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The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the students in

our classroom. The safety and wellbeing are not only limited to the physical, but also mentally

and emotionally. This Code also shows that the safety and wellbeing is, and should be, one of the

top priorities of the teacher and all educators. The Code should be followed so no harm comes to

any student regardless of background, culture, gender, etc. Although students are primarily there

to learn, they are also entitled to a safe, welcoming, and positive environment where this can

happen. Educators of all kinds should stand by the Code so the security, comfort, and health of

each and every student is protected. In addition to protecting the student, the Code of Ethics also

sets forth that an ethical educator also respects and brings no harm to their colleagues.

One example from this semester where I demonstrated being an ethical educator is when,

although I grew frustrated with a student, I continued to support and assist them with their work.

I took a deep breath and then tried to help using a different strategy. I never let my frustration

show or my patience thin as this would damage the teacher-student relationship we have

developed. This was because I knew that if I felt this way, they most likely felt similarly

frustrated. It most likely would make them feel worse, so I was patient and helped them to the

best of my ability. It could have also implied to the students that it is acceptable to give up or be

unkind to others. It could also give the impression that the classroom is not positive and

welcoming. I want my students to always feel safe in my classroom and to be unafraid when

asking for assistance.

This is connected to the Code of Ethics because it aligns with principle 3A and 3E.

Regarding 3A, I made an effort to protect their learning and emotional health. If I had let my

frustration overwhelm me, I would be no help to the student in their learning. In respect of our

teacher-student relationship, they could always be comfortable asking any questions and for help.

I do not want any student to feel emotionally unsafe in my classroom. In regard to principle 3E, I

did not embarrass them or discourage them at any point. If they spoke of themself in an ill

manner, I offered encouraging words. I also did not speak ill of them to my colleagues and peers,

in connection to principle 3I. The only one I spoke to was my CT and this was when it was only

the two of us in the classroom. This was for professional purposes only, since it was to gain more

context and knowledge of how to best help them and if there was anything I needed to be aware

of (accommodations, strategies, etc.).

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