Southeast University (SEU) : Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

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Southeast University (SEU)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

Assignment on:Goal-Based Agent

Course Title: Artificial Intelligence

Course Code: CSE 365.2

Submitted By :
Name:Lamisa Sobnom Faria ID: 2019000000097

Submitted To:
Md. Mijanur Rahman[MMJR]
Assistant-Professor,Department of CSE,
Southeast University
Goal-Based Agent

1.Define Goal-Based Agent:

Goal-based agent is capable of thinking beyond the present

moment to decide the best actions to take in order to achieve its
goal.It has a model based basic purpose and has knowledge of
the past.Its main purpose is searching and planning. It has
flexibility to adjust its actions based on successfully reaching a

2.The Scenario Which Represents the Goal-Based

suppose in a situation , there creates a you are
trying to sense the problem by your sensors.Firstly , you have
recall if you had face this problem before or not.if yes then you
have to recall the action of yours in that time.If not then you have
to think what should you have to do to change the situation.
somehow if you get the answer then you have to do the action for
the betterment.

3.Why Goal-Based Agent is Needed in the AI:

The agents sense the environment through sensors and act on

their environment through actuators. That's why we need agents
in AI.
Goal-based agent needed in AI because:
★ The goal-based agent does a lot more work than the reflex
agent, this makes it much more flexible because the
knowledge used for decision making is represented explicitly
and can be modified.
★ It chooses an action, so that it can achieve the goal.
These agents may have to consider a long sequence of
possible actions before deciding whether the goal is
achieved or not.
★ Goal-based agents expand the capabilities of the
model-based agent by having the "goal" information.
★ In AI having a set of goals with desirable situations are
needed. This agent can use these goals with a set of actions
and predict outcomes to see which action achieves our goal.

4.The Existing Real-Life Examples of the Goal-Based


1.Suppose, my viva exam is going to be held on, now

my goal is how to give my better performance in my viva.For that
I’ve to recall my past memory that how to give my best.After
recalling my past memory I see that if I prepared properly then I
give my better performance otherwise not.That's way I can
achieve my goal.

2.Suppose, my class starts at 10am.So, my goal is to attend the

class on time.So, now I’ve to recall my past memory, in which
time is perfect for arriving for class.After recalling that,I see that if
I go to depart at 8 am I can reach my class on time otherwise, if I
late then I missed the class. That way I can achieve my goal.
3.A simple example would be the shopping list; our goal is to pick
up everything on that list. This makes it easier to decide if we
need to choose between milk and mango juice because we can
only afford one. As milk is a goal on our shopping list and mango
juice is not then we chose the milk.

4.An example can be someone's hidden talent.Our goal is to bring

out her talent.For that, we have to monitor her past records ,
make some observations & have to search what things she is
good at. In that way we can reach our goal.

5.Suppose, we get an assignment from our teacher. Now , there

is a restriction from our teacher that no one can copy from each
other. Otherwise, she get a huge penalty.But one of my close
friends wanted the assignment because she doesn’t know how to
do this.Now, my goal is without any penalty how can I help my
friend.After recalling my past I see that when I give my
assignment to my friend she don’t do her assignment by own she
always waiting for me when I will give her.That’s way,she can’t
even learn the way of things & I also get penalized.So, this time I
have to do something better to dispel all the problems. For
this,without giving my assignment I’ve to give my friend some
overview & suggestion on how she can complete the assignment
& do some discussion about which topics she doesn’t
understand.That’s way we both can increase our knowledge &
achieve my goal.

5.Some Imaginary Examples of the Goal-Based Agent

Which does not Exist in the World Right Now:
1.Suppose, we want to travel from one place to another easily.
But after recalling memories we realize that without any afford &
journey we can’t go anywhere. Now, our goal is to reach the
wanted place without any affordance & journey.For our
imagination, we can make an invisible door which can help us to
travel to any place at any time.That's way we can meet our goal.

2.An imaginary example can be a focused device.Like many of us

can’t give focus to some specific desired things.we are being
confused or backward from our concentration. Now, the goal of
this device is to take the people in their focused direction.To reach
the goal the device should monitor the records of people that
which things they want to concentrate & which things create
obstacles to reach the focused things.Then it create some mind
distraction which are less important things for upcoming
days.That’s way it can achieve its goal.

6.The Properties of The Goal-Based Agent:

● It has knowledge about past

● It is much more flexible than a reflex agent.
● It makes decisions based on how best to reach that
● It knows what should be the output.

7.Rules of Goal-Based Agent:

● Goal-based agent makes decisions by taking help of its

past knowledge.
● This agent focused on their goal.
● Make the best action to reach the goal.
● Searching and planning for finding sequences of
actions to satisfy a goal.

8.Diagram of Goal-Based Agent:

9.Explanation of the Diagram:

Following the diagram, we see that an agent works as a person.

Who can sense any problem by its sensors at any situation .
Here, the environment works as a
➔ the agent senses the present situation by the
sensors.Present situation is represented by “what the world
looks like?”
➔ Exploring the available actions by “what’ll be like if I do
➔ These 2 answers are covered by the state “how the world
➔ “What my actions do?” is defined according to the
environment’s necessity.
➔ Finally, it chooses the action which serves the goal.

10.Advantages of the Simple Goal-Based Agent:

❖ This agent has previous data . That’s why it can take action
by taking help from previous data.
❖ it targets the goal ahead and finds the right action in order to
reach it.
❖ Efficient than a simple reflex agent.
11.Limitations of the Goal-Based Agent:
❖ This agent doesn’t adapt to the current situation.
❖ This agent is inflexible as soon as the goal is set.

12.Write Down the Agent which can Overcome the

Limitations of the Goal-Based Agent:

Utility based agents can overcome the limitations of the goal-

based agent.A utility-based agent is an agent that acts based not
only on what the goal is, but the best way to reach that goal.
That’s why it can overcome the limitations of the goal-based

13.Two Questions with Answers Regarding the

Goal-based Agent:

Question-1: In goal-based agents which action sequences are

used to achieve the agent's goal?

Answer: In goal-based agent planning & searching action

sequences are used to achieve the agent's goal.

Question-2: Which agent focuses only on reaching the goal

Answer: Goal-based agent focuses only on reaching the goal
14.Related Algorithm for the Goal-Based Agent to
Utility based agent is a related algorithm for the goal-based agent
to implement.It acts based not only on what the goal is, but the
best way to reach that goal.

15.Write down any Scenario where Goal-Based Agent

is not appropriate:

Suppose, I joined the google classroom to attend my classes.But

somehow I joined the classroom lately. When I joined the class I
saw that there was a Viva exam.For late joining in the google
classroom I don’t have any past knowledge about this viva
exam.That’s why when it comes my turn I failed to give my best
on the exam. In that scenario , the goal-base agent is not
appropriate because in that case, I don't have any past memory.

16.Implement the Goal-Based Agent with python: use


Following the code we see that it finds the largest number from
the list.In the given list there are some numbers where we need to
find the largest one which is our goal.By using the colab we are
successfully implementing the goal-based agent with python.

—--------------------------The End—--------------------------

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