Impact Application of ICT On Office Mana

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(Ministry of Industries)
4 Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka

Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management


(Academic Year-2019)

Term Paper Report

“Applications of ICT on Office Management and Organization

Submitted to Submitted By
Farkhunda Dorin Md. Santa Ali
Head, ToT & Behavioral Management Division, Roll: 19DH156
Senior Management Counselor Batch: Eve 03
Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) PGDHRM, BIM

Submission Date : 14 November, 2019

Letter of Transmittal
14 November, 2019

Name of the Supervisor:

Farkhunda Dorin
Head, ToT & Behavioral Management Division,
Senior Management Counselor
4 Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road,
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

Subject: Request to accept the Report

Dear Madam,

You have assigned me to prepare the report on “Applications of ICT on Office Management and
Organization Development”. I have prepared my report in mentioned timeframe. The report also
consists of the overview of a NGO which name Pally Arthik Unnayan Karzocrom (PAUK) in
Bangladesh. I tried to gather accurate information to make it specific and coherent. Through the
process of preparing the term paper, I have managed to get some practical experiences.

To serve your purpose, I have tried my best to find out proper implementation of using ICT
applications and practice in Office Management.
I truly hope and believe, this report will fulfill the requirements suggested by you.

Sincerely yours,


Roll: 19DH156
EVE Batch 03
Session: 2019

I do solemnly declare that this term paper submitted; in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM) of the session 2019 of
the Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM), Dhaka in the result of my own research work and
written in my own language. That no part of this term paper consists of materials copied or
plagiarized from published or unpublished work of other writers and that all materials borrowed
or reproduced from other published or unpublished source have either been out under quotation or
duly acknowledge with full reference in appropriate place(s). I understand that the diploma,
conferred on me, may be cancelled/withdrawn if subsequently it is discovered that this term paper
is not my original work, it consists of materials copied/plagiarized or borrowed with proper



Roll: 19DH156
EVE Batch 03
Session: 2019


I express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere appreciation to my supervisor Farkhunda Dorin
,Senior Management Counselor of Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) for his valuable
suggestion, guidelines and co-operation. Without his help and guidance it was quit impossible to come
up with this study.

All of my thanks go to the employees of PAUK, who have gave me their valuable time to explore
their world. For this I thank my Institution for giving me this nice opportunity to see their life world. I
am also grateful to the office management who extended their co-operation for collection data and
information associate with the study.

In writing this term paper, I have drawn as many books which mentioned in the bibliography, I
acknowledge my indebtedness to all those authors for their works which has been great use for me.
I would like to thank all of the counselors of Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) who had
been very co-operative and support me to do this term paper.

I am also grateful to my parents for their handy support and off course to all of my friends and



Roll: 19DH156
EVE Batch 03
Session: 2019


Sl. No. Contents Pages

01 Chapter 01: Introduction 01-08
1.1 Background of the project 01
1.2 Importance of the study 03
1.3 Objectives of the study (Major and Specific Objectives) 04
1.3.1 Major Objective 04
1.3.2 Specific Objectives 05
1.4 Key Variables 05
1.5 Scope of the study 05
1.6 Limitations of the study 06
1.7 Methodology of the study 06
1.7.1 Sampling 07
1.7.2 Source of data 07
1.7.3 Data collection tools and Techniques 07
1.7.4 Study Area 08
02 Chapter 02: Literature Review and Theoretical Orientation 09-21
2.1 The Concept of Applications of ICT 09
2.2 The concept of Office Management System 16
2.3 Advantage of using ICT applications
2.4 Disadvantage of using ICT applications
2.5 Concept of Management Productivity
2.6 Cost Benefits of Office Management
2.7 Organization Development

03 Chapter 03: Company Overview 22-29
3.1 About the organization 22
3.2 Our Mission 26
3.3 Our Vision
3.4 The Management Process
04 Chapter 04: Analysis and Findings 30-49
4.1 Analysis 30
4.2 SWOT analysis 32
4.3 Major Findings 34
4.4 Summary of Findings 35
06 Chapter 06: Recommendation & Conclusion 53-54
6.1 Recommendation
6.2 Conclusion


Sl No. Table Pages

Identify the ICT applications using for office management
01 Table-1 Using of ICT tools or applications for daily works related
02 Table-2 Using of application software related
03 Table-3 Using Expertise of different application related
04 Table-4 Using of database software related
05 Table-5 Communication media related
06 Table-6 HRM software related
07 Table-7 Benefits of ICT applications related
08 Table-8 Customize software related

Employment productivity of using ICT applications

09 Table-09 Perfect using of ICT tools and applications related
10 Table-10 Accuracy and easier of using ICT application related
11 Table-11 Boring less working area related
12 Table-12 Globally communication related
13 Table-13 Improvement of worker skill related
14 Table-14 Worker performance of using ICT application related
15 Table-15 Employee productivity related
16 Table-16 Achievement organization goal and objectives related
17 Table-17 Growth of organization related


1.1 Background
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is technology that supports
activities involving the creation, storage manipulation and communication of information,
together with the related methods, management and application.

In other words, ICT applications enables us to record, store, process, retrieve and
transmit information. It encompasses modern technologies such as computer,
telecommunication, facsimile and micro-electronics. Older technologies such as document
filling systems, mechanical accenting machines, printing and care drawings are also
included in the term information and communication technology. Information and
communication technology in today’s world refers to those technologies that determine
the efficiency and effectiveness of communication devices and the devices that allow us to
handle information.

Applications of ICT has becomes a key tool in acquiring, processing and

disengaging knowledge. It has becomes an imperative tool for investing and developing of
a nation in the 21st century the revolutionary impact of ICT applications on all sphere of
the society has not spared the educational sector.

The internet is a one of the biggest used ICT application which is now widely used
as a medium of communications by administrators, researchers and student in higher
institutions. There are many desirable attributes of information and communication
technology (ICT) and ICT tools or appliation. Each of them concerns the effective
provision of information to the recipient. These include purpose, accuracy, volume of
information, volume of detail and presentation of information.

In discussing the application of ICT on office managers’ performance in

organizations; two factors are to be recognized; Technological growth and organizational

structure. Organization here does not mean only structure but includes aspects of
interactions between people and machines in achieving set organizational goals.

It is said that the successes of any person or organization depends largely on

information available to a human person and the constant modification of ICT applications
that is fully up-dated.

This ascertains brings us to the purpose of an office which includes the following:
Administration, clerical work, money handling, information communication systems
which is an embodiment of secretarial or Office Manager’s operations. Office as a mini-
social system according to Farber and Barr (1979:6) plays important roles in defining
responsibilities. For the aforementioned reasons the Office Manager must be available to
organize and run the office completely. Here Office Manager is seen as an executive
assistant who has a mastery of office/organizational skills. He or She has to be familiar
with the manipulation of the modern of Information and communication Technology
(ICT) tools and applications which is made to enhance his/her performance.

Office managers, also known as administrative service managers or the business

office manager, are responsible for making sure that a company's support staff is running
smoothly. This can take many forms, and depends on the size and type of company, so it
could mean organizing, planning and overseeing a large pool of administrative assistants,
or working with one or two people in a smaller office.
Office Managers make sure that the office runs smoothly, which includes keeping
supplies in stock, making sure administrative and office staff are doing their job, working
with vendors, planning events, making sure the facilities are clean, orderly, and safe, and
analyzing supply and energy consumption to determine cost-saving and efficiency

As such, the primary function of management is to take decisions leading to the

achievement of organizational objectives. The types of decisions management makes will
determine it information needs, however the numerous crises in our higher institution

could have been prevented if information and communication Technology promote issues
on research and community services it has also been observed that the monitoring and
evaluation of staff, physical planning, curriculum development, financial management and
information dissemination will increase the efficiency of the office managers, if
information and communication Technology facilities are adequately and properly
Office automation provides increased productivity through improved access to data,
faster responses to customer demands and faster decision makings. The inventions of
modern office equipment were necessitated as a result of the growth in large scale
enterprises and also as a technological breakthrough. The office therefore relies much on
sophisticated office equipment in order to cope with the ever-increasing activities in the

1.2 Importance of the study
This study will be of great value to the professional Office managers/secretaries and
society in general as well as Tertiary Institutions and organizations. This study also helps to our
national organization as like ngo or the same organization how to implement ICT application on
their organization , how to improve their employee productivity and how to achieve their
organizational goals. The knowledge exerted from the study will be beneficial to Office managers
in the discharge of their duties and will definitely encourage new innovations in ICT applications
on the part of the implementers.

This research work is significant to the extent that it provides data on the effects of
information technology on the performance of an office manager. The researcher intends to
provide relevant information’s, which would contribute to the academic knowledge and also a
foundation for future researchers.
1. Organization: the study will help improve some existing theories on information as
they apply to organizations as well as the office professionals in the areas of
human resources management. It has also become a vital and integral part of every
business plan. It will also help organization to improve the way they design and
manage customer relationships.
2. Further research: it is also hoped that the findings of this study will contribute to
the existing knowledge and information in the area of research.
3. Office practioner : The significance of this research work is immeasurable both to
the practitioners, office professionals, chief executives, personnel managers, the
management of the organizations and the public at large. It is expected that the
findings and recommendations of the study will guide the area of study to consider
introducing information technology for their office professional efficiency and
other human resources departments for effective administration of personnel

1.3 Objectives of the study
Broader objective of the study:

Main objective of this study- ICT applications how to help office management and to
develop organization.

Specific objectives: The specific objective of the study will be:

• Identify the ICT applications using for office management.
• To identify impact on employment productivity of using ICT applications.
• Cost benefit analysis of using ICT applications in the organization.

1.4 Key Variables

Information and Communication Technology: This is refers to those technologies that
determine the efficiency and effectiveness with which we communicate and the devices that allow
us handle information.

Administration: is a social process concerned with identifying maintaining, motivating,

controlling and unifying formally organized human and material resources within an integrate
system designed specifically to activate predetermined objectives.

Application: is the usage of computer software designed to assist the users to perform specific
task related to records keeping and retrieval.

Electronic Learning: (E- is an electronic delivery and administration of learning opportunities

and support via computer network and web-based technology.

Office Managers:are business professionals who are responsible for a diverse set of
administrative tasks.

DATA: data is the raw facts from the business activities, such fact could be;
• Daily sales of an organization.
• Rate of pay staff.
• Number of products per day.

• Number of hours put in by any worker per day.
MIS: this is a system in which an organization collects and collates, process these data to become
information and then give results as output.

Office Automation: this is a collection of modern office equipments which enhances the
efficiency and performance level of a task with minimal level of errors.
Word processing: it is an accurate and efficient secretary tool for creating, revising, saving, and
printing of a document which combines four elements, people, equipment, and environment.

E-mail: this is the means of transmitting and distributing data through the process of electronic
media and it’s faster and convenient.

Management: Management is the process of designing and maintaining environment in which

individuals working together in groups to efficiently accomplish selected aims.

Manager: A manager is a person who oversees and arranges every aspect of our event include
organizing, implementing, controlling, and evaluating an events design, activities and production.

Office: Can be a place where information is on paper converges and information is documented,
preserved and used for current and future operations or business.

Administrator/ Office Manager: Is a person or somebody who is tasked with the responsibility
or directing and controlling the work and staff of a business or department within it.

Personnel: The body of persons employed by or activities in an organization, business, or


1.5 Scope of the Study

This study is restricted to the impact of application of Information and
Communication Technology on the performance of office Managers. However, the scope
of this study is limited only to PAUK (An Non-government Organization) and other
tertiary Institution in Bangladesh and seeks to find out the effect of application of
Information and Communication Technology on the performance of executive and office

1.6 Limitations of the Study
(1) These were some respondents that were not ready to answer vital information for the
purpose of this research such valuable information was considered to be confidential and as
well were not ready to release confidential secret of the organization.

(2) Because of my inability, I could not become enough intimate with the workers to extract
out the actual answer. So the lack of validity is prevailed through this research. In spite of
conducting pilot survey, there was some vagueness in my questionnaire that made some
confusion while collecting data.

(3) Management or representatives are always busy with their own tasks, so they had little
opportunity for giving us such time in this regard.

(4) In some cases is seems to us that the female workers are not open mind to answer us
about our question. It may be they are fear of management or perhaps they could not identify
our good intention of the study.

1.7 Methodology of the Study

Introduction :
This chapter is all about the research methodology used in this project work. It explains the
research design, study population and the instruments used in gathering the information and the
procedure used to treat the information that was gathered.
Source of Data :
This study adopted survey research design because it does not introduce control. Questionnaire
was administered on respondents to generate necessary data.
Sampling :
The researcher has adopted the survey type of research in which a sample from the target
population will be used for the study. In total, a sample of enough elements has to be selected
from a targeted population. Details of the sample are as follows:
The sample is 30 employee (20 are midlevel and 10 are high level).

The study has adopted a multistage stratified sampling method to select elements.

Data Collection Tools and Technique :
Primary and secondary research has to be conducted in the study. Before the actual data collection
The initial visit to the selected organization are therefore be to introduce himself, familiarize
himself with those organization as well as seek their consent for the study. This study has used
both primary and secondary data collection techniques. The major research techniques employed
are as follows:

Conducting interviews direct and over phone with executive, management and personnel of

Discussion with 30 employees to know and analyze the attitude on using of ICT applications
in their organization.

A structured questionnaire has to be developed and is used as the survey tool for the study. Most
of the questionnaire was the closed-ended type.

Study Area :
My study area is mainly organization head office based in Thakurgaon and some of information
collected from regional office in Dhaka.

Literature Review and Theoretical Orientation

2.0 Literature Review

This is the past literature review that will enhance this project. The Information
Technologies in the 21st century have revolutionized all profession worldwide including the
office manager practice. Agbatogu et al (2011) says that technology has been a significant tool in
almost all human endeavors.
Adedoyin (2010), Appah and Emeh (2012) argues that information technology and it’s
applications have affected every profession in the last twenty years. The accounting profession is
not left out in these profound changes to business and methods of communications. Technology is
providing the tools that are revolutionalizing the role of an office manager professional from that
of information recorders to business strategists making them much more critical to the success of
an enterprise Jaiyeola (2007).
According to Aarora[1985 pp 5] office technology is the application of scientific methods,
system and knowledge to facilitate the information activities in the office. Also, office
technology and applications of ICT refers to the varied computer machinery and software
to digitally create, collect, store, manipulate and disseminate information needed for
accomplishing basic tasks and goals.
Also Ofurum and Ogbonna (2008) says information technology is the combination of
computing, telecommunication and video techniques for the purpose of acquiring, processing,
storing, and disseminating vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information.
The objective of this study therefore, is to examine the effect of information technology on
office managers in contemporary organizations. To achieve this objective, the paper is divided
into five interconnected sections. The next section presents the review of relevant literature.
Section three examines the materials and methods used in the study. Section four presents the
results and discussion and the final section examines the conclusion and recommendations.

2.1 The Concept of Applications of ICT :

Advantages of Computer : Nowadays, computer can be found virtually in every industry. This is
so as most people from different walks of life like Banking, Medicine, Law, Manufacturing,

Education etc. deploy computer to carry out their task due to some enormous advantage which
• Speed: Due to the accuracy of speed there could be more organizational effectiveness
compare to the use of typewriter.
• Accuracy: The accuracy the computer possesses has enabled the office worker to
be more oriented in carrying out their work effectively.
• Storage Capability: Computer have very big large memory of storage capability which
makes it more valuable to use in every organizational setting
Versality: Ability to perform different task, these mean that computer can be used for different job
with the use of various applications’ software.
Fax Machine: Fax (short for facsimile), sometimes called telecopying, is the telephonic
transmission of scanned printed material (both text and images), normally to a telephone number
connected to a printer or other output device. The original document is scanned with a fax
machine (or a tele copier), which processes the contents (text or images) as a single fixed graphic
image, converting it into a bitmap, the information is then transmitted as electrical signals through
the telephone system. The receiving fax machine reconverts the coded image, printing a paper
copy (Rouse, 2006).
Video Conferencing: Videoconferencing is the conduct of a videoconference (also known as a
video conference or videoteleconference) by a set of telecommunication technologies which allow
two or more locations to communicate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions. It
has also been called 'visual collaboration' and is a type of groupware (Muhlbach et al, 1995).

Intranet/LAN: An intranet is a computer network that uses Internet Protocol technology to share
information, operational systems, or computing services within an organization. The term is used
in contrast to internet, a network between organizations, and instead refers to a network within an
organization. Sometimes, the term refers only to the organization's internal website, but may be a
more extensive part of the organization's information technology infrastructure, and may be
composed of multiple local area networks (Callaghan, 2002).
Email: Electronic mail, commonly known as email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital
messages from an author to one or more recipients. Modern email operates across the Internet or
other computer networks. Some early email systems required that the author and the recipient
both be online at the same time, in common with instant messaging. Today's email systems are
based on a store-and- forward model. Email servers accept, forward, deliver and store messages.
Neither the users nor their computers are required to be online simultaneously; they need connect

only briefly, typically to an email server, for as long as it takes to send or receive messages
(Encyclopedia Wikipedia).
Customized/Task Oriented Software: Custom software (also known as bespoke software) is
software that is specially developed for some specific organization or other user. As such, it can
be contrasted with the use of software packages developed for the mass market, such as
commercial off- the-shelf (COTS) software, or existing free software. Custom software can be
developed by an in- house software development group, or be commissioned from a software
developer. Since custom software is developed for a single customer it can accommodate that
customer's particular preferences and expectations.

2.2 The Concept of Office Management System :

This is a profession involving the design, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of the
process of work within an office or organization, in order to maintain and improve efficiency and
Managing System:
With the increasing use of computer systems, office managers may also be responsible for
ensuring that systems operate cohesively. In small offices that don't have their own computer
support personnel, office managers may need computer systems troubleshooting skills. In larger
offices, managers may oversee the work of technical specialists, recording frequent problems and
researching potential solutions.

2.3 Advantage of using ICT applications :

Communications facilitation: Using a network, people can communicate efficiently and easily
via email, instant messaging, chat rooms, telephone, video telephone calls, and video
Permit sharing of files, data, and other types of information: In an office network, authorized
users may access data and information stored on other computers on the network. The capability
of providing access to data and information on shared storage devices is an important feature of
many office networks.
Share network and computing resources: In a networked environment, each computer on a
network may access and use resources provided by devices on the network, such as printing a

document on a shared network printer. Distributed computing, uses computing resources across a
network to accomplish tasks.
Reduced office operating cost :
In managing an office, one of the major contributions to operating cost is the cost of office
supplies and consumables. Office consumables involve such products as paper, pens, file folders,
post-it notes, computer disks, and toner or ink cartridges. Most a times storing, transfer of
documents and record keeping in the office may require the use of these resources. Hence,
depending on the size and nature of activity of an office, money is continually spent to acquire
office supplies and consumables.

2.4 Disadvantage of using ICT applications:

Lack of job security – Experts in a wide variety of fields believe that ICT has made job security
a big issue, since technology keeps on changing nearly every day. This means that individuals
need to be constantly studying or at least keeping up with changes in their profession, if they want
to feel secure in their jobs to be secure.
Privacy - Though information technology may have made communication quicker, easier, and
more convenient, it has also brought along privacy issues. From cell phone signal interceptions to
e-mail hacking, people are now worried about their once private information becoming public
Reliance on Technology – Professor Ian Robertson, a neuropsychology expert based at Trinity
College Dublin who carried out the study, said: “People have more to remember these days, and
they are relying on technology for their memory but the less you use of your memory, the poorer
it becomes. . people don’t bother learning to spell because they use spell-checker, or need a
calculator do perform minor addition or subtraction.
Expansive - too expansive to afford
Lack of experience - hard for new employee to use with a lack of experience using ICT tools.

2.5 Concept of Management Productivity:

Productivity–a ratio of production output to the input required to produce it–is one measure of
production efficiency. Productivity is defined as a total output per one unit of a total input.
Control management must implement control processes to maintain or improve productivity.

Improving Productivity
Many companies have formal programs for improving productivity via existing control systems.
Companies are constantly looking for ways to improve quality, reduce downtime, and increase
inputs of labor, materials, energy, and purchased services. Simple changes to operating methods
or processes can increase productivity (think Henry Ford’s assembly line). The biggest gains often
come from adopting new technologies or concepts, which requires capital expenditures for new
equipment, computers, or software.

2.6 Cost Benefit of Office Management :

In managing an office, one of the major contributions to operating cost is the cost of office
supplies and consumables. Office consumables involve such products as paper, pens, file folders,
post-it notes, computer disks, and toner or ink cartridges. Most a times storing, transfer of
documents and record keeping in the office may require the use of these resources. Hence,
depending on the size and nature of activity of an office, money is continually spent to acquire
office supplies and consumables. With recent advancements in ICT, the world is beginning to
initiate an idea of a paperless society and this is no doubt affecting the office system as well. Most
office documentation and record keeping are now being carried out electronically and by the day
this practice becomes increasingly safer, more reliable and adopted especially by major
organizations, minimizing the use of consumables for creating, sharing and storing office
documents and thus diminishing further, their office operating costs.

2.7 Organization Development :

Organization development (OD) is a data-driven process for change, and as a result, the
successful application of OD interventions and tools has become increasingly dependent on the
use of information technology. This chapter focuses on the role of information (or data) in
contemporary change efforts, and the impact that technology has had on the practice of OD over
the past decade. Following a case study of a Web-enabled platform used to drive culture change,
the chapter closes with a discussion of the unexpected consequences and potential issues involved
with the use of technology for OD initiatives that need to be addressed.

3.1 About the Organization :
Pally Arthik Unnayan Karzocrom (PAUK) continuous its mended for holistic development of
rural populations in the areas of livelihood, skill development, health, education, water and
sanitation, nutrition, mother and child health care services, kitchen gardening, growth monitoring,
immunizations, arsenic mitigation and the developing needs of marginalized people of
Bangladesh from its inception 1999. At the same time PAUK has been continuing micro credit,
social development, food security, disaster management, agricultural development, livestock,
fisheries, water resources management, hazardous child labour reduction, counter trafficking
intervention, human rights, adult education, child education, skill development activities for
ensuring equitable society free from poverty in PAUKs working area.

PAUK managed mentioned programs in 1 Division, 4 Municipality, 2 Districts, Unions: 100, 04

upazilas of Bangladesh, directly reaching more than 0.2 million poor and vulnerable people.
Different need-based programs are aimed to enhancing the capabilities of deprived people in
terms of social development, disaster facina, food security, agriculture, gender, nutrition, micro
finance, health, environment, rights and governance, education and human development, and with
empowering them to solve the problems that affect their lives and to cooperate with each other to
resisting oppression and exploitation.

3.2 Our Mission:

Pally Arthik Unnayan Karzocrom (PAUK) is a Bangladeshi organization working to spread the
message about the need for environmental conservation – to ensure the protection of biological
diversity and ecological balance. Since the official formation of PAUK in 1999, we have focused
on generating knowledge amongst the wider community about how human activity can negatively
impact on the environment of Bangladesh. As a service oriented non-profit, non-government
organization, PAUK strives to improve the livelihoods, the socio-economic status and
simultaneously the environmental education of some of the most vulnerable communities in
Bangladesh. PAUK invests in the people to care for the environment through providing essential
inputs and capacity building. PAUK want to ensure self-reliant rural communities who live in
harmony with their environment.

The mission of PAUK is to promote and encourage an environmental movement through a

participatory democratic framework involving diverse social groups, and to assist them with
ideas, information, and leadership for promoting a safe and sustainable environment.

The vision of PAUK is to see Bangladesh achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and in
contributing to this works to: Protect the environment; Reduce poverty; Increase literacy rates and
education; Empower women in rural communities, and Improve sanitation and health services.

3.3 Our Vision:

PAUK envisions a poverty free equitable society where equality and dignity of all people are
ensured. Also PAUK envisions a just and caring society, where poor people live in peace, with
dignity and harmonious relationship in Bangladesh.

Analysis and Findings
Introduction :
This chapter deals with the methods of analysis and interpretation of data collected from the
respondents through the questionnaire circulated. The method of analysis used was on the
provision of Empirical research for the findings of the study.

Demographic of Data Analysis :

General Demographic profile of respondents
Category Number of Responses Received Percentage
Male 24 80%
Female 06 20%
Total 30 100%



Analysis Research Questionnaires :

The research question was answered with statements in the questionnaire. Respondent’s response
to the following research questions are stated in the table below.

Table 1 : Using of ICT tools or applications for daily works related
Question : What type of ICT tool are you used for your daily works?
ICT Tools Number of Respondents Percentage
Computer 30 100%
Printer 30 100%
Scanner 22 73%
Internet 28 93%
App. Software 20 67%
Audio Visual Aid’s 5 17%
All of employees in this organization are used computer and printer, 73% are used scanner, 93%
used internet, 67% are used application software and Only 17% are used Audio visual Aid’s.

Table-2 Using of application software related

Question : What type application software are you used for office works?
ICT Tools Number of Respondents Percentage
Ms Word 30 100%
Ms Excel 28 93%
Ms Access 20 67%
MS PPT 26 87%
Graphics Software 5 17%
Mobile App 29 97%

Table-3 Using Expertise of different application related

Question : Are you expert in which application?
ICT Tools or Applications Number of Respondents Percentage
Ms Word 29 97%
Ms Excel 16 54%
Ms Access 5 17%
MS PPT 26 87%
Graphics Software 2 7%

Table-3 Using of database software related

Question : Which software are you used for data entry to create database?

ICT Tools or Applications Number of Respondents Percentage
Ms Word 10 34%
Ms Excel 16 54%
Oracle 0 0%
MIS Software 2 6%
Others 2 6%

Ms Excel
Ms Word

Table-5 Communication media related

Question : Which application frequently used for communicate with colleague in your office?
ICT Tools or Number of
Applications Respondents E-mail
E-mail 12 40% Fax

Fax 02 7% Social Media

Social Media Apps 16 53%

Table-6 HRM software related

Question : Do you have any experience to using File Management Software or HRM
Number of
Variable Percentage
Respondents Yes

Yes 12 40% No

No 18 60%

Table-7 Benefits of ICT applications related

Question : Do you think that ICT applications has facilitated good communication between
you and collaborators?
Number of Poor
Variable Percentage Fair
Poor 2 7%
Very Good
Fair 10 33%
Good 12 40%
Very Good 06 20%

Table-8 Customize software related

Question : Do you know how to use customized software?
Number of
Variable Percentage
Respondents Yes

Yes 12 40% No
No 16 53% No
No Comment 2 7%

Table-9 Perfect using of ICT tools and applications related

Question : Can you perfect use to ICT tools and applications for your working areas?
Number of
Variable Percentage Poor
Poor 5 16%
Fair 6 16% Very Good
Good 17 56%
Very Good 02 06%

Table-10 Accuracy and easier of using ICT application related
Question : ICT applications done official task easily and accurately, What you think?
Number of Percentage
Yes 26 86%
No 0 0%
No Comment 4 14% Comment

Table-11 Boring less working area related

Question : Does the ICT applications helps to file or document indexing and file
management easier than manual process?
Number of
Variable Percentage Poor
Respondents Fair
Poor 2 7% Good

Fair 12 40% Very Good

Good 14 46%
Very Good 2 7%

Table-12 Globally communication related

Question : ICT application gives the opportunity to communicate globally and to keep you
Number of
Variable Percentage Poor
Poor 2 7%
Fair 10 33% Very Good
Good 16 53%
Very Good 2 7%

Table-13 Improvement of worker skill related
Question : Do you think that improves office workers skill acquisition of using ICT
Number of
Variable Percentage Yes
Yes 25 83%
No 01 03% No
No Comment 04 14%

Table-14 Worker performance of using ICT application related

Question : Do you think the workers will do better perform to done their duties of using ICT
Number of
Variable Percentage Poor
Poor 05 16%
Fair 15 50% Very Good
Good 06 20%
Very Good 04 14%

Table-15 Employee productivity related

Question : After all, perfect using of ICT applications can develop to office management
process and to increase employee productivity than manual process?
Number of
Variable Percentage Poor
Poor 05 16%
Fair 15 50% Very Good
Good 06 20%
Very Good 04 14%

Table-16 Achievement organization goal and objectives related
Question : The use of ICT applications will helps PAUK to achieve their aims and objectives
rapidly. – Is it possible?
Number of
Variable Percentage Yes
Yes 24 80%
No 02 7% No
No Comment 04 13%

Table-16 Growth of organization related

Question : The applications of ICT contributes immensely to the growth of this organization-
Is it possible?
Number of
Variable Percentage Poor
Poor 02 07%
Fair 20 67% Very Good
Good 04 13%
Very Good 04 13%

Table : Cost Benefit Analysis

Objective 3: Cost benefit analysis of using ICT applications on the organization
Office Management Cost Benefit Analysis
(According to PAUK cost report Jun, 2019)

Cost for office management before Result Cost for office management after using Results
using ICT applications s ICT applications (%)
(Jun- 2018- Total Cost 385000) (%) (Jun- 2019- Total Cost 265000)
Recruitment process Cost -15400 Tk 4% Recruitment process Cost- 5300 Tk 5%
Employee salary payment cost – 47% Employee salary payment cost 48600 45%
180950 Tk Tk
Paper base working system cost - 5% Paper less working system cost 4%
19250 Tk
Office rent cost -111650 Tk 29% Office rent cost 28%
Business Communication cost - 7% Business Communication cost 9%
26950 Tk
Advertisement and Publishing cost 4% Advertisement and Publishing cost 5%
15400 Tk
Global communication cost- 4% Global communication cost 3%



60 2018


According to table and chart, Recruitment process cost of this organization reduced for using
applications of ICT. Moreover, for using applications of ICT cost reduced those areas like- paper
based working system reduced, Office rent cost reduces, business communication cost reduces
and advertisement or publishing cost are also reduced for using ICT applications in an

Summary of the Findings
During the course of this study the following discussions were considered relevant to the
effect applications of information technology on the performance of an office

• Applications of ICT has quality effects on the performance of an office

• Information technology application improves the performance of an office
management like employee and managers.
• Impact of ICT application doesn’t have any negative effect on the
performance of an office employee and management.
• Information technology and their tools increases the standard of an
• All of employees used ICT application on this organization. Some of are
perfect for using applications and some of known to fair use.
• Most common application are used in this organization.
• Most of employee are can’t capable to use customized software.

• All of employees think that using of ICT applications any kind of office
management development increasing rapidly. And it’s also help to increase
employee more productivity in an organization.

Chapter 06
Recommendation & Conclusion
6.1 Recommendation :
Having examined the influence of Using of Information Technology applications on the
performance of an office management, the following recommendations are made:
• Organizations should endeavor to organize information technology equipments for their
• To make the staff skilled and experienced, ICT application based training should be
arranged to make them efficient in use.
• Using of the corporate related customize software should improve efficiency.

• Organization should endeavor to organize training and development programmes that will
further enhance the effective performance of secretaries through acquisition of additional
skills. Job training is the ultimate purpose to reach a level of productivity. Therefore, there
is need for training and re-training of secretaries on ICT in order to achieve maximum
• Office managers should always be ready and open-minded to acquire additional
training/skills development, bearing in mind that changes occur frequently in the line of
their chosen career and they are not left behind in the use of ICT application in this digital

6.1 Conclusion :
This study examined the effect of ICT applications on the performance of an office management,
PAUK in Bangladesh. The review of relevant literatures provides strong evidence of the
relationship between information technology and the performance of an office employees. This
current study empirically substantiated the results of prior studies with regard to the association
between the variables. The empirical results suggest that the usage of computer,
telecommunication techniques and video techniques does improve the performance of an office
management in PAUK. Hence, the paper concludes that the information and technology
revolution with the advent of modern IT facilities has contributed to the quality of work
performed by office executives, managers in PAUK. The study shows that ICT use is correlated
with workers skills suggesting that firms that use high levels of ICT also employ more knowledge

workers. ICT use is also found to be correlated with organizational innovations in production and
efficiency practices, HRM practices and product/service quality related practices, supporting the
view that ICT and organizational changes are complements. More important, our findings seem to
suggest that to be successful, firms typically need to adopt ICT as part of a “system” or “cluster”
of mutually-reinforcing organizational approaches. We find that while ICT is productive on its
own, it is more productive in firms that combine high levels of ICT with high levels of
organizational changes in the areas of production and efficiency practices, HRM practices, and
product/service quality-related practices. The firms that combine ICT with organizational changes
have a high incidence of productivity improvement and have high rates of innovation. Our results
also suggest that Information Technology and human capital are complements in dynamic service.
The firms that combine high levels of ICT and high levels of human capital have a higher
incidence of productivity improvement and higher rates of innovation in this sector. Firm-level
studies show that ICT investment, when accompanied by organizational change and investment in
human capital, has a significant impact on productivity and economic performance (Brynjolfsson
and Hitt, 2000; Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2002; Black and Lynch, 2001; Baldwin and
Sabourin, 2003). The most interesting finding is that new work practices are associated with
improved firm performance only when the practices are implemented as a bundle – and not
separately. The paper therefore recommends amongst others that constant training and retraining
of employees using relevant Using of ICT applications facilities should be used to improve the
quality of office management.

References :
Adedoyin, T. (2010). “I.T. Productivity Tools for Managing the Accounting Function”, The
Nigerian Accountant, 43(4): 30-36.Agbatogun, A. O., et al (2011). “Computer-Assisted
Programmed Instruction Revisited: A Study on Teaching Typewriting in Nigeria Higher
Institution”, Asian Journal of Information Technology, 10(2): 60-64.Appah, E. and Emeh, Y.
(2011). “Information Technology and Internal Auditors’ Activities in Nigeria”, Asian Journal of
Information Technology,
Agboola A.A (2006) “electronic payment systems and tele-banking services in Nigeria,”

journal of internet banking and commerce, Vol. 11 (3) pp. 1-10

Adeyemi T.O (2011): Impact of information and communications technology (ICT) on the
effective management of universities in south-west Nigeria

Questionnaire :

Applications of ICT on Office Management and Organization Development

Employee Name :........................................ Employee ID :…………………Dept:…………………………………

Objective 1: Identify the ICT applications using for office management.
What type of ICT tool are you used for your Computer Printer Scanner
daily works? Internet Application Software
Audio Visual Aids
What type application software are you used for Ms-Word Ms-Excel Ms-PPT
office works? Ms-Access Graphics Software
Mobile Apps
Are you expert in which application? Ms-Word Ms-Excel Ms-PPT
Ms-Access Graphics Software
Mobile Apps Others apps
Which software are you used for data entry to Ms-Word Ms-Excel Oracle
create database? MIS Software Others
Which application frequently used for E-mail Fax Social Media
communicate with colleague in your office?
Do you have any experience to using File Yes No
Management Software or HRM Software?
Do you think that ICT applications has Poor Fair Good Very Good
facilitated good communication between you and
Do you know how to use customized software? Yes No No comment
Objective 2: Employment productivity of using ICT applications related
Can you perfect use to ICT tools and Poor Fair Good Very Good
applications for your working areas?
ICT applications done official task easily and Yes No No comment
accurately, What you think?
Does the ICT applications helps to file or Poor Fair Good Very Good
document indexing and file management easier
than manual process?

Are you feel boring less working hour for using Poor Fair Good Very Good
ICT applications?
ICT application gives the opportunity to Poor Fair Good Very Good
communicate globally and to keep you updated?
Do you think that improves office workers skill Yes No No comment
acquisition of using ICT application?
Do you think the workers will do better Poor Fair Good Very Good
perform to done their duties of using ICT
After all, perfect using of ICT applications can Poor Fair Good Very Good
develop to office management process and to
increase employee productivity than manual
The use of ICT applications will helps PAUK to Yes No No comment
achieve their aims and objectives rapidly. – Is it
The applications of ICT contributes immensely Poor Fair Good Very Good
to the growth of this organization- Is it possible?

Table : Cost Benefit Analysis

Office Management Cost Benefit Analysis of PAUK

(According to PAUK cost report Jun, 2019)

Cost for office management before Results Cost for office management after using Results
using ICT applications (%) ICT applications (%)
(Jun- 2018- Total Cost 385000) (Jun- 2019- Total Cost 265000)
Recruitment process Cost -15400 4% Recruitment process Cost- 5300 Tk 5%
Employee salary payment cost – 47% Employee salary payment cost 48600 45%
180950 Tk Tk
Paper base working system cost - 5% Paper less working system cost 4%
19250 Tk
Office rent cost -111650 Tk 29% Office rent cost 28%
Business Communication cost - 7% Business Communication cost 9%
26950 Tk
Advertisement and Publishing cost 4% Advertisement and Publishing cost 5%
15400 Tk
Global communication cost- 4% Global communication cost 3%


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