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MLR Institute of Technology PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS (PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE - VI) IV B, TECH- Il SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits) Maximum Marks Lit] Pe c CIE | SEE | Total ASCS28 PEC a] -] - 3 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES 4, Toiintroduce the terminology, technology and its applications 2. Toiintroduce the concept of predictive analysis 3. To introduce linear regression, time series concepts 4. To introduce the tools, technologies, programming languages which are used in day to day analytics cycle. COURSE OUTCOMES 4. Analyze terminology of Data Analytics 2, Analyze Supervised and Un supervised learning techniques. 3. Develop the knowledge skill and competences using tools and training 4.__ Analyze the importance of Analytics in business perspective. INTRODUCTION TO PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS & LINEAR REGRESSION (NOS 2101) INTRODUCTION TO PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS & LINEAR REGRESSION (NOS 2101): What and Why Analytics, Introduction to Tools and Environment, Application of Modelling in Business, Databases & Types of data and variables, Data Modelling Techniques, Missing imputations etc. Need for Business Modelling, Regression— Concepts, Blue property: assumptions- Least Square Estimation, Variable Rationalization, and Model Building etc. UNIT CLASSES: 14 UNIT. | LOGISTIC REGRESSION (NOS 2101) CLASSES: 12 LOGISTIC REGRESSION (NOS 2101): Model Theory, Model fit Statistics, Model Conclusion, Analytics applications to various Business Domains etc. Regression Vs Segmentation -- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning , Tree Building — Regression, Classification, Over fiting, pruning and complexity, Multiple Decision Trees etc. UNIT-IIl_ | DEVELOP KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND COMPETENCES (NOS 9005) | CLASSES: 10 DEVELOP KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND COMPETENCES (NOS 9005): Introduction to Knowledge skills, & competences, Training & Development, Learning & Development, Policies and Record keeping, etc. Case Study’: implement k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm to classify the iris data set. Print both correct and wrong predictions. Python ML library classes can be used for this problem, Case Study2: Given the following data, which specify classifications for nine combinations of VAR1 and VAR2 predict classification for a case where VAR1=0,906 and VAR2=0.606, using the result of k-means clustering with 3 eans (i. 3 centroids) VAR1 VAR2 CLASS 4.713 1.5860 0.180 1.786 1 0.353 1.240 1 0.940 1.566 0 1.486 0.759 1 1.266 1.106 0 1.540 0.419 1 0.459 1.799 1 0.73 0.186 4 Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Dace |188 MLR Institute of Technology unirav _| TIME SERIES METHODS / FORECASTING, FEATURE EXTRACTION ios 2101) CLASSES: 10 TIME SERIES METHODS / FORECASTING, FEATURE EXTRACTION (NOS 2101): ARIMA, Measures of Forecast Accuracy, ETL approach, Extract features from generated model as Height, Average, Energy etc and Analyze for prediction, UNIT-V_| WORKING WITH DOCUMENTS (NOS 0703) CLASSES: 14 WORKING WITH DOCUMENTS (NOS 0703): Standard Operating Procedures for documentation and Knowledge sharing, Defining purpose and scope documents, Understanding structure of documents — case studies, articles, white papers, technical reports, minutes of meeting etc., Style and format, Intellectual Property and Copyright, Document preparation tools — Visio, PowerPoint, Word, Excel etc. Version Control, Accessing and updating corporate knowledge base, Peer review and feedback, Case Study 1: Implement linear regression using R. Case Study 2: Implement logistic regression using R. TEXT BOOKS 4, Student’s Handbook for Associate Analytics-II REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Gareth James Daniela Witten Trevor Hastie Robert Tibshirani. An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R WEB LINKS 41. hitos:// 2. _httos:/inptel, Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Dace 1169 MLR Institute of Technology INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE - VI) IV B. TECH- Il SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits) Maximum Marks Li] Tt] Pe c cle | see | Total ASIT22 PEC af -] - 3 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES 4. Tolear about the relationships to data base management systems and libraries. 2, Tounderstand the important concepts, algorithms, and dataffile structures 3. Toleam about clusters, searching techniques and visualization 4. To expose the students to find the searching algorithms and Evaluation systems. 5. To facilitate design, and implementation of Information Retrieval (IR) systems. COURSE OUTCOMES 4. Analyze the retrieval information systems and its capabilities. 2, Analyze and apply appropriate data structures and indexing concepts, 3. Use the various searching techniques for improving the information visualization. 4, Apply the searching algorithms to evaluate information systems, 5,__ Use the multimedia information retrieval of query languages UNIT-1_ | INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS CLASSES: 12 Overview, Relationship to Database Management Systems, Digital Libraries and Data War INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM CAPABILITIES: Search, Browse and Miscellaneot INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS: Definition, Objectives, Functional rehouses. us. UNIT-|_| CATALOGING AND INDEXING CLASSES: 12 data structure, and PAT data structure, Signature file structure, Hidden Markov Models. . Indexing, Hypertext Linkages. CATALOGING AND INDEXING: Objectives, Indexing Process, Automatic Indexing, Information Extraction. DATA STRUCTURES: Introduction, Stemming Algorithms, Inverted file structures, N-gram AUTOMATIC INDEXING: Classes of Automatic Indexing, Statistical Indexing, Natural Language, concept UNIT-II_ | DOCUMENT AND TERM CLUSTERING Hierarchy of Clusters, USER SEARCH TECHNIQUES: Search Statements and Binding, Similarity Measure: ‘Systems, Searching the Internet and Hypertext. Technologies. DOCUMENT AND TERM CLUSTERING: Introduction, Thesaurus Generation, Item Clustering, Relevance Feedback, Selective Dissemination of Information Search, Weighted Searches of Boolean INFORMATION VISUALIZATION: Introduction, Cognition and Perception, Information Visualization CLASSES: 14 9S and Ranking, UNIT-IV_ | TEXT SEARCH ALGORITHMS CLASSES: 12 TEXT SEARCH ALGORITHMS: Introduction, Software Text Search Algorithms, Hardware Text Search Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Systems. INFORMATION SYSTEM EVALUATION: Introduction, Measures used in System Evaluation, Measurement Example -TREC results. UNIT-V__ | MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION RETRIEVAL CLASSES: 12 Race 1182 MLR Institute of Technology MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION RETRIEVAL: Models and Languages, Dala Modeling, Query Languages, Indexing and Searching. LIBRARIES AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SYSTEMS: Online IR Systems, OPACs, Digital Libraries. TEXT BOOKS 1. Gerald J. Kowalski, Mark T. Maybury (2000), Information Storage and Retrieval Systems: Theory and Implementation, 2ndedition, Springer International Edition, USA 2. Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics By David A Grossman and Ophir Frieder, 2° Ezition, Springer. REFERENCE BOOKS 1, Frakes, W.B., Ricardo Baeza-Yates: Information Retrieval Data Structures and Algorithms, Prentice Hall, 1992. 2, Moder Information Retrival By Yates Pearson Education. 3, 3. Information Storage & Retieval By Robert Korfhage — John Wiley & Sons. WEB LINKS 1 hitps:/icse jtkap ac jn/~pawang/courses/IR16/lect_paf Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Race 1182 MLR Institute of Technology INTRODUCTION TO DATA ANALYTICS (OPEN ELECTIVE-I) IB. TECH- 1 SEMESTER Course Code | Category Hours / Week Credits um Marks L T Pp c CIE SEE Total ASCS22 OEC 3 - - 3 30 70 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES Understand different techniques of Data Analysis. Be familiar with concepts of data streams. Be exposed to data analytics Visualization tools and techniques. Implement statistical and analytical tools and techniques. To analyze the visualization with R-programming oaeNe COURSE OUTCOMES 4. Demonstrate data analytics fundamentals. 2. Create data models and analyze using R Programming 3. Use python libraries as a tool to analyze data 4. Research and justify data wrangling, data integration, and database techniques as relevant to data analytics 5.__ Perform data visualizations and integrate tableau with python UNIT -1 | INTRODUCTION TO DATA ANALYTICS CLASSES: 12 Introduction To Data Analytics: Overview, Types of Analysis And Key Steps, Components Of Modern Data Ecosystem, Role Of Data Analyst, Data Engineers, Data Scientist, Business Analyst And Business Intelligence Analyst. Data Eco-System: Types of Data Structures, File Formats, Sources of Data, Data Professional Languages, Various Data Repositories, ETL Process, Introduction To Big Data, Big Data Ecosystem. UNIT -1 | R & DATA MODELLING CLASSES: 12 Introduction to R-Programming: Overview, visualization using R, simulation, Code profiling, Statistical Analysis with R, data manipulation, visualization tools with R (Ggplot, Lattice,etc.,) Data Modelling: SQL Best Practices, Advanced Excel, NoSQL Databases, / Visualization Using Tableau, Visualisation Using PowerBl, Visualization Using Plotly. UNIT -Ill_ | DATA ANALYSIS USING SQL CLASSES: 12 Data Analysis using SQL, Python for Data Science, Visualization in Python, Exploratory Data Analysis, Maths for Data Science, inferential Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Advanced SQL for Data Science. UNIT-IV_] GATHERING AND WRANGLING DATA CLASSES: 12 Gathering And Wrangling Data: Identifying, Gathering and Importing Data From Desperate Sources, Wrangling And Cleaning Data, Tools For Gathering, Importing, Wrangling And Cleaning, Characteristic, Applications And Limitations. UNIT-V | DATA VISUALIZATION CLASSES: 12 Tableau: Introduction to Tableau, connecting to Excel, CSV Tex! Files, Product Overview, Connecting to Databases, Working with Data, Analyzing and Generating reports, TabPy: Combining Python and Tableau. TEXT BOOKS Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLM? Dace |1f4 tute of Technology 1. Data Analytics Made Accessible by Dr. Anil Maheshwari Principles of Data Wrangling, by Joseph M. Hellerstein, Tye Rattenbury, Jeffrey Heer, Sean Kandel, Connor Carreras, Released July 2017 3.__Visual Analytics with Tableau by Alexander Loth , Nate Vogel, et a. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. SQL QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner's Guide to Managing, Analyzing, and Manipulating Data With SQL by Walter Shields Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic 2 Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLM? Dace |1n& tute of Technology FUNDAMENTALS OF DBMS. OPEN ELECTIVE - Il IB, TECH- 1 SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits Maximum Marks Li] Tt] eP c ciE | SEE | Total ASCS31 Pcc 3/-] - 3 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OVERVIEW: This course introduces the core principles and techniques required in the design and implementation of database systems. This introductory application-oriented course covers the relational database systems RDBMS - the predominant system for business, scientific and engineering applications at present. It includes Entity-Relational model, Normalization, Relational model, Relational algebra, and data access queries as well as an introduction to SQL. It also covers essential DBMS concepts such as: Transaction Processing, Coneurreney Control and Recovery. It also provides students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of databases and database management systems in information technology applications. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course should enable the students to: 1, Discuss the basic database concepts, applications, data models, schemas and instances. Design Entity Relationship model for a database. Demonstrate the use of constraints and relational algebra operations. Describe the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL Understand the importance of normalization in databases. Demonstrate the basic concepts of transaction processing and concurrency control, Understand the concepts of database storage structures and identify the access techniques. COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of the course the students are able to: 1. Use the basic concepts of Database Systems in Database design 2. Apply SQL queries to interact with Database 3. Apply normalization on database design to eliminate anomalies: 4, Analyze database transactions and can control them by applying ACID properties. 5.__ Analyze physical database storage system of database. UNIT Introduction: Database system applications, Database system Vs file systems, Advantage of a DBMS, Describing and storing data in a DBMS, Structure of a DBMS, People who work with databases. Entity Relationship Model (ER Model): Database Design and ER Diagrams, Entities Attributes and Entity sets, Features of ER Model, Conceptual design with the ER model. UNIT-IL Introduction to relational model: Structure of Relational Databases, Database Schema, Types of Keys, ‘Schema Diagrams, Relational Query Languages, Relational Operations. Introduction to SQL: Overview of the SQL Query Language, SQL Data Definition language, Basic Structure of SQL Queries, Basic operations, Set Operations, NULL Values, Aggregate Functions, Nested Sub Queries, JOIN Expressions, Views, Transactions, Integrity Constraints, SQL Data types and Schemas, Functions , Triggers. UNIT-I Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Race |186 MLR In tute of Technology Relational Algebra and Calculus: Relational Algebra, Tuple Relational Calculus, Domain Relational Calculus. ‘Schema Refinement and Normal Forms: Introduction to schema refinement, Functional Dependencies, Reasoning about FDs, Normal Forms: ANF, 2NF, 3NF, Boyce Codd Normal Form, Properties of decompositions, Multi valued Dependencies, Fourth Normal Form, Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form. UNIT-V Transaction Management: Transaction Concept, A simple transaction Model, Storage Structure, Transaction Atomicity and Durability, Transaction Isolation, Concurrency Control and Recovery System: Lock based protocols, Deadlock handling, Multiple granularity, Time stamp based protocols, Validation based protocols. Failure Classification, Storage, Recovery and Atomicity, Failure with Non-volatile Storage, Remote backup systems, UNIT Storage and File Structure: Overview of Physical Storage Media, Magnetic Disk and Flash Storage, RAID, Tertiary Storage, File Organization, Organization of Records in Files, Data Dictionary storage. Indexing and Hashing: Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices, B+ Tree Index Files, Multiple Key access, Static Hashing, Dynamic Hashing, Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing, Bitmap Indices. TEXT BOOKS 1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudharshan, “Database System Concepts’, Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw Hil, 2011 2 Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke, “Data base Management Systems", TATA McGraw Hil, 3rd Edition, 2007. 3. RP. Mahapatra & Govind Verma, Database Management Systems, Khanna Publishing House, 2013. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel, Database Systems Design Implementation and Management, 7th edition, 2009. 2. Scott Urman, Michael McLaughlin, Ron Hardman, “Oracle database 10g PL/SQL programming *, 6th edition, Tata McGraw Hill,2010 3. .K.Singh, “Database Systems Concepts, Design and Applications’, First edition, Pearson Education, 2006 4. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database System: Pearson / Addision wesley, 2007. Fourth Edition, WEB REFERENCES tableasp hilp:/www.edugrabs, com/conversion-of-er-model-to-relational-model/7upm_export=print hilo://web cs. uedavis, edu/~green/courses/ecs165a-w1 1/8-query.paf 1 2. 3 4, _‘httpv//,ncnu,,pf 5. TI E-TEXT BOOKS 1. httoy/ him! 2.,pdf MOOC Course 1. ttos/iwww, mooc-list. com/tags/dbms-extensions 2.__https:/onlinecourses.nptel_ac.ininoct8_csS/preview Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Race |187 MLR Institute of Technology INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN & ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS OPEN ELECTIVE IB, TECH- Il SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits Maximum Marks LJt Pp c cle | SEE | Total ASCSO7 EC ate) - 3 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES The course should enable the students to: 1. To demonstrate performance of algorithms with respect to time and space complexity. 2. To.explain graph and tree traversals. 3. To explain the concepts greedy method and dynamic programming. Applying for several applications like knapsack problem, job sequencing with deadiines, and optimal binary search tree, TSP and so on respectively. 4. Toillustrate the methods of backtracking and branch bound techniques to solve the problems like n-queens problem, graph colouring and TSP respectively. COURSE OUTCOMES ‘At the end of this course students will be able to: Identify various Time and Space complexities of various algorithms Apply Divide and conquer and Greedy Algorithms to solve various problems Understand Tree Traversal method and Apply Dynamic Programming concept to solve various problems Apply Backtracking concept to solve various problems ‘Apply Branch and Bound concept to solve various problems UNIT | INTRODUCTION CLASSES: 10 Characteristics of algorithm. Analysis of algorithm: Asymptotic analysis ofcomplexity bounds — best, average and worst-case behavior; Performance measurements ofAlgorithm, Time and space trade-offs, Analysis of recursive algorithms throughrecurrence relations: Substitution methodand Masters’ theorem. UNIT | FUNDAMENTAL ALGORITHMIC STRATEGIES - Part | CLASSES: 10 DIVIDE AND CONQUER: General method, applications-analysis of binary search, quick sort, merge sort, AND OR Graphs. GREEDY METHOD: Heuristics —characteristics, Applications-job sequencing with deadlines, 0/1 knapsack problem, minimum cost spanning trees, Single source shortest path problem. UNIT | FUNDAMENTAL ALGORITHMIC STRATEGIES - Part Il CLASSES: 10 GRAPHS (Algorithm and Analysis): Breadth first search and traversal, Depth first search and traversal, ‘Spanning trees, connected components and bi-connected components, Articulation points. DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: General method, applications - 0/1 knapsack problem, All pairs shortest path problem, Travelling sales person problem. UNIT-V_ | FUNDAMENTAL ALGORITHMIC STRATEGIES - Part Ill CLASSES: 10 BACKTRACKING: Heuristics ~characteristics, Applications- n-queen problem, Sum of subsets problem, Graph coloring and Hamiltonian cycles. UNIT-V_ | FUNDAMENTAL ALGORITHMIC STRATEGIES - Part IV CLASSES: 10 Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Race |18R tute of Technology BRANCH AND BOUND:General method, applications - travelling sales person problem, 0/1 knapsack problem- LC branch and bound solution, FIFO branch and bound solution. TEXT BOOKS 1. Introduction to Algorithms, 4TH Edition, Thomas H Cormen, Chaifes E Lieserson, Ronald L Rivest and Clifford Stein, MIT Press/McGraw-Hil 2. Fundamentals of Algorithms ~ E, Horowitz et al REFERENCE BOOKS 7. _ Algorithm Design, 1ST Edition, Jon Kleinberg and EvaTardos, Pearson, 2. Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples, Second Edition Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Wiley. 3.__ Algorithms --A Creative Approach, 3RD Edition, UciManber, Addison-Wesley,Reading, MA. WEB REFERENCES, hlos:/iww hackerrank, com/domains/algorithms htlos://discuss, http:/openclassroom. stanford, edu/MainF older/CoursePage. php?course=IntroToAlgorithms htlos// and analysis of algorithms/desian and analysis of al go rithms_tutorial pdf 4, __http:/ E-TEXT BOOKS Titipi www. pdf 2. _https:/ ‘computer-algorithms-2nd-edition pdf 3. _hittps:/’420Science/2_AlgorithmsiAlgorithm%20Design_% 20F oundations%2C%20Analysis%2C%20and%20Internel%20Examples%20%5BGoodrich2 0%426%420Tamassia%202001%50 nat MOOC COURSE 1. hitos//onlinecourses.nptel,ac.ininoc17_cs27ipreview 2. _https:/ languages=en8query=Algorithm+designtand+analysis Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Race 1189 MLR Institute of Technology INTRODUCTION TO CLOUD COMPUTING (OPEN ELECTIVE - Ill) IVB, TECH- | SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits) Maximum Marks Lit] Pp c cle | SEE | Total ASCS33 EC 3] -] - 3 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Toinculcate the concepts of distributed computing 2) To familiarize the concepts of cloud computing and services 3. To explain cloud platform and types of cloud 4° To explain resource management in cloud COURSE OUTCOMES 1. Analyze the principles of distributed computing 2) Create virtual machines and virtual templates. 3. Create Cloud platform using Virtual machines 4. Apply suitable business models of coud computing 5.__Analyze various case studies on cloud computing UNIT | INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGIES CLASSES: 12 INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGIES: Introduction to Virtualization: Definition, Objectives, Characteristics, Benefits of virtualization, Taxonomy of virtualization technologies, Pros and cons of virtualization. Virtualization Technologies: VMware, Hyper-V, Zen and virtual iron. UNIT-I|_| FUNDAMENTAL CLOUD COMPUTING AND MODELS CLASSES: 12 FUNDAMENTAL CLOUD COMPUTING AND MODELS: Cloud Computing: Origin and influences, Basic concepts and terminology, Goals and benefits, Risks and challenges, Cloud Models, roles and boundaries, Cloud characteristics, Cloud delivery models, Cloud deployment models. UNIT. | CLOUD COMPUTING MECHANISMS AND ARCHITECTURE CLASSES: 14 CLOUD COMPUTING MECHANISMS AND ARCHITECTURE: Cloud-Enabling Technology: Broadband networks and intemet architecture, Data center technology, Virtualization technology, Web technology, Multitenant technology, Service technology. Cloud Architectures: Architecture - Workload distribution, Resource pooling, Dynamic scalability, Elastic resource capacity, Service load balancing, Cloud bursting, Elastic disk provisioning, Redundant storage. UNIT-V_ | CLOUD SECURITY AND DISASTER RECOVERY CLASSES: 12 CLOUD SECURITY AND DISASTER RECOVERY: Cloud Security: Data, Network and host security, Cloud security services and cloud security possible solutions. Cloud Disaster Recovery: Disaster recovery planning, Disasters in the cloud, Disaster management, Capacity planning and cloud scale. uNiT-v_ | CLouD CASE STUDIES CLASSES: 10 CLOUD CASE STUDIES: Case Studies: Sofiware-as-a-Service (SaaS) -, Facebook, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) - Google App Engine, MS-Azure and IBM Bluemix; Infrastructure-as-a- Service (laaS) - Amazon EC2, Amazon 3 and Netflix. TEXT BOOKS Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Pace 1190 MLR Institute of Technology ‘Cloud ComputingConcepts, Technology and Architecture, Thomas EW and RicardoPuttini Pearson, 2013. Cloud Computing Virtualization Specialist Complete Certification Kit-Study Guide Book, Ivanka Menken and Gerard Blokdlik, Lightning Source, 2009) REFERENCE BOOKS Cloud Computing Bible, Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley India Pvt Lid, 2071, Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigms, Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg and Andrzej Goscinski, John Wiley and Sons, 2011, 3, Cloud Computing Implementation, John W. Rittinghouse and James F, Ransome, Management and Security, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010, WEB LINKS 2. _https:/,com/in-en/cloud/learn/cloud-computing Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLE? Dare |191 MLR Institute of Technology DISTRIBUTED DATABASES. (OPEN ELECTIVE -Iv) Ill B. TECH- | SEMESTER Course Code Category Hours /Week | Credits) Maximum Marks cir] Pp c CIE | SEE | Total ‘ASCS20 EC af.) - 3 30 | 70 | 100 COURSE OBJECTIVES 4. To understand the theoretical and practical aspects of the database technologies. 2. To understand the need for distributed database technology to tackle deficiencies of the centralized database systems, 3. To introduce the concepts and techniques of distributed database including principles, architectures, design, implementation and major domain of application. 4, To familiarize the emerging database technology COURSE OUTCOMES 1. Analyze database with distributed database concepts and its structures. Apply methods and techniques for Distributed query processing and Optimization Apply the concepts of Distributed Transaction process and concurreney control Ilustrate reliability and providing security in the distributed databases ‘Summarize the concepts of Distributed Object Database Management Systems ln awn UNIT-1 | INTRODUCTION CLASSES: 12 Features of Distributed versus Centralized Databases, Principles of Distributed Databases, Levels Of Distribution Transparency, Reference Architecture for Distributed Databases, Types of Data Fragmentation, Integrity Constraints in Distributed Databases, Distributed Database Design UNIT -II_ | QUERY PROCESSING CLASSES: 12 Translation of Global Queries to Fragment Queries, Equivalence transformations for Queries, Transforming Global Queries into Fragment Queries, Distributed Grouping and Aggregate Function Evaluation, Parametric Queries, Optimization of Access Strategies, A Framework for Query Opti tion, Join Queries, General Queries UNIT -II_ | TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT AND CONCURRENCY CONTROL | CLASSES: 14 The Management of Distribuled Transactions, A Framework for Transaclion Management, Supporting Atomicity of Distributed Transactions, Concurrency Control for Distributed Transactions, Architectural Aspects of Distributed Transactions Concurrency Control, Foundation of Distributed Concurrency Control, Distributed Deadlocks, Concurrency Control based on Timestamps, Optimistic Methods for Distributed Concurreney Control. UNIT-IV_ | RELIABILITY AND SECURITY IN THE DISTRIBUTED DATABASES | CLASSES: 14 Reliability, Basic Concepts, Non blocking Commitment Protocols, Reliability and concurrency Control, Determining a Consistent View of the Network, Detection and Resolution of Inconsistency, Checkpoints and Cold Restart, Distributed Database Administration, Catalog Management in Distributed Databases, ‘Authorization and Protection UNIT-V_ | DISTRIBUTED OBJECT DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS _| CLASSES: 12 Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLM? Pace 1194 MLR Institute of Technology Architectural Issues, Alternative Client/Server Architectures, Cache Consistency, Object Management, Object Identifier Management, Pointer Swizzling, Object Migration, Distributed Object Storage, Object Query Processing, Object Query Processor Architectures, Query Processing Issues, Query Execution, ‘Transaction Management, Transaction Management in Object DBMSs, Transactions as Objects TEXT BOOKS 7. Distributed Databases - Principles and Systems; Stefano Cer; Guiseppe Pelagatt, Tala McGraw Hill; 1985, 2. Fundamental of Database Systems; Elmasri &Navathe; Pearson Education; Asia Database ‘System Concepts; Korth & Sudarshan; TMH. REFERENCE BOOKS 7. Data Base Management System Leon & Leon; Vikas Publications 2. Introduction to Database Systems; Bipin C Desai; Galgotia 3. Principles of Distributed Database Systems; M. Tamer Ozsu; and Patrick Valduriez Prentice Hall WEB LINKS 1. hitos:/iww.digimat in/nptelicoursesivideo/106106168/L01,html 2.__https:/,in/courses/106/106/106106168/ Bi Tech- Computer Sclence and Eneineerine . MLM? Dace |195

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