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Internship Journal Week #1:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Wednesday May 11th 10:00 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 6.5

Total Weekly Hours 6.5

Total Hours to Date 6.5

I am starting my first full week of my internship at King’s Bridge next week, yet

this week I came in for almost a full day in order to get a lay of the land and to see a

little bit more hands on of what exactly I will be doing this summer. Wednesday was

nothing like I pictured it would be and I feel as though I learned a lot for it being just one

day. I started the day by meeting with my supervisor in her office. She is the head of

both activities and health and wellness at King’s Bridge. She told me that I would be

working heavily under activities for May and most of June (until other full-time

employees begin), and then I will be more spread out and able to work/help under

health and wellness. I met most of the employees who I will be working side-by-side

with as well as many of the residents. (Almost all employees/staff who I will be working

with, work on Wednesday’s, and the rest of the week they are split.) As stated in my

discussion, I will be assisting with those who reside in AL (assisted living) and MC

(memory care). At King’s Bridge, AL and MC are separated, yet they have some

intermingling activities. My first activity of the day, after my tour, was bingo on the AL

floor. I mainly sat back and watched since I came in during the middle of the round and

because the residents were going to lunch soon. After bingo and meeting some of the

residents, my fellow employees and I helped make sure that all of the residents made it

to lunch on time, and then we grabbed lunch. Lunch is provided daily and most
employees eat on-site, as it counts toward their overall hours for the week. During

lunch, I got to meet some more people who I would see frequently while at work. We sat

at a big round table and laid out weekly and monthly calendars in order to help see and

plan future events. Although there are some intertwined activities between AL and MC,

they both have separate activity calendars catered to their needs. After lunch and

planning, we went to the MC floor to host a little “party”. The party consisted of (non-

choking hazard) healthy snacks and beverages as well as The Price is Right game and

mini bowling. We also did this party again after on the AL floor. If some tasks were

difficult for the residents to do or they simply were not as interested, we encouraged

them to do it with our help and guidance. The residents had so much fun and it was

amazing to see the smiles on their faces during it all. It was fun and rewarding to begin

interacting with the residents during both events. I even met a friend who grew up in

Milledgeville and we talked about Georgia College together and what her time was like

when she lived there!

Overall I think it was a great day to help me step my foot in the door without it

being too overwhelming. I am excited to see what this summer has in store in terms of

all the things I am going to learn and the connections I am going to make.

Internship Journal Week #2:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday May 16th 10:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 8

Tuesday May 17th 9:30 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 7.5

Wednesday May 9:15 A.M. 5:15 P.M. 8

Thursday May 19th 9:15 A.M. 5:45 P.M. 8.5

Friday May 20th 9:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 8

Total Weekly Hours 40

Total Hours to Date 46.5

This was my first full week at King’s Bridge and it was great! The week felt very

long but I feel as though I learned a lot and gained a lot of confidence and comfortability

with both the residents and the jobs I will be doing weekly. Since I did not work a full

week last week, I plan to get caught up by attempting to work longer days during the

week and also coming in on weekends when needed. My supervisor is newly in charge

of both activities and wellness at King’s Bridge and has been swamped with lots of

tasks. I have been helping her every morning and evening as I come into work and

before I leave with tasks that she needs assistance on. Weekends will also be beneficial

in terms of getting more things done in preparation for the coming week as well as to

catch up with my hours.

Every night before work the next day my supervisor Edde will send out a

schedule of the things we will be in charge of doing for that following day. Normally each

day consists of morning exercises followed by snacks and water. After exercise and

depending on the day, there will be an activity with a special guest, manicures, bingo,

trivia, or other games until lunch. After lunch there will be music (if there was none in the

morning), or other activities in order to keep the residents entertained. Events slow

down towards 3:30-4ish and that is when I will go downstairs and help Edde with other

things she may need assistance on. If there are breaks in between activities, I will be

doing paperwork/helping my supervisor, visiting the residents/encouraging them to

come to our daily activities, or conversing with coworkers/other residents in order to get

to know other individuals who I may not work with directly but could build connections

that may help me down the line. I have met a few residents within independent living

(IL) whose children work at the CDC and graduated with a public health degree. It was

interesting to hear about the other employment opportunities that I could venture into

with my degree.

At the beginning of the week (Monday and parts of Tuesday), I assisted my

coworkers with activities but did not take the lead because I wanted to watch them do it

to make sure I did it properly when the time came for me to do them. As the week

progressed, I began leading exercises on my own, in both MC and AL. I also got to

learn many of the residents' names and began forming connections and relationships

with them in doing so. I also got to lead mind and body games with the residents,

especially in memory care. We would play games that would engage their mind as well

as games that encourage them to move their hands, arms, legs, and feet in order to

maintain movement throughout their body. It was very rewarding to watch and guide

them on how to complete the task of the game and to see their excitement when they

would do it right.

In regards to lunch, every Monday there is a staff meeting with all of the directors

(my supervisor and the supervisors of all of the other departments as well as the

executive director). My other coworkers and I will take our lunch to-go on Monday’s

back to our office and work on paperwork/resident directories, answer emails, and

brainstorm activities to do for the following month (calendars). On Tuesday during lunch,

I had the opportunity to sit next to the Executive Director during our main staff meeting.
We had lunch in the dining hall with all of the directors and some of their respective staff

as well. They basically filled us in with the things that they had discussed during their

Monday meeting, things going on around the building that we may need to be aware of,

as well as goals for the week/month for each department in relation to King’s Bridge as

a whole. Everyone in my department works on Wednesday’s so that is when we have

our own department meeting during lunch. Edde fills us in on things going on as well as

activities and planning that she may need help with. We worked on our monthly

calendars as well during this time. (There are separate activity calendars for MC and AL

that we are continuously planning and editing. For the most part they are the same, yet

some things differ based on needs and accommodations, etc.) Both Thursday and

Friday I took my lunch to go and worked on organizing resident directories. They are

updated frequently due the arrival of new guests at King’s Bridge, as well as the passing

of others. Lunches, along with the rest of the days have been pretty busy, but that is

what I like because it makes the day go faster and I feel as though I am being put to

use, which is also good. I can’t wait for next week!

Internship Journal Week #3:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday May 23rd 9:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 8

Tuesday May 24th 9:30 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 7.5

Wednesday May 9:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 9


Thursday May 26th 9:00 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 9.5

Friday May 27th 9:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 9.5

Total Weekly Hours 43.5

Total Hours to Date 90

This week was very busy and as the time goes by, I feel more comfortable at

King’s Bridge. This week consisted of games, a resident scavenger hunt, May birthday

parties, resident floor meetings, etc. The days are starting to mix together and I have to

look back at my phone (texts with my supervisor and other coworkers) to remember

what day we did specific activities. I felt as though I was put to work this week and my

coworkers felt comfortable with me doing tasks without their help/supervision. Tuesday

was our resident scavenger hunt. We had a few residents on each team (3 teams total)

and the goal was to find residents around King’s Bridge with specific qualities. It helped

introduce residents who did not previously know each other as well as learning

something new about residents who did already know each other. It was very fun and

something the residents who participated enjoyed! At the end of the month, we host

birthday parties in both AL and MC to celebrate all birthdays within the month of May.

We celebrated birthdays on Wednesday’s and all of the residents enjoyed celebrating

their friends and we had a big turn out for the residents on the assisted living floor. We

discussed/taught them about celebrities who were also born in May as an activity as

well. When I was not busy with an activity or a resident , I would be assisting my

supervisor with more resident directories. I don’t know if I’ve specified this too much but

it is basically a 200-ish page book with all of the residents in alphabetical order. I have

to change some of the information within each book as well as alphabetize it, which also

helps me learn about the residents and remember more names and faces. Although this

is a tedious task, I enjoy having something to do towards the end of the day when things
get slow and something to do that I know is helping my supervisor in the long run.

Overall this week was very fun! I love continuing getting to know more residents as well

as learning with them and from them, watching them love the little things that bring them

joy, etc.

Internship Journal Week #4:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Sunday May 29th 9:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 8.5

Tuesday May 31st 9:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 8.5

Wednesday June 9:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 3


Thursday June 2nd 8:45 A.M. 6:45 P.M. 10

Friday June 3rd 9:15 A.M. 6:15 P.M. 9

Total Weekly Hours 39

Total Hours to Date 129

This week was definitely different starting off by working on a slow weekend day.

I was the only person working in my department alongside my supervisor. She did not

feel the best (not covid), so I did almost everything alongside other tasks she needed

me to do. I started the day doing exercise with the residents - first in AL, then in MC.

After exercise in MC, I stayed and played some games with them to put their minds to

work and then helped them off to lunch. During lunch I spent time with my supervisor

discussing future opportunities, possibly with King’s Bridge, whether I want to get my

CNA license, go to nursing school, work with the CDC, etc. I also helped some IL

residents get to and from lunch because there is construction going on in the building
and the dishwashers stopped working and all of the food was served catering style and

with paper plates (kinding fitting for Memorial Day weekend anyways). I then helped

residents get to music in the pavilion after lunch. The rest of the day I spent working on

more resident directories since it was a little slow with not much going on on the

weekend. Tuesday I was mainly up in MC. I did exercise and activities with them before

lunch and then my coworkers and I did manicures for the after lunch. Tuesday was also

kinda slow so I found myself finding things to help with and working on more directories.

Wednesday was a half day for me as I had family things going on in the afternoon that I

had to go to. I came in and did exercise and then hosted bingo for the residents in AL.

Thursday and Friday (as well as next Monday and Tuesday) my other coworker is on

vacation (she works everyday with me otherwise), so I did a lot of activities on those

days. New musicians and other special guests come during the month, so I always love

getting to introduce myself to them and seeing how much the residents enjoy their

talents. Thursday began with resident visits up in memory care and then exercise and

bible study with the AL residents. It ended early so I helped residents get to lunch and

then went up to MC where my coworker was to hangout with them and then help them

get to lunch. We had our team meeting during lunch Thursday (we normally do it on

Wednesday) just to make sure all of our activities and events going on for the month of

June were finalized and to make a list of all of the things we needed to make sure we

had/needed to get. There was music again on Thursday so I assisted the residents in

getting to and from the pavilion, and then I finished the day doing more resident

directories and other paperwork things. Friday I started the day gathering AL residents

for a music therapist that was coming. Normally music is later in the day and in the
pavilion, but today it was on their floor and earlier in the day. Since it was earlier, my

coworker and I did resident visits and encouraged them to come out to hear the

musician. They loved him and it was fun to watch how they reacted to the things he

played. Friday was also National Donut Day, so we had a decorating donut party in MC

and then on AL. We had donuts for all the residents as well as icing and toppings for

them to decorate it with. The residents were so happy to enjoy a treat and to have fun

with their other friends on the floor. We took lots of pictures as well to send to their

family members. After both donut parties I again did more resident directories until I left

for the day.

Internship Journal Week #5:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday June 6th 9:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M. 11

Tuesday June 7th 8:45 A.M. 6:45 P.M. 10

Wednesday June 9:15 A.M. 6:45 P.M. 9.5


Thursday June 9th 9:15 A.M. 6:15 P.M. 9

Friday June 10th 9:45 A.M. 6:45 P.M. 9

Total Weekly Hours 48.5

Total Hours to Date 177.5

This week was my longest week at King’s Bridge yet as I have been trying to

work as much as I can so that I can get as many hours in and am not stressed towards

the end of July. Monday was pretty normal and consisted of exercises and crosswords.

In the afternoon, I brought some residents down for a slideshow in the afternoon as we
had a guest who showed pictures from his many trips to Europe. I stayed late on

Monday because there was a performance at 7pm so I brought some residents down to

the pavilion and stayed with them during the performance. It was an interactive choir

group and the residents loved it. Tuesday I spent the morning in MC, set up IL

(independent living) arts and crafts and color materials in the activities lounge and then

ran Bingo through a streaming network that connects to all of the resident’s tvs. After all

of that, I stayed and worked on some resident directories. Wednesday was a very busy

and fun day as I started helping out more in the wellness center and learned about all of

the things they do there for residents. I learned about DNRs and where to find them in

the residents’ unit as well as how important it is to receive the DNR from one’s family. I

also helped organize covid tests in the wellness storage closet. After spending my

morning in wellness, I then went to the AL floor to assist my coworker with Bingo. We

then had our last full team lunch because one of my coworkers is resigning (and is not

even giving her two weeks #yikes). We will still have our team lunches on Wednesday’s

but there will be new people hired and volunteering that will be there from now on. We

had to plan how activities will be covered for the time being. After lunch, we hosted a

horse race party on both MC and then on AL due to the upcoming Belmont Stakes race.

The residents loved our interactive game and accompanied snack that we planned to go

with it. I ended the day Wednesday assisting residents to the entertainment. Thursday

started off with a guest for a devotional for the residents in MC and then another guest

who provided music therapy. The residents in MC love going to music/having music

entertainment so I love being with them when music guests come. There was also

music in the afternoon on Thursday as well for all residents. In my free time on
Thursday I would either be doing paperwork or helping out in the wellness center.

Friday was the last day with my coworker Jess. We did door tag in the morning. I am

still not sure who normally does it, but occasionally we get told to do it. Door tag

happens every morning and residents have to put their tag out before 9:30pm and take

it in before 9:30am. It is a way that King’s Bridge can be less invasive while still making

sure everyone is okay. (A resident passed away Monday night into Tuesday morning

and was found due to his door tag still on his door. I am glad that I was not doing door

tag that morning because I would have been a little traumatized honestly. I know that

that is the purpose of the door tag, yet not really something you would expect,

especially when they are not sick.) After door tag, I led AL exercise and trivia. The

afternoon consisted of Bingo in MC (which does not happen as often as other Bingo

because they need a lot more assistance) and then games in the afternoon. I then spent

the rest of my time on Friday doing more resident directories.

Internship Journal Week #6:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday June 13th 9:15 A.M. 5:45 P.M. 8.5

Tuesday June 14th 9:45 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 8.75

Wednesday June 9:30 A.M. 7:15 P.M. 9.75


Thursday June 16th 9:30 A.M. 8:00 P.M. 10.5

Friday June 17th 9:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M. 11

Total Weekly Hours 48.5

Total Hours to Date 226

This was another long week at King’s Bridge in an attempt to remain ahead/on

track of my hours. Monday consisted of the usual exercise followed by games and trivia

and then music after lunch. I have noticed that when there is no music or entertainment

at night (like 6:30-7pm), then it is harder to stay later and find things to do. I have

finished as much of the resident directories as I can right now until we get the new

resident pages in. I try to find things to do like visit residents in their room or see if

anyone wants to get out and play a game or go on a walk outside. Since it has been so

hot this week, I have not taken anyone outside though. On Tuesday, this girl who works

during the summer and the winter started again. She has been wanting to do lots of the

things I have been doing even when our supervisor assigns me to do it, so it has been a

little rough trying to navigate all of that. We did the usual exercise and Tuesday morning

manicures for both AL and MC. We all ate lunch together on Tuesday since Lily started

that day. Later on that afternoon, we had an activity scheduled with someone coming

from the Chattahoochee Nature Center and she brought an owl in. The residents who

came seemed to enjoy it so much (I also thought it was cool). She talked about owls

and hawks and showed pictures as well as brought in wings and feet used for learning

purposes. Wednesday also started with exercise and then AL bingo until lunch time.

Later on in the day we had our flag day celebrations for both AL and MC to celebrate

National Flag Day. In MC we painted flags (or tried to), and in AL we decorated

bouquets for the dining room and then put flags in the vases. Both Thursday and Friday

there was entertainment, so both of those days were very long. Thursday started with

Bible study in AL from a guest pastor who always comes in and meanwhile in MC there

was a therapy dog visiting. Thursday was also National CNA day so in MC we spent
some time making thank you cards for all of their caregivers. Later in the day, I did dad

jokes on AL since Father’s Day was this coming weekend. Not a lot of people came and

stayed but a few residents stayed and laughed at all my jokes so that made me feel

good and I knew they were having a good time. Then I stayed for music and helped

bring residents down to enjoy it. Friday I came early to watch my coworker do the IL

exercise at 9am. I then did AL exercise and then a music therapist came in both AL and

MC that morning. In the afternoon, I did crosswords with MC and then played board

games like Rummikub and Uno with AL residents until it was time for them to go to

dinner. I worked on schedules for next week (that get passed out to the residents daily)

and then assisted residents to music later that evening.

Internship Journal Week #7:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday June 20th 9:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 8.5

Tuesday June 21st 9:00 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 9.5

Wednesday June 9:00 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 9.5


Thursday June 23rd 9:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 8.5

Friday June 24th 8:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 10

Total Weekly Hours 46

Total Hours to Date 272

This week at King’s Bridge, a new coworker started. Her name is Mary and she is

now in charge of activities to help my supervisor, Edde, out with everything going on at

King’s Bridge. It has been a little tough for me in terms of so much change with
coworkers since I started my internship in May, but I feel as though I can adjust and

adapt quickly. Monday consisted of the usual AL morning exercise. In the afternoon,

there was a celebration for an IL resident who just turned 100 years old. We helped

residents get down and back up from the party. For the rest of the afternoon/evening, I

made myself busy helping out with little tasks such as resident handbook deliveries and

resident visits. Tuesday morning after exercise, I did AL manicures for all of the

residents that came and Helen helped me out. After lunch I did manicures up in MC for

all of the residents there as well. Manicures in both AL and MC lasted very long but

around 3pm we had a meeting with everyone (Mary, Lily, Helen, and my supervisor

Edde). We discussed some plans for July, helped Mary in terms of some activities that

have been beneficial for either MC or AL throughout the month of June that we can

continue into July, and discussed new things we could potentially add for the future. We

discussed work schedules to make sure enough people would be working on days

where we have lots of activities going on. This meeting lasted somewhere between an

hour and a half to two hours. For the rest of the evening, I again made myself busy

organizing things and passing out resident handbooks. I also made a birthday sign for a

resident for Wednesday as that was her 101st birthday! She also went to Georgia

College which I think is so cool. Wednesday is always our party day and this week we

celebrated Father’s Day as it was this past Sunday. Before the Father’s Day parties, I

assisted Helen in IL exercise at 9am. (I have been shadowing her so that I can begin

doing IL exercise in the morning and then she can go back to working part time.) I also

did AL exercise that morning after IL. Wednesday’s are also our Bingo days on the AL

floor. It was a packed house and lots of Bingos happened and lots of prizes were won.
The majority of the afternoon until dinner time consisted of the Father’s Day parties

where we had everyone wear fun hats and fake mustaches (my idea haha) and then we

read stories about fathers and had residents share their favorite memories about their

fathers, etc. Thursday things started to change a little as COVID-19 had struck King’s

Bridge. We had a few residents on AL and MC test positive and we wanted to crack

down on some things to make sure everyone would be staying safe. I still did exercise

on AL Thursday morning with four residents and then we played a game on iN2L (that is

what we use for most games, except board games, and it is a huge screen set up in

each sitting room). We had plans for some activities that day but we had to change

some things due to COVID. Edde, Mary, and I met up during lunch to discuss some

changes to make during this COVID time period until it passes. There was music in the

afternoon, yet only IL residents could attend, so I went to that as well. The rest of my

afternoon I passed out more resident directories until dinner time and then helped

change and replace some pictures in the frames around King’s Bridge. Friday morning

was an early one as I got there early enough to decorate an AL resident’s door with

another handmade birthday sign and to practice what I was gonna do for IL exercise at

9am. I was extremely nervous for it. I think because it is twice as long as the exercises

for AL and MC and because this is something that the residents do with Helen all the

time and I love how she does exercises and I wanted to make sure that I could do it just

as well. It was another thing that pushed me out of my comfort zone, which is always a

good thing but scary at first. I used Helen’s notes to help me with what to do and

improvised in between. The residents said I did a good job and clapped when I was

done which made me feel so much better and capable of doing it again. I then went up
to MC until lunch time to do exercise with them and we also did some fun summer

crosswords. There are some residents in MC who never come to or want to do exercise

but they were doing it today which I loved. The rest of the afternoon was filled with

running little errands around the building, passing out resident handbooks, and bingo for


Internship Journal Week #8:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday June 27th 10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. 4

Tuesday June 28st 9:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 10

Total Weekly Hours 14

Total Hours to Date 286

Monday was short because I was not feeling too good. Although COVID has

been spreading around King’s Bridge, it was not COVID (I tested negative). I think it

was because I have been overworking myself and have had no breaks; my body was

telling me to slow down. It’s been very stressful trying to play catch up with hours and

even though I did not feel good on Monday, I still wanted to stay as long as I could so I

could still get some hours in. Ultimately I decided to go home early and I think my body

really appreciated that. Before I left I did exercise on AL and played some word games

with the residents that stayed and wanted to play. Tuesday morning I also did AL

exercise and then did some manicures on the AL floor. It was a crazy day as a resident

who was sitting next to me had a mini stroke (that’s what they thought it was at least)

and we had to call 911 because she was not responding. That kind of shook me up for a
while, but the rest of the day consisted of music/entertainment (from my coworkers) and

then some errands around King’s Bridge and altering some resident directories. Sadly, I

was out for the remainder of the week because I felt terrible. I tested negative for

COVID multiple times and we came to the conclusion that I had a terrible sinus

infection. I could not go into work because I had a fever every morning (and we check

our temps every morning when we get to work to make sure we don’t have fevers as

that is not allowed). I was so stressed out because I did not want to miss work and to

miss hours, yet I also knew my body needed the rest but I am concerned as my days

will have to be even longer than they already are just to try and make up for missing due

to being sick.

Internship Journal Week #9:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Sunday July 3rd 9:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 3

Tuesday July 5th 9:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 9

Wednesday July 10:00 A.M. 10:00 P.M. 12


Thursday July 7th 10:00 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 8.5

Friday July 8th 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 9

Total Weekly Hours 41.5

Total Hours to Date 327.5

I came in Sunday to get in some hours before the fourth and because I did not

work as much last week due to being sick. I came in for the morning exercises and

activities and then left as the residents went to lunch. This week I was mainly up in
memory care. For Tuesday, I did exercise in MC in the morning as well as some

birthday trivia as it was a resident's 94th birthday! I assisted them to lunch and then

worked on resident directories during my lunch as we just got some new pages in. I

then went up to MC to do manicures on those who needed/wanted one. I then did some

resident visits on AL and found myself busy for the rest of the afternoon doing

directories and other things around the building. Wednesday was a very busy day. I

started with MC exercise and crosswords and then we did a fun craft after lunch. It was

National Fried Chicken Day so we assisted them in doing a fun little craft by making

fluffy chickens. They loved it and held onto their chickens the rest of the day. We then

had a “Neighbor Party” down on the AL floor. This was to help cultivate conversations

between the residents and so they could get to know each other more as well as the

new residents who have joined their floor. We had snacks and talked and got to know a

lot of residents more! I then did resident directories until music at 6:30pm. I helped get

some residents in memory care down to see the music. I stayed so late Wednesday

because they had fireworks. It got rained out on the fourth, so it was rescheduled to

Wednesday night at 9:15pm. One of my coworkers did them and it was a great show

and it was so fun seeing the residents enjoy them as well. It was interesting and fun

being there a lot later than I usually am and I helped bring the residents back upstairs to

their rooms so the CNAs could help them get to bed. Thursday did not have as much

going on so I found myself looking for more things to do. Memory care had someone

come and do Bible study in the morning so I helped get them out of their rooms and out

to the sitting room for that. I again spent lunch working on resident directories to keep

myself busy. After lunch there was music at 2:30pm so I helped bring residents to that
and then continued organizing directories the rest of the day until I left. Friday consisted

of music therapists in the morning for both AL and MC. I made sure that both musicians

had enough room to set up as they were in smaller spaces and made sure they knew

where to go. The residents on both floors loved them both and enjoyed what they

played, but I mainly stayed up in MC. Friday was National Freezer Pop Day, so after

lunch we had freezer pop parties in both MC and AL. Then I called IL Bingo at 3pm. I

had to go to the store (which is a resident store inside King’s Bridge) and get some

candy as Bingo prizes. The kitchen also brought out fresh fruit as well. After bingo, I

mingled with some IL residents for a while since I do not get to see them as often and

then again found myself busy working on some resident directories until I left.

Internship Journal Week #10:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday July 11th 9:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 9.5

Tuesday July 12th 9:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 10

Wednesday July 9:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 9.5


Thursday July 14th 9:45 A.M. 6:15 P.M. 8.5

Friday July 15th 9:15 A.M. 5:15 P.M. 8

Total Weekly Hours 45.5

Total Hours to Date 373

This week I was mainly on the assisted living floor, but I always try and go up to

the memory care unit once every day because I love seeing them. Monday consisted of

morning exercise with AL and trivia. Ever since COVID has been increasing in King’s
Bridge, there has not been as many residents that come out to our activities. During

lunch this week I spent my time meeting with my supervisor discussing the finalities of

my project as well as a future job at King’s Bridge. After lunch, I went up to MC to help

my coworker with Bingo. After that, we decorated and arranged flowers on the AL floor.

The residents always love doing this and we used those arrangements to decorate for a

tea party on Wednesday. I spent the rest of the day doing directories and gathering

more arrangements for my emergency contact list for residents. Tuesday, I started the

day by myself until my other coworker came in for the afternoon. I did AL morning

exercise and manicures. A male resident wanted a manicure and I was very surprised,

knowing his personality, but so excited to do them for him. He wanted green polish and

he loved it - said it was his first manicure ever! After lunch, we had music and brought

some residents down to enjoy that. Then, I helped my coworker with MC manicures,

and then made myself busy for the rest of the day. Wednesday was a very busy and fun

day, per usual. I again did AL exercise, and then bingo as Wednesday is always bingo

day. After lunch, my coworker had a “cooking class” on the MC floor, so I went up to see

if she needed help and also helped the residents eat their treat that they made. Late

Wednesday afternoon was our tea party! We wanted the residents to have more

conversations with themselves without too much direction from us, so that was the goal.

The set up was so cute with tea cups and plates, their handmade flower arrangements,

and some sweet treats. This tea party was on the AL floor and we had lots of people

come. They all loved it and said we should do it more often. As we are beginning to plan

for August, we have added another tea party to the calendar! Thursday consisted of AL

exercise and a devotional from the King’s Bridge pastor. There wasn’t much else going
on the rest of the day besides music, which I brought some residents to. I made myself

busy the rest of the day, continuing with directories and emergency contacts. Friday

was the last day working with my main coworker (the only one who has been with me

since I started) as she is retiring. I felt as though I learned so much from her by

watching how she interacts with the residents, etc. I did AL exercise, and then a music

therapist came after that. Friday afternoon consisted of lunchtime meetings, puzzles

and painting up in MC, IL bingo, and AL Uno games! Friday was a fun day with the

residents and everyone else at King’s Bridge!

Internship Journal Week #11:

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday July 18th 8:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 9.5

Tuesday July 19th 9:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 10

Wednesday July 9:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 9.5


Thursday July 21st 9:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 9

Friday July 22nd 9:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 9

Total Weekly Hours 47

Total Hours to Date 420

This week flew by at King’s Bridge! Monday started off early as I joined my

coworker for IL exercise. Since she is leaving soon, I will be all on my own doing IL

exercise. I have done it a time or two before but I just decided to come early and be with

her as she did it again. There was then AL exercise and “Coco-Time”. Coco time is

when a little ‘therapy dog’ comes to hangout with the residents. It was so fun to see
them interact with the little dog. The rest of the afternoon was filled with games and

Coco-Time on the memory care floor. If I was not with a resident or my supervisor, then

I found myself working on some things to make myself busy. Tuesday began with

exercise on AL followed by manicures. During lunch this week, my coworkers and I

continued to plan for August. MC had manicures after lunch just in time for some late

afternoon musical entertainment. I love days with music because it makes the slower

afternoons go by faster and because the residents love going to hear the music. I

stayed later as I was organizing some things and playing dominoes with a resident on

the MC floor. Wednesday also began with exercise on the AL floor followed by Bingo. I

enjoy bingo days as it is entertaining to call out the numbers and see which residents

win. In the afternoon, I went up to MC to play more interactive and physical games with

them. I try to gather them around the table and find something more creative and fun to

do besides doing crosswords and trivia as we do those more often than others. After

games, AL had a movie day with snacks. The residents picked out a movie to watch

and we passed around the snacks and hung out with them during parts of the movie.

The rest of the day was again filled with things that kept me busy while working on the

finalities of my project. Thursday started again with exercise on the AL floor, followed by

Family Feud. The residents love playing Family Feud and the answers are also a little

outdated so they tend to get more questions right. The afternoon was filled with music

and resident visits. Friday began with exercise on AL and they had a resident meeting

after, so I went upstairs on MC to do exercise and crosswords. Friday was National

Mango Day, so after lunch on MC, we made mango smoothies! After making smoothies,
I went back down to the AL floor to play Rummikub. This week was a good week and

it’s crazy that there is one week left of my undergrad!

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