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BLOG 3: Implication of communication policies to communication systems


The implication of communication policies to communication system planning as

to Ownership and control of access to communication system. The communication
process is a set of acts or stages that must be followed to communicate effectively. The
sender of the communication, the actual message being delivered, the encoding of the
message, the receiver, and the decoding of the message are all involved.

Communication Privacy Management is a communication theory that focuses on

why and how people manage private disclosures. It was developed by Sandra Petronius
in 1991, and its longevity in the world of theory lends it credibility in application. While
some people are comfortable revealing everything with their partner, others may be
hesitant to divulge more personal information. CPM also contains self-disclosure

When examining privacy boundaries in diverse interactions, this approach is

based on the idea of assessing and comparing benefits and downsides to decide
communicative courses of action. Self-disclosure is a continuous, dynamic process in
which communicators choose what to share with others daily.

CPM allows for in-depth findings and understandings of people's own attitudes
about their privacy rights because it is a rule-based theory. This theory, which lends
itself to an abstract understanding of privacy, is unusual in that it lacks the suppositions
and assumptions that would otherwise hinder the theory from expanding and
responding to the communication environment under consideration.

In ensuring the information is protected Privacy of Information has been put up to

know the relationship between data collection and dissemination, technology, the public
expectation of privacy, and the legal and political challenges surrounding them is known
as information privacy. It's also known as data security or data privacy.

While information security refers to the protection of information stored,

processed, and communicated to meet the tasks and purposes of an organization's
information systems, information privacy refers to the protection of information
associated to a subject's identity.

Information privacy is critical to the right to privacy in general. It has to do with a

person's ability to control when, how, and for what purpose their personal information is
used by others. Privacy is essential for maintaining human dignity, safety, and

Maintaining public trust aids in the collecting of higher-quality data and a greater
responsiveness to data requests. Maintaining the trust of data suppliers requires
maintaining secrecy. This produces accurate data for governments, researchers, and
the public.
As to Intellectual Property Rights, original works, inventions, or the emergence of
products, artistic works, scientific advancements, and other forms of intellectual property
are protected by intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights are a popular
sort of legal IP protection for persons who create new things.

Patents, copyright, industrial design rights, trademarks, plant variety rights, trade
dress, geographical indications, and trade secrets are all examples of intellectual
property rights.

You can utilize your intellectual property to establish a business on your own,
pitch it to investors, or even get it licensed, allowing you to sell it to a variety of firms for
a consistent source of money. An IPR can be turned into an asset, allowing you to
transform your idea into a giant cash cow.

Intellectual property rights are intended to foster new developments, such as

technology, artwork, and inventions, that may lead to economic prosperity. Intellectual
property rights strengthen individuals' incentives to continue producing things that
create more jobs and new technology, allowing our world to progress and evolve even

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