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Development of a New Revised Version of the Witczak E* Predictive Models for

Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures

Thesis · December 2005


56 1,831

1 author:

Javed Bari
North South University


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Javed Bari

A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy


December 2005



Javed Bari

has been approved

November 2005


, Chair

Supervisory Committee


Department Chair

Dean, Division of Graduate Studies

The main purpose of this dissertation is to present the development of a new set of

predictive models for stiffness of asphalt cement binders and a new revised version of the

Witczak dynamic modulus (E*) predictive model of hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures.

Master databases of binder stiffness and HMA E* were compiled and revised. The binder

stiffness database contained lab shear modulus (|G b*|) and phase angle (δ b) data with

ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) viscosity (Ai-VTS i) data. The database

has 8,940 data points from 41 different binders. The majority of the HMA E* database

has been developed from the test results obtained during the National Cooperative

Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 9-19 Project (also conducted by Arizona State

University). This database contained lab HMA E* data with aggregate gradation, mixture

volumetric and binder Ai-VTS i data. The database has 7400 data points from 346

different mixtures. It is an extension of the Witczak E* predictive model database that

has been periodically updated since 1969.

The binder stiffness master database was used to develop a new predictive model

for binder stiffness. The first set of model equations in this model is a fully revised

version of the widely known “ASTM Ai-VTS i Viscosity Model”. The second and third

sets of model equations in the model predict |Gb*| and associated δ b, respectively. The

binder stiffness predictive model has been found to be rational, unbiased, accurate, and

statistically sound.

The E* master database was used to develop a new revised version of the Witczak

E* predictive model for HMA mixtures. This model was aimed at improving the

limitations associated with the current version that has been used in the present draft of

the new mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (M-E PDG) developed under the

NCHRP Project 1-37A. The new E* model has been found to be rational, unbiased,

accurate, and statistically sound.

The new models developed under this Ph.D. research have similar mathematical

structures as the ones used in the new M-E PDG. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the

new models can be easily incorporated in a future revision of this pavement design guide.


To my beloved wife Rozina and daughter Faria, respected parents, brothers, and friends.

Their loving encouragement and support have always helped me

in staying focused and keeping things in perspective in life.


I wish to express sincerest appreciation and gratitude to Professor Matthew W.

Witczak, my Ph.D. Committee Chair, for his all-round support throughout my graduate

study, for his guidance, encouragement, and constructive criticism offered in various

phases of this research, and for his critical review of the manuscript.

Special appreciation and gratitude is expressed to my wife (Rozina) and daughter

(Faria) for their encouragement, patience and support during my academic program.

Sincere gratitude is also extended to my parents for getting me ready to pursue such a

challenging endeavor in my life.

Special thanks and gratitude are due to Professors Michael S. Mamlouk and

Kamil E. Kaloush for their invaluable insight and advice regarding this research and their

review of the manuscript.

I would like to state my sincerest appreciation and thanks to my colleagues in the

Superpave Office and Advanced Pavement Laboratory at Arizona State University (ASU)

for all of the supporting work they contributed for this research. Many of their

contributions are included and acknowledged in this dissertation.

Finally, appreciation is also expressed to the Department of Civil and

Environmental Engineering at ASU for making its facilities available for this research




LIST OF TABLES ..…..…….……………………….…………………….……..…..………….…... xvi

LIST OF FIGURES ……..…….…………………...…………………..………………….…...…… xviii


1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ..........................................................................................................1

1.2 Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) Design Efforts .....................................................2

1.3 Dynamic Modulus as HMA Stiffness ..................................................................3

1.4 Features of Dynamic Modulus (E*) ....................................................................5

1.5 Role of a Predictive Model for Dynamic Modulus .............................................8

1.6 Expansion of E* Database ...................................................................................9

1.7 E* Master Database ...........................................................................................11

1.8 Binder Database .................................................................................................26

1.9 Problems with the Current E* Model................................................................27

1.10 Assessing the Reliability of the Current Model.................................................30

1.11 Objectives ..........................................................................................................31

1.12 Scope of Research..............................................................................................34

1.13 Dissertation Organization..................................................................................35


2 LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 37

2.1 Asphalt Binder Characterization........................................................................37

2.1.1 Behavior of Asphalt Binder .......................................................................... 37

2.1.2 Properties of Asphalt Binders ....................................................................... 38 Ductility ................................................................................................ 39 Penetration ............................................................................................ 40 Softening Point...................................................................................... 40 Viscosity................................................................................................ 41 Stiffness................................................................................................. 42 Age Hardening ...................................................................................... 42 Temperature Susceptibility ................................................................... 46 Shear Susceptibility............................................................................... 46

2.1.3 Pavement Distresses Re lated to Rheological Properties of Binder .............. 47

2.1.4 Asphalt Binder Characterization Tests ......................................................... 47

2.2 Stiffness of Asphalt Binders ..............................................................................48

2.2.1 Common Stiffness Parameters ...................................................................... 48

2.2.2 Determination of |Gb*| and δ b by DSR Test.................................................. 49

2.2.3 Predictive Models for Stiffness of Asphalt Binders ..................................... 52

CHAPTER Page Van der Poel (Shell Oil’s Early Version) Model.................................. 52 ASTM Ai-VTS i Model.......................................................................... 54 Witczak et al. Models ............................................................................ 56

2.3 Asphalt Concrete Mixture Characterization......................................................61

2.3.1 Behavior of Asphalt Concrete Mixture ......................................................... 61

2.3.2 Volumetric Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixture .................................... 61

2.3.3 Pavement Distresses Related to Asphalt Concrete Mixture Properties ........ 63

2.3.4 Asphalt Concrete Mixture Characterization Tests........................................ 63

2.4 Stiffness of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures.............................................................64

2.4.1 E* Stiffness of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures .................................................. 64

2.4.2 Determination of Stiffness by E* Test .......................................................... 65

2.4.3 Time-Temperature Superposition of Dynamic Modulus .............................. 67

2.4.4 Use of E* in the 2002 Design Guide ............................................................ 71

2.4.5 Predictive Models for E* Stiffness ............................................................... 73 Van der Poel (Shell Oil’s Early Version) Model.................................. 73 Bonnaure (Shell Oil’s Later Version) Model........................................ 75 Shook and Kallas’ Models .................................................................... 76 Witczak’s Early Model ......................................................................... 78

CHAPTER Page Witczak and Shook’s Model................................................................. 79 Witczak’s 1981 Model.......................................................................... 80 Witczak, Miller and Uzan’s Model....................................................... 80 Witczak and Akhter’s Models ............................................................... 81 Witczak, Leahy, Caves and Uzan’s Models ......................................... 83 Witczak and Fonseca’s Model.......................................................... 84 Andrei, Witczak and Mirza’s Revised Model................................... 88 Hirsch Model of Christensen, Pellinen and Bonaquist ..................... 90

2.5 Statistical Background .......................................................................................91

2.5.1 Statistical Analysis ........................................................................................ 92 Model Comparison................................................................................ 92 Goodness of Fit ..................................................................................... 93

2.5.2 Model Optimization...................................................................................... 94

3 ASPHALT BINDER STIFFNESS DATABASE................................................. 96

3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................96

3.2 Original η-Gb* Database ...................................................................................96

3.3 Expanded η-Gb* Database.................................................................................97

3.4 Test Methodologies Related to the Gb*-η Database..........................................99


3.5 Conversion of Test Data ..................................................................................101

4 DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE η-|Gb*|-δ b MODEL .................. 102

4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................102

4.2 Problems with the Current Gb* Models ...........................................................104

4.3 Conceptual Model Development .....................................................................106

4.3.1 Modified ASTM Ai-VTSi Relationship Development ............................... 106

4.3.2 |Gb*| Model Development ........................................................................... 109

4.3.3 δ b Model Development ............................................................................... 116

4.4 Optimization Technique for the Comprehensive η-|Gb*|-δ b Model ................120

4.5 Final Comprehensive η-|Gb*|-δ b Model ..........................................................121

4.5.1 Final Modified Ai-VTSi Relationship (η-Model) ...................................... 121

4.5.2 Final δ b Model............................................................................................. 122

4.5.3 Final |Gb*| Model........................................................................................ 124

4.6 Performance of the Final Comprehensive η-|Gb*|-δ b Model...........................125

4.6.1 Performance of the Final Comprehensive η-|Gb*| Model........................... 125 Accuracy of η-|Gb*| Model................................................................. 125 Comparison with Previous η-|Gb*| Models ........................................ 128


4.6.2 Performance of the Phase Angle (δ b) Model .............................................. 134 Accuracy of δ b Model......................................................................... 134 Comparison with Previous δ b Models ................................................. 137

5 ASPHALT MIXTURE E* STIFFNESS DATABASE ...................................... 142

5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................142

5.2 Original E* Database .......................................................................................142

5.3 Expanded E* Database ....................................................................................143

5.4 Revised E* Database .......................................................................................144

5.5 Test Methodologies Related to the E* Database .............................................146

5.6 Master Curve Parameters.................................................................................150

6 VARIABLES OF E* MODEL ........................................................................... 151

6.1 List of |E*| Models ...........................................................................................151

6.2 Variables in E* Models ...................................................................................151

6.3 Important Predictor Variables..........................................................................152

6.4 Sigmoidal Model Form....................................................................................154

6.5 Characteristics of Predictor Variables .............................................................155

6.6 Correlation of |E*| with Predictor Variables....................................................156


7 NEW E* MODEL DEVELOPMENT ................................................................ 162

7.1 Introduction......................................................................................................162

7.2 Basic Hypotheses .............................................................................................162

7.3 Modeling Approach.........................................................................................163

7.3.1 Sigmoidal Form .......................................................................................... 163

7.3.2 Sub-Models ................................................................................................. 164

7.3.3 Model Optimization Technique .................................................................. 164

7.3.4 Calculation of Goodness of Fit ................................................................... 165

7.3.5 Sequential Optimization of Sub-Models and the Main Model ................... 166 Optimization of the δ-Model............................................................... 167 Optimization of the α-Model.............................................................. 168 Optimization of the Exponent Model ................................................. 168

7.3.6 Model Rationality ....................................................................................... 169

7.4 Model Selection...............................................................................................170

8 PERFORMANCE OF THE NEW E* MODEL ................................................. 172

8.1 Introduction......................................................................................................172

8.2 Statistics of the New E* Model .......................................................................172

8.3 Comparison between Predicted and Observed |E*| Values .............................173


8.4 Predicting Capability of the New E* Model....................................................175

8.5 Frequency Distribution of Residuals ...............................................................177

8.5.1 Frequency Distribution for Full Data Range .............................................. 177

8.5.2 Frequency Distribution at Ranges of Temperatures ................................... 180

8.5.3 Frequency Distribution at Ranges of E* Stiffness Values .......................... 183

8.6 Sensitivity Analysis of the New E* Model......................................................185

8.6.1 Ranges of Predictor Variables..................................................................... 186

8.6.2 Model Sensitivity to Gradation................................................................... 188 Model Sensitivity to ρ200..................................................................... 188 Model Sensitivity to ρ4 ....................................................................... 191 Model Sensitivity to ρ38 ...................................................................... 194 Model Sensitivity to ρ34 ...................................................................... 194

8.6.3 Model Sensitivity to Mix Volumetric Properties ........................................ 200 Model Sensitivity to Mix Air Voids (Va)............................................ 200 Model Sensitivity to Mix Effective Binder Content ........................... 203

8.6.4 Model Sensitivity to Binder Stiffness ......................................................... 205 Model Sensitivity to |Gb*| ................................................................... 206 Model Sensitivity to δ b........................................................................ 209


8.6.5 Model Sensitivity to Temperature .............................................................. 209

8.7 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics................................................216

8.8 Comparison with Previous Models..................................................................223

8.8.1 Comparison of Statistical Goodness of Fit ................................................. 223

8.8.2 Comparison of Plots for Predicted versus Observed Data .......................... 225

8.8.3 Comparison with Hirsch Model.................................................................. 229

8.9 Final E* Model ................................................................................................231

9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................. 232

9.1 Introduction......................................................................................................232

9.2 Conclusions ......................................................................................................232

9.3 Recommendations ............................................................................................240

REFERENCES ….………………………………………..………………...…………………………243


A MIXTURE E* MASTER DATABASE.…...…………………….…………..…………250

A.1 HMA Mixture I.D. …………..………..………..…………..……………………………251
A.2 HMA Mixture Data.…………………….…………………..……………………………266
A.3 E* Data of HMA Mixtures .………………………………..……………………………280

B BINDER η-GB* MASTER DATABASE.……………….……..…………………....…556




Table Page

1.1 Summary of Data Points of the E* Database ............................................................ 10

1.2 Statistics of Witczak E* Model for the UMD and ASU Database ........................... 30

3.1 Summary of Asphalt Binders of the η-Gb* Database ............................................... 98

4.1 Statistics of Predictive Models for η-|Gb*| of Asphalt Binders .............................. 133

4.2 Statistics of Predictive Models for Binder Phase Angle (δ b) .................................. 141

5.1 Summary of Mixtures in ASU E* Database ........................................................... 145

5.2 Test Conditions of the ASU E* Tests ..................................................................... 147

6.1 List of E* Models.................................................................................................... 151

6.2 Variables in Historic E* Models ............................................................................. 152

6.3 Correlation of E* with Predictor Variables at Different Temperature Zones......... 161

8.1 Statistics of the New E* Model .............................................................................. 173

8.2 Range of E* Model Variables at T = 14°F and fc = 10 Hz..................................... 187

8.3 Range of E* Model Variables at T = 70°F and f = 10 Hz ...................................... 187

8.4 Range of E* Model Variables at T = 130°F and f = 10 Hz .................................... 188

8.5 Input Data wit h Observed and Predicted E* Data for ρ200 ..................................... 189

8.6 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for ρ4 ........................................ 192

8.7 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for ρ38 ....................................... 195

8.8 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for ρ34 ....................................... 198

8.9 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for Va........................................ 201

8.10 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for Vbeff .................................. 204

Table Page

8.11 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for |Gb*| .................................. 207

8.12 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for δ b ...................................... 210

8.13 Input Data for Model Response to Mix Volumetrics............................................ 217

8.14 Goodness of Fit Statistics of E* Models ............................................................... 225

8.15 Range of Variables Used in the Development of Hirsch and New Model ........... 230

A.1 HMA Mixture I.D ...…………………………………..…………………………252

A.2 HMA Mixture Data …...…………………………………………………………267

A.3 E* Master Database ……………………...………….….…………………….…281

B.1 Binder η-Gb* Master Database ………………...…………..……………………557

C.1 Master Curve Parameters of HMA Mixtures ….…………………………………829

D.1 Summary of Final Candidate E* Models ……..…………………………………844

D.2 Goodness of Fit Statistics of Final Candidate E* Models …....……….…….……845


Figure Page

1.1 Storage and Loss Modulus .......................................................................................... 7

1.2 Frequency Distribution and Range of Temperature.................................................. 12

1.3 Frequency Distribution and Range of Loading Frequency....................................... 13

1.4 Frequency Distribution and Range of Effective Binder Volume.............................. 14

1.5 Frequency Distribution and Range of Specimen Air Voids ..................................... 15

1.6 Frequency Distribution and Range of Voids in Mineral Aggregates ....................... 16

1.7 Frequency Distribution and Range of Voids Filled with Asphalt............................. 17

1.8 Frequency Distribution and Range of Percent Retained on ¾″ Sieve (ρ34 ).............. 18

1.9 Frequency Distribution and Range of Percent Retained on 3/8″ Sieve (ρ38 )............ 19

1.10 Frequency Distribution and Range of Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (ρ4 ).............. 20

1.11 Frequency Distribution and Range of Percent Passing #200 Sieve (ρ200 ).............. 21

1.12 Frequency Distribution Test Temperatures for E* Master Database...................... 22

1.13 Frequency Distribution of Loading Frequency for E* Master Database ................ 22

1.14 Frequency Distribution Effective Binder Volume for E* Master Database ........... 23

1.15 Frequency Distribution of Specimen Air Voids for E* Master Database .............. 23

1.16 Frequency Distribution of VMA for E* Master Database ...................................... 24

1.17 Frequency Distribution of VFA for E* Master Database ....................................... 24

1.18 Frequency Distribution of Aggregate Sizes for E* Master Database ..................... 25

1.19 Predicted versus Measured E* for Current Witczak E* Model.............................. 32

2.1 Time of Loading Dependence of Binder Stiffness for Axial Tension...................... 43

2.2 Viscosity versus Depth as a Function of Time at a Given Temperature .................. 45

Figure . Page

2.3 Dynamic Shear Rheometer Operation ...................................................................... 50

2.4 Nomograph for Stiffness of Asphalt Binders (2) ...................................................... 53

2.5 Binder and Mix Behavior in Black Space................................................................. 57

2.6 Specimen Instrumentation of E* Testing.................................................................. 66

2.7 Laboratory E* versus Loading Time for Two-Guns Mix ......................................... 70

2.8 Master Curve with Shifted E* Data for Two-Guns Mix........................................... 70

2.9 Log Shift Factor versus Temperature for Two-Guns Mix ........................................ 71

2.10 Nomograph for Stiffness Modulus of AC Mixtures (32)........................................ 77

2.11 Concepts of Precision and Bias................................................................................ 92

4.1 CF as a Function of Loading Frequency (fs) for PG 58-22 Binder at 25°F ............ 113

4.2 CF as a Function of Phase Angle for Paramount PG 58-22 Binder at 25°F........... 114

4.3 CF as a Function of sinδ b for Paramount PG 58-22 Binder at 25°F ....................... 114

4.4 CF as a Function of (sinδ b) s for Paramount PG 58-22 Binder at 25°F .................. 115

4.5 Relationship between A and VTS for All Binders.................................................. 117

4.6 Relationship between log(fs x ηfs ,T ) and Phase Angle (δ b) for All Binders ............ 118

4.7 Log(fs x ηfs ,T ) versus δ b for Paramount PG 58-22 Binder at Different Ages .......... 119

4.8 Observed versus Predicted |G b*| (Using the New η-|Gb*| Model) ......................... 127

4.9 Distribution of Residuals for the η-|Gb*| Model..................................................... 128

4.10 Comparison of η-|Gb*| Models (Based on Original Data) .................................... 130

4.11 Comparison of η-|Gb*| Models (Based on the Expanded Database) .................... 132

4.12 Observed versus Predicted Phase Angle Using the New δ b Model ...................... 136

Figure . Page

4.13 Distribution of δ b Residuals for the New δ b Model.............................................. 137

4.14 Comparison of δ b Models (Based on Original Model Data)................................. 138

4.15 Comparison of δ b Models (Based on the Expanded Database) ............................ 139

5.1 Vertical Stress versus Loading Time in Actual E* Test of an ADOT Mix ............ 149

6.1 |E*| Master Curve of a Sigmoidal Form for Two-Guns Mix .................................. 155

6.2 Relationship of |E*| with Gradation Parameters (ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 and ρ34 ) .................. 158

6.3 Relationship of |E*| with Volumetric Parameters (Va, Vbeff, VMA, VFA)............. 159

6.4 Relationship of |E*| with Binder Stiffness Parameters (|Gb*| and δ b)..................... 160

8.1 Comparison between Predicted and Observed Log E* Values .............................. 174

8.2 Comparison between Predicted and Observed E* Values ...................................... 174

8.3 Predicted versus Observed |E*| for MnRoad Mixtures ........................................... 176

8.4 Predicted versus Observed |E*| for Salt River ¾ inch Mixtures ............................. 177

8.5 Frequency Distribution of E* Residuals ................................................................. 178

8.6 Frequency Distribution of LogE* Residuals........................................................... 179

8.7 Frequency Distribution of E* Ratio ........................................................................ 180

8.8 Frequency Distribution of E* Residuals at Temperature Ranges ........................... 181

8.9 Frequency Distribution of Log E* Residuals at Temperature Ranges ................... 181

8.10 Frequency Distribution of E* Ratio at Temperature Ranges ................................ 182

8.11 Frequency Distribution of E* Residuals at E* Stiffness Ranges .......................... 184

8.12 Frequency Distribution of Log E* Residuals at E* Stiffness Ranges .................. 184

8.13 Frequency Distribution of E* Ratio at E* Stiffness Ranges ................................. 185

8.14 E* Model Sensitivity to ρ200 ................................................................................. 190

Figure . Page

8.15 E* Model Sensitivity to ρ4 .................................................................................... 193

8.16 E* Model Sensitivity to ρ38................................................................................... 196

8.17 E* Model Sensitivity to ρ34................................................................................... 199

8.18 E* Model Sensitivity to Va ................................................................................... 202

8.19 E* Model Sensitivity to Vbeff ................................................................................ 205

8.20 E* Model Sensitivity to |G b*|............................................................................... 208

8.21 E* Model Sensitivity to δ b .................................................................................... 211

8.22 ∆LogE* Versus ρ200 at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F .................................. 212

8.23 ∆LogE* Versus ρ4 at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F..................................... 213

8.24 ∆LogE* Versus ρ38 at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F.................................... 213

8.25 ∆LogE* Versus ρ34 at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F.................................... 214

8.26 ∆LogE* Versus Va at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F .................................... 214

8.27 ∆LogE* Versus Vbeff at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F ................................. 215

8.28 ∆LogE* Versus |Gb*| at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F................................. 215

8.29 ∆LogE* Versus δ b at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F ..................................... 216

8.30 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 14°F and f = 1 Hz ............ 218

8.31 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 40°F and f = 1 Hz ............ 219

8.32 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 70°F and f = 1 Hz ............ 220

8.33 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 100°F and f = 1 Hz .......... 221

8.34 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 130°F and f = 1 Hz .......... 222

Figure Page

8.35 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Shell Oil (2nd Version) Model (Expanded Data)

................................................................................................................................. 226

8.36 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Shell Oil (1977) Model (Expanded Data) ..... 227

8.37 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Current Witczak (1999) Model (Original 2750

Data)........................................................................................................................ 227

8.38 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Current Witczak (1999) Model (Expanded Data)

................................................................................................................................. 228

8.39 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Hirsch (2003) Model (Expanded Data)......... 228

8.40 Predicted Versus Observed E* for New Witczak (2005) Model (Expanded Data)

................................................................................................................................. 229


1.1 Background

The approximately 4 million mile- long nationally interconnected road network of

the U.S. provides the basis for America’s economic prosperity. The demands and reliance

upon the American pavement system for mobility and commerce have increased

substantially over the past few decades. The total length of the roads in the U.S., surfaced

with either asphalt or cement concrete, is about 2.3 million miles, out of which

approximately 96% have hot mix asphalt (HMA) surface (1).

HMA mixtures in these pavements are subjected to a wide range of load and

environmental conditions. The response to these condit ions is complex and involves the

elastic, viscoelastic and plastic characteristics of the material used in the pavement. The

stiffness of a HMA mix is a specific material response parameter that determines the

strains and displacements pavement structure as it is loaded or unloaded. In the early

1950’s, Van der Poel of the Shell Oil Company introduced the term “stiffness” (or

stiffness modulus) (2). The stiffness of a HMA mix is a modulus that is dependent upon

the loading time and temperature of the mix.

Due to the immense importance of stiffness in the analysis, design and

performance evaluation of HMA mixture and flexible pavement structures; researchers

have been trying to develop accurate stiffness (modulus) laboratory test protocols as well

as to deve lop accurate predictive models and equations. Over the last fifty years,

numerous models and regression equations have been developed to predict the stiffness

of a HMA mix. Historically, the stiffness predictive models and equations were

developed based on the conventional multivariate linear regression or non- linear


regression analysis of laboratory test data and the established or anticipated basic

engineering behavior and/or properties of the HMA mixture and/or its components.

1.2 Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) Design Efforts

In the worldwide pavement community, potential research efforts are currently

being focused on the Mechanistic-Empirical (M-E) design of pavements. Since potential

M-E designs are mechanics based, they can adapt to varied and changing dis tress modes,

load limits and load configurations. They also allow for rational materials tests and

characterization and allow for the direct interaction between structural and materials

design. There are several computer programs available to mechanistic-empirically

evaluate stresses and strains in a pavement for a given set of loading, environmental and

pavement cross section conditions. Most of them, however, use some form of linear

elastic layer analysis. The basic material properties required for multi- layer linear elastic

analysis are the material modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (ν).

Unfortunately, most, if not all, pavement materials are not purely elastic. For AC

layers, the modulus varies considerably with temperature and rate (or time) of loading

(i.e. true viscoelastic response). That is why, in recent years, pavement material

researchers have concentrated their research efforts on the time-temperature dependant

stiffness properties of hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement mixtures.

Recently, Dr. Mathew W. Witczak, leader of the asphalt team for the National

Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 1-37A Project and Professor

at Arizona State University (ASU), completed a multi- year comprehensive research

under NCHRP 1-37A Project. The primary goal of this research effort was to develop the

flexible pavement analysis and design part of the draft AASHTO Pavement Design Guide

titled “Guide for Mechanistic-Empirical Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement

Structures”. While this product was initially known as the “2002 Design Guide”, it is now

referred to as the M-E PDG (Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide) (3). In the

remaining portion of this dissertation, this design guide will be mentioned as either the

“2002 Design Guide” or “M-E PDG” for convenience. The ASU research team also

developed a comprehensive pavement analysis and design computer software named

“APADS” (Asphalt Pavement Analysis and Design System) for the M-E analysis and

design of asphalt pavements. This software is an integral part of the 2002 Design Guide.

It has the capability of designing and analyzing new and rehabilitated asphalt pavements.

1.3 Dynamic Modulus as HMA Stiffness

Historically, various types of material parameters have been used for presenting

the stiffness characteristics of asphalt mixtures that include flexural stiffness, creep

compliance, relaxation modulus, resilient modulus, dynamic modulus etc. At present, one

of the most universally used methodologies to characterize the modulus of asphalt

mixtures is the dynamic (complex) modulus (E*). Research, led by Dr. M. W. Witczak,

conducted at ASU, under the NCHRP 9-19 project demonstrated that the complex

(dynamic) modulus (E*) can be used as a good performance indicator for the HMA

design stage (4).

Witczak and other colleagues working on the NCHRP 9-19 project have

summarized several advantages of the use of E* in the HMA pavement analysis and

design over other stiffness parameters (such as the Resilient Modulus, Mr) as follows:

• E* data allows a hierarchical HMA mixture characterization approach to be


• aging can be taken into account,

• vehicle speed (time of load) can be taken into account,

• E* can be linked to the SHRP Performance Graded binder specifications, and

• E* is more fundamentally and theoretically compared to the Falling Weight

Deflectometer (FWD) back-calculated modulus of HMA mixtures.

The NCHRP Report 465 ranked the |E*|/sinφ parameter, which can be obtained

from complex (dynamic) modulus (E*) test, as one of the most preferred candidate

parameters for the SPT (Simple Performance Test) for use in the Superpave Mix Design

procedure (5). In this final Task C analysis of the NCHRP 9-19 study, Witczak et al

identified the advantages of using the dynamic modulus (|E*|) in pavement analysis and

design as follows:

• It provides necessary input for structural analysis for a considerably wide

range of temperature (very low to moderately high) and loading rate (low to


• It provides a rational way to establish mix criteria for rutting, cracking etc.

• It can be linked to a predictive model.

The 2002 Design Guide uses the dynamic modulus (|E*|) as the primary stiffness

property of interest for asphalt materials for all three levels of hierarchical inputs for the

HMA mix characterization and the E* test as the primary HMA mix characterization

mode. In the 2002 Design Guide, the stiffness of any HMA, at all analysis levels of

temperature and time rates of load, is determined from a master curve constructed at a

reference temperature (usually 70ºF). The E* master curve for the Level 1 analysis is

developed using numerical optimization to shift the laboratory mixture E* test data into a

smooth master curve of a sigmoidal form. Before shifting the mixing data, the

relationship between binder viscosity and temperature is established by the use of specific

asphalt cement (AC) binder test data. The master curve for the Level 2 analysis is

developed using the current version of the Witczak E* Predictive Equation from specific

laboratory test data (6). The Level 3 analysis requires no laboratory test data for the

asphalt binder but requires those mixture properties for the Witczak E* Predictive


1.4 Features of Dynamic Modulus (E*)

For linear viscoelastic materials such as HMA mixes and asphalt binders, the

stress-to-strain relationship under a continuous sinusoidal loading in the frequency

domain is defined by the complex modulus. This parameter is the ratio of the amplitude

of the sinusoidal stress and the amplitude of the sinusoidal strain, at the same time and

frequency, which results in a steady state material response. The complex modulus can be

obtained from a standard laboratory testing. The laboratory testing can be done using

either a normal or shear stress mode. When the applied stress is normal, the complex

modulus is denoted by E*; whereas when a shear stress is applied, the complex modulus

is denoted by G*. The sinusoidal stress (σ) can be represented as follows:

σ = σ 0 eiω t = σ 0 cos (ω t ) + iσ 0 sin (ω t ) (1.1)


σ = sinusoidal stress magnitude at time, t

σ0 = maximum stress amplitude

ω = angular velocity, radians/s

t = loading time, seconds

The angular velocity (ω) is related to the loading frequency (f) by:

ω = 2π f (1.2)

As a result of the sinusoidal stress (σ), the viscoelastic material experiences a

sinusoidal strain (ε), which generally (but not always) lags the stress by a phase angle. In

the case when the applied stress is normal, the phase angle is denoted by φ; whereas when

a shear stress is applied, the phase angle is denoted by δ. For a normally applied

sinusoidal stress, the lagging sinusoidal strain is expressed as:

ε = ε 0 e i( ω t −φ ) = ε 0 cos (ω t − φ ) + iε 0 sin (ω t − φ ) (1.3)

in which ε 0 is the maximum strain amplitude. The ratio of the sinusoidal stress to the

sinusoidal strain defines the complex modulus, denoted by either E* or G* depending on

the stress type. For a normal stress application, E* can be mathematically expressed as


σ σ eiω t
E* = = 0i (ω t −φ ) (1.4)
ε ε 0e

The complex modulus has two distinct parts; a real part and an imaginary part.

The real is called the storage (or elastic) modulus or elastic stiffness, and is denoted by E1

or E′ (G1 or G′ in case of shear stress). On the other hand, the imaginary part is called the

loss (or viscous) modulus or viscous damping, and is denoted by E2 or E′′ (G2 or G′′ in

case of shear stress). For a normally applied stress, the storage and loss modulus, as

shown in Figure 1.1, are mathematically related as follo ws:

E* = E1 + iE2 (1.5)



E1 Real

FIGURE 1.1 Storage and Loss Modulus

The ratio of loss to storage modulus is called the loss tangent (tan φ), which is the

ratio of the energy lost to the energy stored in a cyclic deformation, and can be expressed

as follows:

tanφ = E1 / E2 (1.6)

Finally, the ratio of stress to strain amplitude defines the norms (vector lengths) of

dynamic modulus (|E*|) and shear modulus (|G*|). Thus the dynamic modulus is:

| E* |= (1.7)

In case of a shear type of loading; the stress, stress amplitude, strain and strain

amplitude are denoted by τ, τ0 , γ and γ0 , respectively. So, the shear modulus can be

expressed similarly as follows:

| G * |= (1.8)

It is important to note that the dynamic modulus (|E*|) and the phase angle (φ)

jointly describe the complex (dynamic) modulus. Similarly, the shear modulus (|G*|) and

the phase angle (δ) jointly describe the complex (shear) modulus. In the remaining part of

this dissertation, to be consistent with the conventional practice, the dynamic modulus is

denoted as E* (not |E*|) and the shear modulus is denoted as G* (not |G*|) unless

otherwise stated.

1.5 Role of a Predictive Model for Dynamic Modulus

From the previous discussions, it is clear that the use of E* as both a principal

design tool for the new and rehabilitated paveme nts and a performance indicator for the

mix design stage could unify and largely simplify the HMA mixture testing needed by

agencies. One may intuitively understand that E* will play a very dominant role in the

material characterization behavior of all HMA mixtures in any future technological

methodologies. Because of this, a good predictive model (equation) will then further

simplify the HMA mix design and performance prediction process in terms of resources

such as money, time and labor. In fact during the last 50 years, a multitude of predictive

equations and methods of modeling E* stiffness behavior have been developed and the

E* test method itself has been enhanced with time. The historic development of the HMA

mix stiffness predictive models and equations is discussed in the following chapter.

Of all existing E* predictive models (equations), the one developed by Witczak

and his colleagues at the University of Maryland and Arizona State University over the

last 35 years is considered one of the most, if not the most, rational and comprehensive. It

is commonly known as the Witczak E* Predictive Equation. The most recent version of

this equation is based upon 2750 test points and 205 different asphalt mixtures (34 of

which are modified). Due to its mathematical structure (sigmoidal curve) and wide data

basis, it can be used to estimate the stiffness of a HMA mix at a wide temperature and

frequency range for load-associated distresses.

In contrast to the 1986 and 1993 AASHTO Design Guides, the 2002 Design

Guide utilizes dynamic modulus (E*) for all HMA layers of the pavement structure, in

the hierarchical level scheme. As noted, the 2002 Design Guide methodology uses a

particular form of model (a sigmoidal form) in all three levels of analysis and a particular

predictive equation (Witczak E* Predictive Equation) in levels 2 and 3.

1.6 Expansion of E* Database

The original Witczak E* Predictive Model was developed and calibrated by

Witczak and his colleagues at the University of Maryland (UMD) based on 1430 test data

points from 149 un-aged laboratory blended HMA mixtures that contained only

conventional non-modified binders (7). By 1999, Witczak further expanded the database.

The revised (current) version of the model equation was based on an expanded database

(known as the “UMD E* Database”) that contained 2750 test data points from 205 HMA

mixtures (6). As before, all of the new 56 mixtures were un-aged laboratory blended

mixes. It should be recognized that this expanded 1999 database consisted of certain

types of aggregate and binder, narrow ranges of air void and binder content, few

aggregate gradations and no mixture aging.

As a result of several research projects and studies performed at Arizona State

University (ASU) under the direction of Professor M. W. Witczak, the author (along with

his colleagues) completed E* testing on 176 additional new HMA mixtures that provided

5820 more E* test data points (8). The new database, known as “ASU E* Database”, is in

a state of continual expansion. The size of this database is now more than double the

UMD E* database. Compared with the previous database, the ASU E* database has a

much wider range of aggregate and binder types, aggregate gradations, binder and air

void contents, mixture aging, test temperature and loading time (or frequency). Table 1.1

shows a tabular comparison of the UMD (current) and ASU (new) E* data points.

TABLE 1.1 Summary of Data Points of the E* Database

Database Mix STOA1 Lab Typical Lab Plant Field Total Total Data
Type Blend Mix Blend 2 Mix Mix Core Mix Points
UMD Conventional 0 171 0 0 171 1980
Modified Binder 0 34 0 0 34 770
Subtotal 0 205 0 0 205 2750
ASU Conventional 66 0 76 25 167 5070
Modified Binder 2 0 0 2 4 120
AR3 -Dense Grade 0 0 2 0 2 60
AR-Gap Grade 0 0 4 0 4 120
AR-Open Grade 0 0 4 0 4 120
Lime Modified 11 0 0 0 11 330
Subtotal 79 0 86 27 192 5820
Total Total 79 205 86 27 397 8570
Note: 1. STOA = Short-Term Oven Aging for 4 hours at 275ºF
2. Typical lab blend mixes that are not short-term aged at lab
3. AR = Asphalt rubber mix

For both the UMD and ASU database, Figures 1.2 through 1.11 show the

frequency distribution (part “a” of the figure) and ranges (part “b” of the figure) of test

temperature (T), loading frequency (f), effective binder volume (%Vbeff), specimen air

voids (%Va), voids in mineral aggregates (%VMA), voids filled with asphalt (%VFA),

percent retained on ¾″ sieve (ρ34 ), percent retained on 3/8″ sieve (ρ38 ), percent retained

on #4 sieve (ρ4 ) and percent passing #200 sieve (ρ200 ), respectively. It is evident that if

the UMD and ASU E* database are combined, the expanded database provides a very

large and diversified E* and related mixture data set, which is the most important

prerequisite of developing an accurate and robust predictive model equation for dynamic

modulus. When combined, the two databases create a single comprehensive “E* master


1.7 E* Master Database

The final version of the E* master database is presented in Append ix A (A.1 and

A.2 combined). As noted, this database was obtained from combining the UMD and ASU

E* database. Based on the currently available E* master database, Figures 1.12 to 1.18

show the frequency distribution of test temperature (T), loading frequency (f), effective

binder volume (%Vbeff), specimen air voids (%Va), voids in mineral aggregates (%VMA),

voids filled with asphalt (%VFA), and aggregate sizes respectively. It is evident that the

E* master database provides a very large and diversified E* predictor variable data.




0 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125
Temperature, F

a. Frequency Distribution
130 130
Temperature, F

80 70 71

Min Max Avg Min Max Avg

b. Range

FIGURE 1.2 Frequency Distribution and Range of Temperature





0 0.2 0.4 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
Loading Frequency (f), Hz
a. Frequency Distribution

25.0 25.0

f, Hz

10 7.0 6.9

0.1 0.1
Min Max Avg Min Max Avg

b. Range

FIGURE 1.3 Frequency Distribution and Range of Loading Frequency





5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29
Effective Binder Volume (Vbeff), %

a. Frequency Distribution


20 19.0
Vbeff, %

11.0 10.6
6.2 6.1

Min Max Avg Min Max Avg
b. Range

FIGURE 1.4 Frequency Distribution and Range of Effective Binder Volume





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Air Voids (Va), %

a. Frequency Distribution

Specimen Air Voids (Va), %



0.1 0.7
Min Max Avg Min Max Avg

b. Range

FIGURE 1.5 Frequency Distribution and Range of Specimen Air Voids





0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Voids in Mineral Aggregates (VMA), %

a. Frequency Distribution

VMA, %

20 17.3 17.7

10.3 11.2

Min Max Avg Min Max Avg


b. Range

FIGURE 1.6 Frequency Distribution and Range of Voids in Mineral Aggregates





30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA), %

a. Frequency Distribution

VFA, %


40 36.2 32.8


Min Max Avg Min Max Avg

b. Range

FIGURE 1.7 Frequency Distribution and Range of Voids Filled with Asphalt




0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30
%Retained on 3/4" Sieve (ρ34 ), %

a. Frequency Distribution


30 26.1
ρ34 , %


10 6.5
0.0 0.0
Min Max Avg Min Max Avg

b. Range

FIGURE 1.8 Frequency Distribution and Range of Percent Retained on ¾″ Sieve (ρ34 )




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
%Retained on 3/8" Sieve (ρ38), %

a. Frequency Distribution


60 56.0

ρ38 , %


0.0 0.0
Min Max Avg Min Max Avg


b. Range

FIGURE 1.9 Frequency Distribution and Range of Percent Retained on 3/8″ Sieve (ρ38 )




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
%Retained on #4 Sieve ( ρ4), %

a. Frequency Distribution


80 73.0 74.0

60 50.4
ρ4 , %

40 30.0

Min Max Avg Min Max Avg
b. Range

FIGURE 1.10 Frequency Distribution and Range of Percent Retained on #4 Sieve (ρ4 )





0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5
%Passing #200 Sieve ( ρ200 ), %

a. Frequency Distribution

ρ200 , %

5.0 5.0
Min Max Avg Min Max Avg
b. Range

FIGURE 1.11 Frequency Distribution and Range of Percent Passing #200 Sieve (ρ200 )




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature, o F

FIGURE 1.12 Frequency Distribution Test Temperatures for E* Master Database





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 5 10 15 20 25
Loading Frequency (f), Hz

FIGURE 1.13 Frequency Distribution of Loading Frequency for E* Master Database


Numbers 2000
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Effective Binder Volume (Vbeff), %

FIGURE 1.14 Frequency Distribution Effective Binder Volume for E* Master Database





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Air Voids (Va), %

FIGURE 1.15 Frequency Distribution of Specimen Air Voids for E* Master Database




10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38
Voids in Mineral Aggregates (VMA), %

FIGURE 1.16 Frequency Distribution of VMA for E* Master Database





30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA), %

FIGURE 1.17 Frequency Distribution of VFA for E* Master Database



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Retained on 3/4" Sieve (ρ34), %




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Retained on 3/8" Sieve (ρ38), %


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Retained on #4 Sieve (ρ4), %


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Passing #200 Sieve (ρ200), %


FIGURE 1.18 Frequency Distribution of Aggregate Sizes for E* Master Database


1.8 Binder Database

The viscosity of the asphalt binder at the temperature of interest may be

determined from the ASTM viscosity temperature relationship, which is commonly

known as the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship (9, 10). Similar to the mix E* database, a large

database exists for the Ai-VTS i data as obtained from the Penetration, Ring and Ball,

Absolute Viscosity, Kinematic Viscosity, Brookfield Viscosity tests and the binder

complex shear modulus (Gb*) data as obtained from the Dynamic Shear Rheometer

(DSR) test. Previously, Bonaquist et al. (11) summarized such data for 33 different

conventional and modified asphalt binders with a partial factorial of the following three

aging conditions:

(a) Original or Tank condition;

(b) Construction phase aging of asphalt binder using the Rolling Thin Film Oven

(RTFO); and

(c) Accelerated in-service aging of asphalt binder using the Pressure Aging

Vessel (PAV) at 100°C.

The data were obtained from research studies conducted at the University of

Maryland under the NCHRP 9-19 project and hence the database has been identified in

this dissertation as the “UMD Binder Database”. This database contains 5,640 Gb* data

points and associated Ai-VTSi data. Later, under the direction of Dr. M. W. Witczak, the

author conducted binder testing on eight more binders at ASU, which provided 3,300

new Gb* data points and associated Ai-VTSi data (12-14). The database has been

identified in this dissertation as the “ASU Binder Database”. Thus the binder database

obtained from combining the UMD and ASU binder databases contains a total of 8,940

Gb* test data points and associated Ai-VTS i data. Thus when combined, the two

databases created a single comprehensive “G b*-viscosity (η) master database”, presented

in Appendix B.

1.9 Problems with the Current E* Model

A detailed discussion of the historic development of E* predictive models and

equations are presented in the following chapter. Historically, the first generation E*

predictive models were obtained mostly from linear multivariate regression analysis.

While important information was obtained on the general importance of mixture

variables as well their interactive effects, theoretical considerations on the variation of

dynamic modulus with the most significant variables eventually led the researchers to

pursue a non- linear regression analysis. Witczak and Fonseca developed an E* predictive

model in a simple mathematical sigmoidal form based on non- linear regression analysis

(7). The enhanced version of this model, which is the current “Witczak E* Predictive

Equation”, is the equation that has been used to obtain mix stiffness in the level 2 and 3

analyses of the 2002 Design Guide (6). While this model is considered very reliable, it

has several limitations that must be understood by the user. The most critical limitations

are discussed in the following paragraphs.

The model relies on other models or techniques to determine viscosity of the

asphalt binder at the temperature of interest. The ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship for the

asphalt binders was used in the development of the model. The inherent problem with the

ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship is that it does not consider the effect of loading frequency

(or time) on the stiffness of the binder itself used in the mix. In fact, the complex shear

modulus (Gb*) of the binder is a much more representative stiffness of the binder than the

stiffness obtained from a typical Ai-VTSi relationship. Furthermo re, with the adoption of

the Performance Grading (PG) System and the associated binder testing, the Gb* data will

be more available than the typical Ai-VTS i data. So it is logical to develop a future E*

predictive model equation that would directly link the dynamic modulus of HMA mix

with the complex shear modulus of the binder used in the mix.

As with any predictive equation, the classical statistical principles regarding

model extrapolation outside the range of variables used to develop the model apply. The

recent version of the Witczak E* Predictive Model was initially based upon a sigmoidal

form (Witczak-Fonseca model) and calibrated based on 1430 test data points from 149

un-aged laboratory blended HMA mixtures made with only conventional un-modified

binders. The current (1999) version of the Witczak E* predictive model also utilized a

sigmoidal form. This version was based on 2750 test data points from 205 HMA

mixtures, which included 34 mixtures with modified binders. Unfortunately, the new

mixes were, again, only un-aged laboratory blended mixes. As a result, the accuracy of

the E* stiffness prediction for plant mix, field core and short-term aged laboratory blend

mixes is based upon the initial assumption that the representative viscosity of the mix (at

the time of testing), whether it is from plant mix, field aged cores, laboratory short/long

term aging, will lead to accurate predictions of E* as long as the proper viscosity is input

into the equation.

One other frequently used E* (stiffness) predictive methodology is the Shell Oil

model (15) for predicting the stiffness of HMA and asphalt binder. In 2001, Pellinen

conducted a comparison between the Witczak E* model and Shell Oil model (16). The

data used actual measured E* stiffness of MnRoad, ALF and WesTrack sites for a

temperature range of 40 to 130°F. The findings showed that the Witczak model had good

correlation to the measured values over the entire data range. The Shell Oil model, on the

other hand, under predicted mixture stiffness, particularly at high temperatures. A very

significant bias in the measured and Shell Oil predicted E* values were found. It was

found that at very high temperatures and low loading rates, the Shell Oil model leads to

E* values that are off by a factor of 6 to 10 from lab measured E* values. Despite the

large bias found in the Shell Oil model for the full temperature range, the precision of

that model was better than the Witczak model while predicting the relative E* stiffness

trends (caused by mixture volumetric properties). It was also concluded that the

magnitude of the prediction was much closer to the measured values using the Witczak

model. In other words, while the Witczak model is acceptable in terms of accuracy and

bias, it may need further refinement to improve its precision, especially by improving its

sensitivity to volumetric properties of the HMA mixtures.

In 2005, Dongré and his co-researchers investigated the E* prediction capability

of the Witczak model (17). Their research was based on very limited actual E* test data

obtained from only 5 HMA mixtures. Nonetheless, in the course of comparison; the

research team showed that the Witczak Model was found to converge beyond an E* value

of approximately 125,000 psi. The model seemed to overestimate E* stiffness below that

point. The accuracy of the Witczak model also reduced as the volumetric properties and

binder content deviated from the mix design levels, which is common in HMA

production. Dongré et al recommended that the model constants of the Witczak model

may require future refinement to accommodate the new Superpave shear modulus (|Gb*|)

and phase angle (δ b) of asphalt binder data directly. They further recommended that the

model should be improved to account for changes in volumetric properties, asphalt

content and air voids.

1.10 Assessing the Reliability of the Current Model

Table 1.2 shows the comparative statistics of the Witczak E* Model for the UMD,

ASU and UMD+ASU (expanded) database. Applied to the UMD E* database, the current

version of the Witczak E* predictive model had an excellent goodness of fit statistics in

logarithmic scale: R2 = 0.94 and Se/Sy = 0.25. In the same scale, the model exhibited

good but slightly lower statistics for the ASU E* database: R2 = 0.85 and Se/Sy = 0.39.

When the model was applied to the combined UMD+ASU E* database, the Witczak E*

predictive model had R2 of 0.88 and Se/Sy of 0.35 in log scale.

TABLE 1.2 Statistics of Witczak E* Model for the UMD and ASU Database

Parameters E* Database
Total Mix 191 155 346
Modified Mix 0 17 17
Data Points 2750 4650 7400
Logarithmic Scale
Se/Sy 0.25 0.39 0.35
R2 0.94 0.85 0.88
Arithmetic Scale
Se/Sy 0.34 0.65 0.60
R2 0.89 0.57 0.65

The plots of the predicted versus measured dynamic modulus for the UMD

database and ASU database using the current Witczak E* model are presented in Figure

1.19. It is obvious that a poorer agreement for the ASU (new) database is present while

compared with the UMD database, upon which the current Witczak E* model is based. It

is postulated that the major reasons for this discrepancy are associated with:

• a much broader range of initial input variables with the ASU generated

database (i.e. problems associated with model input extrapolation); and

• a wider range of binder stiffness (viscosity) with the ASU generated database

due to the testing on lab-aged specimens, plant mix and field aged cores.

1.11 Objectives

With this background in mind, the main goal of the research study presented in

this Ph.D. dissertation was to develop an enhanced version of the Witczak dynamic

modulus predictive model for HMA mixtures capable of estimating changes in modulus

as a function of changes in mixture volumetrics, material properties, temperature and

loading frequency (or time) for the combined database of E* lab results. Of equal

importance was the goal of incorporating the Gb* parameter as the primary source of

quantifying the asphalt binder stiffness, in lieu of using asphalt binder viscosity. In order

to achieve these goals, the research was aimed at fulfilling the following three specific


UMD Database:
100 Ndata = 2750
Nmix = 191
Predicted E*, 10 psi



0.01 Arithmetic scale: R2 = 0.89, Se/Sy = 0.34

Log scale : R2 = 0.94, Se/Sy = 0.25
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Obdesrved E*, 10 psi
a. Predicted versus Observed E* Plot Based on UMD Database

ASU Database:
100 Ndata = 4650
Nmix = 155
Predicted E*, 10 psi



0.01 Arithmetic scale: R2 = 0.57, Se/Sy = 0.65

Log scale : R2 = 0.85, Se/Sy = 0.39
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Obdesrved E*, 10 psi
b. Predicted versus Observed E* Plot Based on ASU Database

FIGURE 1.19 Predicted versus Measured E* for Current Witczak E* Model


The first objective of this research study was to create a master database of mix

dynamic modulus (E*) test data, binder complex (shear) modulus (Gb*) test data, binder

viscosity and Ai-VTSi data, and all relevant material and mixture data. This master

database would be obtained by combining the UMD and ASU E*, Gb* and Ai-VTS i

databases available to the author.

The next objective was to develop a predictive model for complex shear modulus

(Gb*) capable of accurately predicting both the dynamic shear modulus |G b*| and phase

angle (δ b) of an asphalt binder from given “A” and “VTS” values as obtained from the

conventional ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship. This would be done with the Gb* and binder

viscosity (η) database available in the study. In the course of the Gb* model development,

the conventional ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship to use in the predictive models for |Gb*|

and δ b would also be revised so that the modified relationship would be capable of

incorporating the effect of loading frequency on the asphalt binder viscosity.

The final objective of the study was to develop an enhanced Witczak predictive

model for the dynamic modulus (E*) of HMA mixtures. The revised η-|Gb*|-δ b model

would be incorporated in the new E* predictive model to overcome the current problem

with using proper binder viscosity. The final E* model to be pursued should be relatively

simple, statistically accurate, and implementable within the general framework already

established in the 2002 Design Guide. Hence, it was considered that the sigmoidal model

form would be a mandatory consideration of the new model.


1.12 Scope of Research

The scope of this research included the following work tasks:

Conduct Literature Research - The goal of the literature review was to document

previous and existing studies on the HMA dynamic modulus and binder complex shear

modulus needed to accomplish the objectives of this study. The completion of the

literature review was done to ensure that all the essential information needed to

accomplish the objectives of this study was obtained.

Completion of Binder Database - The UMD and ASU binder testing databases

were completed in terms of the complex shear modulus (Gb*) data as obtained from the

DSR test and the Ai-VTSi viscosity (η) data as obtained from the Penetration, Ring and

Ball, Absolute Viscosity, Kinematic Viscosity and Brookfield Viscosity tests. Both

databases were combined into a single comprehensive “G b*-η master database”.

Revise ASTM Ai-VTSi Relationship - The Gb*-η master database was analyzed in

order to develop a revised ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship capable of taking care of the

effect of loading frequency on the asphalt binder viscosity.

Develop Predictive Model for |G b*| - The Gb*-η master database and the revised

ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship were analyzed to develop a new predictive model for the

binder shear modulus (Gb*).

Develop Predictive Model for δ b - In course of developing the |Gb*| model, a new

predictive model for the phase angle (δ b) associated with the binder complex (shear)

modulus was also developed.


Completion of E* Database - The UMD and ASU E*-φ database were

consolidated in terms of E* testing data (temperature, loading frequency, dynamic

modulus and corresponding phase angle), mixture data (specific gravities, air voids,

binder content, effective binder volume, VMA and VFA), material data (binder grade,

aggregate gradation, specific gravities, modifier, source etc.), specimen data (geometry,

compaction, replication and aging), and binder testing data (temperature, loading

frequency, ASTM A and VTS values, dynamic shear modulus and corresponding phase

angle). The new comprehensive η-|G b*|-δ b predictive model was used to calculate the

|Gb*| and δ b values from the corresponding A and VTS values of the binders used in the

HMA mixes. Finally, both the UMD and ASU databases were combined into a single

comprehensive “E* Master Database”.

New E* Model Development – Finally, the E* master database was analyzed to

develop the latest enhanced version of the Witczak et al predictive model for the dynamic

modulus of asphalt mixtures and hence, fulfill the associated objectives of this proposed


1.13 Dissertation Organization

This Ph. D. dissertation is organized as follows. First, the purpose, objective and

scope of this research are discussed. After the introductory discussio n within the first

chapter, Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive literature review related to the research.

Chapter 3 describes the details of the asphalt binder stiffness database. The development

of a new comprehensive model for binder stiffness, based upon Gb* is described in detail

in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 describes the asphalt mixture E* stiffness database. The variables

used in the new enhanced E* model are described and analyzed in Chapter 6. Then the

E* model development process is discussed in Chapter 7, while the final E* model

evaluation process is described in Chapter 8. Finally, Chapter 9 is dedicated to

summarize the conclusions and recommendations obtained from this research.

Appendices A and B contain the master E* database and η-Gb* database, respectively.

Other appendices are referred at appropriate sections of the dissertation.


2.1 Asphalt Binder Characterization

2.1.1 Behavior of Asphalt Binder

In modern days, the main source of asphalt binder is the distillation of crude

petroleum using different refining processes. At ambient temperatures, asphalt binder

usually is a black, semisolid and highly viscous material. It is considered a valuable

construction and maintenance material because of its strong, adhesive, waterproofing and

durability characteristics. It provides flexibility to mixtures of mineral aggregates with

which they are usually combined. It is also highly resistant to reaction with most acids,

alkalis and salts (1). Although it generally exists in a solid or semi-solid state at ordinary

atmospheric temperatures, it may be liquefied by applying heat, dissolving in petroleum

solvents or emulsifying in water.

Asphalt binder is a viscoelastic material. Its behavior depends on both

temperature and rate of loading. In hot conditions such as in the desert climate in

Arizona, or under sustained loads (slow moving or parked vehicles), the asphalt binder

behaves more like a viscous liquid. As a Newtonian liquid, hot asphalt has a linear

relationship between the resisting force and relative velocity often at temperatures greater

than 140°F (60°C). Viscous liquids like hot asphalt are sometimes called plastic because

once they start flowing, they do not return to their original position. In hot climates, less

stable asphalt pavements flow under repeated wheel loads and form ruts. On the other

hand, in cold climate or under rapidly applied loads asphalt binders behave more like

elastic solids. Here, the asphalt cement may become brittle and crack when excessively


Most environmental conditions associated with pavement construction and

performance lie between the extreme hot and cold temperatures previously discussed. In

these climates, asphalt binders may exhibit the characteristics of both viscous liquid and

elastic solid. Because of this range of behavior, asphalt is an excellent adhesive material

to use in paving, but also becomes an extremely complicated material to characterize.

2.1.2 Properties of Asphalt Binders

Due to the complex chemical nature and variability involved in available asphalt

binders, their properties are usually evaluated in two broad categories: physical and

rheological properties. Historically, some characteristics have been placed in both of

these categories.

The physical properties of asphalt binders are usually determined by the following


• Consistency tests: Ductility, Penetration, Softening Point, Absolute Viscosity,

Kinematic Viscosity, and BrookfieldT M Viscosity test.

• Stiffness test: Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) and Bending Beam

Rheometer (BBR).

• Durability tests: Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) and Pressure Aging Vessel

(PAV) test.

• Purity test: Solubility test.

• Safety test: Flash Point test.

• Other tests: Specific Gravity and Spot test.


The rheological properties of asphalt binders are very important to characterize

them. These properties include:

• Ductility,

• Penetration,

• Viscosity,

• Stiffness,

• Age hardening,

• Temperature susceptibility, and

• Shear susceptibility.

Rheological properties of the asphalt binder highly affect pavement performance.

These properties change during hot mix asphalt (HMA) production and continue to

change subsequently in service. These properties are briefly discussed in the following


Many binder grading, HMA mix design and quality assurance/control protocols

have been deve loped based on some combinations of the physical and rheological

properties of asphalt binders. Important binder properties are briefly discussed in the

following paragraphs. Ductility

The ductility of a paving binder is measured by the distance it will elongate before

breaking when two ends of a briquette specimen are pulled apart at a specified speed and

temperature. It is a very empirical measure of the fracture characteristics of a binder. The


significance of the ductility test as a means of asphalt binder quality control has been

debated because of its empirical nature and poor reproducibility (1). Penetration

Penetration is an empirical measure of asphalt binder consistency, which is

measured by a standard penetration test. It is one of the original ways by which

consistency of asphalt binder was measured. Penetration at 77°F has widely been used in

asphalt cement specifications because no simple method of viscosity determination at

77°F or lower temperature is currently available. Penetration at 77°F generally gives the

consistency of asphalt binder near the average yearly service temperature. Thus, it has

some influence on the overall performance of HMA pavements and produces a

standardized way of ranking bitumen hardness (stiffness). Softening Point

Softening point is measured by the ring and ball test. It is defined as the

temperature at which as asphalt binder cannot support the weight of a steel ball and starts

flowing. Its purpose is to determine the temperature at which the binder undergoes a

phase change. The softening point is indicative of the tendency of the binder to flow at

elevated temperatures encountered in service. The softening point is used in the

classification of asphalt binders and as one of the elements in establishing the uniformity

of shipments or sources of supply. For most unmodified asphalt binders, the ring and ball

softening point corresponds to a viscosity of 13,000 poise (18). For this reason, this

temperature (TRB) is often referred as an equiviscous point; i.e. a point where all binders

have the same viscosity. Viscosity

The viscosity (η) of a liquid is a measure of that fluid’s resistance to flow when

acted upon by an external force. At any given temperature and shear rate, viscosity is the

ratio of shear stress to shear strain rate. Some liquids, such as jelly, asphalt, and syrup are

very viscous. Other liquids, such as water, lighter hydrocarbon, and gas are not as

viscous. Most viscous liquids will flow more easily when their temperatures are raised.

Ductility, penetration and softening point are common empirical tests for

measuring the consistency of asphalt binders. Unlike these empirical tests, viscosity is a

fundamental consistency measurement of asphalt binders that is generally not affected by

changes in test configurations or geometry of the sample (19). However, it is affected by

temperature and rate of loading.

At high temperature such as 275°F, asphalt binders tend to behave as a Newtonian

liquid; that is, the ratio of shear stress to shear strain rate is constant. At low

temperatures, the ratio is usually no longer a constant, and the binder behaves like a non-

Newtonian liquid. Asphalt binder viscosity at 140°F has some influence on the

performance of the HMA pavements during hot summer days when the pavement surface

temperatures are near 140°F. A low viscosity at 140°F can induce flushing and/or rutting

if other factors are identical. It has also been observed that aging of the HMA pavement

results in progressively higher viscosity with time.

42 Stiffness

Stiffness modulus or simply stiffness (S) of the asphalt binder is the relationship

between stress and strain as a function of time of loading and temperature. This definition

was originally introduced by Huekelom of the Royal Dutch Shell Oil lab. This

relationship is also referred to as the rheological behavior of the binder.

In many applications of HMA, its stiffness characteristics must be known not only

to assess the behavior of the mix itself, but also to evaluate the performance of the

pavement. Ideally, for a highway pavement surface course, increased binder stiffness is

desirable at high service temperatures (near 140°F) to avoid rutting, and decreased binder

stiffness is desirable at low service temperature to avoid low temperature shrinkage

cracking (1).

According to Finn, asphalt stiffness is practically time independent at very short

loading time (i.e. very high loading frequency) (20). In this case, as shown in Figure 2.1,

the stiffness approaches the elastic modulus, E. For an intermediate range on the time

scale, the stiffness decreases with an increase in the time of loading. At very long loading

times (i.e. very small loading frequencies), the stiffness may still decrease, but at a

uniform rate, and the behavior of the asphalt binder may be cons idered as purely viscous. Age Hardening

The first significant hardening of asphalt binder takes place in the pug mill or

drum mixer where the heated aggregate is mixed with hot asphalt cement. During the

short mixing period, the very thin films of the asphalt binder are usually exposed to air at

temperatures that range from 275°F to 325°F (135°C to 163°C) or more. Substantial

rheological changes then occur. Some of these changes are a decrease in penetration or an

increase in viscosity of the binder. The se changes take place mostly from air oxidation

and loss of more volatile components. This age hardening continues, although at a much

slower rate, while the HMA is processed through surge or storage silo, transported to the

paving site, laid and compacted. This part of the aging is frequently called “short term


Elastic Behavior
Stiffness, S, psi (in Log Scale) or

Delayed or Retarded
Elastic Behavior

(1) At Short Loading Times, S = E

(2) At Intermediate Loading times, S = E(t)
(3) At Long Loading Times, S = λ/t Viscous
where, λ = Viscous Traction = 3η
( a Measure of Viscous Deformation)

Time, T (in Log Scale)

FIGURE 2.1 Time of Loading Dependence of Binder Stiffness for Axial Tension

When the pavement is opened to traffic, the age hardening process continues for

its service life, though at much slower rates. This is generally called “long term aging”.

The following factors have been reported to contribute to the age hardening of asphalt

binders: oxidation, volatilization, polymerization, thixo tropy, syneresis, and separation

(20, 21). Because asphalt cements are composed of organic molecules, they react with

oxygen from the environment. As a result, the structure and composition of the asphalt

molecules are changed. This causes oxidative or age hardening resulting in a more brittle

asphalt cement. Oxidative hardening occurs at a slow rate, but is accelerated in warmer

climates. Improperly compacted asphalt pavements that usually have higher levels of air

voids, will allow more oxidative hardening. In practice, a considerable amount of

oxidative hardening occurs before the asphalt is placed, especially in a hot mix facility.

Volatilization is the evaporation of the lighter constituents from asphalt cement and is

primarily a function of temperature. However, this is usually not a significant factor

contributing to the long-term in-service aging. Beside polymerization, thixotropy,

syneresis and separation; Traxler suggested some additional factors such as effect of light

and water, chemical reaction with aggregates, microbiological deterioration and

adsorption of heavy asphalt components on the surface of the aggregates (22).

The well-known Global Aging System, developed by Mirza and Witczak,

presents a systematic understanding and analysis procedure of short and long-term aging

of asphalt binders (18). The system describes the change in asphalt binder properties with

depth and time at a specific pavement temperature as shown in Figure 2.2.


FIGURE 2.2 Viscosity versus Depth as a Function of Time at a Given Temperature

The three lines define the three major conditions of asphalt binder that occurs

during the life of the pavement system. The binder properties at these stages can be

categorized as follows:

• Original (tank) properties (shown by Line #1 in Figure 2.2),

• Mix/laydown (short term) properties at time of construction, where time t = 0

(shown by Line #2), and

• Field aged (long term) properties, where time t > 0 (shown by Line #3).

For the original (tank) and mix/laydown conditions, the viscosity is practically

constant with pavement depth. The shift from original to mix/laydown viscosity is the

result of hardening that occurs during the mixing and laydown operation. This increase in

viscosity represents the short-term aging phenomena. Line #3 represents the field aging

properties of asphalt binder at any time after the mix/laydown process. This change in

viscosity is not uniform with depth below the pavement surface because the long-term

aging of the binder is mainly due to the oxidation process. The higher oxidation near the

surface, as shown in Figure 2.2, is due to the binder in direct contact with the circulating

air and higher surface temperature from direct solar radiation. The effect decreases

sharply with depth and become almost negligible at a few inches below the pavement

surface. Temperature Susceptibility

As a thermoplastic material, the consistency of asphalt binder changes with

temperature. The rate of this change is known as temperature susceptibility. Asphalt

cement with high temperature susceptibility is not usually desirable because at the

compaction temperature of HMA, the binder viscosity may be very low causing tender

mix and compaction problems. On the other hand, the viscosity at the lowest service

temperature may be too high that it results in low temperature cracking. Penetration Index

(PI), Pen-Vis Number (PVN) and Viscosity -Temperature Susceptibility (VTS) are three

common measurements of this behavior of asphalt binders. Shear Susceptibility

At low temperatures, most asphalt binders exhibit non-Newtonian or viscoelastic

flow. As such their viscosity is dependent on the shear rate; the viscosity increases as the

rate of shear increases and vice versa. The rate of change of viscosity with the shear rate

is known as shear susceptibility, which is considered to be an intrinsic property of the


asphalt cement. The rate of gain in shear susceptibility relative to increases in viscosity at

77°F seems to be one of the major factors affecting HMA pavement performance.

Relatively lower gain in shear susceptibility with the corresponding increase in viscosity

has been reported to be associated with better pavement performance (23).

2.1.3 Pavement Distresses Related to Rheological Properties of Binder

There are some specific types of HMA pavement distresses affecting the

pavement performance that are related to the rheological properties of the binder. Among

them, rutting and cracking (both load-associated and non-load associated) are most


2.1.4 Asphalt Binder Characterization Tests

HMA pavement distresses related to the rheological properties of the binder affect

the pavement performance in many ways and degrees. As a result, it is extremely

important to properly characterize asphalt binders to ensure proper pavement

performances. Many tests are available to characterize the binders. Some tests are

commonly used by the highway agencies, while others are used for research. Since the

properties of the asphalt are highly sensitive to temperature and time of loading, all

asphalt binder tests must be conducted at specified temperatures and/or time of loading

within very tight tolerances. Common asphalt binder characterization tests are as follows:

• Consistency tests: Penetration, Softening Point, Absolute Viscosity,

Kinematic Viscosity, and BrookfieldT M Viscosity test.


• Stiffness test: Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) and Bending Beam

Rheometer (BBR).

• Durability tests: Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) and Pressure Aging Vessel

(PAV) test.

• Purity test: Solubility test.

• Safety test: Flash Point test.

• Physical property test: Specific Gravity test.

2.2 Stiffness of Asphalt Binders

2.2.1 Common Stiffness Parameters

Over last few decades, researchers have developed a handful of empirical and

mechanistic stiffness parameters. They have also developed empirical equations to

convert common consistency parameters such as Penetration and Softening Point to

viscosity. Models are also available to convert viscosity data to modulus data. The most

important and widely used binder modulus is the complex (shear) modulus (Gb*). The

theory behind Gb* has already been discussed in Chapter 1. Note that this modulus is

usually expressed with the absolute value (|G b*|) and the associated phase angle (δ b). The

Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) test is widely used for determining |Gb*| and δ b at a

wide range of temperature and loading frequency. The AASHTO T315-02 protocol is

followed for this purpose.


2.2.2 Determination of |Gb*| and δ b by DSR Test

The Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) test covers the determination of the

dynamic shear modulus (Gb*) and the phase angle (δ b) of asphalt binder when tested in

dynamic (oscillatory) shear using parallel plate test geometry. The AASHTO T315-02

protocol is followed in this test. The test is applicable to asphalt binders having dynamic

shear modulus values in the range from 100 Pa to 10 MPa. This range in modulus is

typically obtained between 5°C and 85°C for most conventional binders.

As discussed in Chapter 1, Complex Shear Modulus (G b*) is the ratio of absolute

value of the peak-to-peak shear stress (τ) to the absolute value of the peak-to-peak shear

strain (γ). The Phase Angle (δ b) is the angle in degrees between a sinusoidally applied

strain and the resultant sinusoidal stress in a controlled-strain testing mode or between the

applied stress and the resultant strain in a controlled-stress testing mode.

There is two types of dynamic shear rheometers: controlled stress and controlled

strain. Superpave binder tests are conducted in the controlled stress mode. In the DSR

operation, as shown in Figure 2.3, the asphalt binder is “sandwiched” between two

parallel plates: one that is fixed and one that oscillates. As the plate oscillates, the

centerline of the plate at point A (indicated by the dark vertical line) moves to point B.

From point B, the plate centerline moves back and passes point A to point C. From point

C the plate centerline moves back to point A. This oscillation is one cycle and is

continuously repeated during the DSR operation. The speed of oscillation is frequency.

All Superpave DSR binder tests are performed at an angular frequency of 10 radians per

second, which is equal to approximately 1.59 Hz (cycle per second).


FIGURE 2.3 Dynamic Shear Rheometer Operation

The DSR test is used to characterize both viscous and elastic behavior by

measuring the shear modulus (|G b*|) and phase angle (δ b) of asphalt binders. Gb* is a

measure of the total resistance of a material to deformation when exposed to repeated

pulses of shear stress. It consists of two components: elastic (recoverable) and viscous

(non-recoverable). The phase angle (δ b) is an indicator of the relative amounts of

recoverable and non-recoverable deformation. The value of |Gb*| and δ b for asphalt

binders are highly dependent on the temperature and frequency of loading. At high

temperatures, asphalt binders behave like a viscous fluid with no capacity for recovering

or rebounding. At very low temperatures, asphalt binders behave like elastic solids that

rebound from deformation completely. Under normal pavement temperature and traffic

loading, asphalt binders act with the characteristics of both viscous liquid and elastic

solid. Thus, by measuring |Gb*| and δ b, the DSR provides a more complete picture of the

behavior of asphalt binders at pavement service temperatures.


The Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) System consists of test plates,

environmental chamber, loading device, control and data acquisition system, specimen

mold (optional), specimen trimmer and a calibrated temperature detector. Test specimens

1 mm thick by 25 mm in diameter or 2 mm thick by 8 mm in diameter are formed

between parallel metal plates. During testing, one of the parallel plates is oscillated with

respect to the other at pre-selected frequencies and rotational deformation amplitudes (or

torque amplitudes). The required amplitude depends upon the value of the complex shear

modulus of the asphalt binder being tested. These amplitudes are selected to ensure that

measurements are within the region of linear behavior. The test specimen is maintained at

the test temperature to within + 0.1°C by positive heating and cooling of the upper and

lower plates. Oscillatory (angular) loading frequencies using this standard can range from

1 to 100 rad/s using a sinusoidal wave form. Specification testing is performed at a test

frequency of 10 radians per second, which is equal to approximately 1.59 Hz (cycles per

second). The complex shear modulus and the phase angle are calculated automatically as

part of the rheometer using proprietary computer software supplied by the equipment

manufacturer. Original (i.e. tank) binders and RTFO aged binders are tested at strain

values of about 10% to 12%. PAV-aged binders are tested at strain values of about 1%. In

all cases, strain values must be small enough that the response of the binders (i.e. |Gb*|

value) remains in the linear viscoelastic range. In this range, |Gb*| is virtually unaffected

by changes in strain level.

The DSR measures the rheological properties (complex shear modulus and phase

angle) at intermediate to high temperatures experienced by the pavement in the

geographical area for which the asphalt binder is intended. The DSR test provides

stiffness behavior of asphalt binders over a wide range of temperatures. Two forms of

Gb* and δ b are used in the binder specification. Permanent deformation is governed by

limiting the (Gb*)/sinδ b at the test temperatures to values greater than 1.00 kPa for

original binder and 2.20 kPa after RTFO aging. Fatigue cracking is governed by limiting

(Gb*)sinδ b of PAV aged material to values less than 5000 kPa at the test temperature.

However, there is not a full universal agreement for the Fatigue DSR specifications.

2.2.3 Predictive Models for Stiffness of Asphalt Binders

Very often, there are situations when it becomes impractical to conduct a full

range DSR test to obtain the stiffness properties of an asphalt binder. Therefore, over

time, researchers have come up with different predictive models for the indirect

measurement of stiffness of asphalt binders. Available prediction models are

chronologically briefly described in the next few paragraphs. Van der Poel (Shell Oil’s Early Version) Model

One of the earliest, but most well-known asphalt binder viscosity (stiffness)

predictive models, was developed by Van der Poel of the Shell Oil Company based upon

over 20 years of laboratory work at “Koninklijke/Shell- Laboratorium, Amsterdam

(KSLA)” (2). This predictive method is a part of the well-known “KSLA Method”. It

uses a nomographic solution to obtain the asphalt binder stiffness (Sb), which is assumed

to be a function of the temperature, time of loading and the characteristics of the bitumen

in a mix expressed in terms of the penetration index (PI). The Shell Oil nomograph is

shown in Figure 2.4.


FIGURE 2.4 Nomograph for Stiffness of Asphalt Binders (2)

The binder properties needed in the nomograph are the viscosity at T800pen and PI.

T800pen is the temperature at which the penetration would be 800. It was found that all

bitumens have an equiviscous magnitude or penetration of 800 at their Ring and Ball

Softening Point (TR&B). Thus, T800pen can be set equal to TR&B.


Tdif = TRB − T (2.1)

defines a normalized temperature under which differences in viscous behavior types


For the intermediate (viscoelastic) behavior, use of the penetration index (PI) is

made as follows:

20 − PI ∂ log Pen
= 50 (2.2)
10 + PI ∂T

In other words:

20 − PI log 800 − log Pen

= 50 (2.3)
10 + PI TRB − T

The binder PI is calculated as follows:

20 − 500 A
PI = (2.4)
1 + 50 A

log( Penetration at T ) − log 800

A= (2.5)
T − TR & B


Pen = penetration at the temperature of interest as obtained from the standard

Penetration Test, 0.1 mm

A = temperature susceptibility (see equation 2.5)

T = temperature of interest, ºC

In lab, the binder stiffness can be determined by either a creep test with a loading

time t or dynamic shear test under an angular loading frequency of ω (or a sinusoidal

loading frequency of fs). Van der Poel defined t as follows:

1 1
t= = (2.6)
ω 2πf s ASTM Ai-VTS i Model

For any aging condition of an asphalt binder, the viscosity of the asphalt binder at

the temperature of interest may be determined from the ASTM viscosity temperature

relationship defined in equation 2.7. This approach is commonly known as the ASTM Ai-

VTSi relationship (9, 10).


log log η = A + VTS log TR (2.7)


η = viscosity, cP

T R= temperature, degree Rankine (°R = °F + 459.7)

A = regression intercept

VTS = regression slope (viscosity temperature susceptibility parameter)

This relationship is applicable not only to virgin asphalt cement binders but also

to a wide variety of modified binders, provided that the modification percentages are not

excessively high (less than 2%-3%). Although the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship is usually

used with data from viscosity measurements at 140o F and 275o F to develop mixing and

compaction temperatures, it can be extended to lower temperatures using ring and ball

softening point and penetration data. Research by Shell Oil, which was later confirmed

by Mirza and Witczak, indicates that for most unmodified asphalt binders, the ring and

ball softening point corresponds to a viscosity of 13,000 poise (18).

Penetrations at a range of test temperatures, from tests using 100 g, 5 sec loading

can be converted to viscosity using the following relationship (18):

log η = 10.5012 − 2.2601 log( Pen ) + 0.00389(log( Pen)) 2 (2.8)


η = viscosity, P

Pen = measured penetration for 100g, 5 sec loading, 0.10 mm

Thus, from a combination of penetration, ring and ball softening point, and

kinematic, absolute and BrookfieldT M viscosity measurements; the viscosity of the binder

over a wide range of temperatures can be predicted. Mirza and Witczak also developed

equations, which shift the viscosity temperature relationship of the original binder for

short-term aging that occurs during mixing and compaction, and for long-term in-situ

aging (18). These equations take into account the aging potential of the binder, the

temperature in the pavement, the time in service and the particular depth within an AC

layer. Witczak et al. Models

The prediction of the complex modulus (E*) and related phase angle (φ) of an

asphalt mixture from properties of asphalt binder and volumetric composition of the

mixture plays a very important role in the rational pavement design procedure. The phase

angle of asphalt mixtures is partially related to the phase angle of the asphalt binder (δ b).

At low temperatures, phase angles of the binder tend to mirror the phase angle behavior

of the mixture. However, at moderate to high temperatures, a large divergence between

the two appears. As the temperature gets very large, the phase angle of the binder

approaches that of a pure viscous material and will approach 90 degrees. In contrast, the

mixture phase angle will start decreasing towards a value of zero and will denote a pure

elastic behavior of the mixture. Figure 2.5 shows similar behavior of asphalt binder and

mix in a phase angle (δ b or φ) versus dynamic stiffness (|Gb*| or |E*|) plot (16).


Phase Angle, degrees
60 High Intermediate Low
Temperature Temperature Temperature
Region Region Region


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Log |G b*|, psi

a. Binder Behavior in Black Space

High Low
Temperature Temperature
Phase Angle, degrees

30 Region Region


3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Log |E*|, psi
b. Mixture Behavior in Black Space

FIGURE 2.5 Binder and Mix Behavior in Black Space

According to Christensen, at cold temperatures, less than 32°F (0°C), asphalt concrete

behavior can be approximated as being linear viscoelastic, because strains remain small

under loading (24). At higher temperatures, the HMA mix behaves more like a granular

non- linear elastic material. According to Goodrich, HMA mixtures largely reflect the

binder rheology at low temperatures (<32°F (0°C)). At intermediate temperatures (50 to

122°F (10 to 50°C)), HMA mix rheology is sensitive to the unique binder properties (25).

However, noticeable differences observed in binders greatly diminish in mixtures. At

high temperatures (>122°F (50°C)), the HMA mix rheology is predominantly influenced

by the aggregates.

It is well known with the adoption of the Superpave Performance Grading system

and its associated testing, the binder characterization parameters required to establish the

ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship may no longer be routinely collected. One of the major

limitations associated with the use of the ASTM Ai-VTSi viscosity relationship is that it

does not tell anything about the change of binder viscosity under dynamic loading with

changing loading time (or frequency). This phenomenon is well known to be observed in

the low to intermediate temperature ranges (14). Under the current Superpave binder

characterization methodologies, the use of the binder complex shear modulus (Gb*),

which is obtained from the Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) test according to the

AASHTO T 315-02 protocol, is considered very important. In contrast to the ASTM Ai-

VTSi relationship, the Gb* data describes the change of binder stiffness under dynamic

(shear) loading with changing loading time (or frequency). It is obvious that this

parameter is the most fundamental and rational variable that can be used in prediction

models for HMA mixture dynamic modulus.

Witczak and his colleagues at the University of Maryland and Arizona State

University developed a set of provisional models that relate binder complex shear

modulus with binder viscosity (η). The 2002 Design Guide uses a model deve loped by

Witczak and his colleagues at the University of Maryland termed as the “Witczak-

Bonaquist η-Gb* Model” in this dissertation (11). The model equations were expressed


a o + a 1? + a 2 ? 2

 | G * |   1 
? =  b   (2.9)
 ?   sin db 


η = binder viscosity (from ASTM Ai-VTS i equation), cP

|Gb*| = binder shear modulus (measured), Pa

δb = binder phase angle (measured), degree

ω = angular frequency used to measure G* and δ b, radians/s

a0 , a1 and a2 = fitting parameter for all type of binders respectively 3.639216,

0.131373 and -0.000901


δ b = 90 + (b1 + b2 VTS)log(|G b*|) + (b3 + b4 VTS) {log(|G b*|)} 2 (2.10)


b1 , b2 , b3 and b4 = fitting parameter of values respectively -24.878,-7.2734,

1.8118 and 0.77054

VTS = regression slope of the log- log viscosity (cP) versus log temperature

(°R) plot; a viscosity temperature susceptibility parameter

For ω = 10 rad/s (fs = 1.59 Hz), which is the specified test frequency in the

Superpave Performance Grading system, Equation 2.6 becomes:


4 .8628
| G *|  1 
η = b   (2.11)
 10   sin δ b 

Witczak, Sybilski, Bonaquist and Pellinen further suggested revised model

equations, termed as the “Witczak-Sybilski η-Gb* Model” in this dissertation, which are

as follows (26):

a o + a1? +a 2 ? 2
| G *|  1 
? =  b    (2.12)
 ?   sin db 


a0 , a1 and a2 = fitting parameter for all type of binders respectively 4.9461,

0.0537 and - 0.0004

| Gg * | − | Gb * |
= a(tan δ ) b (2.13)
| Gb * |


|Gg*| = glassy shear modulus of binders, which was assumed equal for all

asphalt binders, typically 1 GPa

|Gb*| = shear modulus, Pa

δb = phase angle, degree

a = -1.5112 + 0.4159 . A

b = 22.848 + 5.144 . VTS

A = regression intercept of the log- log viscosity (cP) versus log temperature

(°R) plot

2.3 Asphalt Concrete Mixture Characterization

2.3.1 Behavior of Asphalt Concrete Mixture

It is well known that the mechanical behavior of a HMA mix, which is a

composite material, is primarily governed by the viscoelastic nature of the asphalt binder

contained in the mixture. One should recall that in elastic materials, all work done by the

external stresses during an increment of deformation is stored and fully recovered on

unloading, i.e. the material does not dissipate or lose energy. Additionally, elastic

deformations depend solely upon the stress magnitude and not upon the straining or

loading history. On the other hand, in purely viscous fluids, strain increases continuously

and linearly with time as energy is dissipated in flow, yielding permanent deformation.

Material behavior that incorporates both elastic and viscous behavior is referred to as

viscoelastic behavior. The elastic solid and viscous fluid represents opposite endpoints of

a wide spectrum of viscoelastic beha vior.

2.3.2 Volumetric Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixture

The volumetric properties of a HMA mix are defined as follows in accordance

with the representative volume of a mix (27).

Air Voids, Va : the percent volume of air between the coated aggregates in the

compacted asphalt mixture relative to the total bulk volume of the compacted mix.

Voids in Mineral Aggregates, VMA: the percent volume of compacted paving

mix not occupied by the aggregate relative to the total bulk volume of the compacted mix

(when the volume of the aggregate is calculated from its bulk specific gravity).

Absorbed Asphalt Volume, Vba : percent by volume of asphalt binder absorbed

into the aggregates relative to the total bulk volume of the compacted mix.

Asphalt Content, P b or AC : the percent by weight of asphalt binder in the mix

relative to the total weight of the compacted mix.

Effective Asphalt (or Binder) Volume (or Content), Vbeff: the percent volume of

asphalt binder, which is not absorbed into the aggregates, relative to the total bulk volume

of the compacted mix.

Voids Filled with Asphalt, VFA: the percentage of VMA filled with asphalt


Air voids in the compacted HMA specimen as a percent of the total volume can

be calculated as follows:

Gmm − Gmb
Va = 100 × (2.14)
G mm


Gmm = theoretical maximum specific gravity of the loose HMA mixture

Gmb = bulk specific gravity of the compacted HMA mixture

Voids in mineral aggregates (VMA) and voids filled with asphalt (VFA) of the

compacted HMA specimen can be calculated as follows:

G mb Ps
VMA = 100 − (2.15)
G sb

VMA − Va
VFA = 100 × (2.16)


Ps = amount of aggregates as percentage of total weight of the mixture

Gsb = bulk specific gravity of aggregates

2.3.3 Pavement Distresses Related to Asphalt Concrete Mixture Properties

Pavements may be subjected to a wide variety of distresses, leading to a decrease

in long-term pavement performance. Broadly speaking, these distresses can be cracking

(fatigue, thermal, longitudinal, block, reflective, slippage etc.), distortion (rutting,

shoving, corrugation etc.) or disintegration (raveling, wear loss, stripping etc.). Among

them, rutting and fatigue cracking are considered very critical in terms of the pavement

longevity and its life cycle cost and are distresses that are definitely influenced by the

external design inputs such as pavement structure, layer quality, traffic loading, site

environmental factors and foundation conditions.

2.3.4 Asphalt Concrete Mixture Characterization Tests

Asphalt concrete mixture characterization is the measurement and analysis of the

response of HMA mixes to load, deformation, and/or the environment at a wide range of

temperatures and loading conditions. Tests historically used for this purpose, such as

Marshall Stability and Flow, and Hveem Stability tests, are empirical in nature. These

tests are not reliable when conditions are outside those in which the tests were developed

(1). For example, they are not reliable for predicting pavement performance as axle loads

and tire pressure continue to increase since the tests were developed.

Recent research done under the NCHRP 9-19 project showed that the Dynamic

Modulus (E*) test is a leading candidate as a simple performance test to use a


mechanistic performance test. As a result, it has already been used in the new 2002

Pavement Design Guide as the principal HMA stiffness characterization test. The most

current E* test procedures have been described in “Standard Method of Test for

Determining Dynamic Modulus of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Mixtures” with AASHTO

designation TP 62-03 (28).

2.4 Stiffness of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures

2.4.1 E* Stiffness of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures

For more than 50 years, it is well known in the pavement community that the

loading time and temperature have pronounced effects upon the rheological responses of

asphalt binder and mixtures. In 1954, Van der Poel introduced the term “stiffness” (St,T )

to distinguish this parameter from the elastic modulus response. He expressed stiffness as


σ 
St ,T =   (2.17)
 ε t ,T


σ = stress

ε = strain

t = time of loading

T = temperature

The stiffness of a mix under dynamic sinusoidal loading is more commonly

known as its complex modulus (E*). The performance of an asphalt pavement structure is

significantly influenced by the modulus of the AC layers. The theory behind the complex

(dynamic) modulus has already been discussed in the previous chapter. Different forms

(types) of dynamic modulus can be evaluated by several existing direct testing

procedures. Among them, several common tests used in practice are: (a) Complex

(Dynamic) Modulus, (b) Flexural Stiffness, and (c) Diametral (Resilient or Indirect)

Modulus. In addition to the direct testing approaches, several widely utilized indirect

predictive techniques are also available for HMA mix modulus evaluation, which are

discussed in the later part of this chapter.

2.4.2 Determination of Stiffness by E* Test

AASHTO test protocol TP 62-03 (Standard Method of Test for Determining

Dynamic Modulus of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Mixtures) is the most current dynamic

modulus (E*) test protocol (29). This method covers procedures for preparing and testing

asphalt concrete mixtures to determining the dynamic modulus (|E*|) and phase angle (φ)

over a range of temperatures and loading frequencies.

A sinusoidal (haversine) axial compressive stress is applied to a specimen of

asphalt concrete at a given temperature and loading frequency. The laboratory prepared

mixtures are conditioned in accordance with the 4-hour short-term oven conditioning

procedure described in AASHTO R30. Field mixtures are not conditioned. Any lab

blended or plant obtained mixture is compacted in a gyratory compactor to 6- in diameter

x 6.69- in high according to AASHTO T 312 Protocol. The test specimen ends are sawed

and cored to obtain the final 4- in diameter x 6- in high E* test specimen. AASHTO T269

is then conducted to measure the air voids of the final test specimens.

For full characterization of the mix, E* tests are generally conducted at 14, 40, 70,

100 and 130°F under 25, 10, 5, 1, 0.5 and 0.1 Hz loading frequencies. A 60 second rest

period is used between each frequency to allow some specimen recovery before applying

the new loading at a lower frequency. The E* tests are done using a controlled stress

mode, which produces strains between 50 and 150 micro-strain. This ensures, to the best

possible degree, that the response of the material is linear across the temperature range


Figure 2.6 shows the schematic presentation of the instrumentation of a E* Test

sample. The axial deformations of the specimens are measured through at least two

spring- loaded Linear Variable Differential Transducers (LVDTs) placed vertically on

diametrically opposite sides of the specimen. Parallel brass studs are used to secure the

LVDTs in place. Two pairs of studs are glued on the two opposite cylindrical surfaces of

a specimen; each stud in a pair, being 100- mm (4 inch) apart and located at

approximately the same distance from the top and bottom of the specimen.

Frictionless Bushing
Guiding Rod


Mounting Stud
Holding Bracket

a. Sample Assembly b. Lateral View

FIGURE 2.6 Specimen Instrumentation of E* Testing


Top and bottom surface friction is a very practical problem for compressive type

testing. In order to eliminate the possibility of having shear stresses on the specimen ends

during testing, pairs of rubber membranes, with vacuum grease within the pairs, are

placed on the top and bottom of each specimen during testing. All E* tests are conducted

in a temperature-controlled chamber.

2.4.3 Time-Temperature Superposition of Dynamic Modulus

Dynamic modulus of HMA mix is dependant on both time of loading and

temperature. This special characteristic makes the characterization of AC a three

dimensional problem. This problem can be reduced to a two-dimensional problem by the

use of time-temperature superposition. The 2002 Design Guide also uses this technique at

all analysis levels as the primary way of characterizing HMA mixtures.

The latest procedure for the time-temperature superposition is developed at ASU.

In this method, a master curve for the dynamic modulus (E*) of a specific HMA mix is

constructed at a reference temperature (generally taken as 70°F). The E* data at other

temperatures are shifted with respect to time until the curves merge into single smooth

sigmoidal function. The master curve of the modulus, as a function of time, formed in

this manner describes the time dependency of the material. The amount of shifting at

each temperature required to form the master curve describes the temperature

dependency of the material.

In general, the master modulus curve can be mathematically modeled by a

sigmoidal function described as:


LogE* = δ + β + γ (logt r )
1+ e


tr = reduced time of loading at reference temperature

δ = minimum value of E*

δ + α = maximum value of E*

β, γ = parameters describing the shape of the sigmoidal function

The shift factor can be shown in the following form:

a(T) = (2.19)


a(T) = shift factor as a function of temperature

t = time of loading at desired temperature

tr = reduced time of loading at reference temperature

T = temperature of interest

For the greatest degree of precision, a second order polynomial relationship

between the logarithm of the shift factor i.e. log a(Ti) and the temperature in degrees

Fahrenheit is used. The relationship can be expressed as follows:

Log a(Ti) = aTi2 + bTi + c (2.20)


a(Ti ) = shift factor as a function of temperature Ti

Ti = temperature of interest, °F

a, b and c = coefficients of the second order polynomial


The second order polynomial has been found to be the most accurate

methodology to develop the time-temperature superposition relationship for HMA

mixtures. While theory recognizes linear viscoelastic superposition, this would be

equivalent to regressing a coefficient value of “a” to be equal to a = 0. Nonetheless, many

mixtures have been found not to conform to the linear model form. This is why a more

universal second order polynomial is recommended with real lab test results.

Master curves and the corresponding shift factors can be developed

experimentally by shifting laboratory frequency sweep data from dynamic modulus test

(AASHTO designation TP 62-03) (29). Once the master curve for a specific HMA mix is

obtained, the time of loading at the reference temperature can be calculated using

Equation 2.19 for any given time of loading at any given temperature. Then the

appropriate E* value can be calculated from Equation 2.18 using the time of loading at

the reference temperature.

As an example, construction of master curve for the ADOT Two-Guns mixture

with 1% lime is shown in Figures 2.7 through 2.10. Figure 2.7 is a plot of E* (in psi)

versus loading time (in seconds). In Figures 2.8 and 2.9, the E* data are shifted using a

non- linear optimization by simultaneously solving seven master curve and shift

parameters (δ, α, β, γ, a, b and c). These seven parameters are then used in the equations

2.17, 2.18 and 2.19 to calculate the E* of the particular mix at any temperature and

loading frequency within the range used in the E* testing.


14 deg F 40 deg F 70 deg F
100 deg F 130 deg F
E*, psi



0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Log Loading Time, s

FIGURE 2.7 Laboratory E* versus Loading Time for Two-Guns Mix

δ =3.9289, α = 2.9309, 14 deg F
β = −0.7793, and γ = 0.4214 40 deg F
1.E+07 70 deg F
100 deg F
|E*|, psi

130 deg F
1.E+06 Master Curve


-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Log Reduced Time, s

FIGURE 2.8 Master Curve with Shifted E* Data for Two-Guns Mix

y = 0.0003x2 - 0.1298x + 7.5344, R2 = 1 14 deg F
a = 0.0003, b = -0.1298 and c = 7.5344 40 deg F
6 70 deg F
100 deg F
log aT

130 deg F
2 Regression Line


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature, °F

FIGURE 2.9 Log Shift Factor versus Temperature for Two-Guns Mix

2.4.4 Use of E* in the 2002 Design Guide

At all analysis levels of the 2002 Design Guide, any stiffness or viscosity data

used for new flexible pavement studies is obtained or predicted for HMA mix short-term

aged according to AASHTO Test Method AASHTO PP2 and binder short-term aged by

RTFO test according to AASHTO T240 (3). Once the E* data is obtained or predicted,

the stiffness of HMA is determined from a E* master curve constructed at a reference

temperature of 70°F using Equations 2.18 and 2.19.

In the Level 1 analysis, specific laboratory test data are used in Equation 2.4 (and

Equation 2.8 in case Gb* data is available) to establish the viscosity-temperature

relationship of the asphalt binder. Then the laboratory frequency sweep data obtained

from the dynamic modulus test are shifted into a smooth master curve through computer

aided numerical optimization using the following equation:

LogE* = δ + β +γ [log(t )−c{log(η ) −log(ηTr )}]
1+ e


t = time of loading

η = viscosity at temperature of interest

ηT r = viscosity at reference temperature

δ, α, β, γ and c = model fitting parameters obtained by the optimization.

The logarithm of the reduced time tr can be is expressed as follows:

log(t) – c{(log(η) – log(ηT r)} = log (tr) (2.22)

Thus, Equation 2.21 is actually another form of Equation 2.18. Once the master

curve and associated parameters are obtained, the mix E* stiffness at any specific

temperature and loading time can easily be calculated from Equation 2.21.

In the Level 2 analysis of the 2002 Design Guide, the 1999 version of the Witczak

E* predictive equation (6) is combined with the same laboratory binder test data needed

in Level 1. No E* test data is required at this level. The Witczak E* predictive equation is

described in the later part of this chapter. In the Level 3 analysis, the current version of

the Witczak E* predictive equation is combined with the typical temperature-viscosity

relationship established for a specific binder grade specified in AASHTO MP1. In both

Level 2 and Level 3 analyses, some mixture and binder data are needed for use in the E*

predictive equation. Once the E* data at different temperatures and loading times are

predicted, the E* master curve is constructed and mix stiffness at specific temperature

and loading time is obtained similarly as in the Level 1 analysis.

2.4.5 Predictive Models for E* Stiffness

Numerous E* predictive models and related equations have been developed over

the last 50 years. Historically, the E* predictive models and equations were developed on

the basis of the conventional multivariate linear regression or non- linear regression

analysis of laboratory test data and the established or anticipated basic engineering

behavior and/or properties of the HMA mixture and/or its components. These models can

be broadly classified as the following categories:

• Linear polynomial for logarithm (10-based) of |E*| with related nomograph

for bitumen stiffness modulus such as the Shell Oil method.

• Linear polynomial for logarithm (10-based) of |E*| such as the Shook and

Kallas model and all early Witczak et al. models.

• Non-linear polynomial for logarithm (10-based) of |E*| using a sigmoidal

function such as the Witczak et al. model.

• E* models primarily based the law of mixtures such as the Hirsch model (30).

• The available |E*| predictive models are chronologically briefly described in

the next few paragraphs. Van der Poel (Shell Oil’s Early Version) Model

One of the early but well-known asphalt mix stiffness predictive model was

developed by Van der Poel of the Shell Oil Company based upon over 20 years of

laboratory work at “Koninklijke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam (KSLA)” (2). This

predictive method is also known as the “KSLA Method”. A primary assumption of the

Shell Oil method is that the HMA mix stiffness is a function of the asphalt binder

stiffness (Sb). It uses a nomographic solution to obtain the Sb as outlined earlier in the

Section of this dissertation. Once the binder stiffness (Sb ) is determined from the

nomograph, the mix stiffness (Sm) is calculated from the following equation:

 2.5  Cv 
S m = Sb 1 +     (2.23)
  n  1 − Cv 


Sm = mix stiffness, kg/cm2

N = 0.83 log10 [4 x 105 )/Sb ]

Cv =
Vg + Vb

Vg = volume of aggregates

Vb = volume of bitumen (asphalt binder)

The mix stiffness predictive equation was originally considered applicable for air

voids ≈ 3% and Cv = 0.7 to 0.9. Further research at Shell Oil concluded that for mixtures

having air voids > 3%, Cv ´ should be used in lieu of Cv using the following relationship:

Cv ' = (2.24)
1+ H


H = (Actual air voids – 3)/100


This correction is applicable only to mixtures having an asphalt volume

concentration factor (C B) satisfying the following relationship:

CB ≥ (1 − Cv ' ) (2.25)


CB = (2.25a)
Vg + Vb Bonnaure (Shell Oil’s Later Version) Model

In 1977, a revised version of the Shell Oil model was developed by Bonnaure and

his co-researchers (15). Their mix stiffness equations were developed using 9 different

HMA mixtures tested in a two-point bending apparatus developed by Shell Oil.

Trapezoidal specimens fixed at the bottom were subjected to a sinusoidal load at

the free end. The stiffness modulus was obtained by evaluating the stress and strain

measured at the free end. Bonnaure and his team developed the following equations for

predicting the HMA mix stiffness (Sm) based on the volume of the binder (Vb), volume of

the aggregate (Vg) and the binder stiffness (Sb) (31):

1.342(100 −V g )
β1 = 10.82 − (2.26)
Vg + Vb

β 2 = 8.0 + 0.00568Vg + 0.0002135V g


 1.37Vb 2 − 1 
β3 = 0.6 log  

 1 . 33V b − 1 

β 4 = 0.7582( β1 − β 2 ) (2.29)

For 5 x 106 N/m2 < Sb < 109 N/m2 ,

β4 + β3 β − β3
log S m = (log S b − 8) + 4 log S b − 8 + β 2 (2.30)
2 2

For 109 N/m2 < Sb < 3 x 109 N/m2 ,

log S m = β 2 + β 4 + 2.0959( β1 − β 2 − β 4 )(log S b − 9) (2.31)

The previous two equations are based on SI units with Sb and Sm in N/m2 . The

following two equations were formulated when Sb and Sm are expressed in psi:

For 725 psi < Sb < 145,000 psi,

β4 + β3 β − β3
log S m = (log S b − 4.1612) + 4 log S b − 4.1612 + β 2 − 3.8383 (2.32)
2 2

For 145,000 psi < Sb < 435,000 psi,

log S m = β 2 + β 4 + 2.0959( β1 − β 2 − β 4 )(log S b − 5.1612) − 3.8388 (2.33)

Figure 2.10 shows the nomograph for determining the stiffness modulus of AC

mixtures using the Bonnaure et al. model equations. Shook and Kallas’ Models

In the late 1960’s, Shook and Kallas of the Asphalt Institute developed another

model to predict dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures (33). The model was based on 29

HMA mixtures tested at only one loading frequency (f = 4 Hz), which provided a total of

87 data points. The model equation they developed was:

log 10 E * = a 0 + a1 ρ 200 + a2Va + a 3η 70;106 + a 4 ρ ac 5 t p

a a6

FIGURE 2.10 Nomograph for Stiffness Modulus of AC Mixtures (32)



|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi

ρ200 = percentage of aggregates (by weight of the total aggregates) passing

the no. 200 sieve, %

Va = percent air voids (by volume of the mix), %

η70;106 = asphalt binder viscosity at 70°F, 106 poise

ρac = percent asphalt absorption (by weight of the mix), %

tp = test temperature, °F

a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 and a6 = 1.5436, 0.020108, -0.031861, 0.068142, -0.00127, 0.4

and 1.4, respectively (regression parameters)

In 1969, Shook and Kallas came up with a modified version of their model

equation, which was as follows:

log 10 E * = b0 + b1 ρ 200 + b2Va + b3 ρac 4 (log ηt )b5



|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi

ηt = asphalt binder viscosity at test temperature “t”, poise

b0 , b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 and b5 = 3.12197, 0.0248722, -0.034587, -9.02594, 0.19 and -0.9,

respectively (regression parameters) Witczak’s Early Model

In 1972, Witczak reanalyzed the Shook and Kallas’s data and came up with the

following simple equation for the f = 4 Hz data (34):


− ( t p c2 )
E* = c 0c1 (2.36)


E* = dynamic modulus, psi

c0 , c1 and c2 = 3.8E+06, 1.0046 and -1.45, respectively (regression parameters)

He used this relationship in his development of the Asphalt Institute MS-II

“Design of Full Depth Pavements for Airfields” (35). Witczak and Shook’s Model

By the late 1970’s, the E* database had increased to 41 mixtures. Each was tested

under a temperature- frequency factorial of three levels each. Using the increased

database, Witczak developed a revision to the enlarged database and developed the

following relationship:

log10 |E*| = d 0 + d1 ρ 200 f d 2 + d 3Va + d 4η 70;106 + d 5 [t p ( d6 + d7 log f ) ρ ac d8 ] (2.37)

+ d 9 [t p ( d6 + d7 log f ) ρ ac d8 f d10 ] + d11 f d12


|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi

f = loading frequency, Hz

d0 , d1 , d2 , d3 , d4 , d5 , d6 , d7 , d8 , d9 , d10 , d11 and d12 = 0.553833, 0.028829, -0.17033,

-0.03476, 0.070377, 0.000005, 1.3, 0.49825, 0.5, -0.00189, -1.1, 0.931757 and

-0.2774, respectively (regression parameters)

80 Witczak’s 1981 Model

During the development of the Asphalt Institute MS-I Full Depth Design for

Highways, Witczak introduced another term, the effective bitumen volume term (V beff),

into the previous model (35). This equation was based upon a percent aggregate (by

weight) passing sieve no. 200 (ρ200 ) ≈ 5 along with a design frequency (arbitrarily

selected to be f = 10 Hz) to simulate highway traffic conditions. This model was not

meant to be revised as a new generalized E* model, but rather, one that was “tailored” to

typical highway design conditions. The model equation was as follows:

log 10 E * = e0 + e1Va + e 2η70;106 + e3t p 4 Vbeff

e e5


|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi

Vbeff = percent effective asphalt content (by volume of the mix), %

e0 , e1 , e2 , e3 , e4 and e5 = 1.52531, -0.03476, 0.070377, -0.0001, 1.79825 and 0.5,

respectively (regression parameters) Witczak, Miller and Uzan’s Model

During the late 1970’s - early 1980’s, an extensive laboratory test study on the

dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures used by the Maryland State Highway

Administration was conducted by Witczak at the University of Maryland. This study

involved 90 additional mixtures and 810 additional data points, bringing the total base to

nm = 131 mixes and nt = 1179 test points. In contrast to the previous database, which

contained data from mixtures made of only dense graded aggregates, the new database

had data from mixtures made of gravels, slags and sand asphalts as well. Based on the

combined database; Miller, Witczak and Uzan modeled the following E* predictive

equation, which had a new term (ρopt ) for the percent optimum asphalt content (by weight

of the mix) (36):

log10 | E* | = g 0 + g1ρ200 f g 2 + g 3Va + g 4η70;106 + g 5 f g6

+ [ g 7t p( g8 + g9 log f ) + g10 f g11 t p( g 8 + g9 log f ) ][ ρ ac − ρopt + g12 ] g13


|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi

ρopt = percent optimum asphalt content (by weight of the mix), %

g0 , g1 , g2 , g3 , g4 , g5 , g6 , g7 , g8 , g9 , g10 , g11 , g12 and g13 = 0.553833, 0.0288229,

-0.17033, -0.03476, 0.070377, 0.931757, -0.02774, 0.000005, 1.3, 0.49825,

-0.00189, -1.1, 4 and 0.5, respectively (regression parameters) Witczak and Akhter’s Models

During the 1983 to 1984 period, Akhter and Witczak re-analyzed the database and

came up with a revised version of the previous model (37), which is as follows:

log 10 E * = h0 + h1Va + h2 ρ3 / 4 + h3η70;106 + h4t p + h5 log f + h6 log( f t p )


+ h7 (Vbeff − Vbeffopt + h8 ) h9 t p 2 + h10 (Vbeff ρ 4 ) + h11 ρ200 ρ abs ) h9 [t p ( d6 +d7 log f ) ρ ac d8 f d10 ] + d11 f d12



|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi

ρ3/4 = percentage of aggregates (by weight of the total aggregates) retained


on the ¾ inch sieve, %

Vbeffopt = percent effective optimum asphalt content (by volume of the mix), %

ρ4 = percentage of aggregates (by weight of the total aggregates) retained

on the No. 4 sieve, %

h0 , h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 , h7 , h8 , h9 , h10 and h11 = 1.45, -0.0256272, 0.0127921,

0.0627099, -0.0083735, 0.147306, 0.00001932, -0.00002541, 8, 0.5, -0.0001492

and 0.005918, respectively (regression parameters)

This new model had three new terms; Vbeffopt , ρ3/4 and ρ4 , to take into account the

effects of effective binder volume and amount of both the coarse and fine aggregates. In

the 2nd version of this model, another new term (ρ3/8 ) was introduced. The revised model

is as follows:

log 10 E * = k 0 + k1Vbeff + k 2Va + k 3 ρ 200 + k 4 ρ 4 + k 5 ρ abs + k 6t p + k 7 f + k 8t p + k 9Vbeff

2 2

+ k10 ρ 200 + k11ρ 3 / 4 + k12 ρ 3 / 8 + k13 ρ 4 + k14 ρ abs + k15η70;106 + k16 f

2 2 2 2 2 2

+ k17 ρ 3 / 8Vbeff + k18 ρ 3 / 4Vbeff + k19 ρ 3 / 4 ρ 4 + k 20 ρ 3/ 8 ρ 4 + k 21 ρ 3 / 8 ρ abs



|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi

ρ3/8 = percentage of aggregates (by weight of the total aggregates) retained

on the 3/8 inch sieve, %

k0 , k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 , k5 , k6 , k7 , k8 , k9 , k10 , k11 k12 , k13 , k14 , k15 , k16 , k17 , k18 , k19 , k20

and k21 = 2.468, -0.1155, -0.0299, -0.0975, -0.00963, 0.359, -0.00815, 0.066 ,

-0.0000618, 0.00253, 0.0083, -0.00164, 0.000308, 0.000204, -0.105, 0.0171,

-0.00268, 0.00167, 0.000709, 0.000937, -0.00069 and -0.0031, respectively

83 Witczak, Leahy, Caves and Uzan’s Models

During 1985 to 1989, further E* testing was conducted by Leahy using the

dynamic loading equipment at the FHWA research facility under the supervision of

Professor Matthew W. Witczak of the University of Maryland. With these E* tests, the

E* database was expanded to 149 mixtures and 1429 data points. Based on this expanded

database, Witczak and his co-researchers suggested the following predictive model for

dynamic modulus (38):

log 10 E * = l 0 + l1Vbeff + l 2Va + l3 ρ 200 + l 4 ρ abs + l 5t p + l 6 f + l 7t p + l 8Vbeff + l 9 ρ 200

2 2 2

+ l10 ρ 3 / 4 2 + l 11ρ 3 / 8 2 + l 12 ρ abs 2 + l13 (η 70;106 ) 2 + l14 f 2 + l 15 ρ3 / 8Vbeff + l16 ρ 3 / 4Vbeff

+ l17 ρ3 / 4 ρ 4 + l18 ρ 3 / 8 ρ 4 + l19 ρ 3 / 8 ρ abs



|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi

l0 , l1 , l2 , l3 , l4 , l5 , l6 , l7 , l8 , l9 , l10 , l11 l12 , l13 , l14 , l15 , l16 , l17 , l18 and l19 = 2.250053,

-0.091756, -0.027949, -0.096881, 0.250094, -0.006447, 0.060612, -0.00007404,

0.00191539, 0.0082813, -0.0010225, 0.0001909, -0.0801155, 0.0148592,

-0.0024159, 0.00094015, 0.00084534, 0.0004965, -0.00034328 and -0.00316297,

respectively (regression parameters)

Later, the same research team came up with a revised model, which is as follows:

log 10 E * = m0 + m1Va + m2 ρ3 / 4 + m3η 70;106 + m4 t p + m5 log f + m6 log( ft p )


+ m7 (Vbeff − Vbeffopt + m8 ) m9 t p 2 + m10Vbeff ρ 4 + m11ρ 200 ρ abs


|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi


m0 , m1 , m2 , m3 , m4 , m5 , m6 , m7 , m8 , m9 , m10 and m11 = 1.457061, -0.02481,

0.012597, 0.060764, -0.0081771, 0.146439, 0.00001844, -0.00002559, 8, 0.5,

-0.0001522 and 0.005006, respectively (regressio n parameters) Witczak and Fonseca’s Model

In the mid-1990’s, Fonseca and Witczak identified that while the current (at that

time) E* predictive models were highly accurate, they possessed several limitations as

well (7). The most important limitations were:

The master database was based on dynamic stiffness testing on only lab prepared

specimens. All models had been based upon either the penetration at 77°F (25°C) or the

viscosity at 70°F (21.1°C) of the original binder, which were intended to reflect the

general grade (hardness) of the binder used. As a result, it was completely invalid for one

to use field extracted (i.e., field aged) consistency (penetration or viscosity)

measurements as input into any of the previous models developed. Thus, those models

could not be used to predict the dynamic modulus of long-term field aged mixtures.

One of the most significant limitations was associated with the fact that all

previous models used a variety of linear polynomial or logarithmic forms and were

obtained from test data generated within a temperature range of 41 to 104 °F (5 to 40°C).

For all practical purposes, the master curves of such a limited temperature- frequency test

matrix fall on the linear sloped portion of the sigmoidal master curve. Hence,

extrapolation of any parameter outside the range of variables used to develop the model

would follow a log E* trend and would lead to erroneous predictions, especially at

extreme temperature-time values beyond those used in the testing.


To overcome these two major limitations, research studies were conducted at the

University of Maryland to “correct” these deficiencies. One major study was devoted to

evaluating the influence of both short and long-term aging upon the original viscosity-

temperature relationships of conventional asphalt binders. Other significant studies

focused on developing a new model for the dynamic modulus using the actual binder

viscosity as predictor variable for binder stiffness in lieu of the temperature. Finally, a

completely new model form was selected so that very short and very long reduced time

of loading (i.e. cold/hot temperatures) would be accurately modeled for the E* prediction.

This new model developed was based on a sigmoidal function. In conjunction with this

decision, Witczak also abandoned the classical 3 factorial temperature - frequency

analysis proposed by ASTM and expanded the laboratory procedure to 5 temperatures

and 6 frequencies.

The global aging model of Mirza and Witczak “opened the door” to account for

any short and long-term aging effect by just using the actual viscosity (regardless of aged

state) as direct input into the E* model (18). In fact, most refined asphalt binders, with

the exception of heavily air blown or high wax content crudes, exhibit a linear

relationship when a log log viscosity (in centipoises, η) versus log temperature (in

degrees Rankine, TR) plot is drawn (ASTM D 2493-85). The relationship is commonly

known as the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship, which has previously been shown in Equation

2.7. Once a set of A and VTS is known for a particular aging condition, A and VTS for

other aging conditions can be calculated by use of the aging models developed by Mirza

and Witczak. They also suggested the typical values of A and VTS for different aging

conditio ns of asphalt binders, which may be used in lieu of the lab data in case of

insufficient or no lab data.

Fonseca and Witczak used the regression coefficients for original conditions as

found by Mirza and Witczak in order to modify the viscosity data contained in the E*

master database (39). It is known that, at very cold temperatures, there is an upper limit

value for the viscosity of all asphalt binders. This value is approximately 2.7 x 1012

centipoises (cP). Thus, the full characterization of the viscosity-temperature relationship

of a given binder was viewed as a combined model reflecting the A and VTS parameters

and the maximum viscosity limit (≈ 2.7 x 1012 cP) of asphalt binders.

It was assumed that the hardening (stiffening) effects produced during

conventional laboratory mixing and compaction procedure was practically nil as

compared to those taking place during field (plant) mix operations (actually this was

proven in a limited lab test study). This procedure was considered quite reasonable

according to what is presented in the model validation phase of the study. After this

modification, asphalt binder viscosity values became available for each mix at the

temperatures at which the dynamic modulus test results were actually obtained. To

eliminate the unrealistic estimates of mix stiffness at extreme values of temperatures,

aging and loading rate, a sigmoidal growth curve was found as the best functional form.

A simple symmetrical sigmoidal function consistent with the limitations of extreme

values can be written as follows:

y=δ + β −γx
1+ e


y = the criteria variable

δ = a location parameter for y (the minimum value for y)

α = the range of possible values to be added to δ

x = the predictor variable under consideration

β/γ = a location parameter for x corresponding to a value of: y = δ + α/2

The final dynamic modulus predictive model, developed by Fonseca and Witczak,

was as follows:

log 10 E* = −0.261 + 0.008225ρ 200 − 0.00000101( ρ 200 ) 2 − 0.00196 ρ 4 − 0.03157Va

Vbeff 1.87 + 0.002808 ρ 4 + 0.0000404ρ 38 − 0.0001786( ρ38 ) 2 + 0.0164 ρ 34
− 0.415 +
Vbeff + Va 1 + e ( −0.716 log f −0.7425 logη )



|E*| = dynamic modulus, 105 psi

ρ200 = percentage of aggregates (by weight of the total aggregates) passing

through no. 200 sieve, %

ρ4 = percentage of aggregates (by weight) retained on no. 4 sieve, %

Va = percent air voids (by volume of the mix), %

Vbeff = percent effective asphalt content (by volume of the mix), %

ρ38 = percentage of aggregates (by weight) retained on the 3/8 inch sieve, %

ρ34 = percentage of aggregates (by weight) retained on the 3/4 inch sieve, %

f = loading frequency, Hz

η = binder viscosity at temperature of interest, 106 poise


It should be recognized that the form of the model equation can be easily

converted into a general sigmoidal form similar to the one described in Equation 2.44 by


δ = -0.261+0.008225ρ200 -0.00000101(ρ200)2 -0.00196ρ4-0.03157Va

-0.415 ( )
Vbeff + Va

α = 1.87+0.002808ρ4 +0.0000404ρ38-0.0001786(ρ38 )2 +0.0164ρ34

β = -0.7425 log (ηT r)

ηT r = binder viscosity at the reference temperature, 106 Poise

γ = 0.716, and

log tr = log t - 1.037 x (log η - log ηTr), where: tr = reduced time of load at

reference temperature (hence, tr = 0 at reference temperature Tr) Andrei, Witczak and Mirza’s Revised Model

As time progressed, several more research projects and studies were performed at

the University of Maryland. This led to an enhanced E* database becoming available by

1999. The new database represented dynamic modulus test results for 56 additional HMA

mixtures (including 34 mixtures with modified binders) that provided 1320 more new

data points for analysis. All test samples used in the new database were laboratory

prepared by gyratory compaction. Cylindrical 2.75 in diameter by 5.5 in height

specimens were cored from each 6 in diameter gyratory plug. Compared to the previous

database, the new database covered a much wider range of viscosity values: 20 binders @

5 test temperatures. It should be noted that the previous database was based on mixtures

generally having only conventional binders. However, only 5 aggregate gradations were

used throughout the new database. Andrei et al. analyzed the expanded database having

2750 data points obtained from 205 HMA mixtures and came up with a revised E*

predictive model using the similar sigmoidal form as developed earlier by Fonseca and

Witczak. To the pavement community, this model is presently widely known as the

“Witczak E* Predictive Equation” and is as follows:

log 10 E* = −1.249937 + 0.02923ρ 200 − 0.001767 ( ρ 200 ) 2 − 0.002841ρ 4 − 0.058097Va

Vbeff 3.871977 − 0.0021ρ 4 + 0.003958ρ 38 − 0.000017( ρ 38 ) 2 + 0.00547 ρ 34
− 0.82208 +
Vbeff + Va 1 + e ( −0.603313− 0. 313351log f −0.393532logη )

It is noteworthy that this is the Witczak E* predictive equation that is used in the

Level 2 and Level 3 analysis of the 2002 Design Guide. This equation, again, can easily

be converted to a sigmoidal form by defining:

δ = -1.249937+0.02923ρ200 -0.001767(ρ200)2 -0.002841ρ4-0.058097Va

-0.82208 ( )
Vbeff + Va

α = 3.871977-0.0021ρ4 +0.003958ρ38 -0.000017(ρ38 )2 +0.00547ρ34

β = - 0.603313 - 0.393532 log (ηTr)

ηT r = binder viscosity at the reference temperature, 106 Poise

γ = 0.313351, and

log tr = log t – 1.255882 x (log η - log ηT r), where tr = reduced time of load at

reference temperature (hence, tr = 0 at reference temperature Tr)

90 Hirsch Model of Christensen, Pellinen and Bonaquist

During 1999 to 2001, Pellinen conducted dynamic modulus testing of 18 HMA

mixtures from three project sites: (1) FHWA ALF, (2) MnRoad and (3) WesTrack. All of

this testing was conducted at ASU under the guidance of Dr. M. W. Witczak for the

NCHRP 9-19 Project (Task C). The test mixtures used 8 conventional and modified

binders, 5 aggregate types, while the E* testing used 5 temperatures (15.8, 40, 70, 100

and 130 °F) and 2 loading frequencies (0.1 and 5 Hz). The E* testing provided 206 data

points for analyses. Based on this database, Christensen, Pellinen and Bonaquist

developed a new E* predictive model based upon an existing version of the law of

mixtures, called the Hirsch model, which combines series and parallel elements of phases

(30). In applying the Hirsch model to asphalt concrete, the relative portion of material in

parallel arrangement, called the contact volume, is not constant but varies with time and

temperature. Several versions of the Hirsch model were evaluated. The most effective

model was the simplest, in which the modulus of HMA mix is directly estimated from the

binder modulus, VMA and VFA. This model is as follows:

  VMA   VFA × VMA  

E * mix = Pc 4,200,0001 −  + 3 G * binder  
  100   10,000  
 VMA  (2.47)
 1 − 100 VMA 
+ (1 − Pc) ×  + 
 4,200,000 3 × VFA × G * binder 
 


|E*|mix = dynamic modulus of the mixture, psi

|G*|binder = shear modulus of the binder, psi


VMA = voids in the mineral aggregates, %

VFA = percent of VMA filled with binder, %

Pc = contact volume estimated from the following equation:

0. 58
 VFA × 3 G * binder 
 20 + 
 VMA 
Pc =  
0. 58
 VFA × 3 G * binder 
650 +  
 
 VMA 

This model is based on only 206 data points from 18 HMA mixtures. Therefore, it

is highly possible that many mixtures will lie outside the range of the original database

and the E* prediction for those mix may give erroneous results due to extrapolation of the

mathematical model.

2.5 Statistical Background

The model development process greatly depends on the statistical analysis and

linear or non- linear optimization process followed. The statistical analysis is aimed at

reducing the error from prediction by comparing the predicted values with the observed

values for the same values of the input variables in different ways. Model optimization is

aimed at finding out the values of the fitting parameters used in a model that typically

lead to the lowest prediction ever possible. When these values are used, the model is

supposed to provide its best prediction. The following sub-sections discuss the basic

statistical concepts needed for a model development.


2.5.1 Statistical Analysis Model Comparison

While comparing models predictions to known data, there are three important

considerations: precision, accuracy and bias. In case of the predictive model, precision

refers to how close the predicted and observed data are to each other. The scatter in a plot

of observed versus predicted data reflects the precision. Accuracy is the conformity of

prediction to the true observed value. Bias is a tendency of predicted data to deviate in

one direction from the observed data. In other words, bias is a systematic error between

predicted and observed data. Accuracy, precision and bias are influenced by the errors in

optimization, factors omitted from the model and wrong function or structure used in the

model. The concept of precision and bias is shown pictorially in Figure 2.11 (40).

FIGURE 2.11 Concepts of Precision and Bias

93 Goodness of Fit

Goodness of fit indicates how well the model input parameters fit into the model.

To find this out, the predicted values are calculated using the model and compared with

the measured values at the same input conditions. The comparison is obtained by finding

the error in the prediction for each data point. The following are the equations that are

used to compare the prediction and measure the goodness of fit of the model.

ε i = (predicted data)i – (measured data)i (2.49)

Sum of Error = Σε i (2.50)

Sum of Squared Error, SSE = Σ(ε i)2 (2.51)

Standard Error, Se = (2.52)
n −1

1 n
Arithmetic Mean, x = ∑xi
n i =1

Standard Deviation, Sy =
1 n
n −1∑
xi − x ) 2
i =1


i = data point number

xi = value of i-th data point

n = number of data points

For a model with p number of fitting coefficients, the values of the coefficient of

determination (R2 ) can be computed using the following equation. This process provides

the adjusted R2 for the model taking into account the degrees of freedom.

n − p  Se 
R = 1−
⋅ 
n − 1  S y 
 (2.55)


n = number of data points

p = number of regression constants

n– p = degrees of freedom

Se = standard error

Sy = standard deviation of observed data

2.5.2 Model Optimization

Once the general mathematical structure of a model is defined, the fitting

coefficients need to be optimized. Through optimization, the regression coefficients or

fitting parameters within the model are assigned specific values in such a way that the

model equation provides the minimum error when the predicted and observed data are

compared. There are two considerations considered during this process; reduction in

scatter and elimination of bias. The sum of the squared error (Σε i2 ) should be minimized

to reduce the scatter in the data, while the bias is eliminated by setting the sum of errors

(Σε i) to zero.

Non-linear optimization is almost a mandatory approach for asphalt binder and

mixture stiffness prediction models due the complex structure of the models. For this

purpose, researchers have found the “solver” function of MicrosoftT M Excel quite

convenient and accurate. Solver is based on the Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG2)

algorithm for optimizing non- linear problems. This algorithm was developed by L.S.

Lasdon and co-researchers (41). Linear and integer problems use the simplex method.

Gradient-based algorithms are useful when trying to determine the absolute best fit of an

objective function. Generally, GRG2 technique can find solution with very small

tolerance of convergence criteria. However, its disadvantage is that the solution is highly

dependent on the initial starting values of the fitting parameters of the model. These

values initial are also known as the “seed values”. If the solver function is initiated in an

infeasible design space (i.e. with infeasible seed values), it is highly likely that no

feasible solution will be found since solver is not capable of exploring the design space

very well. To avoid a non-convergent solution, proper caution should be taken to finding

out the seed values.

To use the solver function, the observed values are first compared with the

predicted values. For each set of data, the difference between the predicted and observed

value gives the error amount for that data point. The sum of all error squares is first

minimized by changing the values of the fitting or regression parameters included in the

model under consideration by the use of the built- in “solver” function of MicrosoftT M

Excel. This process gives the optimized model with minimal scatter. The arithmetic sum

of all errors is then minimized by further changing the values of the fitting parameters by

using the solver function again. When proper seed values of the fitting parameters are

used, this process gives an unbiased optimized model equation with a minimum Se/Sy and

a maximum coefficient of determination (R2 ). This combination (Se/Sy and R2 ) can

further be used to compare the statistical goodness of fit of different candidate models.

3.1 Introduction

As noted, a rathe r comprehensive η-Gb* database of asphalt binder stiffness in

terms of ASTM Ai-VTSi viscosity (η), shear modulus (|Gb*|) and phase angle (δ b) has

been developed in this research. This database can be effectively used for developing

accurate stiffness models for binders. A minor but inconsequential limitation of the

database is that the asphalt binder viscosity is reported indirectly in terms of the A and

VTS parameters that were originally obtained from the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship.

It may be noted that the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship is usually calculated from a

regression analysis of laboratory obtained viscosity data (i.e. loglog viscosity in

centipoises) versus test temperature data (i.e. log temperature in degree Rankine).

Suggested values of “A” and “VTS” for a particular performance graded (PG) binder can

also be obtained from the NCHRP 1-37A project reports (3).

3.2 Original η-Gb* Database

Bonaquist et al. and Witczak et al. developed models for predicting binder

viscosity (η) from laboratory Gb* data in order to use that in the Witczak E* predictive

model (11, 26). The Witczak et al. viscosity predictive η-Gb* model was based on the Ai-

VTSi viscosity and Gb* data of 33 different conventional and modified asphalt binders

with a partial factorial of the following three aging conditions:

(a) Original or Tank condition;

(b) Construction phase aging using the Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO); and

(c) In-service aging using the Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) at 100°C.

3.3 Expanded η-Gb* Database

There were 5640 sets of η-Gb* test data points in the Witczak et al. database (26).

Later, this researcher tested complex shear modulus of five conventional and one

modified asphalt binder typically used by the Arizona Department of Transportation

(ADOT) as part of his Master of Science research at ASU (14). In addition to the 6

ADOT binders, he also tested complex shear modulus of two modified Finnish binders

obtained from VTT, Communities and Infrastructure, Finland, for Pellinen’s Ph.D.

dissertation (13). In addition to the previously mentioned three aging conditions, one

more aging of the binder, PAV at 110°C, was done for these six ADOT and two Finnish

binders. Conventional and Superpave consistency tests were conducted to obtain the

ASTM Ai-VTSi viscosity (η) data. To obtain the Gb* data (i.e. |Gb*| and δ b data),

standard Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) testing was conducted. In the ASU study, for

the purpose of elaborate analysis, the DSR tests were conducted at 15, 25, 35, 45, 60, 70,

80, 95, 105 and 115°C under the oscillatory loading frequencies of 1, 10 and 100 rad/s.

This ASU testing on the additional 8 binders provided 3,300 new η-Gb* data points.

Thus the η-Gb* data of these 6 ADOT and 2 Finnish binders, along with the

previously tested 33 binders, comprises a larger database of comp lex shear modulus of 41

different types of asphalt binders (including 9 modified binders) with a wide range of

modifications and aging having a total of 8,940 η-Gb* test data points. This database was

used in this research to combine the binder characteristics with the HMA mixture

characteristics. The complete list of asphalt binders included in the expanded η-Gb*

database is summarized in Table 3.1.


TABLE 3.1 Summary of Asphalt Binders of the η-Gb* Database

Project Binder Aging Conditions

Maryland Port Citgo PG 70-22 Original, RTFO and PAV at 100ºC
Administration TLA PG 76-16 [Modified] Original, RTFO and PAV at 100ºC
Study Elvaloy PG 76-22 [Mod] Original, RTFO and PAV at 100ºC
Novophalt PG 76-22 [Mod] Original, RTFO and PAV at 100ºC
Stylink PG 76-16 [Mod] Original, RTFO and PAV at 100ºC
Mix Study Citgo PG 64-22 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & Recovered
Minnesota Road MNRD120P Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & Recovered
MNRDAC20 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & Recovered
WesTrack WesTrack AC717 Original, RTFO & PAV 100ºC
ALF FHWA ALF AC-5 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & Recovered
ALF AC-10 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & Recovered
ALF AC-20 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & Recovered
ALF Styrelf [Mod] Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & Recovered
ALF Novophalt [Mod] Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & Recovered
MRL AAA1 Original
AAA2 Original
AAB1 Original
AAB2 Original
AAC1 Original
AAC2 Original
AAD1 Original
AAD2 Original
AAF1 Original
AAF2 Original
AAG2 Original
AAK1 Original
AAK2 Original
AAM1 Original
AAM2 Original
AAS1 Original
AAS2 Original
AAS3 Original
ABM1 Original
ADOT AC Binder Paramount PG 58-28 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & 110ºC
Characterization Paramount PG 64-16 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & 110ºC
Chevron PG 64-22 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & 110ºC
Chevron PG 76-16 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & 110ºC
Navajo PG 70-10 Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & 110ºC
Navajo PG 76-16 [Mod] Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & 110ºC
Finnish B-80+ [Mod] Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & 110ºC
Finnish PmB [Mod] Original, RTFO, PAV 100ºC & 110ºC

The master η-Gb* database is presented in Appendix-B. It should be noted that a

range of nine modified binders are included in the η-Gb* database. In case of the TLA

binder, Trinidad Lake Asphalt was added to plain refined asphalt cement to work as a

stiffener and filler. The Elvaloy modified binders have a modifier named “Elvaloy”

which creates gelation of a binder. The modifier used in the Novophalt binders produces

a polymer- modified binder of plastomeric nature. It does not create internal network;

rather it works as binder stiffener not producing the elastic recovery characteristics.

Stylink (originally Styrelf) is a PmB (polymer modified binder) with a random styrene-

butadiene SBR that is cross- linked with sulfur. In this case 4% SBR was applied. This

PmB is of elastomeric nature with internal structure. The Navajo PG 76-16 binder is a

SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) type polymer modified binder. The B-80+ binder is a

penetration grade 80 asphalt binder modified with 10% GilsoniteT M. The Finnish PmB

binder is a polymer- modified binder with a SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) type

polymer. In general, it may be concluded that the binder database covers a representative

group of modified asphalts as far as the type of modification is concerned, including

natural asphalt, gel-type modifier, and plastomeric, elastomeric and SBS type of polymer-

modified binders. As far as the level of modification (amount of modifier) is concerned, it

may be noted that binders in the database represent the typical modified binders, the most

widely used in road pavements.

3.4 Test Methodologies Related to the Gb*-η Database

The A and VTS values summarized in the master Gb*-η Database were obtained

from the regression analysis of laboratory stiffness data (i.e. loglog viscosity in

centipoises) versus test temperature data (i.e. log temperature in degree Rankine)

following the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship, as expressed in Equation 2.9. For the purpose

of obtaining the necessary laboratory data to get the A and VTS values of the ASTM Ai-

VTSi relationship, all or most of the following conventional and advanced asphalt binder

characterization tests were carried out on each of the binder included in the database:

• Determination of penetration value at 15°C and 25°C with 100 gm load for 5

seconds using standard Penetrometer according to AASHTO T 49-03.

• Determination of softening point using the Ring and Ball apparatus according

to AASHTO T 53-96.

• Determination of absolute viscosity at 60°C (140°F) using the capillary type

vacuum viscometer according to AASHTO T 202-03.

• Determination of kinematic viscosity at 135°C (275°F) using the Kinematic

Viscometer according to AASHTO T 201-03.

• Determination of rotationa l viscosity at 60°C, 80°C, 100°C, 121.1°C, 135°C

and 176.7°C using the Brookfield Viscometer according to AASHTO T 316-


• Determination of the complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (δ b) at 15,

25, 35, 45, 60, 70, 80, 95, 105 and 115°C under the oscillatory loading rates of

1, 10 and 100 radians per second using the Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)

according to AASHTO T 315-02.


3.5 Conversion of Test Data

The viscosity at ring and ball softening point temperatures corresponded to a fixed

value of 13,000 poise. The penetration values (in one tenth of millimeters) from the

Penetration Test were converted to viscosity using the relationship expressed in Equation

2.10 (18). Other tests directly provided binder viscosity values. Finally, the ASTM Ai-

VTSi relations hip (Equation 2.7) provided the pairs of A and VTS values for the binders


4.1 Introduction

As noted, the master η-Gb* database completed in this research, as shown in

Appendix-B, contains the laboratory obtained complex shear modulus and viscosity data

of 39 different asphalt binders. The database has a total of 8,940 η-Gb* test data points. A

minor shortcoming of this database is that the asphalt binder viscosity is reported

indirectly in terms of the “A” and “VTS” parameters that were originally obtained from

using the ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship (Equation 2.7). The use of the ASTM Ai-VTS i

relationship does not tell anything about the change of binder viscosity under dynamic

loading with changing loading frequency (or time).

This phenomenon is well known to exist in the low to intermediate temperature

ranges. With the adoption of the Superpave Performance Grading (PG) system and its

associated testing, the data required to establish the ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship, based

upon asphalt cement (AC) binder viscosity, will undoubtedly no longer be routinely

collected. Under the current Superpave binder characterization methodologies, the use of

the binder complex shear modulus (G b*), which is obtained from the Dynamic Shear

Rheometer (DSR) test according to the AASHTO T 315-02 protocol, is considered the

current (and future) salient binder stiffness parameter. In contrast to the ASTM Ai-VTS i

relationship, the Gb* data describes the change of binder stiffness under dynamic (shear)

loading with changing loading frequency (or time). It has the potential to be used in

conjunction with a predictive model for HMA mixture dynamic modulus.

One very important point to note about the loading frequency is that there is a

difference in the way loading frequency is defined in asphalt binder and HMA testing.

For the case when oscillatory (rotational shear) tests are used to characterize the dynamic

characteristics of a material, eg. asphalt binder Gb*; the loading time (t) has been

commonly defined by:

t= (4.1)

with ω = 2πf s (4.2)


ω = angular loading frequency, rad/s

fs = loading frequency of a dynamic loading in “shear” mode (as used in the

complex shear modulus test of asphalt binders), Hz

For the case when sinusoidal loading conditions are used to characterize HMA

mixtures in the lab, as well as, to characterize the actual in-situ loading time associated

with stress pulses associated with a moving wheel load; the true load time is defined by:

t= (4.3)


fc = loading frequency of a dynamic loading in “compression” mode (as used in

the complex dynamic modulus test of AC mixtures), Hz

Thus it can be observed that the frequency to be used for E* testing is related to

the binder frequency in shear by:

f c = 2πf s (4.4)


fs = loading frequency of a dynamic loading in “shear” mode (as used in the

complex shear modulus test of asphalt binders), Hz

fc = loading frequency of a dynamic loading in “compression” mode (as used in

the complex dynamic modulus test of AC mixtures), Hz

The definition of loading time as shown in Equations 4.1 and 4.2 were suggested

in the Shell Oil research and has been used in conjunction with the determination of

stiffness modulus of asphalt binders for decades (2, 31). On the other hand, the definition

of loading time as shown in Equation 4.3 is the most widely used mathematical

relationship between frequency and time. This relationship is used in the determination of

stiffness modulus of AC mixtures from the Complex Dynamic Modulus (E*) test (3, 29).

4.2 Problems with the Current Gb* Models

It is well established that the viscosity of an asphalt binder is highly dependant on

both the temperature and the loading frequency (i.e. loading time). Van der Poel

established that a penetration test represents measurement of stiffness modulus at a

loading time 0.4 s where the equivalent angular frequency ω = 2.5 rad/s (2). This was

confirmed independently by Gershkoff and Molenaar (42, 43). The Ring and Ball

softening point, which corresponds to a viscosity value of 1300 Pas (13000 Poise), is

equivalent to the complex shear modulus as obtained from the DSR test, |Gb*| = 1 kPa at

ω = 1 rad/s or |G b*| = 10 kPa at ω = 10 rad/s (26, 44). However, for SBS modified

binders, the equivalent values of |G b*| are lower, where |Gb*| = 0.3 kPa at ω = 1 rad/s and

|Gb*| = 0.5 to 3 kPa at ω = 10 rad/s. The Brookfield rotational viscosity is usually tested

at different rotational speeds (i.e. shear rates) ranging from 0.01 rpm to 25 rpm, though

20 rpm is the most common, which corresponds to ω = 10 rad/s with a commonly used

spindle (SC-27).

It is evident that when test data of all these different tests are combined to obtain

the regression parameters “A” and “VTS” of the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship (Equation

2.7), the information of the loading frequency is lost. In fact, the ASTM Ai-VTS i

relationship does not contain any variable related to the loading frequency and thus it

does not take care of the effect of loading frequency on the viscosity, or stiffness of

asphalt binder. As a consequence, enhancement of the accuracy of this relationship can

be realized by incorporating the effect of loading frequency on binder viscosity.

Both the “Witczak-Bonaquist Gb* Model” and “Witczak-Sybilski Gb* Model”

relating binder complex shear modulus with binder viscosity were developed based on

the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship, which itself has an inherent problem of not considering

the change of binder viscosity with changing loading frequency (or time). Binder

viscosity calculated from the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship was viewed as the “observed

viscosity” (termed as “VTS viscosity”), while the viscosity back-calculated from the

proposed model equation, using laboratory Gb* data was viewed as the “predicted

viscosity”. The so-called “observed viscosity” values remained constant over different

loading frequencies, while the “predicted viscosity” varied as the laboratory obtained Gb*

data varied with the same sets of loading frequencies. Finally, the model equations for the

phase angle (δ b) were expressed in terms of shear modulus (G b*) and VTS viscosity,

which makes it impossible to predict shear modulus (|G b*|) or phase angle solely from the

“A” and “VTS” values (i.e. A-VTS viscosity) of an asphalt binder. Intuitively, one can

conclude that these Gb*-η models are not accurate enough, especially for further use in

comprehensive mechanistic-empirical pavement response models.

4.3 Conceptual Model Development

4.3.1 Modified ASTM Ai-VTSi Relationship Development

As noted earlier, the conventional ASTM Ai-VTSi equation does not consider the

effect of loading frequency on viscosity. To overcome this problem, it was hypothesized

that the “A” and “VTS” values obtained from a set of conventional binder testing needs

to be adjusted for loading frequency in order to use the available “A” and “VTS” values

in the predictive models for |Gb*| and δ b. As such, two new frequency adjustment factors,

namely “c” and “d” coefficients, for “A” and “VTS”, respectively, were introduced in the

current ASTM Ai-VTS i equation. It was initially hypothesized that both variables “c” and

“d” would be functions of the loading frequency (fs) in the dynamic shear mode used in

the Gb* testing. Furthermore these adjustments should adjust the regression intercept “A”

and slope “VTS” in such a way that the resulting viscosity obtained from the modified

ASTM Ai-VTS i equation would accurately reflect the effect of loading frequency (fs ) on

the binder viscosity.

The modified ASTM Ai-VTSi equation was then formulated as follows:

log log η fs , T = c × A + d ×VTS log TR (4.5)

i.e. log log η fs , T = A'+VTS ' log TR (4.6)


ηfs, T = viscosity of asphalt binder as a function of both loading frequency (fs)


and temperature (T), cP

fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear mode as used in the Gb* testing

A = regression intercept from the conventional ASTM Ai-VTS i equation

(Equation 2.7)

VTS = slope from the conventional ASTM Ai-VTS i equation (Equation 2.7)

c = frequency adjustment factor for “A”, function of loading frequency (fs)

d = frequency adjustment factor for “VTS”, function of “fs ”

TR = temperature in Rankine scale, °R

A' = adjusted “A” (adjusted for loading frequency)

VTS' = adjusted “VTS” (adjusted for loading frequency)

In this study, a number of models were considered for the frequency adjustment

factors “c” and “d”. The three most promising candidate models for the “c” parameter

considered in this research were as follows:

c = c0 + c1 f s (4.7)

c = c0 + c1 f s + c2 f s

c = c0 f s


fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear loading mode, Hz

c0 , c1 and c2 = fitting parameters


Models for both “c” and “d” parameters were considered simultaneously. The

three most promising candidate models for the “d” parameter were selected to be:

d = d0 + d1 f s (4.10)

d = d0 + d1 f s + d 2 f s

d = d0 f s


fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear loading mode, Hz

d0 , d1 and d2 = fitting parameters

Eventually power models provided the best correlation and goodness of fit for

both “c” and “d” parameters. Thus, the final model form used in the optimization process


c = c0 f s


d = d0 f s


fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear loading mode, Hz

c0 , c1 , d0 , and d1 = fitting parameters

Thus, the final model form of the modified ASTM Ai-VTSi equation contains the

following relationships:

log log η fs , T = A'+VTS ' log TR (4.15)


A' = c0 f s 1 × A

VTS ' = d 0 f s 1 × VTS



log log η fs , T = c0 f s 1 × A + d 0 f s 1 ×VTS log TR

c d

4.3.2 |Gb*| Model Development

Depending on the type of applied load, asphalt binders are usually tested in two

different modes. The first type of testing is under near static loading conditions, when the

binder is tested in a steady shear state. Penetration, Ring and Ball softening point,

capillary (both absolute and kinematic), rotational viscosity (e.g. BrookfieldT M) test etc.

represent this type of testing. The second type is testing under dynamic loading. The

Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) test represents this type of testing. For the most

effective use of testing data, it is very important to possess the tool to combine the data

from these two different types of testing. Historically, the most successful attempt for

combining them is the Cox-Merz rule (45).

The Cox-Merz rule successfully provided a relationship among the steady state

viscosity (η), the complex viscosity (η*) and the complex shear modulus Gb* of fluids.

According to this rule, the complex viscosity of an asphalt binder is equal to the complex

modulus divided by the loading frequency. Mathematically:

Gb *
η* = (4.19)


η* = complex viscosity

Gb* = complex shear modulus

ω = angular frequency, rad/s

Further, for Newtonian fluids where the phase angle approaches 90 degrees, the

complex viscosity and the steady state viscosity (η) are equal, which can be expressed as


| Gb * |
η =| η* |= (4.20)

Witczak et al. successfully used the Cox-Merz rule in developing the “Witczak-

Bonaquist Gb* Model” that relate binder complex shear modulus with binder viscosity

(11). The 2002 Design Guide uses this model to predict viscosity (η) of a certain asphalt

binder from laboratory Gb* data. The viscosity predictive equation of this model is as


ao + a1ω +a 2ω 2
 | G * |   1 
η =  b   (4.21)
 ω   sin δ b 


η = binder viscosity (from ASTM Ai-VTS i equation), cP

|Gb*| = binder shear modulus (measured), Pa

δb = binder phase angle (measured), degree

ω = angular frequency used to measure G* and δ, radians/s

a0 , a1 and a2 = fitting parameter for all type of binders respectively 3.639216,


0.131373 and -0.000901

While the “Witczak-Bonaquist Gb* Model” is known to have good performance

for prediction of binder viscosity from the Gb* data, the development of an enhanced

model for predicting binder Gb* from laboratory viscosity data was aimed in this Ph.D.

research to overcome the shortcomings of the existing models. As noted, loading

frequency has been given due importance in the development of the new enhanced Gb*

predictive model. For a loading frequency of “fs ” Hz used in the dynamic shear loading,

ω = 2πfs. Therefore, the relationship obtained from the Cox-Merz rule can be re-written

as follows:

| Gb * | = 2πf s | η* | (4.22)

Asphalt binders do not exhibit pure Newtonian behavior over the complete

temperature range of interest in pavement applications. So, the Cox-Merz rule cannot be

used directly to relate the steady state viscosity (η) with the complex modulus (G b*).

Instead, a correction factor for “fs ” may be introduced to account for the non-Newtonian

behavior of the asphalt binder at low to intermediate temperature ranges. This “approach”

was used by Bonaquist et al. in developing the relationship used in the current version of

the M-E PDG. The following equation represents the general form of the relationship

between viscosity and complex modulus.

| G b * | = 2πη fs , T × CF (4.23)


ηfs,T = steady state viscosity as a function of loading frequency and temperature


(as would be obtained from laboratory obtained A-VTS viscosity data

corrected by the new modified ASTM Ai-VTSi model equation form

expressed by Equation 4.18)

|Gb*| = shear modulus of binder

δb = phase angle of binder

ω = angular frequency used to measure |G*| and δ b

CF = correction factor as a function of loading (dynamic shear) frequency (fs)

The correction factor (CF) was found to predominantly be a function of the

loading frequency (fs) and phase angle (δ b) in the original “Witczak-Bonaquist Gb*

Model” (11). For the initial re-analysis conducted in this study, CF was set equal to

|Gb*|/(2πη), where η is the viscosity obtained from the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship (not

adjusted for loading frequency). Initially, several model forms were investigated for the

CF, which are as follows:

CF = kf s (4.24)

CF = kδ b

CF = k sin δ b (4.26)

CF = k (sin δ b ) a0 fs (4.27)

CF = k (sin δ b ) a1 + a2 fs +a3 fs (4.28)


fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear mode, Hz


k, a0 , a1 , a2 , and a3 = fitting parameters

The relationships of the CF with loading frequency (fs ), phase angle (δ b), sinδ b,

and (sinδ b) s were evaluated. For example, Figures 4.1 through 4.4 show these

relationships for the ADOT’s tank aged Paramount PG 58-22 tested at 25°F. These plots

show that the CF is highly correlated with fs, δ b, sinδ b, and (sinδ b) s.


CF = -0.0009fs2 + 0.0497fs + 0.0153

R2 = 0.9989


0 5 10 15 20
Loading Frequency, fs (Hz)

FIGURE 4.1 CF as a Function of Loading Frequency (fs) for PG 58-22 Binder at 25°F

CF = (3E+42)(δb )-23.45
R2 = 0.9892



65 70 75 80
Phase Angle, δb (deg)

FIGURE 4.2 CF as a Function of Phase Angle for Paramount PG 58-22 Binder at 25°F


CF = (0.0049)(sinδb )-55.33
R2 = 0.971



0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1
Sin δb

FIGURE 4.3 CF as a Function of sinδ b for Paramount PG 58-22 Binder at 25°F


CF = -0.0873{(Sinδb)fs }2 - 0.5918(Sinδb)fs + 0.7061
R2 = 0.9959



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
(Sin δb )

FIGURE 4.4 CF as a Function of (sinδ b) s for Paramount PG 58-22 Binder at 25°F

Based on a statistical analysis, the general form of the CF selected was:

CF = k (sin δ b ) a1 + a2 fs +a3 fs (4.29)


fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear mode, Hz

k, a1 , a2 , and a3 = fitting parameters

Thus the |G b*| model equation had the following general form:

a + a2 fs + a3 fs2
| Gb * | = a0 f s η f s ,T (sin δ b ) 1 (4.30)


|Gb*| = dynamic shear modulus, Pa

fs = dynamic shear loading frequency to be used to predict/measure |G b*| and


δ b, Hz

ηfs,T = viscosity of asphalt binder as a function of both loading frequency (fs)

and temperature (T), poise

δb = phase angle associated with Gb*, deg

a0 , a1 , a2 , and a3 = fitting parameters

4.3.3 δ b Model Development

It should be recognized that the phase angle is an essential parameter to describe

the complex shear modulus of asphalt binders. Hence, a new Gb* model is incomplete

without a predictive model for the phase angle (i.e. a “δ b model”). As noted, the current

Witczak et al. model equations for the phase angle (δ b) are expressed in terms of |Gb*|

and “A-VTS Viscosity”, which makes it impossible to predict both shear modulus (|Gb*|)

and phase angle solely from the “A” and “VTS” values (i.e. A-VTS viscosity). As a

consequence, it is mandatory that the new δ b model for predicting the phase angle be

independent of the |Gb*| term.

Historic analyses, including this study, have shown that there exists a unique

relationship between the “A” and “VTS” values. Figure 4.5 shows that over the range of

all “A” and “VTS” values used in this study, the “A” values are about 2.71 times the

values of “VTS” plus one. The relationship has an excellent correlation coefficient (R2 ≈

1). Hence, for further modeling, any use of the “A” parameter was replaced by the use of

the “VTS” parameter using the following equation:

A = −2.7058 (VTS ) + 1.0371 (4.31)


A = -2.7058(VTS) + 1.0371
R2 = 0.9987


-4.5 -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2

FIGURE 4.5 Relationship between A and VTS for All Binders

From the |Gb*| model analysis, it was recognized that the “fs x ηfs ,T ” factor is

highly correlated with the Gb* data. Figure 4.6 shows a plot of log(fs x ηfs ,T ) versus phase

angle (δ b) for all the binders evaluated in this study. A polynomial relationship was found

to best fit the relationship between log(fs x ηfs ,T ) and δ b with R2 = 0.77. It was further

observed that the phase angle (δ b) varies with VTS values as well. Figure 4.7 is an

example of this trend where phase angles of the ADOT Paramount PG 58-22 binder show

distinct trend lines for different VTS values at different aging conditions.


Phase Angle = -0.4324[Log(fs x ηfs,T )]2 - 0.7644[Log(fs x ηfs,T)]

+ 97.533, R2 = 0.8298

Observed Phase Angle, degree




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Log (fs x ηfs,T )

FIGURE 4.6 Relationship between log(fs x ηfs ,T ) and Phase Angle (δ b) for All Binders

Observed Phase Angle, deg



Original (VTS = -3.66)

RTFO (VTS = -3.61)
PAV100 (VTS = -3.58)
PAV110 (VTS = -3.47)
0 2 4 6 8
log (f x ηf, T )

FIGURE 4.7 Log(fs x ηfs ,T ) versus δ b for Paramount PG 58-22 Binder at Different Ages

Similar to the |Gb*| model development, the conventional Ai-VTS i relationship

needed to be modified once again, now based on the given A, VTS and δ b values. The

general form of the modified Ai-VTS i relationship was expressed in equation 4.18. The

general form of the new δ b model selected for this study contains the following


δ b = 90 + (b1 + b2VTS ' ) × log ( f s ×η fs , T ) + ( b3 + b4VTS ' ) × log ( f s ×η fs , T ) 2 (4.32)

log log η fs , T = A'+VTS ' log TR (4.33)

A' = c 0 f s 1 × A

VTS ' = d 0 f s 1 × VTS



δb = phase angle, deg

A' = adjusted A (adjusted for loading frequency)

VTS' = adjusted VTS (adjusted for loading frequency)

fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear mode, Hz

ηfs,T = viscosity of asphalt binder as a function of both loading frequency (fs)

and temperature (T), poise

TR = temperature in Rankine scale, °R

b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 , c0 , c1 , d0 , and d1 = fitting parameters

4.4 Optimization Technique for the Comprehensive η-|Gb*|-δ b Model

The final database used to develop the new η-|Gb*|-δ b model contained 8940 sets

of data points. The adjusted ASTM Ai-VTS i model (Equation 4.18), the new |G b*| model

(Equation 4.30) and the new phase angle (δ b) model (Equation 4.32) have a total of 12

(twelve) fitting parameters: c0 , c1 , d0 , d1 , a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , b1 , b2 , b3 and b4 and 4 direct input

parameters: A, VTS, TR and fs. All equations in the model were solved simultaneously by

non- linear optimization. For this purpose, the “solver” function of Microsoft T M Excel was

used. The fitting parameters were assigned the following initial values: c0 = 1, c1 = 0, d0 =

1, d1 = 0, a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0, and b3 = 0.

First, the A' and VTS' values were calculated using equations 4.16 and 4.17. Then

the ηfs ,T values were calculated using equa tion 4.15. These VTS' and ηfs ,T values were

used to predict the phase angle (δ b) value by the use of equation 4.32. Then the ηfs ,T and

δ b values were substituted into Equation 4.30 to predict |Gb*| values. The observed |Gb*|

and δ b values (laboratory Gb* data) were then compared with their respective predicted

values. The combined sums of square of errors was minimized by changing values of 12

fitting parameters using the built- in “solver” function of MS Excel. Thus, the values of

the fitting parameters were obtained for the best- fit model equations.

4.5 Final Comprehensive η-|Gb*|-δ b Model

4.5.1 Final Modified Ai-VTSi Relationship (η-Model)

The final modified ASTM Ai-VTS i model equations obtained from the non- linear

optimization is as follows:

log log η fs , T = A'+VTS ' log TR (4.36)

− 0. 0527
A' = 0.9699 f s ×A (4.37)

− 0.0575
VTS ' = 0.9668 f s × VTS (4.38)


ηfs,T = viscosity of asphalt binder as a function of both loading frequency (fs)

and temperature (T), cP

fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear mode, Hz

A = regression intercept from the conventional ASTM Ai-VTS i equation

(Equation 2.7)

VTS = slope from the conventional ASTM Ai-VTS i equation (Equation 2.7)

A' = adjusted “A” (adjusted for loading frequency)

VTS' = adjusted “VTS” (adjusted for loading frequency)


TR = temperature in Rankine scale, °R

The final modified ASTM Ai-VTS i model (in conjunction with the |Gb*| model) is

based on 8940 data points from 41 binders (including 9 modified binders). The model has

excellent goodness of fit statistics. In arithmetic scale, the R2 = 0.83 and Se/Sy = 0.41;

while in logarithmic scale, the R2 = 0.99 and Se/Sy = 0.12.

4.5.2 Final δ b Model

The final δ b model obtained from the non- linear optimization technique as

described in the previous section consists of the following equations:

δ b = 90 + (b1 + b2VTS ' ) × log ( f s ×η fs , T ) + ( b3 + b4VTS ' ) × log ( f s ×η fs , T ) 2 (4.39)

log log η fs , T = A'+VTS ' log TR (4.40)

A' = c 0 f s 1 × A

VTS ' = d 0 f s 1 × VTS



δb = phase angle, deg

A = regression intercept from the conventional ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship

(Equation 2.7)

VTS = slope from the conventional ASTM Ai-VTS i equation (Equation 2.7)

A' = adjusted A (adjusted for loading frequency)

VTS' = adjusted VTS (adjusted for loading frequency)

fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear, Hz


ηfs,T = viscosity of asphalt binder as a function of both loading frequency (fs)

and temperature (T), cP

TR = temperature in Rankine scale, °R

b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 , c0 , c1 , d0 , and d1 = fitting parameters = -7.3146, -2.6162, 0.1124,

0.2029, 0.9699, -0.0527, 0.9668, and -0.0575, respectively

The final δ b model is also based on 8940 data points from 41 binders (including 9

modified binders). Like η-|Gb*| models, the δ b model has excellent goodness of fit

statistics. In arithmetic scale, the R2 = 0.81 and Se/Sy = 0.44; while in logarithmic scale,

the R2 = 0.82 and Se/Sy = 0.42.

At this point, the reader is reminded to be extremely cautious in using the proper

value of the loading frequency (f). In the literature of physical science, loading frequency

(f) in Hz is generally defined as the reciprocal of loading time (t). However, it is a

common norm in the asphalt binder industry to define f as follows:

t= (4.43)

and ω = 2πf s (4.44)


t = time of a dynamic load applied on a test specimen or a pavement section, s

ω = angular loading frequency of a dynamic loading, rad/s

fs = loading frequency of a dynamic loading in “shear” mode (as used in the

complex shear modulus test of asphalt binders), Hz


On the other hand, it is a common norm in the hot mix asphalt (HMA) industry to

define f as follows:

t= (4.45)


t = time of a dynamic load applied on a test specimen or a pavement section, s

fc = loading frequency of a dynamic loading in “compression” mode (as used in

the complex dynamic modulus test of AC mixtures), Hz

Therefore, in case the definitions of loading frequency follow the relationships

described from Equations 4.43 through 4.45, one should use the following relationship

for interchanging the frequency values:

f c = 2πf s (4.46)

4.5.3 Final |Gb*| Model

The new |G b*| model finalized from the non-linear optimization is as follows:

7 .1542 − 0. 4929 f s + 0. 0211 f s 2

| Gb * | = 0.0051 f s η fs , T (sin δ b ) (4.47)


|Gb*| = dynamic shear modulus, Pa

fs = dynamic shear loading frequency to be used with |Gb*| and δ b, Hz

ηfs,T = viscosity of asphalt binder as a function of both loading frequency (fs)

and temperature (T), cP

δb = phase angle (predicted from the δ b Model), deg


The final |Gb*| model (in conjunction with the η-model) is based on 8940 data

points from 41 binders (including 9 modified binders). The model has excellent goodness

of fit statistics. In arithmetic scale, the R2 = 0.83 and Se/Sy = 0.41; while in logarithmic

scale, the R2 = 0.99 and Se/Sy = 0.12.

4.6 Performance of the Final Comprehensive η-|Gb*|-δ b Model

The final η-|Gb*|-δ b model consists of three sub- models:

• Revised ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship;

• Shear modulus prediction model (|Gb*| Model); and

• Phase angle prediction model (δ b Model).

It is noteworthy that the revised ASTM Ai-VTS i model was used in both δ b and

|Gb*| models. Hence, performance of the revised ASTM Ai-VTS i model is embedded in

the performance of both the |Gb*| and δ b models.

4.6.1 Performance of the Final Comprehensive η-|Gb*| Model Accuracy of η-|Gb*| Model

• The final η-|Gb*| model statistics are as follows:

• Total data points = 8940

• Total number of binders = 41

• Number of modified binders =9

• Se/Sy = 0.12 (in logarithmic scale), 0.41 (in arithmetic scale)

• R2 = 0.99 (in logarithmic scale), 0.83 (in arithmetic scale)


The reader should note that the |G b*| model has an excellent correlation

coefficient (R2 ≈ 0.99) and a very small Se/Sy (≈ 0.12) in logarithmic scale. It also has an

excellent correlation coefficient (R2 ≈ 0.83) and a small Se/Sy (≈ 0.41) in arithmetic


It is well known that at very low temperature and/or at very high loading rate, the

viscosity of asphalt binders reaches a maximum limit. Researchers have determined that

such a threshold value is about 3x1010 poise. For the whole range of database evaluated in

this study, the revised ASTM Ai-VTSi model predicted a maximum viscosity of

2.35x1010 poise, which is safely below the threshold (maximum) value of about

3.00x1010 poise.

Figure 4.8 shows a plot of observed versus predicted |G b*|. Figure 4.8a is for all

data points evaluated in this study. Similar plots are shown in Figures 4.8b and 4.8c for

unmodified and modified binders, respectively. The reader should notice that the

goodness of fit in log scale is slightly better for the unmodified binders (R2 = 0.99, Se/Sy

= 0.09) compared to that of the modified binders (R2 = 0.98, Se/Sy = 0.15). This is most

likely due to the fact that the modified binders used in the model development had high

variability in stiffness characteristics due to their wide variety of the type and amount of

modification. This variability can be graphically observed in Figure 4.8c. It is clear that

the variation is practically negligible and the observed versus predicted |G b*| plots are

very close to the line of equality for all three scenarios.


N = 8940, Binder = 41
1.E+03 All (Log), 0.41 (Arith)
Se/Sy = 0.12

Predicted |Gb*|, 10 Pa
R = 0.99 (Log), 0.83 (Arith)






1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-01 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05
Observed |G b*|, 106 Pa

a. All Binders (New η-|G b*| Model)

N = 4857, Binder = 33
Predicted |Gb*|, 106 Pa

Se/Sy = 0.09 (Log), 0.36Arith)

R2 = 0.99 (Log), 0.87 (Arith)




1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-01 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05
Observed |G b*|, 106 Pa

b. Unmodified Binders (New η -|Gb *| Model)


N = 4084, Binder = 9
Predicted |Gb *|, 10 Pa

Se/Sy = 0.15 (Log), 0.46 (Arith)


1.E+01 2
R = 0.98 (Log), 0.79 (Arith)




1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-01 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05
Observed |Gb*|, 106 Pa

c. Modified Binders (New η-|Gb*| Model)

FIGURE 4.8 Observed versus Predicted |G b*| (Using the New η-|Gb*| Model)


Frequency, % 40 Mean = -0.19 x 10 6 Pa

Std. Dev = 3.14 x 10 6 Pa
30 N = 8940



-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Residual |Gb*| (Predicted - Observed), 106 Pa

a. Frequency Distribution of |Gb*| Residuals


40 Mean = 0.00
Frequency, %

Std. Dev = 0.22

30 N = 8940



-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Residual Log|Gb*| (Predicted - Observed)

b. Frequency Distribution of Log|Gb*| Residuals

FIGURE 4.9 Distribution of Residuals for the η-|Gb*| Model

Figure 4.9 shows a frequency distribution of residuals, in both arithmetic and log

scales, for the new η-|Gb*| model for all the asphalt binders evaluated in this study. The

frequency distributions of the |Gb*| and Log|Gb*| residuals show that there is a slight non-

zero error variance associated with the model, which was considered acceptable. The

distribution of |Gb*| residuals also showed that the mean error was close to zero. In fact,

the Log|Gb*| residuals had a mean error of 0.00. These findings allow one to conclude

that the model is sufficiently unbiased relative to the calibration data.

As a summary finding, it can be concluded that the new |Gb*| model is able to

provide accurate predictions of the asphalt binder shear modulus. Comparison with Previous η-|Gb*| Models

As noted, the Witczak-Bonaquist η-|G b*| model (Equations 2.9 and 2.10) is used

in the current version of the new “NCHRP 1-37A Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement

Design Guide” (i.e. the 2002 Design Guide). The Witczak-Sybilski η-|Gb*| model

(Equations 2.12 and 2.13) was developed based on a much larger database available at a

later time after the Witczak-Bonaquist η-|Gb*| model was already established. It should

be clearly understood that both versions of the Witczak et al. η-Gb* model were

developed to: (1) predict asphalt binder viscosity (A-VTS viscosity, η) from laboratory

|Gb*| and δ b data, and (2) predict phase angle from laboratory |G b*| data, given A and

VTS values. On the other hand, the new η-|Gb*| model developed in this study is aimed at

independently predicting both |Gb*| and δ b from given A and VTS values. However, the

new η-|Gb*| model developed in this study may be visually compared with the Witczak et

al. η-|Gb*| models as shown in Figures 4.10 and 4.11.


1.E+03 Modified

Predicted |Gb*|, 10 Pa



N = 3245, Binder = 19, Mod Binder = 0
1.E-07 Se /Sy = 0.08 (Log), 1.30 (Arithmatic)
R = 0.99 (Log Scale), -0.69 (Arith)
1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-01 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05
Observed |Gb*|, 10 Pa
a. Witczak-Bonaquist η -|G b*| Model
1.E+03 Modified
Predicted |Gb*|, 10 Pa




N = 5640, Binder = 33, Mod Binder = 6
1.E-07 Se/Sy = 0.16 (Log), 2.07 (Arithmatic)
R2 = 0.97 (Log), -3.26 (Arithmatic)
1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-016 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05
Observed |Gb*|, 10 Pa
b. Witczak-Sybilski η-|G b*| Model
Predicted |Gb *|, 10 Pa



N = 8940, Binder = 41, Mod Binder = 9
1.E-07 Se/Sy = 0.12 (Log), 0.41 (Arithmatic)
R = 0.99 (Log Scale), 0.83 (Arith)
1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-01 6 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05
Observed |Gb*|, 10 Pa
c. New η-|Gb*| Model (from this study)

FIGURE 4.10 Comparison of η-|G b*| Models (Based on Original Data)


Figure 4.10 shows the plots of predicted versus observed |Gb*| obtained from the

Witczak et al. models and the new η-|Gb*| model. Here the specific databases originally

used to develop each of these models are used to construct the plots and calculate the

goodness of fit statistics. It is quite clear that all three models have excellent goodness of

fit statistics in logarithmic scale for their original database. The Witczak-Bonaquist and

the new η-|Gb*| model has R2 ≈ 0.99 and Se/Sy ≈ 0.1, and the Witczak-Sybilski model

has R2 ≈ 0.97 and Se/Sy ≈ 0.2. It should be noticed that the plots using the Witczak-

Sybilski and new model (Figure 4.10b and 4.10c) showed a very small data scatter that

originated mostly from the variability in the type and amount of modification present in

the modified binders.

Figure 4.11 further shows the plots of predicted versus observed |G b*| obtained

from the Witczak et al. models and the new model, where the same expanded database

(i.e. the master η-Gb* database) has been used to construct all three plots and calculate

the goodness of fit statistics. The very small data scatter seen in Figure 4.11a through

4.11c was mainly contributed by the variability in the type and amount of modification

present in the modified binders used in this study.

The detailed statistics obtained from the models would, however, provide more

meaningful comparison as shown in Table 4.1. As seen in Table 4.1, for the original

databases used for developing the models, the Witczak-Bonaquist and Witczak-Sybilski

η-|Gb*| models had excellent goodness of fit statistics in the logarithmic scale. The

Witczak-Bonaquist model had R2 ≈ 0.99 and Se/Sy ≈ 0.08, while the Witczak-Sybilski

model had R2 ≈ 0.97 and Se/Sy ≈ 0.16.


1.E+03 Modified

Predicted |Gb*|, 10 Pa



N = 8940, Binder = 41, Mod Binder = 9
1.E-07 Se /Sy = 0.14 (Log), 2.00 (Arithmatic)
R = 0.98 (Log Scale), -3.01 (Arith)
1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-016 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05
Observed |G b *|, 10 Pa
a. Witczak-Bonaquist η-|G b*| Model
1.E+03 Modified
Predicted |Gb*|, 10 Pa




N = 8940, Binder = 41, Mod Binder = 9
1.E-07 Se /S y = 0.14 (Log), 1.98 (Arithmatic)
R = 0.98 (Log Scale), -2.92 (Arith)
1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-016 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05
Observed |G b *|, 10 Pa
b. Witczak-Sybilski η-|G b*| Model
Predicted |Gb *|, 10 Pa



N = 8940, Binder = 41, Mod Binder = 9
1.E-07 Se /Sy = 0.12 (Log), 0.41 (Arithmatic)
R = 0.99 (Log Scale), 0.83 (Arith)
1.E-09 1.E-07 1.E-05 1.E-03 1.E-016 1.E+01 1.E+03 1.E+05
Observed |G b*|, 10 Pa
c. New η -|G b*| Model (from this study)

FIGURE 4.11 Comparison of η-|G b*| Models (Based on the Expanded Database)

TABLE 4.1 Statistics of Predictive Models for η-|Gb*| of Asphalt Binders

Parameter Predictive Models for η-|Gb*| of Asphalt Binders

Witczak-Bonaquist Model Witczak-Sybilski Model New Model
Original Expanded Original Expanded Expanded
Data Data Data Data Data
Total Binders 24 41 33 41 41
Modified Binders 4 9 6 9 9
Data Points, N 3245 8940 5640 8940 8940
Goodness of Fit in Logarithmic Scale
Se/Sy 0.08 0.14 0.16 0.14 0.12
R2 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.98 0.99
Goodness of Fit in Arithmetic Scale
Se/Sy 1.30 2.00 2.07 1.98 0.41
R2 -0.69 -3.01 -3.26 -2.92 0.83

It should be noted here that like previous binder stiffness predictive models, the

Witczak-Bonaquist and Witczak-Sybilski η-|Gb*| models were optimized based on

minimizing the sum of error squares obtained from the prediction of log(stiffness). As a

result, these two models did not provide any realistic goodness of fit statistics when

arithmetic scale was used. When the models were applied to the master (expanded) η-Gb*

database, both the models still retained their excellent goodness of fit statistics in the

logarithmic scale: R2 ≈ 0.98 and Se/Sy ≈ 0.14 for both models. For the same database, the

new η-|Gb*| model developed in this study showed excellent and even better goodness of

fit statistics in logarithmic scale: R2 = 0.99 and Se/Sy = 0.12. At the same time the model

showed very good statistics in the arithmetic scale: R2 = 0.83 and Se/Sy = 0.41 for the

entire database, which is much more improved compared with the previous two η-|G b*|

models evaluated here.


4.6.2 Performance of the Phase Angle (δ b) Model Accuracy of δ b Model

The final δ b model statistics are as follows:

• Total data points = 8940

• Total number of binders = 41

• Number of modified binders =9

• Se/Sy = 0.42 (in logarithmic scale), 0.44 (in normal scale)

• R2 = 0.82 (in logarithmic scale), 0.81 (in normal scale)

Except for a few outlier points resulting from the modified binders, the new δ b

model showed an excellent correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.82) and a small Se/Sy (= 0.42)

in logarithmic scale. It is noteworthy that the new final δ b model developed in this study

had also an excellent goodness of fit statistics in arithmetic scale: R2 = 0.81 and Se/Sy =

0.44. In fact, this model has almost identical goodness of fit statistics in arithmetic and

logarithmic scales.

For all conventional asphalt binders, the practical limit of the phase angle

associated with the shear modulus varies from a small angle (at very low temperature

and/or very high loading rate) to a maximum of about 90º (at high temperature and/or

very small loading rate). The observed phase angle data used in the model calibration

ranged from 23º to 100º. For the same conditions, the predicted phase angle values using

the new δ b model ranged from 20º to 96º. This is practically almost the same range as

found in the observed data. It should be pointed out that a true viscous material has a

phase angle equal to 90°. Values in excess of 90° may be associated with either

measurement or data analysis (interpolation) errors.

Figure 4.12 shows a plot of observed versus predicted phase angle (δ b). Figure

4.12a is for all data points evaluated in this study. Similar plots are shown in Figures

4.12b and 4.12c for unmodified and modified binders, respectively. The reader should

notice that the goodness of fit statistics are slightly better for the unmodified binders (R2

= 0.87, Se/Sy = 0.36) compared to that of the modified binders (R2 = 0.71, Se/Sy = 0.54).

This is because modified binders usually have higher variability in stiffness

characteristics due to their wide variety of modification. This variability can be

graphically observed in Figure 4.12c. It is clear that the variation is practically negligible

and the observed versus predicted δ b plots are very close to the line of equality for all

three scenarios.

Figure 4.13 shows the distribution of residuals using the new δ b model for all the

asphalt binders evaluated in this study. While a few outliers are present, the observed

versus predicted δ b plots are quite close to the line of equality. Figure 4.13 also shows

that the standard deviation is not necessarily insignificant (≈ 6.95º) and it indicates that

improvements can be made in the model precision (particularly for modified binders).

The mean error (≈ 0.06º) was practically zero (≈ 0) allowing one to consider the model

unbiased relative to the calibration data.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the δ b model is also able to provide quite

accurate predictions of phase angle associated with the shear modulus of asphalt binders.

However, care should be exercised when using the relationship for modified binders.


Predicted Phase Angle, deg

N = 8940, Binder = 41
Se/Sy = 0.44 (Arith)
15 2 All
R = 0.81 (Arith)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105
Observed Phase Angle, deg

a. All Binders (New δb Model)

Predicted Phase Angle, deg

N = 4857, Binder = 33
30 Se/Sy = 0.37(Arith)
15 2
R = 0.86 (Arith)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105
Observed Phase Angle, deg

b. Unmodified Binders (New δb Model)

Predicted Phase Angle, deg

N = 4084, Binder = 9
Se/Sy = 0.54 (Arith)
15 2
R = 0.71 (Arith)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105
Observed Phase Angle, deg

c. Modified Binders (New δb Model)

FIGURE 4.12 Observed versus Predicted Phase Angle Using the New δ b Model

Mean = 0.06 °
15 Std. Dev = 6.95°
N = 8940
Frequency, %


-20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20
Residual Phase Angle (Predicted - Measured), degree

FIGURE 4.13 Distribution of δ b Residuals for the New δ b Model Comparison with Previous δ b Models

One of the main achievements made in the new δ b model developed in this study

is making it independent of the |G b*| value, provided laboratory or default A and VTS

values are available. As noted, the Witczak et al. Phase Angle (δ b) models need |G b*|

value as input parameter for predicting the δ b values.

The new δ b model developed in this study may be visually compared with the

Witczak et al. δ b models as shown in Figures 4.14 and 4.15. Figure 4.14 shows the plots

of predicted versus observed δ b obtained from the two Witczak et al. models and the new

δ b model, where the specific databases originally used to develop each of these models

are used. Unlike the η-|Gb*| models, good goodness of fit statistics of the δ b models were

close in arithmetic and log scales.



Predicted Ph. Angle, deg


N = 3245, Binder = 19, Mod Binder = 0
20 Se/Sy = 0.27 (Arithmetic), 0.31 (Log)
R2 = 0.93 (Arithmetic), 0.91 (Log)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Observed Phase Angle, deg
a. Witczak-Bonaquist Phase Angle ( δb) Model

Predicted Ph. Angle, deg


N = 5640, Binder = 33, Mod = 6
20 Se/Sy = 0.71 (Arith), 0.75 (Log)
R = 0.50 (Arith), 0.43 (Log)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Observed Phase Angle, deg
b. Witczak-Sybilski Phase Angle (δb ) Model

Predicted Ph. Angle, deg


N = 8940, Binder = 41, Mod = 9
20 Se/Sy = 0.44 (Arith), 0.43 (Log)
R = 0.81 (Arith), 0.82 (Log)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Observed Phase Angle, deg
c. New Phase Angle ( δb) Model (from this study)

FIGURE 4.14 Comparison of δ b Models (Based on Original Model Data)



Predicted Ph. Angle, deg


N = 8940, Binder = 41, Mod. Bin. = 9
20 Se/Sy = 0.42 (Arithmetic), 0.46 (Log)
R2 = 0.83 (Arithmetic), 0.79 (Log)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Observed Phase Angle, deg
a. Witczak-Bonaquist Phase Angle ( δb) Model

Predicted Ph. Angle, deg


N = 8940, Binder = 41, Mod = 9
20 Se/Sy = 0.75 (Arith), 0.80 (Log)
R = 0.44 (Arith), 0.36 (Log)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Observed Phase Angle, deg
b. Witczak-Sybilski Phase Angle (δb ) Model

Predicted Ph. Angle, deg


N = 8940, Binder = 41, Mod = 9
20 Se/Sy = 0.44 (Arith), 0.43 (Log)
R = 0.81 (Arith), 0.82 (Log)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Observed Phase Angle, deg
c. New Phase Angle ( δb) Model (from this study)

FIGURE 4.15 Comparison of δ b Models (Based on the Expanded Database)


For the original database, the Witczak-Bonaquist δ b model had excellent

goodness of fit statistics: R2 = 0.91 and Se/Sy = 0.31 in log scale, and R2 = 0.93 and

Se/Sy = 0.27 in arithmetic scale. But the Witczak-Sybilski δ b model had only fair good

goodness of fit statistics: R2 = 0.43 and Se/Sy = 0.75 in log scale, and R2 = 0.50 and

Se/Sy = 0.71 in arithmetic scale. The new δ b model has excellent goodness of fit statistics

for its entire database in both arithmetic and log scale: R2 = 0.82 and Se/Sy = 0.43 in log

scale, and R2 = 0.81 and Se/Sy = 0.44 in arithmetic scale. From Figure 4.14c, it may be

noticed that the new model showed a very small data scatter that originated mostly from

the high variability in the type and amount of modification present in the modified


Figure 4.15 further shows the plots of predicted versus observed δ b obtained from

the Witczak et al. models and the new model, using the expanded database (i.e. the

master η-Gb* database) to construct all three plots and calculate the goodness of fit

statistics. The very small data scatter seen in Figure 4.15a through 4.15c was mainly

contributed by the variability in the type and amount of modification present in the

modified binders used in this study.

The detail statistics of various δ b models provide meaningful comparisons of the

model enhancement as shown in Table 4.2. For the original database, the Witczak-

Bonaquist δ b model had excellent good goodness of fit statistics: R2 = 0.91 and Se/Sy =

0.31 in log scale, and R2 = 0.93 and Se/Sy = 0.27 in arithmetic scale. When applied to the

expanded (master) η-Gb* database, the model had inferior yet very good statistics: R2 =

0.79 and Se/Sy = 0.46 in log scale, and R2 = 0.83 and Se/Sy = 0.42 in arithmetic scale.

TABLE 4.2 Statistics of Predictive Models for Binder Phase Angle (δ b)

Parameter Predictive Models for Phase Angle (δ b) of Asphalt Binders

Witczak-Bonaquist Model Witczak-Sybilski Model New Model
Original Expanded Original Expanded Expanded
Data Data Data Data Data
Total Binders 24 41 33 41 41
Modified Binders 4 9 6 9 9
Data Points, N 3245 8940 5640 8940 8940
Goodness of Fit in Logarithmic Scale
Se/Sy 0.31 0.46 0.82 0.80 0.42
R2 0.91 0.79 0.33 0.36 0.82
Goodness of Fit in Arithmetic Scale
Se/Sy 0.27 0.42 0.77 0.75 0.44
R2 0.93 0.83 0.42 0.44 0.81

For the original database, the Witczak-Sybilski δ b model had only fair statistics:

R2 = 0.43 and Se/Sy = 0.75 in log scale, and R2 = 0.50 and Se/Sy = 0.71 in arithmetic

scale. When applied to the expanded database, the model further lost its accuracy and had

poor goodness of fit statistics: R2 = 0.36 and Se/Sy = 0.80 in log scale, and R2 = 0.44 and

Se/Sy = 0.75 in arithmetic scale. On the other hand, the new δ b model has excellent

goodness of fit statistics for the entire expanded database in both arithmetic and log scale:

R2 = 0.82 and Se/Sy = 0.42 in log scale, and R2 = 0.81 and Se/Sy = 0.44 in arithmetic


5.1 Introduction

Similar to the master binder Gb*-η database that was developed for this study; a

comprehensive database of dynamic modulus (E*) stiffness of HMA mixtures was

synthesized so that accurate E* models could be developed. In this database, the stiffness

of the asphalt binder was initially reported indirectly in terms of the “A” and “VTS”

parameters that were originally obtained from converting the conventional binder testing

data by the use of the ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship. However, as one of the important

goals of this research was to insure that any new E* predictive model use the complex

shear (Gb*) parameters of the asphalt binder instead of the viscosity parameters. As such,

all sets of “A” and “VTS” parameters of the asphalt binders, as reported in the original

E* database, were converted to shear modulus |G b*| and phase angle (δ b) values by

utilizing the newly developed η-|Gb*|-δ b predictive models from this study (described in

Chapter 4 of this report).

5.2 Original E* Database

The Witczak-Fonseca E* Predictive Model was developed and calibrated at the

University of Maryland (UMD) based on 1430 test data points from 149 un-aged

laboratory blended and HMA mixtures that contained only conventional non- modified

binders. All test samples had a cylindrical size of 4″ diameter x 8″ height and were

compacted by kneading compaction.

As a result of several research projects and studies performed at UMD through

1999, Witczak and his colleagues at the UMD further expanded the E* database. The

current version of the Witczak E* Predictive Equation is based on this database (known

as the “UMD E* Database”) that contains 2750 test data points from 205 HMA mixtures.

Like the initial work, all the new 56 mixtures were un-aged laboratory blended mixes.

The new E* test samples, however, had a cylindrical size of 2.75″ diameter x 5.5″ height

and were compacted by gyratory compaction.

5.3 Expanded E* Database

Since 2000, this researcher, along with others, has been conducting intensive

dynamic modulus testing under the direction of Dr. Witczak at Arizona State University.

They have recently completed E* testing on an additional 176 HMA mixtures that

provided 5820 more E* test data points (8). This testing was done under 12 tasks of 6

major projects. The projects are as follows:

• NCHRP 9-19 Project: Tasks C4 and C5.

• ASU-ADOT Project No. 3.

• ASU-ADOT AR Project: Task-1 (I-40) and Task-2 (I-17).

• Alberta AR Project.

• NCHRP 9-23 Project: (a) Calibration of PP2 Protocol, (b) Validation of PP2

Protocol, (c) Verification of PP2 Protocol, (d) Compaction versus non-

compaction study, and (e) Aging study.

• ASU-NLA Project: E* Database of Lime Modified Asphaltic Mixtures.

The new E* database, known as the “ASU E* Database”, is furthermore

expanding. The ASU E* test samples had a cylindrical size of 4″ diameter x 6″ height.

They were compacted by gyratory compaction. Unlike the UMD database, the ASU E*

test samples included a wide variety of sho rt-term oven aged lab blend mix samples,

plant mix samples and field cores. The size of the ASU E* database is now more than

double the UMD E* database which served as the basis for the current Witczak E*

predictive model. Table 5.1 summarizes the different HMA mixtures included in the ASU

E* database.

Both the UMD and ASU E* database have been combined into one expanded E*

database in this research. The expanded database contains an excellent blend of different

aggregate gradations, binder type (conventional, polymer modified and rubber modified),

mix type (conventional un- modified and lime or rubber modified) and aging (no aging,

short-term oven aging, plant aging and field aging) as earlier presented in Table 1.1 of

Chapter 1.

5.4 Revised E* Database

After a careful examination of the expanded E* database, it was concluded that

some of the data could not be used for the model development and calibration because

either their values were felt to be erroneous or some vital mix, aggregate or binder data

were missing. Most data obtained from the NCHRP 9-23 mixtures could not be used due

to missing mix volumetric data. The final revised database contains 7400 data points

from 346 HMA mixtures. This database is termed as the “Master E* Database” and

presented in Appendix- A (A.1 through A.3).


TABLE 5.1 Summary of Mixtures in ASU E* Database

Project Task Site ID Mix Total STOA Plant Field Data

Type Mix LB1 Mix Core Points
NCHRP 9-19 Task C4 ADOT SRB Conv.2 16 16 0 0 480
NCHRP 9-19 Task C5 MnRoad Conv. 12 5 7 0 360
NCAT Conv. 11 0 11 0 330
Indiana Conv. 12 0 12 0 360
Nevada I-80 Conv. 8 0 8 0 240
WesTrack Conv. 32 10 22 0 960
FHWA-ALF Conv. 14 9 0 5 420
Poly 3 4 2 0 2 120
Arizona I-10 Conv. 5 0 5 0 150
AR-A C4 1 0 1 0 30
ASU-ADOT Project #3Salt River Base Conv. 3 3 0 0 90
Salt River 3/4" Conv. 3 3 0 0 90
Bidahouchi Base Conv. 2 2 0 0 60
Bidahouchi 3/4" Conv. 2 2 0 0 60
ASU-ADOT AR Task-1 Arizona I-40 AR-Gap 1 0 1 0 30
(I-40) Arizona I-40 AR-Open 1 0 1 0 30
ASU-ADOT AR Task-2 Arizona I-17 AR-Gap 3 0 3 0 90
(I-17) Arizona I-17 AR-Open 3 0 3 0 90
Alberta AR Task-1 Alberta AR-A C 1 0 1 0 30
Alberta Conv. 1 0 1 0 30
NCHRP 9-23 Calibration MnRoad Conv. 3 0 0 3 90
WesTrack Conv. 3 0 0 3 90
ADOT Conv. 3 0 0 3 90
Validation 11 LTPP Sites Conv. 11 0 0 11 330
Verification Maryland Conv. 10 10 0 0 300
Comp. WesTrack Conv. 1 0 1 0 36
Aging WesTrack Conv. 3 0 3 0 108
ADOT Conv. 3 0 3 0 108
MnRoad Conv. 3 0 3 0 108
ASU-NLA E* Database Two Guns Lime 5 3 3 0 0 90
Conv. 1 1 0 0 30
MD DOT Lime 2 2 0 0 60
Conv. 1 1 0 0 30
Bidahouchi Base Lime 2 2 0 0 60
Conv. 1 1 0 0 30
Salt River Base Lime 2 2 0 0 60
Conv. 1 1 0 0 30
WesTrack Lime 1 1 0 0 30
Conv. 1 1 0 0 30
ALF Lime 1 1 0 0 30
Conv. 1 1 0 0 30
Table is continued on the next page

TABLE 5.1 Summary of Mixtures (Continued)

Notes: Mix Total STOA Plant Field Data

1. STOA LB = Short-term oven aged lab blend Type Mix LB1 Mix Core Points
2. Conv. = un-modified mix and binder All 192 79 86 27 5820
3. Poly = binder is polymer modified Conv. 167 66 76 25 5070
4. AR = Rubber modified asphalt in mix AR 10 0 10 0 300
5. Lime = Lime modified mix Lime 11 11 0 0 330
Poly 4 2 0 2 120

5.5 Test Methodologies Related to the E* Database

The Witczak-Fonseca E* database developed at the University of Maryland

(UMD) had 1430 test data points from 149 un-aged laboratory blended and HMA

mixtures that contained only conventional non- modified binders. All test samples had a

cylindrical size of 4″ diameter x 8″ height and were compacted by kneading compaction.

ASTM D3497 protocol was followed for these tests. The later part of the UMD E*

database contains 1320 data points from 56 un-aged laboratory blended mixes. The

related E* test samples, however, had a cylindrical size of 2.75″ diameter x 5.5″ height

and were compacted by gyratory compaction.

At ASU, the NCHRP 1-37A Test Method DM-1 titled “Standard Test Method for

Dynamic Modulus of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures” and subsequent AASHTO standard

method of test for “Determining Dynamic Modulus of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete

Mixtures” with AASHTO designation TP 62-03 were followed for the laboratory E* test

sample preparation and testing (46, 29). The test mixtures contained laboratory blended

mixture, plant mixture and field cores. The laboratory blended mixtures were short-term

oven aged according to the E* test protocol followed. All final test specimens were cored

and sawed to 4-inch diameter and 6 inch height. Table 5.2 presents the E* test conditions.

TABLE 5.2 Test Conditions of the ASU E* Tests

Test Temp, T Freq, fc Cycles Rest Period Cycles to Strain Range

(°F) (Hz) (Sec) Compute E*

14, 40, 70, 25 200 - 196 to 200 25 to 150

100, 130 10 100 60 196 to 200 micro-strain

(Generally) 5 50 60 96 to 100

1 20 60 16 to 20

0.5 15 60 11 to 15

0.1 15 60 11 to 15

As noted before, there is a difference in the way loading frequency is defined in

asphalt binder testing and HMA testing. The loading time (t), being the same in both

cases, is defined as follows:

t= (5.1)

and ω = 2πf s (5.2)

t= (5.3)

i.e., f c = 2πf s (5.4)


t = time of a dynamic load exerted on a test specimen or a pavement section, s

ω = angular loading frequency, rad/s

fs = loading frequency of a dynamic loading in “shear” mode (as used in the


Gb* test of asphalt binders), Hz

fc = loading frequency of a dynamic loading in “compression” mode (as used in

the E* test of HMA mixtures), Hz

The definition of loading time as shown in Equations 5.1 and 5.2 were suggested

in the Shell Oil research and has been used in conjunction with the determination of

stiffness modulus of asphalt binders for decades (2, 31). On the other hand, the definition

of loading time as shown in Equation 5.3 is the most widely used mathematical

relationship between frequency and time. This relationship is used in the determination of

stiffness modulus of AC mixtures from the Complex Dynamic Modulus (E*) test (3, 29).

It is this definition of fc = 1/t that has been used by the Asphalt Institute and Dr. Witczak

since the first collection of E* test results that were placed in the database. It is the fc

frequency that governs the E* behavior response of mixtures in the lab as well as in the

field under dynamic loading. Lab and field response of mixtures is not governed by the fs

(shear frequency).

As an example, Figure 5.1 shows the output plots of applied vertical compressive

dynamic stress (σc) versus loading time (t) based on the actual laboratory E* test data

obtained from the E* testing of an ADOT Salt River Base Mix specimen with 4.55%

asphalt content and 4% air voids tested at 70°F. Figure 5.1a is the sinusoidal σc versus t

plot for a loading frequency (fc) of 10 Hz. It can be observed each cycle length is equal to

0.1 second (i.e. t = 1/10 = 0.1 second). Similarly, Figure 5.1b is a σc versus t plot for fc =

1 Hz, where t = 1/1 = 1 second and Figure 5.1c is a σc versus t plot for fc = 0.1 Hz, where

t = 1/0.1 = 10 seconds. From each of these three plots, it is very clear that the dynamic

modulus (E*) testing following the current test protocols (as done at ASU and UMD)


Vertical Stress, kPa

19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 19.9 20 20.1
Time, s

a. f c = 10 Hz (loading time = 0.1 second)

Vertical Stress, kPa

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Time, s
b. fc = 1 Hz (loading time = 1 second)

Vertical Stress, kPa

80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Time, s

c. fc = 0.1 Hz (loading time = 10 seconds)

FIGURE 5.1 Vertical Stress versus Loading Time in Actual E* Te st of an ADOT Mix

gives the E* data with loading frequency (fc) data that follows the mathematical

relationships expressed in Equations 5.3 and 5.4. To avoid any confusion, the master E*

database, presented in Appendix A (A.1 through A.3), contains both fc and fs values in

the unit of hertz (Hz). For simplicity, however, the loading frequency of a dynamic

loading in compression mode is expressed as “f” as well as “fc ” in the remaining part of

this dissertation.

5.6 Master Curve Parameters

The principles of time-temperature superposition using a sigmoidal model

function have been discussed in section 2.4.3. It is important to recognize that the process

used by Witczak and his colleagues at ASU is to simultaneously optimize the seven (7)

master curve fitting parameters e.g. δ, α, β, γ, a, b and c (previously expressed in

equations 2.17 through 2.19) in a single optimization process. If the user performs

separate and independent optimizations on both the E* master curve and the time-

temperature superposition relationship; different (and probably incorrect) fitting

parameters will be obtained. In this study, individual sets of these seven master curve

parameters were obtained for each mix evaluated. The parameter values are summarized

in Appendix-C.

6.1 List of |E*| Models

A large number of E* predictive models/techniques have been developed over the

years and the important ones have already been discussed briefly in Chapter 2. Table 6.1

summarizes the important models reviewed, arranged in a chronological order of

development. The numbers of mixtures and total data points used in the model

development are also shown in this table. It is interesting to note that that model no. 11,

the Witczak , Andrei and Mirza’s Revised Model, was based on the largest database (205

mixtures and 2750 data points). This model has already been incorporated in the 2002

Design Guide.

TABLE 6.1 List of E* Models

Model Model Basic Database

No. Mix, Nm Data, Nt
1 Van der Poel (Shell Oil’s Early Version) Model, 1954 NR NR
2 Bonnaure (Shell Oil’s Later Version) Model, 1977 9 93
3 Shook and Kallas’ Models, 1969 29 87
4 Witczak’s Early Model, 1972 29 87
5 Witczak and Shook’s Model, 1978 41 369
6 Witczak’s 1981 Model, 1981 41 369
7 Witczak, Miller and Uzan’s Model, 1983 131 1179
8 Witczak and Akhter’s Models, 1984 131 1179
9 Witczak, Leahy, Caves and Uzan’s Models, 1989 149 1429
10 Witczak and Fonseca’s Model, 1995 149 1429
11 Witczak, Andrei and Mirza’s Revised Model, 1999 205 2750
12 Hirsch Model of Christensen, Pellinen and Bonaquist, 2003 18 206

6.2 Variables in E* Models

The literature study also shows that several different variables, related to the

asphalt binder and mix stiffness, have been used in different combinations and in

different ways in these models. These variables are briefly summarized in Table 6.2.

TABLE 6.2 Variables in Historic E* Models

Variable Variable Description Model No. (Variables Checked)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
fc Mixture loading frequency X X X X X X X X X
fb Binder loading frequency X X X
T Temperature (mix and binder) X X X X X X X X X
T800 T at Penetration = 800 X X
PI Binder Penetration Index X X
η Binder viscosity X X X X
η70,106 η at 70 F in 10 poise
o 6
%Va Mix air voids X X X X X X X
%AC Asphalt content (by weight) X X X X
%AC opt Optimum %AC X
%Vbeff Effective asphalt content (by volume) X X X X X
%Vbeffopt Optimum %V beff X
Cv Volume concentration X X
Vg Volume of aggregate X
Vb Volume of binder X
VMA % voids in the mineral aggregates X
VFA % of VMA filled with binder X
ρ200 % aggregates passing #200 sieve X X X X X X
ρ4 % aggregates retained on #4 sieve X X X X
ρ38 % aggregates retained on #3/8" sieve X X X X
ρ34 % aggregates retained on #3/4" sieve X X X X
ρabs % asphalt absorption X X
Gb* Binder (complex) shear modulus X
Pc Contact volume X

6.3 Important Predictor Variables

The variables used in the models were short- listed to primarily select a set of

predictor variables for HMA mix |E*|. To do so, one should realize that some of the

variables can be interchangeably used in developing a new model. For example, the

volume concentration Cv , defined as Vg /(Vg + Vb), has been used in a model instead of

using Vg and Vb. Another example is using η instead of η70, 10 6 . When one uses both Va

and VFA, the effective binder volume (V beff), bulk specific gravities of mix (Gmb) and

aggregates (Gsb), maximum theoretical specific gravity (Gmm), binder specific gravity

(Gb ) and volume concentration (C v ) are indirectly taken care of.

It has already been pointed out that the data required to establish the ASTM Ai-

VTSi relationship may no longer be routinely collected because of the adoption of the

Superpave Perfo rmance Grading system and its associated testing. One of the major

known limitations associated with the use of the ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship is that it

does not incorporate changes of binder viscosity under dynamic loading with changing

loading time (or frequency). This is in contrast to the binder complex shear modulus

(Gb*) that describes the change of binder stiffness under dynamic (shear) loading with

changing loading time (or frequency). The development of a new model for accurately

predicting Gb* data from ASTM Ai-VTSi binder viscosity data has already been

presented in the previous chapters. Now, the variables |Gb*| and δ b can easily be

incorporated in the |E*| predictive model as direct input parameters that can more

effectively take care of the binder rheology with changing temperature and loading rate.

Thus taking into account of these direct and indirect inter-relationships, the

important predictor variables for mix E* were initially selected to be (not in order of

importance) as follows:

• Aggrega te gradation (ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 and ρ34 )

• Air voids (Va)

• Effective binder volume (V beff)

• Voids in mineral aggregates (VMA)

• Voids filled with asphalt (VFA)


• Binder shear modulus (|Gb*|) at specific temperature and loading rate

• Binder phase angle (δ b) associated with the |G b*|.

6.4 Sigmoidal Model Form

In the 2002 Design Guide, the stiffness of any HMA mix, at all analysis levels of

temperature and time rates of load, is determined from a sigmoidal shaped master curve

constructed at a reference temperature (usually 70ºF). For calculating mix |E*| stiffness,

Levels 2 and 3 use the Witczak E* Predictive Model, which itself is mathematically

expressed with the equation of a sigmoidal curve. This functional form was found best

fitted to eliminate the unrealistic estimates of mix |E*| stiffness at extreme values of

temperatures, aging and loading rate (39). At the beginning of this research, it was

decided that the sigmoidal form would be kept in any new |E*| predictive model. This

would allow the new model to be incorporated into a revised version of the design guide

with little to no difficulty. The basic symmetrical sigmoidal function consistent with the

limitations of extreme values can be written as follows:

y=δ + β −γx
1+ e


y = the criteria variable

δ = a location parameter for y (the minimum value for y)

α = the range of possible values to be added to δ

x = the predictor variable under consideration

β/γ = a location parameter for x corresponding to a value of: y = δ + α/2


Figure 6.1 is an example of a sigmoidal function, which is actually the |E*| master

curve of the Two-Guns mix constructed from ASU laboratory E* data. Here, |E*| (in 105

psi) = y and log(1/tr) = x in equation 6.1. The concept of reduced time (tr) has been

discussed earlier in section 2.4.3 of Chapter 2. From the sigmoidal curve in Figure 6.1,

one can obtain the minimum value for |E*| ≈ 9 ksi (= δ) and the maximum value for |E*|

≈ 7,000 ksi (= δ + α).


|E*|, 10^5 psi


-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Log Reduced Time (tr), s

FIGURE 6.1 |E*| Master Curve of a Sigmoidal Form for Two-Guns Mix

6.5 Characteristics of Predictor Variables

It has already been noted that the probable predictor variables for mix |E*|

stiffness were: ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 , ρ34 , Va, Vbeff, VMA, VFA, |Gb*|, and δ b. As discussed earlier,

at very cold temperatures and/or very small loading times, HMA mix behavior largely

reflects the binder rheology, which may be characterized by the viscosity and/or complex

shear modulus at the temperature and loading frequency of interest. On the other hand, at

very hot temperatures and/or very long loading times, the HMA mix behaves more like a

granular non- linear elastic material. In other words, in such conditions, mix behavior can

largely be approximated by the smaller gradation (such as ρ200 , ρ4 etc.) and voids

characteristics (such as Va, VMA, Vbeff, VFA etc.) of mix/aggregates. At intermediate

temperatures, HMA mix rheology is sensitive to the unique binder properties (|Gb*|, δ b,

binder viscosity etc.) and voids and larger gradation properties of aggregates (Va, Vbeff,

VMA, VFA, ρ38 , ρ34 etc.). However, the noticeable differences observed in binders

greatly diminish in mixtures.

6.6 Correlation of |E*| with Predictor Variables

At the outset of this research, it was decided that the prospective E* model would

continue to be based on a mathematical sigmoidal function form. As a result, the new E*

model should consist of three main parts: δ (the minimum value of Log|E*|), α (the

maximum value of that can be added to δ i.e. δ + α = maximum Log|E*|), and the

exponent (= β - γx) as described in equation 6.1. The log|E*| value of any HMA mix at

very hot temperatures and/or very long loading times usually resembles the δ part of the

full sigmoidal master curve of that mix. On the other hand, log|E*| value at very low

temperatures and/or very short loading times usually resembles the δ + α part of the

sigmoidal curve. The exponent part of the master sigmoidal curve is usually governed by

the binder stiffness characteristics (e.g. Gb*) that are functions of both the temperature

and loading time.

The final master E* database contains laboratory E* test data conducted at

temperatures ranging from 0 to 130°F. At this range of temperatures, the correlation of

laboratory |E*| value to the predictor variables were evaluated at 1 Hz loading frequency

(fc) in compressive dynamic loading mode. Figures 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 show the plots of the

measured Log |E*| versus gradation parameters (ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 and ρ34 ), mixture volumetric

parameters (Va, Vbeff, VMA and VFA) and binder stiffness parameters (|Gb*| and δ b),

respectively. Each plot contains the best- fitted trend lines at three sets of temperature and

loading frequency (T = 14, 70 and 130°F each at fc = 0.1, 1 and 10 Hz). It is important to

understand that the best fitting trend line may not be indicative of the true correlation of

the specific predictor variable with E* because the comparison was not done by fixing all

other related variables constant. However, the plots give an indication of the type and

trend of the existing correlations.

To further evaluate the extent of correlations of the observed E* with all the

predictor variables utilized in the study; the ratio of all individual variables’ R2 value with

respect to the highest R2 (≈ 0.38) obtained from all the plots shown in Figures 6.2 through

6.4, were calculated. The full range of R2 ratio (0 to 1) was then subdivided and coded for

the extent of correlation (none, low, medium, high and very high). Table 6.3 summarizes

the coded general correlation of Log |E*| to all of the predictor variables utilized in the

study, based on the R2 ratio values thus calculated.


100 100
fc = 10 Hz fc = 10 Hz
fc = 1 Hz T = 14 oF fc = 1 Hz T = 14 oF

fc = 0.1 Hz fc = 0.1 Hz


fc = 10 Hz T = 70o F fc = 10 Hz T = 70 oF
10 10

Observed |E*|, 10 psi

Observed |E*|, 10 psi

fc = 1 Hz


fc = 1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz

fc = 10 Hz
1 1
T = 130o F fc = 10 Hz T = 130o F
fc = 1 Hz
fc = 1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz fc = 0.1 Hz

0.1 0.1
0 3 6 9 12 0 20 40 60 80
ρ200, % ρ4, %

a. ρ200 b. ρ 4

100 100
fc = 10 Hz fc = 10 Hz
T = 14o F o fc = 1 Hz
T = 14 F fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz
T = 70oF

fc = 10 Hz
T = 70o F fc = 10 Hz
10 10
Observed |E*|, 10 psi

Observed |E*|, 10 psi

fc = 1 Hz fc = 1 Hz

fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz

fc = 10 Hz
T = 130o F fc = 10 Hz
1 o 1
T = 130 F fc = 1 Hz
fc = 1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz

0.1 0.1
0 15 30 45 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ρ38, % ρ34, %

c. ρ38 d. ρ34

FIGURE 6.2 Relationship of |E*| with Gradation Parameters (ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 and ρ34 )

100 100
o fc = 10 Hz
T = 14 F fc = 10 Hz T = 14oF
fc = 1 Hz fc = 1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz
T = 70oF

Observed |E*|, 10 psi .

fc = 10 Hz fc = 10 Hz
10 10

Observed |E*|, 10 psi

fc = 1 Hz
T = 70o F

fc = 1 Hz fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz

T = 130oF fc = 10 Hz
fc = 10 Hz T = 130oF
1 1
fc = 1 Hz
fc = 1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz fc = 0.1 Hz

0.1 0.1
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Va, % Vbeff, %

a. Va b. Vbeff
100 100
fc = 10 Hz fc = 10 Hz
T = 14o F T = 14o F fc = 1 Hz
fc = 1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 10 Hz

fc = 1 Hz T = 70o F
Observed |E*|, 10 psi

Observed |E*|, 10 psi

10 10
T = 70o F fc = 1 Hz

fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 10 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz

fc = 10 Hz
1 T = 130o F 1
fc = 10 Hz
fc = 1 Hz o
T = 130 F
fc = 1 Hz
fc = 0.1 Hz

fc = 0.1 Hz

0.1 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
VMA, % VFA, %

c. VMA d. VFA

FIGURE 6.3 Relationship of |E*| with Volumetric Parameters (Va, Vbeff, VMA, VFA)

T = 14 o F fc = 10 Hz
fc = 1 Hz
Observed |E*|, 10 psi . fc = 10 Hz
10 fc = 1 Hz fc = 0.1 Hz

T = 70o F
fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 10 Hz
1 fc = 1 Hz
T = 130oF fc = 0.1 Hz

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
|Gb*|, psi

a. |Gb|*

fc = 10 Hz fc = 1 Hz f = 0.1 Hz fc = 10 Hz
Observed |E*|, 10 psi .

T = 14 F fc = 1 Hz
T = 70o F

fc = 0.1 Hz
fc = 10 Hz
fc = 1 Hz
T = 130o F
fc = 0.1 Hz
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
δb, deg
b. δb

FIGURE 6.4 Relationship of |E*| with Binder Stiffness Parameters (|Gb*| and δ b)

TABLE 6.3 Correlation of E* with Predictor Variables at Different Temperature Zones

Variable Low Temp. Inter. Temp. High Temp. Note:

R2 Ratio Code R2 Ratio Code R2 Ratio Code Correlation R2 Ratio Code
ρ200 0.08 0.00 0.07 None 0.00-0.05
ρ4 0.08 0.39 0.09 Low 0.06-0.15
ρ38 0.03 0.19 0.09 Medium 0.16-0.35
ρ34 0.20 0.01 0.00 High 0.36-0.60
Va 0.06 0.21 0.01 Very High 0.61-1.00
Vbeff 0.09 0.41 0.17
VMA 0.16 0.57 0.07
VFA 0.10 0.02 0.02
Log |Gb*| 0.16 1.00 0.40
Log δ b 0.06 0.72 0.33

From Figures 6.2 through 6.4 and Table 6.3, the following initial findings were


• The δ part of the sigmoidal function may be modeled with a partial or full

combination of ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 , Va, Vbeff, VMA, Gb* and δ b.

• The α part of the sigmoidal function may be modeled with a partial or full

combination of ρ4 , ρ38 , ρ34 , Va, Vbeff, VMA and VFA.

• The exponent part of the sigmoidal function that controls the change of mix

stiffness with time of loading and/or temperature may be modeled with a

partial or full combination of |Gb*|, δ b, temperature and loading frequency.


7.1 Introduction

The problems associated with the current E* dynamic modulus stiffness models

have been discussed earlier. The greatest possible percentage of the laboratory dynamic

modulus database was used to develop and calibrate the new E* model. After a critical

investigation of the quality of E* database; 7400 sets of E* data points from 346 asphalt

mixtures were eventually selected to use in the final modeling.

As previously noted a potential problem was initially apparent in the database in

that it did not contain Gb* data (|Gb*| and δ b) of the asphalt binders. Instead, A and VTS

viscosity values of the binders had been reported. Hence, to fulfill the objectives of this

research, it was critical that a model be developed to convert the A and VTS values of the

binders to Gb* data (|G b*| and δ b) in order to eventually allow laboratory Gb* data as a

direct input in the new E* model. A comprehensive new η-|Gb*|-δ b model that was

successfully able to complete this conversion was developed in this research and

previously described in this report. As a consequence, the final E* database was

completed by incorporating Gb* data (|Gb*| and δ b) in the database predicted by the Ai-

VTSi viscosity relationships.

7.2 Basic Hypotheses

Any empirical model is based on some basic hypotheses. The new E* model is

also based on several basic hypotheses. Without making these assumptions, the model

development would have been impossible. The basic hypotheses utilized were as follows:

• The E* complex moduli master curve of asphalt mixtures can be modeled by a

mathematical sigmoidal function.

• Currently available Dynamic Shear Rheometers (DSR) can accurately

measure the complex (shear) modulus (G b*) parameters, which comprises of

shear modulus (|Gb*|) and phase angle (δ b) of the asphalt binder.

• The new η-|Gb*|-δ b model can accurately predict |Gb*| and δ b of the asphalt

binder from viscosity and the load frequency in oscillatory shear (fs).

• The angular loading frequency (ω) and loading frequency (fs ) in dynamic

shear mode as used in the Gb* test (in a DSR test), the loading frequency (fc)

in dynamic compression mode as used in the E* test, and the loading time (t)

as used in both Gb* and E* test are related as follows: ω = 2πfs = 1/t, fc = 1/t,

and as a consequence fc = 2π fs, where ω, fs, fc and t are expressed with the

units of radian/second, hertz (cycles per second), hertz and seconds,


7.3 Modeling Approach

The modeling approach used to establish the new E* model is outlined in the

following paragraphs.

7.3.1 Sigmoidal Form

A sigmoidal model form, as expressed by Equation 6.1, has been used for the |E*|

model. This means the model has four distinct parameters; δ, α and the exponent

containing the β and γ coefficients. The dependant variable “y” is the logarithm of

dynamic modulus in the units of pounds per square inch (psi) i.e. Log|E*| (|E*| in psi). In

the sigmoidal function, δ is the asymptotic minimum value of Log|E*|, δ+α is the

asymptotic maximum value of Log|E*|, and the exponent (β - γx) in the term 1+e(β - γx)

controls the rate of change in E* stiffness with temperature and loading frequency (called

reduced time).

7.3.2 Sub-Models

Based upon some initial feasibility studies, it appeared that the δ part of the

sigmoidal functio n could be modeled with a partial or full combination of ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 ,

Va, Vbeff, VMA, VFA, |G b*| and δ b. This part of the E* model was termed the δ-model.

The α part of the sigmoidal function was modeled with a partial or full combination of

ρ4 , ρ38 , ρ34 , Va, Vbeff and VFA. This part of the E* model was termed the α-model. The

exponential part of the sigmoidal function was modeled with a partial or full combination

of |Gb*|, δ b, temperature and loading frequency. This part of the E* model was termed the

exponent model.

7.3.3 Model Optimization Technique

Maximum use of available statistical tools was made to determine the goodness of

fit, residual analysis, sensitivity etc. of any model that was investigated. A non- linear

optimization technique was used as a mathematical tool for combining the contributions

of the predictor variables in the model and thus optimizing the model. For this purpose,

the “solver” function of MicrosoftT M Excel was used. As mentioned in Chapter 2, solver

is based on the Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG2) algorithm for optimizing non-

linear problems. Generally, the GRG2 technique can find solutions with very small

tolerance of the convergence criteria. However, its solution is highly dependent on the

initial starting values or “seed values” of the fitting parameters of the model. To avoid a

non-convergent solution, proper caution was taken to finding out the seed values.

The observed values were compared with the predicted values. For each set of

data, the difference between the predicted and observed value gave the error amount for

that data point. The sum of all error squares was first minimized by changing the values

of the fitting parameters included in the model under consideration by the use of the

solver function. This process gives the optimized model with minimal scatter. The

arithmetic sum of all errors was then minimized by further changing the values of the

fitting parameters by using the solver function again. This process gives an unbiased

optimized model with a maximized coefficient of determination (R2 ).

7.3.4 Calculation of Goodness of Fit

For any model under consideration, the values of the coefficient of determination

(R2 ) were computed taking into account the degrees of freedom using the following


n − p  Se 
R = 1−
⋅ 
n − 1  S y 
 (7.1)


n = number of data points


p = number of regression constants

n– p = degrees of freedom

Se = Standard error of estimate

Sy = Standard deviation

This process provided the adjusted R2 for a particular model. The optimization

using the solver function was targeted at obtaining the minimum Se/Sy and maximum R2

values. This combination was later used to compare the statistical goodness of fit of

different previo us models evolved before this research and candidate models evaluated in

this research. The goodness of fit calculations were done in both arithmetic and

logarithmic scales. For the arithmetic scale, observed and predicted E* values (in 105 psi)

were used, while for the log scale, observed and predicted Log E* values (E* in psi) were

used. Any optimization was done for minimizing the error in both the arithmetic and log

scales. This process provided models optimized in both scales.

7.3.5 Sequential Optimizatio n of Sub-Models and the Main Model

As part of developing an accurate enhancement to the E* model; many candidate

models were evaluated. Since all candidate E* models had a mathematical sigmoidal

form and contained the distinct major parts, namely δ, α and the exponent; the δ, α and

the exponent parts were optimized sequentially. Once all three parts were separately

optimized, the full candidate E* model was finally optimized for all E* data used in this

167 Optimization of the δ-Model

Appendix-C contains the final sigmoidal master curve parameters. These

parameters were developed based on the procedures described in section 2.3.1. Due to the

process followed for obtaining them, δ and α values for any specific mix, as reported in

the database, remain cons tant over the range of temperature and loading frequency used

in the lab testing. Initial analyses presented in section 6.6, however, showed that the

minimum |E*| (i.e. δ) is sensitive to binder stiffness (Gb*). This means that the actual δ

value may not be constant for a mix over the same range of temperature and loading

frequency due to fact that the binder stiffness itself is highly sensitive to temperature and

loading frequency. Hence, it is not justified to optimize the δ-model based on only the δ

values of the mixtures reported in Appendix-C. Instead, the candidate δ-models were

optimized based on the constant δ values only to find out the most probable seed values

of the fitting parameters. It has already been discussed that the δ portion of the sigmoidal

E* master curve resembles the |E*| values at very high temperatures and/or very small

loading frequencies (fc ). Hence, the candidate δ-models were then optimized based on all

the observed Log|E*| values at very high temperature (T = 130°F) and very small loading

frequency (fc = 0.1 Hz). A number of candidate δ models were developed and evaluated

in the course of this research. The δ model contained in the final candidate E* model

contributed an overall R2 = 0.25 with Se/Sy = 0.87 for the full range of 7400 data

contained in the master E* database. It should be noted that at this point, the fitting

parameter values in the α and exponent part of the full sigmoidal curve of the E* model

structure remained zero.

168 Optimization of the α-Model

Once the δ-model was finalized for a candidate E* model, the next step was to

optimize the α-model. As before, the candidate α-models were optimized based on the

constant α values reported in Appendix-C only to determine the most probable seed

values of the fitting parameters. The δ+α portion of the sigmoidal E* master curve

resembles the |E*| values at very low temperatures and/or very high loading frequencies

(fc). So, the candidate α-models were then optimized by equating the predicted δ+α

values to the observed Log|E*| values at very low temperatures (T = 0 to 14°F) and high

loading frequencies (fc = 10 to 25 Hz). These conditions are, theoretically, the most

representative of the actual δ+α values of the mix for the range of temperature and

loading frequency used in the lab. A number of candidate α models were developed and

evaluated. The combined δ and α models contained in the final candidate E* model

provided an overall R2 = 0.74 with Se/Sy = 0.51 for the full range of 7400 data contained

in the master E* database. It should be noted that at this point, the fitting parameter

values in the exponent part of the full sigmoidal curve of the E* model structure

remained zero. Optimization of the Exponent Model

Once the δ and α models for any candidate E* model were finalized, the next step

was to optimize the exponent model. The exponent portion of the sigmoidal E* master

curve controls the rate of change in E* of the mix practically from very low to very high

temperature and loading frequency regions. Hence, the exponent model was optimized

for the full temperature and frequency range of the master database used in this study. A

number of candidate exponent models were developed and evaluated in the course of this

research. The exponent model along with the δ and α models developed for the final

candidate E* model provided an overall R2 = 0.89 with Se/Sy = 0.33 for the full range of

7400 data contained in the master E* database. Final Optimization of the E* Model

Once the δ, α and exponent models were developed, the final step of model

optimization was to optimize the full E* model. For any candidate E* model, the values

of the fitting parameters obtained from the δ, α and exponent models developed, were

used as the seed values for the full model. The entire data range (N = 7400) of the master

E* database was used to optimize the model by minimizing the error in both the

arithmetic and log scale. As an example, after the full optimization was conducted; the

final candidate E* model, which would be discussed in the remaining portion of this

report, provided an adjusted R2 = 0.90 with Se/Sy = 0.32 in log scale (R2 = 0.80 with

Se/Sy = 0.45 in arithmetic scale) for the entire master E* database used in the study.

7.3.6 Model Rationality

Rationality constraints were imposed on all regression constants. For the asphalt

binder viscosity (η), the maximum viscosity for all binder types/grades is commonly

stated to be: ηmaximum ≈ 3 x 1010 poise. For the HMA mix |E*|, this constraint is believed

to be approximately |E*|maximum ≈ 7 x 106 psi (7). However, laboratory E* test data


contained in the master E* database used indicated that the |E*|maximum may be as high as

107 psi for highly aged stiff PG grade binders.

The sensitivity of the predicted |E*| values to the predictor variables, within their

full range, for all candidate E* models were evaluated. The model rationality in terms of

aggregate gradation, mixture volumetrics, binder stiffness, and environmental and

loading condition were critically evaluated. Finally, each candidate model was compared

with previous models. The related analyses for the finally selected E* model are

described in the following chapter of this report.

7.4 Model Selection

A number of candidate E* models were developed and evaluated in the course of

this research. Final candidates are summarized in Appendix-D. Brief descriptions of

characteristics of these candidate models are also provided there. Each model was tested

for rationality, accuracy, precision, bias, trend, sensitivity and overall performance. The

most promising model obtained in the overall study was found to be:

 6 .65 − 0 .032 ρ 200 + 0.0027 ρ 200 2 + 0.011 ρ 4 − 0.0001 ρ 4 2 

 
log 10 E* = −0.349 + 0.754 | Gb * | −0 .0052 )   V  
 + 0.006 ρ 38 − 0.00014 ρ 38 2 − 0.08 V a − 1.06  beff
  Va + V beff  
  
 Vbeff 
2.558 + 0 .032 Va + 0 .713   + 0 .0124 ρ 38 − 0 .0001 ρ 38 2 − 0.0098 ρ 34
 V a + Vbeff 
 
1 + e (−0.7814−0 .5785log|G b *| + 0. 8834 log δ b )



E* = dynamic modulus, psi


ρ200 = percentage of aggregates (by weight of the total aggregates) passing

through no. 200 sieve, %

ρ4 = aggregates (by weight) retained on no. 4 sieve, %

ρ38 = aggregates (by weight) retained on the 3/8 inch sieve, %

ρ34 = aggregates (by weight) retained on the 3/4 inch sieve, %

Va = air voids (by volume of the mix), %

Vbeff = effective binder content (by volume of the mix), %

|Gb*| = dynamic shear modulus of binder, psi

δb = phase angle of binder associated with |G b*|, degree

The above model, mentioned as the “new E* model” in the remaining portion of

this report, was evaluated in the same fashion as all other candidate models. The detail

evaluation process of this model is presented in the following chapter.


8.1 Introduction

One of the main objectives of this research was to develop a predictive model for

the dynamic modulus (E*) of HMA mixtures. The basic mathematical structure of the

model equation is a sigmoidal function. The most accurate model, called the “new E*

model”, was presented at the end of chapter 7.

8.2 Statistics of the New E* Model

The goodness of fit was evaluated in two ways; in logarithmic scale and in

arithmetic scale. For analyzing the goodness of fit in logarithmic scale, the dependent

variable is defined by Log|E*| (|E*| in psi), error is defined by “predicted Log|E*| -

observed Log|E*|” and Sy is defined by the standard deviation of the observed Log|E*|

values. For analyzing the goodness of fit in arithmetic scale, the dependent variable is

defined by |E*| (in psi), error is defined by “predicted |E*| - observed |E*|” and Sy is

defined by standard deviation of the observed |E*| values.

The new E* model was found to possess an excellent correlation coefficient (R2 ≈

0.90) and a very small Se/Sy (≈ 0.32) in logarithmic scale. When analyzed in a arithmetic

scale, the model again shows a very good correlation coefficient (R2 ≈ 0.80) and a small

Se/Sy (≈ 0.45). The model statistics are shown in Table 8.1.

8.3 Comparison between Predicted and Observed |E*| Values

One major way to visually assess the predictive accuracy of a model is to plot

predicted values against observed values with a line of equality. In general, models

TABLE 8.1 Statistics of the New E* Model

Parameter Logarithmic Scale Arithmetic Scale

Data points, n 7400 7400
No. of Mixes, Nm 346 346
Se 0.21 658 ksi
Sy 0.66 1459 ksi
Se/Sy 0.32 0.45
R2 0.90 0.80

involving the criterion variable in transformed scale should have the predicted values

transformed back to the original scale for analysis. Figure 8.1 is a plot of all of the 7400

observed Log E* stiffness data from 346 different HMA mixtures versus the respective

Log E* data predicted by the new E* model under the same input conditions. Figure 8.2

is a similar plot where all observed E* stiffness data are plotted against the respective E*

values predicted by the new E* model.

Figure 8.1 shows that the new E* predictive model has excellent precision and

accuracy in log scale. On the other hand, as seen in Figure 8.2, a decrease in the

predictive accuracy and increase in model bias, particularly at high E* values, is

indicated in the arithmetic mode. Clearly, there is a non-constant variance associated with

the E* model in arithmetic scale, which is absent in the logarithmic scale. It may be

because like many other asphalt-related characteristics, E* complex modulus is really

associated with a non-constant variance and closely follows a logarithmic model.

Nonetheless, there is no visible bias in the log scale. It is evident that all 7400 data

points are around the line of equality without any trace of significant bias, particularly in

the moderate to very high temperature regions. In the very low temperature region (high

E*), a very small level of bias, from some special mixes, can be visually observed. This

may be associated with the fact that in this region, the actual binder stiffness tends to start

reaching a constant value. This phenomenon is hard to fully encompass by any predictive


R2 = 0.90, Se/Sy = 0.32, N = 7400
Predicted Log |E*|, |E*| in psi .

3 4 5 6 7
Observed Log |E*|, |E*| in psi

FIGURE 8.1 Comparison between Predicted and Observed Log E* Values

R2 = 0.80, Se /Sy = 0.45, N = 7400
Predicted |E*|, 10 psi .




0 15 30 45 60 75
Observed |E*|, 105 psi

FIGURE 8.2 Comparison between Predicted and Observed E* Values


8.4 Predicting Capability of the New E* Model

The graphical analysis presented in the previous section showed that except for

very small bias at very cold temperature regions (originating from only a few mixtures),

the predicted E* values are in close agreement with the observed E* data. This

comparison (i.e. Figure 8.1) was done for all 7400 data points from all 346 mixtures

evaluated. It should be understood that the Gb* data (|G b*| and δ b) predicted by the use of

the η-|Gb*|-δ b model equations developed in this study were used for the previous

graphical analysis. The next step of this analysis would be the comparison of predicted

E* values of specific mixtures for which laboratory |Gb*| and δ b data are available. This

would validate both the η-|Gb*|-δ b and E* models. Figures 8.3 and 8.4 are plots of

predicted versus observed E* values for some MnRoad and Salt River ¾ inch mixtures,

respectively, where actual lab |Gb*| and δ b were used for E* prediction.

As shown in Figure 8.3, all 4 MnRoad mixtures used the same binder (PG 58-22)

and gradation while the air voids and asphalt content were varied from 6.4% to 8.2% and

5.1% to 6%, respectively. In other words, only the mix volumetrics were varied here

keeping other input parameters constant. The predictions presented in Figure 8.3 show an

extremely high degree of precision and accuracy, without any notable trace of bias. This

validates that the new E* model is capable of taking care of even small changes in mix

volumetrics while accurately predicting the mix E*.

Figure 8.4 shows a similar plot for 3 Salt River ¾ inch mixtures. These mixes

used different graded bind ers (e.g. PG 64-22, 70-10 and 76-16), and same volumetrics

(Va = 6.85% and AC = 4.25%) and gradation. Figure 8.4 shows that the predictions, as in

Figure 8.3, have also very high degree of precision and accuracy, except for a little bias

for the PG 64-22 mix at very low temperature (very large E* value) region. This bias was

probably originated from the fact that at very low temperatures, the shear modulus (|Gb*|)

of binder approaches a maximum limit i.e. the glassy modulus (|Gg*| ≈ 1 GPa). This

further validates that the new E* model is capable of taking care of changes in binder

types (characterized by rheology, grades etc.).

In general, from this brief visual comparisons of the predicted E* values with the

observed E* data, where actual lab |Gb*| and δ b were used for E* prediction, it can be

said that the new E* model as well as the η-|Gb*|-δ b model possess excellent predictive


Va = 6.4% to 8.2%, AC = 5.1% to 6%
PG 58-22 Binder, Same Gradation
Predicted |E*|, 10 psi


MnRoad Cell-3
MnRoad Cell-16
MnRoad Cell-17
MnRoad Cell-22
0.1 1 10 100
Observed |E*|, 10 5 psi

FIGURE 8.3 Predicted versus Observed |E*| for MnRoad Mixtures


Va = 6.85, AC = 4.25%, Same Gradation
PG 64-22, 70-10 and 76-16 Binders
Predicted E*, 10 psi


1 Salt River 3/4 in PG 64-22

Salt River 3/4 in PG 70-10
Salt River 3/4 in PG 76-16
0.1 1 10 100
Observed E*, 105 psi

FIGURE 8.4 Predicted versus Observed |E*| for Salt River ¾ inch Mixtures

8.5 Frequency Distribution of Residuals

8.5.1 Frequency Distribution for Full Data Range

Like most other engineering parameters, HMA modulus is assumed to follow a

normal distribution. A check of the normality assumption for a model can be made by

plotting a histogram of the residuals. The plot should look like a sample from a normal

distribution centered at zero (47).

Figure 8.5 is a frequency distribution of the residuals of E* (predicted E* -

observed E*). As expected for a good model, the distribution is very close to a normal

distribution with no evident skew. Ideally, for a good model, the average of residuals

should be close to zero. It sho uld be noted that the modulus of AC mixtures usually

follows a log model and hence, it is almost impossible to get an average residual in

arithmetic scale very close to zero. The laboratory E* values evaluated in this study

ranged from 0.10 x 105 psi to 86.45 x 105 psi with a standard deviation of 14.59 x 105 psi.

For the full data range, the new E* model provided an average of residuals = - 0.56 x 105

psi and a standard deviation = 6.78 x 105 psi. These values are very small compared to

the range and scatter of the laboratory data.

Mean = -0.56 x 10^5 psi
Std. Dev = 6.78 x 10^5 psi
30 N = 7400
Frequency, % .



-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Residual Dynamic Modulus (E*Pred - E* Lab), E* in 10^5 psi

FIGURE 8.5 Frequency Distribution of E* Residuals

Figure 8.6 shows the frequency distribution of the residuals of Log E* (=

predicted Log E* - observed Log E*). As expected, the distribution is very close to a

normal distribution with no evident skew with an average = - 0.05 and a standard

deviation = 0.21. Thus, the new E* model was found to be an accurate predictive model

that follows a normal distribution both in the arithmetic scale and in the log


Mean = -0.05
20 Std. Dev = 0.21
N = 7400
Frequency, % .



-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Residual Log E* (Log E*pred - Log E* lab)

FIGURE 8.6 Frequency Distribution of LogE* Residuals

The frequency distribution of the E* ratio (= E* pred/E*lab), defined as the ratio of

predicted E* to observed E*, is presented in Figure 8.7. Due to the nature of the variable

(E*pred/E*lab), the plot is not supposed to follow a normal distribution in linear scale.

However, as one would expect, the mean of the ratio is exactly 1.00 and the standard

deviation is quite small (= 0.47). All three plots allow one to consider the model to be

reasonably accurate and unbiased relative to the 7400 calibration data obtained from 346

HMA mixtures used in the model development and calibration process.


Mean = 1.00
Std. Dev = 0.47
15 N = 7400
Frequency, % .


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.7 3.0

FIGURE 8.7 Frequency Distribution of E* Ratio

8.5.2 Frequency Distribution at Ranges of Temperatures

Temperature plays a very important role in characterizing the stiffness of any

HMA mixture. Earlier analysis showed that there is a non-constant variance associated

with E* moduli, which changes with temperature. To further evaluate the E* model, the

frequency distribution analysis was done in three distinct temperature zones; low (0 to

40°F), intermediate (50 to 80°F) and high (95 to 130°F).

Figures 8.8 and 8.9 show frequency distributions of E* residuals and Log E*

residuals, respectively, at the three temperature zones investigated. Clearly, the frequency

distributions of E* residuals at intermediate to very high temperature range (50 to 130°F)

closely follow normality, while the frequency distribution at low temperature range (0 to

40°F) show a slight deviation from normality due to higher scatter associated with the

distribution. On the other hand, the frequency distributions of Log E* residuals at all

temperature ranges (0 to 130°F) very closely follow normality.

All Data
T = 0 to 40F
Frequency, % .

T = 50 to 80F
T = 95 to 130F


-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Residual Dynamic Modulus (E*Pred - E*Lab), E* in 10^5 psi

FIGURE 8.8 Frequency Distribution of E* Residuals at Temperature Ranges

All Data
20 T = 0 to 40F
Frequency, % .

T = 50 to 80F
15 T = 95 to 130F


-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Residual Log E* (Log E*Pred - Log E*Lab)

FIGURE 8.9 Frequency Distribution of Log E* Residuals at Temperature Ranges


Figure 8.10 presents the frequency distribution of the E* ratio (= E* pred/E*lab) for

the same three temperature zones; low (0 to 40°F), intermediate (50 to 80°F) and high (95

to 130°F). As explained before, due to the nature of this variable (E* pred/E*lab), the plot is

not supposed to follow normal distribution in non-normal scale. However, the frequency

distribution should ideally show its peak (location of average value) near the value of 1

(one). The frequency distribution plots at the full range of very low to very high

temperatures have their peak near the value of 1 (one). While the model rationality and

accuracy is further evaluated in the next sections, it is very important to notice that the

residuals distribution closely followed normal distribution, as desired, with excellent

prediction capability. Overall the performance of the new E* model is quite acceptable

for a very wide range of temperature.

All Data
T = 0 to 40F
Frequency, % .

T = 50 to 80F
T = 95 to 130F

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
E* Ratio (E*Pred / E*Lab)

FIGURE 8.10 Frequency Distribution of E* Ratio at Temperature Ranges


8.5.3 Frequency Distribution at Ranges of E* Stiffness Values

It has already been shown that the E* value is associated with a non-constant

variance. To further evaluate the E* model for this phenomenon, the frequency

distribution analysis was done in three distinct E* zones; low (0.1 x 105 psi to 5 x 105

psi), medium (5 x 105 psi to 30 x 105 psi) and high (30 x 105 psi to 100 x 105 psi).

Figures 8.11 and 8.12 show frequency distributions of E* residuals and Log E*

residuals, respectively, at those the three E* zones. The frequency distributions of E*

residuals at low to medium stiffness range very closely follow normality, while the

frequency distribution at high E* shows deviation from normality due to higher scatter

associated with the distribution. The frequency distributions of Log E* residuals at all

stiffness ranges closely follow normality. However, the frequency distributions of Log E*

residuals show a small positive bias at the medium E* range and a small negative bias at

the high E* range. The frequency distribution of Log E* residuals practically has no bias

at the low E* value range, which usually coincides with high temperature ranges.

Figure 8.13 presents the frequency distribution of the E* ratio (= E* pred/E*lab) for

the same three E* ranges; low, medium and high. As before, the frequency distribution

should ideally show its peak (location of average value) near the value of 1 (one). The

frequency distribution plot at the low E* range has its peak just at 1 (one). The frequency

distribution plot at low and medium E* range show small negative and positive bias,

respectively, with their peaks near one. Hence, the model is performing best at low E*

stiffness ranges, while its performance is also quite acceptable at low and medium

stiffness ranges.

All Data

30 E* = 0.1x10^5 to
Frequency, % .

5x10^5 psi
E* = 5x10^5 to
20 30x10^5 psi
E* =30x10^5 to
100x10^5 psi

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Residual Dynamic Modulus (E*Pred - E* Lab), E* in 10^5 psi

FIGURE 8.11 Frequency Distribution of E* Residuals at E* Stiffness Ranges

All Data
E* = 0.1x10^5 to
Frequency, % .

5x10^5 psi
15 E* = 5x10^5 to
30x10^5 psi
10 E* =30x10^5 to
100x10^5 psi

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Residual Log E* (Log E*Pred - Log E* Lab)

FIGURE 8.12 Frequency Distribution of Log E* Residuals at E* Stiffness Ranges


All Data
15 E* = 0.1x10^5 to
Frequency, % .

5x10^5 psi
E* = 5x10^5 to
10 30x10^5 psi
E* =30x10^5 to
100x10^5 psi

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
E* Ratio (E*Pred / E*Lab)

FIGURE 8.13 Frequency Distribution of E* Ratio at E* Stiffness Ranges

8.6 Sensitivity Analysis of the New E* Model

Sensitivity analysis is a very important step in model evaluation and validation. A

model with excellent goodness of fit (high R2 and small Se/Sy) may not pass the

sensitivity tests. Models based on a narrow range of input parameters may result in

unrealistic predictions. Errors in the model structure can also lead to unrealistic

prediction even though the model is based on a very wide range of input parameters.

Hence, it is very important to conduct a sensitivity analysis of any new model and

evaluate the full range of each predictor variables upon the model rationality. Sensitivity

to a specific variable can be accomplished by varying that variable within its full range,

while keeping all other input variables constant.


As the first step of the sensitivity analysis, the maximum, minimum and average

values of each predictor variables at specific combinations of temperature and loading

frequency were summarized. Next, the range of a target variable was divided into five to

six subdivisions. Then the observed E* values were averaged over each subdivision as

the subdivision provided average values of the specific predictor variable. Now, the new

E* model was used to predict the E* stiffness of the mix for all those average subdivision

values of the target variable by the use of constant average values of other variables for

that specific combination of temperature and loading frequency average subdivision. This

allowed an avenue for the rational comparison of the observed versus predicted E* values

while only one specific predictor variable is varied over its full range. The model

sensitivity analysis is presented in the following sub sections.

8.6.1 Ranges of Predictor Variables

The first step of the sensitivity analysis was summarizing the full ranges of

predictor variable at specific combinations of temperature and loading frequency. For the

purpose of this analysis, the model sensitivity was evaluated for one fixed loading

frequency (fc ) of 10 Hz and three test temperatures (T): 14°F, 70°F and 130°F. These

three combinations were felt to provide a very good idea on the sensitivity of each

variable to the predicted E* value.

The predictor variables i.e. input parameters of the new E* stiffness model can be

broadly categorized in the following areas: aggregate gradation related (ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 and

ρ34 ), mix volumetrics related (Va and Vbeff), binder stiffness related (|Gb*| and δ b) and test

condition related (temperature and loading frequency). The ranges of these variables

within the whole E* database, for the three selected temperatures 14°F, 70°F and 130°F,

are shown in Tables 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4, respectively.

TABLE 8.2 Range of E* Model Variables at T = 14°F and fc = 10 Hz

Parameters Maximum Minimum Average

|Gb*| (psi) 3858 1214 1494
δ b (degree) 33 17 18
Va (%) 12.5 0.7 6.9
Vbeff (%) 25.1 6.1 10.7
ρ200 (%) 11.8 1.8 4.9
ρ4 (%) 74.0 30.0 50.9
ρ38 (%) 43.0 5.0 28.5
ρ34 (%) 26.1 0.0 3.5

TABLE 8.3 Range of E* Model Variables at T = 70°F and f = 10 Hz

Parameters Maximum Minimum Average

|Gb*| (psi) 2755 53 424
δ b (degree) 65 30 55
Va (%) 12.5 0.7 7.0
Vbeff (%) 24.5 6.1 10.4
ρ200 (%) 11.8 1.8 5.0
ρ4 (%) 74.0 30.0 50.2
ρ38 (%) 43.0 5.0 28.0
ρ34 (%) 26.1 0.0 3.2

TABLE 8.4 Range of E* Model Variables at T = 130°F and f = 10 Hz

Parameters Maximum Minimum Average

|Gb*| (psi) 960.2 0.3 2.9
δ b (degree) 81 55 75
Va (%) 12.5 0.7 7.0
Vbeff (%) 25.1 6.1 10.5
ρ200 (%) 11.8 1.8 5.0
ρ4 (%) 74.0 30.0 50.4
ρ38 (%) 43.0 5.0 28.0
ρ34 (%) 26.1 0.0 3.2

8.6.2 Model Sensitivity to Gradation

As earlier explained, aggregate gradation plays an important role in the E*

stiffness of a HMA mixture. Preliminary analyses showed that ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 and ρ34 are

highly correlated with E* and hence, these variables have been used in the new E*

model. The model sensitivity analyses to each of them are presented in the following

paragraphs. Model Sensitivity to ρ200

The average subdivision values of passing #200 sieve (% ρ200 ) for the predictive

model with respective average observed E* value and other input variable values are

shown in Table 8.5. Both the observed E* data and predicted E* values were plotted

against ρ200 for its full range at T = 14°F, 70°F and 130°F and f = 10 Hz. The best- fit

trend lines are shown in Figure 8.14.


TABLE 8.5 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for ρ200

T f Va Vbeff Gradation Gb* Data Observed Predicted

ρ34 ρ38 ρ4 ρ200 |Gb|* δb Ε∗ E*

F Hz % % % % % % psi deg 105 psi 105 psi

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 2.6 1494 18.2 39.45 37.26

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 3.2 1494 18.2 38.01 36.67

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 5.1 1494 18.2 45.73 35.64

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 6.9 1494 18.2 47.44 35.73

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 11.7 1494 18.2 44.10 41.40

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 2.6 424 54.6 16.00 13.67

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 3.3 424 54.6 12.06 13.43

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 14.20 13.08

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 6.6 424 54.6 15.39 13.07

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 11.7 424 54.6 16.28 15.20

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 2.6 3 74.8 1.29 1.29

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 3.2 3 74.8 1.13 1.27

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.15 1.24

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 6.6 3 74.8 1.30 1.24

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 11.7 3 74.8 1.21 1.44


T = 14o F, fc = 10 Hz

T = 70o F, fc = 10 Hz

E* (x10 psi)

T = 130o F, fc = 10 Hz

Observed |E*|
Predicted |E*|
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
ρ200 (%)

FIGURE 8.14 E* Model Sensitivity to ρ200


Mathematically, the model assumes a second order polynomial curve for the ρ200

variable with an initial lowering of E* value with increasing ρ200 up to ρ200 ≈ 3%. After

that, the E* value increases with increasing values of ρ200 up to the practical maximum

value (ρ200 ≈ 12%) and beyond that point. The predicted and observed E* data, being

practically very close, showed the same trend for the full range of ρ200 . The implication

of this trend is that in dense graded HMA mixtures, if the amount of passing #200 sieve

material (generally around 5%) is slightly increased; the minimum E* (i.e. the “δ” in the

sigmoidal function) will also increase (for ρ200 > 3%). It was observed that at very high

temperatures, the new model slightly over-predicts the E* stiffness although the

predictive trend is quite accurate for all temperature ranges. Model Sensitivity to ρ4

The average subdivision values of the cumulative percentage retained on the #4

sieve (ρ4 ) for the predictive model, with respect to the average observed E* values and

other input variable values, are shown in Table 8.6. Both the observed E* data and

predicted E* values were plotted against ρ4 for its full range at T = 14°F, 70°F and 130°F

and f = 10 Hz. The best-fit trend lines are shown in Figure 8.15. Similar to the ρ200

variable, the E* model assumes a second order polynomial curve for the ρ4 variable with

an initial increase of E* value with increasing ρ4 up to a value of ρ4 ≈ 25%. After that, the

E* value increases with increasing values of ρ4 up to the practical maximum value (ρ4 ≈

74%) and beyond that point. Mathematically, this change due to ρ4 occurs in the

minimum E* (i.e. the “δ ” in the sigmoidal function). Note that for the E* master

database, the minimum and maximum values of ρ4 are 30% and 74%, respectively, with

an average ρ4 ≈ 50%. Hence for the practical range of ρ4 (30% to 74%), the new E*

model will predict an increase of E* stiffness with an increase of ρ4 and vice versa. It was

noticed that for the full range of ρ4 at very high temperatures; while the observed data

slightly increased with increasing ρ4 values, the E* prediction remained more or less

unchanged. The average error from the prediction, however, remained small. On the other

hand, at other temperature ranges, the prediction is highly accurate and reflected the

observed trend.

TABLE 8.6 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for ρ4

T f Va Vbeff Gradation Gb* Data Observed Predicted

ρ34 ρ38 ρ4 ρ200 |Gb|* δb Ε∗ E*
F Hz % % % % % % psi deg 105 psi 105 psi
14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 33.0 4.9 1494 18.2 44.57 35.28
14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 46.6 4.9 1494 18.2 47.84 36.00
14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 53.7 4.9 1494 18.2 41.72 35.30
14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 63.6 4.9 1494 18.2 41.47 33.20
70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 34.9 5.0 424 54.6 13.15 13.00
70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 45.3 5.0 424 54.6 14.78 13.19
70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 54.3 5.0 424 54.6 13.37 12.88
70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 68.1 5.0 424 54.6 13.85 11.64
130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 34.9 5.0 3 74.8 0.91 1.23
130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 45.3 5.0 3 74.8 1.21 1.25
130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 54.3 5.0 3 74.8 1.16 1.22
130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 67.6 5.0 3 74.8 1.22 1.10


T = 14o F, fc = 10 Hz

T = 70o F, fc = 10 Hz

E* (x10 psi)

T = 130o F, fc = 10 Hz

Observed |E*|
Predicted |E*|
30 40 50 60 70
ρ4 (%)

FIGURE 8.15 E* Model Sensitivity to ρ4

194 Model Sensitivity to ρ38

The average subdivision values for the percentage retained on the 3/8 inch sieve

(ρ38 ) for the predictive model, with respect to the average observed E* value and other

input variable values, are shown in Table 8.7. As before, both the observed E* data and

predicted E* values were plotted against ρ38 for its full range at T = 14°F, 70°F and

130°F and f = 10 Hz. Figure 8.16 shows the best-fit trend lines for these plots. In the

analysis of the model variables, ρ38 was found important for both the minimum and

maximum values of E* (i.e. “δ” and “α” in the sigmoidal function). Mathematically, the

model assumes a second order polynomial curve for the ρ38 in the δ and α sub- models.

From Figure 8.7, it is evident that the new model predicts E* very accurately and

rationally over the full range of ρ38 . The predictive accuracy of this parameter is highest

in the low and very high temperature region. Model Sensitivity to ρ34

The average subdivision values for the percentage retained on the ¾ inch sieve

(ρ34 ) for the predictive model, with respect to the average observed E* value and other

input variable values, are shown in Table 8.8. Both the observed E* data and predicted

E* values were plotted against ρ34 for its full range at T = 14°F, 70°F and 130°F and f =

10 Hz. The best- fit trend lines are shown in Figure 8.17. In the analysis of model

variables, it was found that the ρ34 value contributes significantly to the change of the

maximum value of E* (i.e. “α” in the sigmoidal function). The E* model assumes a

TABLE 8.7 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for ρ38

T f Va Vbeff Gradation Gb* Data Observed Predicted

ρ34 ρ38 ρ4 ρ200 |Gb|* δb Ε∗ E*

F Hz % % % % % % psi deg 105 psi 105 psi

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 7.7 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 43.18 25.33

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 14.7 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 44.36 29.70

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 24.4 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 47.51 34.40

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 36.6 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 40.94 36.72

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 4.3 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 9.69 9.05

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 15.4 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 14.68 11.40

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 23.6 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 15.88 12.64

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 36.9 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 13.77 13.31

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 4.3 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 0.82 1.00

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 15.4 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.17 1.16

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 23.5 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.28 1.22

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 36.9 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.24 1.21


T = 14 oF, fc = 10 Hz

T = 70 oF, fc = 10 Hz
E* (x10 psi)

T = 130o F, fc = 10 Hz

Observed |E*|
Predicted |E*|

0 10 20 30 40
ρ38 (%)

FIGURE 8.16 E* Model Sensitivity to ρ38


general increase of E* with an increase of the amount of aggregate retained on ¾ inch

sieve in the HMA mix and vice versa. The observed E* data is not quite sensitive to ρ34

at very low temperatures, while the predicted E* data was found more sensitive.

However, the observed E* data is sensitive to ρ34 at all other temperature. It is clear from

Figure 8.17 that the E* prediction is quite accurate and has the same trend as the

observed data for all practical ranges of temperatures. In other words, the predictive

accuracy of the model in terms of sensitivity to ρ34 is high.

8.6.3 Model Sensitivity to Mix Volumetric Properties

Volumetric properties play a very important role in the stiffness characteristics of

the HMA mix over a wide range of temperature and loading rate. In practice, mix designs

are highly sensitive to the volumetric properties of the mix. The most important mix

volumetric properties found in this study are air voids (Va) and effective volume of

binder or bitumen (Vbeff). Other properties such as volume concentration (C v ), voids in

mineral aggregates (VMA) and voids filled with asphalt (VFA) are some combination of

these two parameters (Va and Vbeff). It can be observed from the model structure that a

form of a non-linear model was used for Va and Vbeff to reflect the influence of the mix

density on the E* stiffness response. The model sensitivity analysis with respect to mix

volumetric properties follows.


TABLE 8.8 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for ρ34

T f Va Vbeff Gradation Gb* Data Observed Predicted

ρ34 ρ38 ρ4 ρ200 |Gb|* δb Ε∗ E*

F Hz % % % % % % psi deg 105 psi 105 psi

14 10 6.9 10.7 0.0 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 45.21 38.05

14 10 6.9 10.7 1.4 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 41.27 37.08

14 10 6.9 10.7 6.0 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 52.63 34.04

14 10 6.9 10.7 10.0 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 35.67 31.64

14 10 6.9 10.7 26.1 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 41.06 23.51

70 10 7.0 10.4 0.0 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 14.53 13.73

70 10 7.0 10.4 2.3 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 11.98 13.25

70 10 7.0 10.4 6.0 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 18.39 12.51

70 10 7.0 10.4 10.0 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 12.65 11.77

70 10 7.0 10.4 23.0 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 10.42 9.63

130 10 7.0 10.5 0.0 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.15 1.27

130 10 7.0 10.5 2.3 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.28 1.24

130 10 7.0 10.5 6.0 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.79 1.21

130 10 7.0 10.5 10.0 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 0.84 1.17

130 10 7.0 10.5 23.0 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 0.95 1.06

T = 14o F, fc = 10 Hz

T = 70o F, fc = 10 Hz
E* (x10 psi)

T = 130o F, fc = 10 Hz

Observed |E*|
Predicted |E*|

0 10 20 30
ρ34 (%)

FIGURE 8.17 E* Model Sensitivity to ρ34


8.6.4 Model Sensitivity to Mix Volumetric Properties

Volumetric properties play a very important role in the stiffness characteristics of

the HMA mix over a wide range of temperature and loading rate. In practice, mix designs

are highly sensitive to the volumetric properties of the mix. The most important mix

volumetric properties found in this study are air voids (Va) and effective volume of

binder or bitumen (Vbeff). Other properties such as volume concentration (C v ), voids in

mineral aggregates (VMA) and voids filled with asphalt (VFA) are some combination of

these two parameters (Va and Vbeff). It can be observed from the model structure that a

form of a non-linear model was used for Va and Vbeff to reflect the influence of the mix

density on the E* stiffness response. The model sensitivity analysis with respect to mix

volumetric properties follows. Model Sensitivity to Mix Air Voids (Va)

The average incremental values of air voids (%Va) over its full observed range

along with other input variable values needed as input for the new E* predictive model

with respect to the average observed and calculated predicted E* values, are summarized

in Table 8.9. Both the observed E* data and predicted E* values were plotted against Va

for its full range at T = 14°F, 70°F and 130°F and f = 10 Hz. The best-fit trend lines are

shown in Figure 8.18. Noteworthy, based on the analysis of model variables, Va has been

used in both the δ and α parts of the model to make sure that the influence of Va on E* of

the mix is properly reflected for the whole range of temperature and loading rate that a

mix may experience in its service life. It can be observed from Tables 8.2 through 8.4

that for the master E* database used in this research, the value of %Va ranged from 0.7 to

12.5 with an average value of about 7. It is clear from Figure 8.18 that the new model

showed exactly the same sensitivity as the observed data. The trend of the predicted data

followed the trend of the observed data very closely. In general, like the observed data,

the E* stiffness decreased as the Va values were increased. The model could predict the

E* stiffness of HMA mix very accurately over the full range of Va parameter.

TABLE 8.9 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for Va

T f Va Vbeff Gradation Gb* Data Observed Predicted

ρ34 ρ38 ρ4 ρ200 |Gb|* δb Ε∗ E*
F Hz % % % % % % psi deg 105 psi 105 psi
14 10 2.7 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 42.19 44.71
14 10 5.3 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 48.49 39.16
14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 46.06 35.77
14 10 8.8 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 37.77 31.96
14 10 11.1 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 32.40 27.77
70 10 2.1 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 12.06 16.77
70 10 5.1 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 14.89 14.57
70 10 6.9 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 14.07 13.14
70 10 8.8 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 14.18 11.67
70 10 11.1 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 11.28 10.07
130 10 2.1 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 0.93 1.59
130 10 5.1 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.27 1.39
130 10 6.9 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.26 1.24
130 10 8.8 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 0.92 1.09
130 10 11.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 0.91 0.91


T = 14o F, fc = 10 Hz

10 T = 70o F, fc = 10 Hz
E* (x10 psi)

T = 130o F, fc = 10 Hz

Observed |E*|
Predicted |E*|

0 3 6 9 12
Va (%)

FIGURE 8.18 E* Model Sensitivity to Va

203 Model Sensitivity to Mix Effective Binder Content

As noted, the new E* model uses a combination of Va and Vbeff (Vbeff /[Va +

Vbeff]) to reflect the influence of the mix density on the E* stiffness response. Table 8.10

summarizes the average incremental values of effective binder content (%Vbeff, expressed

by percentage of volume by volume) over its full observed range along with other input

variable values needed as input for the new E* predictive model. The table also

summarizes the respective average observed and calculated predicted E* values. Both the

observed E* data and predicted E* values were plotted against Vbeff for its full range at T

= 14°F, 70°F and 130°F and f = 10 Hz. The best- fit trend lines are shown in Figure 8.19.

The value of %Vbeff ranged from about 6 to 25 with an average value of about 10.5. As

can be observed from Figure 8.19, the predicted E* value generally decreased as the Vbeff

values increased. This predicted trend was exactly similar to the trend exhibited by the

observed E* data. Compared to the predicted E* values, the observed data, however,

showed less sensitivity to Vbeff at very high temp erature. Generally, for all temperature

ranges, the new E* model could predict the E* stiffness of HMA mix very accurately

over the full range of the Vbeff parameter.

8.6.5 Model Sensitivity to Binder Stiffness

The viscoelastic behavior of HMA mix is greatly attributed to the rheological

properties of the asphalt binder mixed with the aggregates. Binder rheology can be

accurately mirrored by its complex modulus, expressed by the shear modulus (|Gb*|) and

associated phase angle (δ b). As a result, the new model uses both |G b*| and δ b to

TABLE 8.10 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for Vbeff

T f Va Vbeff Gradation Gb* Data Observed Predicted

ρ34 ρ38 ρ4 ρ200 |Gb|* δb Ε∗ E*

F Hz % % % % % % psi deg 105 psi 105 psi

14 10 6.9 8.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 45.38 36.46

14 10 6.9 10.8 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 44.91 35.65

14 10 6.9 13.1 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 38.37 34.96

14 10 6.9 17.4 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 29.93 34.06

14 10 6.9 24.4 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1494 18.2 36.65 33.14

70 10 7.0 8.1 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 16.16 13.60

70 10 7.0 10.2 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 13.55 13.12

70 10 7.0 11.7 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 12.28 12.83

70 10 7.0 15.3 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 11.39 12.32

70 10 7.0 24.1 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424 54.6 13.14 11.62

130 10 7.0 8.1 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.37 1.34

130 10 7.0 10.2 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.19 1.25

130 10 7.0 11.7 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.00 1.20

130 10 7.0 15.3 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 0.86 1.11

130 10 7.0 24.4 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 3 74.8 1.26 0.99


T = 14o F, fc = 10 Hz

10 T = 70o F, fc = 10 Hz
E* (x10 psi)

T = 130o F, fc = 10 Hz

Observed |E*|
Predicted |E*|
5 10 15 20 25

Vbeff (%)

FIGURE 8.19 E* Model Sensitivity to Vbeff


capture the E* characteristics partially controlled by the rheological properties of the

binder. It was further observed in the analysis of the model variables that the minimum

mix stiffness (expressed by the “δ” function of the sigmoidal model structure) is

significantly sensitive to |G b*|. Hence, |G b*| is important in determining the minimum

mix stiffness as well as the rate of change of stiffness with loading rate and temperature.

The model sensitivity analysis with respect to binder stiffness follows. Model Sensitivity to |Gb*|

Table 8.11 summarizes the average incremental values of the shear modulus

(|Gb*|) of the binder used in the HMA mixture over the full observed range along with

other fixed average input variable values needed as input for the new E* predictive

model. The table also summarizes the respective average observed and calculated

predicted E* values. Both the observed E* data and predicted E* values were plotted

against |Gb*| for its full range at T = 14°F, 70°F and 130°F and f = 10 Hz. The best- fit

trend lines are shown in Figure 8.20. It can be noticed that the range of |G b*| sharply

changes with temperature, which is obvious. For example, at 14°F, the value of |Gb*|

ranged from 1214 to 3,858 psi with an average of 1,494 psi. On the other hand, at 130°F,

the value of |G b*| ranged from 0.31 to 96 psi with an average of 2.93 psi.

The trend of the observed data, presented in Figure 8.20, shows that at very low

and intermediate temperatures, the model slightly under-predicts the E* values, while the

predicted trend is highly accurate. The prediction is simply perfect at very high

temperature range. It is clear from the plot that the prediction accomplished by the new

E* model is very accurate and the predicted trend closely imitates the trend set by the

observed E* values for all practical limits of temperatures.

TABLE 8.11 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for |G b*|

T f Va Vbeff Gradation Gb* Data Observed Predicted

ρ34 ρ38 ρ4 ρ200 |Gb|* δb Ε∗ E*
F Hz % % % % % % psi deg 105 psi 105 psi
14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1348.8 18.2 47.72 34.77

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1393.5 18.2 45.26 35.06

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1415.0 18.2 41.41 35.19

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1442.3 18.2 41.19 35.36

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1508.8 18.2 42.42 35.76

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 109.9 54.6 8.78 7.57

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 243.9 54.6 12.38 10.53

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 356.2 54.6 14.25 12.23

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 419.3 54.6 15.03 13.02

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 778.4 54.6 18.60 16.35

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 0.9 74.8 0.76 0.78

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 1.5 74.8 1.22 0.95

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 1.8 74.8 1.04 1.02

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 2.1 74.8 1.17 1.07

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 7.1 74.8 1.96 1.79

T = 14o F, fc = 10 Hz


T = 70o F, fc = 10 Hz
E* (x10 psi)

T = 130 oF, fc = 10 Hz

Observed |E*|
Predicted |E*|

0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
|Gb|* (psi)

FIGURE 8.20 E* Model Sensitivity to |Gb*|

209 Model Sens itivity to δ b

The average incremental values of the binder phase angle (δ b) used in the HMA

mixtures over the full observed range of the master database, along with other fixed

average input variable values needed as input for the new E* predictive model, have been

summarized in Table 8.12. The table also summarizes the average observed and predicted

E* values. Both the observed E* data and predicted E* values were plotted against δ b for

its full range at T = 14°F, 70°F and 130°F and f = 10 Hz. The best- fit trend lines are

shown in Figure 8.21. The trend of the observed data shows that at intermediate to very

high temperature regions, the mix E* value decreases with an increase in the phase angle

(δ b) value associated with the complex modulus (Gb*) of the binder, while the observed

E* values are almost insensitive to the δ b at the very low temperature region. As observed

from Figure 8.21, the prediction is slightly more sensitive to δ b when compared with the

observed data. The figure, however, clearly shows that the prediction is quite accurate

and the predicted trend is close to the observed trend for low to very high temperature


8.6.6 Model Sensitivity to Temperature

To further evaluate the sensitivity of each predictor variable to temperature, the

difference between log of the predicted moduli (Log E* pred) and log of the observed

moduli (Log E* obs) was denoted by ∆LogE*. Similar to the previous analysis, each

predictor variable was varied over their full range within the E* master database, keeping

TABLE 8.12 Input Data with Observed and Predicted E* Data for δ b

T f Va Vbeff Gradation Gb* Data Observed Predicted

ρ34 ρ38 ρ4 ρ200 |Gb|* δb Ε∗ E*

F Hz % % % % % % psi deg 105 psi 105 psi

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1493.7 17.1 42.63 36.71

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1493.7 17.2 43.78 36.62

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1493.7 17.2 42.89 36.58

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1493.7 17.3 38.45 36.53

14 10 6.9 10.7 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 1493.7 18.3 39.89 35.59

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424.0 47.7 15.94 14.27

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424.0 53.5 11.61 13.24

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424.0 55.2 17.71 12.98

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424.0 55.7 13.58 12.91

70 10 7.0 10.4 3.2 28.0 50.2 5.0 424.0 59.2 9.99 12.40

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 2.9 68.8 1.58 1.31

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 2.9 73.5 1.16 1.25

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 2.9 75.5 0.95 1.23

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 2.9 76.7 1.23 1.21

130 10 7.0 10.5 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 2.9 78.1 0.82 1.20


T = 14 oF, fc = 10 Hz

T = 70o F, fc = 10 Hz

E* (x10 psi)

T = 130o F, fc = 10 Hz

Observed |E*|
Predicted |E*|

0 20 40 60 80
δb (degree)

FIGURE 8.21 E* Model Sensitivity to δ b


other variables constant at respective average values. For f = 10 Hz and T = 14°F, 70°F

and 130°F, the ∆LogE* variable was plotted against each predictor variable. Ideally, for a

constant variance case, the value of ∆LogE* should be about zero. While none of the

candidate E* models had an ∆LogE* ≈ 0 for all temperature conditions, the model being

evaluated in this chapter showed the least sensitivity of ∆LogE* (the best performance)

towards temperature. Figures 8.22 through 8.29 show plots of ∆LogE* versus ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 ,

ρ34 , Va, Vbeff, |Gb*| and δ b. It was found that there were non-constant variances involved

with the predictor variables used in the predictive model. None of them, however,

showed any specific bias. In general, the model performed well in terms of sensitivity to


Log E*pred - Log E*obs


T = 14F
T = 70F
T = 130F
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
ρ200 (%)

FIGURE 8.22 ∆LogE* Versus ρ200 at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F


T = 14F
T = 70F
Log E*pred - Log E*obs 0.3 T = 130F


30 40 50 60 70
ρ4 (%)

FIGURE 8.23 ∆LogE* Versus ρ4 at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F

T = 14F
Log E*pred - Log E*obs

T = 70F
T = 130F


0 10 20 30 40
ρ38 (%)

FIGURE 8.24 ∆LogE* Versus ρ38 at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F



Log E*pred - Log E*obs


T = 14F
T = 70F
T = 130F
0 10 20 30
ρ34 (%)

FIGURE 8.25 ∆LogE* Versus ρ34 at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F

Log E*pred - Log E*obs


T = 14F
-0.3 T = 70F
T = 130F
0 3 6 9 12
Va (%)

FIGURE 8.26 ∆LogE* Versus Va at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F


Log E*pred - Log E*obs


T = 14F
-0.3 T = 70F
T = 130F
5 10 15 20 25
Vbeff (%)

FIGURE 8.27 ∆LogE* Versus Vbeff at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F

T = 14F
Log E*pred - Log E*obs

0.3 T = 70F
T = 130F


1 10 100 1000 10000
|Gb*| (psi)

FIGURE 8.28 ∆LogE* Versus |Gb*| at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F


T = 14F
Log E*pred - Log E*obs 0.3
T = 70F
T = 130F


0 20 40 60 80
δb (degree)

FIGURE 8.29 ∆LogE* Versus δ b at fc = 10 Hz and T = 14, 70 and 130°F

8.7 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics

It can be observed from the model structure that air voids (Va) and effective

binder volume (Vbeff) were combined to Vbeff/(Va + Vbeff) to reflect the influence of the

mix density on the dynamic stiffness response. Although the range of Vbeff is generally

restricted to a tight tolerance around the optimum for a majority of mix responses in the

master database; the wide range of Vbeff values in the database allowed for a

mathematical formulation that provided reasonable predictions for a wider range of Vbeff

values. The E* moduli values of a HMA mix subjected to a load frequency of fc = 1 Hz

for five different temperatures (T = 14, 70, 70, 100 and 130°F) were predicted using the

new model. The values of Va were varied from 1 to 12 (constant Vbeff) and the values of

Vbeff were varied from 4 to 16 (constant Va). The average values of other input variables

(ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 , ρ34 , |Gb*| and δ b), as obtained from the master database, were used as input

values. The input values are shown in Table 8.13.

TABLE 8.13 Input Data for Model Response to Mix Volumetrics

E* Test Condition Gradation Va Vbeff Gb* Data

Temp. Freq. ρ34 ρ38 ρ4 ρ200 |Gb*| δb
(o F) f (Hz) % % % % (%) (%) psi deg
14 1 3.5 28.5 50.9 4.9 2 to 12 4 to 16 3123 30.9
40 1 5.0 24.3 42.1 5.2 2 to 12 4 to 16 1790 47.0
70 1 5.0 24.3 42.1 5.2 2 to 12 4 to 16 103 68.4
100 1 5.0 24.3 42.1 5.2 2 to 12 4 to 16 4.95 80.3
130 1 3.2 28.0 50.4 5.0 2 to 12 4 to 16 0.50 84.7

The rational behavior of the new model relative to both Va and Vbeff is shown in

Figures 8.30 through 8.34 through the use of contour plots of the predicted E* at different

temperatures. From these contour plots, it is clear that regardless of temperature, the E*

values increase with decreasing air voids (constant bitumen volume) and decrease with

increasing effective binder volume (constant air voids). This behavior is exactly how an

actual HMA mix behaves in the real world. The model was found to be rationally

sensitive to changes in mix volumetrics characterized by the Va and Vbeff parameters. In

other words, the predictive model is capable of accurately predicting the changes in E*

stiffness due to any change in mix volumetrics. This is undoubtedly a highly desirable

property of a stiffness predictive model of HMA mixtures. This property reinforces that

the model can be accurately and confidently used in the mechanistic-empirical pavement


VMA = 16
E* = 2,500 ksi
VMA = 18

VFA = 50

E* = 3,500 ksi
VMA = 14

VFA = 60
E* = 4,000 ksi
Va (%)

VFA = 70

VMA = 12

E* = 4,500 ksi

4 VFA = 80

E* = 4,500 ksi

4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Vbeff (%)

FIGURE 8.30 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 14°F and f = 1 Hz


VMA = 18 VFA = 50
VMA = 16
E* = 1,800 ksi


VMA = 14 E* = 2,100 ksi

VFA = 60
Va (%)

E* = 2,400 ksi

VMA = 12

VFA = 70
E* = 2,700 ksi

4 VFA = 80
E* = 3,000 ksi

4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Vbeff (%)

FIGURE 8.31 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 40°F and f = 1 Hz


VMA = 18 VFA = 50

E* = 500 ksi
VMA = 16

VMA = 14 VFA = 60
E* = 600 ksi
Va (%)

VMA = 12 VFA = 70

E* = 700 ksi

VMA = 10

E* = 800 ksi
4 VFA = 80

4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Vbeff (%)

FIGURE 8.32 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 70°F and f = 1 Hz


E* = 100 ksi
VMA = 16 VMA = 18

VFA = 50
E* = 125 ksi
VMA = 14

VFA = 60
8 E* = 150 ksi
Va (%)

VMA = 12

E* = 175 ksi VFA = 70

4 E* = 200 ksi
VFA = 80

4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Vbeff (%)

FIGURE 8.33 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 100°F and f = 1 Hz


VMA = 18
VFA = 50

E* = 50 ksi
VMA = 16

VMA = 14

E* = 60 ksi VFA = 60
Va (%)

VFA = 70
E* = 70 ksi

VMA = 12

E* = 80 ksi

4 VFA = 80

E* = 90 ksi

4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Vbeff (%)

FIGURE 8.34 Response of Predicted E* to Mix Volumetrics at T = 130°F and f = 1 Hz


8.8 Comparison with Previous Models

In the final step for selecting the recommended E* model, it is important to check

if the selected model really makes an improvement in the E* moduli prediction of HMA

mixtures. One obvious method to assess this result is to check the model with previously

existing models. This check is most logically based on statistical goodness of fit

parameters as well as visually assessing the plots of predicted versus observed values of

E* moduli. Both methods were carried out for this part of analysis.

8.8.1 Comparison of Statistical Goodness of Fit

Table 8.14 shows the comparison of statistics among the five most prominent

models: Shell Oil (2nd version), Shell Oil (1977 version), current Witczak model (1999),

Hirsch model (2003), and the new revised Witczak model. To be consistent with the

comparison, the full range of the master E* database was applied to all models. Goodness

of fit parameters (Se/Sy and R2 ) were calculated in both arithmetic (normal) and

logarithmic scale.

It should be noted that due to the inability of some models to predict over a

practical input range; they give irrational values of the goodness of fit parameters or no

value at all. This was the case for the Shell Oil (2nd version) model, where no rational

Se/Sy or R2 could be calculated. For the 1977 version of the Shell Oil model, Se/Sy (=

0.93) and R2 (= 0.14) could be calculated only in the arithmetic scale. Goodness of fit is

“poor” for this statistics.


The current version (1999) of the Witczak E* predictive model has “excellent”

goodness of fit statistics for its original database of 2750 data points. The Se/Sy = 0.25

and R2 = 0.94 results in logarithmic scale (Se/Sy = 0.34 and R2 = 0.89 in arithmetic

scale). However, when this model is applied to the master database having 7400 data

points; the goodness of fit statistics decreases with Se/Sy = 0.35 and R2 = 0.88 in

logarithmic scale (Se/Sy = 0.60 and R2 = 0.65 in arithmetic scale). This still places the

model in the “good” category but clearly illustrates the statistical fact that goodness of fit

parameters are highly dependent upon the number of observations or the range of

database variables encountered.

It is extremely critical to observe that the Hirsch E* Predictive model had

“excellent” goodness of fit statistics for the original database having 206 data points. For

these conditions, an R2 = 0.98 in logarithmic scale was found. However, when applied to

the expanded master database having 7400 data points; the goodness of fit statistics

deteriorated drastically to a R2 = 0.61 in logarithmic scale. When applied in the arithmetic

scale, the model showed even poorer goodness of fit statistics with R2 = 0.23. It is

therefore a major conclusion that the use of the Hirsch predictive model results in

extremely poor predictive accuracy when fully evaluated under a comprehensive set of

HMA mixes and series of E* data points.

Finally, the new E* predictive model showed “excellent” goodness of fit statistics

with Se/Sy = 0.32 and R2 = 0.90 in logarithmic scale (Se/Sy = 0.45 and R2 = 0.80 in

arithmetic scale). It is clear from the tabular data that in both arithmetic and logarithmic

scale, the new E* model has the best goodness of fit statistics among all of the major

models evaluated.

TABLE 8.14 Goodness of Fit Statistics of E* Models

Parameters Master Database Range

Total Number of Mixes 346
Number of Modified Mixes 17
Data Points 7400
Va (%) 0.1 to 18.1
Vbeff (%) 6 to 25
Temperature (°F) 0, 14, 15.8, 40, 100 and 130
Loading Frequency, fc (Hz) 0.1, 0.5, 1, 4, 5, 10, 16 and 25
E* (ksi) 9 to 9350
Goodness of Fit Shell Shell Current Witczak Hirsch New Witczak
Parameters (2nd Ver.) (1977) (1999) (2003) (This Study)
Scale Arithmetic
Se/Sy 1.3 0.93 0.60 0.88 0.45
R2 - 0.14 0.65 0.23 0.80
Scale Logarithmic
Se/Sy 1.53 1.95 0.35 0.62 0.32
R2 - - 0.88 0.61 0.90

8.8.2 Comparison of Plots for Predicted versus Observed Data

Figures 8.35 through 8.40 present plots of the predicted versus observed E*

values for the entire master E* database (7400 data points from 346 mixtures) applied to

these models. The Shell Oil (2nd version) model showed the poorest prediction (Figure

8.35); while the 1977 Shell Oil ve rsion was more precise but had a heavily biased

predictive capability (Figure 8.36). Figure 8.37 clearly shows that the current version of

Witczak E* Predictive model has excellent prediction capability over its original database

having 2750 data points. But, when applied to the master database having 7400 data

points, the predicting capability was reduced as shown in Figure 8.38. However, except

for a small nearly constant bias, the prediction made by this model can still be considered

quite reasonable. Figure 8.39 shows that the Hirsch E* predictive model has a poor to fair

predictive capability for the master database. In addition, the model has a very visible

bias at both very low and very high temperature regions. Figure 8.40 shows that among

the models evaluated, the new Witczak E* model provided the best plot of predicted

versus observed E* in terms of precision, bias and accuracy.

Arithmetic scale: R 2 = -0.68, Se/Sy = 1.30
Log scale : R 2 = -1.33, Se/Sy = 1.53
Predicted E*, 10 5 psi




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Observed E*, 10 psi

FIGURE 8.35 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Shell Oil (2nd Version) Model

(Expanded Data)

Arithmetic scale: R 2 = 0.14, Se/Sy = 0.93
100 Log scale : R2 = -2.78, Se/Sy = 1.95

Predicted E*, 10 psi 10




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Observed E*, 10 psi

FIGURE 8.36 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Shell Oil (1977) Model (Expanded


Arithmetic scale: R2 = 0.89, Se/Sy = 0.34
100 Log scale : R2 = 0.94, Se/Sy = 0.25
Predicted E*, 10 psi




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Obdesrved E*, 10 psi

FIGURE 8.37 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Current Witczak (1999) Model

(Original 2750 Data)


Arithmetic scale: R2 = 0.65, Se/Sy = 0.60
100 Log scale : R 2 = 0.88, Se/Sy = 0.35

Predicted E*, 105 psi




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Observed E*, 10 5 psi

FIGURE 8.38 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Current Witczak (1999) Model

(Expanded Data)

Arithmetic scale: R 2 = 0.23, Se/Sy = 0.88
Log scale : R 2 = 0.61, Se/Sy = 0.62
Predicted E*, 10 5 psi




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Observed E*, 10 psi

FIGURE 8.39 Predicted Versus Observed E* for Hirsch (2003) Model (Expanded Data)

Arithmetic Scale: R2 = 0.80, Se/Sy = 0.45
100 Log Scale : R2 = 0.90, Se/Sy = 0.32
Predicted |E*|, 10 psi .




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Observed |E*|, 105 psi

FIGURE 8.40 Predicted Versus Observed E* for New Witczak (2005) Model (Expanded


8.8.3 Comparison with Hirsch Model

It has been discussed in the previous section that the Hirsch model (one of the

most recent model forms) possessed excellent goodness of fit characteristics (R2 = 0.98 in

log scale) for its original calibration database. However, the accuracy of the Hirsch model

dramatically decreased when it utilized the comprehensive E* database of 346 mixtures

and 7400 data points. The results of using the master E* database were found to be R2 =

0.23 in arithmetic scale and 0.61 in log scale. When the same database was applied to the

new Witczak E* model developed in this study, it provided an R2 = 0.80 in arithmetic

scale and 0.90 in log scale.


One of the most important criteria for developing a predictive model is to have a

high quality database, which is as large and as versatile possible. Table 8.15 shows a

comparison of the range of variables used in the development of the Hirsch model and

the new Witczak E* model. It is very clear that in terms of number of data points and

observed data range of the variables used in the model, the expanded E* database used in

the development of the new E* model is much larger and more versatile than that of the

Hirsch model. The new model is based on 7,400 data points obtained from 346 different

mixes. As a result, the use of a high quality and very comprehensive database has made

the new Witczak E* model more robust and accurate compared to other E* predictive

models, including the Hirsch model, evaluated in this study. On the other hand, the

Hirsch model, which was developed based on a rather narrow range of predictor variables

of a small database (only 206 data points from 18 different mixes), could not fully

capture the E* stiffness characteristics of HMA outside its original database range.

TABLE 8.15 Range of Variables Used in the Development of Hirsch and New Model

Hirsch Model New Witczak Model

(2003) (from this study)
Data Points 206 7400
AC Mixtures 18 346
Aggregate Gradations 5 136
Binders 8 124
Va % 5.6 to 11.2 0.1 to 18.1
VMA, % 13.7 to 21.6 10.3 to 34.6
VFA, % 38.7 to 68.0 32.8 to 99.4
Temperature, °F 40, 70 and 100 0, 14, 15.8, 40, 70, 100 and 130
Loading Frequency, Hz 0.1 and 5 0.1, 0.5, 1, 4, 5, 10, 16 and 25
|E*|, ksi 27 to 3031 9 to 9350

8.9 Final New Witczak E* Model

A number of candidate E* models were developed and evaluated in this Ph.D.

research. Each candidate was tested for rationality, accuracy, precision, bias, trend,

sensitivity and overall performance. While all candidate models were evaluated in the

same fashion, the evaluation of the most promising model has been presented in this

chapter. The final model found to be the best in terms of accuracy, precision and

rationality was as follows:

 6 .65 − 0 .032 ρ 200 + 0.0027 ρ 200 2 + 0.011 ρ 4 − 0.0001 ρ 4 2 

 
log 10 E* = −0.349 + 0.754 | Gb * | −0 .0052 )   Vbeff  
 + 0.006 ρ 38 − 0.00014 ρ 38 2 − 0.08 V a − 1.06  
  Va + V beff  
  
 Vbeff 
2.558 + 0 .032 Va + 0 .713   + 0 .0124 ρ 38 − 0 .0001 ρ 38 2 − 0.0098 ρ 34
 V a + Vbeff 
 
+ (−0.7814−0 .5785log|G b *| + 0. 8834 log δ b )
1+ e


E* = dynamic modulus, psi

ρ200 = percentage of aggregates (by weight) passing through no. 200 sieve, %

ρ4 = aggregates (by weight) retained on no. 4 sieve, %

ρ38 = aggregates (by weight) retained on the 3/8 inch sieve, %

ρ34 = aggregates (by weight) retained on the 3/4 inch sieve, %

Va = air voids (by volume of the mix), %

Vbeff = effective binder content (by volume of the mix), %

|Gb*| = dynamic shear modulus of binder, psi

δb = phase angle of binder associated with |G b*|, degree


9.1 Introduction

The main goal of the research study presented in this Ph.D. dissertation was to

develop an enhanced version of the Witczak dynamic modulus (E*) predictive model for

HMA mixtures capable of estimating changes in modulus as a function of changes in

mixture volumetrics, aggregate gradation, binder properties, temperature and loading

frequency (or time) for the combined database of E* lab results. Of equal importance was

the goal of incorporating the complex shear modulus (G b*) parameter as the primary

source of quantifying the asphalt binder stiffness, in lieu of using asphalt binder viscosity.

In order to achieve this goal, a master database of mixture dynamic modulus (E*)

test data, binder complex (shear) modulus (G b*) test data, binder viscosity and Ai-VTS i

data, and all relevant material and mixture data was compiled and updated first. Next, a

set of binder stiffness predictive models capable of accurately predicting viscosity, shear

modulus and phase angle of an asphalt binder from given “A” and “VTS” values, as

obtained from the conventional ASTM Ai-VTSi relationship, was developed. Finally,

using the new set of binder stiffness models, a new revised enhanced version of the

Witczak E* predictive model for HMA mixtures was eventually developed. The findings

of the research were thoroughly analyzed. The conclusions and recommendations follow.

9.2 Conclusions

The following conclusions have been drawn from this Ph.D. research:

1. In this research, two huge complex shear modulus and viscosity (Gb*-η)

databases, one collected from research studies by Dr. Witczak at the University of

Maryland (UMD) and the other from research studies by Dr. Witczak at the

Arizona State University (ASU), were combined into one master η-Gb* database.

The database contains Gb* data obtained from Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)

test and ASTM Ai-VTS i data obtained from a range of conventional and

Superpave binder tests conducted on 41 different types of asphalt binders having a

wide range of modifications and aging (9 modified binders and 5 aging

conditions). The types of modifier used in the binders include: lake asphalt, ge l-

type modifier, and polymer- modifier (plastomeric, elastomeric and SBS type).

The master database contains binder data for five different aging conditions: tank

(original), RTFO, PAV at 100°C, PAV at 110°C, and recovered. The test

temperatures ranged from 15°C to 177°C (59°F to 350°F) and the test loading

rates ranged from 1 to 100 radian per second (0.2 to 16 Hz). In total, there are

8,940 data points in this master Gb*-η database.

2. The master Gb*-η database was used to develop a comprehensive set of new

asphalt binder stiffness (η-|Gb*|-δ b) models. These models include a modified

ASTM Ai-VTS i model, a new |Gb*| model and associated new phase angle (δ b)


3. A fully revised version of the widely known ASTM Ai-VTS i viscosity model has

been developed. As opposed to the original viscosity based model, which ignores

the effect of loading rate, the new model is capable of taking care of both the

temperature and loading rate. The final modified ASTM Ai-VTSi model equations

developed are as follows:


log log η f , T = A'+VTS ' log TR (9.1)

A' = 0.9699 f − 0.0527 × A (9.2)

VTS ' = 0.9668 f − 0. 0575 × VTS (9.3)


ηf, T = viscosity of asphalt binder as a function of both loading

frequency (f) and temperature (T), cP

A = regression intercept from the conventional ASTM Ai-VTS i


VTS = slope from the conventional ASTM Ai-VTS i equation

A' = adjusted “A” (adjusted for loading frequency)

VTS' = adjusted “VTS” (adjusted for loading frequency)

TR = temperature in Rank ine scale, °R

4. A new rational model for predicting shear modulus (|Gb*|) of asphalt binders from

typical viscosity data has been developed. The model equation is as follows:

7 .1542 − 0. 4929 f s + 0 .0211 f s 2

| Gb * | = 0.0051 f η f , T (sin δ b ) (9.4)


|Gb*| = dynamic shear modulus, Pa

fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear loading mode as used in the

DSR test to measure |Gb*| and δ b, Hz

ηf, T = viscosity of asphalt binder as a function of both loading


frequency (f) and temperature (T), cP

δb = phase angle (predicted or measured), deg

The model is fully optimized. The new η-|Gb*| model is based on 8940 data

points from 41 binders (including 9 modified binders). The model has excellent

goodness of fit statistics. In arithmetic scale, the R2 = 0.83 and Se/Sy = 0.41;

while in logarithmic scale, the R2 = 0.99 and Se/Sy = 0.12. The model was

critically tested for accuracy and rationality, and has been found to have a very

high level of accuracy and rationality over the full range of the master η-Gb*

database evaluated in this research.

5. During the same study, a new rational model for predicting phase angle (δ b)

associated with the complex shear modulus (Gb*) testing was also developed. The

new phase angle (δ b) model equations are as follows:

δ b = 90 + (b1 + b2VTS ' ) × log ( f s × η f , T ) + (b3 + b4VTS ' ) × log ( f s ×η f , T ) 2 (9.5)

log log η f , T = A'+VTS ' log TR (9.6)

A' = c0 f s 1 × A

VTS ' = d0 f s 1 × VTS



δb = phase angle, deg

A' = adjusted A (adjusted for loading frequency)

VTS' = adjusted VTS (adjusted for loading frequency)


fs = loading frequency in dynamic shear loading mode as used in the

DSR test to measure |Gb*| and δ b, Hz

ηf, T = viscosity of asphalt binder as a function of both loading

frequency (f) and temperature (T), cP

TR = temperature in Rankine scale, °R

b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 , c0 , c1 , d0 , and d1 = fitting parameters = -7.3146, -2.6162,

0.1124, 0.2029, 0.9699, -0.0527, 0.9668, and -0.0575, respectively.

Like the η-|Gb*| models developed in this research, this new phase angle (δ b)

model also possesses very high goodness of fit. In arithmetic scale, the R2 = 0.81

and Se/Sy = 0.44; while in logarithmic scale, the R2 = 0.82 and Se/Sy = 0.42. The

model was also critically tested for accuracy and rationality, and has been found

to exhibit high accuracy and rationality over the full range of the master η-Gb*

database evaluated in this research. One very important difference of this model

from any previous model is that it can predict δ b without the input value of |Gb*|.

6. Similar to the binder databases, two complex dynamic modulus (E*) databases,

one obtained from prior UMD research studies and the other from ASU research

studies (both overviewed by Dr. M. W. Witczak), were combined into one master

E* database. As part of this research, the ASU database was created from raw

laboratory data, checked thoroughly for the quality of data and revised. The

revised master database, which was eventually used in the research, contains 7400

E* data points obtained from Complex Dynamic Modulus tests conducted at a

very wide range of temperature and loading conditions. A total of 346 different

types of HMA mixtures, having a wide range of aging, volumetric properties,

aggregate gradation and binder characteristics comprises the database. Modified

binders were used in 17 of these mixtures. The database contains data related to

E* test that include: laboratory E* values, temperature (T), loading frequency (f),

geometry of test specimen, type of mixture (aged, un-aged, lab blended, plant

mixed, field cores etc.), aggregate gradation (ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 and ρ34 ), mixture

volumetrics (Va and Vbeff), and binder characteristics (PG grading, Ai and VTS i).

The related binder shear modulus (Gb*) data was obtained by the use of the

comprehensive set of asphalt binder stiffness (η-|Gb*|-δ b) models developed in the

earlier stage of this research.

The E* test temperature ranged from 0 to 130°F and loading rate ranged

from 0.1 to 25 Hz. The database contained HMA mixtures of a wide variety of

aging conditions: fresh mix (un-aged), short-term laboratory aged mix, plant mix

and field aged core. The database also has a wide variety in terms of mixing

process; there are laboratory blend mixes, fresh and stored plant mixes, and field

cores. The aggregate gradation includes dense, open and gap gradations. In

general, the master E* database is made of a very wide variety of HMA mixtures.

7. Based on the master E* database, a new comprehensive dynamic modulus (E*)

stiffness predictive model has been developed in this research. The model is a

completely new revised version of the existing Witczak E* Predictive Model used

in the new NCHRP 1-37A M-E Pavement Design Guide (M- E PDG). The new E*

model equation, still based on the sigmoidal function, is as follows:


 6 .65 − 0 .032 ρ 200 + 0.0027 ρ 200 2 + 0.011 ρ 4 − 0.0001 ρ 4 2 

 
log 10 E* = −0.349 + 0.754 | Gb * | −0 .0052 )   Vbeff  
 + 0.006 ρ 38 − 0.00014 ρ 38 2 − 0.08 V a − 1.06  
  Va + V beff  
  
 Vbeff 
2.558 + 0 .032 Va + 0 .713   + 0 .0124 ρ 38 − 0 .0001 ρ 38 2 − 0.0098 ρ 34
 V a + Vbeff 
 
+ (−0.7814−0 .5785log|G b *| + 0. 8834 log δ b )
1+ e



E* = dynamic modulus, psi

ρ200 = percentage of aggregates (by weight of the total aggregates)

passing through no. 200 sieve, %

ρ4 = aggregates (by weight) retained on no. 4 sieve, %

ρ38 = aggregates (by weight) retained on the 3/8 inch sieve, %

ρ34 = aggregates (by weight) retained on the 3/4 inch sieve, %

Va = air voids (by volume of the mix), %

Vbeff = effective binder content (by volume of the mix), %

|Gb*| = dynamic shear modulus of binder, psi

δb = phase angle of binder associated with |G b*|, degree

8. As can be seen from the model equation, the new E* model uses a range of

aggregate gradation parameters (ρ200 , ρ4 , ρ38 and ρ34 ), mix volumetric parameters

(Va and Vbeff), and loading time-temperature dependent binder rheological

parameters (|G b*| and δ b) as direct input. The use of |Gb*| and δ b as direct input is

a major enhancement over the current Witczak E* Predictive Model. It was earlier

pointed out that the data required to establish the ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship

may no longer be routinely collected because of the adoption of the Superpave

Performance Grading (PG) system and its associated testing. A major limitation

associated with the use of the ASTM Ai-VTS i relationship is that it does not

incorporate changes of binder viscosity under dynamic loading with changing

loading time (or frequency). Hence, the use of |G b*| and δ b as direct input in the

new E* model makes the model much more rational and consistent with future

technology from the SHRP (Superpave) studies compared to the existing models.

9. The newly developed E* model has a mathematical structure of a sigmoidal

function similar to the current Witczak E* Predictive model. This model form is

also used in the new NCHRP 1-37A M-E Pavement Design Guide (M-E PDG).

Therefore, it can be easily implemented within the current structure of the new M-

E PDG with a minimum additional effort.

10. The new E* model possesses excellent statistics: high accuracy and almost no

bias. It was critically evaluated over a wide range of practical limits of aggregate

gradation, volumetric and rheological predictor variables. The prediction showed

very good to excellent agreement with the observed E* values across all data


11. The prediction of E* stiffness showed a completely rational response to air voids

(Va) and effective binder volume (V beff). The rational behavior of the new model,

relative to both Va and Vbeff, was observed from the contour plots of the predicted

E* at different temperatures. From the contour plots, it was clear that regardless

of temperature, the E* stiffness increased with decreasing air voids (constant


bitumen volume) and decreased with increasing effective binder volume

(constant air voids). This behavior is identical with the behavior of actual HMA

mixtures. The model was found rationally sensitive to changes in mix volumetrics

characterized by Va and Vbeff parameters. In other words, the predictive model is

capable of accurately predicting the changes in E* stiffness due to any change in

mix volumetrics.

12. It was found that the new E* model showed the best the best goodness of fit

statistics, least bias and highest accuracy over previous E* models for the full

range of the E* master database evaluated in this research. In fact, the newly

developed model has been developed on the largest and most varied E* database

ever assembled in the literature. Almost all of the previous predictive models

were based on a much smaller database, comprised of a much smaller number of

mixtures. Hence, it captures the dynamic modulus characteristics of various HMA

mixtures in a much more accurate manner.

9.3 Recommendations for Future Research

Based upon this study, the following major future research recommendations are


1. The new models developed for the prediction of dynamic modulus for asphalt

binders and dynamic modulus for HMA mixtures have similar structures as the

models used in the new NCHRP 1-37A M-E Pavement Design Guide (M-E PDG)

procedures. This will allow the easy implementation of the new models,

developed in this research, into the new design guide. Therefore, it is strongly

recommended that future research efforts should focus upon implementing the

new models into future versions of this design guide.

2. The new models have been developed on binder stiffness and mixture modulus

databases available at the time this research was carried away. Nonetheless, a

concerted national effort should be undertaken to continuously expand the current

database. It is recommended that these databases are continuously expanded and

periodically revised (re-calibrated) models be developed.

3. The models developed in this research are capable of accurately predicting the

stiffness characteristics of most binders and HMA mixtures. However, it is highly

recommended that further test results be obtained on special binders and mixtures

such as binder or mixture modified with polymer modifier, rubber and lime, and

for special aggregate gradation such as stone mastic asphalt (SMA), gap graded

mix and open graded mixtures. These “specialty” mixtures should be given

uppermost priority in expanding the databases (noted in Recommendation No. 2).

4. While the new E* model showed excellent predictive strength over a wide range

of temperature and loading rates, it was also noted that the weakest predictive

accuracy is present in the very cold temperature region. Future research should

focus on eliminating this problem from new models.

5. The new revised version of the Witczak E* predictive model has exclusively been

based upon the prediction of dynamic modulus, experimentally obtained from

unconfined uniaxial compressive E* testing. One potential future area of research

should be directed to developing a similar E* predictive model incorporating the

results of confined uniaxial E* compressive testing. The “capturing” of the non-


linear (stress dependent) E* response will be most important for the high

temperature response of HMA mixtures and almost mandatory to properly

evaluate the most accurate models for open/gap graded aggregate AC mixtures.

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17. Dongré, R. L. Myers, J. D’Angelo, C. Paugh, and J. Gudimettla. Field Evaluation of

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Javed Bari was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on April 27, 1969. He received his
elementary education at Gopalgonj Model School, Rangamati Government School and
Ideal Primary School. Then he received secondary educatio n at Ideal High School and
Barisal Zilla School. His secondary education was completed at Dhaka College. In 1988,
Javed entered Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka,
majoring in Civil Engineering. Upon graduation in 1993, he joined the Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED) of the Government of Bangladesh. As an officer of
Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS), Javed joined the Public Works Department (PWD) in
March 1998. Later, in January 1999, he joined the Roads and Highways Department
(RHD) of the Government of Bangladesh. While in service, he completed the required
course works for the Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Environmental
Engineering at BUET, Dhaka. In January 2000, Javed entered the Graduate College at
Arizona State University (ASU), Arizona, USA, to pursue a Master of Science (MS) in
Civil Engineering with a concentration in the field of Transportation Engineering. After
obtaining the MS degree in May 2001, he joined the Civil and Environmental
Engineering Department at ASU as a Senior Research Specialist. He started his Ph.D.
studies in 2002 with a concentration in the field of Pavement Materials. During his
graduate studies at ASU, he was heavily involved in advance pavement materials testing
and research under the guidance of Dr. Matthew W. Witczak, a nationally renowned
professor. Javed made a good number of technical publications; some were presented and
published in several internationally renowned conferences and journals such as TRB,
AAPT, ASC etc. In early 2005, Javed obtained the Professional Engineering (P.E.)
certification in Arizona. He joined Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) in
May 2005. Currently he is working as a Pavement Design Engineer in the Pavement
Design Section within the Materials Group of ADOT. Javed enjoyed scholarships at all
levels of his elementary, secondary, college and graduate studies. He received the
“Chancellor’s Award” given by the President of Bangladesh for outstanding achievement
in the secondary level-education. Javed is married with Rozina Ahad for more than ten
years. The couple has a seven year-old daughter, Faria Tabassum. Javed is heavily
involved in various cultural and literary activities in the society. Currently he is an active
member and General Secretary of a charitable non-profit organization “Bangladesh
Theater of Arizona” (BTA), Director and teacher of a language school “Shikor Bangla
School” and member of the editorial board of a literary magazine “Shiri”.

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