problem may be exem-
tance from the core of the orange to the skin plified by a quote from Robert Louis Stevenson
could represent Munsell chroma or intensity of when writing from Samoa in 1892 to a friend
color. Thus, each point within the boundaries in London:
of the orange or the color solid as represented
by the orange would represent one, and only I should rather like to see some patterns of unglossy — well,
one, color. This humble beginning lead to the I'll be hanged if I can describe this red — it's not Turkish
present Munsell Book of Color which was first and it's not Roman and it's not Indian, but it seems to par-
take of the two last, and yet it can't be either of them be-
published in 1929. Since that time, the Munsell
cause it ought to be able to go with vermillion. Ah, what a
Color Company Baltimore, Maryland has pro- tangled web we weave — anyway . . . . send some —
duced innumerable versions and many types of many — patterns of this exact shade.
colors on different surfaces are available. This
is probably the most successful of the visual Obviously, there is a need for some sort of
color solids used in the food industry today. objective measurement which would be a func-
From this it follows that colorimetry, both vis- tion of what the eye sees yet provide a solution
ual and instrumental, is simply a means to some of the problems which have been
whereby the location of a point may be de- enumerated.
scribed in terms of numerical values. A com- In the field of instrumental color measure-
mon question which arises in this area of instru- ment, we are much more fortunate than those
mentation is: why do we have to use workers in other sensory areas who are attempt-
instruments and numerical values to describe a ing, with some success, to create objective mea-
color? After all, everyone who has normal surements. This is due to the fact that people
color vision can use his or her eyes and make a with normal color vision see each and every
judgement, why is there a need for color in almost an identical manner. Moreover,
instruments? it is known that with the appropriate combina-
Unfortunately, eyes must be present within a tion of red, green, and blue lights shone on a
living body in order to make a subjective judge- screen an observer can match such colors. This
ment and all the biases, personality differences, may be done simply as shown in Figure 1, as
and associated human frailties present subject first described by Newton" and Grassmann."
the color judgement to many different interpre- The color to be matched is projected onto a
tations. This is one problem associated with a screen, and in addition, each of three projectors
color judgement, but another one which is shines red, green, and blue primary light, re-



FIGURE 1. Color matching by the addition of lights.

246 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

spectively, on the other half of the screen. standard-observer curves may be developed
There is a complete overlapping of the three which represent the physical stimuli causing
primaries to create one spot whose color is each color to be perceived by the brain.
changed by changing the intensity of red (R), The Commision Internationale de 1'Eclairage
green (G), or blue (B), light striking the screen. (CIE), which is the most prestigious body con-
Thus, any color may be specified mathemati- cerned with colorimetry, defined color match-
cally in terms of the intensities of the three pri- ing characteristics of the standard observer on
maries required to create a match. Unfortu- this basis in 1931. Several modifications in the
nately, it was found experimentally that all definition have occurred since then, but the
colors cannot be matched by the addition of techniques used remained fundamentally the
three primaries, even if these primaries are same.
spectrum colors. However, this problem can be Having defined the standard observer curves,
overcome simply by adding one of the primar- the CIE had to consider the second problem
ies to the test color and matching the combined which was to define appropriate reference stim-
color by the addition of the other two primar- uli or tristimulus values. As stated previously,
ies. Then, for purposes of describing the test the use of R, G, and B involves the use of neg-
color, the light added to it may be thought of ative quantities. Negative values of color were
as being subtracted from the other two primar- unlikely to be appreciated by those who were
ies. That is, the test color can be described with going to use the system. In addition, these neg-
a positive amount of two primaries and a neg- ative values would complicate the mathematical
ative amount of the third. manipulation of color units and tend to hamper
In order to develop this concept into a work- the design of photoelectric instruments
able system of color measurement, it was nec- equipped with mechanical integrators.
essary to reach agreement on two separate is- For reasons such as this, the CIE decided
sues. The first of these would be to establish the that, although the R, G, B system was appro-
amounts of the three primaries required to priate for defining standard responses, another
match any color throughout the visible spec- system of reference stimuli should be devel-
trum in terms of a representative population of oped. Thus, X, Y, and Z were chosen by the
people with normal color vision. The second CIE as imaginary primary lights for the descrip-
would be to arrive at a suitable mathematical tion of colors. These primaries were selected so
system in order to express the coefficients of the that:
primaries in a manner which facilitated their
manipulation as color units. 1. All possible real colors could be
The first problem resolves itself into the def- "matched" by positive amounts of the pri-
inition of a standard observer's response to the maries;
visible spectrum which, as stated previously, is 2. A relatively large range of colors in the yel-
similar for all people with normal color vision. low-red region could be "matched" with
Referring back to the type of equipment illus- only two primaries (note in Figure 2 that
trated in Figure 1, one may see how such stand- the z curve ends in the yellow region, and
ard observer responses may be obtained. If the colors beyond this may be matched by x
test light represented a certain wavelength of and y only); and
the visible spectrum, then an observer with nor- 3. The intensity (luminosity or lightness) of
mal color vision could match that color by the light needed to make the "match" is
means of additive or subtractive mixing of the specified by the Y primary alone.
three primaries R, G, and B.
This could be done for each wavelength, and Figure 2 shows the standard-observer curve
the coefficients or tristimulus values of the pri- in terms of x, y, z. These curves were developed
maries could be plotted at various wavelengths from r, g, b standard-observer curves, and it
to obtain standard-observer curves for the visi- should be emphasized that although x, y, z may
ble spectrum. The tristimulus values of the be calculated rom r, g, b experimental data, the
standard observer are represented by the sym- X, Y, Z values cannot be produced experimen-
bols r, g, and b. By using a random sample of tally.
persons with normal color vision, average Having discussed the rationale for the devel-
December 1978 247

elude specular reflection (mainly a function of

gloss) along with the diffuse reflection. Both of
these methods are used, but unfortunately they
do not give identical results for all types of sam-
Readings are obtained over the visible spec-
trum and a spectral response curve for the test
sample is obtained. This response is symbolized
The monochromatic light used is a CIE
standard source that has a defined spectral
curve of its own. The energy elicited at every
wavelength of this curve is symbolized by E.
Thus, the total energy received by the photo-
tube is the product RE.
In order to obtain values analogous to what
the eye sees, this energy function RE must be
multiplied by the functions x, y, and z, of the
standard observer curve, respectively. The mul-
tiplication may take place at intervals across the
400 500 600 700 visible spectrum, so that at any one wavelength,
Wavelength - nm X = REx, Y = REy, and Z = REz.
If the wavelength interval across the visible
FIGURE 2. Standard-observer curves based on the CIE
X,Y,Z system.
spectrum was d, then the color of the object
may be specified by integrating between 380
and 750 nm as follows:
opment of instrumental color measurement, it
is now appropriate to describe the general types X
= 380* 750 RE
of instruments and their theoretical basis. As Y
stated previously instrumental measurement - 38oS 750 R E
may be divided into three parts: (1) spectropho-
tometry, (2) tristimulus colorimetry, and (3)
visual colorimetry. Figure 3 shows this operation in a diagram-
Consider spectrophotometric measurement matic manner.
of color using the CIE system. An instrumental The integrals could be calculated manually;
measurement must measure the physical stimuli however, normally, instruments have a me-
in terms of how the eye sees color. The instru- chanical integrator which carries out these op-
ment achieves this by using either one of two erations so that a direct read-out of the tristim-
different arrangements of standard source, test ulus values X, Y, and Z is obtained.
sample, and photodetector. In order to obtain the tristimulus coefficients
One is called 0 to 45°-viewing and is achieved or chromaticity coordinates, these values are
by measuring the light which reflects off the test merely expressed as fractions of their total so
sample from the source at an angle of 45°. This that:
is known as diffuse reflection and is mainly a
function of color. X

The other arrangement involves the use of an X +Y + Z

integrating sphere, which is a hollow metal Y
sphere painted white inside. An integrating y ~

sphere collects all the light reflected from the X 1• Y + Z

surface of a sample placed against an opening Z

r = -
(commonly called a port) in its side. The light
X +Y +Z
collected for measurement may or may not in-
248 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

FIGURE 3. A diagrammatic illustration of the calculation of the X, Y, and Z


to be Photo-
measured cell
FIGURE 4. A simple tristimulus colorimeter.

The second type of instrumental color meas- ematical specifications are still provided by the
urement is that obtained using a tristimulus col- instrument, making the description of the color
orimeter. In this case, the integration procedure objective. These instruments are widely used in
using standard observer curves is replaced by certain areas and may run the gamut from disc
using filters which simulate the x, y, and z colorimetry to color comparators to the use of
curves, respectively, as shown in Figure 4. standardized glass filters whose combinations
The third type of instrumental color meas- form the units which specify the color to re-
urement involves the eye as a photocell. In this fined spectrometers or colorimeters using the
sense, the method is subjective; however, math- eye as a detector.
December 1978 249

CIE Y for MgO is 100 so that when the G

value is set at 100, it becomes equal to Y by
definition. Adding a fraction of the B reading
to the R reading assumes that the small peak of
the X curve is the same shape as the Z curve.
This is not strictly correct; therefore, some in-
struments use a fourth filter, R, to stimulate the
small peak of the X curve. Tristimulus values
are then calculated in the same manner as
Another common set of scales developed by
Hunter35 are used on some instruments. These
produce results in terms of L, which is a light-
ness function and simulates Y; a, which pre-
dicts redness if positive and greenness if nega-
FIGURE 5. The CIE x y chromaticity diagram showing
percent Y.
tive; and b, which predicts yellowness if
positive and blueness if negative. A diagram-
matic representation of the Hunter solid is
There are many different types of instru- shown in Figure 6A. All conversions described
ments based on the preceeding principles. As above are calculated within the instrument, so
well as different instruments, there are a large that direct read-outs are obtained.
number of different color solids. All such solids Figure 6A also shows the three functions
represent three-dimensional color space and are which make up the Munsell solid mentioned
mathematically interconvertible. The choice of previously. This is perhaps the best known of
a given solid is dependent upon the final use all the color order systems. It is a system which
and fit of the data to visual judgements as well attempted to create painted colors to represent
as the degree of uniform chromaticity desired. equal intervals of visual perception of color dif-
The CIE system represents one of the most ferences between adjacent samples and also to
common scales or solids, and one method of specify these colors in terms of its three coor-
visualizing this is shown in Figure 5. Here the dinates: hue, value, and chroma. Hue describes
spectral colors are plotted on x, y coordinates what the average person thinks of when he
to obtain the CIE horseshoe-shaped spectrum speaks of color, i.e., red, yellow, green, blue,
locus. All colors fall within this locus but, in etc. Value describes the lightness or darkness of
order to obtain a point in three-dimensional the color. Chroma describes intensity.
space, °7oY (specified as the brightness or lumi- As may be seen in Figure 6B, hue is repre-
nosity function) is also plotted. This means that sented on the horizontal circumference of the
any color may be specified in three-dimensional solid, value is the vertical central axis, and
space by a statement of x, y, and °7oY. chroma is described in units measured outward
Another simple set of scales is that in which from the central axis.
a pure white sample (MgO or BaSO4) is taken There are many other scales or solids, too nu-
to read 100 when viewed through each of the merous to mention in this discussion; however,
filters. Readings obtained are often called G for a review on this subject has been written by
green, corresponding to CIE tristimulus value Francis and Clydesdale.22
Y, R for red, related to the large peak of the X
curve, and B for blue, related to the Z curve.
In an instrument of this type (three filters), GENERALIZED APPLICATION OF
values of X, Y, and Z can be approximated by COLORIMETRY
adding a fraction of the B reading to the R
reading in order to compensate for the small The application of color measuring tech-
peak of the X curve. Then the modified R read- niques may be utilized in a predictive sense for
ing plus the G and B readings may be multiplied not only an estimate of visual appearance but
by appropriate factors to obtain tristimulus val- also as a tool for chemical analysis. Little45 re-
ues. cently pointed out correctly that:
250 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

L.a.b. COLOR SOLID Value

L:100 Chroma

The Munsell Solid

FIGURE 6. The Hunter (A) and Munsell (B) solids.

Once we accept, however, that color belongs to the realm velopment of model systems constructed to
of sensory perception, we must also accept that it can only vary in a known and controlled fashion along
be measured directly in psychological terms. From physical the requisite dimensions of color; the determi-
measurements, nevertheless, we can obtain data which pro-
vide the basis for establishing psycophysical scales, from
nation of optimum conditions for analyzing
which we can predict visual appearance. samples precisely and reproducibly for changes
in physical and chemical properties which un-
This emphasizes the fact that the measurement derlie changes in perceived color; the definition
of appearance is the measurement of a sensory and construction of psychological scales which
phenomenon irregardless of the use of instru- provide data relevant to the case in point; and,
mentation. Therefore, it is necessary to under- finally, the demonstration of a highly signifi-
stand the physical, physiological, and psycho- cant relationship between visual evaluations
logical aspects of the stimulation which and physically determined quantities. Thus, for
ultimately results in visual perception of the different products, the same conceptual model
color of an object.' is used, yet the procedural details may differ
Also, when color measurement is used to pre- widely, depending on the constraints imposed
dict chemical changes in a food, it is necessary by physical and chemical characteristics of the
to be aware of the optical classification of the sample and the specific requirements of the
food, the light-object interactions, and the type case.
of measurement technique in order to fully op- Little's paper47 points out that the concept of
timize the results. Generalizations from these the following basic model was developed from
results may be made to other foods, but such observations made during the course of study
foods must fall into the appropriate classifica- of a number of transparent, translucent, and
tion.10 opaque systems. The evolution of these studies
In regard to the assessment of color changes, ended in a proposed model for color evaluation
Little47 has written an interesting paper which of foods and is reproduced47 as follows:
presents a procedural framework in an attempt
to provide a basis for developing solutions for The Proposed Model for Color Evaluation of
specific commodities and for specific purposes. Foods
The essentials of this framework include the de- The basic model for exploring the interrela-
December 1978 251

tionship of the light-modifying properties of certain chemical and physical properties of the
foods (and, by extension, biological systems in system. Model systems may be prepared by
general) to visual color perception and to chem- combining materials of known properties in
ical and physical properties of the system is as various combinations to simulate a food; by the
follows: addition of controlled increments of pigment to
a food; by blending two components by system-
1. The object atically changing the composition of the mix-
2. The synthetic process ture; by controlled oxidative degradation of a
3. The analytical process pigment system; by addition of light scattering
4. The analytical process as a predictor of the particles to a nonturbid medium, etc.
synthetic process The analytical process as a predictor of the
synthetic process is defined through the deter-
The object (the sample) on which our interest mination of a highly significant relationship be-
is focused may be opaque, translucent, or tween objectively determined quantities and
transparent with properties of absorbing, re- visual evaluations, i.e., the psychophysical re-
flecting, transmitting, and scattering incident lationship. The objectively determined quan-
light. Pigment distribution can range from a tities can range from reflectance or transmit-
single homogenously distributed pigment sys- tance measurements across the visible spectrum
tem to a random distributed multicomponent reduced to XYZ or RGB, to isolated portions
system. The degree of complexity is a major of the light stimulus (such as single or weighted
factor in determining the conditions of sample combinations of broad- or narrow-band mea-
preparation for presentation to the instrument. surements), to levels of nonvisible components.
The synthetic process is affected by the ob- The latter is particularly useful in the instances
server who, by virtue of the retinal receptor sys- where changes in the levels of ultraviolet ab-
tem, optic nerve, and cerebral cortex complex, sorbing components can be shown to parallel
translates the qualitative and quantitative dis- exactly the development of color through the
tribution of light activating the receptor system nonenzymatic browning reaction, as demon-
to visual color perception. Observer judgments strated with roasting of coffee.
are evaluated by psychological scaling tech- Just as it is important to gain information re-
niques, among which ranking, rating, and garding the performance characteristics of the
paired comparisons have provided useful infor- human eye when used as an instrument to make
mation. Independent information regarding critical color judgments, so too must the per-
color vision and color discrimination ability is formance characteristics of the spectrophoto-
obtained from screening tests, the HRR-PIC meter or colorimeter be known.
and the Ishihara Plate Tests, and color discrim- A model such as this is important, not be-
ination and color aptitude testing procedures, cause it is the only way to approach color meas-
notably the F-M 100 Hue Test and the ISCC- urement, but because it specifies all the param-
CAT, currently being evaluated for effective- . eters which must be considered in a color
ness in predicting the ability of observers to measuring system before experiments can be
make required visual judgments.53 designed and conclusions drawn. Little45 reiter-
The analytical process involves the determi- ates this model in a more recent publication and
nation of spectral reflectance and/or transmit- provides several examples which clearly indi-
tance characteristics of the sample as prepared cate the viability of the approach.
for precise, reproducible analysis.11-50 A suc- Generally.the many different ways in which
cessful resolution of the problem of defining color may be measured have been categorized
the analytical procedure is facilitated by inde- by Hunter30 into seven different groups:
pendent knowledge of the chemical composi-
tion and physical characteristics of the system 1. By spectrophotometric curves (physical
obtained through construction of model sys- analysis)
tems or by alternative analytical procedures. In 2. By visually equivalent additive mixtures of
turn, the determination of reflectance or trans- red, green and blue
mittance characteristics can be used to deduce 3. By location in a three-dimensional color
252 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

solid; for example (a) CIE trilinear coeffi- an arbitrary classification of objects into four
cients x, y, %Y and (b) opponent colors groups, based on whichever of the four man-
with gray in the center (L, a, b, or ners of light projection is dominant:
4. By densities of three substractive-primary 1. Opaque, nonmetallic, such as a yellow ce-
inks or dyes required to represent the color ramic vase.
(color photography and color printing) 2. Opaque, metallic, such as a metal bell.
5. By location with respect to visually system- 3. Translucent, such as a plastic tumbler.
atic arrangement of color chips (Munsell) 4. Transparent, such as a bottle of clear yel-
6. By location, with respect to an array of low liquid.
chips, of systematic substractive mixtures
of white, black, and colored pigments of Reflecting objects fall in Group 1 or 2; trans-
each separate hue (Ostwald system). These mitting objects in Group 3 or 4. Objects which
substractive-mixture dimensions of each reflect or transmit light primarily in a specular
color are familiar to the formulator or dyer manner fall into Groups 2 and 4. Groups 1 and
who is experienced in obtaining product 3 are made up of objects that reflect or transmit
colors by eye light in a diffusing manner.
7. By ingredients required to obtain the color Having mentioned briefly the four subgroups
in a given product: (a) derived by color for- in the object mode, it is now necessary to con-
mulator's estimates; (b) derived by optical sider the object-light interactions which affect
model of product, optical constants of in- measurement. Such interaction may produce
gredients, and a computer the following effects which have been discussed
in some detail by Clydesdale."
There can be, of course, a certain degree of
overlapping of these groups in order to accom- 1. Reflection from the surface
plish a specific measurement. Furthermore, 2. Refraction into the object
when considering instrumentation, it is also ap- 3. Transmission through the object
propriate to categorize the object in an optical 4. Diffusion
sense as well as categorizing the type of meas- 5. Absorption within the object
urement technique.
Hunter30 has pointed out that a number of Thus, Hunter's" categorization explains in
things happen when light falls upon an object. more detail the first or object section of
First if the object is opaque, light will be re- Little's47 model, and Clydesdale's" comments
flected by it. If it is transparent or translucent, expand on the third or analytical process sec-
light will pass through the object, or be par- tion of that model. Therefore, as mentioned
tially reflected or transmitted by the object pri- previously, it is essential to take into account
marily in one of two manners: specularly or dif- not only the model described by Little4' but also
fusely. Specularly reflected light is that which the optical classification of the food, the light-
(as with shiny objects) is concentrated in the object, interactions and the type of measure-
mirror direction of reflection, as a continuation ment technique as summarized by Clydesdale.'"
of the incident beam. The straight-through The third section of Little's model involves
transmission of the light by a transparent object the analytical or measuring process itself, which
can also be thought of as specular, although involves instrumentation to determine the spec-
this admittedly is taking some liberties with the tral reflectance and/or transmittance character-
literal meaning of the word. Diffusely reflected istics of the sample. For those interested in
or transmitted light, on the other hand, is that color-measuring instruments and their selec-
which leaves the object uniformly in all direc- tion, the Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC)
tions. Similarly, a white translucent film trans- has released a report entitled A Catalog of
mits light, uniformly in all directions; that is, Color Measuring Instruments and a Guide to
the source of light is not recognizable through their Selection."This report was prepared due
it as the source. to the fact that in the last few years, there has
The foregoing analysis provides the basis for been a marked proliferation in color-measuring
December 1978 253

instruments. So many varieties are now avail- shows a lack of understanding of the meaning
able that it has become very difficult for the of the tristimulus values which are produced
neophyte to select the equipment most suited from instrumental measurements. Further, this
for use in solving, problems. The existence of a problem has often been compounded by inter-
relatively simple but complete catalog of avail- conversion of data between different systems
able instrumentation would help to alleviate and/or the reduction of data without a clear
this situation. understanding of such reduction or experimen-
A problems subcommittee of the Inter-Soci- tal evidence to justify it.
ety Color Council was established to compile Yeatman" has recently correctly stated that:
and issue such a catalog. The purpose of this
document was to list commercially available in- Plant product color evaluation has been reduced to what-
ever colorimetric response correlates best with visual judg-
struments for measuring color and color differ- ment without due regard for the three-dimensionality of
ence, together with their associated data-reduc- color. For example, when spectrophotometric measurement
tion accessories. It was understood that color of samples of processed tomato juice indicated a significant
measurement of a reflecting or transmitting difference at specific wavelengths (546 and 640 nm) instru-
material consists of the determination of mea- mentation was created to isolate the response at these wave-
lengths. There are many such instruments in food industry
surements which can be directly related to as- use today. Response to the red, green, and blue portions of
pects of color perceived by a specified observer the spectrum, referenced to the standard observer, was not
in a specified illuminant and condition of view- considered, nor was the concurrent expression of tridimen-
ing. sionality — in terms of X, Y, Z; R, G, B; Hunter L, aL,
bi, or any other system of color which dealt with response
The information tabulated for such instru- — closely related to what the eye sees.
ment includes salient design features such as The gamut of data transformation has been extensive.
character of illumination, viewing geometry, Color data have been transposed into such mathematical
sample size, etc. The subcommittee did not un- functions as aL/bL, tan"1 a/b, and 2000 cos9/L (the USDA
dertake comparative testing of instruments. Tomato Color Index) in order to obtain the highest corre-
lation to a psychophysical standard.
Sufficient editorial comment is included, how-
ever, to aid the prospective user in analyzing the
nature of their measurement problem in order For these reasons, it is appropriate to review the
that they can select appropriate instrumenta- use of certain color functions in order for the
tion. However, this catalogue was published in reader to evaluate more clearly the intended
1970 and is therefore out of date. I would and appropriate usage for such functions.
strongly recommend that a prospective buyer Clydesdale and Francis12 investigated the va-
both write and talk to the color equipment sup- lidity of using converted and/or reduced data
pliers, not only to find out what is available, in formulating a prediction of visual judgment
but also to see how specific equipment fits user on processed spinach purees. The color conver-
needs. sions tested were known to be valid with
opaque color standards and the purpose of this
investigation was to check their validity with a
UTILIZATION OF COLORIMETRIC translucent food sample such as spinach puree.
DATA Further, it should be pointed out that just as
one cannot make assumptions between opaque
The literature abounds with color measure- color standards and a food system he also can-
ment data utilized in a raw fashion, as read di- not make assumptions that particular data ma-
rectly from the instrument. This is done in nipulations which provide adequate correla-
many cases in such a frivolous manner that it tions to visual data cannot be used for another
appears that at times color measurement has different food system, unless adequate testing
been "tagged-onto" an otherwise fine piece of is carried out. It would be of interest to review
research to round it out. Unfortunately, such the procedures used by Clydesdale and Fran-
data, when used in this manner, is meaningless cis12 in order that such comparisons may be
and denotes a lack of understanding on the part made prior to incorrect usage.
of the users. Not only does this usage not con- In this work, freshly processed purees and
sider the basic theory and application of such stored processed purees were mixed in propor-
theory to measurement systems, but it also tions varying from 0 to 100% in increments of
254 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

10% to provide a series of 11 samples. These i.e., blue. Apparently blue is less important in
samples simulated the range of color values ac- color judgments of processed spinach puree
tually obtained with samples in storage after than the other two tristimulus values. The mul-
processing. With each set of experiments, a dif- tiple correlations (Table 1) are higher than the
ferent stored processed puree was chosen to simple correlations, but the improvement is not
vary the range of colors slightly. A total of marked.
three different sets of samples were prepared The transformation of instrumental tristim-
and examined in three different experiments. ulus values to the other systems resulted in very
Visual judgments for each set of samples different absolute values from those obtained
were performed with 25 panel members. All from direct instrumental read-out. However,
panel members were instructed to rank the sam- although the absolute values were changed
ples from 1 to 11, the rank of 1 being assigned drastically, the values in relation to ranking of
to the sample with the most acceptable color for color were not affected to the same degree in
a commercial spinach puree and 11 assigned to most cases. This may be seen in Tables 2, 3,
the least acceptable. Controlled illumination of and 4, which show correlations between raw
the samples was obtained by the use of Mac- and transformed data vs. visual ranking for
Beth Examolite with horizon sunlight. General Electric X, Y, Z; Hunter L, a, b; and
Instrumental color data were obtained with Colormaster R, G, B, respectively.
three instruments: a Hunter-lab Model D25® In general, the correlations with calculated
Color Difference Meter; a Colormaster® Dif- values were not as good as the values obtained
ferential Colorimeter, Model V; and a General from the instrument. This shows one of the
Electric (GE) Recording Spectrophotometer®. dangers implicit in using transformations on a
Each set of tristimulus values obtained in- food material when visual judgments are not
strumentally was converted by the standard available.
conversion equations to the other tristimulus The correlations of raw and transformed
values by means of the computer program de- Hunter L, a, b values in Table 3 show that when
veloped by Clydesdale and Podlesny". In ad-
dition, instrumental and calculated tristimulus TABLE 1
values were reduced to such color functions as Correlations of Visual Rankings vs. Instrumental Tristim-
a/b, tan"' a/b; (a2 + b1)1'2; G/R; and X/Y. In ulus Values for Processed Spinach Purees
the case of R, G, B, a conversion to Adams L,
a, b tristimulus values was carried out, since Correlation, visual ranking
there is no instrumental method for obtaining with Correlation coefficients
Adams L, a, b. These values were considered
Instrument Value I II III
as reduced data. All values were correlated
against visual rankings to investigate their rela- (r)
tionship to the subjective evaluations. Delta E Colormaster G 0.959 0.980 0.986
values, a measure of total color difference, R 0.956 0.979 0.987
were also calculated to determine the distance B 0.879 0.968 0.979
Hunter L 0.961 0.959 0.992
between the most and least acceptable samples a 0.945 0.993 0.976
in color space. b 0.979 0.830 0.994
Table 1 shows the correlation obtained be- GE X 0.960 0.979 0.990
tween instrumental tristimulus values and vis- Y 0.968 0.980 0.989
Z 0.948 0.876 0.909
ual ranking for each of three separate experi-
ments. As expected, data from all the Colormaster GR 0.960 0.981 0.989
instruments produced high correlations in all R.G.B 0.975 0.984 0.989
three experiments. The third tristimulus value Hunter a,b 0.986 0.993 0.995
(Colormaster B, Hunter b, and General Electric L.a.b 0.986 0.993 0.996
Z) was lower in at least one of the experiments. GE X,Y 0.976 0.983 0.990
X.Y.Z 0.976 0.989 0.997
This was probably because this tristimulus
value is a measure of the energy of the visible Note: I, II, and III refer to three separate experiments,
spectrum concerned with lower wavelength, each having 11 samples.
December 1978 255


Correlations of Visual Rankings vs. CIE X,Y,Z Data Obtained with a General Electric Recording Spectro-
photometer ® and as Calculated From Other Systems

Correlation coefficients
Calculated from
GE recording Calculated from Hunter D Colormaster® Model V
Correlation spectrophotometer 25® L,a,b values R,G,B values
of visual
ranking with: I II HI I II III I II III

C1EX 0.960 0.979 0.939 0.947 0.991 0.944 0.979 0.987
CIE Y 0.968 0.980 0.957 0.956 0.989 0.959 0.980 0.987
CIEZ 0'948 0.876 0.848 0.695 0.976 0.883 0.968 0.976

CIEX.Y.Z 0.976 0.989 0.987 0.988 0.996 0.984 0.984 0.989

Note: I, II, and III refer to the average of duplicates of each of three separate experiments, r = simple
correlation; R = multiple correlation.


Correlations of Visual Rankings vs. Hunter L.a.b Obtained from the Hunter D25® and as Calculated from
Other Systems

Correlation coefficient
Hunter L,a,b calculated
Hunter L,a,b calculated from GE recording
Hunter L,a,b read-out from Colormaster® Spectrophotometer®
Correlation of from the Hunter D25 Model V R,G .B X.Y.Z
visual ranking

Hunter L 0.961 0.959 0.992 0.964 0.985 0.990 0.959 0.982 0.996
a 0.945 0.993 0.976 0.741 0.611 0.972 0.924 0.983 0.997
b 0.979 0.830 0.994 0.972 0.987 0.991 0.963 0.989 0.999
L,a,b 0.986 0.993 0.996 0.986 0.988 0.991 0.979 0.993 0.998

Note: I, II, and III refer to the average of duplicates of each of three separate experiments, r simple correla-
tion; R = multiple correlation.

Hunter a was calculated from R, G, B data in data, and the results of such treatments are
Experiments 1 and 2, the correlations with vis- shown in Table 5.
ual ranking were decreased to an appreciable In the case of G/R and X/Y, the result was
extent. Hunter a is a common function used to to produce correlations with visual ranking
describe green vegetable color, since it is a which were not as good as the single tristimulus
measure of greenness (-a, green; + a, red); ob- values alone. Obviously, there is no advantage
viously, in this transformation from other sys- to using this type of reduction for the samples
tems, its value in measuring visual judgments used in this study.
has been lost. Single Adams tristimulus values are also pre-
In many cases the incorporation of two tri- sented. These values do not strictly fall under
stimulus values into one function will provide the definition of "reduced data", but they are
a single measure of color that simulates visual included in this table, since there is no instru-
judgment. This has been termed reduction of mental method to measure Adams L, a, b. Only
256 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition


Correlations of Visual Rankings vs. Colormaster® R.O.B Obtained from a Colormaster Model V and as Calcu-
lated front Other Systems

Correlation coefficient
R,G,B calculated from GE
R,G,B read-out from R,G,B calculated from Spectrophotometer®
Correlations of Colormaster Model V Hunter D25® L,a,b X.Y.Z
Visual Ranking

Colormaster G 0.960 0.980 0.986 0.957 0.956 0.989 0.956 0.980 0.987
R 0.956 0.980 0.987 0.941 0.945 0.992 0.939 0.980 0.991
B 0.879 0.968 0.979 0.848 0.686 0.975 0.933 0.878 0.907

R,G, 0.975 0.984 0.989 0.986 0.987 0.996 0.980 0.988 0.998

Note: I, II, and III refer to the average of duplicates of each of three separate experiments, r = simple correlation;
R = multiple correlation.


Correlations of Visual Rankings vs. Reduced Data for Processed Spinach Purees

Correlation coefficient

Correlation, Visual Ranking with: I II III

Colormaster® G/R 0.809 0.744 0.937

Adams L (from Colormaster data) 0.965 0.986 0.925
a (from Colormaster data) 0.769 0.491 0.981
b (from Colormaster data) 0.968 0.968 0.993
a/b (from Colormaster data) 0.772 0.584 0.901
tan"1 a/b (from Colormaster data) 0.772 0.580 0.991
(a2 + b')"' (from Colormaster data) 0.969 0.969 0.992
Hunter a/b 0.918 0.995 0.989
tan"' a/b 0.919 0.995 0.989
(a2 + b')1" 0.976 0.840 0.979
vGE X/Y 0.841 0.857 0.964

Note: r = simple correlation.

Adams b and L showed a good correlation with correlation in two of the experiments than any
visual judgment. It was known from other mea- other functions associated with an a value.
surements in this study that L (lightness or Thus, the transformation lowered the correla-
darkness) was a good measure of visual prefer- tion of a, which is normally quite a good indi-
ence for the samples under study; however, b cation of visual preference for green food sam-
was not as good. This indicates that the Adams ples.
transformation caused b to correlate more di- Adams a/b and tan' 1 a/b also showed low
rectly with visual preference than it actually correlations with visual judgment. The Adams
should. functions are valuable tools when used prop-
Adams a value showed a significantly poorer erly; however, they did not seem to produce
December 1978 257

valid results with the samples used in this study. the number of parameters required to define a
Since they have been used widely, it should be quality attribute (i.e., color) so that control and
stressed that each individual type of colored definition become simpler. However, simplicity
material should first be ranked visually to es- cannot be gained through a decrease in validity.
tablish good correlation with Adams data be-
fore transformations are used to predict visual Specific Examples of Data Reduction
preference. . One of the most common ways in which
Adams (a2 + b2)1'2, which is a function of workers have attempted to reduce colorimetric
chroma, showed high correlations with visual data has been the expression of a color differ-
rank and apparently has solved some of the ence between two colors by a single number.
problems associated with the a value. This single number will express the distance in
The Adams a, a/b, and tan"1 a/b correlated three-dimensional space between two colors
well with visual judgments (Table 5) in only one and thus provide a nonvector specification,
of three experiments. The series that showed since distance but not direction is defined. The
the poorest correlation (Experiment 2) had a to- manner in which such a color difference is cal-
tal color difference between the first and last culated will depend not only on final usage but
samples of 4.2 as measured with D25 and cal- largely on which color scales are used to meas-
culated by ure the color. Previously, it was noted that
AE = ( ALJ + Aa2 + A b ' ) " ]
there are many color scales in existence, the
more common being the CIE X, Y, Z; the
The series with the intermediate correlation Hunter L, a, b; and the G, R, B. The major
(Experiment 1) had a AE of 6.0, whereas the reason for the development of colorimetric
one that correlated most highly (Experiment 3) scales has been the desire to express color in a
had a AE of 6.2. Apparently, with spinach visually uniform solid. Ideally, this would mean
puree, as the total color difference decreases the that a color difference in the red region would
validity of the transformation decreases. As be the same as a color difference in the green
was expected, since Hunter a and b values were and blue region. This, however, was not the
high in correlation with visual ranking, the re- case with the CIE system, and although im-
duced data showed the same type of correla- provements have been made, it is not the case
tion, with the exception of that for (a2 + b2)2'2, in any system today.
which was slightly lower in one of the three ex- If the CIE system simulated the eye exactly,
periments. then one would expect that equidistant colors
Obviously, this study showed that there are representing a circle in the Munsell system
dangers in using the manipulation of color data would also form a circle in the CIE system. Un-
without first justifying it with experimental evi- fortunately, when the tristimulus coefficients x
dence. There is no need to use such a detailed and y of the Munsell colors are calculated and
screening procedure, as was used in this study, plotted on a chromaticity diagram, as in Figure
in order to evaluate the applicability of a spe- 7, the resulting plot is not a perfect circle.
cific function for a specific food. However, Many systems have been developed in an at-
prior to using an untested function to define a tempt to improve the visual spacing of the CIE
particular color in a food, it is essential to: system. One of the first was the Uniform Chro-
maticity Scale (UCS System) of Judd.41 Breck-
1. Understand the theoretical basis behind the enridge and Schaub8 developed this into the rec-
use of the function tangular UCS system (RUCS). MacAdam52
2. Evaluate the function by use of a visual developed the u, v system and later another sys-
panel prior to adapting it tem (MacAdam51) for the calculation of small
3. Use the function only in the color range color differences. The system developed by
tested and on samples which are physically Hunter" is closely related to the read-outs of
similar to those used in Number 2 Hunter instruments.
Other systems, by various methods, have at-
Reduction of data is a powerful tool and one tempted to simulate the visual spacing of the
that should be employed whenever it is appli- Munsell system. A partial list might include the
cable. The major reason for its use is to reduce Adams Chromatic Value System,1 the Omega
258 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition


40 5YR


20 30 40 50

FIGURE 7. A portion of the CIE chromaticity diagram, showing the locations of

the Munsell colors at the ten major hues, Value 5, and Chroma 8.

Space of Moon and Spencer,54-55 the Saunder-

son-Milner Zeta Space," the Din System," the
Glasser System,24 and the Adjusted Hue System
of Billmeyer.5 None of these systems were com-
pletely successful, and there is some question as
to the real advantage of having visual uniform
spacing as long as small color differences can
be specified. Color-measuring,instruments, in
fact, are best used to predict color differences
between samples and are misused when they are
employed to measure the absolute color of a
The nonuniformity of the CIE system was in-
vestigated in detail by MacAdam 51 in 1943. He .2 -
had an observer make over 25,000 judgments
of least perceptible chromaticity differences. .1 -
Fortunately, the observer was typical, as later
observations confirmed the data. The data
which was obtained was used to plot least per-
ceptible differences and resulted in what came FIGURE 8. The MacAdam ellipses plotted on a CIE x, y
to be known as the MacAdam ellipses as illus- chromaticity diagram. The diameter of the ellipses in ten
trated in Figure 8. Every radius on every ellipse times the value of the just noticeable differences of chro-
has the same visual magnitude, but obviously maticity from 25 typical standard colors.
they differ on the x, y plot. More simply, this
confirms the fact that equal visual distances are
not equal in every part of the CIE solid. More tempts to obtain visual uniformity up to 1973
detail on the historical background of the at- may be found in Francis and Clydesdale.21
December 1978 259

More recently, a CIE technical committee tions, Xo, Yo, Zo are the tristimulus values of
has proposed a study of two color spaces and the standard illuminant with Yo equal to 100.
associated color-difference formula to replace The total difference A ECIE (L*u*v*) between
the CIE 1964 U*V*W* space which was origi- two colors, each given in terms of L*, u*, v* is
nally developed by Wyszecki" as follows: calculated from:

W* = 2 5 Y " 3 - 1 7 A E C , E ( L * u V ) = [( A L*)2 + ( A u*)2 + (A v * ) ] ' ' 2

U* = 1 3 W * ( u - u 0 ) The second uniform color space is a simpli-

fied version of the Adams-Nickerson (AN)
V* = 13W* (v - v 0 ) space. It is produced by plotting in rectangular
coordinates the quantities L*, a*, b* defined
where u0 and v0 are the chromaticity coordi- by:
nates of the light source. For CIE source C:
L* = 25 (100Y/Y 0 )' / l - 16, 1 < Y < 100
u0 = 0.2009 and v0 = 0.3073
4X _ 4x a* = 5 0 0 ( [ X / X 0 ] " 2 - [Y/Y 0 ]" 2 )
X + 15Y + 3E -2x+12y
b* = 2 0 0 ( [ Y / Y 0 ] " 2 - [ Z / Z o j " 2 )
6Y 6y
X + 1SY + 3Z - Z x + 12y + 3 The tristimulus values Xo, Yo, Zo define the
color of the nominally white object-color stim-
w = 1 - U- V
ulus. Usually, the white object-color stimulus is
and the color difference given by the spectral radiant power of one of
the CIE standard illuminants, for example, D65
AE = ([AU*] 2 + [ AV*] 2 + [ A W * 1 2 ) " 2 or A, reflected into the observer's eye by the
perfect reflecting diffuser. Under these condi-
The new spaces are as follows.70 The first color tions, Xo, Yo, Zo are the tristimulus values of
space is a modification of the CIE 1964 the standard illuminant with Yo equal to 100.
(U*V*W*) space. It is produced by plotting in The total difference A BCIE (L*a*b*j between
rectangular coordinates the quantities L*, u*, two colors, each given in terms of L*. a*, b* is
v* defined by: calculated from:
L* = 25 (100Y/Y0)'/J - 16, 1 < Y < 100 A ECIE(L*aV) ([AL*] 2

u* = 13L*(u'-uo0 More recently in 1976, Pauli58 discussed an

extension of the second proposed space. Since
v* = 13L*(v'-vo0 the coordinates on an approximately uniform
color space were defined70 by:
4X 9Y L* = li
X + 15Y + 3Z X + 15Y + 3Z
a* = 500([X/Xo]»'3-(Y/Yo)"3J (1)
0 ... . _ ™0
X o + 15Y 0 + 3Z 0 O 3Z0 b* = 200[(Y/Y0)I"-(Z/Zo)"3l

with the restriction

The tristimulus values Xo, Yo, Zo define the
color of the nominally white object-color stim- Y/Yo > 0.01 (2)
ulus. Usually, the white object-color stimulus is
given by the spectral radiant power of one of X, Y, Z are the tristimulus values of a color and
the CIE standard illuminants, for example, D65 Xo, Yo, Zo define the color of the nominally
or A, reflected into the observer's eye by the white object-color stimulus with Yo equal to
perfect reflecting diffuser. Under these condi- 100. In this color space, the total color differ-
260 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

ence E*o6 between two colors, each given in (A Eot)** the total color difference calculated
terms of L*, a*, b*, is calculated from with a and y of Equation 7.
In the case where:
AE* b = (3)
X/Xo > 0.01, Y/Yo > 0.01, Z/Z o > 0.01 (8)
The values of E*.b correlate with the color dif-
Equations 1 and 4 are identical.
ferences E(AN40) calculated using the original
However, as of this writing, these recommen-
AN formula2 only if all three ratios X/X o , Y/
dations have not been finalized.
Yo, and Z/Z o , respectively, are greater than
Having discussed the historical background
0.01. For most object colors, the condition ex-
and complexity of stating uniform color differ-
pressed in Equation 2 is satisfied. But Z/Z o of
ences, it might be illuminating to consider one
deep yellows, oranges, and reds may assume
of the more commonly used expressions for
values below 0.01, causing marked deviations
color differences, E = ( L2 + a2 + b2), and its
of A E*ot from AE(AN40). Values of X/Yo and
uses and limitations.
X/Xo also below 0.01 are found if the transmis-
sion color of nearly opaque samples is mea- Hunter31 has provided an excellent discussion
sured. of color differences which is reproduced here
by permission of Hunter Associates Labora-
It is desirable, therefore, to extend the CIE
tory, Fairfax, VA.
recommendation to values of X/Xo, Y/Yo, and
Z/Z o down to 0.00 by linear extrapolation. A measured value of color difference is intended to be a
Writing the formulas: quantitative representation of the ease with which the dif-
ference between the colors of two specimens can be seen
with the eye. Numerical color differences may be derived
L = 116/(Y/Y0) from measurements of two specimens using any of the color
scales shown in Figure 9. Since color is three dimensional, .
a*= 500(/[X/X01-/[Y/Y01) (4) color differences are widely represented in three dimensions
such as L, a, and b.
A measured color difference can also take the form of a
b* = 200(/[Y/Y0)-/[Z/Z0]) total color difference unit, often designated as E. These sin-
gle-number color difference values are derived by means of
with the function f (q) defined as: algebraic expressions relating to the geometry of the differ-
ences between two specimens in three-dimensional space.
Figure 10 shows the relationship of two specimens in color
/ (q) = q " - — for q > 7 space and one of the ways the distance between is measured
116 to arrive at E, total color difference.
/ (q) = <*q for q < 7 (5) ftELATIOKSHtPS OF COLOR SCALES

If we choose for the constant y the original SP£CTR0(*OTO*T£R


value and require the function (q) to be contin-

uous over the whole range, we have:
7 = 0.01 CHROMTIC
16 (6) GLASSER-
a = 100 ([0.01] " 3 - ) =7.751 REIU.ET

But if we require both the function /[q) and its me COMPUTATItM OIRECT RCAOIIK. I'l'b"
first derivative to be continuous we get:

7 =(_*£)» = 0.008856 OONHUKT

CIE U«V^(«

a = 1/3 ( H±) 2 = 7 . 7 8 7 (7) WAPHS

To distinguish these two cases, we denote by (A REMIT ATIOK

Ea»)* the total color difference calculated with

the narameters a and v of Eauation 6, and by FIGURE 9. Relationship of color scales.
December 1978 261

The concept of threshold (identifying the

smallest differences perceivable) difference was
based by MacAdam on his original 1942 chro-
maticity discrimination experiments. The unit
selected was intended to represent the smallest
perceptible difference. MacAdam's experiment
involved chromaticity differences only, but the
AL third dimension of lightness was added by
Brown and MacAdam some years later. Al-
though the equations defining the MacAdam
perceptibility ellipses are readily handled by
modern computers, this was not so earlier.
Consequently, graphical techniques were devel-
oped by Simon and Goodwin in 1957, and Fos-
ter in 1966, to aid in computation of color dif-
ference in MacAdam units from CIE Y, X, Z
AE = /AL 2 +Aa 2 +Ab 2 data.
FIGURE 10. The calculation of color difference. The use of MacAdam total color-difference
units is further complicated by a series of mod-
ifications made in the 1960s by Friele, followed
by MacAdam and Chickering. Friele used Mull-
Major Uses of Color-difference Measurements ers theory to assign equations yielding oppo-
Precise analysis of small color difference is nent-color scales to the original MacAdam
used in research and technology to: data. Consequently, the term "MacAdam" can
now be used in reference to any one of several
1. Compare industrial production specimens slightly different MacAdam color-difference
with standards to test these specimens for units.
conformity to color-tolerance specifica- logical basis for the visual estimation of the
tions. This is probably the most widely color difference is not the same in all cases.
used type of measurement in all appearance Two color difference concepts are in general
technology. use in industry today:
2. Determine nature and magnitude of color
adjustment required to convert an unac- 1. The largest difference considered to be ac-
ceptable color to a product having accept- ceptable as a commercial match (maximum
able color. acceptable).
3. Measure color changes of products result- 2. The smallest difference capable of being
ing from their exposure to weather, light, perceived (minimum perceptible.
laundry, or other real or simulated usage.
The NBS unit of total color difference origi-
The major advantages of instrumental color nally represented the maximum acceptable dif-
difference measurements are that they are ference between two colors in a commercial
quantitative, repeatable from time to time, and match in a dye house in 1939. The NBS unit
reproducible from one laboratory to another. generally referred to today is the 1942 Hunter
The disadvantages are that they provide less rectangular coordinate version of Judd's equa-
than perfect correlation with visual estimates, tion for the original NBS unit. This unit has
especially if a single scale is used, and that there been used in terms of a number of the oppo-
are a variety of different color-difference scales nent-colors scales. In 1950, Nickerson proposed
resulting in much confusion. the use of the Adams opponent-colors scales
for the measurement of color differences and,
Total Color-difference Scales by applying appropriate factors, made the mag-
The confusion arises in the use of total color- nitude of the Adams unit as close as possible to
difference units in industry, since the psycho- that of the NBS unit of color difference.
262 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

Psychological Validity of Color-difference volved. Transformations can then be made by

Scales converting the color coordinates by way of CIE
The validity of total color difference as a specifications from one set of coordinates to
meaningful measure is under question from the other and from there to the color difference
several points of view. If it is to be used to unit. High computational precision is necessary
measure acceptability in commerce, there is where the color differences involved are small
doubt that acceptability correlates with percep- and near the limit of commercial acceptability.
tibility, specifically with threshold differences. To aid in these conversions, there are available
Dr. Friele, a leader in the field, has raised the graphs, differential formulas, and conversion
question of whether there is a mechanism in the factors (for single colors). The use of com-
brain for taking the square root of the sum of puters has considerably lessened the labor in-
the squares and thus giving measurements cor- volved, and has opened up new possibilities in
relating with distance in color space as repre- this area.
sented by Figure 10. Further, it is an established
fact that estimates of a magnitude of color dif- Using Color Differences in Practice
ference change significantly with changes of ob- Most of the published discussion is con-
serving conditions such as surroundings, level cerned with the use of total or single-number
of illumination, and optical character of speci- color-difference units. As noted, color meas-
men. Thus, one should be warned to question urement scales can be used to give color differ-
the universal applicability of measures of color ence by subtracting one value from another in
difference to commercial applications of color each of the three dimensions. When one looks
acceptability and the like. Nevertheless, when at two samples in considering the visual differ-
used with caution, measurements of total color ence between them, one most naturally thinks
difference are valuable since they are quantita- in these three-dimensional terms, i.e., "this is
tive, repeatable, and reproducible. lighter but is also redder and yellower, etc."
Therefore, color differences in terms of A L, A
Conversions Among Color-difference Scales a, A b are often more useful than a total color
There are significant quantitative differences difference in indicating what to do about the
between the units of total color difference char- perceived difference.
acteristic of the various scales. In the past, there The significance of the total color-difference
have been some suggestions that one could use unit such as A E is less readily apparent. Where
a simple multiplying factor to convert color dif- sometimes reductions to a single number can be
ference units in one system to those in another more convenient as a unit for describing color
system. One such suggestion is that if the num- tolerances, it can also be more confusing, since
ber of NBS (commercially acceptable) color- a single number tells only the size of the differ-
difference units is multiplied by 3 it will approx- ence, rather than the "direction" or nature of
imate the number of MacAdam (just percepti- the difference from standard. Because of the in-
ble) units that would define the same color dif- complete information given by a single number,
ference. Actually, the multiplication factor the trend in recent years has been to examine
must change with the position and orientation the character in each color difference by record-
of the color difference in color space. A one to ing its components separately. For use with
three relationship between an NBS unit and a three-component color-difference measure-
MacAdam unit of color difference may obtain ments, a complete color specification would
at one point and direction in color space, and contain nine numbers: the three numbers that
not hold true at some other point or direction. describe the desired color, and the six numbers
It is generally not possible to convert from one that describe the individual plus and minus tol-
system to another with a single conversion fac- erances.
tor. Color-difference tolerances should be de-
Conversions of measured values of total signed as boundaries in color space within
color difference from one set of scales to an- which acceptable colors must fall. The bound-
other can be made when one has the values for aries do not necessarily correlate with percepti-
the colors, not just the color differences in- bility of difference but rather with the limits of
December 1978 263

acceptability. The standard color, furthermore, ward point C, the tangent of OBA (OBA =
may not lie at the center of the circle, or ellipse, BOC) approaches zero and the ratio BC/CO
described by the tolerance boundaries. When (a/b) approaches zero. In the second quadrant,
color-difference measurements are used to the ratio a/b would represent the yellow-green
identify acceptible product colors, the mea- colors. The point E, represented by angle COE,
sured magnitudes of permitted color difference would have a tangent - a / + b, which would be
from standard very often do not compare to equal to —1. The point F, represented by angle
perceptibility of these differences. For example, COF, would have its tangent equal to infinity.
where subsequent yellowing may occur, the tol- In the third quandrant, the blue-green color H,
erance for the yellow-blue dimension might be represented by angle HOK, would have its tan-
+ 0.1, -0.8 units, indicating that virtually any gent —a/—b equal to + 1. Similarly, the red-
yellowing at all is unacceptable. blue color M, represented by angle KOM,
Further material on the use of color differ- would have its tangent + a/—b equal to — 1.
ences for setting specifications and tolerances It is obvious from Figure 11 that the a/b ratio
may be found in Francis and Clydesdale21 and is a tangential function not a linear one. If the
Hunter.30 ratio is in the vicinity of 1, where the angle is
approximately 45°, the departures from linear-
Reduction of Data to a Function of Hue ity are not too great. It was in this area with
Hue is the single color function which de- tomatoes that the a/b usage becomes firmly en-
scribes what most people think of as color. trenched. However, if one attempts to use the
That is, at a constant degree of lightness and a/b ratio in a portion of the color solid where
saturation, hue describes the shift from red to it approaches infinity, the concept obviously
orange to yellow to blue to violet. Also, it is a breaks down. In such cases, it is preferable to
known psychological fact that hue often corre- use the actual angle that the point makes with
lates with visual acceptance of many foods. For the vertical axis, rather than the ratio itself. A
these reasons, hue has often been chosen as a rough rule of thumb would be that if the a/b
single function to represent color, and, mathe-. ratio is within 0.2 and 2.0, it probably is satis-
matically, colorimetric data has been reduced factory by itself. If the ratio is outside these
to one function which describes hue. A case limits, the angle should be used, not the ratio.
may be made for the assumption that the ratio The first use of the hue angle was suggested
of any one part of the spectrum to any other by Judd in 1950 in an NBS circular.40 This con-
part is a function of hue. Thus, a shift in color cept was probably known to colorists at the
may be described by a shift in such a single time but was not widely known to food scien-
number ratio. For this reason, a ratio of two
wavelengths or ratio of any tristimulus values
(such as X/Y, X/Z, G/R, a/b, etc.) may be ar-
gued to represent hue. E c B

However, in a geometric sense, not all the

above ratios can be defended. The geometry of
the Hunter L, a, b system is such, however, that
both geometrically and conceptually certain u /
1 \ >
functions satisfy a specification of hue. For this 1
reason, the function a/b became a widely used \ /
f\ G-a >/ IA
single-number function to describe hue in foods IN
many years ago. 1
If we consider a typical Hunter a, b plot at \
constant lightness (as shown in Figure 11), it
can be seen that the point B represents an or-
ange color with an a/b ratio equal to unity. The
fraction + a/ + b is actually the tangent of angle
OBA, which in this case would be equal to 45°. FIGURE 11. Hunter, a, b plot showing how the a/b ratio
As the hue becomes more yellow and moves to- and the tan1 a/b values vary with the color.
264 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

tists where the field of colorimetry was just be- Since these angular functions represent one
ginning. This hue angle is the angle 8 shown in of the best and most widely used data reduction
Figure 12. Shortly, thereafter in 1952 Francis20 systems, it would be worth while to look at
published work with apples utilizing tan"'a/b, these two viewpoints in more detail. In Little's46
which is the angle 90-0 in Figure 12. In the case words:
of apples, this was a sound concept since nega-
tive values of a in the yellow-green quadrant Although many positive advances have been made, de-
would produce angular values from 0 to more spite the rather haphazard approach to the formulation of
negative values, thus providing negative values principles of colorimetry of foods, misapplications or un-
to describe greenness. Similarly, positive values conventional interpretations of basic concepts can and have
of a in the yellow-red quadrant produce angular occurred; and once incorporated into the literature, they
then tend to gain acceptance through repetition.
values of o to more positive to describe redness.
Thus, positive angular values describe increas-
ing redness and negative angular values de- I am concerned here not with exploring differences of
scribe increasing greenness for apples. This opinion that can be discussed on a philosophical basis, but
with a particular difference of opinion based on a conven-
concept breaks down in the blue-green quad- tional vs. a nonconventional interpretation of a well-estab-
rant (-a/-b) which would be positive; how- lished mathematical relation. This has to do with expressing
ever, practically no foods are blue-green in colorimetric data in the Hunter L, a, b system to provide
color.18 information that can readily be conceptualized as hue. One
There has been some controversy in the use does not have to search very hard for references where hue
is expressed as a/b with the hue angle unconventionally de-
of angular functions which describe hue culmi- fined as tan"1 a/b. It is not my purpose, to catalog the ref-
nating in two recent publications by Little46 and erences; it is far more interesting to document the history
Francis.18 of the origin and development of this misconception.


- < • - .

(180*. 3.14160 i -o (360", 6.28321)


• - * -

(270*. 4.7I24f)

FIGURE 12. Depiction of hue angle and saturation index on the Hunter a,b dia-
gram. Point P, located at (a,b) in rectangular coordinates and (0,r) in polar coordi-
nates; 9, (hue angle) = tan"1 b/a; Saturation index = (aJ + b 1 )" 1 . The broken curve
with arrows pointing in counterclockwise direction indicates the direction of change
in hue from red to yellow as the slope increases from 0 to °», from yellow to green,
as the slope decreases from °° to 0, etc. (Reprinted with permission from Little, A.
C , J. Food Sci., 40, 410, 1975. Copyright © by Institute of Food Technologists.)
December 1978 265

Further, she describes the historical evolve- respectively, as the angle increases from 0 to rr/4 to rr/2
ment of these functions including the develop- radians (0° to45° to 90°).
ment of the indices of lightness, hue, and satu- It was by chance alone that the a/b ratios for tomato
products fell within a range of steadily climbing but not
ration as follows: rapidly accelerating values for a/b, ca. 1.4 to 2.0. Francis20
recognized the pitfalls inherent in expressing hue range in
1. Lightness index: L = Y"2 terms of a/b for other products, such as apples, which
2. Hue angle: H = tan"1 b/a cover a wide range in color. He therefore suggested the
3. Saturation index: S = (a2 + b 2 )" 2 adoption of an angular function, tan"1 a/b, which he de-
scribed as the angle contained between the constant hue line
and the vertical axis. This means, in fact, that he proposed
Again quoting Little:46 a novel and unorthodox relation between rectangular and
polar coordinates with the pole at the origin, but the polar
Consider, now, the a,b diagram shown in Figure 1. The axis now coinciding with the b-axis, and the angle of rota-
point Pj, represents the plot of sample S, designated (a,b) tion reversed from counter-clockwise to clockwise. Thus,
in rectangular or Cartesian coordinates, and (r,0) in polar he arbitrarily changed a well-understood, universally ac-
coordinates. According to accepted tenets of analytical ge- cepted coordinate system, merely to maintain a positive re-
ometry, the superimposition of polar coordinates on the lation between increasing redness and the numerically ex-
Cartesian coordinate grid places the pole at the origin and pressed hue function.
the polar axis identical with the x-axis (called the a-axis in
this special case). Thus, for point P., the following relations Further, and in conclusion Little46 states:
pertain between the Cartesian and the polar coordinates:
Although Hunter1* now acknowledges the ubiquitous na-
r = (a2 + b 2 ) " 2 ture of the a/b ratio by defining the hue angle, 9 = cot"1
a/b, from a conceptual point of view, the b/a ratio is the
tan 6 = b/a
expression of choice. It bears the same relationship to the
6 = tan" 1 b/a a,b diagram that the line of constant dominant wavelength
does to the CIE x,y chromaticity diagram. I like to think
and to determine the quadrant of 8: of the function b/a as a hand sweeping counter-clockwise
on a dial, starting at Or (red), to nr/2 (yellow), to nr (green),
to 3nr/2 (blue) and at 2nr back to red with its length (a2 +
© = cos-i •
b2)1'2 providing a measure of saturation. This measure is,
(a» + b 2 ) " 2 of course, the correlate of excitation purity obtained from
the x,y diagram. Let us stay with conventional relations,
It is immediately apparent that 8 and r are identical with
they work very well and serve to reduce ambiguity.
hue angle, H, and saturation index, S, respectively, and,
thus, that Hunter was simply making use of well-known
geometric relations in proposing these indices. I believe that some confusion has resulted
How, then, can we account for the persistent upside from these points of view. Certainly some am-
down relationship which in fact describes the tangent of 90° biguity may develop if terms are not strictly de-
— 8, the angle complementary to 8, i.e., cot 6? I think the
answer is to be found in the papers by Robinson et a l . " " fined and understood. However, that is the case
where a/b was proposed as a color index in Hunter Meter when using any colorimetric function. For in-
measurements for tomatoes, with a/b shown to be directly stance, the work with apples, as explained ear-
related to dominant wavelength. This concept apparently lier, utilized a fortuitous positive-negative con-
gained immediate acceptance, and in the 1954 Symposium
proceedings, Color in Foods," reference was made repeat-
cept. Still, if ambiguity can be lessened, I would
edly to hue defined as a/b. On page 53 of the proceedings, agree with Dr. Little and recommend the hue
one reads that angle as cot"'a/b.
"a £ /bi is related to the slope of a straight line which Likewise, Francis" has stated:
would pass through the origin (a,. = 0, bL = 0)."
The key words here are related to. Delete them and the It was fortuitous that the a/b function was appropriate for
statement changes significantly. If the statement had read tomatoes. This is merely because nearly all colors of tomato
that products are in the area where 8 = 45 to 60. The a/b ratio
"aL/bL is the reciprocal of the slope . . . " at 8 = 0 is zero, at 8 = 45 is 1, and at 8 = 90 is infinity.
these comments might be unnecessary today. One must sur- Obviously, values approaching infinity are useless. We had
mise that a/b was considered preferable for tomatoes for a rule of thumb that a/b can be used as a rough index of
the values to increase with increasing redness. hue only between 0.2 and 2. Otherwise, an angular function
It should be apparent, however, that we are dealing not should be used. With many foodstuffs, the a/b ratios lie
with linear but with trigonometric functions, i.e., the tan- outside the above range; consequently, the tan"1 a/b has
gent of the hue angle, b/a, and its reciprocal, the cotangent become well entrenched in the food literature. However, in
a/b, which vary from 0 to 1 to » and from °° to 1 to 0, the last few years, there seems to be an increasing tendency
266 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

to use the hue angle (0) concept. When the tan"' a/b con- the Hunter solid. If, in fact, one of these func-
cept was originally published in 1952, I was under the tions should be found to correlate better with
impression that this was an original concept. It was only
several years later that I discovered that a similar concept,
visual rank than any other function, there
namely the hue angle, had been published in the NBS cir- would be no harm in using it as long as it was
cular.™ The content of this circular may have been well understood that it did not describe chroma.
known to colorimetrists at that time but it was not well Generally, it is best to use functions which have
known to food scientists. a theoretical basis for their use; however, when
There is no doubt that the use of two systems to describe necessary, this rule may be stretched.
hue in the Hunter system has created some confusion. The
hue angle as described by Hunter is probably the simpler Another function which is often used to sim-
of the two to understand and has no technical drawbacks ulate chroma is the "excitation purity" or "pu-
even in the blue-green quadrant. For the sake of uniform- rity" function of the CIE system. This function
ity, it may well be that we should recommend that the hue may best be explained by a short review of the
angle, or 6, should be used in the future.
CIE chromaticity diagram or spectrum locus
shown in Figure 13.
Reduction of Data to a Function of Chroma
Chroma or saturation may be defined45 as the In addition to defining the area over which
proportion of chromatic content in the total physical stimuli must be located, the spectrum
perception; it is also the degree of difference locus provides a greater meaning to the color
from the neutral or gray of the same lightness quality associated with any point within it.
value. Saturation scales, according to these two Thus, in Figure 13, by drawing a straight line
definitions, differ from each other. The Mun- from the illuminant chromaticity point (CIE il-
sell chroma scale is based on the second defini- luminant C) through the point representing the
tion. Another way to picture chroma is to think chromaticity of the sample color to intersect the
of a color solid as an orange as described ear- spectrum locus at A, we know from the geome-
lier. In this case, the distance from the core to try of the chart that a suitable mixture of A and
the skin could represent Munsell chroma or in- the illuminant will match the sample color. If
tensity of color. the hues of the spectrum are familiar to the co-
lorimetrist, the value of A will approximate the
Due to the nonrectangular shape of many of hue of the sample, while the distance along the
the color solids, it is difficult to describe line from the illuminant towards A through the
chroma in geometric terms such that one single sample approximates its chroma or intensity.
function may be used. In fact, the only system The point A is known as the dominant w'ave-
which lends itself to this calculation is the
Hunter L, a, b system. Referring to Figure 12,
it may be seen that the hypotenuse of the trian-
gle may be described by the simple geometric 520
function (a2 + b 2 )" 2 . Upon further inspection,
it becomes obvious that the hypotenuse of the
triangle in fact describes the degree of differ-
ence from the neutral or gray of the same light-
ness value which is the definition of saturation
or chroma. The chroma function, represented
by (a2 + b 2 )" 2 , has been used successfully to
describe the color of an object. In fact, Clydes-
dale and Francis12 showed that this function
calculated from both Hunter and Colormaster
data provided an excellent correlation with vis-
ual ranking for spinach puree (Table 5). At
times in the literature, other functions such as
(G2 + R 2 )" 2 , (X2 + Y 2 )"\ etc. are used to sim-
ulate chroma. It should be stressed that these
functions do not geometrically provide a meas-
ure of chroma, since their respective color sol- FIGURE 13. A CIE chromaticity diagram showing dom-
ids cannot be defined in as regular a manner as inant wavelength, A, complementary wavelength and pu-
December 1978 267

length of the sample color, and the ratio of the is to mathematically reduce data directly as in
distance (a) from the illuminant to the sample cor'a/b or (a2+ b 2 )" 2 rather than plot data
over the distance (a + b) from the illuminant and introduce a greater potential for error.
to the spectrum locus at the dominant wave- For instance, in a study of rose wines, Josyln
length is known as the purity (excitation purity) and Little39 noted that when the chromaticity
of the color of the sample. coordinates x and y were calculated and con-
This description of dominant wavelength and verted in terms of dominant wavelength and
purity relates only to spectral colors and not to purity that the change in color of wines on stor-
the nonspectral colors. In the case of nonspec- age could be evaluated. Further, they found
tral colors, a complementary wavelength (Ac) is that a decrease in dominant wavelength indi-
specified rather than a dominant wavelength. cated pigment loss and an increase in purity in-
This complementary wavelength is obtained by dicated browning.
drawing a line from the sample chromaticity However, as pointed out by Johnson et al.,37
through the illuminant and beyond until it the design of the experiment carried out by Jos-
reaches the spectrum locus at Xc (see Figure 13). lyn and Little3' did not allow for a statistical
Also, for nonspectral colors, the line used to evaluation of the results, as only two samples
compute purity is not a line of dominant wave- of each wine were rated subjectively. In fact, in
length, but one extending from the chromatic- the study by Johnson et al.,37 it was shown that,
ity point of the illuminant through the chro- over a wide range of pigment degradation in
maticity point of the sample; it intersects the cranberry beverages, dominant wavelength did
chromaticity points of the long- and shortwave not -provide an accurate description of pre-
ends of the spectrum. Therefore, the purity of dicted visual ranks. However, results may de-
a nonspectral color is the ratio of the distance pend on the type of product being examined.
(e) from the illuminant to the sample divided This work37 emphasized the need for analysis
by the distance (e + d) from the illuminant to of the efficacy of any colorimetric function and
the nonspectral boundary of the spectrum lo- an understanding of the theoretical basis for the
cus. measurement prior to adopting the function for
Another type of function occasionally used is use.
colorimetric purity. This is, by definition, the
ratio of the luminance of the spectrally pure Data Reduction Systems Involving Kubelka-
component to the luminance of the matching Munk Analysis
mixture. This function is not too important The Kubelka-Munk colorant layer concept
from our point of view and should not be con- was developed from turbid-medium theory. A
fused with excitation purity, normally referred turbid medium is a substance which both scat-
to simply as purity. ters (causes a change in the direction of travel)
The functions defined above are analogous and absorbs (converts to heat) part of the light
to certain functions which have been discussed falling on it. This definition includes all trans-
previously. However, they are not the same. lucent and opaque materials.3
That is, hue is analogous to dominant wave- As early as 1905, an astronomer named
length, chroma is analogous to purity, and Schuster introduced the concept that the pas-
value is analogous to luminosity. However, it sage of light through a turbid medium may be
should be stressed again that these are analogies represented by two diffuse fluxes, traveling in
and are not exactly the same: they behave dif- opposite directions, each losing some of its light
ferently in different sections of the color solid. to the other by scattering in a backward direc-
Nevertheless, purity may be used as an tion.3 In 1931, Kubelka and Munk published
expression of chroma to describe color if good what is probably the best-known and most used
correlations with visual rank are obtained and treatment of turbid-medium theory. Their
the system is understood. treatment uses Schuster's concept of two dif-
Both purity and dominant wavelength has fuse fluxes and is based on the "infinite-sheet"
been used to describe visual assessment in the approximation, which means that the sample is
literature. This is a valid technique, but the au- assumed to be a sheet with plane parallel faces,
thor believes that a more reasonable approach infinitely large but of finite thickness. Thus, the
268 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

effects of the edges can be neglected.3 The infi- where K = light absorbed; S = light scattered;
nite layer under consideration is small com- C = concentration of colorant; and k = a con-
pared to the total colorant layer but large com- stant.
pared to the diameter of the pigment particles. Further, the value of K/S has been shown to be
Kubelka and Munk assumed that the optical related to reflectance at a given wavelength by
properties of the materials could be described the following equation:
(at any wavelength of light) by a scattering
coefficient S and an absorption coefficient K. K/S = (1 - R«,)2 /2R,»
These two coefficients describe the amounts of
where R<» = reflectance of an infinitely thick
light involved in scattering and absorption per
unit length of travel of the light beams. As each
In practice, it is not necessary to solve this
flux travels a small distance inside the sample,
equation, since tables are available which tabu-
it is assumed that each loses an amount of light
late K/S vs. R°° at a given wavelength, making
proportional to its own energy and to K by ab-
it very convenient to obtain such values.
sorption, and an amount proportional to its
This type of analysis has been used widely
own energy and to S by scattering in a back-
and effectively in the paint industry for many
ward direction. At the same time, each flux
years but is only beginning to be used in foods.
gains an amount proportional to S and the en-
Some of the problems have been reviewed by
ergy of the second flux by the backward scatter-
Francis and Clydesdale21 (cited in Little)48 as
ing of the other flux. These conditions can be
expressed mathematically by differential equa-
tions. It is necessary to make additional as- In the case of a translucent or turbid food material, we
sumptions to describe the sample — for exam- are interested in the manner in which color is perceived by
ple, that S and K are the same throughout the the eye. This perception is dependent upon what happens
entire thickness. The assumption that all the to the light incident on the surface of the sample. Such light
is reflected, scattered, absorbed, transmitted, and reflected
light is completely diffuse both within and out- from layers below the surface. With classical spectropho-
side the sample boundaries is the most limiting. tometry or reflectometry, a measure of the energy which
In spite of these assumptions, the Kubelka- reaches the photosensitive element is obtained from the tur-
Munk theory and equations have found wide- bid material. However, light is scattered and lost, and the
energy measured is not a true measure of that which reaches
spread use based on approximate, if not exact, the eye. The instrument cannot evaluate the composite vis-
description of turbid media.3-4* ual appearance, whereas the eye does not distinguish be-
Many modifications of the Kubelka-Munk tween the relative contributions of light scattering and ab-
theory have been made since its introduction. sorption.
However, for opaque samples, the differences
between the Kubelka-Munk treatment and the The Kubelka-Munk colorant layer concept
more extensive theories have been shown to be has been proposed as a solution to these prob-
small.2 One of the difficulties in applying more lems because it takes into account reflection,
complex theories is the evaluation of the reflec- transmission, and absorption from subsurface
tion coefficients describing what happens at the layers as related to the internal scattering of
boundary of a real sample. It is especially dif- light.
ficult to measure the fraction of the light re-
flected when a diffuse beam hits the surface A new problem now results involving the ma-
from inside.3 nipulations of the translucent food for meas-
Kubelka-Munk analysis has been used widely urement and the mathematical treatment of
in the paint industry for color-matching prob- these data according to Kubelka-Munk theory.
lems. It has been shown for opaque samples The sample generally is placed in an optical
that the ratio of light absorption (K) to light glass cell, forming a translucent layer, and three
scattering (S), at a given wavelength, is propor- instrumental measurements are taken: R, Ro,
tional to the concentration of colorant in a sam- and R,. R is the reflectance of the layer with a
ple, as described by the following equation: white background. Ro is the reflectance of the
layer with a black background. Rg is the reflec-
K/S = kC tance of the white background used behind the
December 1978 269

sample to obtain R. From these values various cent food materials may be obtained by substi-
quantities may be calculated: tuting tristimulus values for reflectance values
in the Kubelka-Munk equations. In place of R,
a = (S + K/S) = 1/2 (R + [ Ro -R + Rg] /RQRg) Ro, and R, for a specified wavelength, for ex-
ample, tristimulus values (such as X, Y, Z, or
b = (a2-I)"2
L, a, b, etc.) would be substituted. Values of
Re = a-b X, Xo, and X, (analogous to R, Ro, and R,) are
obtained for a layer of sample with a white
R00 is that reflectance creating the visual impact background, a layer of sample with a black
the eye would perceive when viewing an infi- background, and for the white background
nitely thick layer. Having calculated R°°, sev- alone. These may be substituted as follows:
eral other functions which describe the compos-
ite effect of scattering and absorption may be a = 1/2 (X + [Xo - X + Xg] /X o X g )
calculated: = (a5-I)1'2

K/S = ( l - R ^ ^ R ^
X«, = a - b
where K = the coefficient of absorption, S =
KS = (1 - X ^ ' ^ X ^
the coefficient of scattering, and the total func-
tion K/S represents composite effects. From Similarly, K/S values may be calculated from
the foregoing, it may be seen that: Y, Yo, and Y,; Z, Zo, and Z,; L, Lo, and L, or
K = S ( a - 1) for any other tristimulus value.
As well as calculating K/S values in this man-
with S derived from the expression: ner, Ti, the internal transmittance of the layer,
may also be calculated, where:
SX = 1/b Arctgh([l-aRo]/bRo)
T^ = (X-Xo)(l/Xg-Xo)
where X is the thickness of the layer and Arctgh
is the inverse hyperbolic cotangent. These solu-
Similarly, Tiy and Ti,, Tu, etc. may also be cal-
tions are discussed in more detail by Judd and
culated. The log of the reciprocal of these Ti
values may be calculated, providing a function
From these quantities, Ti, the internal trans-
based on tristimulus values which can be han-
mittance of a layer, may also be calculated
dled in a manner comparable with the true ab-
from the formula:
sorbance of a clear solution.
T; = (R - Ro) (l/Rg - Ro) Although the preceding mathematical treat-
ment might seem laborious, computer pro-
Having calculated T, in this manner, a function grams are available to make these manipula-
can be obtained for turbid media which can be tions. Also, it should be remembered that once
handled in a manner comparable to the absorb- a single function has been found which statisti-
ance of a clear solution. This function is ob- cally correlates with visual judgments for a
tained by taking the logarithm of the reciprocal given product, then other functions and manip-
of T,-, i.e., log 1/T,. This function represents a ulations may be ignored. A further, more de-
measurement directly proportional to changes tailed discussion of Kubelka-Munk theory in
in turbid media and therefore, is analogous to foods may be found in Francis and Clydes-
optical density (OD) in true solutions; that is, dale.21
in true solutions the Beer-Lambert law, which There has been valid criticism aimed at the
relates OD directly to concentration, applies. In use of the Kubelka-Munk analysis for the ap-
this case, log 1/T, is directly related to total vis- pearance of food. This criticism is based on the
ual impact or the composite effects of scatter- fact that Kubekla-Munk theory is based on a
ing and absorption. single wavelength concept and, therefore, does
Mackinney et al.53 and more recently Huang not and should not necessarily correspond to
et al. 2 8 " and Gullet"-27 have shown that inter- visual appearance. Moreover, the trend to use
esting results for the measurement of translu- tristimulus values rather than single wave-
270 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

lengths is not a valid theoretical approach. As are based on the entire spectrum plus the psy-
Billmeyer4 recently pointed out: chophysical observer curves, are not theoreti-
cally valid. The appropriate use of Kubelka-
The fundamental physical parameters describing the ap- Munk, then, is for measurement of concentra-
pearance of foods are, in my opinion, the reflectance and tion and not visual acceptance.
transmittance of the sample or the Kubekla-Munk scatter- I would agree with this opinion. However,
ing and absorption coefficients S and K, each as a function some literature"'"-48 has shown that such a
of the wavelength. But these parameters are not simply re-
lated to perceived color and other appearance aspects. The
treatment fortuitously provides high correla-
derivation of new quantities with these properties is well tions with visual acceptance. This is not the
understood and the methodology and fundamental data re- method of choice, and it should be understood
quired are documented. The parameters themselves — CIE that it is not a theoretically valid treatment.
tristimulus values and chromaticity coordinates, a variety For a further discussion of Kubelka-Munk
of opponent color scales of lightness (L), redness-greenness
(a), and yellowness-blueness (b), color differences, and spe- theory and light scattering in foods the reader
cial food color quality indices — are well described in the is referred to Law and Norris44 and an excellent
literature. article still in press by Birth.6
It is important to stress the ways in which the fundamen-
tal and derived parameters are appropriately used, the lim-
ited extent to which they can be interchanged, and the place DEVELOPMENT OF MEASUREMENT
of each objective methods for food evaluation. SYSTEMS
The fundamental parameters (reflectance, transmittance,
K, and S as functions of wavelength) contain all the physi-
cal data necessary to describe the food, but they do not Having discussed and reviewed the general-
themselves correlate well with color or appearance. In my ized theory and applications of colorimetric
opinion, it is fruitless to attempt to establish such correla- data, it might be interesting to look at certain
tions, as for example between reflectance or K/S at one or selected systems which have been developed to
two wavelengths and scales of color or desirability of a par-
ticular product. The literature documents many abortive measure the color or some color quality func-
attempts of this sort in others areas. tion of specific foods or food groups. Ob-
The derived parameters (color, color difference, and spe- viously, not all foods can be covered and, there-
cial scales) abridge the fundamental data in ways that are fore, only selected examples will be given.
specifically designed to correlate with color or other ap- Hopefully, these selections will provide exam-
pearance attributes. It is these quantities which should be
used whenever it is desired to provide instrumentally de- ples of the significant potential and use of co-
rived equivalents (as nearly as is possible) to scales of per- lorimetry and its applications in food.
ceived color and appearance.
However, it is not appropriate to use the derived param- Translucent Foods: Orange Juice
eters where the fundamental ones should be used because It is reasonable to state that with existing
of the abridgement involved. For example, Kubelka-Munk
K and S should never be computed from abridged coordi- technology, it is quite a simple task to specify
nates such as tristimulus values or colorimeter readings. Ex- the color of a material if that material is ho-
cept in cases of totally nonselective absorption and scatter- mogeneous, nonscattering, and transparent or
ing, quite rare in foods, wrong answers will inevitably result opaque. Unfortunately, most foods do not fall
and false conclusions can easily be drawn.
into this category but are translucent. This
Procurement specifications can be written around either
the fundamental or the derived parameters, as long as the means that, when light strikes them, some and/
writer is aware of the distinctions between them and has or all the following phenomena occur: reflec-
chosen the type consistent with the purposes of the specifi- tion, refraction, transmission, diffusion, and
cation. Thus, if it is desirable to specify the appearance of absorption.
the product, appropriate derived parameters must be used.
If, however, the purpose of the specification is analytical,
Compounding this complexity is the fact that
such as to ensure adequate strength or concentration of one translucent foods do not have a constant or re-
or more components, the use of properly selected funda- producable physical or chemical make-up.
mental parameters is necessary. Being biological material, they are subject to
the many environmental vagaries which pro-
What Billmeyer is stressing is that the Ku- duce more or less pigment and scattering mate-
belka-Munk theory is based on the characteris- rial from sample to sample. Citrus fruit in gen-
tics of particulate scattering at a particular eral and oranges and orange juice in particular
wavelength or particular wavelengths. There- exemplify these problems.
fore, substitution of tristimulus values, which Pigment content varies from variety to vari-
December 1978 271

ety as well as within a given variety. Also, pulp slope to the curve in Figure 14 and hence better
content and size may vary due to biological dif- separation of samples. The filter is also easier
ferences as well as processing procedures. Thus, to build than one fitting the complex X func-
all the factors mentioned are effected to a tion. The A function was adopted for the Citrus
greater or lesser extent depending upon the pulp Colorimeter which was actually graduated to
and pigment present. read:
Most objective methods for measuring citrus
CR = 200 (A/Y-1)
fruit color owe their origin to the work con-
ducted by Wenzel, Huggart, Barron and others Citrus redness (CR) would read colorless sam-
at the Agricultural Research and Education ples as zero, and the factor 200 was added to
Center, Lake Alfred, Florida, and the literature give better spacing between samples. It is pos-
is replete with their investigations. sible to convert Color Difference Meter values
However, much of this work culminated in to CR by the equation:
1963 when the Department of Citrus requested 143a 72b _ 2.55X-0.32Z
R. S. Hunter of Hunter Associates Laboratory, CR :-200
/yY f Y Y
to develop a prototype citrus colorimeter to du-
plicate the visual judgments of the graders. It where
was to be used primarily for orange juice, but
21 + 0.2Y
there were obvious implications that it could fy = 0.51
1 +0.2Y
probably be used for other juices, such as gra-
pefruit, lemon, lime, tangerine, etc. and X, Y, and Z for the white MgO standard
Hunter33 developed an instrument to measure are 98, 100, and 118, respectively.
citrus juice colors using a 1-in diameter test A companion scale, citrus yellowness (CY),
tube as a sample holder and USDA plastic was also developed based on the ratio Z/Y:
standards to calibrate this instrument. The best
single-number read-out for a simple instrument CY = 100 (1 - 0.847Z/Y)
would be Hunter a as judged from data ob- A white or gray juice will measure zero and in-
tained with the Hunter Color and Color Differ- crease with increasing yellowness. Color Differ-
ence Meter. This meter measures redness by the ence Meter values can be converted to CY by
following equation the equation:
a = 175/ y (1.02X-Y) 143b
CY =
where X and Y are CIE tristimulus color values
and fy is nonlinear function of Y. Because of Corresponding scales for greenness and blue-
the nonlinearity, f, is not a simple function to ness are obtainable if one adds the necessary
measure from phototube signals X and Y. An switch positions from the equations:
expression for chromatic redness, which is
much easier to measure and correlates closely, CG = 200 (1 - A/Y)
is the ratio X/Y. Edwards et al.17 derived a CB = 100 (0.847Z/Y -1)
regression equation relating visual score to
Hunter a as follows: The term greenness may be a slight misnomer
Visual score = 39.44 + 0.87A
because grapefruit, lemon, and even lime juices
will all measure plus in CR. This is due to the
From this equation, the relationship between use of the A rather than the X function. When
X/Y and visual score could be calculated (Fig- either the X-Y difference or the X/Y ratio is
ure 14). The second curve of this figure, also used to measure redness, samples with zero red-
derived from the same data, shows the relation ness are close to pure yellow, that is, they are
of 0.8(A/Y) to the visual score. In this equa- neither green nor red. With the selection of the
tion, A refers to the amber reflectance, that is, A/Y ratio in the Citrus Colorimeter, samples
the long-wave portion only of the X tristimulus that are visually slightly greenish will neverthe-
function. The violet part of X is omitted. The less measure as plus CR.
use of the A/Y function provides a steeper The conversion of Citrus Colorimeter data to
272 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition





FIGURE 14. The X/Y and 0.8 (A/Y) function plotted against USDA visual score
for the 1954-1955 color data for orange juice.

L, a, b and vice versa via the preceding equa- red carotenoids represented by A, and decrease
tions should be regarded as merely approxima- Y, which may be decreased by the addition of
tions, since the geometry of measurement for more pigment, by the use of large diameter pulp
the two instruments is different. The chromatic particles, by a lesser number of small diameter
scales of the Citrus Colorimeter differ from the pulp particles, or by the use of extremely small-
Color Difference Meter in two ways: (a) The diameter pulp particles.
use of A rather than X tristimulus values, (b) The question might be asked as to the reason
The use of Y rather than L in the denominator. for worrying about pulp, since one need only
This choice was deliberate because the scale ex- increase the pigment content. This is not the
pands as the colors become darker. It was felt case. In fact, both of these, as related in the
that the CR and CY scales would give color in- citrus red equation, are very important and cer-
tervals throughout the resulting color solid tainly should be investigated. One of the optical
which would be more in agreement with visual characteristics which affects amount of reflec-
ratings of colors of liquids than were the older tion, lightness, or darkness is the internal dif-
a and b scales, which were designed for the fusion of a substance, and this is affected, in
color of reflecting surfaces. turn, by the particle size of the material within
Not only was the development of this color- the media, in this case pulp. As particle size be-
imeter an excellent example of the appropriate comes smaller, diffuse reflection increases
use of color theory; upon inspection, the scales down to a limiting size. In fact, as the particle
also provide a potential manner in which the diameter decreases, the scattering, or diffusion,
product may be improved. On examination, it of a material increases inversely with the square
may be seen that citrus red (CR) equals 200 (A/ of the particle diameter to a maximum. This
Y-l) and citrus yellow (CY) equals 100 maximum occurs when the particle diameter
(1-0.847 Z/Y). This means then that CR is a reaches approximately 0.1 pm which is about
function of A/Y and, therefore, to increase the one quarter the wavelength of light. At this di-
CR score, we must increase A and/or decrease ameter, the particles become too small to reflect
Y. A in this case represents the amber portion and refract in the usual manner, and reflectance
of the X standard observer curver, i.e., the red decreases with approximately the cube of the
portion, and Y represents the lightness function particle diameter.
of the CIE color system. Therefore, to increase The paint industry takes advantage of this
CR, one must increase the pigment, which is the fact by attempting to maintain pigment particle
December 1978 273

diameter at this size. The food industry should lucent materials. That is, simple presentation to
take note of this, particularly the citrus indus- any instrument will not provide satisfactory re-
try. In the citrus industry, a fairly low Y value sults. For methods of sample presentation, the
or at least an optimum Y value is desired in or- reader is referred to Francis and Clydesdale,21
der to produce a large CR reading. Therefore, Chapter 18, on sample presentation.
research into finding the optimum particle size Another approach to citrus color measure-
and the optimum amount of pulp which will ment has been taken by Petrus and
give the best possible color reading and color Dougherty.59 In this study, they evaluated the
assessment in conjunction with the amount of spectrophotometric characteristics of orange
carotenoid pigments present is a potential an- juice and pulp. Following this investigation,
swer. In turn, if one is dealing with the amount Petrus et al.60 found that the correlation of the
of carotenoids necessary to add to a given juice, sum of carotenoid absorbance with color score
it is essential that the Y function become con- was high regardless of the extractor type or set-
stant. That is, the particle size of the pulp and ting and finisher setting. Samples of varying
the amount of pulp in the juice must be kept "Brix, percent sinking pulp, maturity, and va-
constant and the carotenoid pigments varied. riety did not appear to effect the correlation.
This, then, allows a CR reading to be taken The coefficient of correlation was r2 = 0.973
which is dependent only on the A function or or greater with a coefficient of determination
the carotenoid pigments, since the Y function, of r2 = 0.947 or greater. Although this is not a
the pulp concentration, and particle size re- true colorimetric technique, it has a great deal
mains the same throughout. of potential for on-line color control.
The CY function, which should be high, is
dependent upon the function — , that is, blue- Translucent Foods: Tomato Products
ness or yellowness over lightness or darkness. Tomato products represent another excellent
Again, in this case, all parameters should be op- example of translucent foods which require an
timized to give high CY readings. acceptable color and flavor in order to achieve
This kind of experimentation is a good ex- maximum economic potential from the har-
ample of optical characterization. The concern vested and/or processed product. Due to the
is with the relative contribution of pigment, and large economic incentive, a great deal of work
thus, absorption of light, and pulp which pro- has been done on the color measurement of to-
vides scattering of light. The systems can be dis- matoes and tomato products. Research dates
sected in order to find out which parameters back to the 1920s, yet there are still problems
should be changed in order to optimize the total as pointed out by Yeatman.78
effect which finally reaches the eye and im- It is amazing that raw tomato grading with-
presses upon the brain the color which is per- stood the test of time for so many years when
ceived. one considers the description of raw tomatoes:
More recently Eagerman14 examined the use A U.S. #1 tomato had to be "well colored"
of general purpose tristimulus colorimetry in with 90% of the flesh having a good red color.
orange juice measurement. Five general-pur- A U.S. #2 tomato had to be "fairly well col-
pose colorimeters from three different manu- ored" with 66 Vi°Ia of the flesh having a good
facturers were tested to determine whether color. In light of this description, instrumental
these instruments could be used in place of the techniques were evaluated to replace this sub-
special purpose Hunter lab Citrus Colorimeter jective grading system. A detailed account of
(CC). A specific sample presentation method this investigation has been written by Francis
was found that provided a correlation coeffi- and Clydesdale.21
cient of 0.96 or better for each of the instru- Two areas of research are of interest and
ments with the CC. Comparison of the various serve to underline the proper use of data reduc-
instrumental methods with visual panel scores tion and the need for a thorough understanding
showed no significant differences between in- of color theory. These areas are disc colorime-
strumental methods. try, using the MacBeth-Munsell Disc Colorim-
It should be stressed that techniques em- eter® (MMDC) upon which current grades
ployed in this study must be utilized for trans- have been established, and, secondly, the devel-
274 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

opment of the tomato colorimeter. in general" and, more recently, has written an
During the late 1950s the color group at the excellent paper78 on the need for revision of the
USDA in Beltsville, Maryland, were working current tomato color standards. This paper
on an objective color score for tomato juice. shows the need for careful examination of data
They obtained visual scores from the MMDC expression and the problems which result when
which they compared to objective L, a, b mea- such expression is loosely applied.
surements. It was found that graders were judg- Table 6 lists the methodology for canned to-
ing color acceptability of tomatoes not by one matoes and fresh tomatoes specified by the
function alone but by all three color functions. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the
In order to test the correlations of objective USDA grade standards.71
parameters to visual judgments, a series of sam- Upon examination of these standards, it is
ples were evaluated, and it was found that the found that the FDAs standard of quality for to-
function a/L would differentiate between mato products, 21 CFR 53.41(b)(2), specifies in
some, but not all, visual judgments. Further ex- part, when speaking of matching colors by disc
amination showed that the inclusion of the colorimetry, that minimum red color is "the
chroma function (a2 + b2)1'2 might improve the strength and redness of . . . not less than that
correlation of objective data to totally subjec- of the blended color of any combination of the
tive judgments. As a result, the following color color discs . . . " The USDA, in a similar fash-
function was developed: ion for inspection of canned tomatoes,72 speci-
fies that:
a/LX l/(a2 + b 2 ) " 2

which produced a correlation of 0.97 with 'A of the disc must be of the specified red color; 'A or less
of the disc must be of the specified yellow color; and the
MMDC data. balance of the disc color (which may be as much as Vi when
Upon examination of Figure 12, it can be no yellow is present) may be all black, all grey, or any com-
seen that a/(a2 + b 2 )" 2 = cos 8 and, therefore, bination of these two colors. Thus, the USDA says, "many
the formula could be simplified to cos 0/L. combinations of these four colors [may] result in the "Min-
Hunter and Yeatman36 developed an instru- imum Red" color . . . .
ment to read out tomato color (TC) = cos 0/L
or in the CIE system: Further, the USDA instructions recognize an
important point:78
TC = 21.6/Y1'2 - 3.0/Y1'2 (Y-Z/X-Y)
If the full 'A of yellow and 'A of black (without the grey
where X, Y and Z are measured under illumi- color) is used, the same degree of redness (33fo) is present,
nant C. but the composite resultant color (upon spinning the disc)
Yeatman has discussed food color standards may appear to be a deeper and duller red than if, for ex-


Representative Appearance Standards for Products Under FDA Regulation or USDA Inspec-

Agency Product Specification Determination Reference

FDA Canned tomatoes Munsell no- Visual compari- 21 CFR£543.41(a)l

tation; Vo son; disc color- and (b)
components imeter; mini-
of 5R 2.6/ mum color
13; 2.SYR
5/12; Nl or

USDA Fresh tomatoes for USDA To- USDA Tomato 7CFRf51.3317(a)

processing mato Color Colorimeter;
Index TCI nondeaerated
raw juice
December 1978 275

ample, equal parts of grey and black are exposed on the The USDA grade standards specify grade A (45 score
disc. If in this combination only Vi grey is points) and grade C (40 score points) in addition to the
used . . . color . . . appears . . . a lighter red, but . . . the "Minimum Red" promulgated by the FDA. Looking at
same degree of redness is present. If the maximum permit- these color standards in three-dimensional aspect (Figure
ted yellow (Vi) is not used and either the black or grey discs, 16), we see a displacement in color space from the FDA's
or combinations thereof are substituted . . . the resultant "Minimum Red". "Minimum Red" in Figure 16 is desig-
color will not appear to have a red hue but rather a dull nation No. 1 in Figure 15.
reddish-brown effect. In using the Munsell color disc . . .
for comparison as to compliance with "Minimum
Red" . . . the maximum permitted yellow ('A of the disc
Based on these facts, Yeatman78 has sug-
area) is recommended to avoid comparison with a color gested two new color designations for USDA
that is not typical (dull reddish-brown effect). tomato products grade standards:
I. A lower-limit disc designated C - (35 score points), con-
This observation is important in visually as- taining the following percentage components of 1972 Mun-
sessing product color. sell production paper: 41 % red, 36.5% yellow-red, and
Yeatman78 has pointed out that: 22.5% black; and having the following chromatic values:
%Y = 9.5, x = 0.5525, y = 0.3717; with Munsell notation
= 1.5YR3.7/9.7.
The FDA's "Minimum Red" for tomato products purports 2. An upper-limit disc designated A + (50 score points),
to be a single color, when in fact it is many colors. Figure containing the following percentage components of 1972
15 illustrates the impact upon color standards when any Munsell production papers: 78% red, 13% yellow-red, and
combination of specified colors is permitted. The descrip- 9% black; and having the following chromatic values: %Y
tion of "Minimum Red" color permissable in both the = 6.8, x = 0.5712, y = 0.3446; with Munsell notation =
FDA and USDA standards contains a multiplicity of colors 9.8R 3.1/9.7.
which are so widely divergent as to be unrealistic as stand- A single color designation for "Minimum Red" is also
ards for tomato products. suggested, to avoid the multiplicity of colors which now
dominate the federal standards. The color suggested should
Further: contain the following percentages of 1972 Munsell produc-
tion papers: 33% red, 33% yellow-red, and 34% black; and
Since the USDA grade standards for processed tomato have the following chromatic values; %Y = 8.6, x =
products may serve as the basis for correlation of instru-
mental measurement to score points assigned by experi-
enced inspectors, a scoring system which would avoid ex-
trapolation beyond the grades set for A and C quality
would be beneficial.

'tf/. /
16 18 20 22 24 26 23

FIGURE 16. Color designations for USDA grades of re-

constituted tomato paste plotted in three-dimensional as-
FIGURE 15. Color designations for "minimum red" pect in Hunter color space. Darkened area at top of each
plotted in three-dimensional aspect in CIE color space. column is the actual point. Columnar letters are USDA
Darkened area at top of each column is the actual point. grades; graded samples are at the center and lower
(Reprinted with permission from Yeatman, J. N., Food left.(Reprinted with permission from Yeatman, J. N., Food
Technol. (Chicago), 30(11), 50, 1976. Copyright © by In- Technol. (Chicago), 30(11), 50, 1976. Copyright © by In-
stitute of Food Technologists.) stitute of Food Technologists.)
276 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

0.5448, and y = 0.3716; with Munsell notation = 1.6YR in cases when the original Acy content is not
3.5/9.0. known, and a measure of the state of Acy deg-
Use of these additional guidelines regularly spaced radation is needed.
should improve both visual evaluation and instrumental
measurement, providing a firm base for inspection and The degradation index is calculated by utiliz-
quality control. ing a T Acy determination based on the single
pH method (pH = 1) as well as the pH differ-
ential method (pH = 1.0, pH = 4.5). Thus, the
Visually Transparent Foods: Beverages DI is calculated as follows:
Earlier it was stated that color measurement
was rather a simple exercise if the sample was DI T Acy by the single pH method
transparent. Like all simplistic generalizations, T Acy by the pH differential method
exceptions seem to constitute a majority of the
generalized cases. Such is the problem with In most cases, particularly where the Acys
many beverages due to degree of darkness or are unidentified or E values are not known, a
perhaps minute amounts of particulate scatter- simplified DI (DI simp) can be obtained using
ing material. In order to illustrate some inter- the following equation:
esting colorimetric work in this area, certain DI simp = TOD pHl.O/OD
beverages will be chosen to represent this class
of food materials. Where TOD is the total optical density.
Although the discussion thus far has mainly This proposed DI is based on the principle
centered around the use of tristimulus colori- that the measurement obtained at pH 1.0 will
metry for the measurement of color and the include the absorption due to the degraded as
possible application of such techniques to pig- well as nondegraded Acy, while the difference
ment analysis, it would be counterproductive to in absorption between the pH 1.0 and 4.5 media
ignore any useful chemical techniques for such will be due only to the nondegraded Acy. Sam-
analysis. A method for the determination of to- ples not containg degraded pigment or other
tal anthocyanin (T Acy) and a degradation in- brownish-colored compounds, should give al-
dex (DI) for cranberry juice has been proposed most identical results for T Acy with the single
by Fuleki and Francis." If natural anthocy- pH and pH differential methods. However, as
anins (Acy) were to be used as a colorant, one the degradation proceeds, the amount of red-
of the problems which would arise is the deg- dish-brown pigments will increase. Conse-
radation of such pigments during storage and quently, the T Acy determined with the single
the accumulation of brownish degradation pH method and the DI will be higher than 1.0.
products. Although these degradation products The simplified DI value will be greater than 1,
have an absorption maxima around 415 nm, even for fresh samples not containing degraded
they also absorb, to some extent, at 510 nm." pigment, because the Acys have a small absorp-
This would introduce an error if a simple direct tion at pH 4.5.
T Acy determination method, similar to that Fuleki and Francis" point out that the DI
developed for cranberries, was used.23 should give a better measure of the actual color
Therefore, Fuleki and Francis" described the of the sample than either the T Acy content, the
development of an improved T Acy determina- TOD or the AOD value. The principle use fore-
tion which minimized the interference due to seen by these authors for the proposed DI
these brown-colored degradation products. would be similar to that of absorption ratios.
This method involves the measurement of the A limit value could be established for the DI
absorbance at 510 nm on samples diluted with above which the degraded color becomes visible
pH 1.0 and 4.5 buffers. The pigment content is and the product should be rejected. It might
calculated in absolute quantities with the aid of also be possible to establish a direct correlation
extinction coefficients established for the cran- between DI and the percent of the original pig-
berry Acy dissolved in the buffers. The data ob- ment which is still present in the sample.
tained from such a method can also be used for Another objective spectrophotometric
the calculation of an index, which is indicative method was developed by Watada and Abbott74
of the proportion of degraded Acy in the sam- for determining the color grade of grapes. This
ple. Such an index is quite useful, particularly method utilized the USDA Spectrophotometric
December 1978 277

Difference Meter® (SDM) developed by Birth glucoside solutions, with their lower A max, had
and Norris7 at two wavelengths, 630 and 690 a higher L at a given absorbance than did solu-
nm. Most of the absorbance at 630 nm was as- tions of the other Acys. When Acy solutions
sumed to be due to Acys. Other factors which were examined at different pHs and a constant
absorbed at 630 nm were assumed to be absorb- absorbance, it was found that the longer A max
ing at all other wavelengths, thus the difference at high pH was associated with a lower L value.
in absorbance at 690 nm from that at 630 nm A convenient method of presenting Hunter
was used as the SDM reading of the Acy con- tristimulus color values is by plotting chromat-
tent. icity factors, such as a, b, 9 (hue angle) and sat-
Acy-containing beverages, including wines, uration, against L values.64 This not only places
have provided an interesting substrate for a the color in a definite location in the color
great deal of colorimetric work. Francis and space, but it also provides an indication of the
Clydesdale21 have reviewed the measurement effects of concentration of the perceived color.
area, but some specific comments concerning In summary, Van Buren et al." found that
data manipulation are appropriate to this dis- solutions of a pure Acy give a range of colors
cussion. depending on concentration and the pH of the
An interesting method of blending wines to solution. While there are marked differences
color has been proposed by Little and LiaW' between Acys regarding the range of colors ob-
based on the construction of blending dia- tainable, they impart a similar dark red color
grams. The reciprocal log functions of the mea- to concentrated solutions. The L color function
sured red, green, and blue transreflectometric increases as concentration decreases, while at a
readings are plotted against a sliding-scale ab- given concentration, the lower the pH (in the
scissa, from which can readily be determined 3.8 to 3.0 range) the lower the L. The relation
the composition of blends from different start- between L and absorbance is different for dif-
ing wines. Tristimulus colorimetry has long ferent Acys. Color chromaticity dimensions, 6,
been used in the paint and textile industries for ' and saturation are fixed by both the L and the
blending color, and it is refreshing to see food pH of the solution. Furthermore, the 0 and sat-
materials being treated in a similar scientific uration show maximum values in the middle L
fashion. region. These maximum values are related to
Van Buren et al.73 presented a method for ex- the structure of the Acys.
pressing the color of different Acys under dif- Little45 has presented the application of her
ferent conditions of acidity. In this work, the proposed model,47 which was discussed previ-
importance of environmental conditions to ously, to wines. Two dark red wines were di-
color should be noted. Too often measurements luted with equal volumes of 12% aqueous al-
are assumed to be reproducible under varying cohol to bring them into range for
conditions; generally, this is not the case. In spectrophotometrically analyzing for Acy con-
part, this study found that the variation of A tent. The diluted samples were also measured
max with pH was less pronounced at low con- with thin-layer transreflectometry (Little and
centration of Acy. At the higher concentra- Liaw49) in terms of R, G, B and converted to
tions, shifts as great as 9 nm were seen as the CIE and Hunter coordinates. In Table 7, it was
pH was changed from 3.0 to 3.8. These shifts noted that the essential but important diference
may be related to the increasingly greater pro- in evaluations involves the estimation of change
portion of Acy pigment present in the carbinol in dominant wavelength (DWL) and hue angle
and anhydro forms as the pH goes higher. The 6. According to the CIE data, upon acidifica-
A max for absorption by Acy solutions occurs tion, Sample 1 showed a large shift in DWL and
at only slightly shorter wavelengths than the Sample 2 only a small one, while the Hunter
555 nm A max for the action spectrum of the L data indicated equal changes in 0 for the two
color component. Therefore, solution A-max samples.
shifts to longer wavelengths would be expected Previously, Joslyn and Little3' had shown
to result in a more complete overlap with the L that changes in DWL in rose wines at their nat-
function and would decrease the L correspond- ural pH, under conditions favoring Acy degra-
ingly to a given absorbance. Thus, cyanidin-3- dation, correlated with loss of Acy, as mea-
278 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition


Comparison of Shift in Chromaticity of Red Wine with Decrease in pH, in Hunter and CIE Coordinates

CIE Hunter

Sample pH Y X y DWL EP L a b 8 SI

I 3.3 56.1 0.3406 0.3250 605 11 74.9 9.1 6.8 36.8 11.4
1.2 40.1 0.3840 0.3023 493 20 63.3 32.8 5.4 9.4 33.2
Difference — -16.0 + 0.0434 -0.0227 + 106.5 +9 -11.6 + 23.7 -1.4 -27.4 + 21.8
2 3.3 51.1 0.3614 0.3505 584 22.5 71.5 6.5 15.2 66.8 16.5
1.2 44.7 0.3804 0.3386 594 24 66.9 17.0 13.9 39.3 22.0
Difference -6.3 + 0.0190 -0.0119 + 10 + 1.5 -4.6 + 10.5 -1.3 -27.5 + 5.5

Note: DWL = dominant wavelength; EP = excitation purity; SI = saturation index.

From Little. A. C. and Liaw, M. W., Am. J. Enol. Vitic.,25, 79, 1974. With permission.


Estimation of Anthocyanin Content of Red Wine by Comparing the Difference in Absorption with the Magnitude of
the Shift in Chromaticity in Hunter and CIE Coordinates

Brown Chromaticity shift

Sample PH O) CIE(x 10J) Hunter

1 3.3 0.075 0.051 0.024 30 4.90 23.7

1.2 0.355 0.355
Difference — 0.280 0.304
2 3.3 0.056 0.024 0.032 57 2.24 10.6
1.2 0.170 0.170 2.24
Difference — 0.114 0.146
Ratio (1:2) — 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.2

From Little, A. C. and Liaw, M. W., Am. J. Enol. V7r/c.,25, 79, 1974. With permission.

sured analytically. Therefore, there was reason while for Sample 2, the proportion of brown
to predict that the Acy content of Sample 1 is was 57%. This is fully consistent with the ob-
considerably higher than that of Sample 2, served differences in purity. The chromaticity
since both DWL and 6 suggest it to be redder shifts, expressed in both CIE and Hunter coor-
than Sample 2, and it did in fact appear redder. dinates, showed a twofold difference between
Further, it could be predicted that, upon acidi- Samples 1 and 2, in agreement with the absorp-
fication, the shift in hue or its psychophysical tion differential. In this example, although a
correlate DWL would be greater for Sample 1 measure of magnitude-of-chromaticity shift in
than for Sample 2 — a prediction borne out, as both coordinate systems worked equally well,
already mentioned, by the CIE but not by the the CIE system provided additional valuable in-
Hunter data. The relatively higher purity at pH formation regarding changes in dominant
3.3 and the smaller change upon acidification wavelength (DWL) and excitation purity (EP)
for Sample 2 suggest increased browning in upon acidification.
Sample 2. As mentioned previously, Johnson et al."
Confirmation of these predictions is found in • found a discrepancy in the correlation of DWL
Table 8, which gives analytical data on Acy with visual assessment; however, this may have
content by a modification of the Swain-Hillis" been due to the systems studies. Also, it might
method. have been advantageous to use the pigment
For Sample 1, the contribution of brown pig- analysis described by Fuleki and Francis23
ment at 520 nm amounted to 30% of the total, which overcomes some of the shortcomings of
December 1978 279

the earlier Swain-Hillis69 method. Nevertheless, color in a particular color solid. A color scale
this work is an excellent example of how data may be transformed mathematically to another
reduction can be evaluated in a model. system which utilizes a different color solid.
Robinson et al.,64 in a study with red wine, Luminous-transmittance parameter — The
found that both hue and saturation increased one parameter of a color scale which defines
with decreasing lightness to a maximum and lightness or darkness of a sample. The most
then decreased. Van Buren et al." found the commonly used luminous-transmittance pa-
same relationship with different types of Acys rameters in this investigation are CIE Y and
in solution. This is not an unexpected result, Hunter L.
since darker solutions allow less light through Chromaticity parameters — The two param-
and, therefore, less energy reaches the photo- eters of a color scale which define hue and
tube. However, the complete answer is not as chroma at a constant luminous transmittance.
simple as this. As a result of this perception, Compound functions — Those color-quality
Eagerman et al. is investigated the use of differ- parameters whose conversion formulas possess
ent color scales for dark-colored beverages. The a luminous-transmittance parameter in both the
color scales currently employed on a number of numerator and the denominator of the conver-
colorimeters were developed for reflectance sion equations.
measurements. This is true even if the instru- Simple functions — These color quality pa-
ment is equipped to make transmission mea- rameters whose conversion formulas do not
surements. Since transmission data may be ac- have a variable quantity in the denominator of
quired with these instruments, the applicability their conversion equations. These are the equa-
of these so-called "reflectance scales" was in- tions for the derivation of CIE X and Z and
vestigated. This research involved examination Colormaster R and B.
of several reflectance or surface color scales Root functions — Those color quality pa-
and transmission color scales to determine their rameters whose conversion formulas are simple
usefulness for transmission colorimetry. but have the variable terms taken to some root.
The main problem involved in making trans- Examples of these are the Glasser and Adams
mission measurements on samples is the diffi- Scales.
culty of photocells adjusting to low-luminosity Data from both the General Electric Record-
situations in a manner similar to the human ing Spectrophotometric (GERS) and the
eye. With lightly colored clear liquids there is Hunter D25 were converted into the 11 remain-
no problem. However, with darker-colored liq- ing scales. It was seen that with most scales
uids, the photocells do not adequately measure there was some area of confusion dependent
the visual chroma or hue of the sample. Thus, upon the value of the luminous-transmittance
the measurement may be more of a lightness or parameter. This means that the chromaticity
darkness measure than a color judgment. Little parameters increased with pigment concentra-
work has been done on the application of trans- tion to a certain level of luminous transmit-
mission scales to dark transparent food prod- tance. Below this level, the same parameters be-
ucts. gan to decrease. The area of confusion, or
Several colorants, both FDC dyes and a nat- inversion area, refers to this change in the chro-
ural Acy, were evaluated at different concentra- maticity values when a certain level of luminous
tions with different color scales. In this study, transmittance is reached.
some new terminology was defined in order to Since chromaticity parameters are analogous
explain the results, and it is appropriate to de- to hue and chroma, it would be desirable, if, as
fine these terms in this discussion. the colorant concentration increased, such val-
Area of confusion of inversion area — The ues would increase linearly, no matter what the
region where changes in the pigment concentra- luminous transmittance. This does not hold,
tion of the samples fail to correlate with basically due to lower energy levels being trans-
changes in the scale readings. This is illustrated mitted through darker samples. The photocells
graphically in Figure 17. then collect a weaker signal, which is translated
Color scale — A scale consisting of three pa- into a smaller chromaticity-parameter reading
rameters which completely defines or locates a and also due to the shape of the color solid
280 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

which is nonlinear in hue with a linear value of the compound and root functions had areas
progression. The luminous-transmittance val- of confusion at almost the identical range of lu-
ues, where areas of confusion occur for differ- minous transmittance (Table 9). The only pa-
ent color scales, are shown in Table 1. The lu- rameters which had inversions at some other lu-
minous-transmittance parameter used was minous transmittance were the two scales
Hunter L for all scales, including X, Y, Z, in specifically proposed for transmission work,
order to simplify interpretation. The results the Hunter L, a', b' and the Citrus scales. Also,
from the two different sets of data agree quite the Rd, ARJ, bKd scale, which was designed for
closely. reflectance measurements, showed an inversion
Figure 17 illustrates the terms "area of con- area at a different luminous-transmittance
fusion" or "inversion area". This is a graph of level. However, its inversion area was at the
the Hunter L, a, b values for cyanidin-3-gluco- highest luminous-transmittance level of any of
side (Cn-3-G). The horizontal axis is the ap- the scales tested. All of the other scales are con-
proximate pigment concentration and the ver- sidered reflectance scales. Although each gives
tical axis is the value for the respective different numerical tristimulus values for the
parameters. In this graph, it may be seen that samples, the overall results, with regard to
luminous transmittance decreases proportion- areas of confusion, were approximately the
ally with increased pigment concentration, but same.
both chromaticity parameters show an inver-
sion in certain luminous-transmittance areas. Further work in this study indicated that
Some scale parameters did not show any in- many commercial dark juices when measured
version. These included all of the luminous- in 10-nm cells are at or below the areas of con-
transmittance parameters and those chromatic- fusion for all scales except the Hunter L, a', b'
ity parameters whose conversion formulas were scale. Thus, care should be taken when express-
simple functions, as defined previously. Those ing quality standards for these products.
parameters which showed areas of confusion Eagerman et al.15 explained the inversion the-
were the compound or root functions. Further oretically as well as providing empirical data to
inspection of the results showed that nearly all support their thesis.


L values
a values
b va/ues

t r 1o
FIGURE 17. L, a, b values vs. pigment concentration (Cn-3-G). (Reprinted with
permission from Eagerman, B. A., Clydesdale, F. M., and Francis, F. } . , J. Food
Sci.. 38,1051, 1973. Copyright © by Institute of Food Technologists.)
December 1978 281


Luminosity Levels at Which Areas of Confusion Occur for the chromat-

icity Parameters of Various Color Scales Calculated from GERS X, Y,
Z and D25 L.a.b Values

Luminosity value (in terms

of L) where area of confu-
sion occurs
Color scales parameter GERS data D25 data Ref.

L.a.b a 36.8—42.9 45.9 67a

b 51.9—55.8 48.3
L.o,/? a 36.8 34.4—37.0 35
P 46.8—48.8 44.7
L'.a'./r a' 36.8 34.4—36.5 35
P' 46.8—48.8 44.7
L.a.b a. 36.8—42.9 40.3 24
bc 42.9 40.8
L,. a,, b. a. 36.8 34.4—40.3 24a
b. 42.9 40.8
L., a., b. a. 35.4—42.9 40.3—40.8 1
b. 40.3—42.9 40.3
U*. V*,W* U* 40.3—42.9 44.0—44.7 75
V* 48.8—53.2 48.3
%Y,x, v X 25.5—29.8 29.9—34.4 8a
y 53.2—57.1 48.5—53.4
R-, a,, b. a,, 63.0 62.8 35a
b. 59.0—61.2 53.4—61.7
L, a, b' a' 19.0—21.9 19.0—21.9
b' 35.4 29.9—37.0 32
Citrus scales CR 19.0—21.9 19.0—21.0 34
CY 35.4 29.9—34.4

Note: Pigment used was cyanidin-3-glucoside.

From Eagerman, B.A., Clydesdale, F.M., and Francis, F.J., J. Food

Sci., 38,1051,1973. With permission.

The conversion formulas for the Hunter L, a, b scale from Because Z is constant for a good portion of the dilution
X, Y, Z are: curve, it is easier to begin the mathematical discussion with
the parameter involving Z. The reason for Z being constant
L =1 0 Y " 2 can be seen in Figures [19] and [20] which are representative
spectra of the systems tested. It may be seen that until the
a = 17S(1.02X-Y) overall solution becomes light enough, there is not suffi-
Y"J cient magnification of the X' peak to be measured by the
photocell. X' is approximately one-sixth the size of the X
. _ 70(Y-0.847Z) peak and is located in the Z region of the spectrum. With
a red material, X' should be a very high percentage of the
total Z reading. When the X, Y, Z values are converted to
the " b " parameter of the L, a, b scale, Z is only involved
The factors 175 and 70 were derived experimentally to in- as a term which is subtracted from Y. If Z is constant, while
crease the fit of the spacing of Hunter coordinates to Mun- Y is increasing, the numerator of the formula will increase
sell coordinates. On the other hand, 1.02 X and 0.847 Z are and the overall function will increase. However, as can be
factors required to place Illuminant C at the origin of the seen from Figure [18], once Z starts to rise, it does so at a
Hunter a, b space. The X, Y, Z scale is a simple function, much faster rate than does Y. This will cause the numerator
having no areas of confusion and all parameters increase to decrease, while the denominator increases, thus causing
as measurements go from the darkest to the lightest solu- the function to decrease. The area of confusion is the tran-
tions. Figure [18] is a rectangular coordinate plot of the X, sition period where the numerator is increasing only
Y, Z raw data for cyanidin-3-glucoside dilution. It is a plot slightly, so that the increase in the denominator causes the
of parameter readings versus pigment concentration, and overall function to remain approximately constant and then
will be referred to throughout the following discussion. decrease.
282 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition


Y vt/ues
~Z vtltes


2 4 6 B 10

FIGURE 18. X, Y, Z values vs. Cn-3-G concentration. (Reprinted with permission

from Eagerman B. A., Clydesdale, F. M., and Francis, F. J., J. Food Sci., 38,
1051, 1973. Copyright © by Institute of Food Technologists.)




FIGURE 19. Spectral curves for Cn-3-G solutions.

Curves represent 0.10, 0.17, 0.69. 1.73, 3.45, 6.90, and 17.3
mg of pigment per milliliter. (Reprinted with permission
from Eagerman, B. A., Clydesdale, F. M., and Francis, F.
J., J. Food Sci., 38, 1051, 1973. Copyright © by Institute
of Food Technologists.)
December 1978 283





400 £00 600 700


FIGURE 20. Spectral curves for solutions of F,D, and C.

Red No. 1. The curves represent 0.05, 0.10, 0.30, 0.70, 3.0
and 10.0 mg of pigment per milliliter. (Reprinted with per-
mission from Eagerman, B. A., Clydesdale, F. M., and
Francis, F. J., f. Food Sci., 38, 1051, 1973. Copyright ©
by Institute of Food Technologists.)

With "a" the situation is similar. Here, the numerator is Root functions, such as the Glasser and Adams scales
1.02 X-Y, and while neither of the variables is constant, the have variables taken to some root and subtracted from each
relative rates of increase do vary. In the lowest luminous other. It appears that relative rates of increase control scale
transmittance range, X increases faster than Y, then in the inversion here also, as the formulas, without taking the
middle and upper regions, Y increases faster than X. So, equation to the root, are similar to the form of the com-
here again, the numerator first increases, then decreases, pound function numerators. Also, the areas of confusion
with the denominator increasing constantly. for these scales are in the same luminous transmittance re-
The other compound scales show that the chromaticity gion as those for most of the compound functions.
parameters for the two Judd-Hunter scales, Citrus Scales, Simple scales, such as the CIE X, Y, Z scale, do not have
R<, a»w, ba* and Hunter's transmission scale all have nu- any areas of confusion, nor are they linear with pigment
merators similar to the L, a, b system in that variables with concentration. The rectangular coordinate graph of X, Y,
different rates of increase are subtracted from each other, Z readings versus pigment concentration [Figure 18] resem-
while the denominator increases constantly. The two other bled the shape of a semilog plot. Therefore, a plot of the
compound function scales, Wyszecki (1963) [Reference 75] reading versus the log of the pigment concentration was
U*, V* and the chromaticity coordinates have conversion made, as shown in [Figure 21.] The plots of X and Y, the
formulas which differ in form from the others. These have only ones of major concern in a red system, closely approx-
just one variable in the numerator, X, Y or Z, and all three imate a straight line for one log cycle, but veer off slightly
in the denominator added together. The inversion of these in opposite directions on either side of the straight line por-
parameters is dependent upon the denominator. Here tion. The linear portion of X corresponds to luminous
again, it is the relative rates of increase that control the transmittance levels of Y = 13 to 55 or Hunter L of 37 to
inversion. Chromaticity coordinate "x", whose conversion 75. This does not include the luminosity levels of the dark
formula is: X/(X + Y + X), will serve as the example. At colored juices. The linearity of the line, as described by lin-
lowest luminous transmittance, X increases the fastest; then ear regression analysis, showed a coefficient of determina-
later Y and Z start increasing faster than X, so the overall tion equal to 0.964 for the linear portion and 0.931 for the
denominator increases faster than the numerator. Thus, the entire range. The coefficients for Y over its linear region
parameter first increases then decreases. The analogy holds were 0.986 and 0.875 for the linear portion and the entire
for the the other parameters of this type. range respectively. However, because the plots are not lin-
284 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

X values
Y values
Z values

.06 •/ 1.0 10.0


FIGURE 21. X, Y, Z values vs. the log of Cn-3-G concentration. (Reprinted with
permission from Eagerman, B. A., Clydesdale, F. M., and Francis, F. J., J. Food
Sci., 38, 1051, 1973. Copyright © by Institute of Food Technologists.)

ear from the initial concentration upward, this scale would

not be useful for the prediction of pigment concentrations.

Reduced data was also tested and explained

in an analogous manner. This work should be
fully investigated by those interested in color
measurement of dark-colored beverages.
In this study it was noted that the two scales
having inversion areas at the lowest luminous
transmittance were those developed by Hunter
for use with liquids. They are the L, a', b'
scales and the Citrus Colorimeter scales. These
differ mathematically from the Hunter L, a, b
basically by the denominator of the conversion
equation. The transmission scales have Y in the
denominator as opposed to Y" 2 for the reflec-
tance scales. The logic used in changing the de-
nominator was to expand the chromaticity pa-
rameters at lower luminous transmittance
relative to their values at higher luminous trans-
mittance. Figure 22 shows a graphical represen-
tation of the expansion at lower luminous -a
transmittance levels of the L, a', b', labeled
"a", scale relative to the L, a, b scale at the FIGURE 22. A representation of L,a'% b' and,
same luminous transmittance. For the range of color scale expansion. (Reprinted with permission from Ea-
L values, it is shown what a would be relative german, B. A., Clydesdale, F. M., and Francis, F. J., J.
Food Sci., 38, 1056, 1973. Copyright © by Institute of
to constant a of 1 or - 1 . The two-dimensional Food Technologists.)
graph for b and b' would be identical. The rea-
son why a scale was proposed which expands at cannot. This expansion is presumed to be a
lower luminous transmittance is that, although mathematical adaption mechanism for the pho-
the eye is able to adapt to lower luminous trans- tocells. The proposed scale (Figure 22) partially
mittance and give color judgments, photocells accomplished the desired effect. The area of
December 1978 285

confusion was lowered, but grape juice, fruit of different slopes, even though all lines were
punch syrup, and prune juice, in 10-mm cells, reasonably linear.
all produced readings around the area of con- Observing that despite the differing slopes,
fusion for these scales.15 It appeared that more all the curves had similar shapes, a graphical
expansion of the chromaticity parameters was solution was attempted. Using a computer
necessary. (CDC 3600®) to do both the calculations and
Therefore, Eagerman et al.16 developed a set the graph plotting, various exponents and ad-
of new scales, based on this reasoning, designed ditive constants were used in several attempts
for transmission colorimetry. to find formulas which most closely approxi-
It was known that greater expansion of the mated linear relationships between colorant
parameters at lower luminous transmittance concentration and parameter values. The for-
than that given by Y in the denominator was mulas developed will be called a* and b* to de-
necessary. Employing this logic, Y2 was tried as note the relationship to the Hunter color solid.
the denominator, while leaving the numerator It was hoped that one formula for a* and one
unchanged. Figure 22 shows the expansion for b* would linearize all of the colored sys-
caused by a function with Y2 in the denomina- tems, but that did not happen. Because of dif-
tor (labeled "a 2 "). Using Y2 as the denominator fering slopes, the multiplying factors straight-
eliminated the inversion of the parameters and ened each curve to a different extent. As a
created scales which were close to being linear result, different formulas had to be found for
with pigment concentration when plotted on each colorant system.
rectangular coordinate paper. Figure 23 is a Table 10 illustrates the results of this com-
plot of the data from four different colored sys- puter technique and shows the many possible
tems, cyanidin-3-glucoside, Food, Drug, and combinations of exponents and additive con-
Cosmetic (FDC) Red #1, Red #2, and Yellow stants which give plots very close to linear and
#6. Each is a plot of: a2 = 170(1.02X-Y)/Y2. coefficients of determination better than
However, each colored system produced lines 0.9990.





• Red N« 2
o Cn-3-G
* Yellow N* 6 (XIO!
o Red N*I

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

FIGURE 23. Plot of a2 for each of the colorant systems. The coefficients of deter-
mination for the Curves 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 0.9865, 0.9937, 0.9724 and 0.9901, re-
spectively. (Reprinted with permission from Eagerman, B. A.. Clydesdale, F. M.,
and Francis, F. J., / . Food Sci., 38, 1056, 1973. Copyright © by Institute of Food
286 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition


Formulas and Degree of Linearity for Color Quality Parameters Which are Linear to
Colorant Concentration

Colorant or Parameter Coefficient of

pigment (a* o r b ' ) Formula Slope determination

F.D.C a* 2.50 0.9995

Red No. 1
2.43 0.9994
i 2.36 0.9994
2.45 0.9993
F,D,C a» 7.61 0.9999
Red No. 2
7.57 0.9998
7.94 0.9996
9.32 0.9993
Cyanidin-3-glu- a* 18.53 0.9996
22.25 0.9992
20.55 0.9990
F.D.C a* 0.0127 0.9992
Yellow No. 6
F.D.C b* -6.47 0.9996
Green No. 3
F.D.C b* 147.6 0.9994
Blue No. 1

Reprinted with permission from Eagerman, B. A., Clydesdale, F. M., and Francis, F.
J., J. FoodSci., 38, 1056, 1973. Copyright © by Institute of Food Technologists.

This process, which relates color scales to vides a possible rapid, accurate, and efficient
pigment contents, bears some relationship to method for the determination of pigment con-
the use of broad-band filters in absorptimetry tent within a defined system. This is a use of
prior to the present popularity of grating mon- tristimulus colorimetry which has not been
ochromators. The important difference is that taken advantage of in the past.
these equations utilize most of the visible spec- In order to test these scales, which Eagerman
trum instead of a small portion. It remains to et al." developed with model systems, Johnson
be seen whether this approach will provide a et al." investigated the use of this concept on a
more sensitive mechanism for pigment systems food product. Cranberry juice cocktail was
which extend over a broader portion of the chosen as a typical red fruit juice which is
spectrum than that employed with an absorpti- known to show color degradation on storage.
meter. This distortion of the conventional color It was decided by Johnson et al.37 that a good
scales, which would occur when the coefficients test of this concept would be to attempt to de-
are changed, will obviously affect the relation- velop scales which would not only follow pig-
ship to visual appearance. However, if this dis- ment degradation but which would also predict
tortion is too large, the colorimeter could be visual color assessment. This would provide a
programmed internally to read out any desired simple colorimetric technique which would pro-
scale, and, with a switch, converted back to vide not only a measure of pigment content but
normal operation. This principle is employed in also visual assessment.
the latest model of the Tomato Colorimeter®. Instrument readings and reduced data were
The ramifications of such a system are quite correlated with both pigment concentration and
immense. Colorimetric techniques normally re- visual ranking. Data from the CIE system were
quire only a few minutes to produce data converted to the L, a*, b* system using the
whereas chemical techniques generally require computer program developed by Eagerman et
a minimum of several hours. This concept pro- al. 15-16 Data obtained from this program were
December 1978 287

then correlated with pigment concentration and the Z function, but to a greater extent. Thus,
visual ranking. these two values change at different rates and
Table 11 shows the correlations of Acy con- give a low correlation to b. The cell thickness
centration vs. instrumental functions for the does not seem to markedly affect the results as
three experiments. It is seen here that all func- seen by a comparison of the Gardner (cited in
tions except dominant wavelength, hue, and b Johnson et al.)37 data to the Hunter data which
provide high correlations: dominant wave- were done with different cell thicknesses. Cor-
length and hue are analagous. The hue of a par- relations that were high for functions from one
tially degraded system is due to a combination instrument were also high for the other instru-
of effects brought about by the intact pigments ment. The same was true for the function giving
and the degradation products (browning com- low correlations.
pounds). These two factors are not perfectly As well as these conventional scales, Johnson
correlated; thus, hue is not a good indicator of et al.37 developed new scales based on the work
either. The reason that b is a poor index might of Eagerman et al." These scales were then
be explained in the conversion equation: evaluated as a predictor of both chemical con-
tent and visual judgment.
b = 7.0(Y-0.847Z)/Y1/J
Data from the cranberry cocktail experi-
Acys absorb maximally near 535 nm and ments in the CIE system were put through the
would affect the Y function. The browning SEARCH program" in order to find the con-
compounds absorb at 400 nm and would affect version formula which gave the highest corre-


Correlations of Anthocyanin Concentration vs. Instrumental

Tristimulus Data for Cranberry Juice Cocktail

Correlation coefficient
Correlation of anthocy-
anin cone with: I II III

General Electric X -0.990 -0.960 -0.993

Y -0.991 -0.974 -0.981
Z -0.994 -0.939 -0.993
(X J + Y 2 )" 2 -0.991 -0.967 -0.986
(X22 + 2z'y2 -0.994 -0.949 -0.989
(Y + Z )" -0.993 -0.965 -0.992
Purity 0.991 0.966 0.966
Dominant wavelength -0.947 -0.678 -0.642
X 0.994 0.959 0.992
y -0.974 -0.949 -0.839
Gardner L -0.985 -0.966 -0.961
a 0.983 0.958 0.915
b 0.982 0.059 0.928
Hue -0.941 0.863 0.272
Chroma 0.985 0.973 0.933
Hunter L -0.992 -0.972 -0.985
a 0.992 0.975 0.973
b 0.885 -0.736 0.658
Hue -0.490 0.976 0.235
Chroma 0.990 0.973 0.978

Note: I, II, and III refer to three separate experiments having

10, 12, and 16 samples, respectively.

Reprinted with permission from Johnson, L. E., Clydesdale,

F. M., and Francis, F. J., J. FoodSci.,41, 74, 1976. Copyright
© by Institute of Food Technologists.
288 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

lation of converted data against Acy concentra- Since many of the natural colorants possess
tion. After obtaining the converted L, a*, b* a great deal of variation, due to their biological
data, correlations of converted a* values vs. origin and limitations on the amount of pro-
visual mean rank for the corresponding experi- cessing which they may undergo, it becomes ex-
ment were calculated. Table 12 shows the cor- tremely important to specify tinctorial strength
relations of a* vs. Acy concentration and vs. between batches and between different pig-
visual rank for the two sets of data. It can be ments.
seen that high r values were obtained for both Unfortunately, in the good industry, the tinc-
types of correlation. torial strength is being too often specified in
The conclusion is that the scales generated do terms of optical density (OD) or wavelength of
indeed indicate what the eye is seeing as well as maximum absorbance, A. This problem has
providing an excellent measure of pigment con- been noted by Johnson et al." and, more re-
tent (r = 0.970 and 0.997). The equation gen- cently, by Clydesdale.' However, due to the im-
erated was: portance of the proper specification of tincto-
rial strength, this problem should be discussed
a* = 170(1.02X -Y)/Y'-60+200 briefly in this review.
This equation would probably have to be ad- Tinctorial strength or coloring power of a co-
justed for different types of foods depending lorant is at times a very difficult parameter to
upon such factors as physical state, type of pig- specify. Often, optical-density readings at the
ment, scattering, etc. Table 12 shows the A E wavelength of maximum absorption are used
values and hue ranges for the three experiments for dyes of similar color. Unfortunately, it has
using the Gardner and Hunter data. High cor- been noted that sometimes there is a poor cor-
relations using conventional color functions relation between optical density and visual
could be due to the relatively large differences rank. Certain dyes, on the other hand, give a
between the samples. It can be seen that the good correlation between visual ranking and
range of hue for the samples is relatively small, optical density or correlation.
which could be a factor in the hue and domi- Table 13 shows the relationship of optical
nant wavelength functions having low correla- density at the wavelength of maximum absorp-
tions. tion to concentration (5 to 30 mg/1 with 5 mg
It should also be pointed out that the reason intervals) for F, D, C Yellow No. 5 (430 nm)
for the high correlation using conventional and D and C Yellow No. 10 (410 nm). From
techniques was that the samples utilized were this table it would appear that D and C No. 10
not dark enough to carry the measurements has greater tinctorial strength than F, D, and C
into the area of confusion, as described by Ea- No. 5 at every concentration.
germanetal. 'A6 However, when these samples were presented
This methodology is suitable to produce to a panel, the panelists did not rank them in
more functional color scales for many foods.
Such scales might add a more versatile dimen-
sion to current colorimetric practices and qual- TABLE 12
ity assessment. Correlation Coefficients for Anthocyanin Concentra-
tion vs. a* and Visual Mean Rank vs. a* for Two Ex-
Correlation coefficient
The literature is becoming more replete with Correlation with a* Experiment 1 Experiment 2
comparisons of the tinctorial strength of differ-
ent types of colorants, both natural and syn- Anthocyanin con- 0.970 0.997
thetic. The reasons for this are obvious. Federal centration
regulatory actions are providing an atmosphere Visual mean rank -0.994 -0.961
for the possible use of new colorants, both nat- Reprinted with permission from Johnson, L. E., Cly-
ural and synthetic, and are limiting or eliminat- desdale, F. M., and Francis. F. J., J. FoodSci., 41, 74,
ing the use of many of the other colorants. 1976. Copyright © by Institute of Food Technologists.
December 1978 289


Color Differences and Hue Ranges for Three Experiments Using Gardner
and Hunter Data

Gardner Hunter

Expt. E a/b arctan a/b E a/b arctan a/b

I 16.7 0.75 3.6 40.2 5.63 4.3
II 47.3 2.37 27.7 30.6 6.30 43.3
III 59.3 2.29 13.5 50.4 5.55 52.1

Reprinted with permission from Johnson, L. E., Clydesdale, F. M., and

Francis, F. J., /. Food Sci., 41, 74, 1976. Copyright by Institute of Food

this order. In fact, the panelists began to rank TABLE 14

F, D, and C No. 5 as being more intense than
D and C No. 10 at a concentration level of ap- Relationship of Optical Density at the Wavelength
of Maximum Absorption to Concentration for
proximately 15 to 20 mg/1. In order to confirm F,D,C Yellow No. 5 and D and C Yellow No. 10"
this crossover effect, panelists were presented
with a sample of each at every concentration Optical density"
and asked to note which of the two in each case
was more intense. Again, the crossover effect Concentration FD and C D and C No
(mg/1) No. 5 10
was found indicating that visual rank varied
with concentration. In order to resolve this 5 0.022 0.044
problem, all samples were measured by means 10 0.052 0.095
of the GERS and Gardner XL-10®. It was 15 0.070 0.132
hoped that such an optical characterization in- 20 0.096 0.182
25 0.120 0.219
volving both spectral curves and psychophysi- 30 0.146 0.267
cal functions might explain this phenomenon.
Table 14 shows the correlation of instrumen- Wavelength of maximum absorption: F,D,C No.
tal tristimulus data with concentration of the 5 = 430 nm; D and C No. 10 = 410 nm.
two dyes. It should be noted that, although
high correlations were achieved with all psycho- From these results, it is apparent that it is
physical functions (except purity, dominant necessary for a psychophysical function to
wavelength, L, and hue), such correlations do achieve the following three objectives in order
not give any indication of the crossover effect to adequately describe the optical phenomenon
which was observed by the visual panel. In or- under investigation:
der to observe if a crossover occurred, it was
necessary to calculate lines of best fit by regres- 1. A high correlation between the function
sion analysis for each psychophysical function and dye concentration is necessary to
vs. dye concentration. When the data were plot- achieve a straight line relationship.
ted in this manner, it was found the CIE Y, 2. The crossover effect must occur at the same
Gardner chroma, purity, and b showed a cross- concentration as that noted by the visual
over. However, the latter three functions panel.
showed this effect at concentrations above 3. The function must provide data which ad-
those noted by the visual panel and/or did not equately distinguishes between the two dyes
separate the dyes adequately over the entire over the entire concentration range of in-
concentration range. terest.
Figure 24 shows the results of such a plot for
CIE Y vs. dye concentration. In this case, not Further characterization of the dyes was nec-
only was a crossover observed, but an excellent essary to explain this phenomenon. This was
separation between dyes was achieved. achieved by running spectral curves of the dyes
290 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

over the concentration range being investi- D and C No. 10 show a greater OD than F, D,
gated. Figure 25 shows spectral curves of the and C No. 5 at the wavelength of maximum ab-
two dyes at selected concentrations (5, 15, and sorption at all concentrations. However, as
30 mg/1). From these curves, it may be seen that concentration increases from 5 to 30 mg/1, the
OD becomes less important than the amount of
energy transmitted, and band width of the spec-
tra becomes more important. Thus, up to 15
mg/1, OD is the major factor in energy trans-
92- mittance, which is analogous to visual percep-
tion; and, at approximately 15 mg/1, OD and
band width are equally important, with band
91- width becoming the major factor above 15 mg/
1. In other words, OD alone is not a good esti-
mate of tinctorial strength because it does not
consider band width. It should be emphasized
that visual perception is analogous to the total
area encompassed by the curves, which is
roughly the product of OD x band width. This
explains why OD is not an adequate function
but does not explain why CIE Y was the best
psychophysical function to describe this phe-
88- nomenon. In order to do this, it is necessary to
10 IS 20 2S 30
realize that CIE Y is the luminosity function in
the CIE system; this function has a standard-
FIGURE 24. Line of best fit obtained by regression an- observer curve which covers most of the spec-
lysis for CIE Y vs. pigment concentration. F,D, and C No. trum to some degree. Therefore, it includes
5 (—); D and C No. 10 (—). (From Johnson, L. E., Cly- brightness, which is somewhat comparable to
desdale, F. M., and Francis, F. J-, Proc. 4th Int. Congr. OD, as well as providing a measure of band
Food Science and Technology, Vol. 2, lnstituto de Agro-
quimica y Technologia de Alimentos, Valencia, Spain, width due to the shape of the y standard-ob-
1974, 150. With permission.) server curve.

i.l, S a|/|
c.<; IS a|/l
I.I: 30 Hf/I

45 760
sio (00
w»mt»ST» (••>

FIGURE 25. Spectral curves of F, D, and C Yellow No. 5 (—) and D and C Yellow
No. 10 (—) at selected concentrations. (From Johnson L. E., Clydesdale, F. M.,
and Francis, F. J., Proc. 4th Int. Congr. Food Science and Technology, Vol. 2,
lnstituto de Agroquimica y Tecnologia de Alimentos, Valencia, Spain, 1974, 150.
With permission.)
December 1978 291

It should be stressed that this study does not the systems which are described are not in any
prove the need for the elimination of A in every way an endorsement of a particular company
case nor the inclusion of a psychophysical func- or product but are merely representations of the
tion. However, it does show the importance of technology which is now in use.
testing whatever measure of tinctorial strength Icore Industries has developed a Gromax
is used against visual perception of that meas- Model® 511 which is a fully transistorized
ure at all concentrations. compact selector for use on all types of shelled
nuts including whole, split, blanched and
CONTINUOUS COLORIMETRY roasted kernels. A diagrammatic representation
of this sorter is shown in Figure 26. In this fig-
An area which is often overlooked in the lit- ure, it can be seen that the product fed to the
erature is that of continuous colorimetry. Kra- hopper (1) of the selector is withdrawn by a vi-
mer43 has recently published an overview of bratory feeder (2) and discharged onto two
color measurement in quality control to which counterrotating rollers (3). The rollers singulate
the reader is referred; however, the area of con- and accelerate the product. At the end of the
tinuous colorimetry was not dealt with in detail. rollers, the stream of product passes through
There should not be any question as to the de- the scanning head (4) between photoelectric
sirability of continuous color monitoring or cells. Directly opposite each photocell are
measuring systems. Such systems would give an color-standard cards. In effect, the photocells
infinite variety of speeds to any operation and compare each particle with these predetermined
allow control of many variables in raw mate- standards. If the particle is darker or lighter in
rials handling at very exacting high speeds. light reflectance, an electronic impulse actuates
There is obvious interest here in quality control an air valve (5) which diverts that particle into
applications such as those used for the sorting the reject shoot (6). All other particles are al-
of food products. There is also interest in pro- lowed to continue undisturbed into the accept
cess control applications, for example, in the shoot (7). In this case, it may be seen that only
baking industry with the manufacturing of one parameter of the total color of the material
cookies and cakes, etc. There could also be is being used. That parameter is, of course, the
widespread use of this in the monitoring of bev- lightness/darkness factor which was described
erage or liquid-type products. Currently, the previously in the discussion of color solids. In
most highly developed area for continuous this instance, however, the lightness/darkness
color measurement is probably that used in the factor is quite important because predeter-
sorting of food products by color to upgrade mined standards have been developed and the
the quality." Firms such as the Icore Division lightness or darkness of a sample is being com-
of Acurex Corporation, Sunnyvale, California pared to the lightness or darkness of a particu-
and Mandrel Industries, Houston, Texas have lar standard color rather than just a lightness/
developed a wide range of machines to color- darkness scale without consideration of the
sort such products as beans, peas, grains, seeds, overall color of the product.
rice, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, coffee beans, Figure 27 depicts another type of continuous
cherries, dehydrated vegetables of all types, color or quality monitoring instrument devel-
sugar, potato chips, french fries, diced vegeta- oped by Mandrel Industries, Inc. Depending
bles and fruits, wet-peeled potatoes, carrots, upon the size of the product examined, the fer-
onions and apples, etc. Each application re- rule drum picks up to 60 objects per revolution
quires an optical scanning head, a sampling- at hundreds of revolutions per minute. Speed-
handling system to introduce the product to the ing through the viewing chamber each object is
optical head, and a sample or rejection system. scrutinized and accepted or rejected. The prod-
All of these systems have many aspects in uct is fed from overhead bins into a self-regu-
common. Before discussing these common as- lating feed shoot which empties into a rotation
pects, it might be of value to describe several bowl, positioning the product in rows at its
particular sorting devices which are currently outer edge.
being used and then review the generalized as- The ferrule drum, revolving counterclock-
pects of all the systems. It should be noted that wise, dips into the first row of objects, picks up
292 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition



FIGURE 26. A diagrammatic representation of a Gromax

Model® 5111 Compact Selector for use on all types of
shelled nuts. (Courtesy of Icore Industries.)




' * * *



FIGURE 27. A diagrammatic representation of a continuous sorter. (Courtesy of

Geosource, Inc., Houston, Texas.)

by vacuum one object on each ferrule, and pex Corporation, and applied to the processing
moves it through the viewing chamber for indi- of potatoes by J. R. Simplot Company, Cald-
vidual judgment from both sides. Judgment is well, Ohio.2 As is shown in Figures 28 and 29,
based on comparing the color of the objects potatoes to be sorted pass through a clear plas-
with that of the standard background, through tic shoot located in the center of a viewing
the use of color filters, precision optics, and chamber. The viewing chamber is surrounded
phototubes. An air blast ejects all specimen that by nine viewing stations, each containing a pho-
do not conform to the preset standards. The ac- toelectric cell. When the area is flooded with
cepted product is released onto a transport belt. light, the light is reflected from a color refer-
In this system it may be seen that filters, instead ence reflector disk into the photocell. This es-
of predetermined standards, are being used to tablishes the reference reflectance.
set quality parameters, and this device is as Perfectly peeled potatoes match the reflec-
equally acceptable as the one described previ- tors in color. The interval between breaks in re-
ously. flectance represents the length of each potato
A sorting system that inspects and grades and sensing circuits classify it according to
large objects suspended in water has been de- length. A blemished or discolored potato does
veloped by the Electric Sorting Machine Divi- not meet the color standard, tending to absorb
sion of Mandrel Industries, a division of Am- rather than reflect the light, which triggers a de-
December 1978 293

Via wing
One of nine cok)r
tank - references

-Tronsparent chute

Start ^


FIGURE 28. A diagramatic representation of a sorting system that inspects and

grades large objects in water.

line into the trimming area. The acceptable po-

tatoes are sent along for final processing. From
these examples, it may be seen that measuring
devices used in continuous colorimetry have
some aspects in common.
In general, the sample introduction system
can be a simple trough or belt, a free-flowing
fall mechanism, or even a wheel with ferrules
to pick up individual pieces by vacuum and
convey them individually through the scanning
head. All are capable of considerable through-
put, depending on the size of the samples. For
example, wet-peeled potatoes up to 3 in in size
reference can be sorted by free fall at rates up to 3 ton/
hr. Blanched almonds can be handled at rates
Front view
up to 850 Ib/hr; peanuts, 1215 Ib/hr; and green
Nine viewing stations
coffee beans, 650 Ib/hr.
FIGURE 29. A front view of the nine viewing stations The rejection system for these machines is
shown in Figure 3. usually a jet of compressed air on a delay-signal
mechanism. In the case of machines with indi-
vidual sample pickups, a mechanical displace-
lay circuit used for ejection. Based on the ment system can be used to separate the unac-
length of the blemished potato, a memory cir- ceptable samples.
cuit determines which two ejectors will be
aligned with the exact center of the potato when The optical scanning head for these color
it reaches the ejector chamber at the end of the sorters can be very simple or rather compli-
shoot. At the instant that the blemished prod- cated, depending on the sample. With most
uct passes in front of the chosen ejector, the products, a simple measurement of lightness or
delay circuit triggers a valve and a burst of air darkness will suffice. The reflectance of the
from the ejector blasts the selected item off the sample is measured by one or more optical cells
294 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

and is compared with a standard. Samples reg- process control. In the baking industry, the
istering too dark, such as peeled potatoes with proper degree of color obtained depends on
blemishes, would be rejected. A simple refine- several factors, but an important one is the
ment would be to have a rejection signal acti- time-temperature conditions in the oven. The
vated for samples that are either too dark or speed of the conveyor belts and the temperature
too light so that the product stream would be of the oven can be controlled by color signals
divided into two portions. from the product; this would require a closed-
A more complicated refinement would be to loop feedback system and considerable engi-
introduce a color signal based on a function of neering of the whole baking line. Apparently,
Munsell hue as well as value. This would re- there has not been any commercial installations
quire a double signal but certainly could be ar- of this design as of yet but the concept is cer-
ranged. tainly quite feasible.
Such machines have been employed for green The control of peanut butter color, as influ-
coffee beans, shelled peanuts, peas, beans, de- enced by the roasting temperature, is a similar
hydrated vegetables, etc. The Electric Sorting problem. The control of color in the breakfast
Machine Company Division of Mandrel Indus- cereal industry is another problem with similar
tries makes equipment to sort whole tomatoes difficulties; however, in this case sampling is
and lemons into five color grades. The Pack- extremely difficult. These examples would all
aging Machinery Division of FMC Corpora- require an optical head suspended over the con-
tion, San Jose, California makes equipment to veyor belt to measure lightness or darkness.
sort apples into four color grades at the rate of Other applications may also require an addi-
50,000 apples per hour. tional signal based on a function of hue. Such
As in batch-type tristimulus colorimetry, the equipment is manufactured by Hunter Associ-
choice as to whether to use a single function or ates Laboratory, and Instrument Development
a multiple function will depend on analysis of Laboratories Division of Kollmorgan Color
a particular color problem. Nearly all food Systems, Attleboro, Massachusetts.
products differ in all three parameters of color; The concept of using continuous color meas-
however, not all of these are usually required urement by transmission for sorting opaque
for sorting purposes. Usually one or more pa- samples such as apples, potatoes, peaches, to-
rameters correlate reasonably well with each matoes, etc. is being developed by Birth and
other, and the color sorting process can be sim- Norris7 at the USDA Laboratory in Beltsville,
plified within an acceptable range of error. Maryland. The systems described up to this
It should be remembered that if a fairly com- point have relied on reflectance colorimetry and
plicated signal is required, reasonably expensive one does not normally think of using transmis-
optical and electronic instrumentation is also sion colorimetry on opaque or paniculate sub-
required. However, the development of minia- stances, such as fruits and vegetables. These
turized solid-state electronics has enabled man- products require optical signals up to 10 optical
ufacturers to reduce the prices considerably in density ranges (wide-range spectrophotometry),
recent years, and therefore, researchers can but the concept is feasible. An experimental
look forward to more efficient and possibly machine for quality sorting of apples is being
even less expensive equipment in the future. developed by Neotec Instruments, Rockville,
This particular aspect of price vs. complexity is Maryland according to USDA specifications.
quite common in all areas of instrumentation This kind of transmission sorting of opaque
and, in particular, when setting color toler- objects is usually referred to as "quality" sort-
ances. The closer the tolerances desired for any ing rather than "color" sorting, since wave-
given usage will increase the price commensur- lengths outside the visible region may be used.
ately. Therefore, it is up to the customer and For example, the apple sorter employs wave-
instrument manufacturer to decide upon the de- lengths at the red end of the visible spectrum
gree of error which is acceptable in their partic- and the near infrared to sort for water-core (760
ular case. and 810 nm), maturity (cholorphyl 690 and 740
As pointed out previously, other areas of in- nm), and internal browning (720 and 810 nm).
terest in continuous color measurement concern The automatic egg candler employs energy at
December 1978 295

577.and 597 nm to detect blood spots in eggs. monitoring line which would allow a feedback
Green rot in eggs can be detected by fluores- system to correct color deviations.
cence at 490 and 510 nm. Cholorphyl content In order to begin such a project, one must
as an index of maturity in peaches can be mea- take into consideration the four fundamental
sured at 700 and 740 nm. Mold damage in yel- procedures in any colorimetric technique which
low corn can be measured at 800 and 950 nm. were described previously in the section on
Carotenoid content as an index of maturity in Generalized Application of Colorimetry. That
peanuts can be measured at 490 and 520 nm. is, one must consider the object to be measured,
The actual position of the signal of the elec- the viewing technique, the analytical proce-
tromagnetic spectrum is not important for sort- dures to be used, and the establishment of the
ing purposes. Almost any signal that will differ- relationship between subjective viewing tech-
entiate products into acceptable and niques and analytical procedures.
nonacceptable catagories can be the basis for At present, it is not possible to use conven-
equipment design. tional tristimulus colorimetry for on-stream
color control of cranberry cocktail, unless a
ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF A NEW very thin cell is used. It would have to be of the
SYSTEM order of 1 cm thick or less. To use a path width
of 3 cm to make installation in a line practical,
Thus far our discussion of color has centered the color has to be measured by spectrophoto-
on the theories and concepts of colorimetry as metry. The use of absorption indices reflecting
applied to the establishment of continuous co- the pigments in a given product have been used
lorimetry and also the current methodology in several applications.
available in this area. However, it has not es- Therefore, in an initial investigation of the
tablished the type of experimental design and product, it may be seen that there is a transpar-
considerations which must be taken into ac- ent material which is fairly dark in color and,
count when one is dealing with a new product therefore, requiring a high input of energy with
and attempting to establish a continuous moni- an excellent sensing device in order to obtain a
toring system for this product. Therefore, it read-out. On the plus side, the material in ques-
might be worthwhile to look at a particular sys- tion does not contain particulate matter; there-
tem where continuous colorimetry does not ex- fore, one does not have to worry about scatter-
ist and trace the development of such a system ing and the subsequent homogeniety or random
from the concept through completion. The sys- aspects of particles suspended in the juice ma-
tem which is going to be discussed is that of the trix. Therefore, for the first piece of informa-
design of a continuous monitoring system for a tion which is required, it may be decided that
dark-colored beverage, in particular cranberry spectrophotometry can be effectively used for
cocktail. Staples and Francis68 investigated the measuring this kind of material. A model sys-
possibility of using wide-range spectrophoto- tem then has to be built in order to investigate
metry for the measurement of cranberry cock- the other aspects of colorimetry which must be
tail. Therefore, their experimental results will considered prior to the development of a con-
be used in an attempt to describe the use of such tinuous measuring system or even a batch-type
results in the establishment of a continuous system, for that matter. This may be done by
color measurement line for a dark-colored bev- utilizing cranberries or any other material un-
erage. der investigation in order to obtain a wide range
Cranberry cocktail owes much of its popular- of color. In this case, cranberries were obtained
ity to its attractive red color. Quality control and sorted visually into four color categories,
procedures to insure optimum color involves white (A), pink (B), red (C) and dark red (D),
continuous sampling of the product both prior and then combined in various proportions in
and subsequent to processing. This is a slow order to produce a series of juices covering a
and rather laborious technique which has to wide color range. In all, there were 48 combi-
stop production for a short time before correc- nations of berries used, and these produced
tions can be made and, therefore, would be an enough combinations to cover the entire color
ideal system in which to establish a continuous gamut which might be found in industrial prac-
296 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

tice. The samples prepared were processed into Francis," the plot of most interest and impor-
cranberry juice cocktail. The pigment content tance was the Biospect difference OD (515 -
of the berries, the pomace (press cake) and 420 nm) vs. the total pigment content of the
cocktail samples were determined by usual lab- cranberry cocktail sample (Figure 30). The plot
oratory procedures. These data were important showed concave downward effect, and a "tail-
to show that on-stream measurement of pig- ing off" or clustering effect at three distinct lo-
ment content could be interpreted as a reliable cations on the graph. This, in fact, was due to
measure of the visual color of the juice. the different cell sizes and dilutions necessary
Three different techniques were used to ob- to obtain proper cranberry cocktail spectra.
tain color data on the juice samples: The group at the high end of the graph arose
as a result of obtaining spectra of very dark
1. A general-purpose Biological Spectropho- samples through a 4-cm cell with a 1:2 water
tometer (Biospect® effective over eight op- dilution. With lighter samples the clustering of
tical densities, was used to obtain an ab- points disappeared and the "tailing off" effect
sorption index of the samples as two points was shown to be strictly an instrumental prob-
on the optical curve, optical density 515 to lem and could be remedied by standardizing the
420 nm. This provided a basic measure of cell size and obtaining a stronger light source -
the pigment content of the juice on the as- filter tube combination. Also, the Biospect em-
sumption that there is close correlation be- ployed was a very early model, and the base line
tween pigment content and visual color. was not completely flat. This has been remedied
2. A GE Recording Spectrophotometer was in later models by the manufacturer.
chosen as the referee instrument and the Figure 31 showed that the Biospect difference
values obtained from it were designated as plotted against Tintometer R (red) gave a rela-
standard data for objective measurement tively straight-line positive slope. This indicated
of color. A transmittance curve and X, Y, that the objective values of the biospect should
Z values from a Davidson and Hemmen- correlate quite highly with the subjective red-
dinger Tristimulus Integrator® were Ob- ness values of the Tintometer.
tained for each sample. The transmittance Simple correlation coefficients of Biospect
values were changed to OD, and OD (515 data with data from other instruments and with
to 420 nm) values were calculated as an in- total pigment content were high, with the ex-
dex color. ception of the coefficient obtained by relating
3. A Lovibond Schofield Tintometer® was Biospect difference with Tintometer Y (yellow).
the instrument used for subjectively judg- The multiple correlations were only slightly
ing the color of the cranberry cocktail sam- higher than the simple correlations. Higher val-
ples. This is an instrument based on visual ues for both the simple and multiple correla-
judgment, and thus, it satisfied another tions would probably result if the clustering ef-
one of our criteria. fect were eliminated.

Therefore, it may be seen that the experimen- 90

tal design provides information on the chemical • *

and physical nature of the sample, methodol- 7.0

ogy for testing the viewing conditions and the 3

2 5.0
visual assessment of the sample, and method- J-

ology for testing objective measurements of the 3 3.0 y^ - •

sample. These may then be correlated to insure O
that the analytical read-out is providing the in- 1.0

formation on both the visual assessment of the

sample and the actual pgiment concentration. O.O2 0.06 0.10 0.14 0.18

In addition, there is Biospect, a wide-range TOTAL PIGMENT CONTENT (nvj C.R./ml)

spectrophotometer which can be applied to an FIGURE 30. Total pigment content of cranberry juice
on-line continuous colorimetric technique. cocktail plotted against OD difference as obtained with the
From the results obtained by Staples and Biospect.®
December 1978 297

8 « .— objective measurement was giving a good indi-

cation of visual appearance. A plot of Tinto-
5 6 meter R vs. total pigment content of the cock-
a tail (Figure 33) resulted in a curve concave
j j
5 downward similar to that of Figure 30 without
5 the clustering effects. A function of chromas
a was calculated from Tintometer data and plot-
d 4
ted against the pigment content of the cocktail.
3 A curve similar to Figure 33 was obtained, in-
10 15 20 25 30 35 dicating that Tintometer Y had little effect on
the color.
A plot of total pigment content of the cock-
FIGURE 31. Redness of cranberry juice cocktail, as ob- tail against the OD differences (Figure 34)
tained with a Lovibond Tintometer® plotted against OD
difference obtained with a Biospect.® yielded a line slightly concave downward with
no clustering, since one cell size was used and
the GE instrument has excellent baseline line-
1.8 arity. The high correlation indicated that the
spectrum was reflecting the pigment content ac-
_ ' 4
ui From this data, it seems that we have an ob-
2 1.0 jective measurement which indeed does give an
acceptable and accurate measurement of both
06 pigment content and visual assessment of a
sample. Therefore, the GE readout might be
Q2 considered as a possibility to place into produc-
tion as a continuous on-line monitoring device.
10 15 20 25 30 35
The use of two points on an absorption curve
of fruit juice, as an index of the color of the
FIGURE 32. Redness of cranberry juice cocktail, as ob- juice, may be described as abridged spectropho-
tained with a Lovibond Tintometer® plotted against OD tometry. Obviously, a true index of color can
difference as obtained with a General Electric Spectropho- only be obtained from a consideration of the
absorption curve through the whole visual spec-
trum. The appropriateness of using two points
instead of the whole curve depends on how ac-
curately a two-point index such as OD (515 to
420 nm) correlates with the visual appearance.
The two-point index correlates well with visual
color; a correlation coefficient of 0.987 was ob-
tained when a GE Spectrophotometer was used
for the two-point index and a Lovibond Tinto-
meter was used for the visual index. If there are
factors which can change the visual color with-
0.02 0.06 0.10 0.14 018
out effecting the OD (515 to 420 nm) index,
they were not present in the 48 samples used in
FIGURE 33. Total pigment content of cranberry juice this work.
cocktail plotted against redness as obtained with a Lovi- If the concept of an OD (515 to 420 nm) in-
bond Tintometer.®
dex is accepted as a good index of color, the
problem of measuring it through a cell in a
pipeline becomes one of extending the spectro-
A plot of GE OD differences against Tinto- photometric capabilities. With the general pur-
meter R (red) (Figure 32), produced a straight pose instrument (Biospect) used in this work,
line with high correlations, indicating that the which is capable of obtaining the above index
298 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition



t / ^
2 0.8 • >^
t • j / ^

s j/+ • m

b 0.4

FIGURE 35. A schematic representation of a design uti-

lizing on-line colorimetry.
002 0.06 0.10 0.14 0.18
cated that many considerations must be in-
FIGURE 34. Total pigment content of cranberry juice
cocktail plotted against OD difference as obtained with a volved prior to the design of on-line continuous
General Electric Spectrophotometer.® colormetric techniques. It cannot be overem-
phasized that one needs visual assessment, a
very good idea of the physical and chemical pa-
rameters of a product, and the proper instru-
over a range of eight ODs, the correlations with mentation for analytical procedures so that all
visual color were very high (R = 0.893) but less three of these may be interrelated to produce a
than with the GE instruments (R = 0.987). The reliable final design.
lower correlations were probably due to the
limitations of the general-purpose instrument. CONCLUSIONS
A specific-purpose instrument, employing two
interference filters instead of a grating, could There is no question that the necessary tech-
be built with greater range and more accuracy. nical knowledge and sophistication are avail-
Applications of this theory to many food stuffs able for the design and use of increasingly so-
other than fruit juices have been previously phisticated colormetric techniques. I sincerely
mentioned.7 believe that with the constant questioning of the
A schematic for such a system may be seen colorant systems being utilized in our food sup-
in Figure 35. This system shows how on-stream ply today, we will have to take advantage of
colorimetry and density control could be ap- every system available, utilize more and more
plied in cranberry juice processing. The on-line pigments and more efficient extraction proce-
spectrophotometer would have a feedback sys- dures from raw materials, and look more
tem to a color concentrate which would then closely at the color monitoring systems that are
increase or decrease the degree of color re- currently available. The time is long past when
quired. A refractometer control could be in- color can be ignored since limitations are going
stalled on-line such that the sugar concentration to be placed on the use of the coloring materials
could be increased or decreased as required. that are employed. Therefore, the problem re-
Building such a special-purpose instrument solves itself, not only to one of finding new,
does not present serious technical problems. more acceptable coloring materials but also to
Because of its relative simplicity, it would not finding and developing more acceptable meth-
be considerably expensive. One instrument ods of color control. Exact tolerances may then
builder estimates it could be built for approxi- be set and met, and the industry may come up
mately $5000. with techniques which maximize color without
It is hoped that this latter section has indi- overuse or abuse of allowable colorants.

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