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CODE S3LT-IIi-j-15

LESSON PLAN IN School Gapan East Integrated School Grade Level III Quarter 4
SCIENCE III Date June 20 , 2022 Week WEEK 4

Describe the sources and uses of light.

Value the importance of sources of light.
A. Content Standard
Draw the different sources of light (both natural and artificial).

B. Performance Standards The learners will apply the knowledge of the sources and uses of light.

C. Learning Competencies Describe the different uses of light in everyday life. (S3FEIIIg-h-4)


1. Teacher’s Guide MELCS Grade III, Quarter 3, (S3FEIIIg-h-4)


Science Learners Materials, GRADE III, Quarter 3, Week No. 4

2. Learner’s Materials

Department of Education, 2015. K To 12 ScienceLearners Materials From The Deped

3. Textbook page/s Central Office. First Edition, 2015.REX BOOKSTORE INC, pp.129-144

4. Additional Materials
Pictures, laptop, and VIDEO.
from LRMDS
Appreciation of God’s Creation and Human- made sources of Light energy.
B. Value Formation
(Introduction) Greetings/ Kamustahan
Setting of Policies inside the classroom and safety health protocols.

Classroom Rules
- This song definitely entails the different forms of energy. These are the light, sound, heat, and
electricity. These are all essential to our daily living in order for us to survive here in this planet earth.
Imagine class if we don’t have them? .Our lives would be miserable, and we’ll live by traditional way
B. EXPLAINATION - Our main focus for this session would be the light energy.
(Modeling) Imagine you're in a dark room. You aren't able to see anything. Your eyes need light to see. Even the smallest amount of
light helps your eyes view the world. Did you know your eyes can detect the flame of a candle on a dark night about a mile
away? You would think that the light from that candle moves in a straight line from the flame to your eyes, but a beam of
light is actually an energy source that travels as a wavelength, and it moves quickly.

Now, imagine you're outside and it's been raining. You look up in the sky and see a beautiful rainbow. When the white
light from the sun hits rain droplets in the sky, the wavelengths separate into the different colors of the rainbow. Each color
is a different wavelength. Our eyes can see these wavelengths of light, and our bodies can feel the warmth from the sun.

What do you think are the sources of light energy?

- Sun, stars, and moon, etc.
- That’s right
What are sources of light?
Any source or object which emits its own light is a source of light.

Luminous objects
Anything that gives off light of its own is said to be luminous. Every source of light is a luminous object.

Non-Luminous objects
Anything that does not produce its own light, although it can still reflect from other sources.

Pls. read the writings on the board

- Light is a form of energy. It helps us see the beauty of God’s creation.
- The sun is the main source of light. Sunlight brightens the earth at daytime.
- There are two sources of light. The natural and artificial.

Pls. read the writings on the board.

- Natural light comes from the sun and stars. Artificial light comes from man-made sources.
- Ok, what are the examples of natural light? These are the sun, stars, moon, even animals like fireflies.
These sources come to earth through natural means which man cannot control.

- The next one is artificial light are man- made Examples are flashlights, electric bulb, and kerosene
lamp when filed with fuel.
It helps us to see things. It helps plants to make food and grow. It is used in power satellites and
space stations. It is used in many electronic appliances. The energy of light from the sun can be
harvested to solar panels and can be used for domestic use since it is eco-friendly and cost-
effective too.
(Group Activity) Teacher’s instruction

I’ll group this class into two. Group 1 are the boys and Group 2 are girls. Here is the Activity each group will
do. After completing the task, each group is required to choose your representative to report the group output.
Ok. Are we all set?

Now that you're familiar with what light energy is and the two main sources, you're going to apply it
to your surroundings. In this activity, you'll be finding three sources of natural light and three sources
of artificial light in your environment. For each source, you'll describe what it is, how you interact
with it, and which type of light source it is. Then, answer the reflection questions. I will give you 10
minutes for the activity.

Descriptio How it Affects Type of Light

Exampl n You Source

Reflection Questions
1. How were the natural light sources different from the artificial light sources?
2. Why do we need artificial light sources if there are natural light sources?
3. Which sources were easier to find and how do you think that affects living things?
- Are you done? Last 30 sec.

- Time is up and now may we have the group 1 to present their output?

- Very good. So now, let’s proceed to group 2.

- What a presentation…good job guys. Group 3 pls.

- Let’s clap for a job well done!

Write True if the statement is correct and False if not.

________ 1. Anything that gives off light of its own is said to be luminous.
________ 2. Anything that does not produce its own light, although it can still reflect from other sources.
________ 3. Moon is the main source of light.
________ 4. Firefly is a natural source of light.
________ 5. Electric bulb is an artificial source of light.
________ 6. Light energy does not help us to see God’s creation.
________ 7. Sunlight is one important thing to process the food of living things.
________ 8. Natural light coming from sun can make us save electricity.
________ 9. Animals can get their food by seeing their target food with the help of light.
________ 10. People can dry their clothes through sunlight.

Draw three sources each of Natural and Artificial lights.

Alright class, what are the sources of light?

What is the difference between them?
Give example of natural light.
Give example of artificial light.
D. GENERALIZATION (The learners respond)
A light source is anything that makes light, whether natural and artificial. Natural light sources include the Sun and stars.
Artificial light sources include lamp posts and televisions.

Without light sources we could not see the world around us, however not every object we can see is a light source. Many
objects simply reflect light from a light source.



Give at least 3 uses of light

Make an album about the sources of light.

G. ADDITIONAL Give at least 10 samples of cut -out pictures / printed pictures of Natural and Artificial sources of
Make a paragraph consist of at least 5 sentences about uses of light energy.

Prepared by:


Teacher III

Checked by:

Master Teacher II


Principal IV

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