Ncma215 - Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Week - 9

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WEEK -9 • diet for patient undergone tonsillectomy and

• allowance for ice chips, ice cream, sherbet, ice
drops, popsicle
4. Soft Diet
• nutritionally adequate diet differs from the normal
diet in having reduce the fiber content, consistency
and bland flavor
• used immediately between the full fluid diet and
regular diet following surgery, acute infections,
fever, and GI disturbances

✓ patient with no teeth or ill-fitting dentures;

✓ those who cannot tolerate highly seasoned, fried or
raw foods
The normal diet is modified in the following ways:
✓ meat and poultry are minced and ground
✓ vegetables are cooked – little longer than usual
✓ soft raw fruits may be used
✓ soft rolls, bread or biscuits are used instead of crisp
rolls, crust breads and toast
✓ all desserts on a normal diet may be used
5. Mechanical Soft Diet
■ Therapeutic diet – is a meal plan that ■ dental soft or mechanically altered diet
controls the intake of certain foods or ■ foods should be well cooked, easy to chew,
nutrients. It is part of the treatment of a chopped ground or minced
■ foods are best served moist or with gravy and sauce
medical condition and are normally
6. Regular Diet
prescribed by a physician and planned by a ■ most frequently ordered among the house diets
dietician. A therapeutic diet is usually a ■ also called general, house, full hospital diet, diet as
modification of a regular diet. Therapeutic tolerated
diets are formulated by doctors and 7. Light Diet
dietitians. ■ a transition between the soft and regular diets
A. GENERAL DIETS ■ for elders who cannot tolerate rich and heavy foods
8. Vegetarian Diet
Standard Hospital Diets ■ usually low in saturated fatty acid, cholesterol, and
1. Clear Liquid Diet high fiber
• consists of liquids without residue or fibers ■ with disadvantage is inadequate or low level of Vit
• used to relieve thirst and maintain water B12, Iodine, Calcium, Zinc, Vit. B2 and Vit. D.
• diet used for 24-48 hours following acute a. Vegan diet - total vegetarian, or strict vegetarian
• vomiting, diarrhea or vomiting diet or plant in origin
• allowance of tea, coffee, fat-free broth, b. Lacto-vegetarian - milk and milk products + items of
ginger ale, fruit juices in sachet, plant origin
• gelatin, fruit ices, hard candy and water c. Ovo-vegetarian – eggs and eggs products + items of
2. Full Liquid Diet plant origin
• nutritionally adequate diet consisting of fluids and d. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian – eggs + milk + plant origin
foods that liquefy at body temperature e. Semi-vegetarian – lacto-ovo- vegetarian foods + fish
• diet used for acute infections and fever of short + chicken + plant
duration and for patients who are ill to chew f. Pesco-vegetarian – fish and fish products + items of
• Examples: milk, cream soups, cereal, soft custard, plant origin
strained meat in broth, strained citrus fruits, 9. Restricted Diet
tomato juice, vegetable puree, eggnog, yogurt ■ a diet limited in a specified amount or type of
3. Cold Liquid (Yin Diet) nutrient


■ cholesterol restricted diet, salt restricted diet ✓ Hirschsprung’s disease - High calorie, Low residue,
10. Controlled Diet
✓ Hyperparathyroidism - Low Calcium
■ implies careful adjustment of levels of nutrients ✓ Hyperthyroidism - High Calorie, High CHON
from day to day as needed; controlled CHON, K, Na. ✓ Liver Cirrhosis - Low CHON
✓ Nephrotic syndrome - Low Na, High CHON, High
✓ Overweight and Obese - Low calorie
✓ Pernicious Anemia - High CHON, Vitamin B
✓ The modified consistency diet includes all the ✓ Tosilitis - Clear liquid diet
foods you are allowed to eat in your regular diet ✓ Ulcerative Colitis - High CHON, High Calories, Low
based on your tolerance, This diet may also meet residue
all your nutrition needs if you make healthy food ✓ Bland - eliminate irritating foods to allow the
choices. Cut starches into small pieces, mash or stomach lining to heal (ulcer patients)
puree. Cook fruits: cook or steam vegetable ✓ High Fiber - provide bulk in the stool and bring
✓ MODIFIED CONSISTENCY DIET PUREED DIET water into the colon for patients with constipation
LIQUID DIET THICKENED LIQUIDS ✓ Low residue - reduce fiber for patients with
Crohn’s disease, colon or rectal surgery,
esophagitis, diarrhea.
Sodium Restriction Salt allowed ✓ High Calorie - growing periods, under nutrition,
Mild (3000 mg) >1/2 teaspoon per day Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases and Cystic
¼ teaspoon per day ✓ Low Protein - Liver and renal failure
Moderate (2000 mg) ✓ High Protein - Hypercatabolic disorder, Protein
1 serving of processed foods
Energy Malnutrition
✓ Low Purine - reduce the amount of purine. It is
No salt
Strict (1000 mg) No processed foods used with patients who have gout or uric acid
Limit bread and milk kidney stones.
✓ Low Cholesterol - reduce the intake of cholesterol
Sodium free in order to lower blood cholesterol levels in client
Very Strict (500 mg) Restrict natural foods high in heart diseases

✓ Acute Renal Failure – Oliguric Phase - Low Na, Low LOW CALORIE DIET
CHON, High CHO ■ Calorie restriction or caloric restriction(CR)
✓ Addison’s Disease - High Na, Low K o Dietary regimen that restricts calorie
✓ Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - Finger intake, where the baseline for the
foods restriction varies
✓ Bipolar Disorder - Finger foods o People who are interested in going on a
✓ Cerebrovascular Accident - Osteorized Feeding very low-calorie diet (VLCD) should first
with Low Na, Low cholesterol, High fiber consult a physician.
✓ Cholecystitis - Low fat, High CHO, High CHON o A very -calorie diet is any diet plan that
✓ Chronic Renal Failure - Low CHON, Low Na, Low K allows 800 calories or less in a day; and the
✓ Congestive Heart Failure - Low Na, Low diet is overseen by a physician.
Cholesterol o the length of such a diet is relatively short,
✓ Cushing Disease - High K, Low Na usually between 3 and 6 months. Any
✓ Decubitus Ulcer - High CHON, High Vitamin C longer and serious health complications
✓ Dengue Fever - Diet c tolerated except dark- may arise.
✓ Diabetes Melitus - Well-balanced diet
• as you can see, a VLCD is different from what a
✓ Diverticulitis - Low fiber
person might casually call a calorie diet," which
✓ Dumping Syndrome - High fat, High protein
would commonly consist of 1500 to 1800 calories
✓ Hepatic Encephalopathy - Low CHON, High calorie
per day.


• If you’re interested in something less aggressive, • According to the USDA, a low-fat diet–as the name
there are plenty of diet plans that will allow for implies–is a diet that consists of little fat, especially
more moderate calorie restriction. saturated fat and cholesterol, which is thought to
HIGH CALORIE DIET lead to increased blood cholesterol levels and
• One furnishing more calories than needed to heart attack.
maintain weight, often more than 3500 – 4000 • it is important to know that dietary fat is needed
calories per day for good health, as fats supply energy and fatty
• A diet containing more than 4000 calories per day. acids, in addition to supplying fat-soluble vitamins
• Some medical conditions require a high calorie like A, D, E, and K
diet to help maintain or promote weight gain LOW CARBOHYDRATES
• People with liver disease are at risk of malnutrition • dietary programs that restrict carbohydrates
due to poor intake and altered metabolism consumption usually for weight control or for the
• To meet their needs, most people with liver treatment of obesity
disease should increase the amount of calories • foods high in digestiblecarbohydrate consumption
• People with Huntington’s disease have higher usually for weight control or for the treatment of
calories needs because of their constant fidgeting obesity. bread, pasta) are limited or replaced with
which increases their metabolic rate. foods containing a higher percentage of proteins
• Cancer patients tend to have higher calorie needs and fats(e.g., meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs,
because of a poor appetite related to treatment. cheese, nuts, seeds, peanuts, and soy products)
• Eating more calories - dense foods, such as whole and other foods low in carbohydrates (e.g., most
milk, cheese and nuts, can help you increase your salad vegetables) although other vegetables and
calorie intake when you have a poor appetite. fruits(especially berries) are often allowed.
Severe Burns • The amount allowed of these foods varies with
Underweight different low – carbohydrates diets carbohydrate
Competitive Athletics diets.
HIGH-PROTEIN DIET • Such diets are sometimes ketogenic (i.e. they
• a diet that contains large amounts of protein, restrict carbohydrate intake sufficiently to cause
consisting largely of meats, fish, milk, legumes, and ketosis) for example, the induction phase of the
nuts. Atkins diet.
• It may be indicated in protein depletion that • Apart from obesity, low carbohydrates diets are
results from any cause, as a preoperative often used as treatments for dome other
preparation, or for patients with severe burns and conditions, most notably diabetes and epilepsy,
sepsis. but also for chronic fatigue syndrome low-
• It may be contraindicated in liver failure or when carbohydrate as well. -carbohydrate diets are
kidney function is so impaired that added protein often used as treatments for some other
could result in azotemia and acidosis. conditions, most notably diabetes and epilepsy,
LOW-PROTEIN DIET but also for chronic fatigue syndrome (see ketosis)
• Is any diet in which the protein intake is reduce. and polycystic ovarian syndrome
Anyone diagnoses with kidney or liver disease ALOW SODIUM DIET
may be prescribe a low protein diet • Is a diet that includes no more than 1,500 to 2,400
• In any case, a diet which is especially in low mgs of sodium per day. (One teaspoon of salt has
protein should only be undertaken under medical about 2,300mg sodium.)
direction. Reduce amount of protein –considered • People who follow a vigorous or moderate
high quality or complete protein. –considered low exercise schedule are usually advise to limit their
quality or incomplete protein. sodium intake to 3, 000 to 3,000mg per day and
REDUCE AMOUNTF PROTEIN those with moderate to severe heart failure are
• Some of each type of protein should still be usually advised to limit their sodium intake to
consumed each day from the two main sources: 2,000mg per day.
• Animal products (fish, poultry, eggs, meat, dairy LOW POTASSIUM DIET
products) – considered high quality or complete • Potassium is a mineral that assists in maintaining
protein normal blood pressure and proper contraction of
• Vegetable products (brads, cereals , rice , pasta, the heart.
dried beans) – considered low quality or • The nervous system, digestive system, muscles
incomplete protein and heart are kept healthy


• It is found in whole grains, vegetable, milk, fruits, ■ Tyramine rich diet
peas and dried beans o use to prevent hypertensive crisis for
• Need of a low potassium diet If an individual has patients who are taking in MAOI anti-
kidney problems, excess potassium can depressant
accumulate up to dangerous levels in the blood. o > No to ABC – avocado, banana, canned,
This causes irregular heartbeats, confusion or a processed, smoked, aging and fermented
heart attack. In this case, a low potassium diet is foods
recommended. If the diet contains less than 2000 ■ South Beach Diet
mg of potassium per day, then it is called as a "low o diet developed by the Miami-based
potassium diet". cardiologist Arthur Agatston, M.D., who
• Low potassium foods1 serving of the following says that the key to losing weight quickly
can be considered to be low potassium food. 1 and getting healthy isn’t cutting all
serving implies ½ cup. More than 1 serving of the carbohydrates and fats from your diet,but
following can make it high potassium food. choosing the right carbs and the right
General foods Bread (bread products) fats.
• Cake - angel, yellow ■ Monothropic Diet
• Coffee (maximum 8 ounces) o A diet that involves eating only one food
• Cookies (without nuts or chocolate) item, or one type of food, for a period of
• Noodles time to achieve a desired weight
• Pasta reduction.
• Pies (w/o chocolate or high – potassium foods) ■ DASH diet
o (Dietary Approaches to Stop
• Rice
Hypertension). A recommendation that
• Tea maximum 16 ounces
those with high blood pressure consume
large quantities of fruits,
• low-purine diet is an eating plan that limits foods
■ Elemental diet
that contain purine. Purines are a natural
o A medical, liquid-only diet, in which liquid
substance found in some foods.
nutrients are consumed for ease of
• When your body digests purine, a waste product
called uric (say: yu-rick) acid is produced.
■ Ketogenic diet
• a build up of uric acid crystals in the joints can
o A high-fat, low-carb diet, in which dietary
cause a type of arthritis known as gout.
and body fat is converted into energy. It is
• Purines are found in many healthy foods. The
used as a medical treatment for epilepsy.
purpose of a low-purine diet is not to completely
■ Paleo diet
avoid purines.
o foods include meat, fish, eggs, seeds,
• Instead, the goals are to limit and monitor how nuts, fruits and veggies, along with
much purine is in the food you eat, and to learn healthy fats and oils. Avoid
how your body responds when you eat different processed foods, grains and sugar.
foods that contain purine is in the food you eat, ■
■ BRAT diet
■ banana, rice, apple, toast
■ indicated patients with diarrhea
■ Butterball diet
■ spare protein but high in CHO indicated
with liver disorders
■ Giordano diet
■ spare protein, indicated for patients with
■ Giordano-Giovannetti diet
o a low-protein, low-fat, high-
carbohydrates diet with controlled
potassium and sodium intake, used in
chronic renal insufficiency and liver failure
■ Kosher
o meat and milk cannot be served
simultaneously diet for Orthodox Jews


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