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Reading Comprehension Section

Read the text below and then answer the question that follows.

Idioma Internacional all rights reserved 2022

1. Gretel is _____________.

a. looking for another job

b. frustrated with the people she works with

c. tired of her job

d. very happy with her job

Read the email below and choose the best answer option for the questions that follow.

2. Read the statements below and choose the one that is TRUE.

a. Carl is going to Paws Animal Rescue.

b. Amanda did not go to the bake sale.

c. Kelsey will use the money to help animals.

d. Kelsey is keeping the money.

3. Read the statements below and choose the one that is TRUE.

a. The baked goods Amanda made were delicious.

b. The brownies that Carl made were delicious.

c. Carl sent an email.

d. There was no bake sale.

Read the text below and then answer the question that follows.

4. Why is John contacting Tifios Computers?

a. Because he wants to place a new order with them.

b. Because he hasn´t written to them for a long time.

c. Because they have lost the tracking number.

d. Because he is waiting for something that he ordered.

5. What did Tifios say in their last email?

a. They haven´t answered John´s last email yet.

b. They offered to insure the next order.

c. They said they could do nothing as they didn´t have the tracking number.

d. They told John that he would receive the product soon.

6. Why is it so important for John's company to get this item as soon as possible?

a. Without it, they cannot stop the production.

b. They have the wrong tracking number.

c. If the item arrives late, they will have to send it back.

d. If it does not arrive, production will be affected.

7. When does John want Tifios Computer to write him back?

a. Before August 17.

b. After August 17.

c. As soon as possible.

d. On August 17.

Read the text below and then answer the question that follows.

8. According to the Global Innovation Index Costa Rica is _____________.

a. one of the three highest ranked countries in the world.

b. ranked 60th in the region.

c. the second highest ranked country in Latin America after Chile.

d. the highest ranked country in Latin America.

9. Which of the following is NOT given in the article as a reason for Costa Rica´s improved ranking:

a. lower customs duty on essential goods

b. improvements in public organizations

c. investments in the country´s infrastructure

d. a workforce with greater business knowledge

10. What country comes one place behind Guatemala on the list?

a. Panama

b. El Salvador

c. Honduras

d. Belize

11. Which country is ranked second on the global list?

a. UK

b. Switzerland

c. Sweden

d. USA

Read the article below and choose the best answer option for the questions that follow.

12. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. Cross-cultural communication can be a touchy subject.

b. Companies can profit from using international employees.

c. There is a marked decrease in the number of companies experiencing global growth.

d. More and more companies are opening up new locations abroad.

13. One thing that Erin Meyers recommends is that _____________.

a. all cultures should stay silent during workplace conversation

b. we should fill in silent moments with rambling

c. we should understand the proper implications of silence in Asian cultures

d. we should ignore any cultural differences

14. According to Aarav Chakyar, why are North Americans intimidating?

a. North Americans are aggressive and angry.

b. North Americans have a loud presence.

c. North Americans have a naturally reserved culture.

d. North Americans don’t allow for much silence in conversation.

15. From Aarav Chakyar’s experience, _____________.

a. he is surprised by just how calm North Americans are

b. North Americans are not accustomed to Indian’s expressive form of communication

c. he believes his boss is reserved

d. he recognizes the cultural differences and is not offended by it

16. What is one thing that cross cultural communication does NOT bring to the table?

a. A decrease in cost

b. Collaboration

c. Innovation

d. Creativity

Read the text below and then answer the question that follows.

17. According to the article, franchising allows___________________.

a. franchisors to give their employees new incentives

b. franchisors to expand without having to build up their own distribution networks

c. franchisees to become owners of successful businesses for a relatively small fee

d. franchisees to access venture capital without sacrificing a degree of independence

18. A disadvantage for franchisees entering into a franchise agreement is that ___________________.

a. they can only operate in one location

b. they are not entirely independent operators

c. the franchise is classified as a “wasting asset”

d. the agreement is only for a short period

19. Paying the franchise fee gives the franchisee the right to _____________________.

a. sell the goods or services within a specified area

b. adapt the service and product according to the market they are operating in

c. cancel the agreement without penalty

d. build up a distribution network at no risk to themselves

20. Under a franchise agreement, _____________________.

a. franchisees are free to purchase supplies and equipment wherever they want

b. the franchisee may have to purchase some supplies and equipment from the franchisor

c. all supplies and equipment are automatically supplied by the franchisor

d. the purchase of supplies and equipment by the franchisee is not usually covered

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