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the Tu.

eher *Students have a math

assessment In the upcoming week\
HI Famllles,

Wow. I cannot believe that I am almost done student *Keep reading with students at
teaching.This week was my solo week and I had the
pleasure to teach your wonderful kids all week long. home\
This week. we started learning about solids. llq_u1ds.
and gases and I was amazed on how knowledgeable
the students were on the topic. I had such a fun time
"'This Thursday is Miss Spagnola's
and have made so many meaningful connections. I w\11 last day\ :C
miss students dearly and w\11 surely be back to
visit next semester\
*Spelling Lists are to practice - we
I am so thankful to be apart of these kids second
grade years and cannot wait to see their growth when
take tests but they are NOf
I come visit\ graded\
-Miss Spagnola
- - - - - ------,r -- ------
- - - -"Corv\er
: Skills: ~~dents -f\nlshed Unit 1:
I ~t>K~ 1 1
The Cat Bandit. They completed the unit 1
assessments and we wlll be starting Unit
2 of skl\ls this upcoming week\
I Math:. This week students worked super
1 Octoper 22- Superintendent hard reviewing Unit 2 of math that
Conference Day, NO SCHOOL .I I focused on measuring. We have been
! I reviewing with students this week and
October 29- Halloween CelebratiOn. students wlll be given the assessment
b_!:ln9_ y~ur-~o~u12:1e ! o ~ch~oll __ J this upcoming week. They have been
-Spectals: working so hard In math\
: ./ Sctence: This week we learned about
onday- Music · 1 phases of matter\ Students had so much
uesday- P.E I fun with this mini unit. This unit was
ednesday-Art 1 made by Miss Spagnola as part of her
student teaching experience. Thank you to
ursday- PE students and parents for completing the
_n_day~ SCH~~ _ _.... _ L
- -------------
Matt Walk at home for extra ~ractlce.l

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