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INERAL INFORMATION SHEET (GIS) FORTHE YEAR 2020 ‘STOCK CORPORATION £38 ) inva orn { 2 (or ‘GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 4. FORUSER CORPORATION. THs SUBMITTED WITiON THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS] MEETING DO NOT LEAVE ANY "XA" IP THE INFORMATION REQUIRED IS NOT APPLICABLE TO THE CORPORATION OR NONE* ‘THEN IAL STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING IS HELD ON A DATE OTHER THAN THAT STATED INTHE BY-LAWS} ‘THE GIS SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITHIN THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION OF THE DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS OF TH CORPORATION AT THE ANNUAL MEMBERS MEETING, | NO MEETING IS HELD, THE CORPORATION SHALL SUBMIT THE GIS NOT LATER THAN JANUARY 20 0P THE FOLLOWING YEAR. HOWEVER SHOU /AN ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING BEHELD THEREAFTER. NEW GiSSHALL BE SUBMTTED FILED. ‘THISGIS SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ENGLISH AND CERTIFIED AND SWORX TO BY THE CORPORATE SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION. ‘THE SBC SHOULD BE TIMELY APPRISED OF RELEVANT CHANGES IN THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION AS THEY ARISE. FOR CHANGES RESULTING FROM ACTIONS THAT AROSE BETWEEN THE AVNUAL MEETINGS THE CORPORATION SHALL SUBMIT AMENDED GIS CONTAINING THE NEW INFORMATION ‘TOGETHER WITH A COVER LETTER SIGNED THE CORPORATE SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION. THE AMENDED GIs AND COVER LETTER SHALL Be _SunMrrTHD Wry SEVEN (7 DAYS AFTER SUCH CHANGE OCCURED OR RFCAME FFPFCTIVE ' SUBMIT FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE cis TO THE RECEIVING SECTION AT THE SEC MAIN OFFICE OR TO SEC SATELLITE OFFICES OR EXTENSION OFFICES| ‘ALLCOPIES SHALL UNIFORMLY BE ON A¢ OR LETTER SIZED PAPER. THE PAGES OF ALL COPIES SHALL USE ONLY ONESIDE ‘ONLY THE Gis ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THSE INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS HAVING BEEN FILED. 7TH GIS MAY BE USED AS EVIDENCE AGAINST THE CORPORATION AND ITS RESPONSIBLE DIRECTORS/OFICERS FOR ANY VIOLATION OF EXISTIN Ecorse ae a = hace 9/14/1909, BUSINESS/TRADE NAME: S oe = aaa ee & Sano sere = ea cn eT = Sarena mrundeyettecmier oom ecard x —— a = [COMPLETE PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADDRESS: eS [rea ADRS serene as —————— ——- (a) ata Seer ea [aso rarrer EE ———ETFEEOET—C oe ere ere eer wpe wwosusworee | ime PARENT COMPANY SECREGISTRATIONNO._ NONE ONE: SUBSIDIARY APPT SECREGISTRATIONNO. NONE NONE: NONE "GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET ‘STOCK CORPORATION ‘Is the Corporation a covered person under the Anti Money Laundering Act ded? (Rep. Acts. 9160/9164/10167/10365) (AMLA), as a CYes No Pease check the appropriate box: [ot ee es eo ea ee Go onshore Banking Units Gc Quasi-anks Da trustees De Non-stock Savings and Loan Associations i & Pawmshops Ce Foreign Exchage Dealers Dh Money changers 1 & Remittance Agents D1 |. erectronic Money issuers Ck Financial institutions which Under Special Laws are subject to supervision and/or regulation, TT a Tasurance Companies G1 b Insurance Agents Gi c insurance Brokers Gi a Professional Reinsurers Te Reinsurance Brokers 1 £ Hoang Companies Lg Holding Company systems © hs Prenoed Companies i satual sonett Association D5 altother Persons and entities supervised and/or regulated by the Insurance Commission (1 Gi by securities Brokers Gi securities Salesman a investment Houses Te investment Agents and Consultants D £ Trading Advisors {Other entities managing Securities or rendering similar services| 1 i stutual Funds or open-end investment Companies Ti cose-end investment Companies G1 |. common Trust Funds or tsuere and other similar entities 1 & Transfer Companies and other similar entities TL other entities administering or otherwise dealing in currency, ‘commodities or nancial derivatives based there on Om. Entities administering of otherwise dealing in valuable objects Gin Entities administering or otherwise dealing in cash Substitutes and ‘monetary Instruments or property supervised and/or other smi regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Jewelry dealers n precious metal, who, 38 a busines, trade in precious metal Jewelry dealers in precious stones, who, asa busines, trade in precious stone so ‘Company service providers which, asa business, 6 provideany of the following services to third parties: Ta acting asa formation agent of juridical persons 1b. acting as (or arranging for another person to act 23) director or corporate secretary ofa company, a partner ofa partership, ora similar position in ‘elation to other juridical persons Cc providing a registered office, business address or accommodation, correspondence or administrative aadress fora company, a partnership ot anyother legal person or arrangement (Dat acting as (or arranging for another person to act 3) a nominee shareholder for another C1 b. management or bank. savings or securtes account C1 organization of contributions forthe creation operation or management of companies ees pees eee feral Dervna or ranger and buying and sling busines nite’ ecb fo scure by puis aos TonaTonor nate [oterwin lor own wu prove sublid, Jsiah-rise development construction an hol for investment or otherwise, and otherwise dealin or dispose of rea estate of al kinds, classe, scription and purpose and/or any improvements ' Has the Corporation complied with the requirements on Customer Due Diligence (€DD) or Know Your Customer ais ston 2018) (KV0), record-keeping, and submission of reports GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET ‘STOCK CORPORATION — =_PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY = [CORPORATE NAME: {UNL ENTERPRISES, INC. = CAPTTALSTRUCTURE [AUTHORIZED CAPITAL STOCK stares) NUMBEROF aw ‘AMOUNT (PAP) ‘TYPE OF SHARES: vee PAR/STATED VALUE (oof shares X Par/Stated Vale) Sceacenee ee oe TOTAL 307000 [SURSCRID CAPITAL ae ‘NUMBER OF an rrerorsuares | NUMBEROF |SHARESINTHE| PAR/STATED or eens bameeer raeene ‘SHARES | WANDSOF THE] VALUE ee ‘OwnERSHIP Pupuce TOTAL ooo) TOTAL FOREIGN | Noor voor «| wommenor |stanss rie} ranstaren i sor tmmearnay | rock. | Trcorsuness | "Sims [ramosorrme| vane | AMOUNT) | gyre oe) ruouc TONE TORE RO Percentage of Foreign Eguiy: [Fora Torar—#] TOE TORE ‘TOTAL SUBSCRIBED P| 2,500,000.00) 100%] PAID-UP CAPITAL ¥o.oF a | sumer oF 4 tone %or rutpino | stot Tverorsianis+ | NUMBER O PPAR/STATED VALU te Vowrenea 25000 TorAt| qormt | 5007900200) To FOREIGN | NO.OF | Nummer oF ae coor cwpicateey | srock- | TYPEOFsHanes: me PAR/STATED VALUE ene NONE TONE Tora Tora TOTALPAIDUP_P- 2.500;000.00] 100% TROT: USE ADDITIONAL SHEET F NECESSARY [Goran Prefered or other cassetion [Foster than Directors Ofer, SareholeTs owning 10K of outrage «is Tock (v2019) Pages GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET ‘STOCK CORPORATION w= PLEASE PRINTLEGIBLY ===non [CORPORATE NAME: DOL ENTERPRISES, INC. DIRECTORS / OFFICERS NAME /CURRENT RESIDENTIALADDRESS | naTionaLiTy | wer | poarD|cenper| STOCK | opricen | SX8C | TAXIDENTIFICATION wouER comm.| NuMBER TT ANDREW GREGORY A LUT ‘68 VILLAMOR ST, OBRERO, rupwo | N | c | m | vy |presienr| na | 924-242-597-000 Davao ciry 7 ALMUND GREGORY A LUT 68 VILLAMOR ST, OBRERO, rupwo | x | m | m | y |secretary| na | 261-260-292-000 DAVAO cITY Hs ARTHUR GREGORY A LT 1468 VILLAMORSST, OBRERO, rurmo | nN | m | m | y — |oeeasurer| na | 261-368-632-000 DAVAO ciry 7 ADRIAN GREGORY A LUT #68 VILLAMOR ST, OBRERO, rupno | w | Mm ]om [oy Na | Na | 743-256-171-000 DaVvAn-ciTy TARO. RTO. TAN, oa aoistawaviace,pavaocery | uno | oN fom | om | oy PME | wa | 101-153.455-000 © NONE 7 NONE = NONE NONE Ta NONE TE NONE TE NONE TE NONE TE NONE TE NONE INsTRIGTION FOR SEX COLUMN, PUT"F FOR FEMALE, "FOR MALE FOR BOARO COLUMN, PUT“C”FOR CHAIRMAN, "We FOR MEMBER, 7 FOR INDEPENDENT DRECTOR, FOR NCR COLUMN, PUT"Y IF AN NCORPORKTOR WF NOT. FOR STOCKHOLDER COLUMN, PUT" IF A STOCKHOLDER, "WIE NOT. FOR OFFICER COLUMN, INDICATE PARTICULAR POSITION FAN OFFICER, FROM VP UP INCLUDING THE POSITION OF THE TREASURER, SECRETARY, COMPUANCE OFFICER ANDIOR ASSOCIATED PERSON. FOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, INDICATE C” IF MEMSER OF THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE, "A" FOR AUDAT COMMITTEE: "W" FOR NOMINATION AND ELECTION COMMITTEE, ADDITIONALLY WRITE C" AFTER SLASH IF CKAIRWAN AND WF MEMBER, is stock (v2019) Page 4 GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET STOCK CORPORATION NAME, NATIONALITY AND CURRENT AMOUNT PALD ia ‘sDENTIAL ADDRESS ime | nna | moe [aoe] me | omar TT TAT = Ee 108 Villamor St heer, Davas City ae — ae Taran] —— eas] — aaa TART RRO TOT a a rune lean nemee mom | taann | snegene Tarai] #9] — sary aT oar = rune ‘44 an 80h ey name | saamme | asiaseanone Tara aH “4 ADRIAN GREGORY A LUT [common 37000000] SS rune eeueoe: ee | deem, | rina Tata] Save] — sere = pao la er rire = ae es al eee Tama i] — saa Sana aa ae rune Se cea on eam | esas Taia ai] — area ae = =| — aan ram a eee sion meee so Tora sel arsine TOTAL AwOUNT or siwscamaeDcanrTat | —zssasoono| onal = TTOTALANOUNT OT PAID UP CAPITAL TRS TRUCTION PEC TOF DO TOC ROLE AN NOTCATE TEREST OTS a leer ar gn 8 s00K 72095) Paes GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET ‘STOCK CORPORATION [conPoRATE NAME: ‘DT ENTERPRISES, INC. lrovAL NoMBER OF STOCKHOLDERS. “ ho. oF stocHOUDERs WITH 100 OR MORE SHARESEAGH: [TOTAL ASSETSUASED ON LATEST AUDITED FS. 93507757260 ‘STOCKHOLDER'S INFORMATION SHARES SUBSCRIBED oe NAME, NATIONALITY AND CURRENT ae : amount PAD | pert anion oF own. " ‘RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. rire | NumoER fea crn NUMBER rary ‘CATALINA HN [DRCEASED) [coun al woo] 529] Cabal Avene Dav ry 356% 90000 | .000206-000 oe 099] 900009 TENT ONE CORON Tal “ea UPN ‘SR cast Agta, Davao Cy 80% 4500000 | azzs3s030-000 TOTAL 0] +45,0.00] 70" ARAN LT amo, al oa Block 6 Lot 2 Gld Suet Minera Vilage, Dave a6 400000 cy TOTAL sal al Ti AMHONTE TT Sam a] “| RUPINO Hock 6 Lt 2 Gold Steet Mineral Vilage, Devo} oem ‘sn0000 261361966000 oy uae “ 4.000200 TE aL eUcEL UT BION aI zor] 2126 Severino Rye Stet Sa Cru Mana 10% 20000 oes2632 ae 25 2,500.0 TOA mo, “al ToT009) urn 100 Caml Avene Laisa Vilage Daven ly a0 1.90000 sor s5045-000 me 10 1.00000 TaD MENDOTA ouNON a 0000) ‘Bock 32 Lt 19 MA Mas,Dr Cy a0 1.90000 105.15-003 TOTAL 10) 1000.09 "TOTAL AMOUNT OF SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL 586%, 146,500.00 "TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAID-UP CAPITAL TRSTRUCTION- SPECIFY THE TOP 20 STOCKHOLDERS AND INDICATE THE REST AS OTHERS Noe: For POT mins ince’ th tease neat further the eneficaownerz owning more than 5% of ny clas 0 the company Voting mcriiex Mach seperate she. neesary STOCK (van Pag GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET ‘STOCK CORPORATION srreeeeceeeerennnmenenscmnscesccces_ PLEASE PRINT LEGIDLY neteunneneeovunnetennuseeecensssst [conronare mame: L ETERPRISE, NC. [rovarwomam or sToomuoaR = —————— 3 ‘STOCKHOLDERS INFORMATION NAME, NATIONALITY AND CURRERT a RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS ve | muse anor | a st ‘sur TOTAL} TOTAL TOT Gast Be Bema oe Fema scktaaen) Tora} ale "TOTAL AMOUNT OF SUBSCRINED CAPTTAL 200% ais a "TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAIDUPCAPTTAL INSTRUCTION. SPECIFY Ts TOP 20 STOCKHOLDERS AND INDICATE THE REST AS OTHERS [Fr Pinas cad te pesado eel wer owning mae hn of ny ao he open Wg TB set es as sT00K (2018) Pe? GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET STOCK CORPORATION [CORPORATE NAME: LUT ENTERPRISES, INC. i. INVESTMENT OF CORPORATE ‘AMOUNT (PhP) ‘DATE OF BOARD RESOLUTION FUNDS IN ANOTHER CORPORATION LA STOCKS acaia Pr “T2_ BONDS/COMMERCIAL PAPER (Issued by Private Corporations) iad lend TS” LOANS/ CREDITS/ ADVANCES NG ne Ta GOVERNMENT TREASURY BILLS a pa Lettres NONE NONE 2. INVESTMENT OF CORPORATE FUNDS IN ACTIVITIES UNDER ITS DATE OF HOARD DATEOF SECONDARY PURPOSES (PLEASE SPECIFY:) RESOLUTION. NONE NONE NONE is, TREASURY SHARES NONE no.orsianes | ASTOTHETOTAL.NO| ‘OF SHARES ISSUED NONE. NONE [4._ UNRESTRICTED /UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS AS OF END OF LAST FISCAL YEAR (3,310) 5. DIVIDENDS DECLARED DURING THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING VEAI NONE ‘TYPE OF DIVIDEND AMOUNT (PnP) DATE DECLARED Sa casi NONE NONE 52_STOCK ‘NONE. NONE 5.3 PROPERTY NONE NONE Torat_| 6. ADDITIONAL SHARES ISSUED DURING THE PERIOD: DATE (NO. OF SHARES “AMOUNT ONE NONE: NONE. NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE. NONE: (DARY LICENSE/REGISTRATION WITH SEC AND OTHER GOVTT AGENCY: NAME OF AGENCY: SEC BSP Te fryer oF Now . LICENSE /REGN. - et nae Se NONE NONE NONE DATESTARTED oe NONE NONE NONE ‘TOTAL ANNUAL COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS DURING THE PRECEDING FISCAL | TOTALNO. OF OFFICERS ‘YEAR (in PhP) ‘TOTALNO, OF RANK & FILE EMPLOYEES ‘TOTAL MANPOWER ‘COMPLEMENT NONE 2 18 UE AGA ee Gis,STOCK (v.2019) 8 [BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP DECLARATION ‘SEC REGISTRATION NUMBER: 109151 ‘CORPORATE NAME: LUI ENTERPRISES, INC Instructions: 1 ‘dentify the Beneficial Owner/s ofthe corporation as described in the Categories of Beneficial Ownership in items A to{ below. List down as many as you can identify. You may use an additional sheet if necessary. 2, Fillinthe required information on the beneficial owner in the fields provided for 3. _ Inthe "Category of Beneficial Ownership” column, indicate the letter(s) corresponding thereto, Inthe event that the person identified as beneficial owner falls under several categories, indicate all the letters corresponding to such categories. 4. Ifthe category is under letter “I, indicate the positon held (Le, Director/Trustee, President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Omficer, Chief Financial Officer, ete.) Do not eave any item blank. Write “N/A” ifthe information required is not applicable or “NONE” if non-existent “Beneficial Owner” refers to any natural person(s) who ultimately own(s) or contrl(s) oF exercse(s) ultimate effective control ‘over the corporation. This defination covers the natural person(s) who actualy own or control the corporation as destinguished from the legal owners. Such beneficial ownership may be determined on the basis ofthe folowing Category Description a Natural person(s) owning directly or indirectly or through a chain of ownership, at last twenty-five percent (25%) ‘ofthe voting rights voting shares or capital ofthe reporting corporation ‘atu pens) woe eles consol over te toping Sorption sone or ogther with others though any 2 caret infertnlng alton terme ote cay _Natralperson(s having the ety maory oh bear ofrector/trutes or an lar ayo he corporton Nae persn( having te ity tose dominntinfuene over the manage or pales tthe coeston 1 Ranpeoo( whats hac nsrctonsor wish ncndcing the fs he corporation are cand cathy mjry ofthe menbrsf thar decors of sch cerportinwhn rtrd orden hn ta a rnc wih ero’ cin econo es 1 faurapese apes overt oti openers whee operand ha or administration of said natural person(s). Naural pron) wh scunlyownor contra he reporting copra tough amie sharhkieror nominee Aeon oo thatch ard 11 Nts pret inti oingrcntolngor renga efecto ove he comperton ‘hte mss ot lingua ft Kreps aren 1. aura per() exec veh patos hal ts crportion (Lent sire deco a danny te ttn paces er mer decion othe cnperaon mucha Imbert oud of cro rarer sna body wn the crorin or earesig nate sonal ovat year ac prion eh sei mange prion} Tur caopyieny ‘pps exeponal can whee tral pron enfant owns of caste or Sacer tage ee Cee perl ‘rer commurrawant weane-cren | spzanc ere |e pee ao ei | creer ‘Name, Middle Name, | RESIDENTIAL | NATIONALITY | “Rip | IDENTIFICATION poy e [BENEFICIAL Nene teense] "ADORE = ee nrc or| OWNERS ae #68 VILLAMOR ST. no cracorya uo ominonaino| mumwo | suznve| zis | 2000 |» 1 cr CES Note: This page ts not for uploading onthe SECIVew. * For Stock Corporations * For Non Stock Corporations, * Por Stack Corporations 1.ALMUND GREGORY A. LUI___, Corporate Secretary of LULENTERPRISES, INC. declare under penalty of ‘egurythatall matters set forth in this GIS have been made in good faith, duly verified by me and tothe best of my knowiedge and belief are true andorrect. {hereby attest tha all the information in this GIS are being submitted in compliance with the rules and regulations of ‘the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the collection, processing, storage and sharing of said information being necessary to carry out the functions of public authority forthe performance ofthe constitutionally and statutorily mandated functions ofthe SEC as a regulatory agency. further attest that I have been authorized by the Board of Directrs/Trustees to file this GIS with the SEC. ‘understand thatthe Commission may place the corporation under delinquent status for failure to submit the ‘eportoral requirements three (3) times, consecutively or intermittently, within a period of five (S) years (Section 177, RA No, 11232), 3.0 DEC 999 DAVAO erry Done this_day of____, pater eee ore 1 printed name) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO beforemein—_____—_on_9 9 DEC 2099 strane who personally appeared before me and exhibited to me his/her competent evidence of identity consisting of EC6412318 issued at Davao City on January 5.2016. bee. No. 7 {EN CATE | PINTO Page No. é Maly sera ee i, MCLE No. VI 773 Ouf01/s008 OY Series OF_ TRH, (ae TAL Ne ‘1s_stocKv 2019) Page LUI ENTERPRISES, INC. Gempesaw St., Poblacion District, Davao City WHAT: MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF LUI ENTERPRISES INC, WHEN: December 29, 2020 at 4:30pm WHERE: Bik. 1, Lot 6, Gold St., Mineral Village, Davao City ~ Café Tavera, Avancefla St., Barangay 9-A, Davao City ‘AGENDA: Opening Prayer 1. Attendance 2. Certification of Quorum 3. President's Report 4, Treasurer's Report 5, Election of Directors 6. Announcement of Winners 7. Closing MINUTES: Calling to order the Annual Stockholders Meeting of Lui Enterprises, Inc. held today, December 29, 2020 at 4:30pm commencing at Bik. 1, Lot 6, Gold St., Mineral Village, Davao City. Almund Gregory Lui and Arthur Gregory Lui, Attys. Jeff Coronel, Philip John Pojas and Thomas Caharian, having proxy letters for Atty. Art Tan and Alan Mendoza, Cesar Meravilles, and Jomar Mancao having proxy letters for Alan Mendoza. Arrived exactly 4:30pm but was held without justification at the guard house for twenty minutes more or less by no less than five (5) armed men. Upon entry at around 4:50pm, that presiding the Annual Stockholders Meeting are Attys. Manuel Quibod, Dante Ramos, and Geraldine Tiu, and Deddie Lui. That Atty. Manuel Quibod stated that the meeting was already adjourned, despite the fact that the attendees herein were on time to attend the meeting, That Atty. Pojas questioned the basis of quorum. Atty. Pojas was given the run-around and that the basis of the quorum is the stock ownership based General Information Sheet. When asked for Stock Certificates as basis of the stock ownership as stated in the General information Sheet, the presiding officers cannot present a single stock certificate. At this juncture, the attendees, presented the stock certificates in the name Eli Lui, representing 20,838, as well as the Deeds of Assignment executed by Eli Lui on November 13, 2018, in favor of his sons, namely: Andrew Gregory Lui, Arthur Gregory Lui, Adrian Gregory Lui, and ‘Almund Gregory Lui, as proof of their ownership of stocks in the corporation and that they have the right to be present and vote during the said Annual Stockholders Meeting and Election of New Board of Directors. However, the presiding officer, without legal justification, refused to recognize the stock certificates as well as the Deeds of Assignment, and required the attendees to write a letter to the corporation instead. Attendees Atty Coronel then made manifestations to be made on record that the attendees do not recognize that the Annual Stockholders Meeting has attained quorum since, a majority of the shareholders are not represented during the meeting. Also placed on record that the attendees have submitted their respective proxy letters. Furthermore, certified true copies of the Certificates of Stock of Eli Lui, as well as the Deeds of Assignment, executed by him in favor of his sons were duly submitted and received by the presiding officers. We manifested that attendees should be provided with the minutes of the meeting which the presiding officers promised shall be submitted to them in the middle of January 2021. We are constrained to continue the stockholders meeting to ensure that the majority of the legitimate stockholders be represented. The shareholders decided to continue with the meeting at Café Tavera, with the following minutes, to wit: ATTENDANCE: yeene Almund Gregory Lui Arthur Gregory Lui Alan Mendoza Atty Jeff Coronel Atty Philip Pojas Arthur Gregory Lui turned over the floor to the Corporate Secretary Almund Gregory Lui to determine the presence of quorum, CERTIFICATION OF QUORUM: The following shares are duly represented in the meeting, with the attendance of the following shareholders, to wit: Noy ewene Almund Gregory Lui ~5,209 shares Arthur Gregory Lui ~ 5,209 shares Adrian Gregory Lui — proxy by Arthur Gregory Lu Andrew Gregory Lui— proxy by Almund Gregory Lui ‘Alan Mendoza ~ 10 shares Atty. Art Tan ~ proxy by Atty Jeff Coronel ~ 5 shares Atty. Art Tan — proxy by Atty Philip Pojas—5 shares 209 shares 5209 shares Almund Gregory Lui, then requested the above-mentioned attendees, to present the Stock Certificates and basis for their claim of ownership. Almund Gregory Lui, Arthur Gregory Lui, Adrian Gregory Lui, Andrew Gregory Lui, then presented the Certificates of Stock in the name of their father, Eli Lui representing 20,838 shares of stock in the corporation, and four Deeds of Assignment in favor of each of them. Alan Mendoza and Atty. Art Tan, as represented by his proxy, presented Certificate of Stocks in their name. I hereby declare that the number of share of stock represented this afternoon total 20,883 out of the 25,000 paid-up capital stock of the corporation, which is more than a majority of the said paid-up capital stock. From the above represented shares in this meeting, |, Almund Gregory Lui, corporate secretary of Lui Enterprises, Inc., declare that a quorum has been constituted for the valid and lawful holding of this Annual Stockholders Meeting. The Agenda are as follows: 1. Attendance 2. Certification of Quorum 3. President's Report 4, Treasurer's Report 5, Election of Directors 6. Announcement of Winners 7. Closing ‘The agenda is now subject to the approval of the board. ‘The approval of the agenda has been moved by Atty. Philip John Pojas and was seconded by Atty. Jeffrey Jefferson Coronel. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: That Almund Gregory Lui received reports from employees of the corporation that Kiantong, Lui has been making unauthorized withdrawals from the bank accounts and cash register of the corporation without making any liquidation and accounting of the said withdrawals. kiantong Lui was then placed under preventive suspension for 30 days. Kiantong Lui was made to explain in writing within 72 hours why he should not be subject to disciplinary action. An administrative hearing was held, where /as duly notified. However, he did not attend the said administrative hearing. Kiantong Lui was then formally terminated as alleged president and director of the corporation. A criminal case for Estafa was filed against Kiantong Lui by the corporation through a derivative suit initiated by ~Almund Gregory Lui. Also, Kiantong Lui forcibly took over possession of the office of Lui Enterprises, Inc. by forcibly breaking the doors and was accompanied by twenty armed men. Furthermore, Kiantong Lui has been using the company car, a Suzuki Vitara, without authority. Kiantong Lui has been refusing to return the car despite his preventive suspension and termination as alleged President and director of the corporation. Other criminal cases for Robbery with Force Upon Things and Carnapping has been filed by Almund Gregory Lui as a derivative suit for and in behalf of the corporation. Kiantong Lui then proceeded to withdraw all the money of the corporation, without authority, from all the bank accounts of the corporation resulting to the closure of all bank accounts. This money has remained unliquidated and unaccounted for. More cases for estafa are being prepared to be filed against Kiantong Lui. Hereto attached are the various criminal cases filed against Kiantong tui. ‘TREASURER’S REPORT: Due to the unauthorized withdrawal of all money of the corporation by Kiantong Lui from all the bank accounts of the corporation resulting in their closure, it is a foregone conclusion that the corporation has no more money in banks. Among those withdrawn are as follows: 12,000,000 ~ Robinsons Bank Monteverde 500,000 - Land Bank San Pedro ‘Among others ‘The approval of Presidents Report and Treasurers report has been moved by Atty. Philip Pojas and seconded by Atty. Jeffrey Jefferson Coronel. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: ‘Arthur Gregory Lui moved to open the floor for nominations to the Board of Directors of Lui Enterprises, Inc. ‘Alan Mendoza nominated Andrew Gregory Lui. ‘Alan Mendoza not inated Arthur Gregory Alan Mendoza nominated Adrian Gregory Lui. Alan Mendoza nominated Almund Gregory Lui Alan Mendoza nominated Atty. Art O. Tan. Atty Philip John Pojas moved to close the nominations. Atty Jeff Coronel seconded the motion and there was no objection Since there are only five nominees, all nominees are deemed to be elected as Members of, the Board of Lui Enterprises, Inc. Congratulations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEWLY ELECTED MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hence, the directors were elected and duly declared during this Annual Stockholders Meeting, are as follows: Andrew Gregory Lui Arthur Gregory Lui Adrian Gregory Lui ‘Almund Gregory Lui Atty. Art O. Tan yeene CLOSING: The Newly Elected Board of Directors shall have their first meeting as a Board and the Election of a new set of officers on a time and place to be announced. ee LUE Corporate Treasurer CERTIFICATIQ) Pree ‘SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of 20__in 50 DEC agg the City of Davao, Philippines the above affiants exhil evidence of identity. Doc. No. 27; ing their above-stated competent Page No. Book No. _]Xps vg oat Series of 20J> “Ga Roman Taga Malthe a ees BOARD RESOLUTION ‘No,.02:2020 A special meeting was called for the election of officers of LUI ENTERPRISES, INC., 2 domestic corporation created and registered under the laws of the Philippines, with principal place of business at Gempesaw St., Poblacion District, Davao City:The special meeting was held (on Decembergo, 2020at 5:00pm at 68 Villamor St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City. With the attendance of all the Board of Directors, a proper quorum was in order. The following were agreed upon: WHEREAS, the Board of Directors called to order for the election of the company’s Key Officer THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: ‘That the corporation voted to elect the following Board of Directors: a. ANDREW GREGORY LUI: Chairman & President b. ATTY. ARTO. TAN: Vice President c. ALMUND GREGORY LUI: Corporate Secretary d. ARTHUR GREGORY LUI: ‘Treasurer IN ACCEPTANCE AND AGREEMENT TO THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIONS, we have hereunto set our sighaturys this 30% day of December 2020, in the City of Davao, Philippines. \ ANDREWGREGORYLUL At Presideft Chain Vice cH oo a a ALMUND GREGBRYAUT ARTHUR GREGORY LUT Corporate: + Treasurer cEr CEL 3.0 DEC agg SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 30° day of December 2020 in the City of Davao, Philippines, the signatories to this instrument exhibiting before me their above-stated competent evidence of identity. 7. book No ED Series of 2020.

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