Cause Effect: English For The Future Kompetensi Dasar

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English For The Future

Cause & 3.24 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
Effect transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan because of
..., due to ..., thanks to ...)

4.24 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional

lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
hubungan sebab akibat, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks
Cause and Effect
English For The Future

Cause and Effect adalah

hubungan antara 2 kejadian
dimana kejadian yang satu (cause)
menjadi penyebab kejadian yang
Definition lain (effect) terjadi.

Example :
John failed the test because he did
not study

Effect (what happened)

John Failed the test
Cause (why)
He did not study

Cause and Effect

English For The Future
Hubungan Sebab-
Akibat (Cause-Effect Example :
Relationship) tidak Because he did not study, John failed
the test
berubah walaupun
dituliskan dalam Cause (sebab) : he did not study
urutan berbeda. Effect (akibat) : John failed the test.

Pengertian kalimatnya tidak berubah

meskipun kita menuliskan kalimatnya
dalam urutan yang berbeda. Yang
perlu diperhatikan adalah :




Cause and Effect

English For The Future
Ada beberapa kata yang digunakan
untuk menandai kalimat sebab akibat
(cause-effect relationship) yaitu :
Signal or
Connector Because
Because of
Due to
Word Since
On account of
For this reason
As a consequence As a result
Therefore Thus

Signal word ini ada yang diikuti

oleh Clause (kalimat utuh) ada
pula yang diikuti oleh Noun
Phrase (frase kata benda)

Cause and Effect

English For The Future
Cause Effect

1. She had no other options 1. Consequently, she married at thirteen. (Clause)

2. She was not protected 2. As a result, she had a baby. (Clause)
3. She had no access to health 3. Therefore, she get HIV. (Clause)
education or medical clinic
4. There was poor sanitation in village 4. As a consequence, she had health problem
5. The water was impure 5. For this reason, she suffered from parasites.
6. She had no resources to grow food 6. Thus, she was hungry
7. She had not been given a chance 7. So, she was fighting for survival

Cause and Effect

English For The Future
Effect Clause
1. She married at thirteen because, she she had no other option. (Clause)
2. She had a baby at thirteen as she was not protected. (Clause)
3. She get HIV since,she had no access to health education or
medical clinic (Clause)
4. She had health problem because of poor sanitation in the village
(Noun Phrase)
5. She suffered from parracites on account of the impure water in her village
(Noun Phrase)
6. She was often cold due to not having shoes and warm clothes

Cause and Effect

English For The Future
Untuk menentukan hubungan sebab akibat
Strategy to (cause-effect relationship) dalam sebuah kalimat,

berikut strategi yang bisa digunakan :
1. Carilah signal/connector word yang

Cause-Effect 2.
menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat
Tentukan kalimat yang menjadi sebab
Relationship 3. Tentukan kalimat yang merupakan akibat

Example :
I have decided to quit drinking coffee because
coffee makes my heart beat double time.

Signal word : because

Cause (sebab) : coffee makes my
heart beat double time
Effect (akibat) : I have decided to quit
drinking coffee
Cause and Effect
English For The Future
Task 1
Read the following sentences and see whether
you can identify the cause and the effect.
Do as example in the previous slide.

1. The river rose for feet because of the

heavy rainfall.
2. She has no family therefore she needs
to support herself
3. Jullie fell because she did not see the
hole in the sidewalk
4. Since she thought the salt was sugar,
her cake tastes horrible.
5. He had a flat tire so he was late to the
Cause and Effect
English For The Future
Task 2
Read the text then fill in the outline of the text given to
identify the cause and effect relationship.
Why Do We Stop at Red Lights?
Say it's two in the morning with not a policeman in sight, and
you approach an empty intersection marked by a red light. If you're like
most of us, you stop and wait for the light to turn green. But why do we
stop? Safety, you might say, though you can see perfectly well that it's
quite safe to cross. Fear of being nabbed by a sneaky police officer is a
better reason, but still not very convincing. After all, the police don't
generally make a habit of setting up road traps in the dead of night.
Perhaps we are just good, law-abiding citizens who wouldn't dream of
committing a crime, even though obeying the law in this case does seem
faintly ridiculous.
Well, we may claim to be following the dictates of our
social conscience, but another, less high-minded reason
probably underlies it all. We stop at that red light out of
dumb habit. We probably don't consider whether it's safe
or unsafe to cross, right or wrong; we stop because we
always stop at red lights. And, of course, even if we were
to think about it as we idled there at the intersection, the
light would probably turn green before we could come up
with a good reason for why we do what we do.
Cause and Effect
English For The Future

GROUP Fill out the simple outline for

DISCUSSION "Why Do We Stop at Red Lights?“

Opening : ____
Question/Effect : ____?
Reason/Cause 1 : ____
Reason/Cause 2 : ____
Reason/Cause 3 : ____
Reason/Cause 4 : ____
Conclusion : ____

Cause and Effect

English For The Future
Task 3 Discuss with your group and fill
the simple chart below with the
GROUP information needed
Effect 1 ....

Cause :
Effect 4 .... Effect 2 ....

Effect 3 ....

Cause and Effect

English For The Future
“Education is the ability
to listen to almost
anything without losing
your temper or your self-
― Robert Frost

Cause and Effect

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