BLOG 4: Implication of Communication Policies To Communication Systems Planning

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BLOG 4:  

Implication of communication policies to communication systems


A communication plan is a policy-driven method to sharing information with

stakeholders. The strategy officially states who should receive specific information,
when it should be supplied, and which communication channels will be used to convey
the information. As a result, a communication policy can be used to assist the
methodical design, development, and use of the communication system, as well as its
resources and capabilities, and to ensure that they are effective in promoting national

Defamation is a type of civil law that provides a civil remedy when someone's
comments injure your reputation or livelihood. Slander is defamation that is uttered by
the defendant, whereas libel is a written or published defamatory statement.

Difference between slander and libel. Slander is defamation by vocal phrases or

ephemeral gestures, whereas libel is defamation by print, writing, photographs, or signs.
Slander is oral or aural defamation, while libel is written or visual defamation.
Complainant or Plaintiff

Convictions for criminal defamation should be obtained only when the allegedly
defamatory comments are untrue and the mental element of the crime is met, i.e., when
the statements were made with knowledge that they were false or with reckless
disregard for whether they were true or false.

Cultural hegemony, according to Marxist philosophy, is the ruling class's

dominance over a culturally diverse society by manipulating its culture—beliefs and
explanations, perceptions, values, and mores—so that the ruling class's worldview
becomes the accepted cultural norm.

Dominance or power sustained through intellectual or cultural methods is

referred to as cultural hegemony. It is usually accomplished through social structures
that allow those in power to have significant influence over the rest of society's values,
norms, ideas, expectations, worldview, and behavior.

Any unlawful behavior involving a computer, networked device, or network is

considered cybercrime. While the majority of cybercrime is carried out for cybercriminals
to profit, some cybercrime is carried out directly against computers or devices in order
to damage or disable them.

The most common sort of cybercrime reported to the US in 2020 will be with
241,342 complaints, the Internet Crime Complaint Center was phishing and related
fraud. In addition, the IC3 received 43,330 reports of online identity theft that year.
It's essential for effective communication, efficient management, and well-
organized infrastructure. Communication clarifies negotiations, facilitates knowledge
transfer, and assures that everyone on a team is working toward the same goal.

These are the few cases that can be filed once there is something that is not
good happened in the communication process. Confidentiality refers to preventing
unauthorized access to information or, in other words, ensuring that only those who are
permitted have access to restricted information.

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