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Red Hat System Administration

Course Description
This course is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.
Red Hat System Administration is designed for IT professionals without previous Linux
system administration experience. The course provides students with administration
survival skills by focusing on core administration tasks. The course goes deeper into
core Linux system administration skills, including storage configuration, security
features, management tasks, installation and deployment of Linux.

Day wise plan (2 to 2.5 hours every day)

 Day 01
 Install VMware workstation / Oracle Virtual box
 Create Virtual Machine
 Install RHEL v8 with iso in VMware / Oracle Virtual Box
 Basic concept about RedHat Enterprise Linux V8
 Directory Structure of Linux

 Day 02
 Log into a Linux system
 Terminals
 User details
 Run commands in terminal
 List directory contents
 Switch to another directory
 Create new directory & files

 Day 03
 Copy files in different locations
 Move files & directories
 View files using different command tools
 View files live modifications
 Edit files with different editor

Atova Technology Email:

3rd Floor, Satmasjid Super Market, Mohammadpur Bus Stand, Dhaka- 1207 Phone: +880 1713615831
 Day 04
 User creation
 User password administration
 User & group administration
 Set password policy
 Set special privilege to user

 Day 05
 Basic permission details
 Assign standard permission
 Ownership & group ownership
 Create ACL
 Default permission
 Special permission

 Day 06
 Locate files
 Search file with advance search tools
 Output redirection
 Tar Archive
 Different types of archive formats

 Day 07
 Basic partition concept
 Create standard partition
 Assign file system
 Mount & umount
 Create swap partition
 Different types of file systems
 Mount in different style

 Day 08
 LVM concept
 Create PV VG
 Create Logical Volume
 Create logical volume with different style
 Add new disk to VG
 Extend & reduce LV partition

Atova Technology Email:

3rd Floor, Satmasjid Super Market, Mohammadpur Bus Stand, Dhaka- 1207 Phone: +880 1713615831
 Remove LV partition

 Day 09
 Basic firewall concept
 Different firewall zones
 Allow & deny services
 Allow & disallow different ports
 Create advance firewall rules
 Basic concept of SELinux
 Allow ports in SELinux
 Boolean
 SELinux context

 Day 10
 Networking concept
 Service concept
 Check IP details
 Assign IP indifferent method
 Assign static IP using different tools
 Package management
 Install package with rpm
 Create local repository
 Yum server configuration
 Yum module packages

 Day 11
 Assign ipv6
 Scheduling
 Task scheduling using different tools
 Crontab & AT
 NTP server & client
 SSH server concept
 Secure ssh server

Atova Technology Email:

3rd Floor, Satmasjid Super Market, Mohammadpur Bus Stand, Dhaka- 1207 Phone: +880 1713615831
 Day 12
 SSH key based authentication
 NFS server concept
 Configure NFS server & Client
 SMB service concept
 SMB server & client configuration

 Day 13
 User password reset
 SystemD target concept
 Performance tuning
 Control processes

 Day 14
 LDAP Concept
 LDAP client configuration
 Auto File System
 Concept of VDO
 Configure VDO
 Manage VDO disk
 Mount & umount VDO partition

 Day 15
 Basic Container details
 Container structure
 Pull & download different container images
 Run a container
 Run commands
 Manage Container images
 Remove a container & an image

 Review and short exam

Atova Technology Email:

3rd Floor, Satmasjid Super Market, Mohammadpur Bus Stand, Dhaka- 1207 Phone: +880 1713615831

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