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California ELD Standard(s): ELD G9-10.2.C.10.Em

Elementary School: 3rd grade

Lesson Topic: Grammar Translation Method

Lesson Objective/Goal: The students will be able to translate the key words of a short fairytale
storybook from Spanish to English.

Materials: storybook, presentation slides, dry erase markers, whiteboard, YouTube video for
reference, worksheet

Teacher Script Student Actions

Write out everything you will say, Describe what the students will
questions to ask, and any special notes. do during each step.

Anticipatory Set and Objective The teachers will first Students will observe the
Engage the students and get them excited present the lesson agenda: agenda.
about the topic. Tell the students what they
will learn in the lesson. (2 minutes) 1. Ice breaker : story
2. Vocabulary Students will ask
Translation with questions or ask to pause
powerpoint slides if necessary.
3. Practice Translation
4. Worksheet Pair
5. Review & Closure

Teachers will present Students will observe the

students with an English fairytale on the screen,
fairytale on the screen and ask questions.

T: “Please follow along and

watch the story with us. If
you need us to pause at all,
please raise your hand and let
us know.”

T: “Today we are going to

learn some English words
and a fairytale. By the end of
the class, you will be able to
translate the story into

Input Teachers will introduce key Students will copy down

Explain the new knowledge, vocabulary and vocabulary. the vocabulary in their
skills needed to achieve the objective. (2-3
minutes) notes.

T: “Here are some key words Students will read and

in this story, and you can see memorize the words.
their English meanings on
the right side. Some of them
have similar spelling, and
some of them don’t. What
you need to do is memorize
their spelling and meanings.”

The teacher will take the

students to review the words Students will review the
they have learned once again new words once again.
and read along with them.

Word guessing game.

Students will say the Students will participate
corresponding Spanish or in the game and use it to
English word based on the enhance their memory of
Spanish, English, and picture the words and content.
on the screen.

Modeling The teacher will first Students will observe the

Model the learning activity for the students demonstrate and translate the modeled learning
and provide directions. (2-3 minutes)
first sentence. activity, ask for
clarification, and restate
T: “You don’t need to the directions.
translate it precisely, as long
as the meaning is correct and
make sure not to miss the
key points.”

The teacher guides the

students by adding
appropriate tone of voice
during the demonstration.

T: “You can ask any question

if you want.”
The teacher will divide
students into 3 groups, hand
out the worksheet of different
parts of the story to them.

Practice T: “Now it is your turn to use Students will work in

Monitor students as they complete the what we’ve just done as an groups to complete the
learning activity. (3-5 minutes)
example for your provided worksheet.

T: “ Please work in groups to They will ask questions

complete the worksheet we as needed.
just handed out. If you have
any questions, please ask one Participants will read the
of us and we will help you. “ paragraphs aloud.

Closure T: “Who would like to share One student will share

Students demonstrate mastery of the objective what they or their partner their answers with the
and engage students in reflection of their
learning. Assessment. (2-3 minutes) answered on the worksheet?” class by writing it on the
space provided on the
T: If you would like to share,
please come up to the board
and write your answers on
the provided space.

T: Does anyone have Students will ask

questions about certain questions if needed
words or the volunteer’s

Advanced Proficient Emerging Undeveloped

Anticipatory set is creative and Anticipatory set engages the Anticipatory set minimally Anticipatory set lacks
grabs students’ attention. students. Learning objective engages the students. enthusiasm or is missing.
Learning objective is clearly is stated. Learning objective is Learning objective is
stated. unclear. missing.

Input clearly explains the new Input sufficiently describes

Lesson knowledge, vocabulary, and new knowledge, vocabulary, Input attempts to introduce Input inadequately
Plan skills. and skills. new knowledge, introduces new knowledge,
vocabulary, and skills. vocabulary, and skills.
Effective modeling of the Proficient modeling of the
learning activity with clear learning activity with Attempts to model the Insufficient modeling and/or
directions. understandable directions. learning activity and share unclear directions.
Learning activity is appropriate Learning activity relates to
and directly relates to the lesson the lesson objective and is
objective, and is supported by supported by relevant
relevant materials. materials. Learning activity relates to
the lesson objective and is Learning activities unrelated
supported by relevant to the lesson objective and/or
Closure is meaningful and materials. materials are inappropriate.
includes clear assessment of Closure is appropriate and
lesson objective. includes assessment of lesson
Closure is insufficient to Closure and/or assessment
Skillful application of theories
assess the lesson objective. are missing.
and research related to language Successful application of
structure and acquisition. theories and research related
to language structure and
9-10 points acquisition. Limited application of Little to no consideration of
7-8 points theories and research language structure and
related to language acquisition.
structure and acquisition. 0 points
5-6 points

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