Sun Ra

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A y e A t o n

Sun Ra - nd
In t e r i o r sa
rs. rcva
Sound and Vis ion
Glenn Ligon

Lookthe part , be the part, moth erfucker. the folks at home t o say, "I made it, I'm here,
- Proposition Joe, Th e Wire. I'm doing okay." For my grand fathe r and an
Season one , episode nine. estimated six million other black peo ple, it
became clear th at there were no prospects for
Mygrand father wore a tie everyday. Well into them in the segregated South , and between
his eighties, confined by age and tempera- World War I and the beginning of t he 1970S
ment.t o an upsta irs bedroom in the house they fled for, as the author Richard Wr ight
he had purchased with savings from a job would put it, "t he warmth of othe r suns ." The
as a railroad porte r, he would bathe, shave lifet o come was in Washi ngto n, D.C. , or New
and dress in a white sh irt , t ie, suspen ders Yo rk, or Detro it, or Oakland , or Chicago. It
and a pair of sharply pressed trousers , only did n't matter much that , in t he end , those
t o spend the day in an armcha ir with a quilt utopias never lived up to their promise. Wha t
over his knees, listening t o radio evangelists matte red was that black life and black possi-
or reading the da ily papers. He had left a bility was not as brutally suppressed in those
sharecropper's plot in Bishopville, Sout h spaces as it was inthe south . My grandfather's
Carolina in the mid-forties for Wash ingt on, portrait , with its opt imist ically painted scene
D.C., his clothes and whatnot stuffed into of middle class America n life, was an image of
a few cardboard suitcases. St aying with a fut ure he had willed into reality.
re latives unti l he got establis hed, he wou ld Sun Ra was also part of t he great
soon send for th e wife and eight children migrati on, leaving Bi rmingham, Alabama
he left beh ind. I have a photograph of my in 1945 for a futu re he was going to create.
grandfather from that time posing in a white Although my grandfather wouldn 't have
suit, wide brimmed hat and patterned tie recog nized that futu re, a place whe re t ime
against a painted backdrop of a suburban trave l. inte rstellar transport and communion
house .The photograph was taken long before with one's Egyptia n ancestors was possible ,
he actually had a house to stand in front of, he would have recognized the desire to exist
but for him it was an image of the future he in it. Eq ual Right s? Justice? Freedom? "It will
had arrived in and somet hing t o send back to happen, just give it time."
Sun Ra's music is sound against waiting. Why was reaching his hand out to take them t o.
wait when you can go to t he future or oute r Commissioned from the early 1960s th rough
space or even to the past to claim that which t he beginning ofthe 1970s. the murals were
you shouldn't have to ask for in the first place? backdrop to house parties, birth days, heated
Ra'sgoldtone headdresses, ankhs and flowing arguments. fucking. heartache and life. They
robes, like mygrandfather's suit and tie, were were the album sleeve art for Afrocen t ric
garments for the life to come, a life whose and Afrofuturist philosophies that helped a
arrival he had decided to haste n by "looking generation reimagine itself. Odd ly, desp ite
the part." their placement in domestic space's, the
"Come with me if you want to live," photos of the mura ls are devoid of people.
says the Terminator to a petrified Sarah Perhaps Aton-or whoever shot them-was
Connor in the second movie ofthe franchise . too focused on documenting the walls of t he
If she doesn 't go she will not see the future. houses he painted in to be bothered with
a future she has, ironically. already seen, a their inhab itants. Indee d, the shots have a
vision that resulted in her confinement to a peculiar floating quality to them, as if taken
ment al institution. Ifshe stays, t he future - in while in mid-air, or as if an extra-terrestrial
the form of the next model cyborg. T-1000- had happened upon the art of some long dead
will kill her. Every Terminator is terrifying. civilization. Perhaps the owne rs were just
Chicago, for the masses of black people who out of the frame watching him work, beers
settled there during the great migration. in hand, proud ofthe rootedness , arrival and
was the future , but they knew there must be factness that interior decoration implied.
another one, one that did not confine them Aton's murals a confirmation of the world
to overpriced housing and low paying jobs . they had already imagined for themselves. Or
Aye Aton was the ir Terminator. His murals, perhaps they had just left Aton alone while he
with their images of blazing suns, pyramids, documented his handiwork:too busy living in
comets and planetary bodies painted on the the fut ure he had painted to pose in front of it .
walls of black homes all over the South Side.
were about a future t hat he, byway of Sun Ra,
Space, Interiors and Ext eriors
John Corbett

Ra house,
\ from th e Sun
of /\ton mu . irca ' 972.·
Photograph Penns~\"an\a , c

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Among Sun Ha's many powers was an ability Arkestra would make the reverse tr ip, landing
to address different people in an intimate and in NewYo rk for a six-year stretch , afte rwhich
intense way. so that they understood their they set up shop in Philadelphia . Meanwh ile,
relationship with the musician, composer, fresh to the city. Aton was busy spend ing
bandleader, and mysticto be primary. pivotal. time with a study group made up of older men
essential. Ra was a commanding and mes- who played checke rs in Washing ton Par k on
meric presence with irons in numerous fires . Chicago's South Side. He was an inqu isitive
Tosome. Ra's intrigue was primarily young man, asking deep questions about all
musical. John Gilmore would have been a manners of obscure topics, and several mem-
hard-bop saxophon ist -probably one of bers of the study group told him abou t their
the greatest-if not for his encounter with go-to guy for such queries , a fellow they knew
Ha's tune "Saturn "; magnetized by t he song. as Sunny Ray, who had recently left town but
Gilmore went on to dedicate his life and was best equipped to help Aton on his quest
careerto Ra, inthe process expanding his own for knowledge.
playingexponentially. Forsome, Ra 's science- Ra was no stranger to Was hington
fictive , philosophical . and futuristic precepts Park. From the mid-1950S until he left
were primary draw s; they were nurtured on Chicago in 1961, he was a regular presence
his sly humor and mind-widening view of the in the area , street-corner 'preaching and
heliocentric world and its greater omniverse. handing out leaflets exploring a range of
For others, the sense of community offered unus ual ideas-some biblical. some social.
in Ha's circle was a powerful attraction ; t he some mystical. some musical. but all at the
prospect of participating in a grassroots radical fringe of esoteric African American
intellectual enclave like the one found at the thought. Although he never used the term,
Sun Ra house in Germantown , Pennsy lvania, Ra was at the forefront ofwhat would later be
in northwest Philadelph ia, drew folks into called Afrofuturism. Aspecies ofthoughtthat
the fold. blurs material history by means of mytho- po-
Robert Underwood never met Ra et ic revisionism, afrofuturism draws anc ient
in Chicago, but he was entranced by the Egypt into close proximity with an imagined
charismatic figure from afar. Underwood- future, in Ra's case boarding a biblical. time-
who would at a later date change his name to t raveling spaceship fueled by jazz . Str iking
Aye Aton-was born in 1940 , and he relocat- an exceptional pose, like an unhinged rever-
ed from New York to Chicago in 1960. Ayear end Ra implored black people to pay close
later. Ra and core members of his band the attent ion to the power of words , to strive for
wisdom and beauty, and t o seek immort alit y. and he spoke almost daily. Their conversat ion
No doubt it was in t his context -and proba- amounted to an informal mentors hip: Ragave
bly not t hat of Ra's own such assembly, known Ato n inst ruct ions, guided him, and discussed
as Thmei Researc h- th at the mem ber s of his research with t he bud ding visual artist.
the Wash ingto n Park study group ca me into And over t he cou rse of t hat t ime, a decade
cont act with t he pianist and his extraordinary in th e making, a re marka ble and am bitious
discourse. collabo rative effort was mounted in Chi-
Obta ining Ra's number, Aton cago, heretofore known only t o a few privat e
phoned New York. Ra was immed iately re- citizens .
ceptive, and for the next eleven years , Aton Starting shortly aft er his first
convers ations with Ra, Aton began painti ng
murals. Wo rking most ly in peop le's homes
. ns Out:
f ExteoS'O . VA /. II.
on t he South Side, he made custom room
f ront cover 0 ble EquO llon.
T he Irnrneo
suro paint ings, following Ra's the matic sugges -
t ions, which pushed him towards Egypt ian
and cosm ic motifs, sometimes explosively
colored abstractions , and , as time went on,
distinctive outer-space imagery."Space be-
came very important to people," Aton says,
from his current home in Baton Rouge, Loui-
siana . The possibilit ies of unusua l pigments ,
new to the market in the early 1960s, opened
up vibrant and jarring areas of investigation:
"Awhole room offluorescent paint-you can
imagine how that looks!"
By his own recollect ion, Aton
paint ed murals in dozen s of homes, and also
outside , on the sides of buildings, antic ipat ing
the significant Chicago muralist movement
of the 1980s. His reperto ire, as he moved
through the psychedelic 1960s, included
black-light paints ; somet imes he would posi-
, I . ,,"IMMEASURABLE EQUATION" }.. s"" R<t t ion a black-light bulb as part of a wall mural,
its long, bluish tube casting selective illumi- a rectangle onto a green abstraction, or a
nat ion on an interstellar scene . doo rway leading through one mural int o a
In 1972, all th is work came to a closet, where another mural lurks amid some
startling culmination . Searching for im- one's clothes.
ages to use on the cover of the second book 1972 was important for Aton in
of Sun Ra's poetry, Extensions Out: The other ways also related to Ra. Parallel to
Immeasurable Equation, Vol. II, Ra and his artistic activities, Aton was working as a
his manager Alton Abraham thought of musician , encouraged and advised remotely
using images of Aton's murals. A series of by Ra. In the mid-s. as Robert Underwood,
snapshots of murals in several contexts he played percussion with Association for
was produced, and in the end three images the Advancement of Creative Musicians
were selected , all reproduced in black and members such as Fred Anderson and Joseph
white, one on the cover and two on interior Jarman . Aton saw Ra in a concert at Chicago's
pages . The original color images were col- Brown Shoe, told him he was ready to join
lected in a binder that Abraham held on the band , and surprised him by showing up
to ; many of them are now in the collection in Philly the following week. He rehearsed,
ofthe Chicago Jazz Archive, at the University toured, and recorded with the Arkestra in the
of Chicago. banner years of 1972-74.
These photographs have their own . A pivotal year for Ra's international
spec ial power. Boast ing the saturated colors reputation, 1972 found the band recording
of commercially printed photographs of the what would ultimately become its best-
1970s, Aton's compositions are pushed into known record , Space Is the Place (Blue
a supercharged state, pulsing little windows Thumb) , along with the crucial Saturn LP
into a fabulous, alien world secreted away Discipline 27-11. It was the same year in
in a living room or bedroom or dining room . which the ABC-Impulse! deal was struck,
Certain images are completely disorienting , issuing forth a dozen LPs on a major label
the only up-down marker being the date with the best distribution the music had yet
stamped on the photo's edge. Other images experienced . A year prior , early in 1971, Ra
have subtle hints at architecture : a corner had been artist-in-residence at the Univer-
where walls meet ceiling. And some find the sity of California, Berkeley, where he taught a
domestic scene intrud ing in a charming , sur- course titled "The Black Man in the Cosmos."
real way: a chandelier dipping down infront of Ra's presentation was sh ifting dramati-
a mystical goat's head , a light switch mapping cally at that point in history; recogniz ing the
potentially international reach of his music waiting to film, Ha's rainbow robes fluttered
and message , he red ressed the thematic in t he wind as an anonymous member of t he
bala nce in his stage show , emphasizing the entourage snapped cand id photos. For Ra,
cosmic and int erplanet ary, t on ing down there was no real division betwee n ons tage
the previously dominant biblical revision - and offstage persona . He was always on.
ism. Whe reas the latter made sense for the Proudly donni ng a preposte rously tall Egyp-
primar ily African American venues he played tian headp iece, per haps tuni ng into some
in Chicago -a client ele who already under- extrate rrestrial signal , Ra co mmande ered
stood the scr ipt ural referen ces and saw him t he parking lot, providing an image tha t would
in relation to evangelical preachers and Na- don th e S pace is t he Pla ce and would prove
t ion of Islam ites -as he made his way onto one of the most enduring shots of a figure
t he world's stage , Ra dev ised crafty ways to who was so outrageous that he cons iste ntly
fold those ideas int o galac tic spec tacle and found himselfi n t he came ra's lens.
apocalyptic pageantry more access ible to a The Spa ce is th e Pla ce soundtrack
gene ral audience. In , Abraha m and Ra were features a full version of t he Arkestra with
desperately t rying to find gigs for the Arkes- Aye Aton on percussion . Aton lived in t he
t ra in New York; th e Arkestra played its first Germantown house, to which he contrib-
concer t s in Europe in 1970, and by 1972 they uted several room murals: one in saxophonist
had esta blished a regular bulkhead in France , Mars hall Allen's room , one on t he ceiling in
England , and Germany. John Gilmore's room, and a very spec ial one in
Ret urning t o California in 1972 , Ha 's room . He also painted backdrops forthe
Ra shot t he feature -length film Space is th e Arkestra , which were used in various live per-
Pla ce. Set in Oakland and direc ted by John formance settings. In 1974 , Aton moved back
Coney, t he movie featu res Ra and company to Chicago, in sea rch of gainful employment .
in Egypt ian costumes borrowed from a local He settled in Baton Rouge in 1983 , where he
Mason ic t e mple; a wonderfu lly bizarre mix cont inues to paint and play drums , his lengthy
of blacksploitation biopic and philosophical secret dia logue with Sun Ra a persistent and
rant, it deftly refers t o Ra's growing visibility, decisive part of his everyday life.
warily speculating on the possib ility of his
having "sold out:' On the set, the band and
the actors dotted the northern California
landscape even more vividly than the hip-
pies had a few years prior. In a parking lot ,

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