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800-298-5018 June 30, 2022

800 Sylvan Ave,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ Zarei Garcia
07632 1234 Main Street
Any town, State ZIP

Dear Zarei,

As the CEO of Dove, I would sincerely like to apologize not only to yourself

and our customers, but to anyone and everyone our company has upset or

offended. Our advertisement “Campaign for Real Beauty” was intentionally

supposed to unite and diversify our product. Our mission is to expand the

definition of beauty globally. We want women all over the world to know and

feel beautiful in their own skin. Our intentions were absolutely in no way to

offend anyone. After deliberately reading what you had to say and simply

after viewing and evaluating our advertisement, it is completely

understandable for our audience to be upset and we are quite embarrassed

that we allowed such a video to be posted. Our purpose was to show our

product as being a perfect match for anyone and every one of different skin

colors and skin types. We would never want anyone to feel like they need to

change who they are or like people are not all equally beautiful and unique. I

agree with and support your suggestion about the Diversity and Inclusion

training. We will gather a diversified team to input different types of

viewpoints and backgrounds to fully understand what may or may not be

inappropriate to our audience. Understanding racial differences is absolutely

necessary for a product that is meant for all and we are willing to do

whatever it takes to spread positivity. All the “Campaign for Real Beauty” ads

have been taken down and our sincerest apology has been posted already.

We are already working on a new project intended to promote kindness. We

are truly apologetic and will make sure this doesn’t happen ever again.


Suzy Sammons

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