CPU Trip Limit 1

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Annexure II control Write-up

Project Code :331

Project : IB Thermal Power Station, Banharpali (2 x 660 MW) Units3 & 4

Title : Impoprtant Process Interlock

Reference Alaram/Trip set Audio Visual

SL No Tag No. Service / Fumnction Interlock / Trip Action
P&ID Point Alarm on TFT

1 TAH-100 Condensate Inlet Header Temp High 60° ●

Inlet/ Outlet Header By-Pass Valve- PCV-109 to
open for full by-pass
2 AAH-100 Condensate Inlet Header Conductivity High 2 µs/cm ●

Cation Conductivity Exit Service Vessel R-1a

3 AAH-101a
0.1 µs/cm ●

D.P. Across Service Vessel R-1a including

4 DPAH-104a
resin trap High
3.5 Kg/cm2 ●
For any of 5 Conditions, R1-a will be isolated from
service operation and the auto-isolation valves at
Silica content service vessel R-1a exist High inlet R1a-KV101 and Outlet R1a-KV102 will close
5 AAH-104a
5 ppb ● and the Condensate inlet /Outlet Header By-Pass
control valve PCV-109 will open to the extent to By-
Pass Service Vessel R-1a flow.
6 FQA-101a Totalized flow inlet Service Vessel R-1a High 1,30,872 M3 ●

Sodium containt service vessel R-1a outlet

7 AAH-1052a
High (Channel-I)
2 ppb ●

Cation Conductivity Exit Service Vessel R-1b

8 AAH-105b
0.1 µs/cm ●

D.P. Across Service Vessel R-1b including

9 DPAH-104b
resin trap High
3.5 Kg/cm2 ●
For any of 5 Conditions, R1-b will be isolated from
service operation and the auto-isolation valves at
Silica content service vessel R-1b exist High inlet R1b-KV101 and Outlet R1b-KV102 will close
10 AAH-104b
5 ppb ● and the Condensate inlet /Outlet Header By-Pass
control valve PCV-109 will open to the extent to By-
Pass Service Vessel R-1b flow.
11 FQA-101b Totalized flow inlet Service Vessel R-1b High 1,30,872 M3 ●

Sodium containt service vessel R-1b outlet

12 AAH-105b
High (Channel-II)
2 ppb ●

Cation Conductivity Exit Service Vessel R-1c

13 AAH-101c
0.1 µs/cm ●

D.P. Across Service Vessel R-1c including

14 DPAH-103c
resin trap High
3.5 Kg/cm2 ●
For any of 5 Conditions, R1-c will be isolated from
service operation and the auto-isolation valves at
inlet R1c-KV101 and Outlet R1c-KV102 will close
15 AAH-104c Silica content service vessel R-1c exist High 5 ppb ● and the Condensate inlet /Outlet Header By-Pass
control valve PCV-109 will open to the extent to By-
Pass Service Vessel R-1c flow.
16 FQA-101c Totalized flow inlet Service Vessel R-1c High 1,30,872 M3 ●

Sodium containt service vessel R-1c outlet

17 AAH-105c
2 ppb ●

Service Vessel Blower Discharge Pressure

18 PAH-112
> 0.5 Kg/cm2 ● To Trip the Running Air Blower

19 AAL-602 ARU Rinse Outlet Conductivity Low < 5 µs/cm ●


20 AAH-603 CRU Rinse Outlet Conductivity Low < 5 µs/cm ●

Resin Transfer from ARU to CRU - Outlet

21 AAH-601
Conductivity High (Interface detection)
< 70 ●

regeneration Air Blower Discharge Pressure

22 PT-606
> 0.6 Kg/cm2 ● To Trip the Running Air Blower
Annexure II control Write-up

Project Code :331

Project : IB Thermal Power Station, Banharpali (2 x 660 MW) Units3 & 4

Title : Impoprtant Process Interlock

Reference Alaram/Trip set Audio Visual

SL No Tag No. Service / Fumnction Interlock / Trip Action
P&ID Point Alarm on TFT

Alkali Solution Preparition Tank T-2 Lavel

23 LAL-706(L)
Low 30% ● To Close Alkali Outlet Valvle of T-2, i.e, T4-KV701

24 LAH-708(H) Alkali Measuring Tank T-4 Lavel High 75% ● To Close Alkali Inlet Valvle of T-2, i.e, T4-KV701

To Close Alkali Outlet & Common O/L valve from

25 LAL-708(L) Alkali Measuring Tank T-4 Lavel Low 30% ● Tank T-4, i.e,T4-KV702 & MT1-KV701

To Close Acid Inlet Valve T5-KV701 to Stop acid

26 LAH-714(H) Acid Measuring Tank T-5 Lavel High 75% ● filling of T5

To Close Acid Inlet ValvemT2-KV701 to stop acid

27 LAL-714(L) Acid Measuring Tank T-5 Lavel Low 30% ● injection Operation.

28 PHAH-701(L) Neutralized Effluent pH- High 7.5 ●

To close Effluent Disposal Valve P5-KV701 and open
Effluent Recirculation Valve (Selected) i.e, either C1a-
KV701 or C1b-KV701
29 6.5

LALL-716 Neutralized Effluent pH- Low ●

1. To cut-off Heater-1 & 2

30 TAHH-702 Hot Water Tank R-6 Water Temp.-Low 20% ● 2. To Stop the Running alkali dosing pump.

31 LAHH-702 Hot Water Tank R-6 Water Temp.-High 80% ● To cut-Off Heater-1 & 2

To Trip DM Water Regen. & Resin Transfer Pumps

32 LALL-(ClientScope) Dm Water Storage Tank Level-Low 20% ● P1a, P1b

33 LAL-711 Bulk Acid Storage tank T7 Level - Low 30% ● To Close Acid Outlet Valves T7-KV701

To trip the Running Acid Unloading Pump P4a Or

34 LAH-711 Bulk Acid Storage tank T7 Level - High 75% ● 4b

To trip the Running Alkali Unloading Pump P3a Or

35 LAL-704 Bulk Alkali Storage Tank T6 Level - High 75% ● 3b

To trip the Running Alkali Transfer Pump cum

36 LAH-704 Bulk Alkali Storage Tank T6 Level - Low 30% ● Recirculation Pump P2a Or 2b

37 LAL-717 Alkali Measuring Tank Level-Low 75% ● To trip the running Agitator

NOTE :- The alaram/trip set points indicated above are tentative and they may so slightly under change during Pre- commissioning /
Commissioning as per Plant Operation Requirement.

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