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LUZ CASTRO Article by Luisa Fernanda


Luz Castro de Gutierrez was born in

the city of Medellin on January 18,
1908, six years after the end of
Thousand Days War and when the
Antioquia Railroad line, which
would open the way to progress,
was about to be built.

This was the scenario in which this

woman of the deepest paisa roots
would grow up.
From a family of outstanding
characters, Luz Castro was a cousin
of Carlos Castro Saavedra. Her
common grandparents were Don
Ricardo Castro and Doña Carlota

Diario English | 102 Colombian nurse, philanthropist and politician, Medellín, (1908 - 1991).
Although her presence was Her doings went far beyond His achievements with
notable in areas such as
business and politics, Luz
the scope of her hometown, to
the point of being inscribed,
the less favored
Castro de Gutiérrez was for example, in one of her classes is perpetuated
among the first Colombian pioneering jobs, in the network in popular memory,
women to fight for the
presence of women in the
of Women's World Banking.
not only with the
democratic anf social His numerous foundations all name of the General
development of the country. had great social impact that Hospital of Medellin
Luz Castro de Gutiérrez, was
continue over time and have
benefited hundreds of
'Luz Castro de
one of the first Colombian thousands of people in the Gutiérrez', but also
women to make a strong city, the region and the with the new name
entry into the executive and
political world, largely
As one of the women who has
given to the important
dominated by men at the been most concerned about road of the city named
time, she was undoubtedly a social assistance in Colombia, as Transveral Superior
leading figure in
immense field of Colombian
the Mrs. Luz Castro de Gutiérrez
represents for the city and the
'Luz Castro de
social assistance, a field in country the need to be Gutierrez'.
which she left a legacy that is concerned about the common
difficult to forget. development of the
population, without relegating
this development only to a
particular group or class.

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1964-1966 AND 1974-1976 TERMS.

Due to the notoriety of her work, on several

She initiated different projects, always in the
occasions she was called by the Departmental
social field, which became works that show
Directorate of her party (Liberal) to lend her
her concern for the dignity of children and
name for the configuration of lists; she also
women, especially of the underprivileged
participated actively in politics, especially
classes, some of them are:
after women in the country saw the possibility
of openly participating in this area.
- The creation of health centers with attached
day-care centers.
Her role as a councilwoman was impeccable
- The creation of the Center for the Protection
despite being in an environment where
of Minors.
machismo predominated.
- The creation of the Medal of Merit for

Questioned by the In the midst of this adversity,

adversities of pregnant it was also Luz Castro who
women to access health managed to convince the
services and at a time mayor of the time, Eduardo
when there was only one Fernández Botero, to
hospital (Hospital San allocate an abandoned lot in
Vicente de Paúl), she the Sevilla neighborhood to
began her struggle in an build the first headquarters
old house located in the of the clinic, which despite
Palacé street, between being inaugurated on
Amador and Maturín October 12, 1948, was sold a
streets. year later to the newly
created Social Security.
Knocking on doors
tirelessly and raising funds, After an eviction that cost
in 1943 was the architect of tears and sorrow, Castro de
the creation of the Gutierrez did not give up and
Maternity Clinic, which in launched again a campaign
its initial stage only had 20 to raise funds. Knocking
beds and a stretcher used again on the door of
as a delivery table. industrialists and merchants,
she managed to raise
Waitresses from the old 150,000 pesos of the time
Guayaquil, women from and get, for the second time,
working-class families and the approval of the mayor's
from all backgrounds were office to build a new
the beneficiaries of the building, which ended up
revolutionary place that, costing 800,000 pesos and
due to its narrowness, soon was inaugurated on March
became too small. 19, 1954.

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Alcaldía de Medellín. (2010, 5 de marzo). Clínica Luz Castro de Gutiérrez en 1961.

[Publicación]. Flickr. (SF). Biografía Luz Castro de Gutiérrez.
Gutier91.php (2010). Luz Castro de Gutiérrez. https://es- (2019). Homenaje póstumo a la enfermera fundadora del H.G.M. Señora, Luz
Castro de Gutiérrez.
Memoria Visual De Medellín. (2012, 19 de enero). Luz Castro de Gutiérrez en 1927
[Publicación]. Facebook.
Ortiz Jiménez, J. D. (2022). Tres de los que dejaron su huella en el corazón de
Antioquia. El Colombiano.
Valenzuela, M. T. (2013). Luz Castro, galardonada con la Medalla al Civismo. El

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