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cust Ml, 2021 MORALES, KATHLYN Kyte M AUGUST I M4 BSME 2A LEARNING ACTIVITIES A. Identify Whether products or services ¥ Doctor = services Feasibility Suudy - services 2. Meditiny - products Research /er = Services 3- Engineering Plans and ‘pecitications - services 8 Engineer + sorviees Oia = products 4 Oingnose > cervices - du 5: Paper. prodyes e- stem cul product ldentity whether product given or marke - driven in building products Big wleel for construction of columns in the mountainside - product given Pants for males = market driven Leather jackets - market driven I 2 3 Cellphone = product given 4 9 Uniform = product given Maen thy meaning of the woras | Matching Type- | Radical nnevotion discovers problems b- Solve probleme that exits Teennoprcneurship 2- Adaptor 6 design forthe succesful operation of a bus 4 Innovation 4 gradual And improvements & Engineering entrepreneurs © 40 support regional ewnomic developmene '- Business Model Improved product in a eM exicting market, >: 7 Incremental innovation & Work for conbiououc improvement 8- Product innovation he Tey, rwvoluyionacy, ‘technology in Q new business Mode} 9. Development, > i. creating domething new 10. Research i dt OF materiote nek courses in Order to ectablicty tacts MORALES, KATHLYN KYLE M- ‘August 1, £024 BSME 2A m #4 LEARNING ACTIVITY D. Essay 1. Explain the basic Concapte relative: to iechnoprenducctip it War defined af a tommbinchon of the word technology and eniepenearchip, thoroughly, Yechoopreneurcip ic a Kind of entnupereurctip jn the field of tednnolbgy. le procese Ix Combination Of tthnolagieal advancements and entrepreneurial hile. In tis era of feclnalogy , a Tehnopencar begine their business With nothing bi} with a brainstorming idea. They identity prerent practicas and access vome new ideas 40 do cometiing diffemt. A pemon who is engaged ia ttehmoprenturcip CHeAKLE a prOdKA or wWUslon Unt Wer technological dolufins Yo Change Ane Way OF doing yomething 10 an orthedby way. Ih improves haw we fave dont remetting befor, ond few it war to we done in oy coming fubure. Otfiny the two types of engineer entrepreneur and explain theic Gifferences | cimlaritics. The two types of engineer entreprencuy ae the adaptor and innovators Adaptors decite 40 do thinge better hilt innovators week to do things differently. Adapters ave 0 preference for Wall- ertabiched organivational ctructurs, vyetems aod poctces; whereat innovators Uke fo break the mould, Working oucide the current restraints to find new And untested volutions. In your own Understanding, explain the innovation © framework process, Looking ot the innovations framonork procecs, it ¢tarts with an input, production thin With ao cutput- Innowstion frameworks Give organizations a Way 10 effeckively vet Ideas, evaluate ‘they pre Ond cons of each, and make educated decisions about lon to proceed. Through an anovation framework, they define te ways in whith they'll evaluate 4 businecs devicion that Cold Lead 40 erious charge, Within the company. MORALES, KATHLYN KYLE M. AUGUST [, 2024 BSME 2A IM 4 LEARNING ACTIVITIES 4 Give examples on te relabed Concepts of Innovation ond explain the vignificance in He field of engineering, ‘The related concepts of Innovation includes process innovation, vervice ianovation, and Product innovation. Onu of the example, of process Innovation is Henry Fordi invention of the Worlds ficct moving assembly lint. Thi procecs change Not only vimplified vehicle assembly but shortened the time neceésary 40 produce a singly venicle from 12 hours to 90 minutes. Common examples of service indovations Include product Use enhancements, maintenance, plans, Customer Support, information and education, warranties and guarantecr. Lactly, product Innovation involves creating new products o¢ improved vercionc of exicting products that increase, ‘their uset. Think about how offen cellphone manufacturers make new versions of their products . For example, car manufacturers maky ont nex car each year. What kind of engineering student ar, you? Haborate your ancwer. Honestly, this quection made mu think hard. 1 guise 1 stil dork knowl What Kind of engineering etvdent | am- But ont thing 1 know tx hab Im dolag my bet to be a Geed engineer someday. Right now , sinv, pandemic , 1 am doing Yanods method of learning vo | can underctand my viudiés. Watching different videos related Yo my fitld on Sodal media cites vo even | can not perform yet my expertise atleast | Already know uoine of the basics when timy Comer.

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