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The Main Benefits of Online Communication

Communication is one of the basic necessities of everyone’s life. You

need to talk and interact with people in order to explain what you
think and want. Before the introduction of electronic media, there
were two ways to communicate – non-verbal and verbal. Thanks to
the advent of the internet and several devices like phone, laptop,
desktop and tablet, communication has become online too. When
two people communicate with the help of internet it is called online
communication. Nowadays it has become a lot popular because of all
the benefits of online communication. There are several apps and
software available that you can download and install on your device
to start communicating online with people who is even thousands of
miles away from you.

Important Benefits Of Online Communication

It is not surprising at all that online communication is getting more
and more popular than that of the traditional form of
communication. Whether it is for personal use or professional,
people rely more on the online communication. It is bringing people
more and more close to each other. Some of the undeniable pros of
online communication are:

Flexible in Nature
One of the best advantages of this online communication is its
flexibility. You can communicate with anyone, anytime. Internet
works 24 hours a day and you can anytime start communicating with
a person. All you need is a computer or mobile device along with
internet and a tool like ezTalks Meetings. If you want to discuss
something very important with your business partners or clients and
they are not in the city or country at that moment, you can choose
online communication anytime.
#2: Very Cost Effective
You cannot deny the fact that travelling cost from one city to another
or one country to another is way more than signing up for a software
to launch a video conference. Even there are some tools like ezTalks
Meetings where you can hold online conference for free. All you
have to do is just sign up and create your account. It saves both
money and time.
#3: Easy Connectivity
This is one of the best benefits of online communication. No matter
where your teammate or partner is, you can connect with him/her
from anywhere. Online communication has made it a lot easier for
the business owners to connect with their clients and partners from
any place in the world. You can anytime access your account and
invite the client/partner to initiate a virtual meeting. You do not have
to wait for them to come.
#4: Increase the Efficiency & Productivity
It is evident that work becomes much smoother when there is an
ease of communication. When it is difficult to communicate, working
gets more difficult. With the help of this online tools, one can also
exchange important files, documents and presentations. You will be
able to share screen to with the help of the features. So, with the
help of online communications like e-conference, e-mail, IMs
and video calls, efficiency of work has increased. Of course when
efficiency increases, productivity has to increase as well.
#5: Group Video Calls
For the business purpose, communication is not always limited
between two persons. Often there are more people who are
supposed to join the video conference or meeting. With the help of
ezTalks Meetings you can host up to 100 participants in the starter
(free) pack itself. This is one of the most efficient and reliable online
communication tool that many business houses use to interact with
their clients, partners and employees all over the world.
#6: Convenient
Lastly, it is way more convenient than any other form of
communications. Online communication can be via chats, forums,
VoIP, emails and e-conference. One sitting thousands of miles away
from you in a completely different time zone may not be able to
interact with you without the existence of internet. But now one can
interact with you from anywhere at their own convenience. Whether
it is from their office or from house or even when on go, with the
help of internet you can have a steady communication.
So, there are some of the best pros of online communication. You
simply cannot deny that it is unimaginable to think of a world now
without the existence of internet. One of the best tools that you can
download for having a seamless and smooth online communication
is ezTalks Meetings. Whether it is for your personal use or
professional, it is the best one!


The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide

system of computer networks -- a network of networks in which
users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get
information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly
to users at other computers). It was conceived by the Advanced
Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and
was first known as the ARPANET. The original aim was to create a
network that would allow users of a research computer at one
university to "talk to" research computers at other universities. A
side benefit of ARPANet's design was that, because messages could
be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could
continue to function even if parts of it were destroyed in the event of
a military attack or other disaster.
Today, the Internet is a public, cooperative and self-sustaining facility
accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It is used by
many as the primary source of information consumption, and fueled
the creation and growth of its own social ecosystem through social
media and content sharing. Furthermore, e-commerce, or online
shopping, has become one of the largest uses of the Internet.
The characteristics of the Internet that are clearly of importance in
cyberlibel proceedings are:
1. its global nature;
2. interactivity;
3. its potential to shift the balance of power in the offline world;
4. accessibility;
5. anonymity;
6. its facilitation of republication;
7. the prominence of intermediaries;
8. its reliance on hyperlinks/hypertext;
9. its long-term impact — the use of permanent archives;
10. its multimedia character; and
11. its temporal indeterminacy.
1)      Global Nature:
The first feature of the Internet is its truly global nature. Presently,
more than 1.9 billion people in more than 190 countries are linked
through this massive interconnected web of computer networks.

The interactive character of the Internet utterly changes the libel
playing field. It is completely different from the Industrial Age
paradigm where newspapers and television stations had dominant if
not monopolistic relationships with readers and viewers.

Shifting the Balance of Power in the Offline World[12]

In some situations the Internet can actually change the balance of
power that exists normally in the offline world. Any enterprise that
has been the target of a concerted cyber-attack comes to realize that
the terms of the debate are not what it is accustomed to, where, for
example it is able to gain favourable attention for its press releases.

What is computer networking?

Computer networking refers to interconnected computing devices
that can exchange data and share resources with each other. These
networked devices use a system of rules, called communications
protocols, to transmit information over physical or wireless
Let’s answer some common computer networking FAQs.
How does a computer network work?
Nodes and links are the basic building blocks in computer
networking. A network node may be data communication equipment
(DCE) such as a modem, hub or, switch, or data terminal equipment
(DTE) such as two or more computers and printers. A link refers to
the transmission media connecting two nodes. Links may be physical,
like cable wires or optical fibers, or free space used by wireless
networks.In a working computer network, nodes follow a set of rules
or protocols that define how to send and receive electronic data via
the links. The computer network architecture defines the design of
these physical and logical components. It provides the specifications
for the network’s physical components, functional organization,
protocols, and procedures.

What do computer networks do?

Computer networks were first created in the late 1950s for use in the
military and defense. They were initially used to transmit data over
telephone lines and had limited commercial and scientific
applications. With the advent of internet technologies, a computer
network has become indispensable for enterprises.
Modern-day network solutions deliver more than connectivity. They
are critical for the digital transformation and success of businesses
today. Underlying network capabilities have become more
programmable, automated, and secure.
Modern computer networks can:
Operate virtually
The underlying physical network infrastructure can be logically
partitioned to create multiple "overlay" networks. In an overlay
computer network, the nodes are virtually linked, and data can be
transmitted between them through multiple physical paths. For
example, many enterprise networks are overlaid on the internet.
Integrate on a large scale
Modern networking services connect physically distributed computer
networks. These services can optimize network functions through
automation and monitoring to create one large-scale, high-
performance network. Network services can be scaled up or down
based on demand.
Respond quickly to changing conditions
Many computer networks are software-defined. Traffic can be
routed and controlled centrally using a digital interface. These
computer networks support virtual traffic management.
Provide data security
All networking solutions come with in-built security features like
encryption and access control. Third-party solutions like antivirus
software, firewalls, and antimalware can be integrated to make the
network more secure.

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

What Is an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?

The term Internet service provider (ISP) refers to a company that
provides access to the Internet to both personal and business
customers. ISPs make it possible for their customers to surf the web,
shop online, conduct business, and connect with family and friends—
all for a fee. ISPs may also provide other services including email
services, domain registration, web hosting, and browser packages.
An ISP may also be referred to as an information service provider, a
storage service provider, an Internet service provider (INSP), or any
combination of these three based on the services the company

Key Takeaways
* An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides web
access to both businesses and consumers.
* ISPs may also provide other services such as email services, domain
registration, web hosting, and browser services.
* An ISP is considered to be an information service provider, storage
service provider, Internet network service provider (INSP), or a mix of
all of them.
* Internet use has evolved from only those with university or
government accounts having access to nearly everyone having
access, whether it's paid or free.
* Access has gone from dial-up connections to high-speed broadband

web browser

A web browser (also referred to as an Internet browser or simply a

browser) is application software for accessing the World Wide Web
or a local website. When a user requests a web page from a
particular website, the web browser retrieves the necessary content
from a web server and then displays the page on the user's device.
A web browser is not the same thing as a search engine, though the
two are often confused.[1][2] A search engine is a website that
provides links to other websites. However, to connect to a website's
server and display its web pages, a user must have a web browser
Web browsers are used on a range of devices, including desktops,
laptops, tablets, and smartphones. In 2020, an estimated 4.9 billion
people used a browser.[4] The most used browser is Google Chrome,
with a 63% global market share on all devices, followed by Safari
with 20%.[

The purpose of a web browser is to fetch content from the Web or

from a local storage device and display it on a user's device.
This process begins when the user inputs a Uniform Resource
Locator (URL), such as, into the browser.
Virtually all URLs on the Web start with either http: or https: which
means the browser will retrieve them with the Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP). In the case of secure mode (HTTPS), the
communication between the browser and the web server is
encrypted for the purposes of security and privacy.

Once a web page has been retrieved, the browser's rendering engine
displays it on the user's device. This includes image and video
formats supported by the browser.
Web pages usually contain hyperlinks to other pages and resources.
Each link contains a URL, and when it is clicked or tapped, the
browser navigates to the new resource. Thus the process of bringing
content to the user begins again.

Most browsers use an internal cache of web page resources to

improve loading times for subsequent visits to the same page. The
cache can store many items, such as large images, so they do not
need to be downloaded from the server again.[6] Cached items are
usually only stored for as long as the web server stipulates in its HTTP
response messages.

Different types of websites call for their own unique style of web

There are ecommerce sites designed to sell products or services.

Small businesses create websites to showcase their talents and
establish their brand online. Designers and artists use portfolio sites
to show off their work and attract clients. Blogs allow individuals and
brands to publish unique insights directly to their audiences. And
personal websites are great for marketing yourself to prospective
Let’s explore five popular types of websites along with best practices
for designing them and helpful templates to get you started.
1. Ecommerce websites

Ecommerce websites allow users to shop for and purchase products

or services online. Amazon, Bookshop, and other retailers that sell
products through an online store are great examples of ecommerce
sites. These websites make it easy to drop items in your cart and
checkout using your credit card, a payment service like PayPal or an
ecommerce platform like Shopify.
Ecommerce website design

Different types of website design call for different elements. When

building an ecommerce website, you’ll need a shopping cart
component that allows users to add and remove products and also
lets you set pricing, offer deals, and establish discounts. You need a
payment gateway so users can complete their transactions.

As you approach your ecommerce website design, it’s important to

think about how your visitors will interact with your site. Chances
are, you’ll want to offer discounts and promotions in the future, so
build that functionality into your site from the beginning.

Make it easy for potential customers to find what they want in the
least amount of clicks. You can keep the shopping experience
streamlined by breaking the products in your ecommerce store into
categories that visitors can filter by. Including a robust search
functionality is a nice touch, too.

Don’t forget about product photos. Many different kinds of websites

rely on great photography, but for ecommerce websites your photos
can make or break your sales. Use high-quality images to ensure
trust in your brand and showcase your current deals on the
homepage as high up as you can.
Provincial Spirits' ecommerce website made in Webflow

Use ecommerce website templates to build in Webflow

Thankfully, Webflow makes ecommerce web design easy by combining great ecommerce
templates with these complex tools in one easy-to-use package.

Using Webflow's platform, you can easily create a unique ecommerce website without
writing a single line of code. Start by selecting an ecommerce theme that matches your brand.
You can then customize each element, add new components, and expand the vision with your
content. You also can customize the checkout process, select a payment gateway, change the
layout, and customize your transactional emails. Don't forget to add your SSL to secure your
shopping cart (included with Webflow). Finally, add video and other animations to set your
ecommerce website apart.

Want to learn more? Check out our free Webflow University Ecommerce course.

2. Personal websites
Personal websites are for individuals who want to have an online presence to voice their
opinion, help with job prospects, or establish their own personal brand.

Most personal websites are fairly simple, with images and a lot of text. Since personal
websites are shared with friends, family, and colleagues manually, they don't typically require
any lead generation tools or SEO. However, if you plan to use your own website to promote
yourself as a professional, it certainly doesn't hurt to optimize your content to appear in
search engines.  

Personal website design 

For this type of website, the design elements really depend on the purpose of your personal
website. Will the site be something you share with friends and family just for fun or are you
trying to build a brand? If it’s the latter, you’ll want to create a recognizable look and feel for
your personal brand. 

Next, decide if you’ll be selling services through your site or using it as a central place for
your online presence. For the former, you’d need to set up landing pages with different
service packages. For the latter, you could get away with just adding your contact information
and encouraging potential clients to reach out. 

Regardless of whether your website is for business or pleasure, a personal blog could be a
nice addition. This way, you can frequently update your site by sharing your thoughts on your
area of expertise or share your life through blog posts. 

Al Murphy’s personal website built in Webflow. 

Use personal website templates to build in Webflow

Using Webflow, you can select an attractive personal website template, drop in some images
and start crafting your personal website within minutes. All that is left is your fabulous

Since a personal website is, well, personal, you can do anything you like. Choose as fancy or
as simple a design as you want. You can select colors and fonts that work and add your
content to make it yours. 

3. Portfolio websites
While similar to a personal site, this type of website is all about showcasing your professional
work with the goal of winning clients. 
Sarah Lupton’s portfolio website made in Webflow. 

A portfolio website is a canvas for designers, writers, videographers, artists, and other
creative professionals. These types of websites exist to highlight specific skill sets and
services that freelancers offer. 

Portfolio website design 

Typically, portfolio websites have a few unique features. To showcase your work, you might
use slideshows, galleries, or portfolio animations. You can also embed videos depending on
how you want to display your work. 

Don't feel like you have to display every project you’ve worked on. Select your best work
and split the projects into categories, so it’s easy for your audience to find what they need. Be
sure to highlight each project by telling the story behind it. You can also include details about
what tools of your trade you're familiar with, like a specific website builder, SaaS tool, or

Be sure to double check with your past clients before sharing their projects in your online
portfolio — not all customers will want their proprietary designs featured. You can also limit
access to your work by password protecting certain project web pages and asking serious
clients to contact you for the password. 

And while you’re at it — ask your previous customers to share their thoughts on your
services. Including client testimonials on your portfolio website is a great way to let your
satisfied customers sing your praises and sell your services for you. 

Use portfolio website templates to build in Webflow

Even if you already know how to build a portfolio website, Webflow has unique features that
make crafting your portfolio as straightforward as possible. For example, you can use
templates to create a testimonial slider or set up a standard layout for your project pages. This
way, you can quickly add in new testimonials and projects that match your site’s style. 
Not sure how to get started? There are plenty of portfolio website templates available so you
have a solid foundation that you can build upon and customize to your liking. 

Learn how to build a design portfolio

Build and visually design a full portfolio website — completely free. This course covers
everything from the basics of grid and flexbox to advanced interactions and accessibility

Start course

Start course

4. Small business websites

A small business website provides an online presence so people can learn about a company,
its employees, products, services, and culture. The goal of a small business website is to
provide information so customers can reach you directly. Examples include local accounting
firms, service providers (plumbers, HVAC, etc.), restaurants, and law offices.

Chatdesk's website made in Webflow

Small business website design 

Your small business website helps you convert visitors into customers. The design should
match your company branding, along with your tone of voice. If you’re a local bar, your site
might include photos of your business and focus on dark colors to give off smoky bar vibes.
If you’re a small pet grooming business, your design will likely be brighter and full of pet

Regardless of what type of business you are,your website should include your logo, preferred
design elements, and quick and easy navigation for users to find areas on your website.

Always include an About Us page so visitors can quickly get to know your business. Ensure
that your contact information is easily accessible so potential customers can get in touch.
Small business websites also need to have SEO-friendly features so you drive search traffic to
your site.

Use small business website templates to build in Webflow

Select a website template that represents your business. Keep things simple and focus on
intuitive navigation. Be sure to choose colors, fonts, and other styles that match your brand.
And don't forget to add a clear CTA on your home page.

For more complex small business website design, consider working with a Webflow Expert
who can build a robust site and customize it to your branding and the services you offer. 

5. Blog websites
A blog website is regularly updated with relevant articles, videos, and photos meant to
inform, entertain, and educate your audience. Blogs are sometimes platforms to voice an
individual's opinion, or a company may have one to offer valuable content to their customers.
These types of websites can either put the main focus on the blog itself — centering the site
around the regularly updated content — or be built into a larger website. 

DoorDash Stories blog made in Webflow

Blog website design

Blogs come in all shapes and sizes, but an essential element to any blog is organization. Your
readers need a simple way to find items of interest, so good category-navigation (like
sidebars on blog pages) is critical. Expert content and interesting opinions are also key.
Check out our selection of great blog templates and tools to design any type of blog. 

Often, blogs skip the large image slider at the top and get right to the content. Use visual
elements (icons, photos, artistic design) to highlight a category or new piece of content. If
you want to grow your audience, add a CTA and newsletter sign-up area to grab visitor's
email addresses. This way, you can keep your readers engaged with exclusive newsletter
content and make sure they’re aware of your recently published blogs. 

Use blog website templates to build in Webflow

When building in Webflow, it’s key to choose a great template with a blog layout. Think
about what type of content you’ll use — video, images, articles, guides, etc. — and then
select the page’s design elements that match your content type. Next, add sample content to
see how it displays on the screen. And don't forget to add a newsletter sign-up feature. Even
if you haven’t launched your newsletter yet, it’s good to have a way to connect with your
readers once they’ve left your site. 

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