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Activity 1

1. Give a brief description of the roles and responsibilities of the following agencies and
advisory bodies that govern communication media policies of the Philippines:

1.1 Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and National

Telecommunications Commission (NTC);

The mandate of the Department of Information and Communications

Technology (DICT) shall be the primary policy, planning, coordinating,
implementing, and administrative entity of the Executive Branch of the
government that will plan, develop, and promote the national ICT development
agenda. (RA 10844)


“An innovative, safe and happy nation that thrives through and is enabled by
information and communications technology.” DICT aspires for the Philippines
to develop and flourish through innovation and constant development of ICT in
the pursuit of a progressive, safe, secured, contented and happy Filipino


- Provide every Filipino access to vital ICT infostructure and services.

- Ensure sustainable growth of Philippine ICT-enabled industries resulting to
creation of more jobs.
- Establish a One-digitized government, one nation.
- Support the administration in fully achieving its goals.
- Be the enabler, innovator, achiever, and leader in pushing the country’s
development and transition towards a world-class digital economy.

1.2 National Computer Center (NCC);

The National Computer Center is a program for the National Computer

Development. The National Computer Center shall design and yearly update a
Ten-Year National Computer Development Program, referred to as the
"Program," that will offer a reasonable and integrated framework for
government computerization development operations. The National Computer
Center will submit the Program to the NEDA Board for approval.

1.3 National Information Technology Council (1994);

The National Information Technology Council lays forth a comprehensive
strategy for boosting the country's global competitiveness through the
adoption of information technology. It brings a comprehensive plan that
combines IT Use and IT Production initiatives. IT use refers to the widespread
use of technology in government for bureaucratic efficiency and mission-
critical applications; in business for better service delivery and global
competitiveness; in the educational system to raise the literacy standards of
the public; and in the home for entertainment, schoolwork, and keeping
domestic records, among other things. As the demand for IT Use develops, IT
Production refers to the rapid invention and deployment of cutting-edge IT
products and services that are both affordable and accessible.

1.4 Electronic Communications Promotions (ECPC); and

The National Information Technology Council (NITC) And The Electronic

Commerce Promotion Council Merge To Form The Information Technology
And Electronic Commerce Council (ITECC) (ECPC). Where the State
acknowledges the critical role of ICT in the sustained recovery of the
Philippine economy, the competitiveness of local companies, and the
achievement of national development goals; and the electronic commerce, a
technology-enabled activity, is transforming global trade in both commodities
and services; also the State's goal is to provide the policy and institutional
environment that will allow ICT to be used, applied, and exploited in a long-
term and dynamic way to achieve national goals;

Moreover, the State acknowledges that the private sector's leadership and
engagement will ensure the continuation of national ICT and e-commerce
programs, while encouraging broad participation from both the public and
private sectors. The National Information Technology Council (NITC),
established by Executive Order No. 190 of July 19, 1994, reorganized by
Executive Order No. 469 of February 23, 1998, and revitalized by Executive
Order No. 125 of July 19, 1999, is the highest planning and policy advisory
body on information technology issues; the Electronic Commerce Promotion
Council (ECPC), established by Executive Order 468 of February 23, 1998, was
charged with coordinating and enhancing government and private sector
collaboration in the promotion of electronic commerce.

1.5 Information and Electronic Commerce Council (ITECC).

"The National Inforamtion Technology Council (NITC) And the Electronic

Commerce Promotion Council (ECPC) Merge To Form The Information
Technology And Electronic Commerce Council (ITECC)". The State realizes
that information and communications technology (ICT) is becoming
increasingly important in achieving national objectives. Moreover the State
acknowledges the importance of developing ICT policies and competences in
order to participate fully in the New Economy and become the primary driver of
economic growth; and the State acknowledges the importance of harmonizing
and coordinating government and private sector ICT programs, projects, and
other ICT-related efforts in order to ensure that they are consistent with the
government's overall development goals. Pursuant to the Executive Order No.
264 dated July 12, 2000, the Information and Technology and Electronic
Commerce Council (ITECC) was established to serve as the primary planning
and policy advisory body on the development, promotion, and application of
national ICT and e-commerce initiatives. Where there is a need to improve,
expand, and speed up decision-making and ICT-related operations to improve
the Council's organizational performance.

2. Identify and briefly describe three (3) ICT plans and programs implemented in the

o ICT Ecosystem Development - The Philippines’ ICT Ecosystem is a vibrant

one. However, the 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Society (MIS)
annual report from ITU places the Philippines at 98 (2012 and 2011) out of
157 countries and 7th among the ASEAN countries. Key policy issues are
given attention, including mitigating security related threats that may
potentially undo the gains already achieved. This program aims to have an
integrated perspective of markets, networks, services, applications, and
content in determining governance, legal and regulatory frameworks.

 Major Target - Development of plans and policies relative to the

implementation and adoption of infrastructure, systems, and
applications and other related framework.

o National Connectivity - Connectivity is globally recognized as a growth

driver. According to a World bank study, every 10 percent increase i n
broadband penetration results in a 1.27 percent increase in a developing
nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, many areas of the
country and many Filipinos are still unconnected in one way of another.
The program addresses this challenge.

 Major Target  - Established TV White Space (TVWS) base stations in

21,000 sites of Elementary, High School, and Rural Health Units in
4th to 6th class municipalities by 2016. And improve the delivery of
government services to underserved communities.

o e-Filipino - As part of the United Nation’s Millenium Development Goal of

bringing ICT access to all, the DOST-ICTO  harnesses the use of the ICT to
achieve growth and development of communities in the Philipipines by
developing Community  eCenters (CeCs). These centers adheres to the ICT
needs of different people, offering alternative learning and skills skills
training to each community. It also aims to prepare the speacil needs
sector through gaining employment to impact sourcing and ITpreneurship.

 Major Target - 1, 000 new Tech4ED Centers established, 10, 000 new
Tech4ED Centers established in barangays through a Franchise
Model utilizing PPP, and one entrepreneur created per center.

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