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tute of Technology MACHINE LEARNING IIB. TECH- Il SEMESTER Course Code | Category Hours / Wook Credits ‘Maximum Marks L T Pp c | cE SEE Total ASAII9 Pec 3 - : 3 30 70 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Ability to comprehend the concept of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. 2. Differentiate regression, classification and clustering techniques and to implement their algorithms, 3, analyze the performance of various machine learning techniques and to select appropriate features for training machine learning algorithms. 4. Be familiar with basic machine learning algorithms with classification and clustering. 5. Gain experience of doing independent study and research. COURSE OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of the course, the student is able to 1, Recognize the characteristics of machine leaming that makes it useful to solve real-world problems, Evaluate exploratory data analysis and Data preparation and preprocessing on different datasets. Design and implement machine learning solutions of classification, regression problems. Choose an appropriate clustering technique to solve real world problems. Choose a suitable machine learning model, implement and examine the performance of the chosen model for a given real world problems. pReN UNIT4 | INTRODUCTION CLASSES: 12 Machine Leaming Foundations: Introduction to machine learning, learning problems and scenarios, need for machine learning, types of learning, standard learning tasks, the Statistical Learning Framework, Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) leaming. UNIT-I_ | DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS CLASSES: 12 Data representation, types of data- nominal, ordinal, interval and continuous, central tendency- calculating mean mode median, mean vs median, variability, variance, standard deviation, Mean Absolute Deviation using sample dataset, finding thepercentile, interquartile range, Box Plot, Outlier, whisker, calculating correlation, covariance, causation.Exploratory data analysis, Data preparation and preprocessing, Data visualization UNIT-IIL_ | SUPERVISED LEARNING CLASSES: 14 Learning a Class from Examples, Linear, Non-linear, Mulfi-class and Multlabel classification, Perceptron: ~ multilayer neural networks — back propagation - learning neural networks structures — support vector machines: — soft margin SVM ~ going beyond linearity — generalization and over fitting — regularization — validation. Decision Trees:ID3, Classification and Regression Trees (CART), Regression: Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression. UNIT4V_ | UNSUPERVISED LEARNING CLASSES: 12 Tniroduction to clustering, Hierarchical: AGNES, DIANA, Parlllional: Kmeans clustering, K- Mode Clustering, Self-Organizing Map, Expectation Maximization, Gaussian Mixture Models, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Locally Linear Embedding (LLE), Factor Analysis, Neural Networks: Introduction, Perceptron, Multilayer Perceptron, Support vector machines: Linear and NonLinear, Kernel Functions, K-Nearest Neighbors. Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLM? Pace 1119 tute of Technology UNIT-V_| ENSEMBLE AND PROBABILISTIC LEARNING CLASSES: 12 Ensemble Learning Model Combination Schemes, Voling, ErrorCorrecing Output Codes, Bagging: Random Forest Trees, Boosting: Adaboost, Gradient Boosting, Xg boost, Stacking Bayesian Leaming, Bayes Optimal Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier, Bayesian Beliof Networks, Mining Frequent Patterns TEXT BOOKS 1, Giuseppe Bonaccorso, —Machine Learning Algorithmsll, 2nd Edition, Packt, 2018, 2. Tom Mitchel —Machine Leamingl, Tata McGraW Hill, 2017. REFERENCE BOOKS 7. Ethem Alpaydin, —Introduction te Machine Learningl, PHI, 2004 ‘StephenMarshland, —Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, CRCPressTaylor& Francis, 2nd Edition, 2015 3, Abhishek Vijavargia —Machine Leaming using Pythonll, BPB Publications, 1 st Edition, 2018 NTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLM? Pace 1120 MLR Institute of Technology MACHINE LEARNING LAB IIB. TECH- Il SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits) Maximum Marks t| rl] ep c cie | see| Total ASAL20 Pcc -[-] 3 15 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Make use of Data sets in implementing the machine learning algorithms 2. Implement the machine learning concepts and algorithms in any suitable language of choice, 3. To impart knowledge on the basic concepts underlying machine learning, 4. To acquaint with the process of selecting features for model construction. 5. To familiarize different types of machine learning techniques. COURSE OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of the course, the student is able to 1. Design and implement machine learning solutions to classification, regression problems. Analyze the complexity of Machine Learning algorithms and their limitations. Apply appropriate data sets to the Machine Learning algorithms. Identify and apply Machine Learning algorithms to solve real world problems 2. 3. 4. 5. __ Apply supervised and unsupervised techniques on various data sets. WEEK -1 | BASICS Write a program to demonstrate the following ) Operation of data types in Python, b) Different Arithmetic Operations on numbers in Python. ©) Create, concatenate and print a string and access substring from a given string. 4d) Append, and remove lists in python, ) Demonstrate working with tuples in python. f) Demonstrate working with dictionaries in python. WEEK-II | STATISTICAL OPERATIONS Using python write a NumPy program fo compute the a) Expected Value b) Mean ) Standard deviation 4d) Variance ) Covariance ) Covariance Matrix of two given arra WEEK< Ill | DATA PREPROCESSING - CONTINUOUS / DISCRETE DATA For a given set of training data examples stored in a CSV file, demonstrate Data Preprocessing in Machine learning with the following steps a) Getting the dataset. b) Importing libraries. ) Importing datasets. d) Finding Missing Data ) Finding Outliers 4) Splitting dataset into training and test set. 4) Feature scaling. WEEK-IV | DATA PREPROCESSING — CATEGORICAL DATA For a given set of training dala examples slored in a CSV file, demonstrate Dala Preprocessing in Machine learning with the following steps a) Getting the dataset Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLECM? Race 1120 tute of Technology b) Importing libraries. c) Importing datasets. 4d) Finding Missing Data. ) Encoding Categorical Data. 4) Splitting dataset into training and test set. 4) Feature scaling. WEEK. V | DECISION TREE Write @ program to demonstrate the working of the decision tree based 1D algorithm. Use an appropriat data set for building the decision tree and apply this knowledge to classify a new sample WEEK-V! | LINEAR REGRESSION Build a linear regression model using python for a particular data set by a) Spitting Training data and Test data b) Evaluate the model (intercept and slope). ©) Visualize the training set and testing set 4) predicting the test set result 2) compare actual output values with predicted values WEEK: Vil | MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION Build! a multiple linear regression model using python for a particular data set by a) Splitting Training data and Test data b) Evaluate the model (intercept and slope). ) Visualize the training set and testing set ) predicting the test set result 2) compare actual ouput values with predicted values WEEK" Logistic REGRESSION ‘The dataset contains information of users from a company’s database. It contains information about UserlD, Gender, Age, EstimatedSalary, and Purchased. Use this dataset for predicting that a user will purchase the company’s newly launched product or not by Logistic Regression model. ‘CLUSTERING A python program to implement K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering and PCA. WEEK- X ] KNN & SVM Write a Python program to implement KNN and SVM WEEK- x! | NAIVE BAYES Write a program to implement the naive Bayesian classifier for a sample training data set stored as a -CSV file. Compute the accuracy of the classifier, considering few test data sets. WEEK: Xil | RANDOM FOREST Implement Random Forest Algorithm using Python. TEXT BOOKS Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLM? Pace 1120 tute of Technology 7. Aurélien Géron - Hands-On Machine Leaming with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 2nd Edition. September 21019, O'Reilly Media, Inc., ISBN: 9781492032649, 2._Tom Mitchel "Machine Learning’, Tata McGraW Hill, 2017. Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLM? Dare |121 MLR Institute of Technology BIG DATA ANALYTICS. IVB. TECH- | SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits ‘Maximum Marks title c cie | see | Total ASCS17 Pcc 34] - 4 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES To learn 4. Toiintroduce the terminology, technology and its applications 2. Tointroduce the concept of Analytics and Visualization 3, To demonstrate the usage of various Big Data tools and Data Visualization tools COURSE OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of the course, the student is able to 1. Compare various file systems and use an appropriate file system for storing different types of data. 2. — Demonstrate the concepts of Hadoop ecosystem for storing and processing of unstructured data. 3, Apply the knowledge of programming to process the stored data using Hadoop tools and generate reports, 4, Connect to web data sources for data gathering, Integrate data sources with hadoop components to process streaming data. 5, Tabulate and examine the results generated using hadoop components UNIT-I | INTRODUCATION TO BIG DATA CLASSES: 12 INTRODUGATION TO BIG DATA: Data and iis importance, Big Data - definition, implications of Big Data, addressing Big Data implications using Hadoop, Hadoop Ecosystem HADOOP ARCHITECTURE: Hadoop Storage HDFS, Hadoop Processing Map Reduce Framework Hadoop Server Roles: Name Node, Secondary Name Node and Data Node, Job Tracker, TaskTracker HDFS-HADOOP DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEM: Design of HDFS, HDFS Concepts, HDFS Daemons, HDFS High Availability, Block Abstraction, FUSE: File System in User Space. HDFS Command Line Interface (CLI), Concept of File Reading and Writing in HDFS. UNIT-II_ | MAPREDUCE PROGRAMMING MODEL CLASSES: 12 MAPREDUCE PROGRAMMING MODEL: Introduction to Map Reduce Programming model to process Big Data, key features of Map Reduce, Map Reduce Job skeleton, Introduction to Map Reduce API, Hadoop Data Types, Develop Map Reduce Job using Eclipse, bulit a Map Reduce Job export it as a java archive( jar file) MAPREDUCE JOB LIFE CYCLE: Understanding Mapper, Combiner, Partlioner, Shuffle & Sort and Reduce phases of Map Reduce Application, Developing Map Reduce Jobs based on the requirement using given datasets like weather dataset. UNIT | INTRODUCTION TO PIG CLASSES: 12 INTRODUCTION TO PIG: Understanding pig and pig Platform, introduction to Pig Latin Language and Execution engine, running pig in different modes, Pig Grunt Shell and its usage. PIG LATIN LANGUAGE SEMANTICS -DATA TYPES IN PIG: Pig Latin Basics, Key words, Pig Data types, Understanding Pig relation, bag, tuple and writing pig relations or statements using Grunt Shell, expressions, Data processing operators, using Built in functions, WRITING PIG SCRIPTS USING PIG LATIN: Writing pig scripts and saving them text editor, running pig scripts from command line, Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Race 1123 MLR Institute of Technology BASIC ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 1B, TECH- 1 SEMESTER Course Code Category ‘Maximum Marks Lit) Pp c | CIA | SEE) Total ASEE70 Esc 3] 4) - 4 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Develop fundamentals, including Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws and be able to solve for currents, voltages and power in electrical circuits, Develop EMF equation and analyze the operation of DC Machines. ‘Analyze the working principle of Transformer. Discuss the operation of AC Machines, Analyze the operation of PN junction diode and rectifiers. Discuss the operation and characteristics of Transistors. COURSE OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, student will be able to : ‘Analyze and solve for current values in resistive circuits with independent sources. Analyze the working of DC machines and solve the numerical problems. Analyze the working of AC electrical machines and solve the numerical problems. ‘Analyze the V-I characteristics of PN — junction diode and describe the operation of rectifiers. Analyze the different configurations of Transistors and obtain its characteristics. UNIT ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS CLASSES: 12 Basic definitions-Ohm’s Law, types of elements, types of sources , Kirchhoff's Laws — simple problems., series & parallel resistive networks with DC excitation, star to delta and delta to star transformations, UNIT |_| DC MACHINES CLASSES: 12 Principle of Operation of DC Motor, types of DC motor, Torque equation & Losses and problems, DC Generator construction and working Principle, EMF Equation types of generators and problems. UNIT -IIl | AC MACHINES CLASSES:12 ‘Working principle and Construction of transformer, Emf Equation & problems, Principle operation of 3- phase induction motor, slip and torque Equation, Torque ~slip characteristics & problems, principle operation of 3-phase Alternator, Emf Equation of Alternator & problems. UNIT -1V | DIODE AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS CLASSES: 12 PN JUNCTION DIODE: Operation of PN junction Diode: forward bias and reverse bias, Characteristics of PN Junction Diode — Zener Effect — Zener Diode and its Characteristics. Rectifiers, Half wave, Full wave and bridge Rectifiers capacitor filters, inductor filters UNIT-V_| TRANSISTORS CLASSES: 10 Bipolar Junction Transistor - NPN & PNP Transistor, CB, CE, CC Configurations and Characteristics = Transistor Amplifier. Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLECH? Dace 124

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