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MLR Institute of Technology DATA STRUCTURES 1B. TECH- 1 SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits Maximum Marks L| Tt] Pp c CIE | SEE | Total ASCSO3 Esc 3a)a] - 4 30 70 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Impart the basic concepts of structures, pointers and data structures. 2, — Understand concepts linked lists and their applications, 3. Understand basic concepts about stacks, queues and their applications. 4, Understand basic concepts of trees, graphs and their applications, 5. _ Enable them to write algorithms for sorting and searching. COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of the course, student will be able to: 1. Use arrays, pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs. 2. Design and implement applications of Linked List. 3. Design and implement Stack ADT using Array and Linked List 4, Design and implement Queue ADT using Array and Linked List, 8. Solve problems involving graphs and trees. 6.__ Analyze searching and sorting techniques based on time and space complexity. UNIT «|_| INTRODUCTION TO DATA STRUCTURES CLASSES: 15 Introduction to Structures - Structure definition, initialization, accessing structures, nested structures, arrays of structures, structures and functions, self-referential structures, Pointer — Basics, Pointer to Structure. Introduction to Data Structures- Definition, Linear Data Structures, Non-Linear Data Structures, Representation of single, two dimensional arrays, sparse matrices and their representation. UNIT =I | Linked List CLASSES: 15 Singly Linked Lists-Operations-Insertion, Deletion, Concatenating singly linked lists, Circularly linked lists- Operations-Insertion, Deletion, Doubly Linked Lists- Operations- Insertion, Deletion. UNIT I | STACKS CLASSES: 12 ‘Stacks-Stack ADT, definition, operations, array and linked implementations in C, Applications-infix to postfix conversion, Postfix expression evaluation, recursion implementation, uNiT-1v_ | QUEUES CLASSES: Queues-Queue ADT, definition and operations ,array and linked Implementations in C, Circular queues- array and linked implementations in C, Dequeue (Double ended queue)ADT, array and linked implementations in C. UNIT-V_ | SEARCHING & SORTING AND NON-LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Pace |& MLR Institute of Technology Searching- Linear Search, Binary Search, Sorting- Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Quick sort, Merge Sort, Comparison of Sorting methods. Non-Linear Data Structures- Trees — Introduction, Definition, Terminology, Applications, Tree Representations- List Representation, Left Child — Right Sibling Representation. Graphs - Introduction, Definition, Terminology, Applications, Graph Representations- Adjacency matrix, Adjacency lists TEXT BOOKS 1. E, Balagurusamy, “Programming in ANSI C”, McGraw Hill Education, 6" Edition, 2012. 2. "Fundamentals of Data Structures’, Ilustrated Edition by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Computer Science Press. 3. Data Structures using C, R.Thareja 2"! Edition, Oxford Press. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Data structures using C, A.K.Sharma, 2nd edition, Pearson. 2. “Howto Solve it by Computer’, 2nd Impression by R. G. Dromey, Pearson Education WEB REFERENCES hitos://hackr ioftutorialsileamn-data-structures-algorithms hilos://wmw.geeksforgeeks org/fundamentals-of-algorithms! https: // httos:/ E-TEXT BOOKS 1. httov/www.freetechbooks,com/algorithm-analysis-and-design-t1030,htm! 2. _http:/iwww.freetechbooks, com/alaorithmic-problem-solving-t373. html 3. _hito:/www. htm! MOOC COURSE 1. hitos://wwow, coursera org/specializations/data-structures-algorithms 2. _hitps:/ Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Rage |&& MLR Institute of Technology DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IB. TECH- | SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits ‘Maximum Marks tit) P c cle | SEE Total ASCSOS Pec af -) - 3 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES The course should enable the students to: 1. Discuss the basic database concepts, applications, data models, schemas and instances. Design Entity Relationship model for a database. Demonstrate the use of constraints and relational algebra operations. Describe the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL Understand the importance of normalization in databases, COURSE OUTCOMES ‘At the end of the course the students are able to: Use the basic concepts of Database Systems in Database design Design a Database using ER Modelling Apply normalization on database design to eliminate anomalies ‘Apply SQL queries and PLISQL queries to interact with Database ‘Analyze database transactions and can control them by applying ACID properties. Demonstrate the basic concepts of transaction processing and concurrency control. Understand the concepts of database storage structures and identify the access techniques. UNIT INTRODUCTION CLASSES: 09 INTRODUCTION: Introduction and applications of DBMS, Purpose of data base, Data Database System architecture- Levels, Database users and DBA. DATABASE DESIGN: Database Design Process, ER Diagrams - Entities, Attributes, Independence, Relationships, Constraints, keys, extended ER features, Generalization, Specialization, Aggregation, Conceptual design with the E-R model. UNIT-I_ | RELATIONAL MODEL &SCHEMA REFINEMENT CLASSES: 09 THE RELATIONAL MODEL: Introduction to the relational model, Integrly constraints over relations, Enforcing integrity constraints, Querying relational data, Logical database design: E-R Introduction to views, Destroying/altering tables and views. to relational, SCHEMA REFINEMENT AND NORMAL FORMS: Introduction to schema refinement, functional dependencies, reasoning about FDs. Normal forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, properties of decompositions, norm: tion, schema refinement in database design. UNIT -1Il_ | RELATIONAL ALGEBRA AND CALCULS &SQL CLASSES: 11 RELATIONAL ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS Relational algebra operators, relational calculus - Tuple and domain relational calculus. SQL: Basics of SQL, DDL,DML,OCL, structure — creation, alteration, defining constraints — Primary key, foreign key, unique, not null, check, IN operator, Functions « aggregate functions, Bui = numeric, date, string functions, set operations, sub-queries, correlated sub-queries, it-in functions UNIT -IV | SQL &PLisaL. CLASSES: 11 Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Enetneerine . MLECM? Pace |& MLR Institute of Technology SQL:Use of group by, having, order by dlauses, join and its types, Exist, Any, All clauses . Transaction control commands — Commit, Rollback, Save point, PLISQL: Environment, block structure, variables, operators, data types, control structures; cursors, stored procedures, Triggers. UNIT -v_ | TRANSACTION &CONCURRENCY CONTROL CLASSES: 10 TRANSACTIONS MANAGEMENT: Transaction concept, transaction state, concurrent executions, Serializability, recoverability, testing for serializability. CONCURRENCY CONTROL AND RECOVERY SYSTEM: Concurrency control,lock based protocols, time-stamp based protocols, validation based protocols, multiple granularity and deadlock handling, Recovery system - failure classification, storage structure, recovery and atomicity, log based recovery. TEXT BOOKS 1, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudharshan, “Database System Concepts’, Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw Hil, 2011 2. Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke, “Data base Management Systems", TATA McGraw Hil, 3rd Edition, 2007. 3. R.P. Mahapatra & Govind Verma, Database Management Systems, Khanna Publishing House, 2013. 4, Michael McLaughlin, Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming, Oracle press. REFERENCE BOOKS 1, Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel, Database Systems Design Implementation and Management, 7th edition, 2009. 2. Scott Urman, Michael McLaughlin, Ron Hardman, “Oracle database 10g PL/SQL programming “, 6th edition, Tata McGraw Hill,2010 3. S.KSingh, “Database Systems Concepts, Design and Applications’, First edition, Pearson Education, 2006. 4, Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B, Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Fourth Edition, Pearson / Addision wesley, 2007 WEB REFERENCES http:/ https:/ table.asp hitp:/www.edugrabs, com/conversion-of-er-model-to-relational-model/?upm_export=print,ncnu, edu, tw/course/CSDB/chap14,pdf htios/web,cs, uedavis, edu/~green/courses/ecs165a-w1 1/8-query. pat E-TEXT BOOKS 1, hhttod/www.freebookcentre,net/Database/Free-Database-Systems-Books-Download,him| 2. _httpvwww.ddegjust ac. in/studymaterialimca-gims-11,odf MOOC COURSE 1. https:/ 2. _hitps:/ Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Enetneerine . MLECM? Pace |&7

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