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CpE Laws and Professional Practice (CpE 421)

2nd, SY 2021-2022
Date (mm/dd/yyyy): 04/18/2022
Last name: Sarominez First name: Rovic Brix MI: B.

Class work 1
1. Students will be able develop a better understanding of the critical importance of ethics
as it applies to a working environment.
2. Students will be able to learn and recognize situations that depicts the difference
between morals, ethics, and laws.


1. Under ILO 2.0-2.5 lessons and learning materials, answer the following questions.
2. Use this PDF fillable form to write your answers.
3. Submit the file on or before the due date using the link provided in the VLE course site.


1. There are many ethical issues about which people hold very strong opinions—abortion,
gun control, and the death penalty, to name a few. If you were a team member on a
project with someone whom you knew held an opinion different from yours on one of
these issues, how would it affect your ability to work effectively with this person?
For me every person whether your idea is far apart from the idea of others it
doesn’t matter at all. Ethical issues in the community only reflected to a person whom
the person is affected. In my opinion based on what I observe and what I stand for, the
opinion of others specially my co-member perspective even if we are not the same,
respect his/her opinion. Handling issues in a community like the seldom easy or clear
cut. In general, the course is to be honest about your intentions and to try to attend to
people’s objections or concerns. There’s usually a way to find a solution that both side
can live if you keep communications channels open with your co-member.

2. Describe a hypothetical situation in which the action you would take is not legal, but it is
ethical. Describe a hypothetical situation where the action you would take is legal, but
not ethical.

In the first situation about legal but not ethical, one of this is a theft person a
crime of illegal doings but the purpose of stealing something to others like staff or money
belongs to those whom you know who need it the most.
Second about the legal but not ethical is the election scheme of every politician.
The purpose of agenda in the first place is good because it promotes the good intensions
to others and the community, but in the end if this politician wins in the election it switches
the good intensions to bad that might cause people inside his governance suffer.

Prepared by: JAMES P. SERQUIÑA

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